8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 15, 1950 Truman on Vacation President Truman waves goodbye as the presidential yacht Williamsburg sails from Washing ton, D. C, taking the President to Florida for a three-week vacation. (Acme Telephoto) Caesarian Birth Safer Now For Mother Than for Child Pittsburgh, March 15 W) A panel of top-flight baby doctors reports birth by Caesarean section surgical delivery of a baby has become safer for a mother than for her child. At a meeting of some 700 physicians, members of the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Franklin L. Payne, professor of ob- etetrics and gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania, de clared Caesarean deliveries are now ten times safer for mothers than they were 30 years ago. Since 1920, Dr. Payne report ed, the death rate for mothers following Caesarean deliveries has dropped from one in ten to one In 100. The decline in in fant mortalities following such operations, he said, has not been as great. The infant death rate, he said, is now about six in 100. Another member of the panel discussion which ' yesterday marked the opening session of a two-day meeting was Dr. Charles J. Barone, Pittsburgh surgeon. Dr. Barone said recent med ical advances have turned the tables on age-old tradition which held Caesarean deliveries were always more dangerous for the mother than for her unborn infant. Caesarean deliveries have been known to medicine since the time of the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago. They are named for Caesar, not because he was born that way. but for a law is ued during the reign which ruled such births were legal, Rex law, as it was called, gave eermisslon for surgical deliver ies even though it might cost! the life of the mother. The hope was that the infant saved by urgery might be a boy and thus might some day grow up to be a Roman soldier. Dr. Payne credited improved medical techniques and their wi der use in recent years with making surgical deliveries saf er for mothers. He noted such medical milestones as blood transfusions and new medicines He added this word of cau tion, however: "Even though the risk to the mother has been reduced, it is no justification for doing a Cae sarean section at the present time unless such an operation is an absolute medical necessity. 'Remember, a mother's chance of surviving a normal vaginal delivery is still far greater than 99 percent." The doctors are not sure when the human race passed the mile stone and Caesarean deliveries became safer for mothers than babies. Probably it happened within the past ten years. Dr. Barone said men of med icine have long been aware that the post-Cacsarean death rate for mothers Is dropping. He said the figure probably fell be low that for infants "sometime after 1940, when the sulfa drugs and penicillin came into wide use." Who Will Win? Rabbit or Owl? Chicago, March 15 W) A friendly rabbit which has been hanging around Mrs. Jane Heinze's house for food, appears in danger of an attack by great horned owl. Mrs. Heinze said the big owl has been making its home in a pine tree for the last 10 days and has been casting menacing glances' at the rabbit. Dr. A. L. Rand, curator of birds at the Chicago natural his tory museum, was pessimistic about the chances for the rab bit. "There is every possibility the owl will get the rabbit," said Dr. Rand. Control Held by Korean Head Seoul, Korea, March 15 (IP President Syngman Rhee of the (South) Korea republic today won his fight to keep control of his own cabinet. A proposed constitutional amendment to make the cabinet responsible to the national as sembly failed to muster the necessary two-thirds vote of as semblymen present. Of the 179 assemblymen on hand, 79 voted for the change, 33 against it, and 66 cast blank ballots. One ballot was invalid. Before the vote Rhee proposed lo the assembly that the repub lic's second national election be postponed from May 10 to June. He suggested the delay to allow the assembly to act on the bud get and other important pend ing legislation. Impeachment of Judge Sought Columbia, S.C., March 15 W -The South Carolina house of representatives voted today to put up $10,000 to finance the proposed impeachment of U.S. District Judge J. Waties Waring of Charleston. The bill calling for the appro priation was introduced last week by Rep. John D. Long of Union. Waring's 1947-48 orders open ed state democratic primary vot ing and party membership to negroes. Since then, he and Mrs. Waring have been outspok en in behalf of negro rights. Mrs. Waring has said she does not object . to mutually agreeable interracial marriages. Long's bill says the resolution is based "on the grounds that he (Waring) and his northern-born wife have advocated a negro revolution against white su premacy . . ." New Rates Given Telephone Users Sheridan The public utilities commission has approved the rate increase requested by the Northwest Telephone company for Sheridan, Willamina, Grande Ronde exchanges and the cen tral Oregon exchanges operating from the Redmond office. The new rates will be effective April 1. Now rates for the exchanges are: Sheridan business rates, pri vate line $5.25, party line $4.25, rural line $3.75; Sheridan resi dence rates, private $4, party line $2.75, rural party line $2.75; ITS ASPIRIN AT ITS BEST v zrTTi . i- . "yvW mm ,i John Payne and Gail Russell head the starring cast of Faramount's "Captain China," an action-packed sea drama now playing at the Elsinore theater. magneto $2; Willamina business rates, private line $4.75, party line $4, rural line $3.50; Willa mina residence rates, private line $3.75, party line $2.50, rural $2.50; Grand Ronde business rates, private line $4.25, party line $3.25, rural line $3.25; Grand Ronde residence rates, private line $3.50, party-handset $2.50, rural line $2.50; Boyer, Rose Lodge and Salmon river points, rural business $4.25, rur al residence $3.50. Lebanon Features icial Opening Lebanon Plans are complete for the city's spring opening Friday night. Highlighting the program this year will be street entertain ment furnished by the Lebanon concert band and an interesting assortment of local talent. Mas ter of ceremonies will be KWIL's Fred Henshaw. Climax of the street show will be a pie-eating contest, when 12 contestants from local grade schools will test their consuming speeds on a dozen juicy berry pies. The program will take place on two truck platforms on the corner of Grant and Main streets. (Advertisement) Safer Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stoo your cold don't delay. Safe, depend able Creomulsion goes quickly to the seat of the trouble to relieve acute bronchitis or chest colds. Creomulsion has stood the test of more than 30 years and millions of users. It contains safe, proven ingredients, no narcotics and is fine for children. Ask your druggist for Creomulsion and take it promptly according to directions. CREOMULSION Relieves Coughs Chest Colds Bronchitis Canby Union High Band Sets Concert Aurora The Canby union high schol band, directed by Don Covey, will present its an nual concert at the high school auditorium Friday night, and the program will include a wide variety of marches, overtures and novelties. Student body president Clyde Diller of Aurora will be fea tured in a clarinet solo with band accompaniment, and Ken neth Pope will give his drums some action in a specialty called Calfskin Calisthenics." Gentry Cutsforth will present some vo cal attractions. Novelties off the serious side will be "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and a new swing ar rangement of "Dry Bones." DEADLINE MARCH 15th! TAY RETURNS PREPARED in your home Phone 4-2033 For an Appointment REASONABLE RATES FOR Insured Savings Sff First Federa' Current Dividend 2Vi 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty Boy Eats First Meal in Three Years Chicago, March 15 W) An eight-year-old Canadian boy ate his first meal in three years yes terday. The menu was soup, milk and gelatine, topped off with ice cream. It was the first time any food had gone down the throat of Philibert Dube of Riviere Du Loup, Quebec, since he swal lowed some lye when he was five. The burning lye closed up his esophagus. Since then, he had been fed through a tube inserted in an opening in his stomach. He will remain here another week and then return to a Mon treal hospital where further treatment is expected to permit normal diet. NOW OPEN-THt ixfcW CHINA CAFE IJDST BEFORE YOU GBT TO THE BOILTWOOD 6TOPL1GIITS1 Famous Chinese and American Dishes "ORDERS TO TAKE OUT" Open 4:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Saturday 'Til 3 A.M. WE CLOSE MONDAYS 2055 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-6596 No Wonder It's Kentucky's Favorite Straight Bourbon! ...at a price every man can afford! You'll know why it's the whisky that made Kentucky Whiskies famous when you experience the deep-down satisfaction of Early Times! Rich, hearty, full-bodied it's every ounce a man's whisky! every drop fully matured! Heart-Full-bodied KENTUCKY mORm STRAf&fT BOURBON THIS WHISKY IS 4 YEARS OLD ( PROOF EARIY TIMES DISTILLERY CO., LOUISVILLE 1, KY. I IU I Fifth $2.60 i'inl ilSew beauty in less than 5 minutes! Wmvryfnt kw you me Ait txquifiu beauty treatment yom'M be mmimnil Tmty Creamy Maxjme Mf krighlm Jail. Jrae mohm; makes your thin fori toft mtd smooth. Tmay Creamy Masque hcipt loom btWtknuit. dears mmty turfatx imparities. Use it frequently so refresh your beauty (1.00 pint tax sTUSSY creamy masque 0 Miss Edna Bonsall, special Tussy representative, will be in our toilet goods department from Thursday, March 1 6 through Saturday, March 1 8th, to give personal beauty advice. Capital Drug Store State & Liberty "On the Corner" OREGON F DIPT.0F AGRICULTURE! INSPECTED AMD PASSED A 1 351 State St. Modgeft Modketis Markets to Serve You OREGON DEPT.Of AGRICULTURE! INSPECTED AND PASSED A 1 611 N. Capitol sugar cured lftW nniSTf YOUNG PIG SLICED BACON - 38c LOW PRICES PORK ROAST, 35c Have undoubtedly attracted many peo- smaii picnic. BACON ENDS P'e our markets but I feel sure that it is the QUALITY of our MEATS and our CENTER CUTS 18c LOIN CHOPS 53c " Gratefully yours, Any Thickness BACON BACKS harry m. levy 7 BEEF Mfb;um SIC Salem's Meat Merchant For 35 Years pQJ ROASTS Meaty,b 45c BACON SQUARES "ONELESS (F$ PURE P0RK , tOc I Beef Cubes lb. c SAUSAGVheV 40c CANADIAN STYLE BACON A Breakfast Treat, Sliced 65c - PIECE LB. 55 Old Fashioned Fresh Sure to Be Tender Young Pig SIDE PORK SKINLESS WIENERS PORK STEAK 4Qc ib. I 39c lb; I 45c lb. No 'Specials' WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO.