Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 15, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 15, 1950
rCamp hire
I District
Board Meets
I Ways and means of raising the
' necessary funds to start work
! on a new Blue Bird lodge at
' Camp Kilowan was the main
J subject of discussion at the
i March meeting of the Salem
! District board of Camp Fire
' Girls. Tuesday evening. The
kproject is to start this summer
if sufficient donations are re
ceived. Mrs. A. E. Ullman and
Frank Kolsky, co-chairmen of
ihe camp committee, reported
that although the camp is in
fairly good condition after the
severe winter, there are still
i wAnnjc. in Va marj and
MUiiui icvaii, w - -
trails to be cleared before the
summer opening. Week-end
camp-outs and Sunday picnics
were planned for those who vol
unteer to help with the clean-up.
Merrill D. Ohllng and Mrs.
Paul Morse, area representatives,
reported on the Camp Fire area
meeting held in Corvallls in
February, at which time the res
Ignation of Mrs. George Bagnall
was accepted and Mrs. Milton
Hartwell appointed as the new
xecutive director.
Several new members have
been added to the extension com
mlttee, according to Mrs. Charles
Ladd, chairman, but representa
tives are still needed from Mc
Klnley, Englewood, Garfield and
Washington districts. It Is the
function of the members of this
committee to secure new Camp
Fire leaders in the districts.
A new member of the district
board was reported by Mrs. E. A.
Carleton, chairman. Mrs. Mike
Stelnback will replace Miss Dor
athea Steusloff as social chair
man. The social chairman is re
sponsible for the annual Salem
dad-daughter banquet, and a
discussion was held on this event.
', Mrs. Frank Kolsky, chairman
of the Leader's association, re
ported a successful rummage
ale by that group, and an
nounced the hobby lobby show
at the Chamber of Commerce on
March 17 and 18. Joe Randall
of the Golden Pheasant has do
nated the building for the event.
Also present at the meeting
were Mrs. Milton Hartwell, ex
ecutive director; Mrs. Marvin
flelland, secretary; Mrs. Marvin
Lewis, member-at-large; and
Mrs. Lewis Scott, public relations.
Named President
Oregon State College, Corval
lis (Special) Miss Merle Rho
ten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
George A. Rhoten, 1845 South
Church, Salem, has been elected
president of Unit A of Sackett
hall, the largest women's dormi
tory on campus.
She is a sophomore enrolled
in the lower division of liberal
MEETING Thursday evening
'fa the Past Presidents club of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars auxili
ary at the home of Mrs. Loyal
Adkison, 1915 North 24th street.
There will be election of officers.
left today for San Francisco for
a visit with her daughter, Miss
Jeanne Foster.
The engagement of Miss Foster
to Clyde G. Herr, Jr., of Watson
vllle, Calif., was announced last
week-end. The wedding is
planned to be an .event of the
,iate spring in Salem.
"1 MR. AND MRS. F. D.Klbbe re
turned home today by plane after
a fortnight visit In Kinsley, Kan
sas. Mrs. Klbbe was called to
Kansas by the death of her moth
er, Mrs. R. S. Goldschmidt.
SIGMA CHI Mother's club Is
meeting on Friday at 2 p. m. at
the fraternity chapter house on
the Willamette university campus.
Officers in
PEO Group
New officers are announced
for Chapter CB, P.E.O. Sister
hood as follows:
Dr. Martha Springer, presi
dent; Mrs. Charles Greenwood
vice president; Mrs. Stuart
Compton, recording secretary;
Mrs. Ethel Parr, corresponding
secetary; Mrs. D. M. Gruber,
treasurer; Miss Mildred Deis
cher, chaplain;Mrs. James R.
Banks, guard; Dr. Springer and
Mrs. Greenwood, delegates; Mrs.
Florence R. Parish and Miss
Elizabeth Russum, alternates.
PI BETA PHI Mothers club
met Tuesday at the chapter
house on Willamette university
campus. Tea was served follow
ing the business session.
Present for the meeting were
Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Mrs. Miles
Edwards, Mrs. Samuel C. Hus
ton, Mrs. Carl Schneider, Mrs
Franklin Bishop, Mrs. Solon
Shinkle, Mrs. B. F. Schmoker,
Mrs. Paul Morse, Mrs. Wayne
Price, Mrs. George Bell of Stay
ton, Mrs. E. A. Letteken of Dal
las, Mrs. Dolph Craig,' Mrs
Arthur Upston, Mrs. Paul Wey
rauch, Mrs. C. B. Spencer.
Card Party
Young Matrons club is spon
soring a card party Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock in the May
flower hall. Mrs. Norman Lind,
Mrs. Jack Folk, Mrs. W. J. Er
wert and Mrs. Charles Prince
are on the committee.
To Speak Here Miss Mirdza Timma, at left above, is to
be speaker here Saturday for the luncheon meeting of the
Salem branch, American Association of University Women,
at the Marion hotel. She is a student from Latvia at Reed
college. She is shown here talking to her stepfather and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. August Ozolins. The family was in a
nazi labor camp during the war, going later to a displaced
persons camp, Miss Timma being sponsored by a Lutheran
Students group to come to this country. She is well known
In her native land as a writer. The Saturday luncheon
will be at 1 o'clock.
dinner meeting of the Woodburn
Business and Professional Wom
en's club will be held Thursday,
March 16, beginning with a 7
o'clock dinner at the Laurel
Speaker for the evening will
be Dr. Gerald B. Smith who will
talk on "Socialized Medicine."
The subject will be discussed at
the April business meeting and
a report sent to state headquarters.
The program Is sponsored by
the health and safety committee
which includes Mrs. George
Tlmm, Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs.
Edwin Pardey and the president,
Mrs. Eugene Stoller.
GOLD STAR Mothers club Is
sponsoring a spaghetti dinner on
Thursday evening in the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall,
starting at 6:30 o'clock. The
interested public is Invited.
the American Association of
University Women meets this
Wednesday evening a t 7:30
o'clock in the fireplace room of
the Salem public library.
Junior Officers
Preside at Meet
At the meeting of Chadwick
assembly, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, Tuesday, the junior offi
cers presided under the regular
worthy adviser, Miss Dorothy
Pederson. Final plans for the
grand assembly, which will be
March 23, 24, and 25, were made.
It was decided to enter a skit in
the contest for the entertainment
cup. The chairman of the skit
is Miss Shirley Carpenter. At the
grand assembly, Chadwick as
sembly will put on the grand
cross of colors. The girls selec
ted for this degree are Misses
Dorothy Pederson, Marilyn
Power, Shirley Jones, Norma
Hamilton, Pebble DeSart, Wilene
Wiper, Betty Jo Davenport, and
Doris Jean Shaffer.
Mrs. D. M. Eby, past worthy
matron of Chadwick chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star, and
Miss Edna Manning, honored
queen of bethel 43, Job's Daugh
ters, were escorted and intro
duced. Plans were made for an Easter
gift for Mrs. Bailey, the Chad
wick assembly s grandmother.
It aws voted that Chadwick
assembly would give the Bibles
for the installation of the Trin
ity chapter, Order of the East
ern Star.
The next meeting will be a
formal initiation. Misses Wllma
Blue, Nancy Rust, and Mary
Grace Coffel were elected to re
ceive degrees.
come to Salem relatives and
friends of the birth of a son on
March 2 to Mr, and Mrs. Gene
Knudsen (Alice Wilder) at As
torla. Grandparents are Mrs.
Mrs Wilder of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. Cornelius Knudsen of
Astoria. Mrs. Charles Hustig of
Astoria is the great grandmoth
GUESTS of the capital for a
few days are Dr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Steelhammer of Powell
Butte who are visiting relatives
and friends.
Musical e and Tea
Announced for the afternoon
of Sunday, April 23, is the an
nual string musicale and silver
tea of Willamette university
chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, na
tional music honorary.
The program will be at 3
o'clock in the Music hall on the
The tea following is to be at
University House, home of Dr.
and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith.
St. Patrick Day
Party for Club
Wallace Road Spring blos
soms and pussy willows were
used about the rooms Saturday
night when Willamette Lodge)
Country club gave a St. Pat
rick meeting at the club house
with Mr. and Mrs. James S.
Smart, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smart
and Mrs. Louise Flackas the
committee for the dinner. A
green and white color scheme
was used in table decorations.
Dinner preceded a business ses
sion conducted by James S.
Smart, president, and a social
hour of cards, high score hon
ors going to Mrs. C. L. Blodgett,
Arthur E. Utley and Charles Un-
Others present were Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Henry, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Newgent, Mr. and Mrs. W. L
Lantis, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pet
tys, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs.
Arthur E. Utley, Mrs. Charles
Unruh, Dr. C. L. Blodgett, Mrs.
Mary Dee Pratt, Miss Pearl
Grote, Mose Adams.
will meet Friday, March 17, at
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
hall. Plans will be completed for
transportation to the district
meeting to be at Newberg March
23. ' 1
2 Hostesses
To Alumnae
Delta Zeta alumnae met last
evening at the home of Mrs. Wil
liam Foster with Mrs. Emmett
Kleinke as co-hostess. For the
program. St. Elmo Massengale,
Jr., was guest to show the Coca
Cola flower arrangement pic
The group decided to send
some packages to a school in
Attending the meeting were
Mrs. O. K. Beals, Miss Mildred
Deischer, Mrs. Albert Depen-
brock, Mrs. Charles Derthick.
Mrs. C. K. Fulton, Mrs. Arthur
Lewis, Miss Maxine Paulsen,
Miss Prudence Paulsen, Mrs. H
E. Smedley, Mrs. Gene Spaniol
from Stayton, and the two host
VFW Auxiliary
Reports Activities
Marion auxiliary to Post 661,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, met
Monday evening at the VFW
Mrs. John Jardine and Mrs.
Jack Bogan were welcomed as
new members. Mrs. Pearl Kent
was a visitor from auxiliary No
2121 at Greeley, Colo.
Committee reports were given
by Mrs. Al Aeschlimann, Mrs
Elmer Forbis, Mrs. Joe Hopkins,
Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Iva
Hamilton, Mrs. Joe Horneffer
and Mrs. Ivell Haley. Mrs. Don
Stupka, 1950 convention chair
man, gave a report of progress
on the convention plans.
The sewing committee com
pleted nine afghans and 56 stand
covers and has sent them to the
Camp White home at Medford.
The auxiliary will give a din
ner for the Nut Growers associ
ation on March 21 at the VFW
hall and a turkey dinner March
22 for the Federated Patriotic
The charter was draped in
memory of Mrs. John Miller.
Nominations were held for of
ficers who will be elected at the
next meeting March 27.
In Portland
Governor and Mrs. Douglas
McKay will be honored guests
at the meeting of Portland Unit
No. 1, Council of Oregon Re
publican Women, Inc., at the
Portland YW social room Fri
day. Governor McKay is to give
the talk at 1 o'clock, his topic
to be "The State of the Nation
Politically and Oregon's Politi
cal Outlook." Tea will follow
the program.
TWO STUDY groups of the
American Association of Univer
sity Women are meeting this
The Thursday evening litera
ture group is to meet at the home
of Mrs. Ira E. Goddard with
Mrs. D. Ramsdell to give the
The Garden group is to meet
at the home of Mrs. H. M. Teeple,
1785 Fair Oak way at 8 o'clock
Mrs. Norman Shaw as co-hostess
Birthday Events
For Children.
Mrs. Wilmer H. Page enter
tained Tuesday afternoon at a
birthday party for her son
Jamie, on the occasion of the
latter's fourth anniversary. The
party was given at the home of
the little boy's grandmother,
Mrs. Wilmer C. Page.
Feting Jamie were Mrs. Dolph
Craig and Clara; Mrs. E. O.
Schiess and Christy; Mrs. John
Voves and Allan, Richard and
David; Mrs. Pauline Keeling and
Melinda; Mrs. John M. Copen
haver, Karen and John; Mrs
Lewis D. Griffith, Michael Page
brother of the honoree, and his
grandmother and mother.
Friday event
Another birthday party for
children comes on Friday after
noon when Mrs. John M. Copen-
haver entertains between 3:30
and 5 o'clock for her daughter
Karen, who Is to be three years
Present for the party will be
Mrs. idwin Butler and Bonnie
Mrs. Wilmer H. Page and
Jamie and Michael; Mrs. Warren
Cooley and Warren Lynn; Mrs.
Dolph Craig and Clara; Mrs. Jas.
Bodie and Pamela; Mrs. John
Paulus and Lanie; Mrs. Eddie
Reed and Cathy; John Copen
haver, brother of the little
honoree; Mrs. Lewis D. Grif
fith and Mrs. A. N. Copenhaver,
grandmothers of the little girl,
Mrs. John J. Griffith. Marv and
Joan; Mrs. Wilmer C. Page and
ivirs. i-openhaver.
MEMBERS of the St Thro
the Little Flower troop, Junior
Catholic Dauehtprs nf Amn'o
met Mondav at thehnmp nf .Tan'
et Davis. Projects were discuss
ed, including cooking meals as
well as learning home care. The
girls are working toward their
second year honor pins. The
next meeting is to be at the
home of Sally Hoy.
the United Spanish War Veter
ans auxiliary is tn moot iri
of this week at the home of Mrs. Wetherbv. 152s .Toffccn.,
street. A luncheon will be served
at 12:30 o'clock with husbands
oi members as guests.
this evenine w 11 ho lvr,. ti,
IN PORTLAND last evening to
attend the play "The Man Who
Came to Dinner" were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard, Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Clark, Miss Ger
trude Schiess and Charles Em
erson. In Portland they met Mr.
and Mrs. George Clinton who
went to the play with them.
ville Woman's club will meet
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Charles Garrison on Claxter
Road for a 1:15 dessert lunch-
n. The co-hostesses will be
Mrs. Harry L. Miller and Mrs.
Bruce Willis.
Cj o
magic formula for fun and good grooming! . , .
for making bath time the happiest time of the
day! A gleaming blue plastic bathtub toy hold
ing a jumbo-sized bottle of LITTLE LADY'S
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BATH ! Her "very own" . . . and only $ J00
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Buying, MOTHER!
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