2 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 15, 1950 Nohlgren and Fleael Debate Debate on the Columbia Val ley authority with State Senator Austin F. Flegel, Portland, tak Ing the affirmative and Ralph Nohlgren, Salem, the negative featured the meeting this week sponsored by the Central How ell local of the Farmers Union. Roy Rutschman vice chair man, conducted a short business meeting of the local prior to the debate, presiding in the absence of Lloyd Beutler, attending the national FU convention in Den ver. He was accompanied by Hu bert Aspinwall with the two making their way home by way of Mexico and California. Following the open meeting Frank Beutler reported on the meeting of the Health associa tion held in Salem this week while Silas Torvend read an ar ticle on free enterprise prepared by the state office Serving lunch were Elton Watts and Torvend with a social hour held. Bands Slated for Spring Opening Many Salemites have heard the Castle Jazz band of Monte Blue either on the radio or on recordings. ' But the night of Spring Open ing, Thursday, March 23, they are going to both see and hear that band. As one of the tea tures of the annual event the band is to play in the streets of Salem, Other bands, too are to make their appearance that night Three bands are to play at the armory and a well-known name band will play at the Crystal Gardens. Tickets for the treasure hunt to be held that evening will be available next Monday and can be had by asking participating merchants for them. Both mer chants in the downtown area and in the Capitol Shopping Cen ter are to have the tickets, which will be distributed Monday through Thursday. One of the other features of Spring Opening is to be the se lection of Cinderella and Prince Charming. Following the an nouncement of their selection and their presentation to the public in front of the Chamber of Commerce the winners of the contest will make an appear ance at both the armory and the Crystal Gardens. Windows of the stores'arcT! be unveiled at 7 p.m. and judg Ing them will be three out-of-town men. For the window dis play contest, wnicn this year Is having greater participation than any previous time, the stores are to be divided into 10 divi sions. Also participating in the spring opening, as they did in Fall opening with an auto show. are tne automobile dealers of the city. Embrace Interferes In Operation of Car Buddy C. Fisher, listed bv nn. lice as a resident of the Blaine hotel, failed to appear in muni cipal court Wednesday to an swer to charges of illegal driv ing. The information against Fish er specified two counts: Driving while in the embrace of another and driving without a license. A report on the arrest explained that Fisher's embrace prevented proper operation of a car. The "another" was left un named in the report. Works for Red Cross James Hunt handles the pro motion phase for the current American Red Cross fund cam paign, looking after window displays and a speakers' bu reau, lining up advertising, radio programs and other phases of publicity. (Bishop Modernc picture) MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Friday, March 17 Organized and volunteer Seabee reserve units at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Thursday, March 18 organized Naval Reserve Surface division, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. tinapier o. uav. at Salem wom en's club house. Company O, 162nd infantry regi ment Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. 4i4in volunteer air reserve training unit, at Army Reserve quon set huts. Smith Promoled Promotion of Gerald B. Smith from corporal to sergeant, effective March 15 was announced this week by the office of the instructor for the Army Reserves here. Smith, who is a member of the 369th boat and shore regiment, engineer re serves, enlisted in that outfit Jan uary 23. this year. He is a veteran of World War II. Hudson Home Seaman First Class Melvin J. Hudson, is spend ing a week's leave in Salem visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hudson at 2265 Center street. Hudson, who recently received his promotion to a seaman, first class. since July, 1948, has been assigned to auty on tne uss oeHaven. Collins Leaving wasnington, March 15 (U.B The Army announced Tuesday that Maj. Gen. Laurence B. Kelser will suc ceed Ma. Gen. Harry J. Collins as commanding general of the Second lnianiry aivision. rort ljewis. wash. Collins becomes commanding gen eral of tho New York-New Jersey military district witn neaaquarters at Fort Totten, N. J. On Leave Hayesvllle Col. Bill Willis is spending a two-weeks leave here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willis. The corporal Is stationed at Elgin, Fla.. and has Just completed half of his enlistment. Homesteads for Vets Sixty-five farm units, totalini 7.- 273 acres, will be opened to home stead entry In the northwest this year, Willi world War n veterans Retting first chance. Eleven of the farms totaling 723 30 Days for Aiding Escape A young blonde. Mary Eliza beth White, pleaded guilty Wed nesday in district court to char ges of aiding the escape of two inmates from the Oregon State hospital last week-end. District Judge Joseph B. Fel ton sentenced her to 30 days in the county jail, but suspended the jail term and placed her on probation for one year. A condition of the probation was that she keep away from inmates and parolees of the Ore gon Slate hospital. State police nabbed Miss White in Portland after Salem officers uncovered the fact that the escape of two inmates, one a murderer, had been facilitated by a woman friend of one of the escapees. Armed Forces Plans Forming Preliminary plans for Salem's observance of Armed Forces Day, May 20, will be made at a meeting called for the night of Tuesday, March 21, at the Am erican Legion club by Carl Cov- who is to serve as coordina tor of the Salem committee. Included in the plans will be speakers, a dinner, luncheon speakers, radio broadcasts and spots, newspaper editorials and articles and exhibits. Asked to attend the meeting by Cover, who is president of the Marion County Chapter of the Reserve Officers association, are representatives of military groups here and military committees. These men are to serve in an advisory capacity to Cover and work on subcommittees. They include Lt. Comdr. David N. Mo- rey, Jr., inspector-instructor for Naval Reserves, Salem; Lt. Comdr. Wallace Hug, officer in charge of the Salem Naval Air Facility; Maj. Leonard Hicks, commander of the Organized Marine Corps Reserve unit; Lt. Col. Bob Irwin, commander of the 9414th volunteer air force unit; Capt. Richard Reynolds, instructor for Salem Army re serves; Maj. John N. Nielson, PIO of the Oregon adjutant gen eral's office and member of the state Armed Forces Day commit tee; Lt. Comdr. Bosch of the Coast Guard reserves; Lt. Ernest Eldridge. commander of the AVUA Naval unit; R. Board- man, Salem Military Manpower committee; and Col. Carle Ab- rams of the Salem Army Advis ory committee. acres are in the Roza division of the Yakima project in Washington. The other 54 units totaling ".000 acres are In the Rlverton, Wyo., project. Veterans also will get first chance on 59 farm units of 974 acres to be sold in the Burbank unit of the Columbia basin project. No homestead openings are plan ned this year for the Klamath proj ect at Tule lake nor In the Boise project in Idaho. r Draft Chief in Salem Maj. Gen. Lewis P. Hershey, U. S. selective service director, (right) with the Oregon director, Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea (left) as the two stepped from the Cascade Wednesday morning en route to Portland, where Hershey plans an overnight visit. The two were coming from a conference at the Presidio of San Francisco. Sig Unander Gets Engaged Of statewide interest was the announcement made Wednes day of the engagement of Miss Vivian Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin of Wenat chee, Wash., to Sigfrid Benson Unander of Portland. The news was told at a luncheon given by Mrs. Gordon D. McCutcheon, sister of Miss Martin, and Mrs. Pat Allen, aunt of Mr. Unander, at the Town club today. Mr. Unander is state chairman of the state republican central committee and is well known in Salem also for the time he was here as secretary to former Gov ernor Charles A. Sprague. The wedding is planned for March 31 in Trinity Episcopal church in Portland as an after noon ceremony at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Martin attended Wash ington State college and is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Miss Martin was a visi tor here recently as a guest at the annual military ball of the Marion County Reserve Officers association. Mr. Unander is a graduate of Stanford university and is a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He was a lieutenant colonel in the army in the last war, serving overseas for sev eral years. FDR, III, Has Measles Poughquag, N. Y March 15 (A) Rep. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., (D., Lib., N. Y.), was at his farm near here today to be witn his sick son. The boy, 11-year- old Franklin D. Roosevelt, III, has the measles. Pad, w-gi - gllTcrto Last Timet Tonite Vryv of those rK Dear (jjf 'Ruth' mm WILLIAM HaDEN JOAN CAULHELD BILLY DE WOLFE MOM FREEMAN EDWARD ARMOLD mm tuamm mourn una Ph. 3-3467 STARTS Matinee Daily From 1 P.M. TOMORROW! ENDS TODAY! (WED.) Dorothy McGuire "MOTHER DIDN'T TELL ME" John Howard 'RADAR SECRET SERIVCE' f CORINNfcALVn '7 )- RSSlkM COLLEEN TOWNSEND T ijT , lB VS WILLIAM DEMAREST CO-FEATURE! f " JM'" mm school joltid j PffTT -TsJ'' rM- ''ft dJtfvS C0L0R CART00N! j)t3 - JOYCE Mm -gJ AIRMAILFOX NEWS! Final Rites for Reuben Graves Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the V. T. Golden mortuary for Reuben Ross Graves, native Oregonian and retired fruit grower in the Salem Heights area, who died at his home Monday Interment followed at the City View ceme tery. Pallbearers were Jay Morris, James Summers, Arthur Chase, William Browning, Elbert Jones and Waldo Lowery Graves, a late resident of 3830 Liberty road, was born April 2, 1873, at McCoy in Polk county, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graves. He had lived most of his life in the Salem area and had never married. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Fred Browning of Salem, Mrs. E. E. Farr of The Dalles and Mrs. Leota Howard of Los Angeles; and three brothers, Wil liam Kingston of Salem, E. B. Graves of Baker and Charles Kingston of Portland. Insurance Man Under Arrest The arrest of an insurance agent by Salem police on charges of soliciting without a permit threatened Wednesday to force ail such agents to secure city permits for the, conduct of their operations. Edward J. Burnside, 725 North Summer, a representative of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, was released on his own recognizance after being cited to appear in court on charges of soliciting without a permit. He was one of three men ar rested Tuesday on similar counts. Aubrey Clare Jolly, 1470 McCoy, was identified as a Fuller brush salesman. He posted $25 bail. Melvin L. Stahlman, Hollywood Cottages, was fined $25 for soli citing for magazines without a permit. Court hearings on the Burn side arrest were expected to de termine the application of city ordinances dealing with solici tation td insurance agents and similar operations. Ginny Sims Wins Divorce Santa Monica, Calif., March 15 lP) Singer Ginny Simms testi fied that her husband deserted her for the desert on the day before the birth of her second son. She was awarded a divorce on cruelty charges yesterday in a default decree. Teachers Hear New Staff Man Dr. George R. Mursell, who has recently been appointed psy chologist for Oregon Fairview home gave an address yesterday to the Marion County Teachers' issociation at Hazel Green school. Dr. Mursell studied and work ed under such international lead ers in the field of psychology as Goddard, Arps, Kuhlmann and Wells. He was called to active duty with the army as a lieuten ant in 1940 to assist in organiz ing and setting up the new army classification system. He serv ed with various army organiza tions as a psychologist and per sonnel expert, both In the Unit ed States and overseas. He was demobilized as a colonel in 1045 while with the army of occupa tion in Germany, and was imme diately employed by the war de partment as chief of manpower for military government in Ger many, where he had supervision over all German governmental and private agencies dealing with employment, housing, social Loch Sloy, at an elevation of 800 feet in the Scottish High lands, is the site of the largest hydroelectric plant in the Unit ed Kingdom. MEWH)WTONITE 1 1' rB Opens 6:15 Starts 6A5 B-J 1 1 Brod Crawford I I 1 1 John Ireland I I 1 1 Joanne Dru 1 1 I I Mercedes McKendrick I J II "ALL KING'S MEN" If III Robert Young III ill Barbara Hale ill III "BABY MAKES I III THREE" Iff NOW! OPENS 6:45 P.M. Dana Andrews In Technicolor "CANYON PASSAGE" 0 ' Anna Lee "HIGH CONQUEST" ENDS TODAY! (WED.) Jon Hall "ZAMBA" AND Lloyd Bridges "TRAPPED" ru-tirf-virion PH. 3-3721 OPENS 6:45 P.M. Tomorrow! Twin Return Hits! 1 j WALTER MtiffrimairjDmm 1 . S LAUGH CO-HIT! pH Bob HOPE ffr Somwl Hind. "TCS'f ' Il$flf Rob" "" .-MjSn Insurance, unemployment com pensation, labor courts, trade unions, employer associations, labor relations and labor stan dards. Since his return from Ger many in December, 1949, he has spoken before various schools and organizations on his ex periences in Germany. Colonel Mursell is now in the active army reserves and Is attached to a local unit in Salem for training. msnm STARTS TODAY OPEN 6:45 Sovag! Iwityl Spectacular! CAMERON GALE STORM 10NNNT MUCH BROWN don CASTLE CO-FEATURE "HOLD THAT BABY" with Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys New Today! Shelley, that Wonderful Bad Girl Is Back! SHELLEY WINTERS MACDONALD CAREY HELENA CARTER .uh LUTHER ADLER FRANK LOVEJOY 1 -I gueTniiipjf iy . f lJ i'if i fUl i mjust p &3l fllf the Riot- YJbC Inciting -JJfH ' TyPe"' KS'"" From the thrill-packed Saturday Evening Post 1 Novel! Lizabeth Don Dan I SCOTT DeFORE DURYEA Iiuthe last land of lure of adventure where your past is your passport! mrimnmrii'rifnimmiKr EXTRA! Brevity, "THE SOUND MAN" - Warner New HITTING THE SGREtH WITH THE FORCE OF A RAGING TYPHOON Cu!.'.ES . .. A trouble ship, a mutinous x , SK f L 1 crew, a dangerous woman... 541 he can handle 'em all I fWf " 'W II TODAY! UjlUl 1 " 1 Irk C(4 t&w it 1 Writ Cecil ,-oV BROUGHT TO Uf E Color Cartoon Vt' ' - Not Since "Two Years Before the Mast" and "Mutiny on the Bounty" has the screen known such romontic adventure! JOHN LON PAYNE CHANEY GAIL IDGA RUSSELL BERGEN JEFFREY MICHAEL LYNN O'SHEA IN PARAMOUNT'S CAPTAQM China With Robert Armstrong 2ND TREAT! Duncan Renaldo Leo Carrillo r