16 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., March 15, 1950 RADIO PROGRAMS The Ptomaine Canary WEDNESDAY P.M. THIS OUGHT TO BE (XXX) FOR A TsSSSiSl ruH-MR. ROPER-YOU KNOW IFI WELL--THEReS SOMEBODY ;iy- ... c PULL RS6 IN SPOTLIGHT rAAGAZINE 2SfaiinSs5ri I t PROMISED NEVER TO SIGN ? OUT HERE WHO VWWS ME ' 3 5 "LITTLE MISS B BU0O GRADUATES SimWBPSS I MY NAME TO ANYTHING TO 9GN IT 500 TIMIS etCS I rP f my. you'ae ) Pm 1 1 1 don't want to V would tu i'm soRRV! i won't 1 I f it throws ) BUSV J I WORKING- DISTURB YOU - MIND HOLDING V BE ABLE TO J I ME INTO A -s , to-oaV J I on My r have youR. J it a minute I ( accept it. y higher. I INCOME DIWE ALL rf WHILE 1 MAKE I yA- 1 i- BRACKET! J a V" i. Jy( KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 20 NBC 7Q CB8 1190 ABC 1390 MBC HPO He 5fK) Tht I f Vt Barnyard Challenn f Mark Trail Swing TIh 15 (Neva Llttl. 8h Wm Mark TraU "'"I Till, 5 30 Sotifa af Tlmea Ncwa ky Kta T M s Bin! Crartf 5l45 Elmer Peltraon New Sky King Taa Mia Baod of Pay "(WTO Vour Grouch. Mars Edw. C. Hill Gabriel Staler Bandit LlfM fi-15Voai Llfa r.rouch. Mars Homa Edition N W Newi and SUrar 6:30 Archie AndrewBiBf Crotbj Mod. Romance! Telia Tl Newa 6:45 Archie Andrewa Pinf Croiby Mod. Romance Serenade Twill" aw 700 Bll Story Burni di Alien" Lone Ranier Dinner Coneeit ReUra Band 7lf31l Storj Rurna Allen Lone Ranter Dinner Concert Muelcal Jacknaf 7:3h"nrtaln Tint Muilo Hall Dr. I. Q. CUco Kid Evelyn Knlfhl 7:45portaln Time Mmlc Hall Dr. I. Q. Cliee Kid Sporti H:Mt ilnatra-Kinten Lowell Thomaa 3her. Holmea Name el That Track 14M 8:1s Vawa of World lack Smith 3her. Holmce Sons Track 11M 8:3n Olldereleeya Or. Cbrtitlaa Greiory Hood tean Bck.. Llat. Track 1194 8:45 Qllderelecfe Dr. Chrletlan Gretory Hood Davld Roie Track 1490 STflO Break the Bank Frank Raea Bute Adlan Glen Hardy Track 1400 9:15 Break the Bank frank Race Bun Adlam Fulton Lewis Track 1490 9:300 lit. Attorney Bcnlab Hannibal Cobb Int. Airport Ntwa 9:45 Diet. Attorney Clab 15 Hannibal Cobb Int. Airport Plana Pattern 10:00 Sam" Havee r&tar Final ' Rehfld. Rcportci I Lore Myatery Mua. for Amer. 10:15 Mindy Carson You A World Inlermeaio Mat. Newireel Mm. for Amer, 1030 Spte Pinal lir-Ho Con ert Hoar Newe Knife Ton Want 10:45 Orcbcitra Orchcetrn Concert Hoar O N Q Mnilo Want 11:00 News Treainry Band Concert Hoar Net Newa Noetnrna 11:15 Wax Mnitnra Treae. Band Concert Hoar Cue to Music Nocturne 11:30 Was Mueeum Ortan Melody Memoi Tomer. Mldnlla Melod. Noctarno 11:45 Was Muicam 0r' Memo Tomor. Mldnlte Melod. Vocturne 12:00 1 Sign Off "silent tr Hour Isirn OK Blyn Off By HELEN TRAUBEL AP Newsfeatures Detective story writer Helen a soprano and bird-lover. The hat. (SYNOPSIS) The Met'g bright- est star, Soprano BKUNH1l.DE ; WAGNER, is an avid detective ; story reader, so her manager . husband BILL WAGNER, invites all the nation's top mystery story writers to hear her sing and then ho.ua. annn.. o t th. Wa mat anmrt- ment. Present too are OTTO FURST, Met conductor, and his former wife, LILY, Brunhilde has been feuding with Otto. At the supper party, excited and gay, she treats each of her favorite writers to an enthusiastic analysis of his work.) Chapter 3 Hpp niYt tnraet. wax n woman isruniiuac spoxe in a voice tnai car ried iirm conviction. "Understand, dear, I like my stories occasionally leavened witn romance, because I am myscu a ro mantic. But why must your hero ines go stumbling into dark attics and cellars Just because (hey hear suspicious sounds? That's very sil ly, especially after six or seven mur ders have already been committed." The author addressed managed a polite smile. Then her face red dened, for Brunhilde was quoting a passage from her last book. "Had I but known, on that fate ful night as we sat around the campflre on Angler's Island what ghastly horrors were in store for all of us, especially Casper, and how it would end with Lucy's lovely throat , . ." She stopped and left the rest of It hanging unspoken. "Know what I mean?" uait you qo De iter, Maaame Wagner?" "Yes," said Brunhilde. "As a matter of fact I already have." She was instantly the bull's eye lor a barrage of inquiry. "You mean you wrote a mystery?" demanded Ellcry Queen, the de tective novelist and editor, sniffing out material for his magazine. "Yes," Brunhilde was placid. "What's it about?" asked John Dickson Carr. She shook her head. "I'm not telling." "How many murders?" "Twelve." "All done the same way?" "Nope. All done differently." The assembled authors were now suffering from an acute attack of curiosity. Twelve different murder methods. It seemed impossible. Hanging, drowning, shooting, poi soning, strangling, stabbing, bash ing what else was there? But Brunhilde was adamant. She refused to tell. Some day, perhaps, they would see her atory in print. "Can you tell us the title?" She just smiled. "Please." Agatha Christie was pleading. "All right, laid Brunhilde. "It's called: "Murder at the Met." "Admirable," said John Dickson Carr. "Excellent." said Rex Stout. That seemed to be the consensus of opinion. Then Agatha Christie pointed at the bird cage and said, "That la the alnglngist canary I ever heard. What do you feed her?" "Italian Coloraturas." Everyone Joined into her roar of laughter. As usual, there were some moments before she had her breath back. "And not only does the canary sing," she said, "but her repertoire contains a very unusual trick." "Oh no," groaned Otto Furst. making a sour mouth. "Not again." "Oh yes." Brunhilde was firm. "1 want them to see how clever Oalli Is." "Galll?" Erie Stanley Gardner looked puzzled. "That's the canary's name. Galli Curci. She doesn't have quite the same range, but she loves singing every bit as much as her name sake." "What is this trick?" asked Ellery Queen. "You shall see." Brunhilde arose, wet to a highboy, pulled open a drawer, and found a small box of birdseed. Then she went over to the cage, slid the door back, and itnroat - Traubel at home, making like bird is normally on a Traubel held out a finger. The canary flut tered her wings and made a perfect three point landing. This was ad mired by every one except Otto Furst and the French poodle. With her free hand, Brunhilde extracted a seed and offered It to Galli-Curcl. Taking the seed in its beak, the canary flew straight to John Dickson Carr and put it be tween his lips. "Go ahead,',' urged Brunhilde, "swallow it. Galli-Curcl is very sen sitive and she'll feel l.urt if you don't." It was a small seed, and easy to swallow, and since Mr. Carr, a very gallant gentleman, had no desire to Injure the little creature's sensi bilities, he forced the seed down. The others, observing him closely, j saw that his face registered no ex-i piesslon to indicate an unpallatable taste. Thus encouraged, each accented I one of Gain's seeds. The sincle ma or objection wasl filed bv Otto Furst. who neverthe less fell into line, looking sour as ever. Galll placed a seed on his protruding lower lip. The instant he got It down he shot up out of his chair and repaired quickly in the direction of some plumbing facilities, presumably to upset the laws of gravity. (Gracious! What goes with Otto Furst? Why U Brunhilde so de termined to show off her canary's trick? Can she have a Motive? Read tomorrow's installment and see for yourself what happens when sc-ranos become rabid de tective fans). (To Be Continued 2846 SIZES 12 40 2007 HAT i BAG Tops Kverythlnc For h short cut lo smnrtiipss this trim flare back topper, easily made now In wool, later in linen or pique. For a finishing touch beret and bag No. 3007! (Two separate patterns.) No. 2S46 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18. 20. 36, 38 and 40. Size 16. 3!, yds. 54-in. No. 2007 is cut In one size. Beret (adaptable to r.ny head) and bag, .4 yet. 54-111. Send 25c toi PATTERN with Name. Address and Stvle Number talf Size desired. Address Capital Journal 314 Mis sion St. Snn Francisco 5 Call! Patterns ready to fill orders im mediately. For specla) handling o' order via first class mail In clude an extra 6.- per pattern Just off the press I The SPRING BOOK OF FASHION presenting the newest style trends, nil translated Into delightfully wearable ea.sy-tO' niako pattern designs Over 150 designs for all ages and occasions beautifully Illustrated In this book Order vour copv now Price lust 20 centa 0 PT3 TriOTCmrlSrVEbKXX3H-BUrj T THAT'S THE WAV IT GOES- '-IS VEflH-l OONT MIND ASflOdRE OH, DAM- THAT CrrHEq CUVHE'S SO ST1U.- Y BE A GOOD GUY-TAKE IN SOME V I 8:,n K I MEOL-AND THEY DID BRING 1 OP COURSE- AND ALWAYS STARING AT ME --GIVES , ( BUM -FIRST THING YOU KNOW 1 I -8-ii-l p I OS A LOT OF GROCERIES BUT BUT THEY'RE ME THE HEEBIE JEEBIESl I'M GOING , m. VOUVE GOT ALL OF HIS CRATY X I g:M H RTNT T 01 'I l DON'T .CHASE HIM, LAD.'.' 'I S-SAY.'.'-come to thin "- remn KhOTHItiOK TF g (lMOK.'.r-A BG bomm IIm THAT'S ANKLCS AAROVARK.' y ( OF IT- N-NEITHER ARE WE.C) i dl UK, AMK U VAK T !, f TAKINK A COMIC BOOK L I -45 L ALTHO HE'S DISGUISED SA M L-LET'S GO BACK TO THE f AH GOTTA SX EF THAPt'S A 'l AWAY FROM A POOR rn, 3:00 KID -HE'S TH'MOSr DANCCROUS STATION HOUSE AND J IplECE OF A OACtb PHOTVflRAFT 7. LIDDLE KIT'', i- t 3:15 1 CRIMINAL IM AMERICA -AND PICK UP A FEW ' I STUCK IN TH' BINDIN' OF "rORE li. fiT 7 '",n L VOU RE NOT UnHtMXKO.T) P-EVOLVEFtS Jffe COMICAL BOOK,' J III gj'" UjLi. U Y'A iEM S H uSrlStS VWE OlHTAOf5!! 1 J" ( FORUS ANt? GOOD f r'QUE BIEN Vrii TikSa.. TO THE SILVER DOLIAU Vs1 vW2 vV -SnosF0K THE VULTURES:.. u (BOTH OF THEM WERfeJiSs 5ffir V I TONIGHT AND CELEBRATE,! l 14 I, X vtffl XSOON THEY WEEL BE p A AooT.NOvvuTaoofcg5CfeiB( A ramez. we done a I f?l r. rzfi makins fiesta on S 'vvl 6oo Yp VassioyS corpse : Y cask WrtMi w jrjs mmywA J HSS5rr UU?r' r1 I A HALP-hCUS LAVES AT AH UVLSSD j yjig 5Stt P LJ , Zl ZZrl AFTER W0V CHAIN THE PUP IN THE R THEPE cjOES RUSTY OFF TO v. SSI&RRy. hiSIS ULc U !tiWJ t FOOD AND A CHAIN i'ANP THEN TTOf'W TO V "rTI hvHy, Na son...pi?ankl; Cmo. sir' aw woro of I I 0 UtIllTSSQ IT'S STILL. SSt MATTEL OP AOJUSTMENT Xv, ; tRMJAB stf&s- mY '' i "" H sSi1 HI. BRICH! HOW'S A i N0TK. that JIMMV-EVtRV AH.BRICK.BA8Y!- I'DUK.t TOTELL J j 5UPF05E WJ V tlH'.-'NO.-'MATTLROf FACT, WE -S EVERYBODY UP OUR AjTiMt I PAY THE GROCERY 4 YOJHCW WONOERRJL WEISl.-BUT -S HANa AR0UND f ALWAYS MEET IN THE PARK!--SHE SAYS Tf I - WAY?- HAVf NT 51JNK dm i I HOW'S EVERY LITTLE I HAVENT TIME TO DO HER JUSTICE! her FRONT DOOR ft HER SISTER ANN OBJECTS TOHERHAVIW I M MYELrWSINYOURTM"..SPECICAlW -OOT TO MEET HER IN JUST yY LIKE A HONEYSUCKLE IV CALLERS AT HOME! "i FM Mcr.. KGW I00.S, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 0 a.m., Is p.m., KEX 92.1, S to I p.m. THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Hods Podce News iNews Farm KOIN KlOCk KOIN Klork KOIN Klock Keep Keep Jack Farm Time Farm Time KOIN Klock Mews News Newe Consumer Nei Bob Rob Zeke Sam Hayea Eddie Albert Fred Seek Breakfast Club Breakfast Club dd t Albert News Jack Bercb S.f. Rider, (Grand Slam Rosemary Breakfast Club Breakfast Club The Second Cud Wendy Warren News IThe Second Cop Aunt Jenny (Stars lomeiownera News Helen Trent (Oil Sunday luoicb Quick Marriage for BIf Sister Be Ted Car in. Cavallero Ma Perkins Brad Reynolds Geo. Mnrphy Malona (My kiulding Lltht piy looble ar Mrs. Burton Betty Not hint Children Perry Mason Norah Drake Brighter Pay Vie Northwest. Isbt of World erners Kneass Newa Newa Baakhage News Road of Life Come Gel It Pepper Young Happiness House Party House Party Meet Art Backstage Wire Stella Dallas Lorenso Jones Wfdder Brown From Nowhere Welcome lack Holt Hollywood Steve Allen Kay Kay Klrkham Newa. A Girl Marries Klrkfaam News. Uay Uay ort. Faces Life Garry Moore rust Plain BUI Garry Moore Hannibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb Frt. Pg. Farrell Yours Welcome Travrl. Art Klrkham I Bride Waller Welcome Travel. !rtbur Godfrey1 Arthur Godfrey: lunl Mary Barney Lore and Learn Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep Mere ef Life" Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Mfc Rrautlfnl Dr. Paul Paula Stona Arthur Godfrey iquirrel QTJlrrtl lurt massey Edw. R. Murr1 Flreflfhters DIAL LISTING, 1fjAP Wednesday P. M. 8:00. Chll- Upbeati 5:50. KM Sports clubi 6:00, Newsi 0:15. Dinner Melodies; 6:411, American Red Cross; 7:00. Farmers' Union) 7:15, Evening Farm Hour? 8:00, Artistry in Classics) 8:311. Hillcrmt School) 0:00, Music That Endares: 9:45, Evcnlnr Meditations: 10:00, Slsn Off. Lebanon Merchants Offer Spring Opening Lebanon Street entertain ment will be part of the spring opening celebration planned for Lebanon on Friday night, March 17, when the new styles and fashions for 1950 will be un veiled in local display windows. The Lebanon concert band will present a street concert tnat evening on a platform to be ACROSS 1. Runs away i slanx T. Stir up 12. Vessel for brewing a beverage 14. ;Wakes 16. Song from , an opera 16. Philippine volcano 15. Crooked 19. Spread loosely 20. Genus of grasses 22. Turmeric 23. Midwestern state: abbr. 24. Close of day 26. Size of shot 27. Light-colored mild cigars 29. Shade of red 61. Nervous twitching 22. Angry S3. Asiatic palms 66. Stupid plays: slang 69. Myself 40. Impenetrable hardjiess 42. Situated near 43. Utility 45. Sheeplike 46. Peer Gynt's mother 47. Trench composer 49. Pueglan Indlaa 60. Grafted: heraldry 61. One who escapes detection 63. More sys tematic 66. Web-splnnlnt (6. Flowers 12 IJ L5" 16 W7 S 1? I- I" ' w 3J 54 3S H 55" 37 '8 iZlZZlZZZfEZ 43 44 W.4S 9r 3rZZZllZIlZZZ IT sa Sn A 1 1 II IH 1 I 1 1 AP N,wif.atvr.s ROOM AND BOARD "MORTON' WELL, MOW DID "MORTON "THE MOUSE ' DO TODAY AT NANHOLT PARK? DID HIS CHOICE COME IN THE MONEY ? J BASSMENT I JJ -z lAS News Timekeeper March Time Smiling Smiling Norman Newa Hemlncwav Garred IBrkfit. Gang Haien Manners Rise A Sblna Newa KOCO Slack Top Tradea Bars'n Counter ICh. In t'11dw'd Family Alter Haven el Best Haven o B-bt Fiesta Time West'n Helodlea Temple Echoes Newa Melody Time Melody Time at Today Harden Gnlda as Flash as Fluh Pastor's Call Istars atni lek Haymea J. Cb. Thomas Seated Malona Glen Hardy Kltchun W Newa Music True Story Wiles Tune Time U Keys true oiory Morsan'a Music Crocker Ladles Fair Music Mart Musle Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varieties Llndlabr Ladles Fair Nueen for Day lyueen rer Day (Top Trades HolIyw'd Mails Hollyw'd Masle Headline Newa psews Gay 90'a Bob Ebcrly Kienjoas Baker U)ava Dennis to Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mao's Metediea Mac'a Melodies West West Tel) Neishbor ping Singe Stewart Stewart Bob Poola Mae's Melodies Mae'a Meledlas Mac's Melodies Mac's Mclodlea Bob Poole Ladles First Ladles First A Groom Klernan Salem Hlsh Mse's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Meledlea Mae's Melodies Jamboree Keep News Kostelanets Fulton Lewis Hemlnsway I Behind Story Movie Time Philosopher Byers Can Be We Caca Cavallere' Beautiful KOAC 550 1fiAf Thursday A.M. 10:00, News tJt .nd weather; 10:15. Especial ly for Women i 11:00. School ef Alri 11:16, Concert Halh 19:00. Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:16, School of Alri 1:45, Melody Lane; t:0t. Home Garden Hour; 3:60, Memory Book or Mualet 3:45, School of Alri 6:00. Newai 3:45, Music of the Masters; 4:00, Ore son Reporter. erected at Main and Grant streets. Additional ev e n t s will be scheduled for a full evening's entertainment. A pie-eating contest again sponsored by Durlam's bakery will feature the champion of last year, 14-year-old Lester Lam bert, who will defend his title. The traditional treasure hunt will take place again. Hundreds are expected to participate in search for hidden items in the store's spring windows. AlSlPflROlAlTfl0lUl MB lft MP E Blo L T . D B W A vHt o n o I R I E I Q I P H LE. rlTlKlRISI Solution ef Yeiterday't Puzzl DOWN t, Pertaining to bodies st rest I. Grain I. Foray 4. River between Braitl and Paraguay I. Symbol for molybdenum 9. Barrel pieces 7. Sarcastic 5. Negative I, Toung bear 10. Tributary ot the Elbe II. Articles ot belief 12. Property 17. Writing Implement 20. Alligator pear 21. Wildnower 24. Heather 25. Concede 28. Took solid food 30. Small fiih 33. Charm 34. Subsequent selling 35. Tasty .16. Tropical trull 37. List 38. Exprcssee contempt 41. Egyptian god 44. Jewish montn 46. Poker term 48. Room In a harem 60. Corrode 52. Syllable of hesitation 64. Electrical unit 3.IS Bv Gene Aharn CAN "ta HE PICKED NUMBER.: A HOR.5E NAMED "MOOSE NOSE' LOOKED LIKE HE COULDNT HOLD UP FOR 6 TURNS ON A MERRY-GO-ROUND, BUT H6 WON' YOURA5 GOTYDU ?56!! - TH' JUDGE AND i EACH &JTfVi , FOR.OURIO BfeTS Newt