12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., March 15, 1950 NAZISM BOOMS AGAIN Hitler's Spirit Lives Today In Germany T ho He Is Dead (Editor's note: Hitler alive? The evidence is all against it. But the Hitler spirit Is alive in Germany, and getting live lier every day. That's what Lyle Wilson, manager of the United Press bureau in Washington, found on a swing through Europe after his British election assignment in London. Here's his Hitler report.) By LYLE C. WILSON Berlin, March 15 J.R) Soviet guards have been withdrawn from the site of Adolf Hitler's air raid bunker, and the place where he committed suicide has become a storage area for scrap metal. The soviet army has blasted the bunker to junk and rubbish. The heavy upper blockhouse- lies pitched on its side. Around it is neatly piled scrap metal salvaged from the nearby ruinsl of a madman s dreams. All the front of the great reichschancellery building be-' side which Hitler dug his hole has been blasted away. The massively beautiful palace of old Paul Hindenburg is no more than a heap of dust and broken bricks and stones. Between them in an area of a couple of acres is the bunker site. "Verboten" orders plas tered all about forbid anyone to enter the area. Asked why visitors are bar-l red, a ragged German workman said, "we do not know, but it is verboten." Perhaps the Russians fear there might be pilgrimages or mourners to Hitler's suicide spot. If so they do not believe armed guards are warranted to prevent it. Even if the mourn ers came, the pitched block house scarcely identifies for the uninformed the place where Hitler died. Or did he? The story persists in Germany that he still lives. A great many! believed it at one time. Now the Germans seem to agree that he is dead. Certainly all the evi dence is to that effect. But dead or not in body, Hit ler's spirit is alive in Germany, and becoming livelier every day. It is the spirit of nationalism sparked by resentment against. defeat, poverty and the self-in vited indignity of occupation by the armed forces of foreign powers. Thcrer are no professed "na zis" in Germany now. That would be against the law. But in the east, Russia encourages a brand of nationalism not much different from Hitler's. The greeting taught to child ren in the eastern zone of Ger many under Russian occupation is "be ready." When the Rus sians established Headquarters of their German government in Berlin, there were torchlight parades, bonfires, goose - step ping marchers in hobnailed boots all in the old national istic spirit. The Russians have dropped all pretense of punishing or re forming nazi offenders. They ended denazification in 1948, giving small timers full citizen ship rights. In 1949 full civic rights were granted to all for mer nazi party members. Under a variety of names na- zism is beginning to boom in the western zone, where the American, British and French are trying to teach democracy. The extremists or "new na- zis are organized in aDoui one- fifth of western Germany. They polled 700,000 votes in the last election, but have only five of the 402 seats in the west Ger man bundestag at Bonn. There is an in-between group of splinter parties, all nazi or communist fronts. Franz Richter is the extremist leader seeking to organize for mer nazis into a powerful poli tical force within his German reichs party. His program is to restore Germany to her position after September, 1938, when the Munich pact gave Hitler the Su deten areai of Czechoslovakia and by implication okayed his seizure of Austria. Richter teaches that only the German army was defeated in 1945. That the German nation never was licked and never will be. His party needs a martyr and may get one soon. His name is Wolfgang Hedler, a bunde stag member, who was acquitted last month of charges of anti semitism. Socialist and communist bun destag members said there would be trouble if Hedler re turned to take his seat. He did last week. The chairman ruled Sodlo F(o(d(off Direct from.. r7 KAY WEST RECEIVES FIRST AWARD Kay West was presented the first award in the 1949 grocery manufacturers as sociation "Lifeline of America" contest which selected the top women in 3 journalistic fields. The K. E. X. star was named the best women broadcaster in the entire nation. Featuring KAY WEST r 1 KEX and BERGS (SPECIAL) Westinghouse radio station KEX, in co operation with Bergs Super Market, will originate a broadcast from the Berg Market on Thursday after noon, March 16th, The big program to be released over the 50,000 watts of KEX will start at 1:30 P. M. "Around the Corner" By Dick Eckley GALA EVENT PLANNED In addition to the 1:30 2:00 P. M. broadcast the afternoon event will feature an "all afternoon" celebra tion with many gifts and presentations for those at tending the affair. All Sa lem housewives are invited to be present for the gala event at Bergs. Make it a point to come in and watch Kay give her broadcast here in the store. She is quite an impressive person; one whose dynamic personality makes her outstanding in the radio field. After the broadcast you will have a chance to chat with her over a cup of coffee. Nalley's will take charge of this weeks demonstrations and we will have many of their fine products on sale at reduced prices. Now is a good time for you to stock up on their items. MANY Outstanding SUCCESSES 1950 marks the 5th year of Kay West program on K.E.X. her record of achievement is noted with many outstanding success es. She helped inaugurate Portland-Hawaii air service, and in 1948 she attracted the largest crowd to attend a Multnomah county fair matinee. STATION KEX - 1190 ON YOUR DIAL IF YOU CANNOT COME IN -TUNE IN! Sift mam A Complete and Delicious Meal 29c A Treasure Chest of Flavor 12 ox. 25c ma ji NALLEY'S Beef Stew 15 37c 30 oi. 69c Salad Dressing pint... 25c Quart 49C UMBERJACK SYritJ n Try This Syrup 12 oi. 22c 24 ox. 35c 5 pounds 87c Many items listed below are featured on Kays program WHITE KING SOAP Large 25c Giant 53c WELCH'S WHOLE PEELED APRICOTS 77c 1 LB, 14 OZ ' GET ONE FREE! Buy six cans of Nalley's Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Cheese at 87 and get one can FREE! ibs? fir set NAILEYS M1XTO CHIPS TODAY.. AND SEND TOR V0UR Jll EASTER E0 PECAL ' 9 crtrre rAicmia wtrirtU Stint , POTATO CHIPS ' Large Giant 23c 39c WESTON'S COOKIES CHOCOLATE NUT GINGER NUT Try Some Today! HERE IS THE "TOPS" IN SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT AND SAUCE. 2"? 47c IsMMini Shop & Save at SALEM'S COMPLETE FOOD CENTER MEAT DEPT. $1.39 rKcbti PACIFIC fA OYSTERS J7C SWIFT'S LARGE COLORED CDVCDC Pon Ready lIY I Eli 3 Cello Wrapped . FRESH PACIFIC VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Bergs carry a very complete line of fresh Fruits and Vege tables. This weeks variety will include the following: FRESH SWEET CORN CROOK NECK SQUASH RHUBARB (Hot house and ASPARAGUS GREEN BEANS WAX BEANS LIMA BEANS RED CABBAGE CUCUMBERS EGGPLANT NAPPA ESCAROLI FRESH PEAS PEPPERS SUMMER SQUASH ZUCCHINI SQUASH outdoor) NEW POTATOES YAMS SWEET POTATOES FIELD GROWN TOMATOES ARTICHOKES ENDIVE MUSTARD GREENS SAVOY CABBAGE WATERCRESS BRUSSELL SPROUTS CALAVOS DATES PAPAYAS (By air express from Hawaii) PINEAPPLE (from Cuba) him out of the chamber because the verdict had been appealed to a higher court. He withdrew! to an anteroom. A band of socialists found him there, beat him badly, and threw him out of the building. Now he seeks to join Richter. He will be welcome. Hatchery Productive Aurora Don D. Priest of the Priest hatchery, half mile south of Aurora on highway 99E has reported the hatching of 70,000 chicks so far in the 1950 season. The season's hatch is expected to reach the 100.000 mark, Priest said. With a month of the season yet to go, the number of chicks hatched to date exceeds any previous season's record for the Priest hatchery Korean Solons Go to Prison Seoul, K6rea, March 15 W) Thirteen members of the Korean national assembly were sen tenced to prison Tuesday for terms as long as 10 years for vio lating national security by hav ing contacts with communists. Assemblyman Ro II Hwan and Lee Moon Wun were sen tenced by presiding judge Sa Kwang Ook to the longest terms ten years. At the long trial from No vember 17 to February 10 be fore a three-judge panel with out a jury Ro and Lee were declared to have admitted they had received money from al leged communists. Both men testified that pur ported confessions were laken from them under torture Prosecutor Oh Che Do said before the trial all 13 ast-cniMy-men had made written confu sions. He introduced no oilier.: after Ro and Lee testified tiu-y were tortured. The prosecution spent hours asking the 13 defendants why they supported an assembly res olution of February 4. 1949, ask ing the withdrawal of foreign troops from Korea. A.t that time President Syngman Rhce was urging that American troops re main in South Korea as a pro tection against North Korea's communist troops. The original Cape Hatteras, N.C., lighthouse was built in 1798. 100K tL QUALITY! men! men - iTSmI'bC! i ook hi tc of the new" - Spring Suits We Are Now Showing, and You Will Agree, They Are THE GREATEST VALUES You Have Seen in Many Years PRICED in $k00 IV TO LESS THAN WE SHOULD SELL THEM FOR Suits That Are Priced to Sell At $40.00 $2950 NOW NOW Suits That Are Priced to Sell At $45.00 $3500 Suits That Are Priced to Sell At $50.00 $4Qoo NOW NOW LOOK AT THESE 11 & 2 Pant Suit Values All Regular $60 to $80 Suits with 2 pair of trousers Made to Sell Made to Sell Made to Sell NOW At $55.00 $4250 NOW At $60.00 $4750 NOW At $65.00 $5Qoo Made to Sell Made to Sell Made to Sell NOW At $70.00 $5500 NOW NOW At $75.00 $6Qoo Talk About Great Values Look At These TOPCOATS The finest quality 100 wool gab ardine, genuine registered long-life cravenetted rain-repellent, dressy, smartly-styled rain or shine coats. At $80.00 $6500 Yes, we sold these same quality topcoats as high As $55.00 Your Choice, Now Only )250 Not just a few Suits to choose from, but hundreds of them, in just the styli color pattern and fabric you want, in sizes to fit all regular, short, stout and tall. And you will find all sizes up to 44 in Topcoats in regular, shorts and longs. Remember the well dresed man is admired by everybody. And you'll find it pays, to buy your clothes at J. J.'s Salem's quality clothier for men and young men. Better known, none better for style quality and greater value. Open Friday Nite Till 9 o'clock 11 CLOTHES o SHOP STATE (O) . STREET 2 Doors West of Liberty St. Next to Hartmans Jewelry Store