ilO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., March 15, 1950 i fj o Tilo Applauds Applauders Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia responds to applause in East European fashion by clapping his hands after a speech during a rally in Belgrade. Four Corners School Dinner Will Include Full Program Four Corners, March 15 Many social even's are on the club tyilendars. The Mother's club of Lincoln school (Four Corners) S giving a benefit dinner Thursday in the school cafeteria to which the public is invited. The students will put on a con tinuous program during the dinner hour from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. i A general assembly will be held in the Lincoln school (Four Miss Springtime Due Silverton Silverlon The retail trades committee, Mrs. Opal Roop, chairman, of the Chamber of Commerce, is sponsoring a spring opening festival Friday and Sat urday with plans including a general fun program of "Tag, You're Miss Springtime," special bargains offered by merchants, and a free film shown during the afternoon for the kiddies at the Palace theater. Parking meters are to be hooded with merchants donating a flat sum to the city for the privilege of their guests spend ing Saturday free of charge in the parking zones. The free picture to be shown Includes an adventure film, "Penrod and Sam." Admission tickets may be procured from any merchant participating in the opening festival. Window displays are planned to compare the old fashioned types of materials and styles with the latest in spring motifs. Children who "tag" Miss Springtime or Mr. or Mrs. Springtime, must be accompa nied by parents. A cow has been found to uti lize up to 25 pounds of chopped white potatoes a day in milk production. Corners) auditorium Friday af ternoon at 1:15 o'clock. The pro gram will be given by the sixth gra ie students in Boyd Hilles land's room. The room parents will be guests. The Four Corners Communi ty hall was the gathering place on Sunday for the Salem chap ter No. 1 of the Chin-up Club of Oregon. A no host luncheon was enjoyed by about forty members and friends followed by an informal hour of im promptu music and visiting. Abraham Wolf played the Span ish guitar, Leon Fiscus the har monica with Miss Zella Lomax, Alta Black and Mrs. Violet Pen rod carrying the vocal part. There was group singing also. Janice PXeifer was the honor guest in the Pfcifer home 130 S Elma ave. when she celebrated her eleventh birthday anniver sary. Following the social hour of games the birthday cake was served. Coming to extend con gratulations to Janice were Bar bara Kleen, Dennis Miller, Mar ilyn Snook, Janice Shrake, Dar lere Werengcr, Doris Wagner, Betty Jane Wagner, Betty Fut rell, Joyce Brant, Sharon Eg gleston. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mayer had as their guests Sunday Mr. May er's sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schawder of Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Glen Jones and Mrs. Betty Nicss of Stayton, Ore. I YEARS AHEAD FEATURES OF THE POLLY DRYER LIGHT EASY TO OPtRATt STURDY LlftTIMt QUALITY FOLLY-MATIC Dry.rf r mad. from liUtim. quality aluminum ... to light child can carry il. Uit it outdoors or indoort in any room, patio, garogo or baiomtnt. Occupiot a minimum f paeo ... For oompl, iho 100 tin will fit in a room six foot tquoro. llghton 2 95 your waihdoy and boautify your gardon with POUY-MATIC nd UP POLLY INDOOR UTILITY STAND lightweight! Instantly avoilabU fot Indoor drying. Ptrmiti uit of lh Polly Dryer in any room in th 4 Q horn. Get on when you 7 v t purer, at your Polly Dryr. V c I n Rftrw Lumber 1 VAUR PH0NI S-l" Rep. Horan Would Revamp the Social Security or 'Junk It' By CHARLES D. WATKINS Washington, March 15 Wi Rep. Horan (R., Wash.), would re vamp the social security system or "junk the entire program." The present system "is both unsound and dishonest," he told a reporter today. , Horan said that under present practice social security taxes collected from employers and- employes are borrowed for cur rent expenditures of the gov ernment. That means, he said, that fu ture payments from the fund to beneficiaries will have to be met from current revenues. "The government extorts a special tax from certain classes of our citizens on the promise of pension in their old age," ae said, "and uses the revenue for current expenses of the govern ment. "The pensions thus financed are paid only to those citizens who worked in 'covered' indus tries usually big business thereby penalizing the employes of small business, farmers, cas ual workers and others in inde pendent employment. Millions who worked only a short time in covered employment can nev er collect a pension. Yet all must pay througti taxes part of the cost of the social security system." Horan said the bill to broaden social security coverage was passed by the house under "gag" rule . and is unsatisfactory in many ways. The measure now is pending in the senate. "In my opinion," he contin ued, "the time has come to face the issue squarely and determine whether federal policy shall guarantee pensions for all cit izens who earn incomes and pay taxes, on a pay-as-you-go basis, or junk the entire program." He said he has signed a pe tition to bring the modified Townsend Old Age Pension plan before the house for action as the only way to get the issue "out in the open." Tha'. bill would impose a three per cent tax on gross income and pay to all persons over 60 years of age an equal federal pension based on the revenue de rived from the tax. Garden Club Meets Independence The Indepen dence Garden club met Monday at the home of Mrs. R. D. Pom eroy. Co-hostesses were Mrs. C. W. Irvine, Mrs. Estella Fluke and Mrs. Anna Owen. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Stevenson of the Miller Prod ucts company. Hutchins Heads Booster Club Organization was completed Tuesday by the North Salem Boosters' club, and Kenneth W. Hutchins, who has made several appearances before the city council in connection with the North Commercial widening, was elected president Eva Van Vlcck was elected secretary of the club and Guy Hastings treasurer. The next meeting is set for April 3. The condition of North Com mercial caused by construction of the interceptor sewer was dis cussed. The club was told that City Transit Lines has promised to restore bus service on the street as soon as it is in condi tion for travel. Also it was re ported that City Manager J. L. Franzen has promised to have the street 'in condition for two way travel within a few days. Fifteen business men of the north part of the city attended the organizational meeting. New Dayton Store Opening Attracts Dayton The crowd continued all day to visit Dayton's new est business, Ryan - Variety store, which had its grand opening Saturday. The store is owned by Mr and Mrs. Robert Ryan, I-'url-land. The place has been ree'ec orated inside and out and h.-s made an improvement to !' town. The Ryans have two childn-.i, Nancy, 10, a fifth grae'er and Johnny, 6, in the first . grade. The children will start to school here this week, and the family will move to Dayton in the near future. Refresh... add zest to the hour work refreshed Jlj FLY UNITED'S MAINLINER STRATOCRUISER TO HAWAII! YOU'RE ONLY HOURS AWAY when you fly this new, twin-deck Stratocruiser. It's the finest of oil Slratocruisers because of luxury features such as a six-compartment cabin with a lower deck Hawaiian Lounge. Via connecting Mainliner isrvico to San Franciico. low fares. j jf Ask or it either way . , . both I ( Mpi4tjjny J1 Jv" trade-marks mean the same thing. V I IOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THI COCA-COIA COMPANY RY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF SALEM, SALEM, OREGON 1220 South 12th 1 I'i'-1-" I $ , I 1 1 ' " ' ' WG rai,Sack cmrtoin wjfc ri i ii a iili ii ml. The house was a mess before we got through. A chance for a swell deal with that jalopy of ours and no certificate of title ! I'd have sworn it was in the desk ... I insisted Peg must have done something with it. The two of us turned the place inside out. Peg finally found the title ... I coulti have kissed her on the spot, only she wasn't speaking to mc by then. One deal like that was enough for both of us. Now every valuable paper we own is safe and private in a Saie Dcposk Box at she Fktt Haatm Buik. " r hrv my w if,.) vmlmbln, H will txry rv to (hem to Hrfpfni. Army, Navy MariiM DUthorv Urth CwtiflcaNf Till (airtttt, Mc) I Family totorth U. S. Sev(n Bond. Intern Tex RtMtrdi O Iniuroncs ltciti InvtntariM tbuiiimt anj kevtaheldl Waal DetumnH Rt(ipH SALEM BRANCH Prefect Yeer Vatwablee far Uffl More TWa a Peeay a Dy. Beat Se4e ftepitll Bex at Ike. F0K)"Lr NATIONAL BANK Opea 10 le S Ixleelfef Satvrday OF PORTLAND "LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER'