FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COW FEBTIL1ZE. old or fresh. Ph. 3-6021 nfl7 OIL CIBCULATOB1 at greatly reduced prices. y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa na GOOD USED FURNACE (or 6 room hoiIK, lawdtut burner attached, blower and thermostat. Phone 3-0098. o62 WOMAN'S 1047 Roadmafiter bicycle, Ph. 39180 after a or come to 4SB N. Winter. Apt. 11. nfl3 FOU SALE 1 wheel chair, food as new Phone 31793. n ALL KINDS Sand, Gravel, Crush. Mti, Ss Ready Mix. Concrete Pipe, Tile, Sep tic Tanks, Reinforcing Steel and Mean. Oregon Gravel Co. 1405 N Pront St. - Phone 3-3417. &83 )40 WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE. the cellophane like finish foi floors or linoleum V EATER APPLIANCB CO. 375 Chemeketa n" PHILLIPS BROb Fertlllaera, welt rotted or fresh, any k' ' By yard or sack. Flans tone for all rock work Cedar fence posts Telephone and elec. poles Any length Shingles Yew posts. Lumber Ph 3-1458 Rt fi Box 118. O PRIMROSES, large plants, 5c to 35c, all colors. Mrs. H. E. Nlbler. Oervals. n63 NEW SEWING machine. Price sacrifice. 320 Evergreen Ave. n64 MACHINIST, MECHANIC and other shop tools. Like new. Each tool a bargain. 3025 Portland Road. n64 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 119.95 UP Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basemen Equipment ReoK. 15 B Vt yds. 10 D It yds. D-7 Cat St Doier D-B Cat St Doier D-4 Cat & Doser See m about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-940B Ives. 3-B246 or 3-4400 Salem. Oregon n USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 & up f 375 Chemeketa kEROOFTNG, painting, remodeling. Willa mette Valley Roof Co.. Salem n' HAMMOND Solovox floor models. $100. off regular price. II Interested phone 3389 Dallas, Ore. n$3 GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, and Montaa Appliances at Gevurta. o WELL BUILT SM. house trailer. Call 488 6tht St., Independence. Ore. p66 EASY WASHING MACHINE. No Sun, calls. 585 S. Commercial. P67 TWO FORMALS, one pink, one blue, sz. 12, S10 each. Ph. 3-7466 or see at apt. 3, 563 Court. Ti64 USED Electric ranges, S10.95 & up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa BEAT your home electrically with West InghouM or Wesln automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n OLD COW fertilizer. Delivered. Ph. 38129. n84 feEBUILT PIANOS. Like new. Large se lection as low as $25 down, $10 month. Bee at Tallman's, 385 S. 13th St. A mile from high prices. Steel clothesline posts, railings, to Atoek. made to order. 1145 N- Liberty. nflS USED RADIOS & record players, 19.95 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n PLASTIC APRONS, variety to choose from, makes beautiful gifts. Some host ku. Ideal for kitchen use. Ph. 30403. n79 GET YOUR yard and garden peet most at Northwest Poultry, 1505 N Front. We have both half and whole bales. n79 WALLING SAND At GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, -carden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and' ditch ing, -yd shovel St drag line Ph 8-9249 BENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren, 3-7775. 745 Court St. n62 k X WANTED MISCELLANEOUS TRADE 1 fur coat, size 36, good cond., for sewing machine. Mrs. k. Harvey Apt. ft, 3050 ,N. Capitol. Ph, 3-8085. na63 WANT GOOD USED portable typewriter. Ph. 3-4571. na62' FIR STUMPAGE and fir logs wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or yall. Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company. Inc. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42. na PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 39307. p85 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 S. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-B28&. psz ALCOHOLICS Anonymous! Ph. 36234 P.O. BOX 724, YMCA WN., TO, :0 P-m. pl25 AUTOMOBILES HAVE TWO CARS. Sell my 1938 Cher. 2 door cheap. 1305 S. 14th St. Q.62 Eisner Motors to Sell 1B47 CHEV. Convertible. Radio and heater. New top and rubber. Must sell. 1680 Berry St. q67 1949 CHEV. IVa-T. truck with bed, excel, cond., $1425. Ph. 2-21B4. C.M' 1948 INT. DUMP TRUCK. 4x4 Garwood bed. 95 r. rubber. Good shape. Also low boy trailer. 1T cap. For quick sale both for 12200. Call after 5, 3-5107. q63 193ft HUDSON" S 1930 Chev. Sedan. 16-inch wheels and seal beams Ph. 3-7238 .185 ..145 qfifi FOR SALE '39 Ford cpe. R&H. 3 spot lights. Finder skirts. '48 Merc, motor. W.S.W. tires. Comp. leaded In new paint. Call at 116 Marlon. Q63 IBM CHRYSLER adn. Htr.. O.D.. very good motor. 195. 581 Willow. 2-6046. Q.66 1940 FORD dump truck, 4 to 5 yd. bed, rood tires & In good mechanical con . dltlon. $600. Home evealnsrs after 5. k 118 Ash St., Dallas, Ore. Phone 3407. qB3 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL - TRADE TERMS 2 LOTS t325 Faim rounds Rd. Ph. 3-6454 S30 Rood St. Pa. 3-7714 FRTVATE PARTY 1949 Chrysler Windsor elub coupe. Likt new. Low mileage. une Em St., West Salem. 363 BUICK FACTORY DELIVERY $2105 DOOR SPECIAL TOURBACK SEDAN WITH HEATER AND DEP. OTHERS AT LOWER PRICES OttoJ.WilsonCo q$5 FR i OWNER 1949 - 135 Psckard De luxe touring sedan. All extras. Cost 13450, now 82200. Bank terms. Ph. 4-2326. 155 Fisher Rd. Q 41 OLDS. Reasonable condition. Good tires. Ph, 3-0943 or 13B4 Summer after a p.m. FOR SALE, 19 Dodge coupe, $295. Oood cono. uoui weoo, rn. a-ii . 4 CHEV. L.W.B. 1H T stake 7.6x12. Oood 30x7.50 tires; duals. Bstr. br. St htr. Exc. cond. Rt. 6 Box 434D, Salem. 465 ha PONT. 9 Deluxe SUrewtrMk sedan epe. like new, BS0O miles, rah ana ex tras. S2095. 1170 Nebraska St. g' 41 BUICK SPECIAL sedanette, A reliable low mileage car with a 4 H, new teat covers and 75 pert, tires. Olosny black finish. Car In top shape and priced reasonably, pn. owner, qoi journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS AHEAD OLDSMOBILE FACTORY DELIVERY AGAIN AVAILABLE New Low Pricei STARTINQ AT $1745 Delivered to You at Lansing, Mich. COME IN OR PHONE 3-4119 LODER BROS. 465 Court St. Eisner Motors to Buy BUICK FACTORY DELIVERY $2105 4 DOOR SPECIAL TOURBACK SEDAN WITH HEATER AND DEP. OTHERS AT LOWER PRICES OttoJ.WilsonCo. Eisner Motors Fine Cars BOATS ANY OFFER (almost) New Evin 5.4 H.P. Terms. Salem Boat House. Ph. 1-9303. qt62- FINANCIAL FARM AND CITY LOANS V and h VC8B OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts And Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldi. Ph 4-32B3. r NEED CASH For Bills! Get cash to consolidate bills and re duce expenses. Loans $35 to $500 on auto, up to $300 on salary or furni ture up to 20 months to repay. Charges only for the time you use the money. No co-signers required. Let us try and arrange a loan the same day. We like to say "Yea." Coma In or phone. PERSONAL Finance Company Pftelfic Building Room 135 518 STATE STREET Phone 3-2454 c. R. Allen, Mir. Lie. 8-132 - M-155 LOANS HADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS M4" MORTGAGE LOAN HEADQUARTERS FHA LOANS CONVENTIONAL LOANS PRIVATE LOANS BUSINESS PROPERTY CONDITIONAL FHA COMMITMENTS REX SANFORDj INC. 164 S. COM'L. TEL. 3-83B9 AUTO LOARB WTXiLAMETTTE CREDIT CO, 182 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 9-3457 Lie. No M-159 8-154 SEE U8 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4V4 INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 341 State St. Phone 2-356 I GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 8-133 and U-S34I and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades' 13:0ft dally K.8.L.U. 1390 KCsfl 130 S. Commercial St Tel. 3-9161 r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 198T Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parkins Fhoo 37033 Lie No. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. l BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN KAY 1IAKX YOU "THRIFTY IN 50' PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS IS 8, LIBERTY PHONE 4-3303 MORTGAGE LOANS HOMES BUSINESS PAR US Abrams & Skinner, Inc. t64 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 126 South Commercial St. Phone 1-1161 TRAILERS ?? FT. TRAVELO. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped. Ph. 3-1635. to HOUSE TRAILER. 1946 deluxe model, like new. 27-foot, rnone j-saos. im state. tsa 24 FT. FACTORY built. Very good eond. I6B5. Rt. 7 00X 2 OIKS H., 2 DlOCKS left. Middle Grove school. t2 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roan 466 Court Phone 34773 AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9266. Night 2-1604. 333 Center. o BUILDING AND CARPENTRY Labor contract vour new home, remodeling and repair. Ph 2-4830. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bids, clear ing, teeth for brush. Vlrcll Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Pb. 3-3146, Salem. o63 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register All makes gold, rented, re paired. Roen. 456 Court Ph. 3-6773. o CEMENT WORE Foundation, sidewalks, driveways, pa tloa. curbs, walls, etc. Call 9-4650. o" CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace, chimneys vacuumed cleaned. Knsley. T71 S. 3 1st. Pb. 1-7176 078 EXCAVATINO Ben OtJen A Son excavating grading, Land clearing. Pa. 3-3Q&0. U Unshelled Filbert Subsidy 4.75 Cents Washington, March 14 W) - The agriculture department said yesterday it would pay Oregon and Washington filbert growers up to 4.75 cents a pound for 2 8000,000 pounds of unshelled nuts. The subsidy is designed to en able processors to get the nuts at prices which, officials said. should enable them to dispose of the filberts in consumer mar kets in the shelled form. Initiation Discussed Willamina At the high school plans for a trip to Portland and an informal initiation were dis cussed at the Nurses' Aid meet ing held recently. A committee was appointed to draw up a con- stitution to be read and approv ed at the next meeting. The club is planning to sell popcorn at noon to raise money for its treas ury. DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 0, Box 43T-0 aT8 DRESSMAKING Tailoring St alternation. 1132 Edgewa ter 2-7578 eve. o69' Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial S-9179. o Complete repair service. OU burners, furnaces & oil stoves, day or nltfl. Guar anteed work. Ph. 4-2124. 072 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklni Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center Pb. 3-6395. Q LANDSCAPE NURSERY P. A. Doerfler A Sous, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 346 Jef ferson St Phone 23452. o LA'VKMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. o78 Expertly sharpened. Jacobsen Power Mower Dealer. Moore's Bicycle St Sport Shop. 237 N. High Street Ph. 3-3844 o76" LAWN MOWERS A KNIFE SHARPENER At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knives. Dcxter's Ph. 3-6833. . o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Private piano accordion lessons given In your home If preferred. Special piano accordion rental plan for beginners. 1230 N. Liberty. Basement apartment. 084 Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar, Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. 085 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and tiling sunnllei safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases. lerce Wire Recorders. Roen. 466 Court EUstrom'i are equipped to do your painting. Phone a-24B3. PAINTING A PAPERING Painting it paperhanglng. Free estimate, 857 Shipping. Ph. 3-0513. 085 PAPERIIANGING JERRY JOHNSON PH. 2-9348. Asphalt driveways Ss areas. D. A. Dav idson Co., 2012 S, E. Silver Springs Rd., Portland 22, Ore. (Toll) Be. 9108. 087 Plow & discing, Ford trsctor. D. Mar shall. Ph. 3-1343 . 086 PLUMBING PICTURE FRAMING ROTO ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 3-6327. L. Howard SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soli, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating, Walling Sand Gravel Co.. Phone 3-9349. SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Sen-Ice. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm Bt W. Salem. Pb. 3-9466, 3-5337. o83 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service, 650 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. o SEWER CLEANING SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean sewers drains. L. Howard. Ph. 3-5327 SPRAYING Spraying, L. W. Caudle. Ph. 2-7900. o78 All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial. Ph 3-3512. o' TRANSFER A STORAGE . Local St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent tor Be it ins. House hold goods moved to anywhere In U. S. or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 3-3131. o TREE WORK Insured tree service. Ph. 26014. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington. RovaL Under wood portables. All makes used machines nepairs ana rent. Hoen, esp court. VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or rellnlshed. Relnholdt it Lewis, 3-3639 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37326. WEATHERSTRIPPINO Free estimate. T. PULLMAN, Pb. 1-5963. 078' WELL DRILLING R. J. West, 4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-2773. 086 1 Fred Wymora, Rt 2. Box 311 Ph. 2-5135 063 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners, Window, walls, at wooawora cieanea rioors eieanea, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court Lanadoe, OulberUon and Mather WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller. Made to order. 1 Day uei, neinnoiat at iewis. tn. 3-J03S. WOOD SAWING Atkins. 1145 Tile Rd. 3-6674. WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co Ph 3-4031. LODGE Loyal Order of Moose meet Tburj mgm 284 . uomj. prj. 3-5227. 76 A Alnsworth Lodge No. 201, AT. TA. & AM. Stated Communlca. tion, Tues., March 14, 7:30 pjn. 62 A Salem Lodge No. 4, AP. & 7 A.M. Wed., March 15. F. C. Degree, 7:30 pin. 63 Versatile Musicians These three Leslie junior high school ninth-grade girls are accomplished musicians, both instrumen tally and vocally. The trio, left to right, are Carol Lee (vio lin), Laurel Herr (piano) and Sidney Kromer (cello). The string trio got a top "1" rating in the instrumental division of the district high school music festival at Lebanon last week end. Then, laying their instruments aside, the three girls came back later as a vocal trio, and earned themselves an other "1" rating. MARKET QUOTATIONS salea Livestock Marmet By Valley Packing Company) Wooled lambs 420.00 to 123.00 Fterir Inmh tlfi.00 to $31.00 Calve, good (300-450 lbs). .116.00 to 625.00 Veal (150-300 lbs) top ....lit.uo to tzv.uu Pat dairy cow fll.m to I14.W Cutter cows 1 10.00 to 114.00 Dairy hellers iu.oo to iib.uu Bulla 118-00 to 121.00 Portland Eastslde Market Best Willamette valley White Rose ana Burbank potatoes sold for S2.50-2.75 a hundred oounda on the Portland East- side Farmera Wholesale Produce market today. Prices of limited offerings of Toot vegetables, apples, dry onions and spin ach were nominal. Portland Produce Butterfat Tentative, e-bjeet to imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 65-6Sc lb.: 92 score 63-66c; 60 score, 61-64e, 89 score 65c. Valley routes snd country points zc less man nrst. Batter Wholesale rou duik cuoes to whUesalers, grade 93 score, 64c. A 92 score. 62c; B score, 61c; O, 69 score . Above prices are airicuy nominal. Cheese Seilint onci- to Portlana whole sale Oregon singles, 37H-40He; Oregon 6 small loal 42-43c; triplets 114 less than tlnules Ems To wholesalers: A grade, large, i'a-49c doz.; A grade, medium. 38-38 Vic; B grade, large, 44-350 doz. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: arade AA prints, 69c; AA cartons, 70c; A prints. c: a cartons foe; a prints, esc. Eggs Prices to retailers: Orade AA large, 43c doz.; A large, 41c; AA medium, 41c; A medium, 40o; B medium. 33c; car tons 2c additional. Cheese - Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles, 39-43c; Oregon loaf, 5 1b. loaves, 44 A -45c lb.; triplets, ltt cents leu than singles. Premium brands, singles. 5lVac lb.: loaf. 53HQ. Poultry Live Chickens (No. 1 quality. l.o.D. plants): Broilers, under 2 lbs, nominal; fryers. 3V4-3 lbs.. 30-32c; 3-4 lbs. 32-34c; roasters, 4 lbs and over, 32-34e; light hens under 4 lbs, 18c; over 4 lbs, 21c; heavy hens, all welghLs, 25-26c; old roosters, all weights, 13-itc. Turkey Net to growers, torn. I0-3lo. hens, 44o. Price to retailers, dressed; A ycuna hens. 60-6 lc: A rouna tome. 37- 38c; light toms, 41-43o. Kaooitt Average to growers, uve whitu 4-5 lbs. 17-20o lb.; 6-6 lbs. 16-lBc lb.; colored 2 cents loweri old or heavy does and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40c t local, 46. G2e. Country-Killed Meats Veal Top quality 39-40c lb.; other grades according to weight and quality with lighter or heavier, 33 -35c. Hogs Light blockers, 25V4-26ttc; sows. 30-22C. Lambs Top quality springers. 3B-oc; mutton, best, iS-20c; rough heavy ones, 13-14C. Beef Oood cows, 32-30C lb.; canners- cutters, 3B-30C. Fresh Dressed Meals (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.): Beef steers: Good 300-800 lbs 343-46; commercial, $42-44; utility, 336-40. Cows: Commercial. $37-39; utility. 135- 37; canners-cuttera, 332-34. Beef Cuts Oooo Steersi. Hind quarters, 148-52; rounds, 148-51; full loins, trimmed, 163-67; triangle, 139-43; square chucks, (44-46: ribs. 155-80: foreouarters. 140-43. Veal and calf: Oood. $49-53; commercial, i-es; utility, tax-iv. Li&mo: oood-choice spring iambs, no li commercial, $43-44; utility. (37-40. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs down, $28-30. Pork loins. $47-48: shoulders. 16 lbs. down, 128-30: sparerlbs, $45-48; carcaas- $28-39; mixed weights $3 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Onions: 50 lb sack Ore. yellows. No. 1. medium, $1.25-35; some $1.00; large. 1.40- 65; 10 lbs, 25-35; boilers, 10 lbs, 20 -23c; 6 lbs 19-2lc; onion sets. Oregon yellow, 50 ids, k.ou-o.uu; wnue, io.3-au. Potatoes: Ore. local Burbanks. No. 1, $2.50-60; Deschutes Russets, No. 1A. $3.00 25: 25 lbs. 75-90c; No. 2. 50 lbs $1.09-39: wasn. neitea uems, no. i, j.13-ju; ii ids, flac; la ins. eo-eac: no. i. ii. 15-25: ige. Bakers, $4.00-50; Idaho Russets, waxed, S3.7&-4.DQ. New potatoes, fia. Triumphs, size A, $3.00-10. nay: new crop, staca oaies, u. o. no. a srecn Alfalfa, truck or car-lots P-O-B Portland or Puget Sound markets. $35. 60- fl.OD ton; U. B. No, 1 mixed .Timothy, 144 ton; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover hay, nominally $25 28 depending on quality and location bal e on Willamette valley farms. Cascara Bark Dry 13 'Ao lb. green 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 2Se lb. en 13-mooth growth. nominally. Hides Calves I5e lb.; according to weight, pips, 35 Jb beer, s-ioc lb.; bulls. 6-7c lb Country buyers pay 2o less. Filberts Wholesale prices: Jumbo 19 22c. large 17-20c; medium 15-18c Grower prices: Orchard run, 9-lOe. Walno is Wholesale prices: Per lb. In 100-Jb lots: First quality Jumbo. Sl-321; large. 29-30c; medium. 26-2fl4c: sec ond quality Jumbo. 29-29 c; large 37- ai'-ic: medium 24H-35He; baby, 20Vc. Orower prices, orchard run: Fran quettea, 10-13e lb. Portland Llveateek Portland, Ore., March 14 (UB Livestock Cattle salable 150; market active: cows strong at Monday's advanee: steers scarce: salable folly steady; top fed steers Mon day 28; common dairy type nellers today 17.25; low good heifers Monday to 25; canner-cutter cows 13.50-15: some 15.50: shells downward to 11; medium beef cows 19; good fed cows quoted to 21.50; com mon sausage bulls 17-18.50; good bulls quotable to 22 and above; beef bulls Monday 22.50. Calves salable 50; good-eholce Yealer scarce; salable 20-33; common -mediums 16-22.50. Hogs salable 300; market less active; early sales weak with some bids 25 cents or more lower; good-choice 180-235 lbs. 10-10.25; few 18.50; 170 lbs. 18; good 350 500 lb. sows salable 14.50-15.50; good choice feeders quoted 17.50-18.50. Sheep salable 100; odd head steady; good-choice 103 lb Iambs 23.75: medium 90 lbs 22.50: top Monday 24.50 for choice 115 lb No. 3 pelt lambs; good-choice 153 lbs ewes 12. Portland Grata Portland, Marcb 14 (f) Wheat: Cash grain: Oau No. 2, 38-lb White S5.00. Barley No. 2, 45-lb B.W. 64.50. Cash wheat (bldt: Soft white 3.25: soft white (excluding rex) 2.25; white club 2.25. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 25; 10 per tent; U per tent 1.11; 11 pt: cent 2.25. Today's ear receipts; Wheat 66; barley 4; floor 7, Cora 13; oats 1; hay 3; mlUIeed U. General Motors Has High Profits New York, March 14 UP) The General Motors corporation an nounced last night that its prof its had reached a record of $656,434,232 in 1949 and that its payroll had soared to a new peak of $1,440,690,450. The firm's annual report to its 434,000 stockholders also dis closed that production, sales and tax payments had hit record highs. The 1949 earnings were equiv alent to $14.64 a share of com mon stock. This compared with the previous high of $9.72 a share in 1948, when profits reached $440,447,724. Discussing the increased sales volume, the report expressed belief "the potential market for new cars has been permanently expanded. The report pointed out that the adult population of the Unit ed States in 1949 was nearly 10 per cent greater than in 1941 and about 27 per cent greater than in 1929. "In addition," the report said, 'there was a change in income distribution which brought more family units into the medium and higher income classes. Thus, more people could afford to buy new cars in 1949 than before the war." "There still exists a backlog of deferred demand," said the report. "However, once this backlog has been satisfied, op erations are not likely to con tinue at a peak rate." The report showed that sales reached a new peak of $5,700, 835,141 in 1949 against $4,701,- 770,340 the previous year. This included GM's non-automotive products. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem dealer lor the guidance ot Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Befall Fee. Prices: Egg Mash 44.65. Rabbit Pellets S4.20. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry: Buying prices Grade A Color ed hens 23-24c; grade A Leghorn hens, 18c; grade A old roosters, 14c; grade A colored fryers, 3 lbs., 32-34c. Eggs Boring Prlcee Large AA 35c, large A, 32-34c, medium AA, 33c; medium A, 31c; eras, 24c. Wholesale Prleea Egg wholesale prices b-7c above these prices above large trade A generally quoted at 30c, medium, 36c Biitterfat Premium 67c; No. 1 05c; No. 3. 69-6 lc; i buy ing prices). Butter Wholesale grade A, 68c; re tail 74c. Chicago Grain Chicago. March 14 VP) Official con flrmatlon of damage to the winter wheat crop In the southwest by dry windy con ditions touched off renewed buying li wheat at the board of trade today. The weekly government weather report said high winds lat week had caused some damage to wheat. March wheat was at a new high atnee December oi 1948, and May and July soy beans were at new seasonal highs. Some profit cashing late In the session shaded levels and at the close wheat wan lower to hlither than yester day's close, March $2.31. Corn was lower to 'A, hlvher. Match 41.10'. oe.t& were unchanged to higher. March v6 Rye was to S higher. May $1.33-334. Soybeans were to 1 cent higher, March 12.47-, and lard was 5 cents a hun dred weight lower to 3 cents higher, March ( learn how to mak yowr garden more beautiful, the taiy way I for Interesting loelt, for timt-nd money saving tips, tun in 0RTH0 GARDEN GUIDE MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ft FRIDAY KSLM 9:15 A.M. Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fissure Fistula Prolapse And other recta) dJj orders treated with- ut hospitalization. DR. R. REYNOLDS Naturo-Recta) Specialist 1144 Center St. Phone J-9460 STOCKS iBy the Associated Preset American Can 113 Am Pow ft Lt 20 Am Tel St Tel 149 Anaconda 28 Bendlx Aviation 41VB Beth Steel 34V. Boeing Airplane 27s Calif Packing 38'i. Canadian Pacific . 14'fc Case J I 44 caterpillar Chrysler 64 74 , 12i , 37 Mi Cons Vultes Continent a- Can ., Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright .... Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Nem ... General Electrle ... General Food ..... General Motors .... Ooodyear Tlrt .. Int Harvester ..... Int Paper , Kennecott Llbby McN Ss L .... Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward , Nash Kelvlnator ., Nat Dairy NY Central , Northern Pacific ... Pan Am Fish , Pa Gas Si Rlee Pa Tel 6t TtA , Penney J O Radio Corp ........ Rayonler , Rayonler Pfd ,.. Reynolds Metal .... Richfield , Safeway Stores .... Sears Roebuck .... Southern Paclflo . Standard Oh Co. .. Studebaker Corp. ,, Sunshine Mining Transamerlca ..... Onion Oil Cal ..... United Airlines .... Union Pacific ..... U S Steel , 61 . 46s , 49 , 75 , 49 , 26 , 36 . 5H'B , 7 .... 33 ....WI , 63 , 27 , 0 , 15 31 V Warner Bros Plo 13,i Woolworth 49 Chicago Livestock Chicago, March 14 m (USDAl Sal able hogs 12,000; 23-40 cents lower on butchers: sows 25 cents lower: top 17.00; most good and choice 100-230 lb. 16.05- 10.90: 240-270 lb. 16.25-18.75; 280-325 lb, 15.75-16.25; 300 lb. 15.50 and lower around 425 lb. butchers 15.00; 100-180 lb. lights 16.00- 10.85; sows under 450 lbs. 14.50- 15.25; odd head 15.50; 47S-600 lb. 13.00 14.25; good clearance. Salable cattle 7,000; salable calves 000: steers and she stocks slow; steers steady to 50 cents lower: neliers steady to weak; cows scarce and mostly steady: bulls stendy to 26 cents higher; veal cm steady to 50 cents higher; around 15 loads high good and choice 1,060-1,440 lb. steers 20.50-33.00; bulk medium and good grades 23.50-2B.50; few common to low-medium kinds 22.00-22.75; medium and good heif ers 22.00-26.50: good COWS 10.75-21.00; common and medium beef cows 16.75- IB.50; canners nd cotters 13.w-18.7S; medium and good sausage bulls 20.00 22.00: medium to choice veslers 35.00- 30.00, Salable sheep 2.500; market on slaugh ter lambs not established; shipper de mand poor snd big packers bid weak to bO cents lower; ewes steady at l.tb-l.W. The sea spider is a remote relative of the crab and lobster. OBITUARY Tltns P. Oclesbee Independence Funeral services for Ti tus Perrv Oalesbee. 77. retired Indepen dence resident who died at a Salem hos pital Saturday, were held from the Smith funeral home Tuesday afternoon with bur ial In Hill Top cemetery. He was born In Mercer county, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1872 and came to Oregon In 1B02. first locating at Shelburn where he lived until his marriage to Lilly Taylor Dec. 28, 1898. He Is sur vived by his widow and two daughters. Mrs. W. H. Thurston, Independence and Mrs. I. N. Peterson, Albany; son. Earl Oalesbee. Myrtle Creek; four brothers, Jay L. Offlesbce, Sclo: Asa L. Oglesbee. Slletz; Elisha Oglesbee. Newport and Charles Oglesbee, Elmlra; slater, Mrs. George B! a ten ford, Molalla; five grand children and four great grandchildren. Mrs. Pelra Johnson Sllverton Funeral services for Mrs. Pet- ra Johnson, 60, who died here Sunday, f - A IS! "SmSk Dean Witter & Co. PORTLAND, 2nd Floor Equitable Building Telephone ATwaler 9275 Membert San Francisco Slock Exchangi Los Angeles Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trad Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday from the Memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home. Rev. P. W. Erlckson, Sa lem, officiating and burial In Evans Val ley cemetery. MARY MARTHA McGREW Sllverton Funeral services for Mm. Mary Martha McOrcw, 79, are announced for Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock, from the Memorial chapel of the Etc man Fu neral Home, Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the First Christian church, officiating. Final rites at Sllverton cemetery. Mrs. McQrew'e home recently has been on route 7, Salem, Previously she was a re sident of Scotts Mills for 21 years, She passed away in Salem Sunday evening. She was born In Cedar county, Mo., Oc tober 10, 1870. Surviving are seven chil dren, Mrs. Beulah Rom on, Mrs, Helen jrown and Mrs. Ethel Blesslngton, all of Salem, William McQrew and Mrs, Mary Ventura, both of Portland, Mrs, Evelyn Doskinea of Taft, and Mrs. Opal Thome son of Scotts Mills. Five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Two sis tent, Mrs, Laura Enrles, Pine Blult, Ark,, and Mrs, Minnie Sutton, Miami, Okla. Mra. Helmlne If a gen Aurora Funeral services for Mrs. Hel mlne llngen, 87, Cnnby resident the Inst 16 years, were Sunday afternoon In the Canhv FuueteA tame, with. Rev, A.. J. Knutzen olilclntlng. Burial was in zion Memorial park cemetery, Canby, Mrs. Htinen died Thursday in nn Oregon City hospital after a long illness. Born Septem ber 17, 1862. in Toten, Norway, she came to the United Stau.i In 1883 and re sided In Iowa, before moving to Oregon in 1934. She was a member ot tne zoar Evangelical church, Cnnby. Survivors In clude the widower, Christian P. Hagcn: a daughter. Mra. Thea Strand, Denver; a sister, Mrs. Karlne Nymoen, In Minneso ta: a brother, Jacob Dotseth, Knapp, wis.; and six stepsons and stepdaughters, Mrs. Tlielma Cooke. Mrs. Clara Kreldt, Ted and John Hag en, all of Portland; Ken neth Hauen. Canby, and Mrs. Marian Becke, Aurora, Miction Danlrla Dayton Funeral services were held for Mienon Daniels, 74, Portland, who died March 7 .after a few weeks Illness. She born August 1. 1875 In Michigan. She Is survived by three sisters: Mrs. Harvey (Phoebe) Bates. Portland; Mrs. J. O. (Ros alie) Andrus, Monmouth: Mrs, Earle (Vi ola) Coburn, Dayton; niece, Mrs. John (Margaret) Shelburne, Dundee; nephews. Urle S. Alderman, Dayton; Earl Sutton. Portland. Her husband. Thurston Daniels, pawed away In 1020, and her slater Oeneva Alderman also preceded her In death. The R ass-Hollywood Mortuary, Portland, con ducted the services, and Interment was bc-Aide her husband In the City ceme tery, Vancouver, Wash. Frank B. SIMONS ai Da ny Services were nnd Tuesday it the Fortml Her-Fred erlcksen chapel for Frank B. Simons, 81, who died Saturday nt the Albany General hospital. He was a native of Wisconsin and en me to Oregon In 1015. He was a retired Insurance agent and had lived In Eugene for 12 years before moving to Tangent to live with his son. W. A. Simons In 1049. Sur viving besides his son are three grandchil dren snd five great grandchildren. His wife died In 1946. Ella TAargaret 7fta comber Lebanon Mrs. Ella Margaret Maeomber died at the Lebanon community hos pital on March 12. Born In usk. Enalnnd, Jan. 7, 1878, she enme to the United States at the age of 16, and lived In Neb raska before coming to Lebanon 13 years ago. She was a member of the V.F.W. auxiliary and the Episcopal church. Fu neral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Howe-Huston chapel with Rev, James Klnasley and Rev. Harvey Schmidt officiating. Burial will be In IOOF cemetery. Survivors are the widower, Roy; daughters, Dorothy Birth and Mable Lew is of Nebraska; sons, Howard. Salem: Roger, Nebraska; Everett, Long Beach; Earl, San Diego; brothers, William and Albert Moxlcy of Lebanon, 16 grand children and two great grandchildren. DEATHS Reuben Ron Groves Reuben Ross Groves, at th. residence at 3830 Liberty road, March 13, at the age of 76 years. Brother of Mrs. Fred Browning and William Kingston, both of Snlem, Mrs. Leota Howard of Los Angeles, Mrs. E. r. Farr or The Dalles. E. Groves of Baker, Oregon, and Charles Kingston of Portland. Services will at held at the Vim U T. Golden chapel Wed- HEAR BETTER TODAY WITH "MINIATURE" THE AMAZINGl 6i-OUNCE 1 RADIONIC HEARING AID MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 State St Salem, Ore. (Advertisement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your fkln Is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 Ready NOW! New 1950 Edition (FREE for lha asking) "YOU and your money' "Inveslmtnt Farts about Common Stocks and Cosh Dividends', re cently published by the New York Stork Exchange, d Urn uses In non technical language what common Stock and dividends are. It IintA common slocks ihnt have paid cash dividends every year for 20 to 100 years and yielding 8 to 10. This booklet ii youra for the asking. Write, call or come in for your copy today. OJJket in Principal Pacific Coast Citiet: SAN FRANCISCO, NEW YORK. LOl ANGIUU, SEATTLE, SACRAMEfffO, HONOLULU Tuesday, March 14, 1950 19 nesday, March 15, at 1:30 p.m. with In terment in the City View cemetery. Cora Ann Bicker At the residence at 1045 North Cot tage street, March 13, Cora Ann Bicker, at the age of 87 years. Survived by husband, Hiram Mason Ricker of Salem; live chil dren, Mrs. Ida Francis Reichord. Mrs. Ju liet W. Pope. Mrs. Una May Elmer, Roy Burnette, and Charles Burnett; brother. Charles Coffleld of Kansas City, Mo., and Cheater Coffleld In California: a sister, Mrs. Ruby Hamilton of Minneapolis. Kans., 10 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. Services will be held Thurs day, March 16, at 2 p.m. at the Church or the Latter Day Saints with Bishop Salsbury officiating. Interment In BeU erest Memorial park. Direction W. T, Rigdon company. Mra. Gladys M, Thomas Mrs. Gladys M. Thorn phs, late resi dent of 365 East Wilson street, at a local hospital March 13. Survived by husband, Horace J. Thomas of Salem; mother, Mrs, Ora Mefntyre Tnomas; end a slater, Mrs. Orma Hlgglns of Fields Landing, Calif. Services will be held at the Clough-Bar-rlck chapel Wednesday, March 15, at 3 P.m. with Rev. Chester W. Hamblln of ficiating. Interment In the Lee Mission cemetery, Henry William Zobel Henry William Zobel. at the residence nt 1045 North Winter street March 12, at the ace of 82 yenrs. Survived by daugh ter. Mrs. Roy Blanchard of Salem; two sons, Herbert and Bernard Zobel, both of Snlem; 11 grandchildren and nine great grandchiltlren. Member of the Immanuel Baptist church in Snlem and Salem lodne 4, A.r. & A.M. Serv ces will be held at the Howell-Ed wards Chanel Wednes day. March 15. at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. J. R. Turnbull officiating. Interment In th. City View cemetery. George F. Zwlcker George F. zwlcker. at th residence at 743 South 25th street, March 13. at the age of 70 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ethel Zwlcker of Salem: three sons. Har old Zwlcker of Newport and Kenneth Zwlcker and Melvln Zwlcker of Salem; live Sisters. Mr. Clam Knvennnich of Turner, Mrs. Hulda Sehrum and Mrs. QuMie Porath. both of Portland, Mrs. Willie Wllcome of Burns and Mrs. Tillie Hall of Salem; four brothers, William Zwlcker of Salem, Leonard and Henry Zwlcker both of Pendleton, and Fred Zwlcker of Coq utile: and eight grand children. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wedne-wlay, March is. at i:30 p.m. with Interment In th. City View cemetery. Mrs. Ann. I. Delaney Mrs. Anne L. Delanev. Into ruldwt nf 340 N. Liberty St.. Rt a local hospital, March 13. Surviving are two daughters; Mrs. Leone Best. Calgary, Alberta. Can- nna, and Airs. Eleanor wood, Bozeman, Mont.: a son, Harvey Bcchtel. Felix, Ore.; two sisters. Mrs. Mary E. Wilson, Salem, nnd Mrs Jonn Jon.sen. Stork ton. fTaMf ; four brothers, William, Joseph. Chester and Roy Crosby, all of Cavalier, Neb.; and four grandchildren. Announcement of services later by Clouah-Barrlck com pany. Fannie M. Mosley Fannie M. Moselr. at th fnmlW re!. dence at 3870 Monroe street, March 13, at tne age of 83 years. Survived by six daugh ters, Madge Williams of Snlem. Mrs. Tom Patton of Garfield. Ark.. Mrs. Jim Barnell of Rogers, Ark., Mrs. Carl Woods of Pea Ridge. Ark.. Mrs. Dwlght Harris of New Meadows, Idaho, and Mrs. Grover Ad ams of Ponca City, Okla.; two sLsteM. Lola Hllterbrand of Muskogee, Okla., and Mrs. Hutu Hendricks of Cherryvllle, Kans.; three brothers. Drltt Christy of Alamosa. Colo, and John Christy and Phillip Christy of San Diego. Calif.: and one grandson, Marvin Williams of Salem. Memoer or the First Christian church at Rogers, Ark. Services will be held at th. Howell-Edwards chapel Wednesday, March 15. at 3 p.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memor ial park. Comfortable Relief With D0BBS TRUSS Bufblett, Beltlesa, Strapem Wear m DOBBS TRUSS at wot, play and bathing DOBBS TRUSS supports liko your hand with a patented concave pad. No bulb to spread weak muscles. No bother some belt or strap. Waehabta, sanitary, comfortable. Perfectly fitted by experts for single or dots ble rupture. Get maximum relief at DOBBS TRUSS. Free en aminotion, no obligation. Coma mnl Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" 2908 SIZES II fimart Slenderixer Back-wrap washable built Jor easy action! Its .smooth princses lines are the most flatterinn you could ask lor . . . the pockct-catchlng skirt la a flare ol fullness. No 2908 Is cut In sizes 12. 14, 18, 18. 20, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 18. i'ft yds. 35-ln. Bend 25c loi PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number. Stnte Size desired. Address Capital Journal S14 Ml sion St. San Francisco 6 Calil Patterns read, to fill orders Im mediately. For special handlinj o' order rla first claaa mall In rl,J;" an extra Si' per pattern .first nff the nresst The SPHmO BOOK OP FASHION presenting the newest stvle trends, all translated Into dellRhtfully wearable easy-to-inako pattern designs Over 150 HfsiBiu for all aces and occasions WanUlully fflmsVmV to VWs boc. OrdT your copy now. Price Just I20 cents.