Iff Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, March 14, 1950 RADIO PROGRAMS The Ptomaine Canary TUESDAY P.M. By HELEN TRAUBEL AT NewafctturM ti n d , Vf I t 1 ' "I never permit ANYTHING to interfere with my writing," says author Helen Traubel. "SYNOPSIS: Soprano BRIN ' HILDE WAGNLK, the great Met .tar, relaxes over a new mystery .story between appearances in "Die Walkure." With her in the -wings are her husband, BILL "WAG NEE, and her friend LILY 'FURST, separated from orchestra pleader OTTO FURST. Brunhilde .does not like Otto. On stage, -Brunhilde in midson; recognizes In the front row the faces of all -her favorite mystery story writ ers. She and Bill had long plan "ned to invite the detective-story I writers to hear their most loyal -fan sing and then to meet them. -Brunhilde is happily excited at -the prospect.) Chapter 2 The curtain fell on a thunderous Ovation. There were eleven curtain! calls. Ushers poured down the aisles carrying flowers and baskets filled with the latest mystery nov els presented by her admirers. But Brunhilde was scarcely aware of the plaudits. The ovation found her Impervious and abstracted. Her acknowledgments to the audience were purely mechanical. Something else occupied her mind. Tonight was the night when cer tain long prepared plans were about to be realized. In the wings, Lily Furst kissed her impulsively. "You were never better, darling. Listen to that ap plause.' Brunhilde, overflowing with emo tion, spared her a brief smile, and grasped her husband's hand. "Bill, you angel," she said breath lessly. TrYox did it. You actually Invited all those wonderful au thors.'' "Sure, Bruny, It was what you wanted, wasn't it?" "Oh, yes I When will I meet tfaem?" "They're coming up to the apart ment for cocktails and a bite." "Can I come, too?" asked Lily. "I don't know. Lily." Bill was dubious. "That's up to you. Otto will be there." "Ottol" Both women made dis tasteful faces. "Did you have to Invite him?" Uly wanted to know. Bill shrugged, "Well, Lily, there's no reason why you can't be civilized about it." "But after all. Bill. The divorce trial was last week. I only got my decree yesterday." Lily relented find sighed. "I guess I can tolerate him for another evening." Brunhllde's protest was more ve hement. "You shouldn't have In vited him. Bill. You know we don't like eacn otner. You know now we fought and disagreed all during re hearsals." "That's precisely why I did in vite him, Bruny. Tills constant wrangling has got to stop. It's per fectly senseless. We can't have fric tion between a singer and her con ductor. Now be a good girl and try to make up." Brunhilde sulked. "I don't like the man. He's arrogant and sar castic." "Okay. Don't like him. But try to be friendly with him. For the sake of your art." Brunhilde smiled. After nil, this was no time to remain bitter. The smile became a chuckle, and the chuckle grew into a laugh. It v.i;s n magnificant tiling. Mint laugh, cc.n tagious and convulsing, thrill. np everyone within earshot into ptir Dxyms of merriment. "All right." she conceded, "M him come. No one can spoil this evening for me. Where are our autnors?" '"They're meeting us at the apart ment." Two hours and ten pounds of sauerbraten later, Brunhilde Wag ner and her famous guests sat back to relax. The authors were assembled around the table, all talking shop. In the corner, a small canary in a large cage kept ex-, niDiting musical taienia. it s wnisu ling was incessant. At the singer's feet, unimpressed, sat a French noodle, wearing a necklace of pearls end diamonds. The conversation was animated and Bill and Lily did the honors at the bar. The conversation mostly, how ever, was dominated by Brunhilde. She had strong opinions and no in tention oi outtomng tnem up. xne opportunity to express herself about their characters to the authors who had created them was a rare one. She leaned forward, earnestly ad dressing Mr. Rex Stout. "One of mv great favorites." she said, "is Archie Goodwin. He's breezy and bright, and he has such wonderiui way witn the ladles. But that fat boss of his" she made helpless gesture, "How can I keep my diet when he describes such wonderful food? And when I surrender and try to buy those ingredients and spices ne talks about, no one has them. I wish Nero Wolfe would Invite me to dinner some time." Mr. Rex Stout sat and beamed. Brunhilde looked at John Dickson Can. There was that In her manner which you may see in the face of a Mohammedan who turns east at the muezzin call, worshipful rev erence. "I have read every one of your locked room mysteries, Mr. Carr, and never, not once, have I solved the nuzzle before Henry Merrlvale or Dr. Fell. 1 confess, sometimes I tear out the last chapter to keep me from peeking." jonn jJicKson uarr stood up and bowed. She went on. There was no need to wind her up. Tonight Brunhilde's turntable was running on an elec tric motor with an inexhaustible supply of power. Her eyes, going c ioc k wise arouna tne mole, glowed with pleasure. "If tnere were only more law yers like Perry Mason," she said, "why, I almost think I'd enjoy being sued. I would rather hear him defend a client in court than sing before all the crowned heads 01 Europe.' Erie Stanley Gardner sat bask ing in her delight. In the corner the little canary kept showing off, whistling encores oi ns own composition. Brunhilde continued the circuit. "Lieutenant Trent," sh e said, sounding awed. "There is a man! What coolnessl What self-control with the Indies! Whnt wit! What imagination! Mr. Patrick. I am overwhelmed. But" she waggled an admonitory finger "you mustn't matte your puonc wait so long be tween books. But then we have you writing as Patrick Quentin, too. so no complaints." Mr. Patrick sucked on his pipe and nodded. (Is nrunhilde just being Irm permnnetal In her dislike of Otto Furst? Is there more Hum meets (he eye to her analysis of the works or her favorite tlr t ret We st ry writers? Helen Trnubel, who knows the heart and soul of a great soprano if anyone docs, continues her chilling tale tomor row.) (To Be Continued! R2925 Orchid Lady These charming de signs are at feminine as moomliiht and roses 1 Tiny crocheted orchids further enhance the dainty designs which are embroidered In simple tltchee and delightful colorings. Pattern Envelope No. R2925 con tains crocheting Instructions; stitch DhateattoD; hot-Iron transfer lor four motifs; two 14 4 by 7 Inches; two 17 by 7 Inches and material requirements. To obtn n this Dattern. send aoc in coins, giving pattern number, vour name, address and Eone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco i, USUI. BUV1N& AT THE VlUee PRINT SHOP, 'THERE THE PHOTOS ARE SPLENDID GO Blurb hmitlly sMtchem S3rks0 S RIB8ER WHENEVER HE SPENDS A 15 ALL TUCKED INTHE ENVEIjOPESJ FETCH ME A tht contmla ct mt fS&tJ?T T NICKEL, YOU CAN BET THE INDIANj MR. BLURB.'-READY FOR 7B0X,HI--AND i envelope--.'! P- FH?JoO 't T jjjjj ! ( I SIMPLY MUST HAVE SOME I TALLULAH ' HAVE VOO HAO I mA&N I I - feili ( OFF HANQ VhELPOKIAAV INCOME TAX J ANV EXPERIENCE FILUN& J JUiJiY )wA VS SAY" j JL - yOUT (BMS ?- q EsMW""8 WOW ' MQHeylSTHFS NOT HEESQa? "tHOSE STRANGE MEN-7nOW, D0N-THEVR6 W SO I'M STILL THE RICHEST I HERE, SAHIB. IS ATRAMP- ATHOUSANP. THflT FREAK GIANT f FRIENDS OF THAT POOR K MflN IN THE WORLD, EH? (CURRENCY ENOUGH. B SO MUCH MOt-EY i kct- ANO THAT TALL ONE I MAM WE TOOK 14 -AND p THffTS MICE TO KNOW" I I TRUST, FOR V0OR f HOW MUCH MEAT 1 W u nr-mss crerrf WTTH THE COLD HARD I THEY DJQ BRING US BUT HOW AM I FIXED ( IMMEDIATE NEEDS- COULD TJ-WT 557 1 I -WSfkScL I J EVES OF A KILLER-jJ FOOO-SO tH FOt- l3 ' " 'WE D-DONT FIRE ANY IV'ANKLS''W'V0U'BE "WTO GE.T l W-BOT, THEM SHOTS HVf?f 'ZfS'i' HEARDMORE.REMEMBECUAABOVARK.WS'POSED MV NEW , VOL) FORGOT -rf. snTWJATSU If Zf TtJaQK IS I SHOTS ."THERE'S AN EXTRA . DISGUISED rjjT'BE TH' "FEARLESS VOUR GUN THIsMMKUVAKrW. f.vVRPViPVii-r ZHjliiTEN THOUSAND f S AS A 4f SMARTEST o FOSDICK" MORNIKi; CHAFtLIE J emfiff STOP's Aj-TTT?---I ( REWARD FOR ME J KIBTrfCROOK IMTW COMIC S I PAWNED MINE fS T-.. -JT-T " 'Tst -33Z . V alive 'f i -tt i TsrwoRLD.'wHy eook.'IV so--'?- who I Trl fKnt-r y impjr!r f ' ' " dipoucoc --ror M Zpeem A(vLw,ulK THAYs WHAT 1 A,N'T thataint fair U STVJS V&?r .YSfMX (l ASKED WOO FIRSTS - YEAH--I SEE tVHAT EASVJ HE'S SOT A 006 NAMED WKFuaic a ,o up-M R HERE'S THE PITCM, BUCky-REMEWBERJ tUSpPJ? 2 ZJMMW II THAT OLP HUNTlNS CABIN OUT BY THERE. BUT -HOW !gPT "THF Dflrt rtr TUPPF j'ESS , T fiOTTA SET ACOUAINTEC " OWL BLUFF ? THE ONLY WAY INTO A 5 WE 6ET HIM j In -S-U . . ' J WjEf&S I?S 2 E WMT.BEBilOOHJURtMCMBlll ) y A CECTAlNTY.mPA PRUM' IN INK0R ANO NO MODERN NONSENSE., UNDEWTANO? ) 'APADRUM' R MRMrOSTW WEILENOUGH TO 'ow ou WEEH T ? J 8t ACKCRAON. I IT WOULDN'T HEIPMATTEM TO -5EN0 PRlVATt J ft C"!&w"3l!TWTOrM 7M EENTHEOH OREENTME 1 SOMETHING M I DETECTIVES OUT tOOMNCi fOQ. A WOMAN f 11-- KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C6" 630 HBO 970 CBS 1190 BO 1390 MBO H&0 Kc. -- Th, v. Feature Storr Oreen Borntl StrsirM Arrow SwIdb Tim f :99 New. Littl. Show Gro Honicfc tStr.irht Arrow Swim Timo :5X Finnf Brieo Newo Jt Armitroni B-BrB Bneb Bin Croibj ;Jg f"o? Brig New! Jck Arm.troa B-BwB B.neh Bb .1 hdi Bob Hop Lit with LafciEdw. C. HIU Oabrial Htslw Cudlcllchl t f:??Bob Hop. Ufa with LulilHomo Edith,. N. W. Now. Bllnr McGro A Molly Mediation Mod. Rom. new Telia Tert Nowi g:jg McGee A Molly Ifa My Bollel Mod. BomanccJ Amwir Maa TwUlghi goaj ii7Kn Maisla Spelllvhl aa Coonterw Drora Ih Dm R"ra Band 4:VyMaisla Youth Counterspy Sorw of Tlmei Maa. Jaekpal 3:Vn Peop.ara Fanny Poriuli Re Maupta Peter Salem pelyn Kntihl 7:45 Peop. are Funny Pursuit Re Maupln Peter Salem Sporia "oTnA Sinatra, Klrst. Low. Thomai Defenaa Tlma Count M. CrjitoTraek 14M STnNawa af Werld Jack Smith Defenaa Tia Count M. Crlato Traok (M a'Aa Cayalcade Mr., Mra, North Gentlemen af Laan Baek Track MM gi45 Cavalcade Mr., Mra. North tha Prcaa Parid Boia Track MM "oOn Ronald Colem'n Mystery Thoa, Town Meetlat Glen Hardy Track MM Q'ti Konald Colem'n Myatery Thea. Town Medina Fulton Lew la Track MM Q'-a Big Town Beulah Newa Fayerite Story Newa 945 Bla Town Club 18 Wo Care FaTorite Btary Plana fattarw 1000 Sam Hayea 5-Star Final Richfield Baptr I La Myatary Nlaht Son 10:15 Hort. Downer tan A World Intermesxo Mut. Newareel Nlfhl Sana 10:30 8porta Pan Mrfle Concert Hoar Stw Ma. Ton Want 10:45 Dance Oreh. Orchestra Concert Hoar Hcre'a to Tata Maa. Tea Want ll'-OO Newa Treasury Band Concert Hour Vet Newa Noetarna 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Concert Hoar Sue la Hnsle Nocturne 1130 Wax Museum Orzan .lemoi Hldnite Mel od. Noetarna 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Wemoa Wldnlte Melod. Noetarna 12:00 Sign Off -Silent 'Xtra Hoar Ulgn Off I FM Htq KGV9 100.8, S-10 a.m., KOIN 101.1, a.m.. IS p.m., KEX M.S, t tm 9 p.aj, WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. fl.nfl Hodce Podia Newa Farm Newa Musla. TImk'pr S:VeNewa KOIN Clock Keep Smlllne Morn. Newa alotl Farm Times KOIN Clock Keep Smlltnv March Time KOCO Klaek 6:45 Frm Tlmc KOIN Clock Jack Norman N"wa KOCO KJocfc 7-aa Early Bird KOIN Clock News Hemmlnrway Tex Bitter J:Ye Old Sonaa News Bob Garred Br'kfaat Gang KOCO Klook 4n Neva New BoD H"ten R-H Shine Newa 7:45 Sam Hayea Fred Beck Zcke Mannera Top Trades KOCO Klaek 800 Kddfe Albert Consumer Newa Breakfast Club Bare Counter Klns'a Craaadrt q'.k Eddie Albert News Breakfast Club Family Altar Kinf'a Craaadrt ft-30 Jack Berth Grand Slam Breakfast Clnb Bible Inatltuta West. Melodlea 8:45 Saaa Bldera Rosemary Breakfast Clnb Bible Institute Temple Echoes 9:00 Second Cap Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Nortbw'at Newt Time for Mel. 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today's Stars Garden Guide Time for Mel. 9:30 Hometownara Helen Trent Quick as Flash Pastor's Call Stare Sing 9:45 Ngw" Our Gal Sun d'y Quick aa Flash Walta Tlma J. Ch. Thomaa 10:00 Marriaca for I Bfc Slater Be Seated Glen Hardy Mldcoart '' 10:15 Carmen Caval. Ma Perklna Ted Malone Gospel Singer State 7f 10:30 Hosteia House Yg. Dr. Malone My True Story Concert Tournament 1 10:45 Hostess House Guiding Light My True Story Ruis Morraa State Tourn. 11:00 Double or Noth. 2nd Mra. Bnrt'n Betty Crocker Ladles Fair State 11:15 Double or Noth. Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladiea Fair Tournament 11:30 Today'a Cbldrn Norah Drake N 'westerners Queen for Day State 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westerners Queen for Day Tournament 12:00 Kneasa Newa Newa Baukhage Top Tradea Hollyw'd Musll 12:15 Road of Life Come aV Get II News Newa Hollyw'd Musll 12:30 Pepper Young House Party Meet Henjena Gay We Newa 12:45 Happiness House Party Art Baker B. Eberly BhonDaye Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife From Nowhera" Welcome to Bob Mitchell Mae'a Melodlea 1:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mae'a Melodlea 1:30 Lorenco Jonea Steve Allen Kay West Tell Neighbor Mae'a Melodlea 1:45 Widder Brown Newspaper Kay West Bing Slnga Mae'i Melodlea 2:00 A Girl Marries Newspaper Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mae'a Melodlea 2:15 Por. Faces Life Garry Moore Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mae'a Melodlea 2:30 Just Plain Bill Garry Moore Hannibal Cobb Ladiea First Mae'a Melodlea 2:45 Fr. Page Ferret! Tunefully Yra. Hannibal Cobb ladiea First Mae'a Melodlea 3:00 Welcome Tray. Newa Bride ft Groom Musla for Wed. Mae'a Melodlea 3:15 Welcome Tray. Arthur Godfrey Walter Klernan Musle for Wed. Mae'a Melodlea 3:30 Aunt Mary . ..Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep Newa Mae'a Melodlea 3 :45 Loye ft Learn Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep 3 Suna Mao'a Melodlea 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Rbytbm-a-tlka Fulton Lewis Newa 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story B ean be Beani 4:45 Paula Stone Ed. R. Morrow Firefighters Wews B ean be Beaal lnAr Tuesday A.M. S. Children'a iXwnv Theatrai 8:15, Oa tha Up- beatt 6:50. 850 Sports Clubi 6:00. Newat 6:16. Organ t 6:30, 'Bound tha Campflroi 7:15, Evening Farm Hour! 8:00, Westpolnt OSO Debatet 9, Musle That Endures; 9:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. 0:00. Musle That Endurea; 9:45, Eve ning Meditations! 10:00. Sigm Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 VnAf Wednesday A.M. 10:00. Newa lvnrf nd Weatherj 10:15, Espec ially for Women; 11:00, School of Alri 11:15, Concert Hall: 12:00, The Nawat 13:15, Noon Farm Houn 1:00, Bid 'em Cowboy; 1:15, School af Alri 1:45, Tbla Day! 2:00, Freedom la Grow; t:S0, Memory Book of Music t S:4JS, School of Alri 8:00, Musle of Masters; 4:00, Oregon Reporter I 4:15, Kern Sloopi 4: SO, Report from Congress; 4:45, Defense Report. Foreign Relations ! Class Organized Silverton From the Fox's Howl, Silverton high school nub- llication, is the story of the or ganization of the International Relations club, advisers, Mrs. Irene Roubal and Robert Miller, members of the high school faculty. Delegates were sent to the an nual conference at the Universi ty of Oregon, soon after the or ganization. Miller accompanied the representative group to Eu gene, including Laura Sturges, Edson Montgomery, Jean Volga more and Thurman Metzler. Officers of the club which is open to all members of the Jun ior and senior classes are Laura Sturges, president; Carole Mc- K-iuop, vice president, and Jan ice Soderquist, secretary-treat, urer. ACROSS 1. Snake 4. Cook with dry heat 9. Ask payment 12. Meadow 13. Shrub 14. Palm lent 15. Kind of dance 17. English letter IS. Rice paste 19. Openwork fabric it, Tide channel 25. Lifting implement 28. Metal 29. Round-up 3L Player at children's) gamea 12. Not strict S3. Prodded 14. Salutation 35. And: Latin . 86. Post of a ataircaa 37. Killed 88. Immerse again 40. Eplstlea 42. Hawser 44. Chop 45. Past 47. Widespread attacks E2. Swamp 63. Horseman E4. Enemy 65. Support for a golf ball 66. Scotch cake 57. Optical organ cAiLiwnpiiiAnMcTTi ;t i kisHn au7H T g BALPSIERlnTlepl Ap(THSNlonpttol V K rvk SS R I iMItnTjol A H I IaQuQ R YBJp1an N A Pffoll S tflWA T lei Solution of Yesterday's Puizl, DOWN t. Ocean ' 2 I3 W r' I7 Is WMF Y " n 33 W34 44 44 1 47 ft) fa Si rrlhl 1 1 1 1 L Masculine nick- S. Apparently name contradictory statement 4. Resume 5. Antique 8. Fuss 7. Barter for money 8. Handled 9. Twelve 10. Rubber fee 11. Born 16. So belt 20. Note of the doT 21. Masonic doorkeeper 22. Angry 23. In a line 24. Country bumpkin 28. Donor 27. Cooks in water 30. Takeout 33. Vegetables 34. Food fish 36. Island In the Aegean 37. Stalk 39. Male bee 41. In that place 43. Style of poetry 46. Astern 46. Turn to the AP Ntwffeafvrei 4L Artificial languaf. 4. Lair 50. Bashful 6L Wltn.at ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern HF MORTON THE MOUSE'CAME OUT OF AND MAYBE OPENING 4, AND THAT MEANS HIS CHOICE 'MORTON IS TUB p k AT NANHOLT PARK FORTOOsY IS NUMBER, tf 7 MOUSE OF K, 7 5 IN THE 4 RACE 'MORTON' HAS A A 7 MOUSE- A ALREADY PICKED TAO WINNERS ' ""LY5J-I5-. t I PAYING FANCY PRICES AS ) f 'Vi J? ! I TOLD VOUMORTON' WAS RAISED ( f t(MvriiB l IN THE STALL OF A RACE HORSE AND J l BCT FOt 1 HAS A MYSTIC POWER. TO , - ' ) ME-ON WUM V 1