Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 13, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    wyi,uji- ,'.' lUJMttiMMmaB'aBgg ,
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I Capital Women f
Edited b MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, March 13, 1950
UO Alumni
Set Dinner
March 22
Notices are out to University
of Oregon alumni of the Salem
vicinity announcing a dinner
and program event for Wednes
day evening, March 22, at the
Marion hotel.
The dinner at 6:30 o'clock
'will be followed by an athletic
iprogram and motion pictures on
"the football year.
' Special guests will include the
university staff of coaches, in
cluding Leo Harris, director of
athletics; Jim Aikin, head foot
ball coach; Bill Bowmerman,
track coach; John A. Warren,
basketball coach; and Don
Kirsch, baseball coach.
Reynolds Allen is Marion
county chairman for the alumni
Dr. Parker to Be
.Speaker for Group
J Dr. Paul Parker, present dean
,and new president of the George
'Fox college at Newberg, will be
Ithe speaker at the Salem Chris
tian Business and Professional
Women's dinner meeting, Tues
day, March 14 at 6:15 p. m. at
,the Golden Pheasant restaurant.
His subject of the evening will
,be "Effective Christian Living
in a Material-Minded World."
; Other features on the program
will be a talk by Miss Margaret
Leonard on the theme "Fishers
of Men," a painting by Viola
'Henne, and special music by a
.girls sextet. Women from all
churches are invited to attend
th3 meeting and are asked to
phone reservations to 2-7578.
ootiettes Meet
Cootiette club, No. 140, met at
Jthe home of Mrs. Charles Hage
jnann for the regular business
meeting, followed by a party in
.honor of Mrs. Arvin Strayer.
Mrs. Joe Horneffer was honored
.with a birthday gift from her
J"secret pal."
Those present were; Mrs. Dale
tMauk, Mrs. Chas. Hunt, Mrs. Joe
iHorneffer, Mrs. Bob Holweger,
Mrs. M. E. Clemens. Mrs. Chas.
;Hagemann, Mrs. Charles Forbis,
.Mrs. Dale Brooks, Mrs. Arvin
iStrayer, Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs.
'Jack Schmidt, Mrs. Wm. Noyes,
iMrs. David Furlough, Mrs. A.
jH. Aeschlimann, Mrs. Edna
The next meeting will be on
March 24 at the home of Mrs.
.Dale Brooks, 545 Hood street.
. ...
Uatteberg was honored at a
birthday anniversary dinner at
the North Water street home of
TJr. and Mrs. A. W. Simmons.
Places were marked for Mr. and
"Mrs. Tom Johnson and Judy of
Portland, Miss Nettie Hatteberg,
;Wllliam Hatteberg, both of Sa
5lem, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craig,
Portland, and the hosts, Dr. and
"Mt. Simmons.
I Today's Menu
' 03r th. Associated Press)
t Lenten Lunch
Avocado and Crabmeat Salad
Potato Chips Rolls and Butter
Cookies Beverage
Avocado and Crabmeat Salad
Ingredients: 2 avocados, lemon
juice, salt, salad greens, 1 ii
cups flaked crabmeat, V4 cup
mayonnaise or creamy type
ml ad dressing, Vi cup finely
.diced celery, Vi cup finely diced
radishes, 2 teaspoons lemon
.'nice, dash tabasco sauce, Vi tea
spoon Worcestershire sauce.
, Method: Cut avocados into
'lengthwise halves and remove
,secd and skin. Cut each avocado
'half in two again lengthwise.
Sprinkle with lemon juice and
Halt. Arrange 2 avocado quar
ters on salad greens on 4 salad
'plates. Top with crabmeat. Mix
mayonnaise or salad dressing
with celery, radishes, lemon
Juice, tabasco, and Worcpstshire
-and spoon over salads. Makes
4 servings.
demands this Laird
Schober BALI high
heel stripping san
dal. Platform sol.
Blaek patt nt; red
grssn talf
1NM 4-9.
ggP 15.95
Campus Events
Social events on the Willa
mette university calendar this
week include the Phi Delta Theta
founders' day banquet on Wed
nesday evening at the fraternity
chapter house.
For Friday evening there is
the Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater
nity pledge dance, and the an
nual Beta Alpha Gamma and
Sigma Alpha Chi dance and
dinner, this latter affair to be a
formal event in Lausanne hall,
Two house dances for Satur
day evening are the Delta Gam
ma sports one and the Chi Omega
Salem Students
In School Choir
Five students from Salem will
be among the 45 members of the
Seattle Pacific College a cap
pella choir which is to tour
Washington and Idaho between
March 17 and 28.
They are: Bernard Hensen, a
senior majoring in education;
Wayne Houser, a junior major
ing in religion; Miss Muriel
Stewart, a sophomore pre-major;
and Miss Leona Van Tassell and
Winton Zimmerman, freshmen
majoring in music. Bernard Han
sen is student president of the
choir group.
The choir, noted for the spirit
and precision of its singing, will
make 12 appearances before
school and church audiences in
Washington and Idaho during its
ten-day tour.
Club Entertained
Mill City Mrs. Charles Wol
verton spoke to the members of
the Mill City Woman's club last
week on the topic, "My Experi
ences As a Social Worker in the
East." Mrs. Wolverton divided
her talk into two subjects case
work and group work. During
the business meeting, with Mrs.
Lee Ross presiding, announce
ment was made of the golden
anniversary convention of the
State Federation of Women's
clubs in Portland on April 20-21-22.
A number of Mill City
club members plan to attend.
Mrs. Arthur Kriever, committee
chairman to establish a library
in Mill City, reported that as
soon as locked shelter could be
secured that 500 volumes could
be exchanged every month from
the county library.
Mrs. Ross, who attended the
Women's clubs' third district
meeting in Portland recently
gave a short report. At the close
of the session refreshments were
served buffet style by Mrs. Fred
erick Rugh, Mrs. Vernon Todd,
Mrs. Lee Dike.
Members present were: Mrs.
Clayton Baltimore, Mrs. Curtis
Cline, Mrs. Lee Dike. Mrs. R. L.
Faust, Mrs. Wallace Henderson,
Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mrs. Charles
Kelly, Mrs. Arthur Kriever, Mrs.
Catherine Lyon, Mrs. Lee Ross.
Mrs. Frederick Rugh, Mrs. Her
bert Schroedcr, Mrs. Vernon
Todd, Mrs. Robert Trask, Mrs.
Charles Wolverton, Mrs. Law
rence Walworth, Mrs. Melbourne
Rambo, Mrs. John Muir, Mrs.
.lames Barton, Mis. F. Jones,
Mrs. Bert Morris and two visi
and Mrs. N. M. Finkbiner, both
of Salem, were among those
present at radio station KGW's
"hostess house party" last week
in Portland.
VISITOR here for two or three
weeks is Mrs. Jessie B. Robison
of Salt Lake City, who is guest
of her sister, Mrs. Allen El.
FRIENDSHIP Plllh was .nlr.
tained Friday by Mrs. J. J. Sun-
norinnci. Dessert was served
after which thirp wn q cv,n,.i
business meeting, Mrs. H. E.
ivu'iciicrt presiding as chairman.
For roll call the members
answered by giving the names of
favorite sm-inir flowprs M,.c t
J. Zajic had charge of the pro
gram. The members signed a
card to be sent to Mrs. Alfred
Mck'hert. Who is in the linsnifnl
The April 14 meeting is to be
wiin mrs. jKotiert H. Wellington,
mm Nebraska.
. i
To Play Here Mildi Roberts Dawes, Portland violinist,
will appear as soloist with the program to be presented Satur
day evening by the Alicia McElroy ensemble group, the pro
gram to be in the Roberts studio.
Camp Fire News
Each grade at Highland school
has its corresponding Blue Bird
or Camp Fire group, according
to Mrs. S. W. Horn or the ex
tension committee for Camp Fire
Mrs. Reuben Knittel leads the
the Little Maiden group of Blue
Birds in the third grade. This
group has been busy making
doll pillows and embroidered
pillowslips, and is now knitting
dish cloths. A "pussy willow
hike was made recently. Mrs.
Lyle Ertsgaard has assisted by
teaching the group singing games
and songs.
The Rosy Blue Birds group in
the fourth grade at Highland is
led by Mrs. Omar Kelsay. This
group gave a Christmas party
for the mothers, had a popcorn
party, sewed doll dresses, and
made Valentines at recent meet
ings. They are looking forward
to "Fly Up" time at grand coun
cil fire on April 22, at which
time they will become Camp Fire
Highland school also has
among its leaders Mrs. Frank
Kolsky, chairman of the local
Camp Fire Leaders association.
Mrs. Kolsky leads the fifth
grade Tsigaysha Camp Fire Girls.
This, group has completed its
service work toward the trail
seeker rank. Fourteen Christmas
stockings were filled with toys
candy and apples for the chil
dren at Fairview home; also
toys for ten babies were collect
ed. Valentine tray favors for Sa
lem Memorial hospital were a
recent service project. This
group look an active part in the
sale of Christmas cards and the
mint sale in the fall. During a
March meeting Mrs. Ray Smith,
2350 Nob Hill, gave an interest
ing discussion on the study of
rocks at which time she showed
her large rock collection, and
presented each girl with a
"Thunder Egg" from central Or
egon. These will be on display at
the hobby-lobby show in the
Chamber of Commerce on March
17 and 18.
For creative arts craft work
the group recently visited Elf
strom's art gallery. To complete
this project they will paint the
poster for the hobby-lobby show.
A three mile hike is planned
for the near future to complete
the trail seekers rank.
Sherwood, (Virginia Erb) was
honored at a miscellaneous
shower last week at the home
of Mrs. Lafe Sherwood on
Ewald avenue. Mrs. Frank Grif
fin and Mrs, Charles Sherwood
were the hostesses.
St. Patrick day decorations
were carried out. Guests present
were Mrs. Chris Fannan and
Jean of Jefferson, Mrs. Vernon
Smith, Mrs. Jean Youngkin, Mrs.
Luther Billings and Wanda, Mrs.
George McMillin and Betty, Mrs.
Earl Sherwood, Mrs. Kenneth
For Appointment,
J4aleu 5 (Beauty. Cent
In the Capitol
Lots of Free Parking Space
We Give S&H Green Stamps
Sherwood, Mrs. Roy Sherwood,
Miss Betty Pearson, Mrs. Mar
vin Greenly, Mrs. Carl Billings,
and LaVaunda, Mrs. Charles
Hamilton, Dick and Carol, Mrs.
Clara Strawn, Mrs. H. L. Brown,
and Mrs. Harry Phillipps and
Birthday Party
Kathleen Folz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Folz, was hon
ored on the occasion of her sec
ond birthday, Friday, with a
party at her home.
Attending the affair were Lin
da Stewart and Mrs. Robert Ste
wart; Leonard and Jimmy Sa
browski and Mrs. Joseph Sa
browski; Dorothy and Barbara
Smith and John Smith; Eva El
lis and Mrs. Roy Ellis; Cathy
Bartell and Mrs. Bartell; Donald
Robison and Mrs. Roy Robison;
Alice Kay Windecker and Mrs.
David Windecker; Freddie
Klatz; Mrs. George Folz, an aunt
of the little honoree; Mrs. Emil
Folz, grandmother of the little
girl; Kathleen and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Folz.
to Salem friends of the birth of
a daughter on March 7 to Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Lurvey at Mar
tinez, Calif. She is the second
daughter in the family, the older
one being Thais Ruth. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Poindexter of Salem and Mr. and
Mrs. Hal W. Lurvey of Seattle.
Mrs. Poindexter left a week ago
Sunday for Martinez to spend a
month at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter.
THREE LINKS club of the
Rebekah lodge met Friday at the
IOOF hall, 48 members attend
ing, including 11 new ones. The
program, games, decorations, and
refreshments all carried out the
St. Patrick's day theme. A white
elephant sale was held. Hostess
es were Mrs. Goldie Kyle, Mrs.
Justina Kildee, Mrs. John Wiles
and Mrs. Henry Curtis.
The next meeting is to be
March 24, a no-host luncheon to
be served at 12 o'clock with
canasta and other games follow
ing. Birthdays in January, Feb
ruary and March will be recog
nized. ...
Frank Griffin has moved to 910
4th avenue in Salem since her
return from Oakland, Calif. She
had been visiting her husband,
Frank Griffin, who is in the
navy hospital there.
KENSINGTON club met last
week at the home of Mrs. Henry
NO other rub acts faster in
. to reKer. cOTgta-sdMt amdai
"Junior Miss"
Pleat Phone 2-0992
Shopping Center
North End Sears Bldg.
1114 Union Street
Cama Club
Dance Friday
March dance for the Cama
club is to be an event of Friday
evening at Crystal Gardens,
dancing to be between 9 and
12:30 o'clock with Claude Bird's
orchestra playing. A snack bar
is arranged to precede the dance.
On the committee are Mrs.
Arnold Jarvis, Mrs. Leonard
Gottfried, Mrs. Louis Cross,
Mrs. Donald Stepp, Mrs. Earl
Viesko, Mrs. Frank Gerdon,
Mrs. Robert Irwin, Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramage
and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Geer
are on the host committee for
the evening.
Recital Event
Tuesday Evening
The Salem Federated Music
counselors are to present a
group in recital Tuesday even
ing at 7:45 o'clock at the YMCA.
The program is as follows:
A Prairie Flower Thai
Jody Boise
When the Bugle Calls
Marie Suel Hoist
Patsy Stevenson
The Elf and the Fairy. . .Bentley
Diane Cooley
Sailor Boy MacLachlen
Fritzie Manbeck .
The Swan on the Silver Lake
I Bentley
Sydney Weeks
Violin The Robins Lullaby . .
Sammy Speerstra
The Little Joybird Bett
Janet Reirner
Dance of the Peasants
Deanna Parsons
Chiquito Bcrna
Daisy Lee Crenshaw
Piano Trio Feast of the Roses
Celeste Henniers
Evelyn Henniers
Marjorie Bouchie
Second Valse Goddard
Joyce Stetler
Bouree Bach
Avalanche Hellar
Frances Fox
Banjo Players Fletcher
A Music Box Liadow
Dorothy Cook
The Buzzing Bee Nevin
Karlene Quistad
Tarantelle Beaumont
Bob Wulf
Country Gardens Granger
Dixie Thomsen
Jeannie Rawlins
The Organist Lemont
Roberta Howe
To the Rising Sun . . . Torjussen
Gerald Martin
Clarinet Scherazade
Rimsky Korsakoff
Arthur Immel
Intermezzo No. 1 Brahms
Natalie Cunningham
Sonatina Op 49, No. 2 . , Lichner
Stuart Goldblatt
Mammy Song Ware
Everybody Says Hyde
Barbara Russ
Accompanied by
Virginia Benner
Reverie DeBussy
Wayne Mercer
Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28. .
Jere McCarthy
Hungarian Dance No. 5, Brahms
Bruce Goldblatt
Counselors include: Mrs; Net
tie Larson, Mrs. Delbert Jepson,
Miss Margaret Hogg, Mrs. Jessie
Bush Michelson, Mrs. C. C. Gil
bert, Victor Palmason, Miss Al
ice Arnold, Mrs; Jean Morrison,
Frederick Wilson, Mrs. Z e n a
Thomas, Mrs. Margaret Rawlins,
Charles Hargrave, Mrs. Adeline
Bradtl, Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich,
Miss Ruth Bedford, Mrs. Mary
Kiely, Miss Dorothy Pearce,
Miss Elma Weller, Emil Bandel,
Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mrs. Har
vey Gibbens, Miss Lena Belle
Tartar, Mrs. E. Donald Jessop
Sacred Heart Academy, Mrs. Da
vid Eason.
m sv m m u wm
Come in now while we still have your selection and size!
And share in these great savings!
Salem Folk'
Plan Eugene Trek
To Eugene this week go many
Salem folk to take in the annual
state high school basketball
tournament Some will be there
for the entire week, others going
for special games.
Among those planning to at
tend the games are Mr. and Mrs.
P. D. Quisenberry, Mr. and Mrs.
Breyman Boise, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Huggins, Mr. and
Mrs. Werner Brown, M r . and
Mrs. Bruce Spauldmg and
daughters, Doris, Helen and
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Pau-
lus, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maple
and Marcia, Julie Miller, Tommy
Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Bonesteele and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hauk.
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom will
accompany her daughter, Pat,
Anne Forristel, Carol Fuhr, Ed
na Hill and Donna Beard while
the Salem high school rally
squad will be accompanied by
their adviser, Mrs. Earl Cooley.
Members of the squad are Joan
Marie Miller, Gwen Fry. Alice
Girod and Ginger Currier.
Mrs. E. Doughtery of Eugene
will be chaperon for Bernice
Imlah, Elizabeth Johnson, Nor
ma Camfield, Pebble De Sart,
Betty Cooley and Dot Cannon,
who all plan to be at the tour
n e y . Charlotte Moff itt. Donna
Olson, Gwen Hawley, Donna
Satter, Pat Bramble and Leona
Messmer will attend the tour
nament with Mrs. R. Bramble.
Dr. and Mrs. Vern W Miller
will accompany their daughter
Margaret, Mary Nopp, Billie
Miller, lone Halverson and Dor
othy Davis.
Mrs. Ralph Hamilton will be
accompanied to the tournament
by her daughter, Norma, Patsy
Walters, Joan Lewis, Beverly
Benner and Marcia Seeber. Pat
sy Filler and Diane Reed will
be m Eugene for the week as
guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs.
Theodore Reed.
Mrs. Paul Nieswander will act
as chaperon for her daughter,
Shirley, La June Rahtz, Janet
Munson, Martha Marshall and
Carol McCleod, Nancy Miller,
Leslyn Burdette, Marilyn Pow
er, Elaine Stanley and Shirley
Jones will be accompanied to Eu
gene by Mrs. Leslie Burdette.
ST. VINCENT de Paul Moth
ers club will meet Tuesday after
noon March 14, at 2 o'clock in
the school hall. There will be
a school program and Miss Helen
Steyart, health nurse, will give
a talk on the ear. '
OREGON GRAPE camp, Royal
Neighbors of America, will meet
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars ljall.
Mrs. Earl Sherwood are at home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lafe Sherwood on Ewald ave
nue. ...
NEBRASKA club auxiliary is
to meet Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Harry Gabauer, 1355
Cross. There will be a no-host
luncheon at 12:30 o'clock.
WOODBURN Election of of
ficers will be held at the next
meeting of the Veterans of For
eign Wars auxiliary to Cham
poeg post, on Wednesday, March
15 at the IOOF hall. Mrs. Clem
entine Stange is the retiring
Nominated at the last meet
ing were Mrs. Cecil Walker for
president; Mrs. Bernice Menden
hall for senior vice president;
Mrs. Lila Adamson for junior
vice president; Mrs. Clara Stang
for chaplain; Mrs. Emma Weber
for conductress; Mrs. Anna Len
ners for secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. Ina May Mulkey for guard
and Mrs. Hazel Tyler for a
three-year trustee. ) All other of
fices are appointive.
N. High
Quality Calfskin
Sizes 211-6
Boots and Engineer Boots
N. High
Visitor Here
Visitor here for a few weeks
is Mrs. Henry B. Johnson
(Jeanne Myers) guest of her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Burton A.
Myers. She came north from
Oakland, Calif., while her hus
band, Ensign Henry B. Johnson,
is out in the Pacific with his
ship. He is the son of Mrs. Dora
Johnson of Salem.
Mrs. Johnson's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
V. Lewis of Eugene (Janice
Myers), went south and accom
panied her north, remaining here
for a few days at the Myers
home the latter part of the week.
OES Chapter
Salem chapter, Order of East
ern Star, welcomed nine new
members at its meeting Satur
day evening. The initiates in
clude Mrs. Walter E. Bates, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank M. Lockman,
Mrs. Elaine Riley, Mrs. Margaret
E. Carver, J. Ted Lenhart, and
received by affiliation were Mrs.
Lenhart, Mrs. Lucile Wyatt and
Mrs. Laura David.
Out-of-town guests at the
meeting were Mrs. Lola Cone and
Mrs. Nellie Bush of Donald; Mrs.
Gene G. Carver of Hillsboro;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rupp,
Mill City; Mrs. Helen Tindall,
Pasco, Wash., and Robert Orr
of Falls City.
Mrs. Joe Brooks, Mrs. Tom
Wriston, Mrs. Elmo McMillan,
and Mrs. Nellie Noble were on
the decorations committee; Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Ullako, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Rasmussen,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett, Mrs.
Lottie Howe and Mrs. Jennie
Sogge on the refreshment com
mittee. An informal program was
presented by a group of chapter
members during the informal
social hour following the chap
ter session.
Two Entertain
Mrs. John Harger and Mrs.
Don Morrison were hostesses last
week at the home of the for
mer at a shower to honor Mrs.
Maurice Buxton. Following
presentation of. gifts, refresh
ments were served.
Honoring Mrs. Buxton were
Mr.s A. C. Meyers, Mrs Leo
Staab, Mrs. Carl Damaske, Mrs.
Roy A. Smith, Mrs. Leslie War-
field, Mrs. Robert Panissidi, Mrs.
Emery Alderman, Mrs. Geneva
Pace, Mrs. Howard West, Mrs.
Jerry Smith, Mrs. Louis Holt,
Mrs. Myrtle Stantenberg, Mrs.
Robert Preston, Mrs. Charles
Steinke, Mrs. Osa Burkhart,
Mrs. Carter and the two host
esses. ...
ican Legion auxiliary, unit No.
33, held its regular meeting in
Sloper hall, preceded by a no
host dinner together with the
American Legion.
The business meeting was
presided over by the vice presi
dent, Mrs. Elva Riha. The hospi
tal chairman, Mrs. Besie Raines,
reported that the box for the
gift shop and the money col
lected for "gifts to the Yanks"
had been sent.
Following the business meet
ing, Mrs. Riha, Americanism
chairman, led in a discussion
and questionnaire on the Ameri
can flag.
club is to meet Wednesday for
a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home
of Mrs. Eddie Kolln.
New Kind of Hand
Cream Specially Made
to do it!
SSOTERICA It that morveloui new kind
of hand cream for fading those brown
spots that make your hands look old.
Alio fades other surface blemishes and
roughness in a way no ordinary hand
cream or lotion can.
leaves hands whiter, dearer, younger
looking quickly often within the
6rst few days.
While ESOTERICA looks and feels like
the finest non-greasy vanishing hand
cream, ft has an added clearing action.
Produced In a laboratory that ha
OSC Mothers
Group Meets
The executive committee
meeting of the Oregon State col
lege Mothers club was Friday in
Lebanon with Mrs. Oscar I.
Paulson, Salem, president, pre
siding. The noon luncheon was
served by the Lebanon unit of
Mothers club with the proceed
to be used for college student
scholarships. Mrs. Hiram Groves
was general chairman and about
60 women attended. Miss Effie
York, a senior high school stu
dent of Lebanon, played a clar
inet solo.
Speakers were dean of men
Dr. Dan Poling; assistant dean of
men, L. E. Darlington; and act
ing dean of women, Miss Mary
Bash. Miss Bash told of t h e
much appreciated and needed
emergency fund given by the
Mothers club. Miss Bash an
nounced that Miss Marilyn Hill,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore
Hill, Salem, was installed as
president of Panhellenic organi
zation for the coming year.
Mothers weekend will be May
5, 6, 7, with Miss Joen E. Aune
of Portland as chairman. Mr.
Darlington mentioned senior
weekend on the campus for Ap
ril 14, 18, 16 when all Kfjjii
school seniors visit the collec
tor information on educational
Reports were heard from Mrs.
Dale Miller of Portland on mem
bership with 4203 life members
to date and a gain of 509 over
last year. The philanthropic
chairman, Mrs. Harry Compton
of Portland, told of assistance to
the children of college students
and that there has been realized
$81.25 in cash from local moth
ers clubs. A visit was made to
Adair Village play school where
a record player and records, el
ectric clocks, first aid kit, mag
azine subscriptions, toys, were
Going to the executive meet
ing from Salem were Mrs. PauU
son, Mrs. George A. Rhoten,
Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mrs. George
W. Croisan, Mrs. Carl R. Miller,
Mrs. Ernest E. Walker, Mrs. Ray
Crittenden, Mrs. Elmore Hill
and Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr.
The next state meeting will be
in May, in Corvallis.
. . .
SOCIAL afternoon for mem
bers of Salem chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, will be Wednes
day at the Masonic Temple, a no
host luncheon to be served.
You'll like Leslie . . always uniform
, . always free-running. Get the good
looking red package at your grocer's.
Plain c
It's such
good salt!
studied the effect of eosmeflcJ on tkla
pigments for 25 yean.
Thousands gladly paid $5.00 for
Now In quantity production,
can be sold for $2.00, plos tax.
tf you want clearer, whiter-looking
hands, gel ESOTERICA. Money bock V
the first jar does not bring
desired results.'
J 9 ;