Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, March 11, 1950 9 HAVEMT SEEN BARNUM A I pyu lAfc.nAZ.- Not ftr wy- T NO. NO .'--ONE Tl NOM STT DOWN AND rU. TELL VOL) J ON TO OREGON The Way West K.BUJRB LATELY, 5TEVE -1 GUESS H6'5 GIVEN RADIO PROGRAMS UP TRYING TO GET A KXJNTRACT CONim. THE SeXTUPLETS SATURDAY P. M. INctEK WVEo I I TMATO A HcAK C7 MOTcY ICUNUtrKJM OP TMC ! AtJUUT A NfcW UH-ITtMU- MrKUVKTOC J A IP AS I fiNfi I BOP A MAI J INTERPST IN v RAI F IS THAT MY WE'RE ADDING TO Ci IR STOCK AS THERE'S THIS PLACE, MISTER BLURbAcONNECTION IS KEPT h . 7 1 H IHTTm II tl A CHANCE ATI 1 SHALL I BAIN I YUUK I ELtT, MK. MAKKUkI 4Eb-- -CAiAEiW V-TlTT ' SONE. BLOOD, J NAME ALONGSIDE 0 MINF? jj"--, - J ZZJ Cfth- By A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. SYNOPSIS: Oregon, here we come. Nothing has been able to top the wagon train which start ed out weary months ago from Independence, Missouri. Vivtory is within sight. Now conclude the story- Chapter 24 Hardly meaning to, Rebecca let her gaze slide to Mercy, the girl wife by her. What was It told her? The rounding into womanhood? The glow of face? No matter what it was, she knew and was troubled with the knowing. July. Late July to September 21. A short two months. Not long enough unless unless The ques tion, the sore wondering, wouldn't down. Sometimes, seeing Brownie and the way of him toward Mercy, she guessed he had the answer. She felt his hurt then and knew anger and Che urge to hurt his hurter. She had held in. She had calmed Lite, who was upset enough without this added reason. She had bragged of Mercy. Was it Brownie's been t'he man himself, before their mar riage? She'd like to think so, but It was outlandish. He didn't know enough. He wasn't bold, Who then? Everyone had liked her, though, and Mr. Mack had acted extra nice. TBrownie's comin'," Mercy said. '."Sfce. stakin' out his horse?" farownie walked up and said hello, and Mercy said hello, and Rebecca said, "Your pa and Dick ain't here yet. They'll be along, though. We'll get the things to cookin'." Lije came in while she was frying fish. "You'll be where you want to be before you know it," he said, smiling with some good news In him. "Where's Dick?" Rebecca asked. "That Dick!" he said and spear ed a slice of fish. She asked. "What about him?" "Knows everything. Fixes for ev erything. We'll be afloat tomorrow." He paused, getting, she knew, a small enjoyment from their wonderment. "I thought there wasn't boats." "You know them buffalo Dick had us skin and save the hides?" "Out with It, Pa!" Brownie said. "It's them we'll sail on, in a way." Lije let them figure for a minute. "These Injuns got canoes, but nary stitch of clothes. Gits cold In the winter, too. They sure like buffalo robes." "I swear. Lije, you take a heap of coaxin1." "We'll fix us flatboats. Take down the waggons and lay the side and bottom boards aciuss canoes and maybe raise a sail." "What about the Fairmans and Byrds?" "That's why Dick went on. To trade for enough canoes. Come mornin' you'll see a fleet come in." Lije grinned at Mercy. "Cat got your tongue? Yours and Brownie's?" Mercy only gave a half-smile back. Brownie said. "Watchin' cows don't give you much to say." After a while Mercy came and sat by Rebecca. What she had been doing Rebecca didn't know, maybe making neat the bed that she and Brownie slept in. She felt the presence by her, aivmy ivivjscc. iviciuy ivlkokk jvaua. Daughter-in-law. Coming mother. Knowing, Lije would holler, for he loved children. Knowing more, he'd raise a ruckus. He'd say no son of his would raise a wood's colt. "Ma." Mercy said. It was the first time she had used the name. "Yes, Mercy," Rebecca answered, touched that she had done so. "I I think I'm going to have a baby." Rebecca turned and in the dark ness saw Mercy's head bent and her shoulders drooping and such an an air of young sadness there that her arm seemed to go out of Itself to bring her in. She said, "Don't you fret. It's just fine." A sudden fear came on her, the fear that Mercy, out of misery and the decent need of owinir ud. would tell her how it was. She sealed it off, forever beyond Lije, beyond herself, and with it sealed for good and all. she hoDed. the nainful won dering. She said, "A baby born to you and Brownie is bound to be a good one. ' Mercy was In bed when Brownie came duck. A greeting started in her and died somewhere inside. "I'm here," she felt like saying. "I'm awake." If she could say that much, she thought, she could say more. Always in between would rise the past. She felt the covers lift, felt the movements of his coming Into bed and straightened out and draw- lng the covers back. He was good, too good for her. and Rebecca was good and Lije was good, and why, then, did she have to stand apart. If only she could talk to him, if only he would let her, if only she could know the hand-touch of for- ,civeness. Jfc It was then, it was right then YJiat Brownie turned in bed and, having turned, made sure the covers still lay snug about her neck. His hand came out and smoothed it back and brushed her throat and went down by his side. Without letting herself hesitate. he said, "Brownie7" "You awake?" She came out with it. "I'm I'm learnin' to care for you." He didn't answer right away. ROOM AND BOARD W WWEE-00'-I'AA POSITIVELY W TOCAV 'MORTON' PICKED fj i OVERWHELMED BY THE If NUMBER. 3 IN THE Ist 9 MYSTIC POWER OF 'MORTON M RACE AT NAN HOLT PARKy.. ' THE MOUSE' TO PREDICT J- "F":) THE WINNER OF A PAYING f W.OO ' THt winn ur BOTH UNCLE BERT AND I 1 Kts y" I I BET IO TO WIN AND I ) WE ELTTO ' ' WW $ Ulw- Ensure" L 1 vil M Waiting, she came la know he couldn't. 'T hnnpH vah'H want ty. bnnw" she said. Fifty miles maybe from the Dalles. Maybe forty still to go to reach Vancouver, six mnes w we Wil lamette. Behind them lay the final hind rance, the Cascade Falls that from the portage looked like a field of snow. Ahead the water gentled, lazing on its final hitch. Everyone was here and in good fettle Byrds. Fairmans. Mercy. Becky, Brownie, Dick, not to men tion the Indians hired to help out with the carry. Back at the Dalles Brother Weatherby had said, "111 came later. I want to spend some time here at the mission. It needs help." Ana so you re siayin r For the present." Weitherby re plied. Of those who stayed behind him at the Dalles, some like Mack, would try their wagons overland. Some, like Patch, would wait their turns at hired boats. Daugherty had started working on a raft. Evans had said goodbye to all of them. It was the goodbye coming up that bothered him. He'd argued to Oregon with Dick. He'd told him he'd best come and settle like the rest. Dick had only smiled or said small things that added up to no. What you aim to do?" Evans asked Dick one night. "Hit back." "To Independence?" "Not that. Lije." "Where would you point then?" "Maybe back to Bridger. Maybe to the Bear," Evans asked. "Don't it mean noth- ln' to you, Dick, for Oregon to be America's?" You'll tend to that. Lije. I kind of want to see the Popo Agie again." Evans didn t ask what or where the Popo Agie was, or why Dick wished to see it. It didn't matter now. "See you in the morning, any how," he told Dick as they walked back to camp. sure ming. He didn't though. Before he rous ed, Dick had slipped away. Mountains walled on either side. mountains hanging over, mountains bare and mountains tree, their rims high-dizzy in the blue of sky. But. under all. tne waiting nusn. the singing of the blood when hills would roll away, and real and fair to sight would come the hard held dream. He held tight as the mountains fell away. He said not yet, not yet, while In his gaze a softer country swam. Across from Fort Vancouver un seen in the wooded flow of land, tne waters 01 Willamette I Once, long ago. he had come to the Platte and felt greatness. He had reached the Columbia and shuddered to the flowing hope. And now he looked on home. A tide rose in him, so fierce, so bursting in tne Breast, so close to women's tears, that he feared to meet the others' eyes. Yonder, it was, yonder was home, yonder the rich soil waiting lor the plow, waiting for the work or hands. lor tne haDDV cries of children. They'd made it. They had rolled the miles. And back of them came others. Crossers of plains. Grinders through the dust. Climbers of mountains. Forders of rivers. Meeters of dan gers. Sailors at last of the big waters. Nation makers. Builders of the country. He let himself look around and saw the Byrds' and Fairmans' boats lapping close behind and. on his own. Brownie idle with his sweep ana uecky wim tne nome-gieam in her eye and Mercy sitting by her. Mercy who, Rebecca said, was going to have a child. Sweet Mercy who would bring a baby to the house. Blood of his blood, Evans thought. Blood of his blood once removed. He winked at his woman and spoke loud above the tremble in his throat. "Becky," he said, "hurrah for Oregon!" (The Endl Turner Sunshine Club Entertained Turner The Turner Sun shine club met at the home of Mrs. Brutus Ashcroft on the Battle Creek road. Plans were held for a cooked food sale to be in the Davis building March 16. Members present were Kitty Petersen, president; Vera Wal ler, vice president; Vera Mae Siddwell, secretary; Emma Ash croft, treasurer; Hazel and Mary Harris, Julia Coville, Evelyn Holt, Marie Keene, Myrna Stew art, Eva Graves and Ada Hose and several children.. The next meeting will be an all day affair at the Julia Co ville home with a pot luck lunch. Bv Gene Ahern OH, MV! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE IT SOUNDS yu7i NO.MIWTALLULAH! U THIS 1 I AT A DIRECTORS LUNCHEON , KIND OF SILLY, f 7W RE A GET ON THE Jt IS EVEN TOURS A T L ANNIE, tVE BEEN WEUL.VES."DaDO'- 1 B COST MONEY- WE ALL j ER- 1 ITS A MOVIE THEATRE- I "DADCN'tMF VTX1 K Ncmarns-ousr about but oont ton worry- I R have to eat hove ydo I just about; I A big oneout in front say so-i'll I p OUT OF MONEY NOT TILL YOU'RE-. I COT BUS FARE To I "DfiDCf-- I I THINK YOU'LL FIND 7 START RK3HY I "ROUND HERE, EH? IWBl P"Si IVs--1? ? A I DJIIIH I .SOMEONE VQU KNOW-I NOW- r ANKLES AA R DVA R K f.r A yes, he will.- he. is a Kiii I I'an ah'l.l be. waitjw- J I your mother tol RMoTn ZIW3TS?Urr Zi"lYM2y25JH&'J 'I I FUM H,S',S UNLOCKED. AH'LL A GIRL IN TWERLD-SO ( Si I BUT7 AFTER THAT SLAUGHTER I COMIC BCOW V J I BUT THR AH BREATHES Y I I - bound t'turn uP.r H. -wHjffl ahl ff?ist raMLx Nhm MvmA M I FIRST'WE lAKt-l "SSH I CA53IDY EES SMART SZ . . t v . : :. IVI VC5, 1 ms wk l-Kltny, a UH, m wan; x. MV DEAR LITTLE PAL y noC-AS AlAN TO X OH X ( OH THANK GOODNESS 7:00 U IS MUTT HERE iJEFF HIT BV aJ) WHO IVE 'KNOWN FOR M.LL ME THeYthE 4T&Tn- MIGHT m T I SPEAKING TL1 lnt nr.,w.L,KVII)iv, v. L-' i""" ' WORST WHERE WASHEAD' JTvjSI BE SERIOUS." 17:15 1 r omrw ( iwtpsb hiss. fcf' TVithinkhedoes.heI K this AiNYecoo! maybe thev 1 1'"-' fmrv..v .-- D r VaC MADE ME PROMISE I NOW ENOU6H TO HANG THAT T 2S' T, ll- RUSTY DOBS MP.0UI65 vSS VM3ULPNT TALK: ABOUT MURPER RAP ON ME . I GOTTA LOOK", BUCKY. OU GOTTA HAW E TO :" U VVMO AcTSllV raD BT? IT, BUT HE SAYS MY 1 MAKE SURE THAT KID AIN'T , HELP ME PULL A SNATCH . Tf,JH,EP l:4r. riLivw Bj TESTIMONY WILL CLE4R Ijr AROUND WHEN THE TRIAL THAT TRIAL STARTS IN A I "T.fff "zToo" a I KILL THAT AWN. yJtg-i) MR. SMITH.' IV STARTS ! rfll COUPLE O'BAYS -AND THAT h. NABBED. 2:15 kllg (SHOVE Orel I APQWOER,PAL! OOVTSTOPl SAODuE A I J& 0K 7M l s ' A5 5URE AS I STAND HERE ON mttuLV, Tut iirlpc I ITU SHATTER JIMMY'S HEACT.MfL VI PfryrMF WAY..vrl li TWATS RIGHT! 'ACEN5US- fT""' .l!!Pt0l?a J lAKDOA' KALICENBR00M' TRUST IN HUMANITY XOMm NGODd7tak'''-'-(- "AND WHEN f XtJmRMWAOlA ANDTHE PROFE65IONAL REPUTATION, PPEnEOeM V 1 6KtD TOR HISCREDENTIAtS J w AARVEL, WEARING A BAH JOVE 'J?fl l,J- OP THE PURCHE5S A0VERJISIN6 A6ENCV! TorSw HERAH! AN-AH'LL BE. WAITIW'. ??TH' APARTMENT, RIGHT ACROSS FUM HIS, IS UNLOCKED. AH LL WAIT INSIDE. TAKIN NOTHIN BUT TH' AIR AH BREATHES -WHICH AH W LL CAREFULLY REPLACE. r 'j T HE y''J "ijf L : YOUR MOTHER TOLD ME M3U WtHt IHE. MOST BtAUTIrUL. GIRL IN THE WORLD-SO MARRIED YOU''- EVERY MAN MUST WANT Y3U.7-MY EVES AREN'T TOO GOOD-BUJ1 IF I SEE ONE IN THERE- 'LL. KILL HIM Fj KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 1 B20 NBC 970 CBS llfrO ABC 1390 MBC 1490 Kc, f Handi of Land Malta War Cues Star True or Falsa Cr Shannon Hands of Land Maka War Special Event True or False Cy Shannon J Bands of Land Dancer Ahead Nary Hour Organ Reveries Political Puis Elmer Peterson News Nary Hour Christ. Science 1-So.uan Gosp. Dixieland Jsu Guest Stars S routine Stars K A P Candlellcht UT Dixieland Jasa Memo. In Music Home Edition A A F Silver Dennis Dar Goldbergs Mod. Romance Nit Riders News Dennis Day Goldbergs Mod. Romanes Nite Riders Ass'bly of Gofl Judy Canora Sine It Again ' Hollyw'd sTllne Mr." Feathers District T Judy Canova Sing It Again Hollyw'd Byline Mr. Fcatheri Tournament Grand OP Opry Sing It Again Chando Magle West Coast District , Grand OP Opry Sing It Again Chanda Magto Ramblers Tournament Truth or V. Monro Lone Ranger Chei Mulkey Midcourt Consequences V. Monroe Lone Ranger Chet Mulkey District a no Irwood Star Gene Autrr This Our Town Meet the Press Tournaments Hollywood Star Gene Autrr As We See It Meet the Press District lift Parade Gangbusters Raybarn, Finch News Tournament Hit Parade Gangbuters Raybarn, Finch Pop Edwards Dist. Tottrn. Life of Kiley Art Godfrey Raybarn, Finch (Buddy Marin News Ufa of Riier Art Godfrey Ravhnm, Finch Orchestra Tropicana Sam Hayes .-Star Pinal Nrwi Monlra Whalen SalateRserra Morton Downer Organ Inttrmeis Benny Strong Salute Reserva orchestra Capitot Unnre Band Benny Strong Daneinr Partr orchestra Cloakroom Dance Band Benny Strong- Dancing Party1 .. Treasury Rand Let's Dance Open House Daneinr Party ;:B,,no Treasury Band Let's Dance Open House Daneinr Party J," Mme-nm Organ Melodies Let's Dahce Open House Dancing Party nag Museum Organ Melodies Let's dance Open House Dancing Party. Slgn 0ff Silent Xtra Hour Sign Off Sign Off " 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:1.1 6:30 645 7:(ib 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:0(1 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 111:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 DIAIi MRTiNR. KOAC fa'wday p, M. 15:00, Chil- i - - - - aren's ineatert o:in. On the FM Meg.. KGW 100.3, 3-10 p.m., I 7;00 Radio Pulpit Church of Air Hand Box 7:15 Radio Pulpit Church nf Air Band Box 7:30 Family Time Church of Atr Rand Box Mutual Muilo 7 ;45 Family Time Church of Air Band Boa Mutual Music 8:01)1- Doe's AI islc Newsmakers Revival Hour 1st Baptist Cb. River Boys ' 8:15 Morn. Serenade H. K. Smith Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. News 8:,10 Church In Your Salt Lake Taher Revival Hour Voice Prophecy Fell 'ship Vole Sj45 Home Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecy Fcllo'ablp Voice 9:0fl I News More or Life Southernaires Ua. Bible Class Bible Program" 9;15 Garden Talk More of Life Snuthernalres Ra. Blhle Class Lutheran 9:30 Ftcrnal Light Drivers' Play Message of Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Br,-' 9:45 Eternal Light News Israel Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Ur.r 10:00 Glenn Shelley, People's News News Ch'rcb In Wild,' 10:15 Organist Platform Romance Songs Organ Loft 10:30 Chicago Ronnd Invitation to Sunday Vespers News Sacred Heart 9 10:45 Table Learning SundayVespers Voice of Strings Wayne Klnr V 11:00 NBC Theater Easter Seal Foreign Report One Great Hr. First Baptist 11:15 NBC Theater Easter Seal " I A Ernst One Great II r. First Baptist . 11:30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip Plana World in Christ First Baptist -1 ll.:4S NBC Theater News Playhonse Canaries First Baptist 12:00 One Man's NY Phil harm. Hour of Faith News Serenade for 12:15 Family NY Philharm. "our of Faith r.uest fitar Strings 12:30 Quli Kids NY Philharm. Parade of Hits Juvenile Jury Headline New 12:45 Quli Kids iiilharm. l'aradeof Hits luvenile Jury United Nations 1:00 Mr. Fix-It NY Philharm. Week's World ifopatong Church Pror. 5:15 News NT Philharm. Week's World Cassidy Church Pror. ;30 High Advent. Festival Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Mnslo for lj45 1 1 lgh Advent. News Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Daydreaming, 2:00 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Music for t. 2:15 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Daydreaming? 2:30 H'vest of Stars Galen Drake Greatest Story True Detective Band Showcase 2:45 H'vest of Stars Jack Sterling Greatest story True Detective Band Showcaa 3:00 The Hardy Favorite Lutheran Hour John Steele Sun. Serenade 3:15 Family Husband Lutheran Hour John SteMe Sun. Serenade 3:30 Henry Morgan noston (Hackle Muslo with Nick Carter Muslo 3:45 'Henry Morgan Boston Blackle the Girls Nick Carter TMuilo 4:00 Glenn Ford Jark Benny Research Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 Glenn Ford Jack Benny Here's to Vetl Falcon ' Donald fitewars 4:30 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Robert Hhaw News Concert 4;45 Harrls-Faya Amos 'n' Andy Chorale Congress EepH Concert B:0fl Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy stop the Music Alexander Dallas Minister. 5:15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy stop the Music Alexander For the Living 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan stop the Music Lynn Mirray Suppertlm ii 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade t 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter Winchell Reviewing Speaker of Wk. 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer l.onella Parsons Stand Speaker of Wat." 6:30 Album Familiar Horace llclilt Chance of g Family Iheatre News ,6:45 Musle Horace llcldt Lifetime Family Theatre St. Francis 7:00 Take it or Contented Hr. .Ilmmie Fldler Medical Hilltes Sunday ialon I ?7:15ICve it Contented Hr. Chapel Sonsa of Times Sunday Saloo :30 nb Crosby The Whistler Amazing Hoy Rogers Naiareno Cb. Bob Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Rogers Naiaren Cb, 8:00 Science Editor Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'sttons Natarene Cb. 8:15 Pescha Kagan iflfss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Naiarene Oh. j 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Winchell Can Yon Frank de Volt 845 Symphony Hoar Berg.-M'C'rthy Lauella Parsons Top This? Frank da Vol? 9:00 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast News Sunday Reverie 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast F.dftonal Sunday Rever'o 9:30 Best Seller Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 9j45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Orchestra NV News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Rlchfld Rep'tr Sign Oft Moon Dreamst 10:15 Mary A. Mercer Night Editor Intermcsto Moon Dreams " 10:30 Catholic Flour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dreams 10:45 Catholie Hour Orchestra Orchestra Moon n trams 11 11:00 News Treasury Band Drew Pearson" sign Off 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Nocturne , 11:30 Wax Museum Organ Muslo Nocturne 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Musle Nocturne 12:00 Slim Off Sign Off Xtra HooT j MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. nodge Pob'ge News I Farm Time iXrws KOIN Rlock KOIN Klork KOIN Klock I Farm Keep Keep Jack Farm Time Early Bird Old Sengs News KOIN Klnrk Duncan M'Lcodl News Bob News 1 Hull Hayes Fred Beck eke Eddie Albert F.ddle Albert Consumer News' Dave Valle Grand Slam Breakfast Club Itreakfast Club Brrch Breakfast Club Sage Riders Second Cup Rosemary Itreakfast Club Mildred ' nedelf Stars of Today Wendy Warren Second Cup llnmrt owners News Aunt Jenny Helen Trent ii Irk Sunday Quick Ladles Marriage for 3 Big Sister Prrklna Car. Cavallero Ted Brad Reynolds Ur. Malonu Uuldlng Light Mrs. Purton My My Geo. Murphy nulile or Nothing Betty Victor Children Today Norah Drnke ltrlghter Day N westerners N'westerners Light of World News Road of Life News Baukhage Talk News Meet Menjous Art Baker Welcome to Come & Get It Y'g'a Family t'arty House Party .From Nowhere Right to Happl. iBackstage Wife telle Dallas Jack Hilt Show Hollywood f.oremo Jnnes Wldder Brown Muslo Please Kay Klrkham News Kay Girl Marries Klrkham Newi Jay Jay I'or. Faces Life (iarry Moore Garry Moore Just Plain Bill Hannibal Cnhh Hannibal Cobb Fr, Pge. Farrell, I uricfutly Vrs. 3:00 Wrle. Travelers 'Bride 3:15 3:30 3:45 4: 00 Welc. Traveler' Aunt Mary Love A Learn rthur (ioilfrcy Arthur findfrcy Arthur Godfrey Walt. Barney Keep Barney Keep RhyUirna-tlkr Squirrel Case Uthi rtln. C'ortfrey (lixlfrey 4:irW.ife Benutlful 4:30 Dr Paul 4:45 Paula Stone Curt Squirrel Ktl. R. Murrow IFirrflc ACROSS liluiicler Blfifk niptullio alloy of sulphur 3(1. Moadow 37. lied canopy 2'.t. I.uiicl rnouhure ffl. Hctlart i2, froof reader's dlrnclloii AX Fftitmle Blieep it. Short -nappi'd fabric 46. Corn l.nlve of f-itlHT 47. Mouths 4S. Chirp Rl. Nii;(;rian treo B.t. FImIi okcs 64. GeiitjR of tho oat 66. Sliep In Its ncrond year 67. Word of consent 4. DujiiMli Islands in Uie North Atlantlo 9. Wrath nUiiper Lllo 14. Follower of l-a lain It IS. Small Inland 17. Traverses 19. Hpanish hero 20. Consequently 21. Take a neat 22. Deep hole 23. Send out 25. Hoys 28. About 20. Lamented 3L, Town In India of 11.500 feet elevation 12. StranRest St. m 'da H7 WW sip a m s M'3f 3Z 33 34 3S I M, , IM. Wwf so H?sy fa mi Z. i" !1 Il . ,.J J - WutA 1 1 1 1 L. l I Kit Ai1 Inar; 7:00, Light Opera Tonlghtl 8:45, veWi News and Weather; 9:00, Dance Paraded O. Sem- I 10;0. Sign Oft. (f K OIN 101.1, 6 a.m., 12 p.m., KEX VZ.3, I to I p.m." SUNDAY News Smiling !Ncwa Timekeeper March Time News Smiling Norman KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Garrrd News Tex Sitter KOCO Klook News KOCO Klock Breakfast Gang Hazen MUSlO Top Trades Manners Bargain Countr saders Family Alter Bible Institute Bible Institute Crusaders 11 Western Melody Temple Echoes W News Melody Tims Garden Guide Pastor's Call Melody Tims as Flash Stars SInr r John O. Thorn. as Flash Be Seat iValts lime News Co pel Ringer Concert Min. Russ Morgan NW. News LMemory Mnala Malone True Story True Story Tune Tims m Keys Crocker adles Fair ad I fa Fair Muslo Mart Limllahr Musio Mart Eddie I,eMar Vocal Variety )ueen for Dayl ktuecn for Day, Top Trades News H'wood Musle H'wood Muslo f News 'Dave Dennis OO't Jimmy Waketr Rob Mltehell Hob Mitchell .Mac's Melodies ' Mao's Melodies , Mac's Melodies.. West Tell Neighbor Wrst U ingoings Boh Poole Bob Poole Mae's Melodies Stewtrt Stewart Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies" Mac's Melodies & Groom farm-Home Mao's Melodies,. Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies '' Mac's Melodies Klcrnan nlka Time News vallan liar. Fulton Lewis (K r iik. Hrm'way Behind Story Movie Tims -r hllnsopher Cage IB vers Can liters News Be Beautiful r Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzlo' C8. Uprlcht part B!o'ER:SgflMjAiT E3B RlA o e It WayeHr "ep G E IE Ts'E i PrTeiLjA Np tVA I L E D gj P A S te c an!n "eJr"Pse" nis ed" a bj o Hs u HTlEfeEBj3 ! B AiRIMflP r eHsitIaig i Ejs ei 5 itIe rh a v a ; SITIAT e!sBe TjAPits . g!erIbais DiEgg ; ?. E)5 ' P!EHL" R;D;S j LN0E ARtT R E A T t 1. Repealed 1 t. Kindled again J 4. Corpulent ( 6. Article , 6. .Sprlni? back 7. Kowintj implement 5. God of love , 9. Put In I 10. Alcoholic liquor 11. Typo squares 1 16, Short for a man's nam IS. Yd tow octier 20. Strikes t 22. American author 23. Orient . 24. Machine for . stretching , cloth J 26. American ' Indians 1 27. Coast 29. Edltorln) I pronoun 4 30. Eat sparine! 1 33. Milk stores , H. SyllaMeof , hesitation , 38. Shops , 41. Alako lace : 43. Muse of certain ' poetry 4S. Asterisk ' 47. Concerning 1 48. Attempt t oi a bi air 69. inple niiKar DOWN L Bilk worm sorrow f0. Biblical king 61. Swiss river 62. Epoch ob. bjuiOQl lot Deoa AP Nsnrirofvre