Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    Medical A uxtliary Plans
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Medical Society Benefit Party
Event Next Thursday Afternoon
A highlight social event for next week
will be the benefit bridge luncheon to
be sponsored by the auxiliary to the
Marion-Polk Medical society, the affair
being arranged for 1 o'clock next Thurs
day afternoon, March 16, at the Ameri
can Legion club.
Proceeds go to the project of the aux
iliary in furnishing two library carts,
one for each of the local hospitals.
A feature of the afternoon will be the
free children's style show, fashions for
youngsters to be presented by Margwen's
Co-chairmen for the party are Mrs.
Harmon Harvey and Mrs. William Croth
ers. Taking reservations are Mrs. Rob
ert F. Wulf and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons.
Among those making reservations al
ready for the party are Mrs. Richard G.
Severin, Mrs. Burton Sclberg, Mrs. Virgil
Sexton, Mrs. Carl Sanstedt, "Mrs. Abe
Steinbock. Mrs. E. A. Tueski, Mrs. Hugh '
Adams, Mrs. Paul Ronnigcr, Mrs." Wil
liam Newmycr. Mrs. Wilmcr Smith, Mrs.
Paul A. Hale, Mrs. Edward Lebold, Mrs.
A. T. King, Mrs. Mike Steinbock, Mrs.
Ralph Purvinc.
Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Willard
Thompson, Mrs. Ralph Schlesingcr, Mrs.
John Ramage, Mrs. Robert Joseph. Mrs.
J. W. Matujcc Mrs. F. Norman Young,
Mrs. Arthur Fisher. Mrs. Kenneth Sher
man. Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins, Mrs. W.
W Bnum, Mrs. A. D. Woodmanscs, Mrs.
St. Elmo Massengale, Jr., Mrs. Horace
McGee, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, Mrs. Lynn
M. Hammerstad, Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mrs.
James Haworth.
Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mrs. Homer
Smith, Jr., Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst,
Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mrs. Robert F.
Anderson, Mrs. Claude Miller, Mrs. S. G.
Sargent, Mrs. H. E. Gilbert, Mrs. Morris
Crothers, Mrs. Willard Stone.
Mrs. Erwin Bahlburg, Mrs. Robert
Hoffman, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs.'Milton
Kansler, Mrs. Lewis D. Clark, Mrs. Bur
ton A. Myers, Mrs. Charles D. Wood,
Mrs. William Crothers, Mrs. Harmon
Harvey. Mrs. William L. Lidbr-nk Mrs.
Maynard Shifter, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons.
Sigma Kappa alumnae are entertain
ing with a no-host supper with husbands
as guests, next Saturday evening, March
18. the party to be at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert A. Walker.
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
be entertained Monday evening by Mrs.
C. E. Bates, the meeting to be at 7:45
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club is meeting
Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the chaper house,
Mrs. Wayne Price, Mrs. B. F. Schmoker
and Mrs. E. A. Letteken, the latter of
Dallas, ai hostesses
The Practical Nurses' association is to
meet Monday evening at the Salem Me
morial hospital chapel at 8 o'clock. All
Interested in the group are invited.
Honoring their little daughter, Franca
McLeod, who is to be three years old,
Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. Mc
Leod will entertain a family group at
dinner that evening at their country
home. Attending will be the little girl's
two grandmothers, Mrs. L. C. McLeod
and Mrs. Frank. H. Spears, and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Renner.
Ensemble Concert
An event of interest for next Saturday
evening, March 18, will be the concert to
be presented by a small instrumental en
semble from Portland, Miss Alicia McEl
roy directing.
The program is to be given in Roberts
studio at 8:30 o'clock.
Soloist on the program will be Mildi
Roberts Dawes, violinist, former Salem
resident, who took her early training
in music here and later studied several
years in Europe. Miss McElroy also will
give solos, playing the celesta.
Complete personnel of the ensemble
includes: Mildi Roberts Dawes and Fran
ces Woodbury Stone, violins; Jennie Han
sen Partridge, cello; Doris Wildman
Hersc, flute; Virginia Shirley, clarinet;
Alicia McElroy, piano and celesta.
This ensemble has played several
times in Salem as well as at Oregon Col
lege of Education in Monmouth, Eugene
and Corvallis. Four of the group are
members of the Portland Symphony or
chestra. One of the celesta solos is "Fireflies"
by Mrs. David Eason of Salem.
Professor Roberts is to play the organ
with the ensemble for one of the groups,
and Florence Hutchinson of the OCE
faculty at Monmouth also is assisting in
one of the numbers. ,
Several Portland friends are accom
panying the ensemble to Salem for the
concert, including Mrs. Mae Ross Walker,
state president of the Federated Music
Clubs, who is to be guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Craven while here; Mr. and
Mrs. Daryl Drorbaugh, James Duys, who
sang the baritone lead in a recent con
cert. A large group of patrons is being
invited from Salem for the evening. "
Following the program the Salem
Music Teachers' association will enter
tain at a social hour honoring Miss Mc
Elroy and members of the ensemble.
Lois Plummer Schmidt, president of the
teachers group, is in charge of the reception.
Benefit . . .
(Jcsten-Mlller studio Candida)
CALENDARED for next Thursday after
noon, March 16, is the benefit to be spon
sored by the auxiliary to the Marion-Polk
County Medical society, the affair to be at
the American Legion club. Meeting this week
at the home of Mrs. Harmon Harvey, the
committee members discussed plans for the
In the upper picture arc, left to right:
Mrs. Harvey, one of the co-chairmen for the
affair; Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, arranging for
the reservations; Mrs. William Crothers, co
chairman for the party; and Mrs. Lynn M.
Hammerstad, one of the committee.
In the lower left picture, left to right, are:
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, who is taking reser
vations for the parly; Mrs, James Haworth
and Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, both committee
members in charge. Mrs. Shiffer is auxiliary
Members of Chapter BC of P.E.O.
Sisterhood are to be entertained Tues
day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs.
Charles Feike as co-hostesses. This is
the birthday event for the chapter and
there will be election of officers.
Mrs. W. D. Gardner and Mrs. C. S. Nel
son will be hostesses for the Delta Gam
ma Mothers club meeting Monday aft
ternoon at 2 o'clock at the chapter house.
An event for Monday evening of inter
est to a large group will be the annual
father and son banquet of DeMolay Or
der for Boys. Members of the DeMolay
Mothers club are serving the dinner, to
be given at 6:15 o'clock, in the Masonic
temple. Mrs. Roy Todd and Mrs. Lloyd
Hughes are co-chairmen for the mothers
committee arranging the dinner.
Delta Gamma alumnae are meeting
next Thursday evening at the sorority
chapter house, Willamette university
campus. Mrs. Eugene Booth, Mrs. Clay
ton Foreman and Mrs. Leon Perry are
hostesses for the evening.
Social meeting for Salem Soroptimist
club will be next Wednesday evening at
the home of Dr. Ruth Jens, East .Center
street. Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, Mrs. Henry
Kayser, Miss Lena Blum and Mrs. Henry
Millie are on the committee with Dr.
Mrs. Kenneth Wilson is to be hostess
to her bridge club for luncheon and cards
on Wednesday.
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary is
to meet Monday afternoon at the hospi
tal at 1:30 o'clock. Plans will be dis
cussed for the annual spring silver tea
to be given April 20.
On tile committee for the afternoon
are Mrs. P W. Geiser, Mrs. Adam Hertz,
Mrs. Anna Hayward, Mrs. H. A.. Cross
and Mrs. L. F. Heuperman. All auxiliary
members are invited.
A panel on the topic: "School Finances:
The Picture in Oregon," will feature the
program for the weekly event of the
Salem Woman's club Tuesday at the
club house.
The panel is to be presented by a
group from the League of Women Voters.
Mrs. Arthur Bone is leader for the
panel, Mrs. Aldon Bowes the moderator.
Taking part will be Mrs. Gordon Shat
tuck and Mrs. John Rademaker.
All interested parents and school
patrons arc extended invitation to at
tend. Mrs. E. F. Carlclon, chairman of
the club legislative department, has
arranged the program, assisted by Miss
Ida Mae Smith, Miss Virginia Byrd and
Mrs. O. W. Emmons.
Following the program, tea will be
served, Mrs. Hal DeSart, president of the
League of Women Voters, being invited
to pour.
IONS club auxiliary plans Its
March meeting for next Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. Wal
ter Dry, at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson is chairman
of the committee of hostesses.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Johnson are
Mrs. F. Norman Young, Mrs. Howard
Jcnks, Mrs. Earl Canficld, Mrs. Gordon
Skinner and Mrs. Everett Holmes.
The group will discuss plans for its
part in the annual Lions club dog show
booked for early April, the auxiliary
members to sponsor a food booth at the
Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Maurice Brcnnen, 2580 Alvarado
Terrace, Candalaria Heights, at 7:30
March meeting for the Salem General
Hospital auxiliary will be Tuesday
morning next at the home of the presi
dent, Mrs. Carl E. Nelson, on West Le
felle. The meeting is to be at 10 o'clock
and all auxiliary members are invited.
Reports will be given on the rummage
sale conducted this week-end and plans
will be made for the group's annual
membership drive.
Mrs. B. F. Williams and Mrs. Fred
Lange will be hostesses next Thursday
afternoon at the home of the former
for members of Chapter G, P.E.O. Sis
terhood. The meeting will be at 1:15
Appointment of committee chairmen
for the new year's work will be an
nounced at the regular meeting of the
Salem YWCA board of directors Tues
day morning at 9:45 o'clock in the YW.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm is president of the
Mrs. Harry Carson, Jr., is to be host
ess to her bridge club next Wednesday
at her Silverton home, the group being
invited for luncheon and cards.
Rotana club's regular meeting is plan
ned for Monday evening at the home of
Miss Vada Hill, 2240 North 5th. Miss
Lorena Jack is assistant hostess. Mrs.
Mary Ferguson Thomas is to talk to the
group on interior decorating.
Lesion A uxtliary Eyes Fashions . . . .
JW?V&f x 7- : ' -V ' I I jiff
MEMBERS OF CAPITAL Unit, No. 8, American Legion auxiliary, are to be sponsors for a benefit party and stylo
show the afternoon of March 20 at the American Legion club. A large committee Is at work on details for the
event, the spring fashions to be shown by The Vogue. Hats are always the big interest In the spring. In upper pic
ture, Mrs. T. E. Borkman is trying on one with Mrs. Jack Gordon, at far left, and Mm. A. B. Ingels as interested
onlookers. Looking over the newest In dresses are the group below, left to right: Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. John
Wood (seated), Mrs. E. F. Voigt, Mrs, Malcolm Cameron and Mrs. Michael Panek.
ESTMINSTER guild of First
Presbyterian church has arrang
ed its meeting for Wednesday
afternoon in the church social hall. Des
sert will be served at 1:15 o'clock.
Mrs. Harold A. Roscbraugh is to
present a book review for the program.
Mrs. Edward Burnside is chairman of
the committee of hostesses and Mrs.
Maynard Shiffer is program chairman
for the afternoon. Mrs. Hobart Jackson
is to sing.
Members will also stage a plant sale,
and a white elephant sale as well as
sale of good used children's clothing.
Salem Junior Woman's club plans its
business session for Monday evening in
the Woman's club house. The legislative
committee is in charge, Mrs. Pccry T.
Buren as chairman assisted by Mrs.
Thomas Gabriel.
Mrs. Fred Gast, district parliamentar
ian, is to give the program on parliamen
tary procedure.
Plans will be discussed for the annual
Easter bonnet bridge benefit to be given
by the club on March 27 with Mrs. Don
ald Frecl and Mrs. O. T. Mansfield as
co-chairmen of the committee in charge.
Miss Muriel Cross will be horfess
Wednesday evening to members of Eta
chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, at her home,
10S0 Cross street.
Salem members of the state board for
the University of Oregon Mothers clubs
will be in Portland next Thursday to at
tend a meeting of the state group.
Mrs. George H. Swift, state president;
Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice, Mrs. George
Alexander and Mrs. Grant B. Fallin are
the board members to attend from here.
The board members have been invited
to join the Portland unit for its meeting
at 11 a.m. at the Neighbors of Woodcraft
hall, also for the luncheon at 12 o'clock,
the state board to conduct its session
after the luncheon.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church plans its meeting for Tuesday,
the no-host luncheon to be at 1 o'clock
in the parish house. Miss Elizabeth Por
ter is to be guest speaker. On the com
mittee are Mrs. Harry Wendcroth, Mrs.
Harry Weidmer, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn and
Mrs. George H. Swift.
AAUW Event
Miss Mirdza Timma, Reed college stu
dent from Latvia, will be the speaker at
the American Association of University
Women fellowship luncheon next Sat
urday, at 1 p.m., at the Marion hotel.
Mrs. F. A. Massee, fellowship chairman
of the Salem branch, is in charge of the
Miss Timma and her family were res
idents of Riga, Latvia's capital city, prior
to the war. Through Dr. Theodore Star
prans, physician at the Oregon State hos
pital, Miss Timma's name was submitted
to the National Lutheran Students' coun
cil, which was responsible for bringing
her to this country to study. Dr. Sta
prans was a friend of Miss Timma's
parents in Latvia.
During the war Miss Timma and her
parents were shipped from Latvia with
thousands of other Latvians to a nazi
labor c:unp in central Germany. In the
spring of 1945 the family was moved to
the Baltic displaced persons camp in the
American zone at Augsburg in southern
Germany. While in Augsburg, Miss
Timma wrote a children's book, "Dan
delion," which has been translated into
German and part of it into Lithuanian.
She has written plays, short stories,
periodical articles and another children's
book entitled, "Basket of Fairy Tales."
Miss Timma is listed in a Who Who's o
Latvian authors. Miss Timma also has
won honors in athletic competition. She
now holds the Latvian women's records
for high and broad jumps and during the
1947 German Baltic Olympics, she broke
her own records.
Miss Timma plans to enter the Uni
versity of Oregon dental school when
she has completed a year's training at
Reed college. Her major at Reed is
Hostesses for the Saturday luncheon,
appointed by Mrs. H. Gordon Carl, hospi
tality chairman for the Salem branch, in
clude Misses Lillian Davis, Helen Fletch
er, Lelia Johnson, Mary Eyre, Mrs.
Sylvia Krapps, and Mrs. George Brown.
Miss Ola Clark will be in charge of dec
orations. Reservations should be made for the
luncheon by telephoning Mrs. John
Goldsmith or Mrs. Edward Dyck, before
noon Friday, March 17,
Allrusa club's social meeting will be
next Wednesday evening, dinner to be
at 7 o'clock at the Marion hotel.
fjKten.MUter itudlo Candida)