Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    WILLAMETTE Faculty Women't
group is to meet next Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Roy M. Lockenour.
Mrs. Alfred Sheets is chairman of
the hostesses who include Mrs. Elmer
O. Berg, Mrs. Earl T. Brown, Mrs. M.
L. Cohn, Mrs. Ruane Hill, Mrs. M.
Humphreys, Mrs. Arne S. Jensen, Mrs.
S. B. Laughlin, Mrs. John C. Paulus,
Mrs. Ralph Purvine and Mrs. Chester
ANNOUNCEMENT Is being made
this week-end of the engagement
of Miss Susanne DeVoe Thompson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
i Thompson of Highland Park, N. J., to
George C. Huggins, Jr., Salem, son of Mr.
One of These Is Queen for Varsity Ball Tonight . .
y and Mrs. George C. Huggins of Coos Bay.
An early fall wedding is planned.
' Miss Thompson is a graduate of Duke
" university where she is a member of
9 Delta Delta Delta sorority. She is now
teaching in the Marshfield junior high
" school at Coos Bay.
Mr. Huggins is a veteran of the naval
" a'r corps and a graduate of the Univer
" iity of Oregon where he is affiliated
lwith Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He
." is with the Huggins Insurance company
' in Salem and is a nephew of Charles H.
" Huggins of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett, who
are being welcomed as newcomers to
Salem, have purchased a home at 2730
Skopil avenue, Candalaria Heights, and
will be moving in soon. They have
been living on Lake Oswego. Mr. Pickett
is the new district manager for the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph company.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
MONG hostesses of the new week
will be Mrs. Arthur R. Jones, who
arranged a luncheon and
bridge parly for Tuesday afternoon at
(her residence.
Twelve have been invited. The party
is the first of a series planned by Mrs,
1 Jones.
Tuesday Luncheon
' Mrs. Robert Duncan has invited a
- group of 16 Salem friends for a lunch
eon and bridge party to be given at her
home in Silverton on Tuesday. The
party is one of a scries the hostess is
t planning.
For Miss Vandeneynde
Mrs. Wayne P. Loder is to be hostess
on Wednesday at a luncheon at her home
to honor Miss Patricia Vandeneynde,
who is the' bride-elect of Ted E. Reed.
Bidden to honor Miss Vandeneynde are
Mrs. John Steelhammer, Mrs. Robert
Needham, Mrs. Vernon Drye, Mrs. Peter
Geiser, Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mrs. Byron
Mennis, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod and Mrs.
Merle Brown.
Among those attending the 60th anni
versary events for the school of home
economics at Oregon State college Fri
day and today was Mrs. Robert E. Shinn
of Salem.
Joining her at Salem Friday to go to
Corvallis were her mother, Mrs. William
Jasper Kerr of Portland, who was a
speaker at the banquet given last eve
ning; her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Kerr,
and her two sisters, Mrs. Luther McGin
nis and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds, all of Port
land. They attended the Friday lunch
eon and banquet, also the Saturday
luncheon. Dean Ava B. Milam, who is
retiring from the deanship of the school,
was an honored guest at the events.
The regular at home afternoon for
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, will be Tuesday, local and
out-of-town friends being invited to call
that afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Purvine and fam
ily are spending the week-end at their
beach home at Neskowin.
Among club hostesses of next week
will be Mrs. John Heltzel, who has in
vited her bridge group for luncheon and
cards on Thursday.
Weddings Featured in News of Early
Jr.t-nMiltr studio pIcturMl
PICTI'RKD IN C.ROl'P above are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.ale Rradshatr IBcttv Louise ( hildst and members of their
wedding party, left to right: Iwnald Bower f Portland, formerly o( Salrm. who was best man: Mr. Rradsnaw, Mrs.
Bradshaw; Mrs. Rodney Taylor ol Eugene, matron of honor, and Miss Frances Bennell of Portland, bridesmaid.
In the inset are M-. and Mrs. Bradshaw culling Ihrlr llrst piece of cake at Ihe reception. Mrs. Bradshaw Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Chlldi, Mr. Bradshaw the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Bradshaw, all of
lalem. Th waddiOf waa Hvob 4
Nv ' j
THE COURT TO PRESIDE OVER the annual Varsity Ball at Willamette university this
evening is p iclurcd above one of the five to be named queen during the dance. These
five are the finalists from a iargc group named several weeks ago.
Miss Foster's Engagement to
Mr. Herr Announced by Parents
Featuring in Ihe romantic news of
the week-end is announcement by
Colonel and Mrs. Eugene I. Foster of
the engagement of their daughter, Miss
Jeanne Marie Foster, to Clyde G. Herr,
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Herr
of Watsonville, Calif.
The wedding is planned for the late
Miss Foster, who has resided in San
Francisco the past year and a half, at
tended University of Southern Calif
ornia and University of Oregon, and is
a graduate of the Rudolph Schaefcr
School of Design in San Francisco. She
is now on the staff of H. Liebes com
pany in San Francisco as assistant buyer
for the baby and teen-age departments.
The bride-to-be is a member of Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority.
Mr. Herr, who is in partnership with
his father in the wholesale bakery busi
ness in Watsonville, is a graduate of
Pomona college. He served in the naval
air corps during the war.
The young couple met while students
in high school at Watsonville where the
Fosters resided while Colonel Foster
was in command at Camp McQuaid.
TO': vw: -J r'-1 P J-'rK - r
(Kennell-Elus studio picture)
Tn the grou-p are, left to right: Miss Marie Corner of Bothell, Wash.; Miss Dona
Mears, Roscburg; Miss Del Fisher of Portland; Miss Muriel Baney of Salem and Miss
Shirley Griffin who is from Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Rollin Graber and little daugh
ter, Gloria, leave next week for Japan
to join Major Graber, who is stationed
with the air force there. They will sail
from Seattle March 16. Mrs. Graber
and daughter have been here since in
October, visiting Major Graber's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Graber, and with
Mrs. Graber's sister, Mrs. Joseph John
ston. Gamma Phi Beta alumnae are meet
ing for their monthly dinner Monday,
at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Hugh
Taylor with Mrs. Harold M. Olinger,
Mrs. C. C. Higgins and Mrs. Frank C.
Angle as co-hostesses. New Gamma
Phi members in town are welcome and
are asked to call Mrs. Higgins.
March in Salem
- fly I
(tateD-MlUer studio picture)
WEB LAST SUNDAY. March 5, In the First Church of the Kazarrne. were Mr. and Mrs.
Oerald Barrett, the bride being the former Delpha Loewen. A reception at the church
also followed the service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Loewen
of Salem and Mr. Barrett Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett of Frineville. The
couple plan to make their home in Frineville.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers are
to entertain their club for dinner and
bridge Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Erwin Bahlburg are to be additional
guests. The club members include Mr.
and Mrs. John Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. Le
land Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Specht
and Mr. and Mrs. Chambers.
Mrs. Claude H. Murphy is to entertain
for her bridge club at luncheon and
cards, Monday.
Delta Zeta alumnae will be entertain
ed by Mrs. W. H. Foster and Mrs. Emmett
Kleinke, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock,
at the home of Mrs. Foster, 2885 Moun
tain View drive.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith return
ed the latter part of the week from at
tending the Oregon State Dental so
ciety convention in Portland.
Mrs. J. H. Stofiel of Eugene is a visitor
here for the week-end as guest of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Todd.
Chi Omega alumnae are to be guests
of Mrs. Robert Moe and Mrs. George L.
Hill on Tuesday evening, the meeting to
be at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Moe,
3460 Center street. The group will dis
cuss spring projects.
Salem alumnae of Alpha Chi Omega
have received notices for the style show
to be sponsored by Portland alumnae of
the sorority next Saturday, March 18,
at the Cosmopolitan club. The luncheon
will be at 12:30 o'clock. Proceeds from
the benefit go to the project of assisting
the palsied cerebral, a project of the na
tional organization of Alpha Chi Omega.
Salem Writers' club is meeting on
Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock with Mr. and
Mrs. Morton Peck, 1552 Court street.
Wedding Friday
Bride last evening at a ceremony in
St. John's Lutheran church was Miss
Shirley Mae Rockafellow, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow, who
was married to Raymond Walter Wolf,
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wolf of Circle,
The 8 o'clock vows were read by the
Rev. H. W. Gross before a large gath
ering of relatives and friends, the double
ring ceremony being used. Pink snap
dragons and greenery decorated the
church. For the music, Miss Geniece
Mize sang, accompanied by William H.
Fischer, who also was the organist.
Mrs. Nick Weiss and Miss Peggy Meyers
lighter the tapers.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a wedding gown of white
Japanese silk-satin, made floor length
and with tight fitting V-shaped bodice,
a nylon net yoke and full gathered
skirt. The imported illusion veil was
lace edged and cascaded from a beaded
crown. For her flowers the bride car
ried two shades of pink carnations ar
ranged in a round bouquet with satin
Miss Delores Lehman was honor at
tendant. Her gown was of pink, styled
similarily to that of the bride, and she
carried a nosegay of pink carnations
with green background.
Mrs. Foye Harper and Miss Janice
Norton were the bridesmaids. Their
dresses were fashioned like those of the
maid of honor and bride but were in
light green, and their nosegays of pink
carnations had the pink background.
Kenneth Lukinbeal was best man and
the groomsmen were Tel Pyle and Ben
ny Taskinen. Ushering were Foye Har
per, Arthur Bean, Jack Kuhn and Nick
The bride's mother wore a navy blue
afternoon dress with corsage of pink
The reception following was in the
church parish house. Mrs. Albert Nied
erberger cut the cake. Mrs. Earl Burk
and Mrs. LaVerne Norton poured Miss
Nancy Payne and Miss Karen Obrist
assisted in serving. Passing the guest
book was Miss Betty Jean Bergner.
Miss Maxine Armstrong passed the
dream cakes. In charge of"the gift
table were Miss Doris Lappin, Miss
Darlcne Scharff and Miss Betty Norton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Morgan attended
the ceremony for the bridegroom in
the absence of his parents, who were
unable to come for the wedding.
For traveling the bride wore a gray
suit dress with navy blue coat and ac
cessories, pink hat and gloves, and a
corsage of pink carnations
Following a trip through Washington,
Idaho and Montana, the couple will be
at home on route 4, Salem, after April
Dances Listed
A number of dancing parties are on
the mid-March social calendar, arranged
as St. Patrick's day events.
Bonheur Club
Members of Bonheur club plan their
dance for next Friday evening at the
Veterans of Foreign Wars hall with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McMillan, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold F. Phillippe, Mr. and Mrs. Max
G. Schriber, Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Welling and
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Slentz on the com
mittee. Wayne Strachan's orchestra is
to play.
Beta Sigma Phi Event
A sports dance, featuring St. Patrick's
decorations, will be sponsored by mem
bers of Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
next Friday evening, March 17, at May
flower hall. There will be dancing and
cards, Wayne Meusey's orchestra to play
for the dancing.
On the committee for the party are
Misses Wanda Ringland, Tina Duerksen,
Norma Sletton, Ginger Voos, Martha