IS '3 12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFUD ADVHTIMNOl Pit UM IBa Per Line I tlmea 40t Per Line 8 time, Per Line 1 monta ta.00 Outside of Salem 15a per Hoe per ''Uar "'- Mln. loci I time mm Me times mln. 11.20 No Refunds REAPERS In Local News cot Oolri M loo per lino To Place an Ad Phone Z-Z406 FOR SALE HOUSES MCB 2-BDRM. BOUSE In Keller dist. one block: from school and bus. diet. Ren. price. Pbone 42031. aU SUBURBAN z I BR on 1 acre for your family. Near schools and shopping district. Bus at " a Bedrm home in aaiem. w.uuu. icrma. I SALEM'S ! '"REAL ESTATE i " EXCHANGE 466 . Court St. Res.. 23738 - 26525. EAST 4 YEARS OLD Thijt is (t dandy 2 bed room, unfin ished attic, H.W. floors, fireplace, oil floor furnace, connect inn garage, large j ot, -vac ant. 1.BL0CK OFF PARK Good buy In small 2 bedroom home. tittllty room, garage, O.K. for the money, only (5500.00. - SPECIAL Tins PINE HOME located 1695 South Cottage, L.R. 15x21, fireplace, dining room, handy kitchen wilh breakfast nooK, 2 very targe Dearooma, extra n re place in basement, play room, electric heat; wall to wall carpet, bedroom in basement. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3470? 484 Court St. Eve. 24773 - 3B715. a62 RANCH TYPE!! I 3-bcdroom. located east. Fireplace, hard wood floors. Large lot. Auto heat. $1500 down. No. 201 -A LARGE 2 -bedroom with huge, unfinished at tic.4 Basement, furnace, plastered. Imme diate possession. Located east. $1500 down. No. 201-A :: 3 BEDROOMS , Ranch stylo home. Fireplace, all hard wood floors. 1950 sq. ft. floor apace. Double garase. l's acre of ground. 1 14.000 with $4,000 down. Will trade for house In town. No. 304 jReimann for Real Estate 1 301 -South High Ph. 3-9203 ! Eve..,i: Sun. 2-1327 - 4-2874 - 3-4028 - BUSINESS ZONE NO. 3 Get'-ho on this one, 3 BR home all on one floor, full deeo basm. oil furnace. car- Ga. This Is In top cond. Owner haa bought a home in the country At will really glvo someone a real buy on this. Ph. 26680, ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433-N. High St. Eve. Ph. 27769 a62 HOT WATER HEAT 3 BR tie den. big living 4c dining rms, double plumbing, full dry basm, 3 car ga, lg well landscaped lot, close to all sclis Is state office buildings, located north or center At west of Capitol eu. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High Eve. Ph. 28704 a62 , Near Leslie Jr. High l 18050 Extra clean 3 bed room older ' home on South High St. Large living mi, dining rm, den, kitchen At nook, full basement, sawdust furnace, large garden spot. !Geo, A. Walters, Realtor ' 960 S. Commercial I Phono 23849 Eve. 25260 r aeo' - $5250 - NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL ? Nice, nearly new 4 mui At bath attch j On, Creek lot, pvd St. Hard to beat for ; the money, pn. 28680. fi ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hlffh St. Eve. Ph. 35413 j a02 NEW HOME sjmoo. By owner. Keirer dist. ' Fh0q '374Q. a61 ' t BDfrHl. house with bath. Com p. furn. Plenty room for cabins or trailers. Inq. Nflsflh Richfield Sta., Mill City. a60 " rEW . BDRM. home on" A acre. Bath to "complete. Reasonable down Payment, 4 lntMJ233 Newberg Drive, Kelzer dslt. ew Ranch Style This new attractive ranch style home In oily, corner lot, picture windows hardwood floors, fireplace, patio, 2 bed rm.. $8950.00. $1250 down. Call Willis 1 Hill. Geo A. Walters, Realtor f 980 8. Commercial Phoni 33849 Eve. 22A77 , a60 Near Leslie School $85002 yra. old - 2 bdrms. - living -dining - kitchen - bath - attached gar age - utility rm. - lge. lot - nice lawn end-ahruhs - close to schools - bus by sloro - This house will go FKA or QI. Suburban Acre $9500 4 bdrm. - bung, style - 9 yra. old - living - dlnlnx - kitchen - bath -utility rm. - patio altnched aarage a nod lawn & shrubs - good soil - new auto,, oil furnace - wonderful well ,and pump house. View Property Kingwood Heights $11,5003 bdrm. on one floor - living rm. - kitchen balh - large nook - part bnement - elec. heat - fireplace -beautiful yard - ahruba & view - $3300 dn. - $75 a mo. McKinley School Dist. $12,2003 bdrms. on one floor - modern atyle - 1 yr. old - living - dining - kit chen .- nath - utility rm. auto, oil furn, - nttachrd garage - fireplace - large lot - frticed back yard carpet from wall io wan. F.H.A. Approved Lots we nave several beautiful lots - paved streets - city water - shade and fruit tirpfl1- view property. Or VICE 2-86U9 HOME 3-718S AlUY HALVOHSEN, TOM ROBERTS Jr A. A. Larsen, Realtor 191 s. High St. aflo West Salem Homes $6200 Acre St 2 BR hse., near Glen Creek Rd. $1000 dn. or offer considered. $6500 Drive by 1516 Huge St. call for apt. CiiteliouM- with unusual kltchrn. (Ren dlx Included), suitable for couple. Yes, terms on this. B. Isherwood Realtor Rt. 1 Box 343 Ph. 3-3147 or 3-8836 a CO JY OWNER: 3 bdrm. plastered home. At 1165 N. I7tht. rice has been reduced from lft.r00 to $5950. b61 Kingwood Heights ll.180.oo Lovely 5 room home on a large' lot. Extra large living rm. Inside utility, oil furnace, fireplace, call Bob 3eo.(' A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 33849 a80 $500 DOWN Balance total $5300. Mod. 3 br, bus, pavlnx, located east. $4500 BARGAIN New 3 br, modern, close bus, view, don't fall to see this. LOVELY HOME REDUCED PlaMrr, fireplace, hdwd. bath and oh. fl furnace, 2 br. Rm for 2 more. $3000 down, bal. 4. Located east. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 S. Com'l Ph. 34649, Eve. 35497 a61 $6900 $1000' cash will handle. 2 bdrms., llv Ing room, large kit., bath, bsmt., near Lrrtle school. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS SM M. High 8k Phona 1.4133. 60 Ore., Saturday, March 11, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES STATE ST. LOT 47x231, ha 3 BR hoiua, business zone, $5,500. 3 ACBES NEAR LIBERTY. 2 BR house. nice grove of fir trees, $500 down. Total price $4,500. 1 ACRE ON HOLLYWOOD AVE., has food z tm nome, eiec. neat, nred for range, garage. Insulated. $7,360, Small down payment. NEW 1 BR flub, home, close In on Dallas Htm way, very trooa locauor, near Sa lem Academy. $4,250. Small down pay ment. 3 BR HOME S.E., near Paulua Cannery. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 a. uorai. m. Ph. 3-8383. Eve. 3-9989. a60 GOOD HOME wilh lot 82x165. Well lo- cmea. suuaDie icr collages. . E. Walk ing oisi. to state Diags., near bus and WILLAMETTE HEAL ESTATE 172 a. Liberty. Ph. 3-7113, Salem. a60 HOME OR BUSINESS Drive by 1504 Broadway! Don't disturb! 2 b. r. As slpg. porchl w living room! i-urnacei fireplace l Laundry Trays! 14 piumoinKi on 101 1 price $8000! To see, call Phone 2-5557! Nice small home! Shalcedt Ernnt mi. trlct! Close stores, park! Attached gar age, laundry trays, vice, water heater. $5000. Close In Duplex! No. 1 res. xonel Extra btg lot! All utilities! Lovely old home! Big shade trees, room (or 6 cottages on loll $7500. C. W. STULLEft, BROKER Wallace Road or Phone 2-5557 a61 BDRM., 6 yr. old home. Vi acre. Own water system. 1910 Kappahn Rd., Salem. $6500. Owner on premises Sunday, March 12th. Phone Monmouth 6411. a60 $38930 VERY clean modern 2 BR home. run oasement, sawdust furnace. Fire place. Venetian blinds. Fireplace In back yard. Close to Richmond School. Im mediate possession. Terms, Call Stanley Rrnvn urltli State Finance Co., R'ltors a. nign. ph. 3-4121. a63 $100 TO $500 DOWN Hobson's Real Estate Ph. 2-4226 6 Miles N. on 99. a60 BY OWNER: 4 bdrms. on 1 floor, Youngs- MWH.-n, un, large living rm nice fireplace, bath. Utllltv. hnrrlnrfwl fl.-. attached garage, fruit closet. Contract ..Hv, uccii jet ior nara surfaced street. Just north of Sunnyvlew Ave. 2115 Jel dc" St. a64 LOVELY, MODERN 2 bdrm. home In Holly- wuuu uiat,. nawu. noors thruout. Nice fireplace, dinette, kitchen with bar. Large utility rm. Oarage attached. $1,300 down. Bal. at 4 int. CALL Ml? nvnitt'fi Ed Byrkit & Co., Realtors JO( N. High Ph. 3-3101. a60 Br OWNER 2 bdrm house, large lot. Furn. or unfurn. 795 N. 15th St. afl0 180.10 NEW modern 2 bdrm. Ranch type home. Large lot 66x120. Oil furnace. Drapca, etc. $1250 down, balance FHA. Cnll Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High. Ph. 3-4121. a63 Beautiful New Home Ranch type, 3 lee BR, LR, fireplace. DR, hdwd. firs., attractive kitchen wrd. for elcc. range, full cement dry base ment, automatic heat, double garage. Shown by appointment only. $7,000. 2 BR plastered house, firrplace. wired for elec. range, lot 12BX90. Im mediate possession. Call G. A. Vicary or Mabel Needham REALTORS 341 State St. Ph. 3-0201. Eves. 2-0421. ONE BEST BUY If you've waited for a real buy In a spacious nearly new home; if you want an extra nice neighborhood: it you want a beautiful lot with large oak Ac llr trees mid a house priced much Ws than construction costs drive by this line home at 1775 Fair Oaks Way. Then call us. Englewood $10,500 A nearly new home In an all new dis trict. 3 Bit on one Moor, attractively ar ranged. Corner Int. Walter Musgrave R'ltors iau Eflgcwater. Ph. 3-5109. a65 YOUR FAMILY needs 3 bedrooms," nil on one noor, is it nv room with fireplace, din room, kitchen, bath, large utility room with clothes drying area off kitchen. Fenced yard, trees, paving, j bl to bus. Redecorated & spotless. Move right in. Will trade tor property of less value A; cash dift. $0950. Terms. Ph. days 24791. Eve. 23738. a6l FOR SALE LOTS Lot life MO Luther St. between Fir and aaginaw. uau 33653. aaBl INDUSTRIAL SITE $B,500 220 ft. frontage on Hit by 330 It. Located at 590 S. 32nd. St. Cnll Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Illeh. Ph. 3-4121. aa63 BUILDING LOTS $1000 View lot. South. City water. 100x185. Near bus. $635 Lot 60x133 In district fast building up with new homes. City water, Electricity. Near bus. EDW. A. DYCK, Realtor 338 N. Com'l St. Tel. 2-5211. Eve. 2-6886 a61 TO FUTURE home owner: If you are look ing Tor most beautiful view site for home on west side contact owner 1351 Elm St. ,,a6l LOE., level, beautiful view, $250o7VhT350M an83 LOTS $10 down, $15 per mo. with water, elec, near school Ac bus. Sllvertnn htulinrnv Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate FOR SALE FARMS Look For Only$10,000 B yrs old 3 BR plus unf upstairs, with iu a oi ocauuiui ground. Hoysenbor rirs, filberts and a Inmlly orchard. 1! mln. from city center. Profitable Dairy Farm 202 A good all year pasture. Springs deeded irrigation rights, 35 stanchions, stacked and equipped, good buildings, Including 2 homes. Owner will trade for income property In town. $55,000. Terms. Diversified Farm 55 A with 2 lovely homes and a view. 3 A peaches. 8 A vetch A rye. 7 A Bovsens. 35 A filbrrts, large chicken house, machine shed, double garage. Scientifically farmed for 7 years, and Is very productive. 7 miles from Salem. Will trade for good home in Salem. $19,750. Terms. SALEM'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Off. 24791 boa 12 ACRES On Lancaster drive. High, well drained ground in well kept filbert trees. Only $15,000. Terms if desired. No. 800 202 ACRES Dairy farm with 55 cowi. 2 rrerks. 3 houses. 140 acres cleared. All equip ment goes. Price $55,000. Will trade for Income property. No. 1001 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Ph. 3-9303 Eve. At Sun. 2-1327 - 4-2874 - 3-4628 bl $18,500 - NINE ACRES Just about the nicest thing we have ever lLited. rolling land, 4 acres of nice orchard, tractor As all equipment, good barn. 2 car Ga. Deep well. 3 UH home, all on one floor, full basm. oil furnace, fireplace, located short distance east of Salem, no appointment necessary. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 3541.1 b62 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1990 GRANT ST. Nice 3 bdrm home on corner lot, full basmt, sawdust heat, for economical living see this home. New paint inside and out. $6,250. CALL EARL WEST. OUR BEST BUY 3 bdrms, alt on 1 floor, Ilv rm. din rm, hdwd fir, fireplace, nice kitchen At bath, full dry basmt, excellent location. 1 blk from school tn good residential section. Fine condition Inside and out. Price $3,000. CALL ROY FERRIS. NEAR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SCHOOL Well-built io yra old home, 3 bdrms. Just redecorated, beautiful condition thruout. Llv rm with fireplace, din rm, sewing rm, full burnt, fenced back yard, furnace. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PETER OEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 3-8010. Peter Oelser 3-9968 a6 FOR SALE FARMS DAIRY FARM Grade A. 17 cows, fine barn. 800 hen house. Large modern house. Apt. for help. 20 acres. Can be Irrigated. Near valley town. Priced to sell. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129. b80 FOR SALE 17 acres black level bean land with 1 acre cleared 9 miles west Stayton. New 5 room house with electri city. 710 of a mile north of the North Santlam school. $3250 cash. Robert Wad- dell. Turner, Oregon. b62 110 A. FARM A. Irrigated Ladlno, alfalfa, corn. beans, veaetables. Beaches. 2 houses. grade A barn and milk house, packing stied, greenhouse. Close in to eaiem, 335,000. 27 A. FARM Fine family farm, on Salem mall, 10 a. cult., bat. wooded pasture. All year stream, blugs. Bargain, 5&uo. 40 A. STKD Si KOPT 12 ml. NE of Salem. Beat soils, 3 new tractors and full eqpt. Cows, hogs, hens and house full of fine furniture, even to washing machine. $20,000. C. W. STULLER, BROKER Rt. 1, Bx. 37, Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-5557 D6U 10 ACRES - $1500 DN Total $6250. Modern 2 br hse, basement. barn, ch, fruit, black soli. 1 ACRE. 4 B,R.s. $7900 Loo east, barn, garage, if you need a lge home close bus, school, see this, 6 ACRES. $2800 TOTAL 5 rm hse, unfin. Well, berries, loe near KOsciaie. lerms. 120 Acres - $4000 Part terms, 4 rm cabin, ch hse, 45 ac cuuivaieo, creeK, spring, eiec avail. West of McMlnnville, part terms. 36 ACRES, 4 COWS 3 BR hse. lge barn, creek, berries, priced at $7000 with $4000 down. 75 ACRES SELL OR TRADE Loc close Mill City, 3 br hse, barn, fruit, nice view, 10 head stock, tractor and equipment. $13,000. Terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 110 8. Com'l Ph. 3tU Eve. 33491 b61 HERE'S YOUR SHOW PLACE! 16 ACRE ESTATE, ON PAVEMENT, SUBURBAN SALEM. GOOD PROD. LOAM, MOSTLY BOTTOM. YR. HPUINO. ALL BEKUELI. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM HOME, ELECTRIC HEAT. WALL TO WALL RUGS IN LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACES, 2 CAR GARAGE, CON CRETE FLOOR BARN (COULD BI GOOD DAIRY SETUP). YOUR FAM ILY WILL LOVE THE EXTRA NICE SETTING OF TREES, SHRUBS AND LAWNS. $17,000. EASY TERMS. ONION A MINT FARM approx 30 A. Inol. 15 A. Of that HIGH INCOME LAKE LA- BISH BEAVER DAM SOIL. Yr. stream for Irrig. Bldgs. lncl. 2 BR Plastered homo, basement, auto oil furnace, lge. onion barn, other good bid as. Certainly a choice loc. near Salem. Owner wlll-ac cept LOW DOWN PAYMENT, bal. at 5. Ad, beaver-dam and choice tract of up land available at bargain. Call us we can work out a REAL DEAL. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8 Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve, 3-9989 bfil FOR SALE ACREAGE TRACTS ACREAGE Nine adjoining tracts, nearly half an acre each, North. Good soil and drain age. Close to City limits. Electricity. $500 to $650. Two, five acre tracts with excellent view. Plenty of fruit trees. $200 down. Ask Mr. Ruberg about these. EDW. A. DYCK, REALTOR 328 N. Com'l St. Tel. 2-5211. Eve. 2-66R8 btaal SOMETHING DIFFERENT Almost new modern country home with 'j acre, 17 miles from Salem, 4 miles from Stayton on paved highway. Fast growing community. $4,000, terms. More land available. Ph. 2-0703 Salem or wrlla 540 Union St., Salem. bb60 10 ACRES About 10 miles out: 2 acres cherries; full set good buildings, deep well, elec. system. All for $7500. TWO ACRES Northeast. Very neat small house, gar ase, poultry house for 200 birds; good drilled well with elec. pump. A fine value for $5600. 34 ACRES South; about 25 acres cultivated; two aeres strawberries; fair buildings. Only $5250. SEVEN ACRES In city limits; two bedroom house, barn, garage; city sewer. Price $7000 or trade for city property. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS REAL ESTATE 28 ACRES Near Salem. Livable -home. Willamette soil. No Incumbrances. Would take clear property In Salem as part payment. Price $10,500. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 3-4728 147 N. Com'l. c61 Ladies Dn you want a shop of your own? Be Independent of hubby. See Mr. Da hi. Ranch Type 3 BR, LR. DR, K, B nook, utility room, fruit room. Elec. heat, large garage, good well about 1 acre on Sllverton road. $JA00 will handle. $50 per mo. at 5. Full price $8750. Call Mr. Dahl. Englewood Beautiful 2 BR home on corner lot. Large Lit, DR, nice kit., utility room. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, guest closet. Clean as a new pin, beautiful lawn and bark yard, lots of flowers and shrubs, floored altie. $11,000. call Mr. Dahl. Beautiful 3 BR. 2 years old, full basement. LOVELY bath with shower and built-in dressing table, large LR, DR, fireplace, wonderful kit., built -ins galore. Hdwd. floors thruout. automatic air clnd. oil furnace piped. Attached garage, lot 60x130. This Is truly a worth while clone In home, full price $13,500. Call Mr. Wallar. Apt. & Home Close in $102 per mo. plus owners nice 5 room apt. Apts. now rented to long time tenants. Elec. heat, lull basement with laundry facilities. Stores, churches. At school close. Bus by the door. Priced for quick sale, call Mr. Wallar. See This Lovely 3 BR home on N. 3Sth Street. Lie. living room & fireplace. 2 full sized bdrms. dn., 1 up, finished knot ty plnr. dining rm. At wonderful kitchen with breakfast space, hdwd. firs., nice bath, alr-condltloned oil furnace, att. garage, Inside utility, ad. terms. Full price $13,300. For appointment see Mr. Wallar. Here Is a beautiful 3 BR modern ranch style home: LR, fireplace, DR. extra special kitchen, utilities, washer At dry er, garate, fireplace In enclosed pat 10 A good buy at $18,500. Call Mr. Byrklt. Ed Byrkit & Co., Realtors Plionw S-J101 - 2-1SJJ Iv. PHODM 2-3217, 1-Mll. M IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE Sullivan Realty Co. 3 B.R.s N. EAST LR, DR, kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms and utility room on one floor. Att garage. Home Just redecorated. Elec. dishwasher and disposal unit. Nice lawn and shrubs. See this one. Just $9,500. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS 8 yrs old, all electric home. 1 BR dn, 2 up. HW floors, att garage, fireplace. 50x100 lot with fenced back yard. FHA comm of $3600. Total price Just $7680. SOUTH Near Talbot, 2 bedroom modern home with 3 large lots. 20 mtn. drive from Salem. 500 ft from gradf school. More land may be purchased. $4,500. $1,000 dn, $50 month. KEIZER Want plenty of living space. Here Is a i home with over 1400 ft. of floor space, i Just one year old. 2 large bedrooms, i living room, dining room, large kitchen with breakfast space, Vi baths, auto oil furnace, fireplace, patio, room for garden, and only 3 blocks to school. See this for $12,600. 105 A. BERRY FARM Hazel Green district. This farm It all Willamette silt soil In high state of cult. 28 A strawberries, 13 A thornless DiacKberries, 25 A ready lor planting this spring. This crop should net around no or 35 tnousand dollars this year. Every kind of equipment, practi cally new. Including 2 tractors, go with farm. Good modern, 3 bedroom home. Machine shed and other buildings. Shown by appointment only. Full price $55,000. Eve. Ph. 3-4479 or 4-3758. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 Eve. Ph. 3-8012 - 3-7567 - 3-1778. cB2 GOOD BUYS Beautiful View 2 BR home located on Scenic View Dr. Fireplace, hdwd. firs. FHA approved. Priced at $9900. Suburban 1 BR lovely home located South . River Rd, 1 acre, lots of fruit Sc shrubbery. Property on fringe of lake. Full price only $9250. Keizer District 2 yrs. old, 3 BR home, LR, dinette, hdwd. firs. Utility rm., att. gar., Va A, ground. Low down payment. Full price $8500. 250 A. Southwest 150 A. In cult. Fenced se cross fenced. Spring water. Modern 4 bdrm. home, $20,000. 50 A. 4 bdrm. modern hse. Large modern dry er. 10 A. blk. caps. A wonderful buy. $10,500 with good terms. 6 Bdrm. Hse. Large lot in good location. Full bsmt. Furnished. $750 Down M A. Keizer dist. Good location west of school on main rd. Close to store At bus by door. Small hse. not bad for $3250. C W. Reeve Realtor 95 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. Ph. 3-0536 or 2-4313 or 2-3088. c80 Don't Miss This 300 ft frontage on Pac Highway N. Good sized new store building with counters, shelves, living quarters. All ior i3&dij.ou. Strategically located bulk oil storage, 44,000 gal on Wallace Road. Good front age. Warehouse. See us for details. Well located home on N Bummer St. 4 bedrooms, den, double Plumbing, oil heat, full basement, excellent FHA fi nancing to qualified buyer. $13,500. Hutchison-Danielson Realtors 455 Court St. Ph. 2-3B2!) Eves. 2-4789, 3-5620, 3-6375, 3-8835, 2-7947 KEIZER DISTRICT Attractive 2-3 bedroom home on cor ner lot. Hard surfaced streets. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Lots of extra room. Priced at $11,500 with a large adjoin ing lot. Ask lor Mr. Ruberg to show this to you. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 3JI N. Com'l 8t. Tel. 2-9211. Eve. 2-M8B CBI" BEST BUYS Productive Farms 29 A. near Mt. Angel. Very modern 5 rm. home. Willamette sol). All equip ment goes. 22X42 walnut drier equip ped. Owner will trade for Sllverton prop erty. Total price $16,800. 30 Acres Irrlgtlon system. Owner reports ex cellent bean land. New home under con struction. Equipment. Everything toes ior jij.oud, 41i Acres Close In East near school, 6 rm. modem -home. Barn, chicken hse., hog hse. All outbuildings have cement foundations, built since 1943. 3 good cows, tractor. 3 wells (1 Irrigation). Owner may consid er home in town as part payment. To tal price $11,000. 1 Acre North Very modern 2 BR home, attached gar age, private well, lots of shrubs Ac trees. Paved road, family orchard At berries. Ideal for semi-relired couple. Total price $7900 $500 Down Approx 'i acre very nice home, approx. 800 sq. ft. fir; space. Hdwd. firs., insul ated, private well. Total price $6500. Office phones 3-7820 or 2-4596 Evening phones 3-4735 or 3-355B $5800 Be Surprised Modern almost new home on back of lot. Elec. heat. Enough room to build 5 room home. $1500 down rill handle. No. 2 Zone $6500 Bargain Modorn 3 bdrms. home. Enough room on lot to build 3 rentals. Only 6 blocks from State office bldg. Forced air oil furnace. Owner leaving city. Manbrin Gardens Unusual 1430 sq. ft. fir. space, 3 bedrooms on 1 fir. Fireplace, radiant heat. Almost new home. Insulated. weatherstrlpped, breeze war. Large corner lot. F.H.A. loan approved for $10,000. Owner leaving city. This home la well worth $13,800. Pen-4 Corners, Sweet Buy Nice 3 BR home, i acre lot. large gar age plus workshop. F.H.A. terms. Own er leaving. Will accept trailer house as part payment. Total price only $8750. Implement Business A Gold Mine We have listed a nationally advertised Implement business. Exclusive agency for 3 counties. Doing excellent business In a choice farming district. Owner has left with us an excellent financial state ment for last year. Here's your chance to really do some fine business. Own er forced to sell. Come In for details. Office phones 3-7830 or 3-4596 Evening phones 3-7674 or 3-3558 Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 303S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830 or 3-46. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Choice Buy- 3 YEAR OLD 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. ELEC OR OIL HEAT. CLOSE TO Business Lot ON PORTLAND ROAD. Sfl FT FRONTAGE; OVER 17T FT DEEP. GOOD I ROOM HOUSE WITH BASEMENT SET BACK FAR ENOUGH TO BUILD LARGE BLDO IN FRONT. PRICE 122,000. View Lot 100x254. SEVERAL TREES. CITY WATER. $1600. Denton & Denton, Realtors 344 STATE STREET Phone 2-3663 EVENINGS PK MR. VOORHEES, 2-4007 SOUND INVESTMENT This almost new 6 unit court will pay for Itself. Self-operating. Not much to do but collect the rent. $15,000 dn. will handle, bal. $162.79 per mo. Net Inc. around $300 a mo. Klgglns. NEAR DETROIT DAM Large grocery and meat market, 230 food lockers, 8 bpls, 5 rm home, 3 gas pumps, has a 2 story pumice stone bldg. 40x76 it frame bldg 40x44. Owner will take $20,000 dn or will take In a stock ranch in trade. Klgglns. . BURT PICHA, REALTORS Hizh St. Eve. 3-5390 Office 3-3649 JRaUjUlNN mm uii a fi I LL L.H INCOME PROPERTIES MOTEL TRAILER PARK on Pacific Hlway 99E. 2 double and 3'single NEW apnrtments, furnished. 2 older. Modern six-room HOME, abund ance bulltlns, complete furnished. This Is a MONEY maker. $27,000.00. Factory or Business layout, paved St. 1 block from Pacific Hlway. Concrete Tile Bldg. 20x70 feet, frame building, 32x100. Now being used as wood working shop and warehouse. $4,750.00 RICHFIELD Service and NEW Tile GARAGE, with over 220 feet on Pacific Hlway 99E. An excellent location and opportunity for the right partv. Owner has other business, hence underprlced. Will consider part TRADE on HOME or Improved suburban. $17,000.00 Ice Cream At Sandwich Shop, across street from school, completely equipped. New building with owners' apartment, corner lot, paved Sts. Everything goes including real estate, except furniture In owners apt. Excellent opportunity for working couple who want their own business. Owner had serious accident reason for selling. WILL TRADE for Modern SALEM 2 bedroom HOME. $10,850.00 Dunn Realty Exchange WOODBURN, OREGON PHONE MAIN 136 084 North Pacific Hiway WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED good 2 bedrm home bntween Center and Mill and east as far as 23rd Street. Eve. 2-0473. CALL MR. LcCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St, Ph. 3-7756 WILL PAY Si 2,0(10 cash for modern 2 or 3 apt, H. or a duplex. Good loca. Close in. Box 420 Capital Journal. cnGO WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you with to list your property for snle see- GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca WANTED lm ed. country house within 10 or 12 ml. of Salem. Must have 3 or more bdrms., size of acreage Import. 5-100 acres. Would consider place near Albany or Lebanon. Ph. Salem 3-9339 or write 1610 Fir, Salem. ca62 HbluSEoTurflOOOtoSflOOO. Terms. Use"! any good location S5000 to $6000 cash. Also town house or acreage' that $500 dn. will handle. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113 Salem ea60 NOTICE If your property is for sale, rent or ex chance, list It with us. We have nil kinds of cash buyers STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE 80 acres Pudding river farm for 3 bed rm one floor home, Snlem su- OLAF THONSTAD 941 N. Capitol St. ESTATE Ph. 37003 cb02 OWNER 3 BR modern home with 5 acres view properly also 3 room rental, other bldds., consider 1 or 2 BR home in town, Clear Ph. 2-0514 or 2-5993. cb6l TRADE FARM As equipment Ior motel or auto court. In or near Salem. Ph. 3-3857 cb61 RESORT PROPERTIES FISHING RESORT Open from April till Nov. Sale Includes land, buildings, bonts, motors, fi cabins, 3 br home At small store. Net Income $5000 year. Fishing Is for trout, blue backs, salmon At sterl head. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 28704 CC62 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Home and Business Garage business at edge of city, build ing and all equipment goes, also clean 3 bedroom home on one acre, all for $10,500. Call Mr. Frederick.1: on. Geor. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 23849 Cd60 Salem Trailer Court $6300 with $2500 down. 15 spaces, 2 lots. Income $160 month. CAFE FOR 1 OR 2 Good location, business, stock, equip, bldg with living rooms. $4500, Terms. APARTMENTS AND DUPLEX Close downtown. Income over $300 men. and llv rms. Owner will consider trade. Equity for house, acreage or farm. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l Ph. 34649 Eve. 25497 cd61" ESTABLISHED bustnct) At home, excel, lo cation for live wire. Consider part trade. Easy terms on balance. Owner, ph. 2-3040J cd63 COM PL. F.QUIPT garage. Fast growing rommunity. Well established business. Est. $150 parts. Full price $1,000. Rent or lease on bids. 137.50 mo. Lights At water. Mission Bottom Rd., Clear Lake. cd61 RENTAL INCOME $300 Mo Gross income from S lg roomy furnished apts located close to new shoplna center & state office buildings. Ph. 26680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ph. 27769 cd62 GROCERY AND MARKET Good location In Salem. Box 417, Capital Journal. cd63 SIX UNIT court, north. Good terms. Good home or business as part pay ment. Box 421 Capital Journal. CdOl BIS. BLDO. At llv. rms. 2085 N. Com'l Ph. 3-9829. cdSl BILLIARD PARLOR and card room. Only one located in good valley town. Reas onable rent. Price 45350. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-412t.cd63 GROCERY "STORE, as.' At cabins. Rt T. bos 145. Ph. 2- 41 19. Cd6 I REAL ESTATE ATTACHED GARAGE. NICE KITCHEN, BUS AND STORE. PRICE ONLY $7350. MR. DENTON, 3-0a00 LITTLE FARM 5'i A, nice variety of fruit, 5 rm mod home with bsmt, barn, chick h'ouse ;j mi west of Kingwood on Gehlar Rd. Full price is $6950. $900 will handle or take older model car for part of n. payment. urawioro. BEST FARM 'BUY 48 A rolling, mostly Willamette soil. No. on pavmt, new barn, old but mod 6 rm house, machinery. 8 milk cows. 3 calves, all for $10,700. $4700 will handle. Crawford. FURNITURE FOR SALE MAHOGANY sleigh bed. Dresser with beveled edged mirror, rocking chair, night stand. All for $76. Ph. 4-2492. d61 UJliO REFRIG. Handcarved Chinese teak Ar camphor wood chest, table lamps At Elcctrolux vacuum. Must sell immcd. 2395 Broadway after 5 p.m. d60 BED DAVENO at 431 S. 32nd. Ph. 3-7178 after 6 or Saturday. d60 DINING SET, 7 piece, $75. Blond maple. 2-4604. d63. WANTED FURNITURE URGENTLY NEED lge. quantity of house hold goads. Buy anything of value At pay spot cash. I want your furniture, pianos, rugs, appliances, antiques, cur ios, trailers, sporting goods or what have you? Phone Glenn Woodry 3-5110 or bring to 1605 N. Summer St. at once. All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Households, goods, furniture, br!c-a-hrac, Hpplinnces, rujt.v silverware, dishes. QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 38558 da GLENN WOODRY. Ph. 35110 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GENTLE WELL bred saddle mare. Rea son b Die or win lease for keep. At Ed wards place, on Boons Rd. east of 91 South. e62' LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED a LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25th Ph. 38147 ea7b- LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne then. 1550 Lancaster Dr Ph. 2-1345. ea76 RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices. 3985 State. Ph. 3-1489. eb65 FRYER RABBITS 50c lb. dressed. 480 eT Madron a, ebSl PETS AKC REGISTERED Cocker puppies. 1807 Lee or 3-9772. ec81 EXTRA NICE 6 weeks old pure bred collie pups. $10 A $15 each. 495 Haw thorne St. Ph. 35B37. tc61 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec83 CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. 34385. ec67 FUEL CU.L HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planet Ends At Block Wood Ph. 3-6444 ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. ash At maple r llr. slab and edgings. Ph 3-1458. 18" TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edging! Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside U1U Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STA1CP8 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Presb Clean Sawdust Or ten Edging $5.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 16533 West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL At STOVE ODV Ph SaJera 3-4031 Pick up wood at 1523 Edtewattf West Salem FOR SALE POULTRY Pt'RE BRED New Hampshire setting fggs. Ph. 2-1117. 3325 Prlngle Rd., Salem. Ore. f63 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter now avail able every Tues. roi Hatcnery, IS30 State Pt Ph 3-4969 t PRODUCr I.- EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY 1942 CHEVROLET Special deluxe 4 -door. New blue paint. Healer, windshield washers. Clean. The buy of the day at $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-792 1941 CHEVROLET Special deluxe club coupe with sun visor it nicely equipped. We have the nicest one In town. WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 Center St. Ph. 3-3012 46 Buick Super club sedan. Radio At heater, ny lon seat covers. Truly a beautiful car. $1295 Loder Bros. USED CAR MKT. MS Cmter Ph. 2-7913 HELP WANTED Yes A Real Opportunity Ts available to You if you like people and arc Interested In a lifetime sales career offering UNLIMITED POTENTIAL EARNINGS together with permanency and security. Here la an unusually fine offer for one who qualifies to enter the Ufa Insurance business as a career underwriter. Not only are we prepared to make a substantial Investment in our extensive training program, but provide a. two-year salary arrangement to meet your budget requirements to enable you to become thoroughly established. Men from many walks of life realizing their futures were limited, have found outstanding success in our business. Our tests and selective methods will determine your aptitude for selling life Insurance. If you are between age 25 and 49, write today, giving your age, education, marital status, business background. We are proud of our 83 years reputation. All Inquiries held in strict con fidence. Write Box 427 Capital Journal. BgfiO HELP WANTED MALE MAN PREFERABLY BACHELOR to be night watCliman, careiBKer, jwuilui, handyman. Can furnish living quar ters, utilities. Prefer older man with other income. See Glenn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer St. at once. ga81' BOOKKEEPER, gen'l Off, $200-$250, out of town. Apply 7io f erry, ure. ot&ie Employment Service. gauu 10 SALESMEN, furniture, appl At plumb ing Ac etc, Inside, outside, uuaranieeo drawed. Apply 710 Ferry. Ore. State Employment oerv. MOTOR ANALYST At tune up man. Must be able to tane cnarge. jxvviy v Ferry. Ore. State Employment Serv. ga60 WANTED: Window cleaners. Ages be tween 30 At 40 yrs, JJOX no, capita. HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN TO CARE for child in my home days. Ph. 2-0U3T. uu- HOUSEWORK and care of 2 children E days a week. South Salem. Ph. 2-3450. gb60 BOOKKEEPER, gen'l Off. $200-$250. Out of town. Apply Ore. State Employment Service. 710 Ferry. sb60 WOMAN OR girl to stay with 2 chil dren. 3350 Livingston. K60 SALESGIRL At must be 21. South Salem Pharmacy . Com'l. gb61 CHRISTIAN young woman for few hours llnht work per week. Write Capital Jour nal Box 429. 8060 PERMANENT position for legal stenog rapher. Write Box 425 Capital Journal. Rb61 WANTED: A girl or woman to do llftht housework and care for 2 children. Ph. 2-6162 after 6 p.m. Eb60 BTLP with house work At children. Ph. 2-0898. EM1 CAR HOP. NiRht work. Apply in person between 1 and 3 p.m. Nn phone calls. White's Drive In. g60 WANTED: Experienced waitress. Call In person. Brooknook Cafe, Brooks, Ore. after 4 p.m. ' "60 3 BEAUTICIANS. Exp. all around. Best pay. Steady, Ericn oi new ion, i . Liberty. Ab8" WANTED SALESMAN WANT MAN for sales dept. No experience necessary. Average earnings $10 per day to start. Secured future for men selected. A-l references required. Apply 439 Court St.. Room 101. ksGI Salesmen Wanted No Investment required. Car necessary. THE ELECTROLUX CORPORATION. 1079 Broadway. GOOD PAY No layoffs. We need sales men At saleswomen. Full At part time. Interviewing March 13, 14, At 15, 9 to 11 a.m. 757 Center St. Kg 62 AMBITIOUS A energetic exp salesman to sell popular Maytag. Eary At Frlgldalre appliances. Transportation lurnished. Salary plus commission. Leads At floor days coupled with helpful supervision. Will assure steady At substantial earn ings. Apply Hogg Bros., U6 8. Com'). gg60" WANTED: Real estate salesman, on 60 basis. Contact Snrfth Real Estate, 475 Htgb St. Office Ph. 3-7007. eve. 2-8268. ggeo EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 389 State Street Phone 2-U88. ,160 WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for girl 4 or 5 years for com panion for my daugnter. ra. jmu. noi- W ANTEDI Land clearing, grading At road building for t.d. m wun oouote angie blade At clearing teeth. Ph. 2-2095 eves. h61 BRl'SH A- SPRAY painting, decorating. Free est. Keasonaoie raies. rnone 4-2079. h61 Mimeographing-Typing Poes 66S North 16th Phone 3-364: TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. Jhn Payne, 893 Bellevue. Ph. 36014. h83 ROTO-TILLING H. Brown. Ph. 3-7500 WOULP LIKE to take care of child 3 or 4 years of age. 320 Rosemoot Ave., West Salem h60 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th Ph. 3-6876. h61 INTERIOR PAINTING. REMODELING alteration. Ph. 3-9694 Wilsons 1949 Studebaker Commander Club Coupe $1895 HAS 15.000 MILES, NOT A BLEMISH, LUSCIOUS CREAM COLOR. POSITIVE LY PERFECT. OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER 1939 CHEVROLET 3 -door sedan. Heater. Clean ear thru out. $395 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 N. Church Ph. 3-9277 qx60 Requirements for the use of this special section .... Dealer' must submit their copy beforo 4 p.m. day previous to publication. Each car must be an exceptional value. 3 Capital Journal reserves the right to refuse to publish any listing it reels is not a special value. HELP WANTED WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING At decorating. Ph, 3-9694, REMODELING, carpenter wk, will take m furniture. Inq. 801 N. Liberty. h60 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-B072. h79 Don Lucero. Ph, h61 M. E. ROTARY tilling. E. N. Dehut. Eve. ph. 3-8333, day ph. 3-6081. h85 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. 4-2033. h61 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, It DAYS. AGES 3 TO 5. HR. 7:30 TO 6. PH. 24940. h82 CARPENTER, new At re modeling special ty. Ph. 3-7746. h7l GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-tiller. Reas. Ph. 2-2709. h70 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h85 EXP. PRACTICAL NURSE. Can give hy- poa. Live in or out. Ph. 3-8167. h62 CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 33611, b.68 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4859. FOR RENT ROOMS BUSINESS DIST. Nice As warm front sleep ing room with hot As cold water in room. For gentleman. 355 Center St. jk64 SLEEPING RM. Double At single. Ph. 34335 Jk85- DIVORCEE with 3 children would Ilka 3 or 4 rm. auto court or house. Furn. or partly furn. Not exceeding $40 per month. Will give excellent personal ref. Ph. 3-5978 between 13 p.m. if In terested. Jk61 SLEEPING rooms for rent, 555 N. Church. jk60 : FURNISHED sleeping rooma, Cottage after 5:30 p.m. 655 N. JkSl HOLLYWOOD. 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. jk81 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. 39670. Jk68 SLEEPING EMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539. lk73 DOUBLE or single rms. Close In. Hot and cold water. Ph. 3-6317, Jk65" LP RM, lady. Priv home. Ph. 36557. Jk83 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURN. apts. $85 As $75. Ambaa sador Apt. 550 N. Summer. Jp81 3 RM UPSTRS furn. Private ent As bath. Recently redecorated. Take a look. You'll like It. 187 W. Miller. jp60 NEW 3 RMS. Ai priv. bath. Reas. Partly furn. 1065 Madison. Jp64 3 RM. FURN. apt. Bath, priv. ent. Ad ults. 1250 N. Winter. Apt. 1. Jp60 3 RM. FURN. APT. Priv. bath. Frig. 588 N. Church St. Jp64 3 ROOM furn. apt. 597 N. Liberty. Jp62 COURT APT. 3 rms. & bath. Range At refrig. Exceptionally clean. 1348 S 12th. Jp61 LOVELY 3-rm. apt. In court. Hefrlg., ranee Ac auto, laundry. 907 S. 13th. Jp64" 3 ROOM unfurnished apt. Stoves furn. 1258 S. Com'l. Jp81 NICE LARGE apt. Utilities turn. Reason able. 365 S. 16th. Jp61 RM. FURN. apt. Close In, clean, utilities furn. Ph. 2-9201. 760 N. Church. Jp60 HOUSE FOR RENT with i rm. apt. un furnished. Ph. 3-9647. Jp68 CLOSE IN. Partly furn. Admu only. 680 FURN. 1 A 2 RM. apts. Ph. 2-7288. Jp78 2 RM. furn. apt. Utilities torn. 1810 Trade. JP60 S RM. PART. furn. apt., ell beat, elec. e.. j 03 xayior. rn. z-U97. JP60" 3 RM. FURN. apt. Adults. Pb. 35372. 193S center. jpoo 3 APTS. Completely furn. Close la. In quire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 39185. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES FOR LEASE Partly furn. 3 bd rm new house, $100. Four Corners. Ph. 32772. Jm60" RENT or SALE. Keizer dist. 3 bdrm. mod ern, oil floor furn., close to store, bus and school. $65 month. Pb. 2-5138. Jm81' New 2 bedroom furnished house with garage April 15 to Nov. 1st. 3055 Laurel Ave. Jm61 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up As delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Coral. Ph 3-3513. j (Continued on Page 13) 'i V