Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    UCLA Rated Five Point
Favorites over Cougars
Los Angeles, March 10 U.R
Clever a Pacific Coast conference
chamn but frequently a South
Vrn division winner, the UCLA
Bruins were five points favor
Ites today over Washington State
for the FCC basketball title.
The two teams meet tonight
in the opening contest of a best
two-out-of-three series for the
Conference championship. They
will play again tomorrow night
jnd then Monday night if a third
fame is necessary,
j The PCC t i 1 1 i s t also will
win the right to represent the
Far West in the NCAA bas
ketball tournament.
Facing their toughest assign
ment of the season, the fast
breaking Bruins will be up
against a first class exponent of
slow breaking, ball-control
club. The Washington Cougars,
-Northern division standard
bearers, also have considerable
taght advantage.
The northern team was mold
ed this season around Ed Gay
da, six foot, two inch forward
who weighs 210 pounds. He and
Center Gene Conley, six feet, 8
inches tall, were the two Cou
gars named to the Northern di
Amateurs of West
Battle in Golden
Gloves on Friday
. Chicago, March 10 OJ.R) The
top 32 amateur fighters in the
west will battle tonight in the
semi-finals and finals of the
23rd annual Chicago Tribune
Golden Gloves tournament.
Winners of the eight cham
pionships will scrap the New
York Golden Glove winners in
the Chicago stadium March 29.
A crowd of more than 10,000
was expected to watch tonight's
stadium bouts. The scrappers,
coming from cities ranging from
Cleveland to Los Angeles, quali
fied for the bouts in three nights
of preliminaries two weeks ago.
Stephens Ends
Holdout, Inks
For $40,000
! Sarasota, Fla., March 10 u
Vern Stephens, slugging short
itop of the Boston Red Sox, end
ed his holdout yesterday when
he agreed to sign for $40,000 in
a long-distance telephone con
versation with General Manager
Joe Cronin.
! Stephens hit .200, knocked in
159 runs and hit 39 homers last
Viking Matmen Leave for
State Meet at Corvallis
Coach Hank Juran's Salem
high wrestling crew left early
Friday morning to attend the
bird annual Oregon high school
wrestling tournament slated to
pe staged in the Oregon State
college men's gym.
1 The Vik groaners are slated
to work off a few extra pounds
before weighing in prior to the
patches Friday afternoon and
t Juran's muscle massagrrs
making the Jaunt to Corvallis
ire Orson Cooley, 98 pounds;
Hon Morgali, 140; Cliff Hutchin
son, 121; Dan el Klampe, 121;
Jack Kubishta, 128; John Gund
ran, 134; George Logan, 134;
Dwayne Shook, 139; Marvin
Schirmnn, 139; Vic Schwcitz,
146; Herb Stepper, 15,1; Frank
Yellen, 185; Marvin Karn, 165;
Opening Nire April 18th
ADMISSION Tickets Now on Sals
$1 Tax at Maple's Sporting
I Included Goods Store
Box Seat Tickets on Sale at Waters Field Office
vision all-star five. Conley, load
ing Northern division scorer,
averaged 13.5 points a game,
followed closely by Gayda with
a 12.2 average.
Bruin Guard George Stanich,
who handcuffed USC's Bill Shar-
man so effectively last week,
will be assigned the task of
holding down Gayda. Stanich
and Center Carl Kraushaar were
the two Bruins named to the
Southern division all-star quin
"We'll have to try to run
over and around them," UCLA
Coach John Wooden said re
garding the series.
The difference between Wash
ington State and UCLA styles of
play is reflected in team scoring
averages. The northerners have
tallied 51. 8 points per game
while allowing but 47.2 points.
But the Bruins' racehorse tac
tics have netted them 61.8 points
per game with their opposition
averaging 57.7.
The Cougars, coached by
Jack Fricl, have won 19 out
of 30 games. In the PCC tour
nament last year at San Fran
cisco the Bruins defeated
Washington State, 64 to 44.
Oregon, Friday, March 10, 1950
Union Hold
iJ eomr
Hoop, Monmouth Loses
Astoria, March 10 (T't Union
no longer rules .the .class .B
schools at least in basketball.
Garibaldi's surprising Wolves
pulled the upset of the year last
night, spilling the defending
champs, 51-44.
It came in the first round of
the state class B high school
tournament, as Drain, Rogue
River and Alsea also moved into
the round of four, where Drain
will meet Rogue River and Gar.
ibaldi will face Alsea tonight.
Union defending chanjpion
of class B basketball, track and
football had been favored to
repeat here, but Garibaldi just
wouldn't give Union recogni
tion. The Wolves seized the lead in
the early moments, rolled on to
a 29-24 halftime margin and had
the count up to 50-37 in the clos
ing seconds.
That installed Garibaldi as one
of the favorites here. The crowd
also liked the chances of the tall
RoKiie River team to win the
The smaller Condon team
simply had no chance against
Rogue River, which has three
players at 6 feet 4 inches, one at
6 feet 2, and three at 6 feet 1.
Dick Peterson, 175, and
Enger, heavyweight.
Schweitz will be all out to
defend his state champion crown
in the 145 weight bracket which
lie won last year.
Other district champions and
the number of men qualified are
Klamath Falls, 21; Canby, 16;
and Oregon City, 13. Other
schools in the tournament are
Molalla. 14; Newberg, 11; 11c
Minnville, 7; Albany. 14; Dallas.
12; Lebanon, 6; Springfield, 12;
Grants Pass, 6; Roseburg, 7;
Hillsboro, 11: Sandy, 10; Park
rose, 8; West Linn, 4; Tigarri, 2;
and Bend, Burns, and Jeffer
son, 1 each,
K-Falls qualified their 21 out
of a possible 24 berths in win
ning their district crown and are
in fine position to successfully
defend their title.
Pacific Coast
Cage Title Mix
To Be Broadcast
The Pacific Coast conference
basketball championship series
will be broadcast in the north
west over station KVAN, KRUL
and KERG among others. The
games will be played in Los An.
geles between Washington State
and UCLA beginning at 8:15
Friday night. The second game
is slated for Saturday night and
a third, if necessary, next Mon.
Rupp Is Voted
Coach of Year
New York, March 10 (Pi
Adolph Rupp has been voted
the basketball coach of the
year for his performance in
piloting a sophomore-powered
Kentucky quintet to a success
ful season. He won the honor
yesterday on a vote of the
Metropolitan Basketball Writ
ers association.
Rupp fashioned second
stringers and new men into a
combination that won the
Southeastern conference
crown and another invitation
to a post-season tourney.
Page 8
By Walt Ditzen
Broken in
While the Condon players
dodged forlornly amongst the
legs, Rogue River played hand
ball at the backboards, ntlincr nn
a 29-7 halftime edge and going
on to a 52-20 victory.
The other games were clos
er, Alsea nosing out Prairie
City in a free-throw comedy,
Drain and Mnnmniith wnra all
right while the action was fast,
but the jitters set in at every
whistle. As it turned out, Mon
mouth was just more jittery than
They each made 18 field goals,
but at the free throw line Mnn-
mouth managed to miss 11 out
ot n tries. Drain somehow got
4 of 14 tries inside the hnnn anrt
that was the margin of victory.
in ine consolation round Mon
mouth was to meet Condon at
2:30 p.m. and Union to play
Prairie City at 3:45 p.m.
nr.ln (10) m) Monmoulh
Don Joslyn 18 ,.,.F 10 Lstle
Haldtmni. S P , Thompson
B. Duncan 1 ...c a Hoscnutock
j man
Oalo 8 0 ft
Subs: Monmouth Brojitrom 4 ,
(By the A-saoclated Press)
Ohio Staff 86, Butlfr 65.
Xavlrr iOhio 54. Cinclnnntl 53.
Peppcrdlne 65. Chlco iCaliM 35.
iny the AshorlMrd Press)
Drain 40, Monmouth Jfl.
Rojnie Hlvrr 52. Condon 20.
Ciarlbaltll 51, Union 44.
Alsea 48, Prairie City 4.1.
Kentucky Jlliiskey -ABlt
A Gentleman's Wliiskey from
National Distillers Products Corporation, New York 65
Oh Doctor!
a faculty rooting
I ifflP nPlnPf C With nis vne ' assistance, one can eas
LIIIIG I IWIJWI J ily dctermine why the "Faculty" won over
the "Lettermen" in Thursday night's "basketball" game at
Willamette. The score? That depends upon who answers
the question. Left to right, Chester Stackhouse, athletic di
rector; "Manager" Ann Stackhouse and "Trainer" Joy Koep
pen of the "Faculty." They appear somewhat glum at this
stage of the contest.
St. Mary's and '
Mill City Meet
In South Playoff
Aumsville Grade school
teams from Mill City and St.
Mary's of Stayton were listed to
day as the contenders for first
and second place in the South
Marion playoff finals to be held
here Saturday.
Mill City gained a berth in
the championship bracket bv
defeating a Turner team, 16-13.
Ward was the high pointer in
the game with 6.
St. Mary's topped Gates, 32-
Ttraiui lilt
ww-.;, mm
The Hon. Dr. G. Herbert Smith, presi
dent of Willamette university, leading
section during the Faculty-W club cage
12, to take the spot opposite Mill
City in the Saturday finale. Jer
ry Gisler copped 10 counters for
the Stayton team.
Trophies will be awarded win
ners in the Saturday games The
consolation bracket sees Turner
meeting Gates Saturday for
third and fourth place standings.
Win Trophies
Sublimity St. Boniface high
school won two trophies at the
basketball playoff at Monmoulh.
One trophy was awarded for
placing second in the tourna
ment. The other was the sports
manship trophy, donated by a
merchant of Monmouth.
s Qt.
Grain Neutral Spirits
wmm SO30
Bearcat Faculty
Claims Victory
In Basket Fun
If there were any gags that
weren't pulled by either side
in Thursday night's annual
Faculty - Lettermen's club
"basketball" game at Willam
ette, it was because the fertile
brains of the participants had
overlooked them.
The show set an all-time
high in the laugh production
department, with the heartiest
guffaws originating among the
faculty because they won. At
least that was their claim Fri
day forenoon.
At one stage of the produc
tion the lights went out and
when illumination returned
the score stood something like
"57 to 9" for the Lettermen.
However, largely due to the
efforts of Johnny Lewis and
Jim Johnson the teachers
emerged victorious.
A portable oxygen outfit
was given some credit in giv
ing the faculty the lion's share
of the score.
Foursquare Hoop
Tourney Planned
W o o d b u rn A Foursquare
church basketball league tour
nament with eight teams in com
petition will be held Saturday
afternoon and evening March 11,
at the Woodburn high school
gymnasium, according to Rev
Arthur Golbe, local pastor. Rep
resented will be Portland, Van
couver, Longview, Hillsboro
Oregon City, Corvallis, Salem
and Woodburn squads.
Preliminaries will start at 1
p. m. and the finals at 7:30 p.
m. Local young people will be
hosts to the teams and others at
tending at the home economies
room in the high school.
Seals Get Power
Hitter in Rookie
El Centro, Calif., March 10-
(U.R) Rookie Jim Westlake may
be just the power hitter that
Manager Lefty O'Doul of San
Francisco is looking for.
Westlake, 20-year-old brother
of Pittsburgh's Wally Westlake,
got two doubles and two singles
yesterday to lead the seals to a
14 to 7 victory over Seattle here
The win gave the O'Doul club
a 3 to 2 edge in their exhibition
game series with the Rainiers.
L;B outboard mow"
tihKewIe Value.' J
For 40 rein. ETinmde hts led the field
in (tiring fine performioce dunbilit
solid lue. Hexe'j roar kfimml
New Low Prices on New
1949 Non-Current Models
5.4 H.P. Zephyr,
NOW 148.50
9.7 H.P. Light Four,
NOW 198.50
5 H.P. Elto, NOW 1 19.50
12 H. P. Elto,
NOW 199.50
New 1950 3.3 H.P.
Sportwins ...-135.00
Here now! The new 7M H. P.
alternate twin with neutral
shift and reverse 196.50
See the new 12 foot Burch
craft boat on display now.
New Savage Rifles Model 300.
2 available. Also a complete
line of fishing tackle,
Outboard & Sport Shop
1201 S. Commercial Ph. 36050
apeea ana
Mark NIT Cage Tourney
Chicago, March 10 OT Speed
and deception keynoted Bradley,
Svramise and Niagara three
dazzling-paced entries in the na
tional invitational lourney uiai
have combined for 64 wins
against 17 defeats for the sea
Niagara, which opens the meet
in Madison Square Garden to
morrow afternoon against West-
Wonhirkv. is nlavine its best
basketball of the season at this
time. The Purple Eagles have
won their last six games, hit
ting their top striae or ine cam-
ChiSox Manager
Tries for Tribe
Pitcher Deal
Tucson, Arizona, March 10 (U.R)
Frank Lane, general manager
of the Chicago White Sox, re
newed his efforts to pry pitcher;
Steve Gromek loose from the
Cleveland Indians today.
Lane was turned down last
night when he proposed a
straight swap involving Gromek
and Howie Judson but said he
planned to "stick around a few
days and try again."
Both pitchers were disappoint
ments in 1949. Gromek, tabbed
a potential 20-game winner by
Bill Veeck in the spring, won
only four games. Judson, a 23-year-old
right-handed hard-ball-er
only two years removed from
class D ball, won his first start
of the season and then lost 14
Sweeney to Send
Squad to Batting
Practice Friday
Riverside, Calif., March 10 OT
Manager Bill Sweeney will
send his Portland Beavers
through a long batting practice
today, even though the Beaver
sluggers left little to be desired
in whipping Los Angeles here
The Beavers bunched five hits
for three runs in the fifth inning
and went on to trounce the An
gels, 8 to 1.
KSLM Will Air
'Game of the Day'
Radio station KSLM will
air the "Game of the Day"
selected from the American
and National leagues begin
ning with the opening of the
1950 baseball season April 18.
The program will be han
dled through the facilities of
the Mutual-Don Lee system
and live play-by-play broad
casts will be heard Monday
through Saturday.
A minimum of 10 broad
casts will originate from each
of the ball parks during the
regular playing season. In ad
dition, there will be inter
views with players, managers,
coaches and sports writers.
Air-Cushioned McCoys are new and they are new
good news for you because now you can buy fuH
heel to toe cushion shock absorbing, foot easing
comfort. And most important you can buy
them right here fitted by competent shoe men
and backed by our reputation, a DOUBLE ASSUR
ANCE OF QUALITY. Priced rom $8.95 to $13.95
and styles for every need.
McCOY AIR CUSHIONS are distent shoes, yew
can the cushion, you can tee the features . . .
the 1950 version of what a shoe shouM be. Come in
today to see the complete selection of Air-Cushioned
357 State
f 1
vecepuun 10
paign, in compiling a 20-6 rec
Thei team nine on the squad
come from the New York City
metropolitan area features
hard-driving action led by 20-year-old
Zeke Sinicola, flashy
dribbler and lay-up artist.
Two of Niagara's defeats were
by Syracuse which begins NIT
firing tomorrow night against
Long Island U.
A terrific fast break, tightly-knitted
team play, and good
reserve strength are the essen
tials of Syracuse's 17-8 mark.
The record includes 62-49 and
60-55 wins over Niagara and
an 83-74 triumph over anoth
er NIT entry, City College of
New York.
Speed characterizes the first
five, topped by play-maker and
No. 1 sharpshooter. Jack Kiley
of Newark, N. J. He has scored
an even 400 points in 25 games.
Syracuse, however, began to
jell only in midseason when Ed
Miller, a 6 foot 6 inch sopho
more from New Rochelle, N. Y.,
made the first string. The club
has clicked for 10 wins in 14
starts since then.
Bradley of Peoria, III., is a
veteran of the NIT, and this tirryk,
is seeded first, opening its bilT
Monday night against the Syra-cuse-LIU
winner. The Braves
have a fluid attack. They pre
fer to run but are quick to ad
just to an opponent's style. The
Braves, under 30-year-old Coach
Forddy Anderson, have a 27-3
record and the No. 1 ranking in
the Associated Press poll.
Church League
Title Play Is
Slated for 20th
Championship games in the
three divisions of the Salem
Church basketball league will
be played the night of March 20
on the Parrish junior high
school gym floor. The date is a
postponement from an earlier
one to avoid conflict with the
state tournament in Eugene.
The "C" division teams will
meet at 7 o'clock, "B" at 8 and
"A" at 9. Contenders in all di
visions have not been deter
mined. CHANGE OF
On at 3:45 This Evening
Instead of 6:30 aver
Presented by
Herrall-Owens &
The Salem Boat
From The Shoe Box
Store Hours
9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.