Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 47, Image 45

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    Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 1950
Color Ideas
For Kitchens
Win Approval
Gay, colorful decorating
schemes for kitchens are being
widely accepted in place of the
cheerless hospital whiteness
common during the last few de
cades, says American Builder,
home building industry maga
zine. The trend in kitchen decora
tion is toward colors which re
flect the personality of the
housewife, the magazine ex
plains. Selection of a color
scheme thus becomes a matter
of individual taste.
Types of modern floor cover
ings range from inlaid linoleum
to asphalt and rubber tile and
laminated-vinyl flooring. All
these materials, the magazine
says, are available in both solid
colors and variegated patterns.
Colors Permanent
The colors are permanent.
Kitchen floor materials also are
resistant to chemicals and
strong cleaning solutions.
American Builder says ap
proved kitchen wall materials
vary from paint or wallpaper on
plaster walls to ceramic tile.
Others are panels and tiles with
metal mouldings at the joints,
interlocking tiles, chromite zinc
panels, wall-flex, mura-tex and
asbestos - cement boards with
metal mouldings.
Tiles and panels are adaptable
to modernization las well as new
construction, the magazine says.
These materials simplify the job
of making a kitchen a more
pleasant room in which to work.
Combinations Suggested
"Interesting color combina
tions can be obtained in the
kitchen through the use of sev
era different wall materials,"
American Builder adds. "This
method has a tendency to re
duce the cost, depending, of
course, on the types of materials
Large Fuel Savings Possible
If House Is Winter-Conditioned
Steps to save fuel and money
during the winter heating sea
son fall into three categories,
says the Construction Research
Bureau, New York clearing
house for building information:
(1) structural winter-conditioning;
(2) heating plant operation;
(3) family habits.
Installation of storm windows
and doors and weatherstripping
will save 12 of the feul. In
sulation of walls and roof with
full-thick mineral wool will ef
fect a one-third fuel saving.
Caulking all cracks in the sid
ing and around windows and
doors will save still more fuel.
Insulation with batts or blankets
of mineral wool beneath floors
over unhealed spaces should not
he overlooked since about 0
of the heat is lost through unpro
tected floors. The furnace and
pipes or ducts leading from it
also must be insulated to save
fuel. If all these steps are taken
before bud weather begins, the
average househokiei should be
able to reduce fuel consumption
by at least 50, the Bureau
Furnace Operation
Large amounts of fuel will be
saved if the heating plant is
thoroughly cleaned and put in
first class condition before the
heating season starts and a care
ful operating system is followed
through the winter.
Coal Furnace
Clean the ash pit daily. Re
move ashes and clinkers
from the grates every 2
to 6 weeks. Check all doors
and openings occasionally to be
sure they fit and operate prop-
"A method which has proved
extremely popular is the use oi
tiles or wall panels on the cab
inet walls with a highly decora
live paper on walls without
fixtures. This makes a kitchen
a gay and delightful place."
Uii mot cm
- shops Mint
' with motr
jT"""" SHOP SMITH la o tawdiM "5fcH 1 1
I I . prM, talk, diic tandcr, ond m B.
boriiOAtol drill ... 5 big-capacity , 1 I
' Yf tool la oaa wnitl It'i rvggd (weight
J J TOO povadt). M taka apoc. aftd H 1
I emit awe teas thorn 5 aquivoUnt aigl-pif pot --J J
look. Got o SHOPSMIIM... coapUU woa.ttopl j i
M'DRIU PIUS 1" SAW. PklWf., obo.. 2
JTC-. Drill to cantor. daala. To 48" batwaaa blada end faaca.
15" awing. DiU H" by 17
Spooda d00 to No limit la tba lorga till i 9
1600 KfM. Unglh ol work. kifclv
(m MOP SMITH rfaMl(alJ t
erly. Keep plenty of fuel in the
furnace to avoid a thin fire bed.
Before adding fresh coal, .push
the top layer aside so that red-
hot coals can be racked back
over the new coal to burn the
gasses. Avoid excessive shaking
and poking.
Thermostat and Valves
Save 10 of the fuel by hold
ing the thermostat at 68 degrees
and setting it at 60 during the
night. Keep the air in the house
humidified with daily filling of
radiator pans or furnace humidi
fier. Check steam radiators
valves often for proper opera
tion and open hot water radiator
valves once a month to prevent
radiators becoming air-bound.
Other Things To Oo
Close unused rooms and seal
the cracks around the doors.
Close bedroom doors at night
and place a rolled-up rug at the
threshold. Do not hold an ex
terior door open foi conversa
lions. Keep window shades
drawn at night and on extreme
ly cold days. Air the house only
at mid-day and turn the therm
ostat down. Keep fireplace flues
closed when not in use.
Greae Interceptor
Needed for Sink
A grease interceptor is requir
ed to prevent the automatic
dishwasher or kitchen sink from
clogging. The device ran be plac
ed under the sink or farther
along in the drainage system.
but should be accessible for oc
casional cleaning.
Modern grease interceptor.'
have baffles and channels that
force the grease to the top and
keep it out of the waste pipes
Grease-free water, still carrying
other wastes, flows across tin
bottom of the device and out
through the waste pipes.
Bits of Stone
On Roof Top
Mineral granules hard, opa
que bits of stone- are used as a
surfacing material lor asphalt
shingles, America's most wirely
used home roofing.
The granules are emtedded
under pressure on the sui face
of the shingles during manufac
Granules are used because
they increase the natural fire-
-esistunce of the shingles, permit
nanufacture of shingles in a
wide range of colors and provide
md excellent wearing surface.
Granules are colored by "fir
ng" pigments into them. This is
i ceramic process. In producing
ilended color shingles, granules
f two or mure colors are mixed
jefore they are applied to the
The New Ail-Purpose Tile for Every Type of Floor
Bonny Maid
9" x 9" Tile 24 Different Patterns
For Installation on
Resilient - Cushiony - Woterproof - Vermin Proof - Non-Skid
See Us Today
Bert A. Lucas & Co,
285 No. Lancaster Drive
310 Miles North of Stote Street 4 Corners
Ph. 3 3941
Plan for hospitality .
m Sunny Orook
the whiskey that's iv
Cieerfu J: j
Jas its Vame " V 31
In mansion or cottage, serving m ' fmi. Vw
Old Sunny Brook means cheer- Vt - ffi. fr Jjr Tj?i7
ful hospitality. This popular I p111. ' Ifi j
Kentucky whiskey is designed 'JXiJ P ' Cp-
for real drinking nfoyment.
cAf,a 4iqt - , WX " 7
'S '"A , ,1
u naor
KENTUCKY WHISKiY-A BlND.isswiiimjTija$rim$.iuTioiuaoiniiiu$,itr.