Capital Journal Building; Section, Friday, March 10, 195027 Lightness and Grace for Inter forgives Make Vjw ifjr hrjTTjg movfe equipment! A cross-section of a flue should ot other WtiCl- Jn plzrjzisg ti i-.elvet, space never be h-nx than 10 per rent of the area of the flreplac opening. Modernizing the home noecl'- Spaces Useful When an odd wall space be HtJIIiK lit W -1 . ion j catching moulding, and ugly fireplace mnnlcln. Lightness and gnicc are modern earmarks, lighten up a dark unintercHting room willi woodwork, book .diclveri and tableN In natural or blond flnlflh. Paint the exposed brick m of the fireplace the name color an the adjoining wall. Hide old style radial on wllh modern covers or by paint big them to match the woodwork books Jike eix-vcIperJias, with others 10" or 11 apart for aver age books. Pian trt space in the Wh-n using a rich dough for rolled cookies chill thoroughly in the refrigerator, then spoon off a very small amount of tho dough at a time; to roll and cut. tween two doorways or in a wall offsets beside a chimney is too small for furniture to look well cabinet and arrange tni? shelve to fit the principal articles to be stored there. Wax Know Shovel there, the space can be made useful by building shelves. WALLPAPER SALE Extend open shelves from a point about HO" above the floor lo the celling for books and bric- To keep snow from slicking a snow shovel, wax the shovel blade with floor wax. a-brac, wllh a cloned cabinet be- 4 not menn mnjor slruclurnl 1 trrntir.ns. Thr spiteiou.sncsH of un inferior is nttrrlvtl ii.h much by color as by actual urchilcHuml (Ii-nIkii. Sinn floor, wullft iiimI rWllng JMivp lift ft liurlt ground rolor choice brtiiM Willi (limn, Color Bftrcllotl lr)rinlfl Oil futility ttmlr-H, tr roiiinH function niul Ihr aiitounl of imlutnl Hgld II 10 Kor n rmlful totil Informal loom, neitll'ul or t recti lug Colmp like ptanlrl liltm, (,'innn linign nnI Kiiiy lo(iur Mm nVnlird nfOct for M iliiintitlin littrtigitiiitiil, strong coIoih wild liinm of fro, yellow uihI brilil hint nr ifi-onunrndi il ty Inlci lor dr-nlgo rrri. Willi inoilriii oit-ii planning of rooma, color may I in tmeil rttrv llvHy lo mark room iIIvIrIoiin or to nrrnnl fiirutliirn jroiipingri. Vai irly and Intci ent may Ik cralfd by malting one wall In a room conlranl nharply wflli the olliei'fj, Tim Iwo wall colors t mint of cournn Imu inonle dourly. In Jiintlernllng Urn older; litmie, Ilic Interior nhniild be denied of all chiller Hurl) un dark heavy utalr batnnlern, dirt-; Prudent to Insulate Attic Storage Doors When altlm urit flnlnhed off for additional living wparr It in pi (ideal not lo wanle lite remain ing nlnragr upace that rxtnU be hind the walla of the new roomit. However, when doom are In stalled for acceMM lo nucli lorage rtpaceH II In Important lo Innnlate the doom the name at) the walln are hinutaled. Mineral wool btdln, for hi r.lance, can be nerni ed lo I he I melt of finch doom hi the name way they are fanlened lo walhi, gahleM and roof areas. Thin pre caution will go far lo keep the attic cool hi muniner and warm In winter. 'offer f'lilrf Crop Coffee In the chief crop of Cort ta Itica. Cocoa and banauaM alno are ciillivaled rxlennivety. Hogg Bros. Have Them! THOSE BEAUTIFUL NEW SPACE-SAVERS BY SIMMONS v ai k tAjr1 ...;. .jt minim ' kua 1 iKK'.-"ii5sr. mmsw Your Choice of COVERS COLORS MATTRESSES The New Lawson Style HIDE-ABED Day and night luxury have made the Hide a lied an overwhelming favorite with space nhy fam ilies, .hint Imagine thin beautiful sofa changes In an Inritanl to n big, combulahle bed for twol See the new styles, 1 AA50 new covers. IlliiMlrali'fi Is Die I .uwrmii, 199 Easy Terms - Open 'Til 9 Friday Nite - Free Delivery 260 State Street Dial 3-9148 f ! A.DOIRI UR A iONl. ,1 Open Everyday Including Sundays and Holidays LANDSCAPE DESIGNING & CONSTRUCTION OUR SPECIALTY Let hrlp yew 1 plnn find pbint your yord with 1 1 ir vri y Iw.l nwileiifili avuilohle. Wc r.pcc kilic in Ihr morr "dwm tore Uw growing plunt and hrubn lo (it thi miKlern doy nuMhod o( planting. FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN PHONE US TODAY Nothing Down- Three Years To Pay V. A. Iturrflrr 3 F. A. DOERFLER & SONS NURSERIES VISITORS ALWAYS WI.LCOME 150 N. Loncottcr Drive At 4 Corners Ph. 22549 Hon llorrflrr PRICE MANY I'A-ITKIINS TO CIIOOSK KIIOMI R. D. W00VR0W CO. CIL WARD, PROP. at turn Mm) :: tuni. FREE HOME Demonstration BY OUR HOME ECONOMIST JUST CALL 3-9148 FOR APPOINTMENT ''lit 'if001) Mlhtrrtl Shorninkfl 10-DAY Fit EE TRIAL IN YOl'llOWN IIOMIi Ironnle All I OMAI IC IHONKIt NJ ttIJ 4. AN AM HikI nut how Irotull ran rnJ wntl It on In dtutlgciry, ua yu lima. Itfli trgiir(J your linalih mntl if Nrnr. Try an Irnnrtl la your lioma lr 10 dava rll Itoul rliat g, I Harovar how Iruuillo't 'M-u tartitlmlmly uitifi mpn and In you lion mnylhlng In lha ah hakt. Call urn today for detail Open I rlttny 'til 9 r.M. mm 3 SAtXM OMICON CIIY DIM. J till 115 S. COMMERCIAL IVttlly Iorrllrr