Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 195025 . I I 1-MARIGOID j I GNOME i p. - n 2-MIXTURE OF 1 ANNUAL PHLOX WALL - II 3AlYSSUM VIOLET -I 1 I &R QUEEN : a, 1 I 4 PETUNIA, I II M l I FIRE CHIEF I - J WALL-WHITE PETUNIA Why Not Get Your Suntan In Your Home Grounds ? Sunshine is precious; it uplifts the spirits, it is necessary for good health to adults and chil dren alike, it is vital to plant growth, and is the greatest ene my of decay in buildings. Thousands of Americans mi grate every month to those sec tions of the country which en joy a maximum of sunshine; and millions spend their vacations at seashore, desert, or mountain resorts, where they can soak up sunshine, and return home with a good coat of sun-tan. No wonder, then, that a move ment is spreading in localities where sunshine is not so plenti ful, to make sure that every bit there is has uninterrupted access to homes and their occupants. Why, we wonder, did so many Americans of the recent past, surround their homes with dense plantings of trees and shrubs, so that no sun could reach their houses, and they were obliged to travel to less shaded places in order to enjoy the sun? It is difficult to answer this question except with the one word: Fashion. It was the fash ion to overplant home grounds. This practice is now outmod ed, its departure hastened by mo dern house design. Built for comfort and enjoyment, new homes discard traditional styles in favor of design for efficient living. Sunshine is invited into the house through large glass areas, and an intimate relation ship is sought between the rooms of the home, and the grounds surrounding it. Full use of this outdoor home area is required and use must be the first consideration in plant ing the grounds. Nothing should be planted which would inter fere with use, yet the house should be provided with an at tractive frame, to enhance its beauty. For modern house, with no vi sible foundations, flower borders provide a delightful setting, They cast no shade, but revel in the sunshine, which has uninter rupted access to the house. Their beauty may be enjoyed from within the house, through the picture windows, and by pass ersby, as well. A planting of low growing flowers in color masses, as sug gested by the illustration, gives an attractive setting for a small ranch house. The varieties sug gested bloom all summer with little care, and can be grown from seed at small expense. Home Repairs To Continue At High Rate A continued high rate of mod ernizing old houses as well a? building new ones is predicted for th i s year by the Fed era 1 Housing Administration. The forecast is based on the volume of FHA-insured properly improvement loans, which amounted to at least $600,000, 000 in 1949. The FHA expect? that loans in 1950 "will not fal below" the 1949 figure. Under the FHA's property im provement program, which is designated at Title I, any ap proved lending institution is per mitted to lend up to $2,500 for improving a one family dwell ing or a farm service building. Farms Get Plum bin? . Provision also is made for in suring loans for improvements to other kinds of structures, in cluding two- to four-family dwellings, commercial and in dustrial buildings, and garages. Heating, insulation and plumb ing rank high among specific categories of interior improve ments for which money has been borrowed. Statistics show that the number of plumbing instal lations is particularly high in rural areas. On the exterior, reroofing and exterior finishing, which in cludes painting, are the leading repairs. As with plumbing, the comparative volume of roofing work increases for farm homes :ind other farm buildings. Town Payment Dropped Asphalt shingles are widely used in reroofing work because in most cases this material can be laid on top of the old roofing, thus eliminating the expense of tearing off the worn roof cover ing. In addition, the solid and blended colors in which the ma terial is made permit enhancing the attractiveness of a home eco nomically. Since last summer, the FHA has not required that a down payment be made on a property improvement loan. About 10,000,000 Title I loans, totaling approximately $4,000 000,000, have been made to property holders since the pro gram began in 1934. A RE-ROOFING METHOD Before applying asphalt shing les on top of old wood shingles. J FFATHrPING y, ; -c flashing C- STRIP the worn out root should be pre pared for the new covering. Put on ah caves flashing strip of roll covering, extending from the caves up the roof slope to a line at least 12 inches beyond the inside wall line of the build ing. Tapered strips of wood, call ed feathering strips, should be applied along the butts of the wood singles. This makes a smooth roof deck. A WHISK SCRAPER A combination whisk broom and scraper makes a handy time- saving tool for removing paint. You can scrape with one end of the tool and re- verse it for quickly brush ing away the scrapings. T o make it, buy a whisk broom with a wooden handle. Make a saw cut down the end of the handle deep enough to hold a scraper blade.. Bore through the blade and through the handle to match. Insert the blade and rivet That $ae fooi ani Safe 'A : v f I ') I . You I 1 1 vihziana if. t: SR. U LP Amana 120 Amana 18 A magnifi cent freezer with all the famous Amana features; freezing and stor age space for 630 lbs. of frozen foods! Extra storage bin at bottom keeps freezer wrappings handy. Amana 60 A masterpiece of styling and econo my! Will hold 210 lbs. of food. Fits Into a space 31" x 81" 1 Only Amana gives you so much value for such a low price! COME IN FOR YOUR FREE FOOD SAVINGS CHART AND WHEN-TO-BUY CALENDAR THAT OTOWS YOU HOW TO MAKE MAXIMUM SAVINGS ON FOOD PURCHASES! CONVENIENT Yes. with a roomv. 12 cubic foot Amana home freezer in your home Amana 12 you can shop less by buying more or 'riM one time ... bake and cook in large quantities and save hours of kitchen time! Remember, you save up to 20 on present food bills with an Amana freezer . . . and you can choose your 1 2 cu. ft. freezer in either style chest or upright! MAXIMUM FREEZING SURFACES. Amana 120 (chest) has zero wall construction side walls are all contact freezing surfaces. Amana 12 (upright) has three shelf freezer plates for "sharp" freez ing. Extra plate in ceiling. HAND PACKED INSULATION iVz" Fibergla. TOPS IN CONVENIENCE Easy reach-in upright Table-top chert provides extra work space; handy storage bin for freezer wrapping material at bottom of upright models! TROUBLE-FREE CONDENSING UNIT The sealed-in condensing unit in the Amana freezer was made for long, long service ... and it's sealed in its own lifetime supply of oil! ADDS KITCHEN BEAUTY Handsome DuLux EnameL Keep spotlessly clean with the whisk of a doth. SOLVES FOOD STORAGE PROBLEMS The Amana 12 cu. ft. f r. tzer holds 420 pounds of frozen foods ... takes up a minimum of Boor space. FIVE YEAR WARRANTY The warranty protects your freezer; for one year and the mechanical system for four additional years.' FIVE YEAR FOOD SPOILAGE WARRANTY Every Amana owner is completely protected against food spoilage. BUDGET PAYMENTS ECP 9 33)' Appliance Dept. Downstairs it tajplace,,,,. m jc.t fe