Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 41, Image 39

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    Capita) Journal BuIMing Section, Friday, March 10, 1950 2J
182 of Government's 2 Million
Employes Fired for Disloyalty
Washington, March 10 UP) The government's loyalty program
is three years old this month. Under it, 182 of the government's
2,000,000 employes have been fired for disloyalty.
An additional 2,476 quit while under FBI investigation or hav
ing been investigated before government officials could make
a decision as to their loyalty or
Some republicans, like Sena
tor McCarthy of Wisconsin and
Senator Malone of Nevada, say
they still are not satisfied -with
the program.
Right now McCarthy is charg.
ing there still are communists or
communist sympathizers in the
President Truman by execu
tive order set up the loyalty in
vestigation program March 22,
1947. This was at a time when
relations with Russia were
wretched and congressmen were
calling for a loyalty check.
This was the program: All
government .employes not al
ready checked for loyalty were
to be checked over. They had
to fill out forms giving the his
tory of their lives for the previ
ous 10 years.
These forms went to the FBI
which checked them against in
formation in the FBI files. If
anything suspicious was found,
the FBI then started a full-scale
investigation of the individual.
Of course, information given
the government about an em
ploye would bring an FBI in
vestigation, too. The results of
the FBI investigation went to a
three-man loyalty board set up
in each government agency.
If the FBI report made an
employe's loyalty seem question
able, the board held hearings.
H then the agency loyalty board
board thought the man should be
fired, he could appeal to the
agency head. For instance, to
the secretary of state.
If the agency head upheld his
board and ordered the man fired,
the man could make one last ap
peal: to the loyalty review board,
a 21-man board appointed by
the president
If this board, after hearing the
man's case, decided the disfnv-
alty findings against him were
justified, he was fired. There
was no other appeal. If it found
in his favor, he was safe.
(This loyalty review board has
restored to their jobs 134 em
ployes who appealed to it.)
Of the 182 fired for disloyalty
since 1947, about 106 had been
working for the government for
some time. The remaining 76
were newly hired people. Alto
gether the FBI thought it neces
sary to make a full scale invest
tigation of 11,619 employes.
Senator Malone is not satis-
Tied with the set-up of the pres
ent loyalty review board which
is answerable to the president.
He wants congress to set up a
review board which would be an
independent government agency.
Malone says that under the
president's board, department
heads "could and did ignore the
board's findings at will.' It's
doubtful congress will do any
thing about Malone's idea.
(An official of the president's
board says there is not a single
case where a department head
has kept an employe found dis-
loyal by the president's review
McCarthy has particularly
banged away at the state depart
ment in charging that there are
communists or their sympathiz
ers still in the government.
The senate foreign relations
comimttee has appointed a sub
committee to look into what he
has to say. Its investigation
started yesterday.
Pays $50,000
To Kidnapers
Manila, P. T.t March 10 (U.R) A
kidnaped Manila businessman
was released unharmed today af
ter his family paid a $50,000 ran
The victim, Vicente Aranela:
president of the Ramie Develop
ment corporation, identified his
kidnapers as guerrillas who
fought the Japanese during the
He said they told him at first
they were Hukbalahaps, com
munist-led dissident peasants
who have been fighting the gov
ernment since the end of the
war. Later, however he learned
they were not, he said.
Araneta was snatched Sunday
from an estate in Cavite prov
ince, 40 miles south of Manila.
He said the kidnapers are still
holding five men as hostages for
his freedom.
He suggested that the consta
bulary refrain from hunting
down the kidnapers because
they might harm the hostages.
Araneta tola a press confer
ence that the guerrillas were
disgruntled because their efforts
against the Japanese never were
recognized by the United States
and they therefore drew no back
army pay.
To Continue
Rent Control
Washington, Mar. 10 fl) The
senate today approved increas
ed funds to continue rent con
trol only to June 30. But its ac
tion apparently did not close the
door against a later vote by con-
rttt jroar kitcar
aa lU-Wmji
ad flasket
toot wait
flown A. ArW.
1122 South 12th ST.
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gress to keep the lid on rents for
another year.
"What the senate did was this:
It voted 44 to 28 to accept a
compromise bill carrying $2,
600,000 to pay off some of the
4,100 employes of the rent agen
cy by June 30. The appropria
tion committee had recommend
ed that amount with a view to a
complete shutdown at the end of
this fiscal year, June 30.
It also voted an additional $1,-
400,000 to continue full opera
tion of controls until June 30.
Under the compromise the of
fice of housing expediter Tig be
Woods gets $4,000,000 instead
of the $3,600,000 it had asked to
continue enforcement. The com
promise this partially reversed
the action of the appropriation
President Truman has askrd
that controls be continued until
June 30, 1951.
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