Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 39, Image 37

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    Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 195021
these colors. Cynoglossum,
Chinese forget-me-not, used as a
ribbon planting in .the back
ground, blooms freely all sum
mer, retaining its lovely blue
coloring in hot weather.
How would you mark
inch board to divide it length
wise into 10 equal parts. A quick
way to do it is to lay a rule diag
onally across the board with the
Gay Flower Beds Replace
Outmoded Landscape Style
"Foundation planting," long considered a first step in land
scaping American homes, is being rapidly outmoded by the dis
appearance of the foundations which they were formerly planted
to conceal.
When most homes stood upon a belt of brick or stone, out of
harmony with the superstruc-f
ture, the landscape .architects
advised that this belt be hidden
by green plants, to "tie the house
to the ground."
Since high building costs, and
modern heating plants, have
caused basements to be omitted
from most new homes, the visi
ble foundation line has disap
peared, and the houses sit close
to the surface with nothing to
In front of modern houses,
shrubs and evergreens planted in
the older fashion, quickly grow
so tall as to screen the house
from view, and shut off the out
look for the picture window.
Landscape planting about a
house should be a decoration,
carefully planned to enhance the
beauty of the building, complet
ing an attractive picture as it is
viewed from the street.
When tall trees dwarf the
house, and over-large shrubs and
evergreens hide ti, and prevent
the occupants from seeing out
of the windows, the planting has
not achieved its purpose.
Only low growing plants
should be planted in front of low
homes: and the brightly colored
annuals of dwarf 'habit are be
coming popular as the most suit
able plants for this purpose.
Their color gives a welcome
touch, and they leave the view
from windows unobstructed,
seed may be started early in
seed-boxes indoors, and grown
to a size suitable for transplant
. jng by thetime the soil can be
prepared. There are many va
rieties which will grow quickly
from seed sown directly in the
border where the plants are to
grow, and they will bloom until
freezing weather comes in the
fall. Besides providing a decora- j
tion for the house, many annuals ,
are suitable for cutting, to bej
used in the house. ' l
Dwarf single and double
French marigolds, as shown in
the illustration, come in tones
of orange, yellow and maroon,
with several two-tone blends of
zero point at one edge and the
lOmch mark at the other edge.
The board is then marked at
every inch mark on the rule and
you have 7 divided by 10.
Hints Given
For Planning
Since careful planning is re
quired to effect the greatest cost
savings, the family planning to
build its own home should con
sult a good architect and build
ing contractor in the winter
when they -are not rushed. Most
of the expensive changes that
later crop up can thus be marie
on paper before building starts
in the spring.
Basic Principles
Among the basic principles to
A 2-story house costs less than
a one-story dwelling because of
the larger plot required for a
one-story house of the same area
as the 2-story house. Added to
this is the cost of the greater
amount of roof area, foundation
and wall perimeter, interior par
titions and more costly floor
and ceiling construction of the
single-story house.
A square or rectangular house
without angled walls, offsets and
dormers and gables costs con
siderably less. Simple straight
lines are most economical and
usually permit better use of the
interior space.
Cost-Savers Listed
After the style and shape of
the house are chosen, here are a
few of the many cost-savers that
can be used in construction.
Dry wall construction instead
of plaster; if plaster is wanted,
use rock lath instead of wood or
metal lath.4 Insulation of the
walls full-thick with batts and
blankets of mineral wood, to
gether with complete insulation
of the attic with this naturally
fireproof material costs less at
time of construction than later.
Of equal importance is that ar
chitectural engineers have found
that mineral wool insulation will
allow a smaller heating plant
with a saving of 23 to 30.
Let wide overhanging eaves
shelter the porches. Use truss
construction instead of conven
tional" rafter framing for the
roof if a high attic is not wanted.
Not only do the trusses go to
gether faster, but they permit
less costly interior partition con
struction, and eliminate time-
consuming cutting of rafters at
ridge and eaves.
Modular Planning
Recent experience shows that
room dimensions planned on a
4" module will effect a 10 sav
ing in over-all cost. Large sheets
of structural board for sheath
ing costs less than conventional
longue-and-proove lumber. Pre
fabricated closets save money.
Another money-saver is the use
of ordinary wide window-stops
to make baseboards instead of
wide, expensive millwork.
A wonderful product that is fine ground and in 5
lb. bags.
We have on hand both steer and sheep guano from
Eastern Oregon. By the sack or ton. We can supply
your needs. Also available in raw ground phosphate
rock; contains 14 trace elements and 33 phos
phorus. Clark Bros. Organic Supply
3225 D St. Salem, Oregon
Rose Bushes
Oregon Grown
Oyer 50 Varieties
IS Each
3 for $1.69 6 ,or $2.98
Reds, Whites, Yellows, Pinks,
Florabundas Bi Colors and
Brighten up your garden this year with new
rose bushes selected from our gigantic assort
ment All popular old favorites and many new
varieties from which to choose. Complete, care
and planting instructions included with each
purchase. Each bush is guaranteed to bloom this
year true to color and variety.
Fred Meyer
Flowering Plums, $1.50
Forsythia, 1.00
Hedge Laurels, 1.7S doz.
Shode Trees, 1.00 up
Fruit Trees, 1 .00 to 2.50
Blueberries, 1.00 eoch
Willamette Raspberries,
1.00 dozen
A full line of Rose Bushes, Tree Roses, Fruit and Shode
Trees and Berry Bushes.
375 S. Liberty (3 blks. south of State)
Open 9 'til 5 daily. 12 'til 4 p.m., Sunday
PHONE 33212
Yll .rv room ?
"ZWX Your h"e X!tvi Choose 14
HI vsc-jk' if
WP '-KSrirf ;
f4J 1 C .T YOUR ,
L you create "dream rooms"
( with new 1
Se these "never-before" paint
colors mode only by Fuller SgJ 3
you'll want to re-do every room! V 'J
Hgh-tyle exclusive I "fL
deep-tones, rich shodes,-sunny m f I I
firrtt BY THE DOZENS 1 1 h. 1 LJ
Jtwtt Case J--fet
I Ml
171 S. Liberty . Dial 2-3933