18 Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 1950 Miniature Kitchens End Your Blueprint Problems The kitchen and its arrangement is more important to a woman than a man's office is to him. Sometimes a man can carry his office in his hat, so they say, but no woman can carry her kitchen in her purse, no matter what they say about woman's purses. However, the General Electric Co. home bureau is getting the kitchen down pretty close to aw woman's purse size by reprodu cing every detail of a kitchen in miniature scale. This is done to help women arrange their kitch ens according to their prefer ences exactly in accordance with the blueprints for the kitchen in their new homes. It enables local dealers to show a woman color photo graphs of what her new kitchen will look like from every direc tion. It makes it easier for her to change her mind about the location of the refrigerator than it is for her to persuade her husband to move the grand piano. Every item is reproduced miniature to exact scale the sink, the range, the cupboards in sections, the electric dish washer, the windows and cur tains even little things like coffee makers and toasters. Chairs, tables, Venetian blinds are included. Decorators help in the selec tion of colors, floor covering and other details. In the case of a new house, planning the kitchen in minia ture in advance may suggest certain changes in floor plan such as the location of the kitch en doors, which may save many headaches for years to come. No charge is made for the planning of model kitchens be cause the cost is offset by the number of new customers it brings into dealers' stores. DOLL-SIZE kitchen equipment solves blueprint problems. Cubes of beef or Iamb may be marinated in a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil, salt, pepper, and oregano, and then put on skewers with slices of green pepper and onion and broiled. 1 2 3 4 20 CARE OF FAINT BRUSHES "How not to do it" is important in the care of paint brushes. A brush used carefully will last for many paint jobs. Practical house painters have contributed these suggestions in the Amer can Builder's symposium on job pointers: 1. Never force a brush into corners-or into spaces too narrow for the width of the brush. 2. Never use a brush edgewise. 3. Never dip the entire length of the bristles into the paint. 4. Never use a large brush lengthwise to paint pipe or narrow rounds. 5. Suspend brushes in turpentine after using them and cleaning them. The brushes should be hung so that the bristle ends do not touch the bottom of the turpentine container. "Green and Gold" Dance Arranged Woodburn The annual "Green and Gold" ball, spon sored by the Woodburn branch M. I. A. of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, will be held tonight at the Am erican Legion hall here. The event will start at 9 o'clock. Miss June Christopherson will be queen for the ball and Miss Ruth Jeppsen will be princess. The coronation will take place during the intermission with Connie Christopherson and Car ol DuRette as train bearers and Michael Lucas as crown bearer. A floor show during intermis sion will consist of six couples dancing the Varsovienne. West Stayton Club Presented Program West Stayton The Commu nity club met at the school. The president, Howard Gilbert, pre siding. The following program was given at the close of the Ifriqidalre Tilly Automatic FBU ond empties automatically; Washed 8 ibs.ofdoi-hes.n1ms than o half-hour; ctoaner, whiter. Gives two "live-Water" rinse. Spins dothes damp dry : i . some ready for Ironing Immediately. Setf-balancing no bolting down, Self -cleaning porcelain inside and out Can be hand controlled for spo clal jobs. Come In! See a Demonstration t Place order mw for earOet delivery I 2U Washer aJL lie "if I ' Frigidoire Electric U-ejl I Frig.doire Electric KJ III HONES CtOTHIS MYlt -J I for Wtar. fastor. asW trwfeg far qwiefc. onoork drytea Moot I FREE HOME TRIAL OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 PJA. FREE HOME TRIAL meeting, with Mrs. Alice Hilton in charge: A reading by Eunice Phillips. A solo by Maynord Windsor: seventh grade girls trio; a solo by Irma Hendrickson; fifth grade girls duet; a tap dance by Beverly Martin and Carol Peters. Gary Downer concluded the program by an electric guitar solo. Refreshments were served. Cooked celery may be served in a variety of ways. Team it with peas or carrots, if you like, serve it creamed, or add it to leftover soup. Butteville Carnival Committee Together Butteville Chairmen for the PTA carnival met at the John Rasmussen home recently and discussed plans for the carnival March 13. Special prizes will be awarded, also prizes for the prettiest and funniest hats. Chairmen are: kitchen, Mrs. Don Smith; games. Jack Murray; ice cream and pop, Walter Racette; prizes, Mrs. Daniel Clark; fish pond, Mrs, James Johnson; tele grams, Mrs. W. O. Lindquist; candy, Mrs. Ed Shannon; hats, Mrs. Walter Smith; tickets and advertising, John Rasmussen. Now you can have the PAINT COLORS you want! "Wonderful! Why didnt someone think of it before!" If you've ever been disappointed by the limited color range of ordinary paints (and who hasn't?) that's what youll say about Murphy Color-Scheme Paints. Now you can choose from 77 of the loveliest paint colors you ever saw everything from gorgeous decorator shades to the softest pas tels. Now you can have the color you want in the finish you want flat, semi-gloss or gloss without paying a premium! Every can of Murphy Color' Scheme Paint is custoui tinted to your order, just before using. That means fresh, true color. See our Murphy Color Cabinet... learn how easy it is to vary each of the 77, shades, lighter or darker," as you qesirel Murphyrf5iPaintg 4 aw mm aw 50 OFF BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE HUTCHEON PAINT STORE 162 N. Commercial Dial 3-6687 : ' r : WE GIVE ZrtC GREEN STAMPS . :. 1 ' ) UUNETTt lAUETJ LEADING 1PP1IARCE 1 10NE FOENISHEU SALEM OREGON CITY