Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 1950 15 Silverfon Library Readers Increase Silverton Although Febru ary was a short month, circula tion was up to 1233 at the Sil verton public library during the month, according to the report submitted at the Library board meeting held in the library rooms. The report also showed that a total of 153 reference questions were cared for, that seven books had been added by donation and purchase and that 16 had been removed from circulation, Doners during February were Mrs. Karen Sink, Mrs. Earl Ded rick, Mrs. Clay Allen, Mrs. E. L. Starr, Mrs. F. Glenn McDonald. Mrs. Jewell Rogers, Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Mrs. Scott McPike, Mrs. Glenn Briedwell, Mrs. Ag nes Baugen, Mrs. George Chris tensen, Mrs. C. W. Keene, Mrs. A. J. McCannel and Mrs. Orville Totland. The report was submitted by Mrs. Glenn Briedwell, chairman of the library board. East Side Pinochle Club Eentertained Amity Mr. and Mrs. George Turner were hosts for the East Side Pinochle club. Three tables were in play. Winning high score were Mrs. Elton Ingram and John Fuqua. Low score were Mrs. John Fuqua and El ton Ingram. The Fuqua's will entertain for the club April 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wood served refreshments. Chest Survey Due Butteville Mrs. Willis Yoder, Mrs. H. MeGrath, Mrs. Daniel Clark and Mrs. W. O. Lindquist met with Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, executive secretary of the Mari on county public health associa tion at the home of Mrs. Yoder, where plans were discussed for the chest X-ray which will be given here in April. Another meeting will be held m March. Gale Sweeps New York New York, March lOUP) High winds swept the city with gusts up to 71 miles an hour last night. The wind blew in windows, blew down signs, flattened trees, tore wires loose M vft0V MADE M6 THE FOAM MM CUfKKMV MMOVAM covin. I Ail srffi I comnucnoH BAOC WITH wrron -rumen WIGHT ADAJSTMEMt WW WOMO SEAT GUAtAMi TEES AU-OAf COMKXI. -munch coNTtoum wnu stAim AT LAST! a chair built to a stenogra pher's needs. What a difference this Shepherd Chair made in my work! Invesfure Service Given Girl Scouts Liberty The Girl Scout troop 51 met at the home of Mrs. Ed win Pool on Rt. 9. Lucy Mc Afee, director of the Santiam area, held an investure service. Investured in the troop were Janice Smith, Margo Hudkins, DeLee Davidson, Jackie Welch, Jean Collins; second class badges were awarded to Phyllis Emery, Yvonne Pool and Jean Collins, who also received membership stars for one year service. Mrs. S. B. Davidson was a guest. Jean Collins assisted Mrs. Pool with serving. Mrs. Robert Morrow, Girl Scout leader, un derwent emergency surgery on Friday at the Salem General hospital. When cutting a frnsfpri lavr cake dip the knife in hot water before slicing. Gardners Will Meet Dayton The Dayton Garden will hold its regular meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. L. Phelps. Topic for the afternoon is fruits and flowers of the Holy Land. The roll call will be a flower quotation from the Bible. The club will hold an auction sale, and members are asked to bring a useful white elephant which can be sold and also guests. GET OFF TO A GOOD START! Make certain that home you're going to build in the Spring represents the utmost in beauty, comfort and efficiency, by planning it NOW with the help of our ace advisors. We've many sensible plans designed to fit a variety of tastes and budgets . . . will help you choose the one you need. Talk with us this week! SOUND ADVICE . . . QUALITY MATERIALS . . . FREE ESTIMATES U3 VTmmm m rrT"Mk; 1 l'.W,r.'.l'r.:..rWl State St.. Four Corners Dial 3-8515 NEEDHAM'S BOOK STORE 465 State Street Telephone 2-2485 So Why Not Enjoy Gracious Living At Easy-on-Your-Budget Terms Yes . . . it's all yours! Greater security, the importance and prestige of being a homeowner in your own community just by taking advantage of the Pioneer Trust easy home loan plan now! Ask Pioneer Trust about terms easier than rent and really enjoy life! PIONEER TRUST CO. Incorporated Under Oregon Banking Laws NOW YOU CAN HAVE A WALL-TO-WALL CARPET BUDGET-PRICED WITH MOHAWK'S NEW $wlrttw!)t Pol, Ptndi'n'3 4 sophisticated new textured carpet, in four breath taking colors... budgetpriced at Ony $795 o yard ft State at Commercial Dial 3-3136 260 State Street Dial 3-9148