Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 29, Image 29

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    Romance Dating Back 56 Years
Revived; Ends in Marriage
Olympia, Wash, March 10 (U.B It was spring, 1894, in Middle
ton, Mich., when a 17-year-old coquette told a shy 19-year-old
farm lad that someone else had asked to take her home from a
church social.
Nearly 56 years later, a pert little lady with a twinkle in her
eye said, "1 11 never disappoints
him again," and boarded a train
in uympia, wash., to marry
' my man" in Lansing, Mich.
Mrs. Ampter B. Otto, 73, tel
egraphed friends yesterday from
Lansing that she wasn't the wi
dowed Mrs. Belle Van Dusen
any more.
Romance, dormant for more
than five decades, had blossomed
into marriage.
It was the climax of a whirl
wind courtship by mail only six
weeks earlier. "Belle" and
"Ampter" hadn't seen each other
since that night in Middleton,
nor had they exchanged one
I married a school teacher1
because . . . well, he just ber
Ampter's time," said the littlr
white-haired lady before she le'
Otto also had married and cor
tinued to farm outside Lansinr
His wife died about three year
ago, and Mrs. Van Dusen ha'
been a widow since 1906, foui
years after she and her husbant
moved to Washington state.
Mrs. Van Dusen heard about
the death of Otto's wife through
mutual friends in an exchange of
1949 Christmas cards.
"I finally got up enough nerve
to write him." she said, "and
soon we were writing every day.
He told me in one of his letters
he had wondered, 4Is she free?!
If she is, she's mine.' "
Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 1950 11
Otto gave a final word of
arning to his bride-to-be be-
re she left Olympia that he
ad been in an automobile acci-
?nt and "I'm just a white-hair-
1, scarred old farmer."
"I wrote right back and told
im I wasn't marrying him for
lis beauty," the sprightly wi
ow said. "I'm looking for love
ind companionship and that's
ivhat people our age ought to be
looking for."
Senator Taylor Loses
Appeal in Alabama
n jr i - A i w in tra.
iviuiiiguiiitriy, Ala,, iviar. u j
The Alabama supreme court
denied Sen. Glen H. Taylor. (D.,
Idaho), petition for certiorari
to be court of appeals today.
Taylor was convicted of dis
orderly conduct after an arrest
on May 1, 1949.
The denial upheld earlier find
ings of the state court of appeals
and the Jefferson Circuit court.
Lawyers for Taylor have in
dicated they may take the case to
the U. S. supreme court.
Taylor was arrested for refus
ing to use a door designated for
whites when he made an appear
ance at a Negro church in Birm
ingham for a progressive party
rally. He was seeking the vice
presidency on the progressive
We Give and Redeem
H?H? Green Stamps
m north liberty
Exquisite quality! Deep ruffles!
Nylon Priscillas
Size 50x84 ff
Size 72x84 $195
Give a lift to your budget, a lift to your rooms by buy
ing these exquisitely sheer nylon priscillas that we've
drastically reduced.
Fluffy radiance for your windows with these nylon pris
cillas with their billowy ruffles; extra wide ruffles; head
ed and ready to hang. Snowy white. They're as easy-os-pie
to wash, no ironing.
Curtains Downstairs
Nylon Panels
x81 .. 2.69
x90 .. 2.89
Pastel Colors