Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 1950 9 True Heart Of the Home Is a Hearth By qewrrr mqckenzie AP Foreign Affairs Analyst What is a home? Well, to me it's more than just a place to hang your hat. It's the institution that binds the family into a unit of love and loyalty. And what physical property of the establishment contributes inost to this? It couldn't be golden faucets in the bathroom, could it? I set my mind to back tracking into the homes I have had the privilege of knowing in many lands and then I got it. The big fireplace in the living room with the blazing logs or coal or peat! That's it! There's the symbol of love and loyalty which makes the home. America, of course, used to have plenty of fireplaces but central heating pushed them in to the background. Still to you who have experienced them isn't the fireplace one of tne first things you think of when your mind reverts to the old homestead? Isn't it grouped about the fireplace that you see mother and dad and brothers and sisters? Sure it is. 1 : Tt was while lying on the rug before the blazing logs that you had some of your grandest ad ventures. Remember how fairy castles and other wondrous im ages used to form among the embers? And how mother smiled with understanding as her knit ting needles clicked, and dad said sure, he saw them too? - Romance, adventure and dreams of the future. Who knows but that young Abraham Lin inin as hp did his lessons before the flickering fire, had his first visions of the White House and Of the great work he was to do? But that isn't all the open fire means. It also is an emblem Af HnQnitfllitv. and has been through the centuries, whether you find it in the mansion ot tne mighty or in the cottage of the peasant. '- I think back to one of the tense nights of Southern Ireland's "Bloody Easter Week Rebellion" in 1916. As an AP correspond ent I all but lost my silly life, and that of my Irish chauffeur, ertentlv violating Bri tish military law at the height nf fh fiffhtin?. As we approach ed Kingstown at midnight, my driver said: 'It will mean certain death if I drive into the heart of Kings town at this time of night. The place is filled with troops who .will shoot on sight. I live here and I'm going to take you to my cottage by a back way. You can sleep there and give your self up in the morning." In due eourse we arrived at the driver's little two room i.nmo TTic wife threw her arms about his neck with fervent repetitions of the "The Saints be praised," while two small girls clung to him. Then they turned to their guest and, after the man-, ner of the Irish, offered me all the hospitality their poor abode afforded a place to sleep on the couch before the open fire of the living room. That fire, built of sweet-smelling peat, was a godsend. It brought not only warmth of body but warmth of heart, for it was the symbol of a grand hospitality. So my vote is for a fireplace the bigger the better in the liv ing room. It is the heart of the home and a builder of love and loyalty and character. Kiickoff Breakfast Opens Lebanon Drive Lebanon The Red Cross fund drive, headed in Lebanon by Delmar Clem, will open March 13 with a quota of $4100 set for this community. Solicitors for the business section are being recruited from among mer chants. A kickoff breakfast for all so licitors, captains of women's groups, and rural workers was served Friday morning at the coffee shop. Besides the downtown solici tors, others will canvass mills and industries throughout the region, while still others will The Red Cross effort will be make door to door calls. the first major drive conducted this year. Since Delicious apples are plentiful you may want to use some of them in cooking and baking. If so, remember that their flavor benefits when lemon juice is added. Sodality Presents Program of Amateurs Sublimity The first amateur program held for the students of St. Boniface school proved to be a huge success. First prize was won by Joanne Birkolz, who sang, "There's No Tomor row." Second prize went to Mar lene Odenthal, who played a piano solo. Third prize was won by Fred Farrell, who sang "It's Me, O Lord." The proceeds went to the Sodality treasury. Luminous Ceiling Is Squint-Proof a rn.,mf.nrftftf luminous ceil ing, designed to ease eye strain j ,f.;ol lieht. has been developed by Brown university and Massachusetts insmuw: u Technology engineers. A translucent plastic eeiling diffuses a shadowless glow of ;ii,.m,t,v,n from concealed flu- iiii.i""".- orescent lights. Its ease on the othutprl to the lack of eye adjustment necessary under uniform lighting oi an paiu - Anvi Tho eves are not con fronted with a variety of light intensities. The cost of installation was estimated at about ?2 pec square foot. y .t... .-u.a GeHutt present J the newGUGSJLEY the Electric Range wtth Beauty and Brains I Woman'i Angli 1 Clean, graceful lines with lily-white finish porcelain-enamel tops that resist acid gleam ing chromium fittings exclusive baseboard recess for flusk-to-the-waU fit your choice of models with "divided' or "cluster" style top chromium-hooded surface lamp: Automatic clock control interval timer appliance out lets signal lights pushbutton oven pro-heat As Shown H iii i n - I I .11. - II elevating deep well cooker unit that gives you 33H more cooking surface. Extra-thick insulation extra-roomy oven and oversize broilers extra-generous storage drawers! Seven heat speeds, for every possible kind of cooking! The new Crosley Electric Range is absolutely amazing it's so wonderful ; and so reasonable. Come In It now! Other Models as low as ....159.95 TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET cfr little down on a big bill ' 95 275 N. Liberty FURNITURE CO. Salem, Ore.