Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 24, Image 24

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    Capital Journal RuiMing Section, Friday. March 10. 1950
There has been to much worry In the land ovrr how lo keep
house In fix.
I know dozens of men who fret thrlr nerves rnw luwl make
their muscles sore1 trying nu Impossible thhiK to fix their houses.
What they should do Is stop and think: "Mow did my limine
ever get Into this fix?"
The answer to this (pieslion holds the key that can free them
from bondage. And (he answer Is very simple: "Your house dot
Into the fix ll's In I inse it's growing old and tired like you."
A man realizes that he himself Is subject to the wear and tear
of time, lie becomes r mclled to the fact llml his dear wife.
twenty years past Ihe ullar, no longer has the bloom of n chorus
girl. Hut for some Insane reason he refuses to believe that his
house ages, loo. as all things do. He wants lo keep It evcrlaalltigly
Ilrolher. It Just can't be done. Fixing houses is like fixing Mar
tlnis once you slart you're never through.
A house Is lusl like any oilier lime caught thing. If the plumb
lug gets arterio sclerosis, you can pot In new bronze piping. Ihil
that won't rure the gathering baldness at Ihe lop. Only a loupre
of fresh shingles can do that
Yet whack and hammer and pulnl as you will, you can never
keep house completely In repair. Fix It bere - 11 breaks down
there. Time's Invisible bummer of decay works day and night. You
yourself can only work against It In your spare lime.
Once you adjust yourself philosophically lo this thought, fixing
a house can b me a game. The chief Idea then Is lo avoid malt
lug yourself old before your lime trying lo keep your bouse young
beyond Its years. your house know right from the slart bow you feel aboul
11 Hint you Intend lo oulllve II, Hint the only reason you are
fixing It at all Is In keep It fl i collapsing on you and killing you.
Yes. take It Into your confidence. Talk lo It like stern parent:
"All right, what If your porch sleps are sagging? Do you worry
about my falling arches? I'll fix your steps when 1 get around lo
them, but meanwhile I'm not going lo get any ulcers about Iheni."
Thus you ran go aboul leisurely patching up the place al your
own convenience not at the convenience of the house. Let It
suffer, not you. You ran even have fun guessing where It will
break down next.
I'll admit there Is one flaw In Ibis theory thai Is, the wife
usually wants Ihe house fixed now not later.
Is Made Easy
By FHA Loans
Modernization or remodeling
loan. Insured by the P'llA, run
lw obtained from most hanks
nixl nn v In km association.
If you wiint to paint your
limine, hnide or outside, build
nn addition, repair Hie roof,
foundation, or tiny oilier purl
of the home nr If you wiutt
to landscape Ihe ground. Iiulld
A driveway r n terrace you
pay for the prnect wllli 10 per
rent to cash and Ihe rent In
monthly Installments rip rend up
to threfl yearn.
You run borrow any it mount
from $100 to $ini0 under the
Title I mode mlatlon plan of
the Fit A. Au exlsllng mortgage
on your home doen not dimpial
If V yoti for a modernlallnn loan
The Interest rut on such loans
In usually ft per rent, dlscnuulcd
For example. If ymi have a
modernization Job that In going
to cont $rWH), you put up $rM and
finance the remaining $-irw hy
signing a note for $-17:1 Mil to he
paid hark In 12 monthly pay
menu of $:i! 47 each.
If yoti want lo take three
year to pay It hack, you sign
n note for $ft 1 7 4 1 and pay
$M,:t7 monthly.
Mont lending Institutions have
charts showing the exact amount
of payments required and listing
the wide varieties of John that
ro eligible,
It makeji tt nny to build a ga
rage, Install modern kitchen or
bathroom fixture, n new heal
lug plant Insulation r or n com
blnatlnn of Improvement n, In -
eluding screens, linoleum, ve
net Inn blind anil oilier small
Ileum, which when lumped In
gether may crimp the. family
Make, a casserole dish of mac
nroul nml sliced frank Tin-tern
ml canned tomato nance; mid
cole slaw, brend and hotter, and
A ready-prepared desert or
fruit for a quirk holiday wupper
fitoro ee(ln In a cool place
plarri If they reach you too
early., Thry keep belLei Uttin Jn
a wurm room.
rtul the taptaln of a ship Inn't the one who keeps It ship nhap.
Ilo has noinninr .ne do the endless repairing, So It should be wllli
the master of a hnurie, 1 1 In firm hand nhould be spared att much
an ponnlble from mundane dullen about the cotlage he calln bin
caiille, Me nhould have a hHper,
Hut who? The average man can't call hi a carpenter every lime
bin doghoune needn a new roof over bin head.
My Holullon wan to find a good bandy lack of all linden bacbe
lor. There (ire tt munbrr of Ihene lonely crratiircrt around. If yon
Invllo them Into your home and feed Ihem, they will gratefully
build your bookrihelven, naw it leetery table down to Ihe right
level, carry out the anhen, and enlerlaiu the children until you ran
afford a teh-vl-don net.
The hoiifie will he kept In perfect fix. Any bachelor will pay
Ihe price- the rut finger, Ihe nmtmhed thumb, the aching back
You will be at peace behind your newspaper.
A final word of caution: If ymi gel a gnod bandy bachelor
around Ihe houne, don't let the neighbor! daughter nee him. If
nhe. doen, fthc'Il marry him ami your houne will be out of fix
Older hoiiM'M frequently offer
portplhillllen for II (Hlcruittllon
that rail make them 'vcn more
derilrahle than ome newly bulll
homen. Such liounen unnally are
located In entaldlnhed renldenllal
area with big t reen a nd other
feat nret (hat lake yearn to nr
utre. They often are well built
and contain much more apace
I ban tt new home In an cipial
price claim.
tly taking advantage of new
Idean, modern underlain and
equipment, the owner of an old
maw ran come up wild greatly
I nr rcaricd comfort, convenience,
beauty and value.
With today's cany credit
through FIIA Insured modern!
alloti loan. Ihe cont of remoit
cling can be nptead out It
monthly paymenln up to Hirer
yearn. Many ownern who havr
ruvenated old hoiinen havr
found rcMale value doubled and
eyeil trebled.
Advice on Ihe expediency of
a proect can be obtained from
vour bank or navlngn annoclallon
If liny extennlve nlr net oral
changeH are planned, tt In wise
to eot.jnil an architect.
In rhoonlng a builder to do the
work, ymi can unually obtain
Ihe nmiirn of reputable runl rat
io r from Ihe local lumber com
tany. Such bultdern will give
you the na men of other home
ownern for whom they did work
and you can ln-.pecl their work
and talk t the other ownern.
It In itlfftcult to get many
-ipcelfie rules for mooVrnlal Ion,
becaune each houne prenentn Hn
own problemn. I tut there are
general mien.
For rx amide, the exterior of
an ornate old houne oflen can be
stripped of falne eaven and gin
grr bread lo bring out nlmtde
ideaning linen that fit In with
Ihn modern ncene,
A tall, awkward houne Home
thorn can be given the Illusion
of loitay'n low rambling arehl
tecturtd lined by the. cottnlruc
lion of ii torch or wing on one
or bolh nlden of Ihe houne, or by
connecting houne and garage
with a breeeway.
The Intrlllgi-nl une of colorn
will do much to nofteu bar ih
exlorlor Jlnca. Itoofs ran bp
mmlo to appear lower If pulnl
ed or rerihlnt'l 'd In dark Ahade.i.
while rxlennt wans are ngni
Kxcennlvo pnlnt trim around
windows, dooin and at the eavn
can overpower a houne of good
de.nlgn, Therefore a nlmple col
or plnn, emphanllng horlontal
llnex, unually works out betl,
Knlarglng old fanhloned nmall
wlndown or adding a large pic
lure window can yield other
modern toucher.
An overcoat of brick vnurr,
anbenlon siding or the varloun
com poil I ion nldingn will nl if fen
a houne considerably and add to
Innulallug value. Like a new
roof, an overcoat. Is applied
wllhout removing Ihe cxtnllng
Hut If ti houne in good looking
tl- It In, and weatherllght, Ihe
grcalcnl oppoiiunitlet for mod
ernlalton will be found (minora
A modern kitchen, an extra balh
or lavatory, a modern heating
nyntein, a''ionpanied with com
plete lunula Hon, more electric
convenleme oultein and nlmple
up lo dale lighting flxlurcM can
do much to Increane the llvabll
My of n houne.
Very oflen It In cany to re
move n parlltam helween II v
lug room and dining room if
It In not a bearing watt lo
merge thene two areas Into one
large modern room. Ivllmlnaliou
nupei-riuoun wood trim and
moldlngn and the une of nolld
lor wall Ircaimeul ran work
wonders In culling down a dal
The iim-.l piiidr-nt iooderul-a
Hon plan Is one that will In
reuse Ihe efficiency of a house.
V ' thin reason aulomal 1c heat
In virtually a must. Keating syn
Icios today are from aft to ft!)
per cent more efficient than
older plan In.
Adequate house hum la I Ion
naturally goes hand In hand
wllh thin efficiency, Surveyn
have shown lhat approximately
lift per cent of older dwellings'
urn not lunula led. Jlecause if
Hie greater nummer comfort and
navlugn In fuel up lo lift per cent,
Insulation under roofs and In
walls in a wine Investment,
Mineral wool, which Includes
the . various rock wools, nlag
wool and ghi wool, comprise
one of the mont popular mater
ia i.i for ion Job be
4'aurte of eane of In-slnlliillon, ef
feci I veneni and fire nafely
Itiitln or tdankrbi can be laid
belween ceiling Joinln tdioVe Hie
lop floor, or fanlened under raf
tern when allle la lo be med. In
loose form the wool can be
blown into side walls by com
petenl contractors,
If a houne Is tnr-ulntrd before
a new healing plant in iuntalled,
I'M lo .10 per cent of Ihe cont of
Ihe heating plant can be saved,
according (41 findings of Ihe Itni
verslly of Minnesota. This i,i
becaune a healing plant of .milil
ler capacity will ftufflce,
Another point worth connlil
erlng in remodeling a house is
thai approximately a Ihlrd more
space can be added lo the aver
age Iwo story dwelling by fin
Ishtng Ihe basement or at He.
Twin rooms have been finished
off In allien for less than $1,000
Including flooring, lunula Hon
wall and celling finish, necen
nary doom and extension of
healing facilities. Wall hoard is
an economical material for
such John and can be palnled
wllhout further treatment.
Itanements can now be water
proofed from the Inside by new
coating mater lids. Ceilingii can
be covered with wall board and
watts can be neatly f Inir-hed
with wall hoard applied to fur
ring nlrlpit, Anphalt tile makes
a durable ami resilient floor
Avoid Moiling to
"rrvcttl llu-dy Walcr
Itunly hot water ran be pre
vented by holding the tempera
tore of the wab-r In the storage
lank below the boiling point of
-I'.! degrees.
In most plumbing nyntemn with
gatvanl.eit Iron pipes or hot
water tankn, there In always
some runt. It will remain on the
nlden of the tank and plpea uu
Iron the water boils When Ihe
water bolls, the rust In loosened
and carried lo the faucets,
In mm 1 tinting types of plumb
big. Iron In Ihe water In often tie
lionlled tin the sides of pi pen and
tank where 11 will remain unless
iitdmbcu by boiling witter.
Ity K. II. ;tiMi:it
(AC Nrwnfenlurc Arl Dlrrclur)
My neighbor lo Ihe north feels
lhat his home Is a l:ice where
he ran ualher ulinul 1.1... i.iu
holre possessions; things that
he loves, liibnlres or for which he
has sentimental atlai lmicnl or
these he has elunhiiire lull I II 1 1..
konwlnlKc on how lo display
(hem lioowlttly.
My nclijlilior lo Ihe soulh has
Ihn ultra final wonl on how the
mod. -I'll home sliotiM look.
Highly pulil esprrls have seen
lhat no! one color lllnlorl. .....
oilier. They seleeleil Ills pictures
and a few Kim cracks and placed
them esacllv as llicv si 1,1 i
placed, and Ihere Ihcy rrouiln.
The fac t lhat Neighbor Soulh
put not one hit of Mi tr I
It bolhers him not lii Ihe least.
prefer the sentiment of ..i
neighbor north, I enjoy Ihe
friendly atmosphere of his llv.
hlU room In which every piece
reflcrls Ills fondness alM.o.iel. 1
somellmes wish It did in. i ..
senihle so much a museum of
uric a hrac.
Nut many of us have had Ihe
opportunity lo idudy Die ail
of Interior decoralloti and only
a foiluuale few seem lo have a
tin I -! I hum clor sense anil an
Inslluct for arrangement, Nor
can we all afford lo hire Ihe
talent lo .In It f,,r us. tint we
can observe or learn by rule or
even copy.
Most of us waul lo malic our
homes allracllve In Ihe present
day accepled slyles and ph Mine
not ontv our uei'ni.i.i.l I, 1...1
those of our friends as well.
Tlte makers of .,.,i..iM r .1
lure, linoleum, elc, spend mil.
nous or miliars for the services
if lop imlcll dee...'l.l,..-H
aillsls lo display their wares lo
neat advantage In full color ads.
We look, admire and mentally
file awav for future one n r,
I color scheme lhat attracts OS.
Instead of Ir.i-ilim.' m. r.
why not slart a scrap I k? It
'ollld he classified Itv r.
"lie sec 1 1 night he devoted lo
-' hliialluiis only, and 1111-
ilber lo Ideas for ar loif nie.
lures and fi 111 1 1 11 c- or how to
inoilernle and make useful lhat
monstrosity stored awav In Ihe
II Will become a fume V,...'ll
find yourself searching f,. rlip.
pings from home to dciilliln'
wal'b'g r us and observing tin-
tails that you normally would
have passed over. In a short
lime lids will grow into a valu
able reference hook. Your know
ledge of whal makes a home at
tractive will have grown wllh
tltc&Uc vlbra -proiir
Nmw lJ0 M04lf. , .rM.m.1, U-
ur, vurnltri, yliir nil wwll point. Uyht
II ntl lntlltlij lima, wnfc,
llutt Htlnll(to tf !!, 4wilnHiili, tialvM.
imitllltni, kimnl flai.
rath dfum Ivha
up tul tandatt MaUtHat
latitat la II. Imdvyl
IIUll a fkaita Otdm. 1
GIL WARD, nop.
430 CMto On r. Mm. Onprn