Capital Journal Building Section, Friday, March 10, 1950 3 Penney 72 HOUR SERVICE With Penney's New DRAPERY MAKE-UP SERVICE ' You can buy MORE .of what you want at Penney's low pay-as-you-go prices! You can buy BETTER things for your family your home yourself! Key to Better Living 1 HATHAWAY o THERE IS NO OTHER FABRIC LIKE HATHAWAY NYLON MARQUISETTE SEE IT! Nylon Panels SHBlC9m ... AND LUXURIOUSLY MM f gf t ' lll'fWWf RUFFLED PRISCILLAS . ! i f 3 I WSSIfli NOW-AT A SPECIAL LOW! f I I SI WR ft Ml -isP? S Tmhn I ' I Exclusively Tailored for your luxury-living on a I 3 I I 11 ILrj7 'KftJro ti Li budget! You'll like the way these panels are made s l j with a deep 3" bottom hems, 1" side hems They're ajj . ?j g Exquisite, HATHAWAY qual- ' " ' i 'Tn JIljiiii J penney's . - Each SSshSI 11 jjJ UAAiJ DOWNSTAIRS STORE j , " PEBBLE -WEAVE CRETONNE Wonderful, durable pebble weave drapery fabric! A -host of new and different patterns in stripes, florals to suit every room setting! CASEMENT-YARDAGE and TRAVERSE DRAPES WONDERFUL NEW Assortment of DRAPES yd. 1.79 Ready-Made DRAPES Tub - resis tant, fuU- f 7C siae, ready- I J made pairs I . in new col- mm Pair ore! "Dream House" luxury you can sew yourself or pick out ready-made for your home! Big choice of beige, rose, chartreuse, red. green, gray. Another cash-and-carry buy! 45" Wide 89C yd. Single Width 5.90 pr. Deep, full-bodied colors in failles damasks, pebble weaves . . . every one a superb quality pair! Your best-loved and most excit ing new patterns. 7 90 JT Pair Now . . 36" Rough Tex in New Colors See the graceful Pussywillow pattern, the gay colors, feel the texture a world of dec orating genius priced so low! PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STOKE PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE 79 yd.