mi ? Kit i 3 16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lin Per Lino I timet ...,..40o - Per Line time ....... .600 ' Pei Line t month 13.00 ; Outside of Salem 13e per line per day. Mln. loot I time mln. 60e 9 time mln. 11.20 Mo Refund READERS In Local New OoL Onlyi S0 per line To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES UM Economical 3 bdnn noma with additional aleeplni room. Oood Joc. 'tlon. 160 W. Salem HU. Ave. e.59' . $345 DOWN BAL. 13500 AT 137.50 MONTH r Ready to move In. 3 bdrm house not leompletely finished. Bathroom com ' plete. Need ome flrtex St flooring. Comer lot with nice lawn. 4 mile north of Salem. Ph. 3-1696. 59 BUSINESS ZONE NO. S Oet ho on this one, 3 BR home all on one floor, full deep bum, oil furnace, 2 car O a. This 1 In top cond. Owner has ' bought a home In the country St will really live omeone a real buy on this. .FH. 36660. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE a433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 3776V HOT WATER HEAT --t BR is den, big living St dining rms. -double plumbing, full dry basm, 3 enr vka. lg well landscaped lot, close to all ta,chs & state, office buildlnns, located north of Center St west of Capitol Sta, .ph. 26680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE ..433 N. Hish Eve. Ph. 38704 Near Leslie Jr. High "18930 Extra clean 3 bed room older ome on South Hlith St. Large living rm, dining rm, den, kitchen St nook, full basement, sawdust furnace, large garden apot, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor n 960 8. Commercial Thone 33649 Eve. 33280 -v a60 . 15230 - NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Mice, nearly new 4 rms St bath at ten. O. Creek lot. pvd St. Hard to beat for the money. Ph. 26680. - ED LUKINBEAL HEAL ESTATE "433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 23413 a62 JiEW no.ME S8300. By owner. Kelrer dist. Phone 4-2740. aOl S BDRM. house with bath. Comp. furn. ' -plenty room for cabin or trailer. Inq. Nelson Richfield Bta., Mill City. a60 NtW 2 BDRM. home on 'A acre. Bath to Complete. Reasonable down payment, 4 f 'int. 6233 Newberg Drive, Kelier dslt. y aflO CLOSE TO BUS and Highland school. 6 room nouse, large lot, garage at aoo no. n4th St. Price ifi.ooo. -Rostein & Adolph, Inc. ; 1104 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3030. Eve. 3-8214. a! New Ranch Style Toll new attractive ranch style home in city, corner lot, picture window. ' hardwood floor, fireplace, patio, 2 bed i-rms. 16350.00. S1250 down. Call Willis Hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 8. Commercial Phone 33849 Eva. 32877 Near Leslie School 18500 3 yrs. old - 2 bdrm. - living -. dining - kitchen - bath - attached gar- .Me - utility rm. - lee. lot - nice lawn and shrubs close to schools - bus by tore - This house will go FIIA or GI, Suburban 3i Acre 195004 bdrm. - bung, style - t yr. old - living - dining - kitchen - bath utility rm. - patio - attached Borage goad lawn St shrub good oll - new auto oil furnace - wonderful well and pump house. View Property Kincwood Heights 111,5003 bdrm. on one floor - Itvlnjr rm. - kitchen - bath - large nook - part basement - elec. heat - fireplace '.beautiful yard - shrub St view - (2300 dn. 75 .McKinley School Dist. L'f 13,300 3 bdrms. on one floor - modern atyle - 1 yr. old - living - dining - kit chen - bnth - utility rm. - auto, oil furn. - attached Karaite - fireplace - large lot - fenced back yard - carpet from wall to wan. F.H.A. Approved Lots We have aevera! beautiful lots - paved 'street - city water - shade and fruit tree - view property. OFFICE 2-8629 HOME J-7163 ANDY 1LALVORSEN, TOM ROBERTS Jr. A. A. Larsen, Realtor 101 6. Hlnh St. West Salem Homes $6200 4 Arre St 1 BR hse., near Glen Creek Rd. 11000 dn. or otfrr considered. $6500 Drive by 1318 Huge St. call for apt. Cute house with unusual kitchen. (Ben dlx Included), suitable for couple. Ye, icrrna on mm. B. Isherwood Realtor Rt. 1 Box 243 Ph. 2-3147 or 3-BB36 BY OWNKR: 3 bdrm. plastered home. At linn N. ntht. rice hna been reduced from teriOO to J39M1. nfll Kingwood Heights - 111.100.00 Lovelv R room linm nn lante lot. Extra large living rm. Inside utility, nil nirnnrp. nreplure Call Hob Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial ' Ph. 33849 t,60 'n $500 DOWN Balance i total 13200. Mod. 3 br, bua, paving, located enM. ,n $4500 BAROArN New 2 br, modern, close bua, view, don't fall to see this. LOVELY HOME REDUCED Planter, fireplace, hdwd. bath and sh. fl furnnce, 2 br. Rm for 2 more. t200U down. bal. 4. Located ca-tt. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 S. Com'l Ph. 24649. Eve. 25407 afil NO. WINTER ST. "There' over 1500 sq. ft. on the 1st fir ,f this home. Lue Lit with fireplace, -!, 3 lur BR, HW firs thruout. Tile dralnbnard In kit. nook, full thsmt with auto oil ht, 2 furn hpU brlindng 180 mo. Lge- deep freeze. On paved alley ein rear of this 50x105 lot is a fine 2 Hit home with bsmt A double Karaite. This property Is priced t in nn Pia.. don't bother tK-cnennts, call for an ap pointment. Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 279 N. High St. Eve. 2-5390 Ph. 2-3640 aS9 SO PER MONTH. Unfinished but livable house with water and electricity. Oood bus service. No 1 MOVE IN TODAY!!' .Immediate possession on this 2-bedroom ..home that could be used as 3-bedroom. Nice lame kitchen. Fenced-In back .yard. Auto washer. Close to school, two jdown. 175 per month. No. 214 ' $1500 DOWN!! Hew modern ranch style 2-bedroom born with fireplace, auto heat, hard- , wood floors. Attached gnratte. Imme diate possession. LoCHt east. No. 301-A Reimann for Real Estate ,01 South Hiith St. ph. 3-9303 .Ext. St Sun. 2-1327 - 4-3874 - 3-462A u 59 $6900 11000 eth will handle, t bdrm., liv ing room, large kit., bath, b.mt-, near Lea Me chool. Chas. Hudkins & Son ' REALTORS fit W. High 81. I'liont J-41SJ. 7 Acres North t bdrm. house, good barn, excellent loll, take 8nl cm home In trade. jf Joe Noonchester ' REAL ESTATE vlfiO& Pleasant View, Ph. day or evi. 3-0103 59 Ore., Friday, March 10, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES STATE ST. LOT 47x231, ha I BR house, business (one, 15,500. 8 ACRES NEAR LIBERTY, 3 BR house, nice grove of fir trees, 1500 down. Total price 14.500. 1 ACRE ON HOLLYWOOD AVE., ha food 3 BR home, elec. heat, fired for range, garage, Insulated. $7,350. Small down payment. NEW 1 BR ub. home, close In on Dalla Hienway. very gooa locanor, near e Irm Academy. 14,250. Small down pay ment. S BR HOME S.E., near Paulu Cannery. 400 dn. Total 13,750. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 1-8380. JCve. 3-8989. 60 4 BDRM., 6 yr. old home. V acre. Own water system. 1910 Kappahn Rd.. St lei 16500. Owner on premise Sunday, March 12th. Phone Monmouth 6411. a60 $100 TO $500 DOWN Hobson's Real Estate Ph. 3-4326 6 Mile N. on 99. 60 BY OWNER: 4 bdrm. on 1 floor. Youngs- town xitcnen, uk, targe living rm nice urepjace, oatn, uuniy, narawooa noor, attpchd garage, fruit closet. Contract Ji Ha been let for hard surfaced street. Jiut north of Sunny view Ave. 2115 Jel den St. afl4 LOVELY, MODERN 2 bdrm. home In Holly- wood am. Hdwa. iJoora thruout. Nice nrepiace, ainette. Kitchen with bar. Larue utility rm. Garage attached. Ii.auo flown, Bal. at 4 int. CALL MR. BYRKIT Ed Byrkit & Co., Kealtors 387 N. High Ph. 3-3101. aflO NICE HOME, WALKINO DISTANCE Flnr.it location, 3 bdrm, living room. ouiiiiK, Kiicnen et noon. tiawQ. iioora, fireplace, full basement, garage. Pull price 112,750. General Real Estate 355 Center St. Ph. 3-3282. a5B WEST SALEM Very nice location. Large 3 bdrm. home. living rm., dining rm., kitchen, hdwd. fir., fireplace, utility, new Bendlx, gar- r. n. oargam ai u.auu. General Real Estate 235 Center Ph. 3-3280. a59 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! Lot with water, trees, bus aervlce, electricity. Balance 115 per month. START building tomorrow. 2 locations norm, NO. 3 ZONE!! 2tt lot, 50x140 ft. Entrance on two sides. Railroad to rear. Only $1500 for all. Term. No. 603 65 x 150 Lot on pavement. City water. I block to school. Bus by front. Only $850. No. 601 Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 ao59 Lot IftxWO Luther St. between Fir and Saginaw. Call 33653. aafll TO FUTURE home owner: If you are look ing for mrwt beautiful view site for home on west side contact owner 1351 Elm St. aafll LGE., level, beautiful view, $2500. Ph. 36051 aa83 LOTS 110 down. 115 per mo. with water, elec., near school St bus. SUverton highway. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center aa61 FOR SALE FARMS HERE'S YOUR SHOW PLACE! 18 ACRE ESTATE, ON PAVEMENT, SUBURBAN SALEM. OOOD PROD. LOAM, MOSTLY BOTTOM. YR. SPRING. ALL SEEDED. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM HOME, ELECTRIC HEAT, WALL TO WALL HUGS IN LIVING ROOM, 2 FIREPLACES. 2 CAR GARAGE, CON CRETE FLOOR BARN (COULD BE GOOD DAIRY 8ETUPI, YOUR FAM ILY WILL LOVE THE EXTRA NICE SETT I NO OF TREES, SHRUBS AND LAWNS. $17,000. EASY TERMS. ONION St MINT FARM npprox 30 A. Ind. 15 A. or tllilt HIGH INCOME LAKE LA HISH BEAVER DAM SOIL. Yr. Mmim for Irrid. BUIks. Incl. 2 BR Plnntered homo, basement, auto oil furnace, lue. onion burn, other Rood bldgs. Certainly , a choice loc. near Salem. Owner will ac cept LOW DOWN PAYMENT, bal. At 6. AdJ, beaver-tlum and choice tract of up land available at bargain. Call u we can work out a REAL DEAL. Larsen Home & Loan Co. I Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 8 Com'l St. Ph. 3-838B. Eve. 3-9989 Ml 10 ACRES - $1500 DN. Total $6250. Modern 2 br he. basement, barn, ch hse, fruit, black soil. 1 ACRE, 4 B.R.. $7900 Loo east, barn, Karaite, if you need a Ise home rinse bus. school, see this. 6 ACRES, 12800 TOTAL 8 rm lise, utifln. Well, berries, loc near Roseilnle. Term. 120 Acres - $4000 Part terms, 4 rm cabin, ch hse, 45 ac cultivated, crecx, spring, elec avail. West of McMinnvlllc. part term. 26 ACRES. 4 COWS .8 BR hse, lite barn, creek, berries, priciHi m mmu wuu f iuihj nnwn. 75 ACRES SELL OR TRADE Loc clos Mill city, 3 br hse. ham. fruit, nice view, 10 head slock, tructor ami etmunnciu. ju.iiiiu. Terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l Ph. 34049 Evt. 25197 b6T $18,500 - NINE ACRES Just about ttie nicest thlim we have ever listed, rolling land, 4 acre of nice orchard, tractor St all equipment, good tinrn, 2 car Ga. Deep well. 3 BR home, all on one floor, full basm. oil furnace. fireplace, located stiort distance east of na i em, no appointment necessary, 360R0. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. HlUh St. Eve. Ph. 35413 062 FOR RALE 17 acres black level bean land with 1 acre cleared 5 mile west of Stayton. New S room house with electri city. 710 of a mile north of the North Snntiam school. $11250 cash. Robert Wad dell. Turner. Oregon. bflj DAIRY FARM Grade A. 17 cows, fine barn, 800 hen hou.se. Lame modern house. Apt. for help. 20 acres. Can be Irrigated. Near valley town. Priced to sell. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. Hlsh St. Phone 3-4139. bflO FOR RENT FARMS FARM LEASE for sale. 30 acre cult. S acre red rasp. 2 acres strawberries. 1st crop. Ph. 2-1793 or Stayton 2192. bn59 FOR SALE ACREAGE COUNTRY HOME Are you tired of living In town with no elbow room If so, see our nearly new 2 bedroom home on full acre of fertile land, which we will sell for the price of house and lot in town. Our home has everything for comfortable living. Must ee to appreciate Its quality. Exactly 2 ml. north of KtMier school on Clear Lake road. R. A. Hall, Kt. 2, box 264, Salrm. bb59 10 ACRES About 10 mile out: 2 acre cherries; full set good buildings, deep well, elec. aysteiu. All for IT.soo. TWO ACRES Northeast. Very neat smnll house, car age, poultry house for 200 birds: iood drilled well with alec. pump. A fine value for $3600. 31 ACRES South: about 25 acre cultivated; two acr- atrawbcrrle; fair buildings. Only $5250. SEVEN ACRES In city limits; two bedroom house, barn. Karaite: city sewer. Price 17000 or trade for city property. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phone 24591 - 2660S. bb59 H.1 A., 25 A. orchards, close in. $5400, 1500 on. uwntr, iuu Elm. Ph. 17236, tbas IFOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS EDGE OF FAIRMOUNT HILL t bdrm, Ht rm, din rm, fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, full baamt, dbl garage, beautiful yard. 19,500. CALL ROY FERRIS. WALLACE ROAD Closa in, modern 3 bdrm home, elec heat, wall-to-wall carpeting St drape Included, lge yard, nice flower St ahrubs, patio. LET US SHOW YOU THIS NICE HOME. CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. FINE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT South, good lga 2 bdrm home, llr rm 14x24 ft with fireplace, hdwd fir, din rm, plenty of closets, full baamt, Ise lot, fenced In back, on bu line CALL EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 334 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Roy Ferris 2-8010. Peter Gelser 3-9968 S FOR SALE ACREAGE BOMETHINO DIFFERENT Almost new modern country home with acre, 17 mile from Salem, 4 mile from Stayton on paved highway. Fast growing community. H.ooo, terms. More land available. Ph. 2-0703 Salem or write 540 Union St., Salem. bb60 REAL ESTATE For Cash Deal $4,250 3 bedrm home, 1 down, 2 up, and SA acre south. If you have the cash or can finance this with part mortgage with what you have, this 1 a real buy. Eve. 2-0473. uburban $3,100 2 bedrm home and 2 lot. $500 down, balance 330 a month. Bu service. 10 mile from Salem on 99. Eve. 2-0473. West Salem $7,250 2 bedrm home, dining rm, kit, bath, utility rm, all rooms are large. Hon t Is 2 years old. $1,500 handle, balance $50 a month. Eve. 2-0473. New $8,100 Very nice 2 bedrm home with dining rm, kitchen and breakfast nook, bath, electric heat. 31,500 handle. $6,600 rHA committment. Eve. 2-0473. Possible 4 Bdrms. $10,750 In Englewood. 2 large bedrm down stairs, room for 2 bedrm upstair and plumbed for full bath, also full bath downstair, with living rm, dinette. fireplace, electric neat, and nice larif garage. Automatic washer and dryer goes. Eve. 2-0473. CALL MR. LCCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph, 3-7756. C59 BEST BUYS Happy Days In the Country NORTn HOWELL 60 Acre modern rm. home. 25x40 barn, chicken house, brood er house, machine shed, garage, 7 cows, 7 calves, tractor disc, plows, mower, roi ler. See this one for $22,500. ACRES Only 5 mile from Salem, very modem 2 BR home, built In 1047, paved rd., well, family orchard and berries. This 1 be inn offered for the appraised price of $9500. SI ACRE DAIRY Close 1n North. Extra modern home and building. No waste land. Could easily be made Into Grade A: the price ha Just been reduced to $25,000. li ACRES Modern 4 BR home, chicken rise., rabbit hutches, paved hlway, well, berries, cherries, family orchard, sec this one for $9500. 10 ACHES Chen a I is soli, very modern 7 rm. home, very good bulldlnKS. This soil will raise most anvthlntt. Good well plenty water. We believe thl 1 a buy lor 112,000. Office Phones 3-7R20 or 3-4596 Evening phone 3-4735 or 3-3a58. More Values For You in Homes ALMOST NEW home, arranged for 3 BRs. 2 lots, elec. heat, att. garage, bu at front door. A real value tor $7400. REALLY WELL BUILT home, almost new. Located hi East Emtio wood. Forced air oil furnnce.FJrcplace, hdwd. floors, spacious room ge. cornei lot, F.H.A. term. To tal price only $11,000. 3 RED ROOM home with spacious room, 121)0 sq, ft., elec. heat, 2 blks to bus, in sulated, 2 lots, owner leaving city, home only 1 yr. old. Total price $10,000. Office phones 3-7J12Q or 2-4596 Evening phone 2-7674 or 3-3558 Better Business Values WAREHOUSE 8000 an. ft, floor Apace, part reinforced concrete. Thl Is Ideal for machine shop, storage, wholesale dealer such a tlrca, groceries, Imple ment or what have you! The location I Ideal. 80 ft. frontage. First time list ed and advertised. Total price $55,000. BUSINESS IILDG, 2000 sq. It floor space, two rest rooms, forced air oil furnace, larxa parkins lot In rear. Income $200 per month. Cement floor. Total price $16,500. APARTMENT 5 unit plus tore bldg. and utility room. Income $375 per mo. Very low overhead. Almost new Bnd very well built. Elec. heat, private meter. Terras A buy for $32,500. GRKEN HOUSE Doing good business. Green house very well arranged. 2 BR home, 75x133 foot lot Liberal term. Well worth $21,000. Office Phone 3-7820 or 2-4596 Evening phone 2-7674 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3030 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596. c59- 10 ACRE TRACT Royiu Ann cherries. 600 trees, 19 ton crop. Excell for residential site in growing farm community. 6 mi So, on old Pacific highway. Ladders and bucket Included. Storage shed. Ph. 3-1231. c59 SUBURBAN EAST NICE RANCH STYLE 2 BEDROOM home with loving room and dining room, larnc lot. walnut trees, an excellent place lor a family. 18300. LOW DOWN PAYMENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF OLDER HOME, good neighborhood north, paved street, city sewer and wnter. J4150. HOME AND INCOME 2 BEDROOM HOME. AND SEPARATE RENTAL, located north within walking distance of the state building. 111,750. JOE' SPECIAL A TWO BEDROOM HOME WITH LARGE UArtAOfc,. paved street, north, nevus re decorating inside and out. Ha excellent 4 G.I. loan which can be transferred to anyone. Can be purchased on low down payment, and worth the money, (Investor take noticed. 8r Mr. Bourne. THE OOOD EARTH S ACRES ON 99E NORTH. 3 BEDROOM HOME, neat St clean, modern, dmlble garage. 2 block to school, located at Hubbard, ha excellent all round pos sibilities for business and farm. See Mr. Wamberg. 18500. BUSINESS 1 AC a WITH 5 ROOM HOUSE. GAR AGE WITH 3 GAS PUMPS, on pave ment. More work than one man can handle, a real setup (or a good mech anic. S6.000, term. See Bennett. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-6316. cS9 GOOD BUYS Beautiful View 3 BR home located on Scenic View Dr. Fireplace, hdwd. firs. FHA approved. Priced at 19900. Suburban 4 BR lovely home located South River Rd. 1 acre, lot of fruit A shrubbery. Property on fringe of lake. Full price only $9250. Keizer District 2 yra. old. 3 BR home. LR. dinette, hdwd. firs. Utility rm.. att. gar.. f A. ground. Low down payment. Full price 18500. 250 A. Southwest 150 A. In cult. Fenced A fro fenced. Sprint water. Modern 4 bdrm. home. 120.000. 50 A. 4 bdrm. modern hse. Large modern dry er. 10 A. blk. caps. A wonderful buy. 110.500 with good term. G Bdrm. Use. Lan lot In good location. Full bsmt. Furnished. $750 Down U A. KelEer dist. Good location west of ichool on main rd. Close to store St bu by door. Small hse. not bud for 13250. C. W. Reeve Realtor 915 8. Commercial. Ph. 3-4580. Evt, Ph. or 2-4313 or 3-3UW. 60 IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE Don't Miss This 200 ft frontage on Pac HlKhwav N Good sized new store building with counters, .shelves, living quarter. All i or jouu.uu. Strategically located bulk oil storage. 44,000 gal on Wallace Road. Oood front ane. Warehouse. See us for detail. Well located home on N Summer St. 4 bedrooms, den, double plumbing, oil heat, full basement, excellent FHA 11- Hutchison-Danielson Realtors 455 Court St. ph. 2-3629 Eve. 2-4789, 3-5620, 3-8375, 3-8835, 2-7947 C61 Sullivan Realty Co. Salem Heights Dist. 3 BR. bath, living room, dinette, built in, oil floor furnace, 4 block to bus and school. Price $7900. Near Salem General A new 2 BR home and attached gar age Hwd floors, nuto heat, abundance of bullt-lna, 75x100 tot and private elect water aystem. Only $6,500 and 31,500 will handle. Buy of the Year Over 14.000 q ft of floor space all under roof. Eleven separate buildings. Consists of barns, shed and ware- , house. Would make a fine htrhrv r auction business. One bldg. converted io living quarter witn neat and bath. Seven acres of tiled land located on paved highway. Full price only $12,000 and 25 will handle. Please call In Morningside Two lnrKB bedrooms, 1 bath, den, L.R., D.R., larite kitchen, lots of built in. Auto utilities, double garage, patio. oil furnace, floor are all carpeted, Ve netian blinds. One block to bus. $2,500 uuwn win nanuic. price jitf.ooo. Highway Frontage 150 It. frontage on 90E south. 3 bed room all plastered home on 150x300 lot, a real buy for only $fi,300. 102 Acres North All In cultivation, 60 acre In Fescue for seed crop, which 1 very good. Nice modern plastered 4 bedroom home on pavi road. Close to mall town and schools. 2 barns, chic house, family iriiii una nut iree. Tiie price 1 right, $20,000. Half cash. Eve. ph. 4-2758. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Road Ph. 3-3255 Eve. Ph. 3-7565 - 2-8013 - 3-1778 c59 WANTED REAL ESTATE TO PURCHASE from owner, twn hrri room nou.se, with fireplace, furnace or eicciric neat. uesiruDie neighborhood. Not over 15 years old, or over $9000. Write detail box 422, Capital Journal. ca59 WANTED good 2 bedrm home between Center and Mill and punt n far itr Street. Eve. 2-0173. CALL MR. LeCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7756 C61 WILL PAY 5l';,fl0 cash for modern 2 or j apt. n. or a duplex. Good loca. Close In. Box 420 Capital Journal. caOO WE AHF In need of rood houses to sell in or near tiaiem. It you with to list your property for sale see- GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca" I NOTICE If your property is for sale. rent or exchange. iUt it with u. We have nil kinds of cosh buTer STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St Ca ONE BEDROOM home. In or near Salem, ftiiun dc mourrii, not over a.ooo. box 418. Cnpitnl Journal. ca59 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE OWNER 3 BR modern home with 5 acre view property niso 3 room rental, other bldas., consider 1 or 2 BR home in town. Clear. Ph. 2-0514 or 2-5993. cb61 TRA1JE FARM Si equipment for motel or auto court, in or near Salem. Ph. 3-3657 Cb61 IirLP with house work St children. Ph. RESORT PROPERTIES FISHING RESORT Open from April till Nov. Sale Include land, bnllilliiHS, bouts, motors. 6 cabins, 3 br home St smnll store. Net Income $50(10 year. Fishing la for trout, blue oncus, sumion steei ncad. Ph. 28680, ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 28704 Ff,,,,,,,,,.,,,0!!, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Home and Business Garano business at edge of city, build ing and all equipment boos, also clpnn 3 bedroom home on one acre, all for iiu.auu. can Mr. Frctlerickson. Geor. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 23 849 cd60 Salem Trailer Court 16500 with $3500 down. 15 space. 2 lots. Income $lfi0 month. CAFE FOR 1 OR 2 Good location, buMncss, stock, equip, bldg wiih Itvlntr room. J4500. Terms. APARTMKNTS AND DUPLEX Close downtown. Income over J300 mon. and llv rm. Owner will consider trade. Equity for house, acreage or fnrm. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 S. Com'l Ph. 24649 Eve. 25497 cd61 MACHINE SHOP Heavy duty, 4 or S man, machine and Welding shop. Thl Is one of the best equipped shoi you can find anywhere. Owner retiring. Will ell all equip ment and bualnOAA for $16,000. Terms, net Income for 1949 was f 11,600. If you want a bustne.s of your own here 1 your opportunity. Kttuins. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 :i. Hliih St. Ph. 2-3649 COMM.. EQUIPT garace. Fast growing community. Well established business. F-st. $150 parts. Full price $1,000. Rent or lease on bid. $27.50 mo. Light A water. MLvion Bottom Rd., Clear Lake. Cd61 RENTAL INCOME 1300 Mo Gross Income from 5 lc roomy furnished apt located close to new shopin center Sz state office bulldinu. Ph. 26tiS0. ED LUKINBFAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hlnh St. Ph. 27769 Cd62 900 FT. 1IWY. Frontage on North 99E. Four furnUhcd cottucrs with full plumb inn. 2 Pump Ga Station. Price $19,000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 1104 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3010. Eve. 3-8314. cd59 IIROCFRY AND MARK FT Good location ni.Hem. Box 41 1. Cipital Journal. cdS3 SIX I"NIT court, north. Oood terms. Good home or business as part pay ment. Rox 421 Capital Journal. cd61 i's. ni'nn. & iiVrmr 3085 N7comT Ph.a-S2. cd3i Rt, 7. cd66 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE Choice Buy t YEAR OLD 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. ELEC OR OIL HEAT. CLOSE TO Business Lot ON PORTLAND ROAD. U fT FRONTAOE; OVER 117 FT DEEP. GOOD I ROOM HOU8E WITH BASEMENT BET BACK PAR ENOUGH TO BUILD LAROE BLDG IN TOONT. PRICE (13,000. View Lot 1001334. SEVERAL TREES. CITY WATER. IIM0. Denton & Denton, Realtors 844 STATE STREET Phone 2-3663 EVENINGS PH. MR. VOORHEES, t-4007 - MR. DENTON, S-0S60 - THELMA, J-8053 C60 SPECIALS bdrm. older home with K, LR, DR. and bath, 1 bdrm. dn.. I up. In a good location. Lot 75x123. Priced only for $5500, $500 dn., bal. In easy term. 4 -bdrm. home only 3 year old. LR, DR, K, B-ln, hdwd. floor, all plas tered, cooking and heating electric, attached garage, nice lawn and shrubs, city bu 1 bale., G ch. 6 blk., Jr. HI 4 blks. Good loan easy term, prlca only 19500, would consider a maller home, 1 or 2 bdrm., in trade, Nice small 2-bdrm. home only 1 yr. old, with LR, K, B-Jn. bath, cooking and heating clectria. In a good location for only $4900. VARIETY STORE Well located with all new and modern fixture and equip ment. Also a very good lease. Price only $8750 plus Inventory. You must aee It to appreciate It value. 1 acre, unfinished building, well and electric water ayatem, locate at Wood burn, Ore., 2 blk. off 99E, priced at $1800, $350 dn., bal. on easy term. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! DRY CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT, SHOWINO A NET PROFIT OP 20, INCLUDES ALL STOCK AND EQUIP MENT PLUS INVENTORY, IN A BUSY LITTLE TOWN IN A GOOD LOCA TION. DON'T MISS THIS REAL BUY. CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION George W. Hubbs Co. J. ZEEB, MGR. 1853 N. CAPITOL EVENING PHONK 2-6862 - FURNITURE FOR SALE 10 PC. Walnut Duncan Phyfe dining set, $185. Natural finished ext breakfast set $20. 1 Hotpolnt elec range, $35. Ph. 36271. d59 MAHOGANY sleigh bed. Dresser with beveled edged mirror, rocking chair, night stand. All for $75. Ph. 4-2492. del 1950 REFRIG. Handcarved Chinese teak A, camphor wood chest, table lamp Si Electrolux vacuum. Mut sell lmmed. 2395 Broadway after 5 p.m. J60 BED DAVENO at 431 S. 22nd. Ph. 3-7J78 after 6 or Saturday. d60 WANTED FURNITURE URGENTLY NEED lge. quantity Of house hold good. Buy anything of value St pay pot cash. I want your furniture, piano, rugs, appliance, antique, cur ios, trailers, sporting goods or what have you? Phone Glenn Woodry 3-5110 or bring to 1605 N. Summer St. at once. da61" All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Households, good, furniture, bric-a-brac, appliance, rugs, silverware, dtshea. QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 38558 da GLENN WOODRY. Ph. 35110 da AUCTIONS HAVE YOU been to Scotty' Auction House? A big sale every Sat. This Sat., March 11, 1950: 1 nice bed rm set, 1 refrig, 1 oil range, 1 new Universal Electric Aewlng machine, 2 antique lamps, 1 antique clock, 30 new double windows, 1 new 30x08 front door, cab inets, door. 1 nearly new trash burner, 1 electric cookeretto stove. Many mis cellaneous Items, Automobile, ye, at every sale 1037 Nash (overdrlvel, 1936 Ford. Fruit tree, shrubbery, potatoes, apple Se onions. New ahlngle St roof ing. Hay St straw, baby chick, hen Si raooits. tian to attend tni sale. mile east out Center St. oi Salem. Col. Ernest E. Scott, Auctioneer. Ph. 26274. ddS9 BIG PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Salem Agriculture Housing Inc. to ell government surplus merchandise public auction. Thi auction to be held at Salem Farm Labor camp. Southeast rnn oi eaiem Airport on Turner Hd., on Monday. March 20th. at 1 p.m. share. Watch for later date of article to be sold. coi. srnest scolt, auctioneer. Ph. 2-6274. dd59 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GENTLE WELL bred saddle mare. Rea sonable or will lease for keep. At Ed wards place, on Boone Rd. east of 99 OOUU1. eez1 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED St LICENSED livestock buyer. E. O. McCandllsh. 1137 S. 25th Ph. 38147 ea7b LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne then, 1550 Lancaster Dr Ph. 3-1345 ea76' RABBITS FRYER RABBITS 50c lb. dressed. 460 E Mndrotta. rbfli PETS ARC REGISTERED Cocker puppies. 1807 Lee or 3-97j2. ec 6 1 EXTRA NICE 8 week old pure bred collie pup, $10 St $15 each. 495 Haw thorne St. Ph. 35837. ec61' DALMATION BITCH, Well mannered. 14 yrs. old. Oversea assignment. Required to sell. Best offer. Ph. 26063, 9 to 5. ec61 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th. ec83 CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. 34385. ec67 FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer End St Block Wood Ph. S-6444 PHLLLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. ash. St maple. C (ir, slab and edging. Ph 3-1458. TRI CITY FUEL- PHONE 3-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edclnci Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside U1U Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS 6" HAND PICKED labwood, 1 cord load $10. Ph. 37751 or 25952. ee59 Oregon Fuel Co. Drv Slab or Dry Edging Presb Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Stab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OD-, Ph Salem 2-4031 Pick tip wood at 1535 Edcewatar West Salem e FOR SALE POULTRY PI'RE BRED New Hampshire setting test. rn. 3-111. 3335 rringle Rd., Salem, Ore. YOUNO COLORED hen. 3490 Sunnyvlew ave. Tel. 38341. 159 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter now avail- aoie every Tuaa. roi Ha ten err, 1330 Stnte St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCt SASTkE-N ALFALFA BAT, rh. l-US REAL ESTATE ATTACHED OARAGE. NICE KITCHEN. BUS AND STORE. PRICE ONLY $7250. PHONE 3-3031 2-0639 - 2-0526 - 2-5481 PRODUCE NO. 1 ONIONS 75c 60 lb. L. Ted, 21 mile N. of underpass on Portland highway. Rt. 1, Box 149P. Ph. 31580. ff59 HELP WANTED New Store OPENING WE HAVE OPENINGS FOB DRUG CLERKS, SALES CLERKS, STOCK ROOM, ClOAR CLERKS, TOILETRY GIRL7, CAMERA DEPT.. FOUNTAIN MANAGER, ASST. FOUNTAIN MAN AGER. FOUNTAIN GIRLS. REGULAR HOURS, NO SPLIT SHIFTS, EXCEL LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCE MENT. APPLY IN PERSON TO F. D. MORGAN, OWL DRUG CO., CAPITAL &CENTERST3. jS9 HELP WANTED MALE MAN PREFERABLY BACHELOR to be night watchman, caretaker. Janitor, handyman. Can furnish living quar ters, utilltle. Prefer older man with other Income. See Glenn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer St. at once. ga61 WANTED: Window cleaner. Age be tween 30 St 40 yr. Box 416, Capital Journal. snr.2 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN TO CARE for child In my home a ays. z-uim. gbbO WOMAN OR girl to stay with 2 chil gb60 aren. jjsu Livingston. WANTED: A girl or woman to do light housework and care for 2 children. Ph. 3-6162 after 6 p.m. gb60 CAR HOP. Niftht work. Apply in person utuwceii i ana j p.m. no pnone cans. White's Drive In. gb60" WANTED: Experienced waitress. Call In person. Brooknook Cate, Brooks, Ore. alter 4 p.m. gb60 BEAUTICIANS. Exp. all around. Best pay. Steady. Erich of New York, 251 N. WANTED SALESMAN A SALES CAREER Would you like a permanent and prof itable ale position with a nationally known 56 year old company selling to all merchant and businessmen? Would you oe interested in an exclusive ter ritory where you are your own boss? Do earning In excess of $7500 based on Liberal Commlsion. Bonuses and a Retirement Trust Plan, p us 100 cooperation from the home office sound gooo to you? uo you nave sale exper ience? Are you ambitious and desire a successlul business of your own? Be. tween 30-55 and have a car? Write to- oay giving per.sonal detail to U. O COLSON COMPANY, Pari, Illinois. 8839' WANT MAN for sale dept. No experience necessary. Average earnings $10 per day to start. Secured future for men elocted. A-l references required. Apply uourt at., Koom 101. gcOl' IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN IF YOU WANT A GOOD FUTURE IP YOU WANT AN IMMEDIATE HIGH INCOME We have a 1st class selling position open. We want only top notch men. no nai oeena neeo apply. Prerer mar ried men. Car necessary. Men selected will betrained for 3 day in Portland and work out of our Salem office. Call at 1826 N. E. 40th In Portland. Ask for me state manager, gg59' AMBITIOUS Si enersetlc exp salesman to sell popular Maytag, Eary fc FrlRldalre appliances. Transportation furnished. Salary plus commission. Leads St floor nays coupled witn helpiui supervision. Will assure steady Si substantial earn ings. Appiy nogg Bros., ;i5 s. com'J WASTED: Real estate salesman, on 60 basis. Contact Smith Real Estate, 475 uign st. umce rn. 3-7007, eve. 2-8268, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 363 State Street Phone 2-H88. (tI60 WANTED POSITIONS COOK-IISKPR., 3 or 3 respec. men or el derly couple. In city or out. Reliable. Rcf. Box 434, Capital Journal. h59 W1IX CARE for girl 4 or S years for com panion ior my aaugnier. fn. nei' WANTED! Land clearing, grading St road building for T.D. 14 with double angle blade St clearing teeth. Ph. 2-3095 eve. hsi BRI'SH SPRAY palnttnf. decorating. Free est Reasonable rate. Phone 4-2079. h61 WASH1VG, Ironing St cleaning. Ph. 34568. neo" Mi me ographing-T yping Poe'a 665 North 16th - Phone 3-3643 h78 TREE WORK. topplnR. trimming, remov ing, inaurea operator, jnnn fayne, 893 Bellevue. Ph. 36014. h83 CARPENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 ns3 ROTO-TILLING M. H. Brown. Ph. 2-7500, h84 WOM.P LIKE to take care of child 3 or 4 years of age. 220 Rosemont Ave., West Salem. h60 EXPERIENCED brush painter. Inside or out. Free estimate. Rea. Ph. 3-9732. h69 CHILD CARE 1S3 S 18th Ph. 2-6376. Ml' INTERIOR PAINTING. REMODELING WILL CARE for children daytime ot night. Pb, 43633. b9 AUTO V.OBILEJ Shrock Sez: WE AREN'T ALADDIN WE MAKE NO CLAIMS TO BEING MAGICIANS. BUT WE CAN TAKE A LATE MODEL USED CAR AND RECONDITION IT SO COMPLETELY THAT IT HAS ALMOST NEW CAR SERVICE TO GIVE ITS SECOND OWNER. LATE MODEL CARS ARE AN EVERY DAY ITEM ON OUR LOT BECAUSE WE LEAD SALES IN HUDSONS. HERE YOU'LL ALWAYS PIND THE BEST TRADE-INS IN TOWN. s- H-R-O-C-K- TOWN AT THE m 19 CHEV. CLUB CPE. MAROON PAINT. CLEAN INSIDE ANT OUT. RADIO, HEATER. ONE OP THEM HARD TO FIND MODELS 'fla 194J CHEV. SPEC. DLX. FORDOR SDN. NEW PAINT. THIS CAR WAS TRADED IN ON A STEPDOWN DESIGN HUDSON. WE ARE OFFERING IT AT THIS LOW PRICE OF ! 19(1 BUICK SUPER SDN. NEW TWO-TONE PAINT. CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT. TH13 CAR HAS BEEN SHROCKIZED FROM BUMPER TO BUMPER. VALUE PLUS 69 !9 FORO CLUB CPE SIX CSL. MIST GREEN. HEATER, OVERDRIVE. LESS THAN 12,000 MILES. ONE OWNER. JUST? LIKE NEW IN EVERY RESPECT Plenty of Older Cars from $35.00 and Up - Two Locations Highway Lot at 3020 Portland Rd. and Chemeketa and Church Shrock Motor Company YOUR HUDSON DEALER WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH Lot Ph. 37922 Garage Ph. 39101 $ Dollar for Dollar $ YOU CANNOT BEAT OUR CARS FOR VALUE Here Is the PROOF '37 CHEVROLET SEDAN $275 '39 PONTIAC 2 DOOR 395 '39 PONTIAC 4 DOOR 295 '40 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 495 '41 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 695 37 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 195 '40 CHEVROLET SPORTv COUPE 495 '47 FORD COUPE, CLEAN 895 '48 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE Heater, Radio, Sport Light 1695 '41 FORD COUPE 545 '41 DE SOTO COUPE 445 '46 FORD SPORT COUPE 995 33 CHEVROLET SEDAN 70 40 FORD TUDOR 345 '41 PONTIAC SPORT COUPE 595 ALL WAYS . . . THE BEST FOR LESS TERMS TRADES . . . HERRALL-OWENS CO. 660 N. Liberty St. WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-9694. SPECIALIZED children's sewing. Ph. 26081 hTJ REMODELING, carpenter wk, will take In furniture. Inq. 801 N. Liberty. h60 HOUSEWORK by refined, experienced woman, for 1 or 3 adults. Prefer coun try. Call Saturday. 1535 Trade. h59 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h79 DECORATING. Re a. Don Lucero. 3-5522. tat betttbns tire oared reasonably. Ph. 4-2033. b6t NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, DAYS, ARES 3 TO 5. HR. 1:20 TO 6. PH. 24940, h82 TREK WORK, tonnlnz. trimming, rem or lng. Ins. op. Work guar W H. McAllis ter, a9 rraae, rn. a-nuo. nan NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. Practical Nurses' Registry Ph. 3-5012 h&9 CARPENTER, new & remodeling special ty Ph. 3-7746. h71 GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-tlller. Rea. Ph 2-2709. h70 cniLD CARE, my home. Ph. 33611. h68 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. FOR RENT ROOMS BUSINESS DIST. Nice St warm front sleep-? lng room with hot St cold water in room. For gentleman. 255 Center St. Jk64 SLEEPING RM. Double St single. Ph. 34335 Jk85 DIVORCEE with I children would like 3 or 4 rm. auto court or house. Furn, or partly furn. Not exceeding 140 per month, win give excellent personal rei. Ph. 3-5978 between 1 St 2 p.m. If in terested. Jk61 ! FURNISHED sleeping rooms, 655 N Cottage after 6:30 p.m. jk61 HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. JkSl 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. 39670. Jk68' SLEEPING RMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539, Jk73 SLP RM, lady. Priv home. Ph. 36557. JkSS MAN'S SLEEPING room, auto heat, priv. bath, entry. Ph. 39043. Jk59 RMS 195 S. Cottage. Ph 2-7817. Jk72 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURN. apt. 165 St $75. Ambas sador Apt. 550 N. Summer. Jp61 NEW S RMS. St priv, bath. Rea. Partly furn. 1065 Madia on. Jpd4 3 RM. FURN. apt. Bath, priv. ent. Ad ult. 1250 N. winter. Apt. 1. jpso 3 RM. FURN. AFT. Priv. bath. Frig. 588 N. Church St. JP64 GROUND FLOOR, unfurn. except range. utll. turn., by Buh ch. 330 Mission St. JP49 COURT APT. 3 rm. Se bath. Range St refrig. Exceptionally clean. 1348 S 12th. JP61 LOVELY 3-rm. apt. In court. Refrig.. range St auto, laundry. 907 8. 13th. Jp64' QUIET, CHRISTIAN LADY wlshe pleas ant nKp. room, close in. Have own lin en, ailver.dlshe, etc. Reasonable rent. Capital Journal, Box 423. Jp59 3 ROOM apartment, furnished or unfurn ished. Phone 20367. 555 So. 19th. jp59 ROOM unfurnished apt. Stove furn. 1358 8. Com'l. Jp61 NICE LARGE apt. Utilities furn. Reason able. 365 s. ietn. Jpfli HOUSE FOR RENT with 3 rm. apt. un furnished. Ph. 3-9647. Jp60 CLOSE IN. Partly furn. Aduiu only. 680 AlUi oi. rn. jpol" FURN. 1 t RM. apt. Ph. 2-7288. Jp78 2 RM. furn. apt. Utilities tm. 1810 Trade. 3 ROOM furn. apt. Auto, hot water heat. main noor. priv. ent. 1 mock to State Capitol. Adults. Ph. 36050. jp59 NEW 2 rm apt. private bath, partially furnished Adult. 1047 Madison. Jp59 CLOSE IN 2 rm. apt. Partly Furn. Phone -al. jpSB IAUTOMOBILES 14 HUDSON COMMADORE I SDN. TWO TONE GREEN. BEAUTIFUL ONE OWNER CAR. THE KIND OP A USED CAR YOU DREAM ABOUT AT ONLY ! I 1,IT HUDSON IWUAUunfi oun. uuus. wv... ..nu.w, HEATER, LOW MILEAOE. ONE OF THIS CLEANEST CARS IN LOW PRICE OF Phone 2-4113 FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. PART. furn. apt., ell heat, eleo. rge., 365 Taylor. Ph. 2-2097. p60 2 RM. FURN. apt. Adults. Ph. 25373. 193 B center. jpoo- 2 APTS. Completely furn. Close In. In quire H. L. still Furniture co. pb. 39185. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES New 2 bedroom furnished house with garage April 15 to Nov, lit. 2055 Laurel Ave. Jm51 SMALL 1 Btt newly decorated house, elee. range St refrig., nice yard, garden space, on bu line. Ph. 3-7675. Jm59 Why Pay Rent 1250 down buys 3 bdrm, home. Hard wood floors, garage, city water, paved street A: sewer. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7643 Eva. 2-0130 Jm69 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up St delivery. Sinner Bowing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512. J RENT USED CAR lot, 1895 N. Com'L 17T BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Co., 2350 State. Ph. 3-3443. Ref. 165 BUSINESS RM. lor rent H L. Stiff. U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service. Center at Cottage Ph 29103 J GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. j- POWER TOOL rental for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pb, 3-3646. J PIANOS. INVESTIGATE our deferred ren tal plan. Tallman Piano Store, 395 B. 12th St. jfla TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bro. mu o. iztn, west saiem. i FOR RENT: Green house. 025 8. 25th. or Phone 28073. jw TO DO a good job rent a good floor sand- er. we seii everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS - Ph 3-3846 t ROOM & BOARD SALEM Nursing Home. 3599 "D" St Am- Duiatory or bed patients. Men or wom en Trained nurses, 24-hr. service. JJ73 WANTED TO RENT WORKING COUPLE want 3 bdrm. house in cuy up to (63, pn. 3-0342 alter 6 P-m. ja6l WANTED TO RENT: 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. ay April 1. rreier aoutn. couple St 2't yr. old girl. Reasonable rent.Ph.2-9980. Jafll" BUSINESS MAN, wife Sz 16-yr-old son wish to rent 2 bd rm unfurn house before 1st of April. Box 419, Capital Journal. jagi GOOD S or 3 bdrm. hou. Government employe by March 20. Ph. 39603. Jal MANAOEF OF leading paint company nunrs mm wr on nouse or duplex IngooddLstrict. Ph. 23933 dayj. Ja59 LOST & FOUND LOST: Innersprlng mattre ft black Ger man Disuse tne neaa or a bed. Lost outh on A9E. Rt. 1, Airport Drie, Sweet Home. Oreg. O. 8. Schriner. k59 FOUND! 9 months old female dog. Part nUaL.B,i ourjiuHO. rn. 30 J 63. 3925 Stanley Lane. keo MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men', Intter. IM Court. iPENCEB CORSETIERE Clll l.07a. m UENTAL PLATB REPAIR -in. SERVICE IN MOSI CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DKNTIST Adolp".i Bids. state tt CommtrelH 8tj. oniAa r none 3-3311 (Continued on Page 17)V