Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 15, Image 15

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Ian Livestock Mara
(Br Valley Packing Company)
Wooled Iambi 823.00
Feeder Limb 116.00 to 130.00
Calve, good (300-450 lb) 118.00 to 120.00
Veal (150-300 lbs) top ..f 24.00 to 128.00
Tat dairy eow 113.00 to 114.60
Cutter cow 110.00 to 113.50
Tinlrv heifer 113.00 to 116.00
Bull 814.00 to 118.00
Fortland Eastsld Market
Old crop, local spinach aold for 83.00
tn orang box on the Portland Eut
aide Farmer Wholesale Produce ma rice t
Bruisel' jprouti brought 12.00 a flat
or 12.00 a- dozen cellophane package.
Valley roundhead cabbage wu 12.25
9.60 a crate.
Bunched mustard green were 06-75
ents a dozen.
Parsnips brought 15-90 cenU a lug with
aome up to li.oo.
fortune, Proflne
Bntterfat Tent a tire, Subject to 1mm.
dlate change. Premium quality maximum
to -36 to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Portland 5-08o lb.; 93 score 63-66c: 90
core, 61-54e, 89 acore 55c Valley route
end country point zc less than llrst.
Butler Wholesale FOB bulk cube
whilesalera, grade 93 score, 64c.
03 score, 63e; B score. 61c; O. 89 score
60c. Above price are strictly nominal.
Cheese Selling price to Portland whole
nia Oregon si nit lea 89-42c. Oregon b
mall loai, 44tt-45oi trlpleU lti leu than
Egg (to Wholesalers) A grade large
88-39 Mo.
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailer; Grade AA
print, 60c; AA cartons, 70c: A prints,
sac: A carton 70c; B print, 66c.
Eire Price to retailer: Orade AA
lurse. 43c doz.: A large. 4lc; AA medium,
4ic; A medium, 40c; B medium, 33c; car
tons 2c additional.
Cheese fr:ce to retailer: Portland
nrHon single 374-40 He; Oregon loaf.
lb. loaves, 43-43c lb.; triplet, Vh cent
less than single. Premium brand,
KWfee lb.; loaf. fiStto.
Live Chickens (No. 1 quality, f.o.b.
plants): Broiler, under 3 lbs. nominal;
fryers. 3-3 lb. 30-32CJ 3-4 lb. 33-34c;
roaster, 4 lb and over, 33-34c: light hen
under 4 lbs, 18c; over 4 lbs, 20-2 lc; heavy
hens, all weights, 26c; old rooster, all
weights, 13-14c.
Turkey Met to grower, torn, 30-3ie.
hen. 44c. Price to retailer, dressed; A
ycung hens, 60-61c; A young torn. 27
18?: light torn. 41-430
Babbits Average to grower, llrt
white 4-6 lb. 1T-20O Ib.i 6-6 lb. 16-lBc
lb., colored 2 cent lower: old or heavy
doe and buck, B-12c. Fresh dressed
Idaho fryer and retailer. 40c; local. 43
62c. KnunlPT-Kllled Meats
Veal Top quality 39-40C lb.t other
trades according to welsh t and quality
witn ngnier or neavier, sj-jdc.
Hogs Light blockers, 25W-261&C, sows,
Lambs Top Quality aprlnger, 39-40c;
mutton, beat, 18-20c; tough heavy ones,
Beef Oood eow, I2-S6e lb.; canners
cutter, 39-30c.
STresh Dressed Meats
(Wholesaler to retailer per owt.)l
Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs.40-43;
commercial, iio-t.i utility, 30-3B.
Cow: Commercial, 136-39; utility. 8I4
3)6; canners-cutters, 131-33.
Beef Cut (Good Steer). Hind quarter.
148-52; rounds, 148-51; full loins, trimmed,
163-67; triangle, 139-42; square chuck,
44-4b; rin, ioo-ou; iorequarier. i4o-i.
Veal and calf: Good, 148-48; commercial,
39-46; utility, 132-39.
Lamb: Good-choice spring lamb. 145
47; commercial, $43-44; utility, 136-38.
Mutton: Oood, 70 lb down, 128-28.
Pork loin. S46-48: shoulders, 16 lb.,
down, 134-33, parerlbs, 145-48; carcass
es, 137-38; mixed weights, 32 per cwt.
Portland aflieellaneea
Onions'. Supply moderate, market dull:
Ore. yellow. No. 1. medium. 11.25-36:
large, 11.60-75; 10 lb, 25-35c; boilers, 10
ids, ?u-23c; onion sew, wren on yeiiow, au
lbs. 16.60-16.00; whit, 16.25-50; Calif,
white slobe. 13.00-26.
Potatoes: Ore. local Burbank, No, 1,
j.ou-ou, uescnuie itusseu, no. ha, 3,zu
85; No. 3, 60 lbs., 11.20-39: 25 lbs., 85-90c
16 lba, 53-66o; Wash. Netted Gem, No. 1,
13.15-30: 25 lb. 80-BBc; 16 lbs. 60-62ci No.
3, 31.16-36; large bakers, $4.00-50; Idaho
Russet, waxed, $3.65-75; new potatoes,
Fla. Triumph, size A, 18.00-26,
Hayi New crop. taok bale. U. B. No. 3
green Alfalfa, truck or car-lot P-O-B
Portland or Pugat Bound markets, 133.50-
41.00 torn U. B. No. 1 mixed Timothy. $44
ton; new crop oat and vetch mixed hay
or uncertified clover hay, nominally 25
98 depending on quality and location bal
d on Willamette valley farm.
Oaaear) Bark Dry 13fc lb. tries 4e
Woe I Valley soar and medium trade.
48o lb.
Mohair 15 Iks on U-montB growth
Hide Calve 36c lb.; according to
veignc, pip, 380 id., oeai, g-ioo ro.;
bull. 6-7o lb. Country buyer pay 2o leas
Filberli Wholesale price: Jumbo 19-
I3e: larg 17-20c; medium 15-18 'Ac
Orowtr prices: Orchard run, 8-l0c.
Walaata Wholesale prices: Per lb. m
100-iD lots: nrat quality jumbo. si-izfe:
large, 39-SOlto, medium, 26 -26 14 c; sec
ond quality Jumbo, 29-39 lie; large 27-
374i; medium 34tt-36ttc;. baby, 19.
30Ho. Grower prices, orchard run: Fran
quettea, 10-lto lb.
Chicago Grain
Chicago, March 10 VP) Grain prices
tilted lower today, soybean and new
crop wheat deliveries scoring widest
loss a.
The new crop wheat deliveries held up
fairly well, although losing gain regis
tered during the morning. Lifting of
hedce against larg export of cash wheat
was the major reason for the relative
steadiness or these deliveries, trader said.
Selling In new crop wheat deliveries fol
lowed a weather bureau forecast of light
rain and snow for part of the winter
wheat belt.
Wheat closed H4 lower to 1 cent high
er, March S2.26H. Corn wa M lower to
V, higher. March 81.30H. Oat were H
lower to V higher, March 75H. Rye was
U-v lower. May 11.31 i. Soybean were
14-24 lower. March 13.43'W and lard
was 6 to 13 cent a hundred pound lower,
uaren 110.70. ,
Portland LlTMloek
Portland. Or,., March 10 Weekly
Cattle: Friday aalable 50; hardly enough
offered to text market.
Calves: Friday salable 10: ateady.
Hom: Friday salable 3ft: market laryely
teady on small lots.
Sheep: Friday nlabl, none; nominally
Keep Your Investment Picture
in Clear Focus
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Vrite or call for your copy of The Invest
men! Record or the Stock and Bond Regis
ter, or both, today.
Dean Witter & Co.
New Yerk Steck fictions Chlcoae leard of Trod
lee Aftfelet Sletk Enchant Son Frandic Slock Exchonf
Vets Come West
To Locate Jobs
Spokane, March 10 (ff) The
companion problems of unem
ployment and industrial expan
sion drew major attention yes
terday irom delegates to the
American Legion's 11-state con
ference on economics.
Spokesmen reported a grow
ing problem with unemployed
veterans and several said the
problem was made more diffi
cult by the westward migration
of many veterans "seeking the
promised land.
W. F. Gaarenstroom of Sa
lem, Ore., director of the Ore
gon department of veterans af
fairs, said "1300 veterans now
living in Oregon have received
bonus checks from Illinois."
"They came out here to make
their fortunes," he said. "Many
of them can t find jobs.
Oregon's Governor Douglas
McKay said, however, that that
state's unemployment picture is
about the same as in 1940. He
urged an orderly expansion of
industry as a means of removing
northwest dependence on agri
culture, forestry and other sea
sonal industries.
3 Burglaries
In South Salem
Salem detectives concentrated
their efforts Friday on a hunt
for suspects who burglarized
three south Salem homes and
for other criminals who gather
ed clothing from two north Sa
lem clotheslines.
Small radios were removed
from the residences of E. G.
Foxley, 1030 South Liberty and
William Murray, 1995 South
Commercial. A man's coat and
a girl's coat were also taken
from the Foxley home by a thief
who also lunched on bananas.
The third residence victimized
by burglars was that of Charles
Vick, 125 East Myers. Nothing
was found missing, but as in the
other two cases, the home had
been ransacked.
Bob Johnson, 524 North 17th
street, reported the loss of shirts,
trousers and a rug from s
clothesline, while a neighbor,
lieraia uaiser, 570 North 17th,
reported the loss of trousers,
shirts and six pairs of socks, ap
parently to the same clothesline
Completed from reports el Balem dealer
or ine gnmanee or capital Journal
Reader. (Revised dally).
Retail Fee- Prices:
Erg Mash 14.66.
Rabbit Pellets 14.30.
Dairy Feed 13.70.
Poultry Buying price Grade A ouor
ea nen 33-2tc: grade A Leghorn hen.
18c; grade A old rooster. 13a; gradt A
coiorea iryer, ins., H-Jie.
Buying Price Large AA the, large
a, jif-joc: meoium aa. oi medium a.
31c; crax, 34c. -
wnoieiaie rneee agg wnoieeaie price
(J-7c above these prices above large grade
a generally quoted at 3e; medium, 35e,
Premium 67o; No, 1 6t Mo. 8, 69-61e;
souying prices).
Butter Wholesale grade A, Me; re
tail 74.
Chicago Livestock
Chicago. March 10 WU) (TJBDA) Lite
stock market:
Hogs: Salable 9,000. Butcher under
380 lb mostly 16 to as cent lower: heav
ier weights and sow largely 36 cent,
spot SO cent, lower: after slow start.
closed fairly active at decline: top 17.00
for a load or so. Bulk good and choice
ISO to 330 lb. butcher. 16.66 to 16.90: most
330 to 300 lb 16.00 to 16.75; 300 to 340
lb 15.50 to 16.10: few butcher around
400 lb 15.00; most good and choice 160
to 180 lightweight. 16.00 to 16.50. Bulk
good and choice sow under 450 lb 14.50
to 15.30; most good and choice 475 to 600
lb 13.00 to 14.33. Indication good clear
Sheep: Salable 1.500: very little done;
bulk lambs unsold with bid weak to 80
cent or more lower; one high-choice load
103 lb. woo ed Wisconsin lamb to ship
per 38.50. teady. Deck of 135 lb choice
slaughter ewe 15.00; scattered supply 150
to 160 lb good to choice ewes 14.00 to 14.50.
Cattle salable 3.000; calve 300. Dull
week-end trade; steer and heifer weak
at Thursday' decline except medium
lightweight about steady; cow unevenly
steady to 50 cents lower; bulla 50 cent
lower; vealer about teady. Few loads
and lot medium ana good ateer 32.75
to 26.50: snrlnkl ng of common to low-
medium kind 30.00 to 33.00; few medium
and good heifer 33.00 to 35.50; good cows
19.00 to 31.00; mostly 20.50 down: common
and medium beef cow 16.75 to 18.75: ca li
ners and cutter 13.50 to 16.50: medium
and good ausag bull 19.60 to 31.60; me
dium to cnoice veaier ao.oo to jo.oq
cull down to 17.00,
PORTLAND, 2nd Floor Equitable Building
Telephone ATwater 9275
Offices in Principal Pacific Coast Cities:
(By the Associated Pre,
American Can 110l
Am Pom St Lt 20(3
Am Tel St Tel 151V.
Anaconda 28'a
Bendlx Aviation 41 U
Beth Stee 33fc
Boeing Airplane 27H
Calif Packing 36
Canadian Pacific 14 '4
Case J I 42',
Caterpillar 35
Chrysler 64t
Con Vultee l-'a
Continents- Can 37;
Crown Zellerbacb 32
Curtis Wright 8'i
Dougla Aircraft 1"
Dupont de Nem 62
General Electric 4S&
General Food 43 ',
General Motor 74
Goodyear Tire 49 v
Int Harvester 37
Int Paper 3.
Kennecott 6l':i
Llbby McN fx L 71
Long Bell "A" 25
Montgomery Ward 55'4
Nash Kelvlnator ie:i
Nat Dairy 41
NY Central 12
Northern Paclflo 19
Pac Am FLsli
Pa Oas & Eleo 33-
Pa Tel Si Tel 109
Penney J O 59 4
Radio Corp H'i
Royonler 27n;
Rayonler Pfd 31 Vt
Reynolds Metal 22
Richfield 38
Safeway Store 361
Sears Roebuck
Southern Paclflo 51
Standard OH Co 2
Studebaker Corp 27':
Sunshine Mining 9
Transamerlca 16
Union Oil Cal
United Airline 86
Union Paclflo
U S Steel 30
Warner Bro Plo 13
Woolwortb 8
Stock Market
New York. March 10 WJ The atock
maritet iriea ior a comeuacs mis .icr
noon after a morning setback.
The attempt was not completely suc
cessful but small early losses were trim
med In most cases and some leader
Inched their way Into Plus ground.
Zenith waa a strong spot witn a gain
of more than a point and General Elec
tric attracted support at a fractional ad
vance. Santa Fe Moved up two points
at on time but this wa later tnmmea.
On the losing side most of the day
were U. 8. Steel. General Motors, u. 6.
Rubber, Emerson Radio, Allied Chemical,
Du Pont and Cclotex,
Making a better showing were Boe
ing, Schenley, American Telephone, An
aconda Copper, American Tobacco, Stan
dard OU tNJ), and Loew'.
Keep citrus fruits oranges,
grapefruit, lemons in a cover
ed container in the refrigerator
or in some other cool place.
SlmDle Sewlnr One of those won
derful washables that are easy to
make and a Joy to wear! The
shoulder-buttoned bodice Is com
pletely simple; the flaring skirt has
newest pocket highlights.
No. 3137 Is cut In sizes 12, 1. 1.
IB 20, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 18.
4H yds. 35-ln.
Send 25c for PATTERN with
Name. Address and Style Number
State Size desired.
Address Capital Journal. 314 Mis
sion St. San Francisco S Calif
Patterns ready to fill orders im
mediately. For special handling
of order via first class mail in
clude an extra 6 per pattern
Just off the press I The SPRING
BOOK OP FASHION presenting the
newest style trends, all translated
into delightfully wearable easy-to-make
pattern designs Over 150
designs for all ages and occasions
beautifully Illustrated In this book
Order your copy now. Price Just
20 cents
Blended Whiifcrr M Proof
65 Oaln Nrutral Spirits
Mr. Bohob DitilJer Inc., BottoBjMai
at Stat &et esaxiscitt ijjr
i onfoF I-
August Walter Meyer
Ausuit Walter Meyer, at the residence
at 552 Statesman street, Thursday, March
S. Survived by wife, Mrs. Louise Meyer !
of Salem, one grandson; one great-grand-1
on and several nieces and nephews. Mem
ber of St. John's Lutheran church. Ser-
ices will be held at the Hc-wen-EdWards
chapel Saturday, March 11, at 2 p.m. with
Rev. U. W. Gross officiating.
William Henry Purdy
William Henry Purdy. late resident of
Valiets, at a local hospital, March 7. Sur
viving are two daughters, Mrs. Irene
Goodrich, Coqullle, and Mrs. Jim Van
Sickle, Valsetz; a son, John H. Purdy, Val-
setz; a sister, Mrs. rora i-iara, eraiue;
a brother Lewis G. Purdy, Anaheim, Calif.;
17 grandchildren and 10 -treat-grandchildren.
Services will be held Saturday, Mar.
at 1:30 p.m. at the riougn-Barrick
chapel. Rev. Seth R. Huntington will of-
Ilclale. Interment in Beicrest Memorial
Anna Jane Blaeo
Anna Jane Blaco. late resident oi New
port and former resident of Salem, at Al
bany. March 8, at the age of 93 years.
Surviving are two sons, Walter Blaco,
Newport, and Ralph Blaco, uxs Anneies;
two sisters, Mrs, Adaie L,ewis, i opck,
Kan., and Mrs. Ella Scruby, Stratton.
Colo.: five grandchildren and 11 great
drandchildren. Service will be held Sat
urday, March 11. at 3 p.m. at tne ciougn
Barrlck chapel wlht the Rev. Edward F.
Harmon officiating. Interment In City
View cemetery.
Vera Smallwood
Vern Smallwood. at hi home at 4B60
Delight street, March 9. at the age of 52
years. Survived by wife, Minnie Small
wood of Salem: son. Mac Smallwood of
Snlem: daughter. Miss Reba Smallwood
of Salem, Mr. Ellen Gardner oi ooid
Beach. Oregon, and Mrs. Ruth Jacob-
son of Dexter, Oregon; and a sister, Mrs,
Ray Thornberg of Ypsllantl, Mich, An
nouncement of service later by the
Howell-Edwards chapel.
Ed Williams
Ed William, at his home at route 1.
Gervala, March 9. Announcement of serv
ices later by the HoweU-Edward chapel.
Katherlne Kipper
Katherlne Kip per. late resident of Sa
lem route 1, at Kent, Wash., March 9. at
the aee or Bo year. Mother of Michael
Kipper and Mrs. Eva Vetch, both of Seat
tle; John N. Kipper, Kent, Wash.; and
Mrs. Barbara Cameron. Portland. Also
survived by 11 grandchildren, 11 treat
granocmidren and two great great grand
children. Recitation of the rosary will be
at 8:30 p.m., Friday, March 10, at the
W. T. Rlgdon chapel. Requiem mas Sat
urday, March 11, at 9:30 a.m. at St.
Joseph' Catholic church. Interment In
City View cemetery.
Sylvester J. Wild am ana
Sylvester J. Wlldamann. late resident
of Tacoma. Wash., at the home of his
daughter at 683 Wlldwlnd Dr., March 9.
at tne aee oi o year, surviving are his
wife, Evelyn Wlldamann, Tacoma, Wash.;
four sons, James, Delbert and Robert
Folk, all of Salem, and William Folk, Ox
nerd. Calif.; seven daughter, Mrs. Math
ew Burge mister, Mr. Darrel Haabrouck,
Mr. Boyd Panther, Mr. Ralph Spendal,
and Mr Tina Thomas, all of Salem; Mrs.
Margaret Erling, Seattle; and Mrs. Bar
bara DIVito. Everett, Wash.; three 1.
ters, Mrs. Joseph Schneider and Mrs. Re
glna Blundo, both of Tacoma, and Mr.
Georgia Craft, Seattle; a brother, Edward
Hersog, Spokane, and 16 grandchildren.
Member of the Visitation Catholic church
of Tacoma. Recitation of the rosary at
the HoweU-Edward chapel Friday, March
io, at 8:30 p.m. Service win be held Sat
urday, March 11. at 10:30 a.m. at St. Jo
seph's Catholic church. Interment In St.
Barbara' cemetery.
Baby Boy Lukkei
Baby Boy Lukkes, infant son of Mr. and
Mr. Eerett Lukkes of Salem. Private
service were held under the direction of
tne v. t. uoiden mortuary.
Etnll A, Barker
Lebnnon Emll A. Burker. 70, died at
hi home, 175 William atreet. on March 8.
Bom In Roanoke, 111., Am. 17, 1870, he
came to Lebanon two year ago from Col
orado Springs. He wa married In 1003
In Nebraska. His wife urvlve. He wa a
retired farmer and a member of the
Mennonlte ohuroh. Service will b held
Monday at 2 p.m. at the Falrvlew Men
nonlte church with N. M. Blrkey officiat
ing. Arrangement are being made by the
Howe-HuAton Funeral home. Burial will
be In the Lebanon IOOF cemetery. Surviv
ing are hi widow, Lena; aon, William
and Harry of Shedd; daughter, Mr. Edith
Stauffer and Haiel Burke y of Lebanon;
Mr. Barbara Zimmerman, Nebraska; Mrs.
Mabel Blrkey, Sweet Horn.; Mr. Norma
Carrel, Wlconln and Mr. Ruby Glen
denlng, Lebanon; alaters, Barbara Irish
man and Mary Tueeker of Nebruka, Katie
Spence of UUnol; brother, Joe Burkey,
Diinoia: 22 grandchildren and one great
Benjamin P. Jonet, Sr.
Woodburn Benjamin P. Jonea, Sr., St, a
former resident of Woodburn, died Tues
day, March 7. at the home of a daughter
at Neenah, Wise., where he had made hi
home since leaving Woodburn In 103. He
was born In Waupun, Wise, January 1,
1858 and cam to Oreton from Wis
consin In 1936. Survivors Include two
daughter. Mr. Elisabeth Wllm of Nee
nah, Wlc, and Mr. Odella Meyer of
Bralnlerd, Minnesota; four ona, John
Jonea of Mllwaukle, Oregon. Ben P.
Jones, Jr., of Lebanon, Donald Jone of
the U. S. army tatloned In California
and Oeorge D. Jones of Woodburn. Also
one atepson, Harlow C. Dixon of Wood
burn; three step-daughters, Miss La la
Dixon of Qulncy, Wash., Mr. Pearl Oehr
of Pasadena, Calif., and Mr. Haiel Llnd
sey of Wonewoe, Wise, 24 grandchildren
and two great grandchildren. Funeral aerv
Ices will be held Saurday, March 11, at
Neenah. Wise, and Interment wlU be In
Cllntonvllle, Wise, beside his wife, Odella
Jone, who died 25 year wo.
Albert Leo Harbison
Lebanon Albert Lee Harbison, 70, tiled
on March 8 at the Sclo home of hi ion,
Arthur Harbison. Ha had been In Linn
county two month, coming her from
Arkansas. Ho was born July 22, 1879, at
Energy, Mo., and was a retired farmer.
Survivors are hi wife, Minnie Maude;
Aon, Hollls of Vernonla, Prank of Port
land, Charles of Buffalo, Okla., and Art
and Bud of Scfo; daughter, Evelyn
V. A. SWITZER, Agent
450 North Church Ph. 2-2428
Ferguson and Geneva Harbison of Port
land, Evalee Harris of Tlgard, 13 grand
children and numerous relative In the
east. Service arranged by the Howe
Huston chapel, were held Friday at 3
P.m. In the Sclo Baptist church, with
Rev. Elvln Fast. It pantor. officiating.
Burial in the Lebanon lOOP cemetery.
Knule Knutien
Sllverton Knute Knutson, 73, died sud
denly from a heart attack shortly after
eating hi lunch while employed at Inde
pendence. Funeral services will be held
Saturday at 2 o clock from the memorial
chapel of the Ekman funeral home, Rev.
Joseph A. Luthro, of the Trinity Luther
an cliurch officiating and burial In Valley
View cemetery. He la survived by hi wld-
Mr Ida Knutson and three eons.
Sheldon, Melvin and Kenneth Knutson,
,11 of Sllverton. and a daughter. Shirley
Knutson. of Portland: also two sisters
no fuss no muss
no bother no dirt
usePres - to -
Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431
.'. .
Efes:' .-w
CAVAl" ,
HON'""' "
and two brothers In the mid -west. .
wa a member of the lOOF lodge.
Ella J. Metigar
LafayetteMr. Ela J. Metngar, late of
Newport, died In Portland. Her funeral
was held In the United Brethren Evan
tee Heal church here Monday afternoon.
Interment was In tin Masonic cemetery at
La Fayette. She waa the mother of tje
Rev. Chester Gate of Portland, Norvnle
Gate of Sclo and Mr. Rebekah Patter
son of Oakland, Calif. Mr. Metzgar was
a member of the Rebekah order and the
Order of Eastern Star. She spent the ear
ly years of her life In La Fayette and was
elected Noble Grand of Banner Rebekah
lodice No. 53 when lt was organized here,
and wa slate president of the order In
1893 while residing here. She had been
confined to her bed for the past four
years a a result of a fall which left her
with a broken hip.
Must Have Been
LILLY'S Seed, Pop!
Could bs, ton whera d quality counts
LILLY'S 65 year' xparianc makoa tha dif
ference. Lilly's Mads ara carefully brad and
selected especially for Pacific North watt
climata and soil condition!. Trial -ground tasted
to aitur tha batt reiulti tn this saaton'i
flowers and vagatablat. Perfect, trua strains
for abundant, colorful blooms and vitamin
packed, flne-flavored vagatablat. Look for tha
nam LILLY'S on tha packatl
widi ajsort.
availaili in
your lilly
dialir-s sbcd
, 30 Prt
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,
son particularly Interested and to the
general public that a hearmi wlU be held
before the common council of the City oi
Salem. Oregon, at the city hall March 13,
19SQ. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m.. to
consider an ordinance chanting Irom a
Class 1-C Capitol Zone District to a
Class m-x Restricted Business District a
parcel oi land tying in Block 1 oi cart
right' Addition to the City of Salem,
Oregon, 63 feet wide and 107 feet 8 Inches
long having a frontage of 107 feet S
Inches on Capitol Street and 62 feet on
Center Street.
The petitioners for this gone change
propose to construct a aervlc tation on
ssld premise.
By order ot the common council Feb
ruary 27, 1950.
City Recorder
Salem, Oregon.
March 8. 8 10
Notice is hereby given tnat tne com
mon Council of the City of Salem, Mar
lon County, Oregon, ha declared It In
tention to vacate and ha initiated pro
ceeding to vacaU the following alley, to
Alley through block 3 of the City
of Salem, Oregon, described as fol
low: 16 V feet off the south side of
lots 2 and 7 In said block 3.
That ntd proceeding were Initiated by
said Common Council on the 13tb day of
February, 1930.
That a publio hearing will be had in
connection with said proceedings, for the
nurDoae of hearing and considering
objections and remonstrances to said
proceedings. That said hearing will be
held at the chambers of the City Council
tn the City Hall In Salrm, Oregon, on the
37th day of March 1950. at tha hour of
8:00 o'clock P.M. thereof.
That tha nnmprx nf fttlY real DfODtrtj
affected by said proceedings may be
heard at said time, and that the real
property affected therby shall be deemed
to be the land lying on either side ot
the street or portions thereof extending
l.t.miiv tn that next street that serve a
a parallel atreet, but in any case not io
exceed 300 feet, and the land for a like
lateral distance on either sia oi ine im
for 440 leet along it course oeyona eacn
terminus oi the part propoaeo to oe v.
C1L February 13, 1950.
Recorder of th City of Salem.
mi Af Publication
Feb. 17. 24. Mar. 3. 10. 17. 1950.
Notice la hereby given mat me uoin
mnn rmmrii nf the City of Salem. Mar
lon County, Oregon, has declared lt In
tention to vacate and has Initiated pro
ceedlnag to vacat the following street, to-
w't: . .
That part OI Mcwary Avenue in nm
Salem. Oregon, from the northerly
line of Eighth Street to the northly
city limit, of what wu formerly West
That Hid Droceedlnes were Initiated by
said Common Council on the 13th day of
February. 1050. That a public hearing
win h had in connection with said pro
ceedings, for the purpose of hearing and
considering all objections and remon
strance to said proceeding. That ald
hearing will be held at tne enamoera oi
th Cltv Council In the City Hall In 8a
tern, Oregon, on tha 37th day of March,
19S0. at tha hour ot fl:oo ociocc
That th owner or any real property
if m ted by said proceeding may
heard at said time, and that the Teal
nroDertv affected thereby ahall be deem
ed to be the land lying on either side ot
Lha atreet or portions thereof extending
laterally to the next atreet that serve as
parallel street, but in any case not io
exced 200 feet, and the land for a like
lateral distance on either side ot the
atreet for 400 feet along lt course beyond
each terminus of tha part proposed to be
OIL February 13, 1950.
Recorder of the Olty of Salem.
Date of Publication Feb. 17, 34, Mar.
iq. 17. 1050.
Notice 1 hereby given that the Com'
moo Council of the City ot Salem, Mar
ion County, Oregon, ha declared It In
tention to vacate and has Initiated pro
ceeding to vacate the lolJowing alley, ti
All of that certain 14 foot alley
lying east of the west line of lot 10.
block "K" a shown on the original
plat of the City of West Salem, Folk
County, Oregon.
That said proceeding were Initiated by
said Common Council on th 13th day of
February, 1900.
That a public hearing will be had In
connection with aald proceeding, for the
purpose of hearing and considering all
objection and remonstrances to aald
proceeding. That said hearing will be
held at th chamber of the City Council
In th City Hall In Salem, Oregon, on the
37th day of March, 1950, at 8 o'clock
P.M. thereof.
That tha owner of any real Property
affected by aald proceeding may be
heard at aald time, and "that the real
property affected thereby ahall be deemed
be th land lying on either aide or
the alley or portion therof extending
laterally to the next atreet that serves
parallel atreet. but In any case
not to exceed 200 feet, and the land for
ilka lateral distance on either aloe oi
the atreet for 400 feet along It course
beyond each terminus of the part pro
posed to be vacated.
CIL February 13, 1930.
Recorder of th City of Salem.
Date of Publico ;lon
Feb. 17. 34, March 3. 10, 17. 1950.
Not es 1 hereby given that the com
mon Council of the City of Salem, Ore
gon, ha declared Its Intention to vacate
ana na inmeiea procerainas io vcm
the following street or road, to-wlt:
All of the most southerly road a
shown on the recorded plat of West
Salem Addition in Polk County, Ore
gon, and more particularly described
as follows: Beginning at the south
west corner of West Salem Addition In
township 7 south, range 3 west of th
Willamette Meridian, Polk County,
and running thence north 58 degree
ast along th south line of said addi
tion 20.45 chains more or less to the
west line of Patterson Avenue; thence
north 22 degrees 35' west 44.34 feet;
thence south 58 degree west and par
allel to the south, line of said addi
tion 20.45 chains more or less to th
Wejit line ot said addition; thence
south 22 degrees 25' east 44.34 feet to
the point at beginning.
That said proceedings were Initiated
by said Common Counoll on the 13th day
of February, 1950.
That a public hearing will be had In
connection with said proceedings, for the
purpose of hearing and considering all
objection and rem on t ranee to said pro
ceedings. That said hearing will be held
at the chamber of the City Council in the
City Hall In Salem, Oregon, on tha 27th
day of March, 1U50, at the hour of 8
o'clock P.M. thereof.
That the owners of any real property
affected by said proceedings may be
heard at anld time, and that the real
property affected thereby thai) ba deemed
to be the land lying on either side oi the
street or rond or portions therof ex
tending laterally to the next street or
road that serve a a parallel street or
road, but In any case not to exceed 200
feet, and the land for a like lateral dis
tance on either aide ot the street or road
for 400 feet along Its course beyond each
terminus of th part proposed to be va
CIL February 13. 1950.
Recorder of the City of Salem.
Date of Publication
FVb. 17. 34. Mar. 3. J0.J7. 195IL
No. 188.51
onetr Trust Company, the administrator ot
the estate of Mario Jean Sevllller. deceas
ed, ha filed It Final Account as such
and by ordrr of the circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Marlon County.
March 37, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day and the court room
ot the Honorable Rex Kim melt. Circuit
Judge of said court, ha been fixed as the
time and place for hearing of objections
to said final account and th asillement
of ald estate.
Administrator of th Estat ot
Mario Jean Sevllller, deceased
Herbert W. Carter
Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon
Attorney for said estat
First Publication: Feb. 17, 1950
Last Publication: Mar 17. IBM
fab. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10. IT
Friday, March 10, 1950 5
All makes used machine i sold, rented,
repaired. Roeo 451 Court Pnon 1-877)
Towing aervlce day pboo 3-9388. Nlfhl
2-1804. 333 Center. o
Labor contract your
remodeling and repair.
new horn. Also
Th 2-4850. O
Bulldozing, leveling, road bids., clear
ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 101ft
Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem, pes
Instant delivery of new RCA cash
register. All make sold, rented, re
paired. Roen, 456 Court, Ph. 3-6773. O
Oil stove, furnace, chimney vacuumed '
cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 31t, Ph. 1-1 178. '
Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. '
Ph. 4-3474. Lee Cross, Rt. 6, Box 437-G.
Tailoring it alternation. 1133 EJe wa
ter 2-7579 eve. 089"
Ben Otjen Ac Son excavating grading.
Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. 059,
Brelthaupf for flower. Dial 8-9179. o
Complete repair lervlct. Oil burner,
furnace As oil stove, day or nit. Guar- 1
anteed work. Ph. 4-2434. o72
nousr.noLD products
J. R. Watklns Co products. Pra delivery-
1717 Center Ph. 3-5398. o
F. A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamental. 164 .
N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1323. o
DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 315 JaN '
ferson St. Phone 33453. o
Sharpening, guaranteed service. New
power end hand mower. Call Barry '
W. Scott. 14T S. Com'l St. o78
Expertly sharpened. Jacobsen Power
Mower Dealer. Moore's Bicycle es Sport '
Shop. 337 N. High Street. Ph. 8-3844.
o78 :
At Ur Door grinding, lawn mowers, self
sors, knives. Dexter's Ph. 3-6833. O 1
Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4068.
Private piano accordion lesson given
In your horn If preferred. Special piano -accordion
rental plan for beginner -1330
N, Liberty. Basement apartment. -084
Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar, Mandolin ,
Banjo, etc. 1633 Court St Ph. 8-7508.
Desk chairs, files and filing supplies,
safes, duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stands, brief ease,
lerc Wlr Recorders. Roen. 456 Court. '
Elfstrom's are equipped
painting. Phone 3-3403.
Painting Ac paperhanglng. Pre eatl
mate. 857 Shipping. Ph. 3-9513. o59 ,
Ph. 32608 for painting, paperhanglng.
Attractive rate. Vander Molen. 075
Painting A paperhanglng don expertly
A reasonable. Ph. 32308, 37184. o74
Fliher, 170 Lancaster Dt. Ph.
Hutcheon Paint Store.
Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged
ewr, drain, Ph. 8-5327. I Howard.
Garden Sol), crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavating, Walling Sand At
Oravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o-1
Salem Saw Wrks Ph. 1-7803. 1393 N. 6th.
075 .
Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned.
Roto Rooter Service on sewer. 10791
Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468, 8-5327. ,
Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge..
Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank
Service. 650 Laren. Phone 2-0734. o
Electric Roto-Rnoter Exclusive Patent, .
Rasor Sharp Cutting Blade Clean
fewer, drains. U Howard. Ph. 3-6327.
Spraying, L. W. Caudle. Ph. 8-7900. o78
All make repaired, free estimates.
Sinter Sewing Machine Co. 130 No.
Com me re lal. Ph 3-3312.
Local St Distance Transfer, storage.
Burner oil, coal At briquets. Trucks to.
Portland dally, Agent for Be kins. House-.,
hold good moved to anywhere In U. 8. ,
or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage.
Ph. 3-3131. o'
Insured tree service. Ph. 26014.
Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under
wood portables. All makes used machine 1
Rnpalrs and rent. Roen, 456 Court, o 1
Salem Venetian Blind mad to order of
reflnleshed. Relnholdt St Lewi. 3-3639,
Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37338.
Free estimate, T.
PULLMAN, Ph. 8-5905.
o7B '
Fred Wjmort. Rt 3. Box 317 Ph. 3-6138.
R. J. Wet.4240 Sunnyvlew. 3-3773. o80
Acme Window Cleaners. Window, wall,'"
St woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned,
waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 841
Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather.'
. o
Washable, Roller, Mad to order. 1 Day
Del. Relnholdt St Lewis. Ph. 3-3839. o" '
At """ 114 3THe Rd. 3-8674.
West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 3-4031,
Loyal Order of Moose meet Thurs.
nlpht 284 N. Coml. Ph. 3-5227. 76 ,
Pacific Lodge No. 50, A. F. A
A. M., M. M. Degree Friday.
March 10, 7 p.m. Bfl '
Top Prices Paid far
Your Logt at
Burkfand Lumber
Turner, Ore.
Ph. 1125