Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, March 10, 1050
Defense Hospital
Cutback Upheld
Washington, Mar. 10 (U.PJ Dr.
Richard L. Meiling, striking back
at critics of the defense depart
ment's hospital cutback pro
gram, said today the plan is
aimed solely at saving money.
The House armed services
committee, angered by the ous
ter of Rear Adm. Joel T. Boone,
the department's top uniformed
medical officer who objected to
the cutback, has demanded that
Defense Secretary Louis John
eon hold up the ortkr.
Boone told the committee he
was fired for "non-cooperation"
presumably because of his op
position to the order. He de
scribed the cutback as unsound
and unwarranted.
Five general hospitals would
be closed and services at a num
ber of other facilities would be
Meiling said all hospitals af
fected are located either where
two or more services have hos
pitals or where there is no need
for such facilities.
"The whole keynote of the en
tire program is to eliminate dup
licating facilities," he said
"There should be joint use of
hospitals by the three armed
If l-X li
XmammX kmimMiak
(Farmer) Jones
Portland School
Frafs Get Injunction
Portland, March 9 (IP) A re
straining order forbidding school
officials to penalize students who
belong to high school fraterni
ties was issued by Circuit Judge
Ralph Holman today.
The order is only temporary.
It prohibits any penalty against
students until a suit to lest the
anti-fraternity ruling is settled.
The suit was brought by four
girls' organizations, which have
members from the various high
schools. The new school board
rule prohibits any organization
from drawing from more than
one school.
Grange Lincoln Guest
Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Harold
D. Burns were hosts to the West
Salem Grange, 885, at a social
meeting and no-host dinner.
Progressive pinochle was in play
with high score going to Mrs. S.
Chamberlin. Additional mem
bers present were Mrs. Josephine
Patterson, Ella and Ed England,
Arliene Cook, Jean Dewitt, Lucy
Weller, Florence Korlemcyer,
Hazel Anderson, Pearl Kuhn.
H. S. (Farmer) Jones, repub
Mean, who resides in the Rose
dale district, filed for the house
of representatives from Marion
county Thursday. Jones served
in the legislature for several
terms and lost the nomination
two years ago by a single vote
During his tenure as a mem
ber of the house he was a mem
ber of the ways and means com
mittee, forestry, public institu
tions, and banking committees.
IJuring tne past 30 years
Jones has engaged in growing
buying and selling fruits and
nuts in the Willamette valley
He is a member of the Ma
sonic order, the Elks and the
Eagles. Jones is 64 years old
married and has a family of
three children and five grand
Red Invasion Unit
Captures China Island
Taipei, Formosa, Mar. 10 (U.B
A Chinese Nationalist naval
communique admitted today that
a Chinese Communist invasion
force has captured Weichow is
land, 85 miles northwest of Hain
an island.
The communique said a Red
fleet of 100 junks and one motor
launch which set out from Communist-held
Pakhoi on the main
land last Monday captured the
island after a battle with Na
tionalist naval units.
The attack started early Tues
day morning, the communique
said. Nationalist naval units
held off the Communist fleet un
til the Nationalist garrison on
Weichow could be withdrawn.
It was believed the Commun
ists intend to convert Weichow
into a base for the projected in
vasion of Hainan island.
Trash Dumpers
Handed Fines
Independence Justice of the
Peace W, A. Wiest levied fines
of $10 and court costs of $4.50
against seven defendants on a
charge of dumping garbage on
the highway. A considerable
pile of trash had accumulated at
this location, along the Buena
Vista-Albany road at a point
several miles south of Buena
Vista, and state police officers
began their work on the case
which ended with the charges
against the seven.
Complaints against the seven,
Walter J. Kerr, Homer S. Wood,
Cilfford R. Glasson, Dean A.
Godfrey, Clarence W. Edler,
Kenneth F. Derowitsch and
Archie A. Derowitsch, alleged
that they had dumped trash all
along the highway.
The justice of the peace point
ed out that anyone who dum s
refuse along a roadway or on
any private property without au
thorization is violating the law
and is subject to a very stiff pen
alty. The fact that a place may
have been used as a dumping
grounds for some time, as was
the case in this instance, does
not mean that it is legally proper
to dispose of trash there. If an
area has not been set aside and
authorized for the purpose of
dumping refuse, anyone who
dumps garbage there is violating
the law and is subject to prosecu
tion as recent events have prov
This case has brought to light
a problem which plagues Polk
county, and probably hundreds
of others have unwittingly vio-
Gunfire, Wreckage Finally
Halt 2 Fleeing Young Men
Robbery, auto theft, burglary and a flight at 90 miles an
hour from police, stopped only by gunshots and the wreckage
of their automobile, combined to bring two young men into
Polk county circuit court next Tuesday.
Waiving grand jury hearing before Circuit Judge Arlie G.
Walker at Dallas Thursday were
Robert Fox, 21, and John Shav
er, Jr., 19, transients. They re
mained in jail with bail set at
$2,500 each and will enter a plea
on information to be filed by
Robert S. Kreason,. district at
torney, when they appear in
court Tuesday. The court has
appointed C. L. Marsters to rep
resent the defendants.
The young men, arrested after
the automobile, stolen from
Arnold Dalk, of Dallas, failed
to negotiate a curve in the Pa
cific highway near Goshen and
crashed into a bank, were re
turned to Dallas by Sheriff Tom
B. Hooker and Chief of Police
Paul Kitzmiller.
Road Block Evaded
During the wild chase, which
latcd this same law because at
present no facilities exist for
garbage disposal which are open
to the public. While one private
dumping ground exists, some
people decline to patronize this,
and as a result, the roadsides are
littered with unsightly and un
healthy trash piles.
It has been suggested that the
county court arrange to have a
convenient area set aside as
dumping grounds. Supporters
of this proposal believe that this
would be one important step
toward cleaning up the country
2$y mm
Ntw low prices on ttit
IASY TIRMSI N.w law prl-.-n
down payment and Hp t t year
lo pay far your nw Dlc-HMt Oil.
flrcd Cndillanalr!
Here is rest General Motors value !
The Delco-Heat Conditiomir
offers the exclusive Rotopoutr unit
that combines ill moving parts in
one assembly the simplest burner
mechanism of all 1 Gives depend-
Salem Heating and
Sheet Metal Co.
1085 Broadway
Dial 3-8555
Hldll, CltMKl Mud
HumiJiitl Iht Air
Me, economical lutonutic heat 1
You can be sure your Delco
Heat Condilionair will be imtttlUA
right, too we've been factory
trained by Delco-Heat expert! I
Phone or come in right away
started about 3:15 o'clock Mon
day morning, the pair first elud
ed Officer Charlie McCarthy,
evaded Salem police officers who
were alerted by radio alarm,
were chased out of Corvallis and
evaded a roadblock of four pur
suing Eugene officers near
Springfield where the shooting
The pair admitted to Sheriff
Hooker and Chief Kitzmiller
that they had robbed the Rain
bow market late last week and
to stealing the auto. They were
also questioned about the ran
sacking of the high school where
$100 were stolen.
The Rainbow market in North
Dallas yielded some small change
and a number of cartoons of
cigaretts, according to Slyves
ter Harder, proprietor. A radio
and groceries from the store
were found in the stolen vehicle.
Neither man had much money
on his person when arrested.
Because of the similarity of
the Polk county thefts with
others committed here, Wayne j
Parker and David Houser, Sa
lem police officers, took an in
terest in the pair and quizzed
them after their arrest. Find
ings have not been released by
the authorities.
Stuck in Mud
After taking the Dalk car
the two young men proceeded
to get stuck in the mud in the
Harder addition and they "bor
rowed' a pickup truck from
Crider store to pull it back on
the hard-surfaced road.
Officer McCarthy witnessed
the proceeding but did not act
as he was unaware at the time
that the automobile, and also
the pickup, were being operated
without knowledge of the own
ers. The young men obligingly
returned the pickup truck to
Are You Looking for a Job?
Prepare yourself now. Become
an expert typist with this new
system of touch typing. We
will rent you a typewriter and
furnish you without charge
this special system of touch
typewriting for only $3 50 per
month or $9 for 3 months.
Learn in your own home.
(Books with 3- Month Rentals
Rent a Portable or Standard
Kay Typewriter Co.
223 North High Dial 3-8095
the vicinity of the store before
Officer McCarthy got on their
trail and watched them disap
pear toward Salem.
How Fox and Shaver managed
to keep the speeding automo
bile, a 1942 model Pontiac,
on the pavement has mystified
police officers in view of the
speed attained. Several gave up
the chase at 80 miles an hour
and only one police car of the
many taking part in the chase
was able to note any gain and
when the speedometer hit the
95-mile an hour mark.
celebrated her second birthday
at a party given by her mother,
Mrs. Paul Bailey. Children at
tending were Gloria and Larry
Stevens, Patricia Lee, Cola Stev
ens, Roy and Brenda Roberts
and Alva Mae Bailey
Second Birthday Observed
Willamina Kathleen Bailey
Nothing Down
I'ny Monthly
And Shades
VFa alt wash, relape. pain I ind
re-tlat your old Venetian blinds.
ELMER The Blind Man
Call anytime for Free Estimates
Phone S-132S
1453 Ruge St West Salem
We give S & H Green Stamps
Attend the
You Could Have Purchased 5
Pressure Cookers Since 1943 . . .
It's true! A Maid of Honor Pres
sure cooker pays for iris If in
one year's time due to savings in
food and fuel. Try one and see!
Mr. Alexander White will
demonstrate "Like Magic"
pressure cooking in our
housewares depa rtment
Friday thru Monday at
10:30. 12:00, 2, and 4 p.m.
in the basement. See and
taste foods prepared the
time, work and money
saving way.
550 N. Capitol
Bill Williams Offers
A complete electri
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Protect your investment In your home appliances with
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Come in tomorrow and inspect our plant
from balcony to basement
United Repair Co.
255 North Liberty
Phone 2-5665
with a winner
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Get the jump on spring with one lively Westerner whose popu
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14m ttlM ua. Hhbm (t
430 North Commercial, Salem, Oregon