Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 09, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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tW-Capttal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March 9, IQj'Qyp ()0ff jfS
Hag ueaicatea Dr, Kleinsorge
it", f r- it i i i mmm - m.
and Marshall McKee will have
charge of decorations and Mrs.
Marshall Hicks is chairman of
the food committee.
Dr. Law Appointed
Amify Health Head
Amity The city council at Its
regular meeting appointed Dr.
Charles H. Law as city health
officer by request of the state
health board.
The city will take delivery of
a used fire truck recently pur
chased from the state forester.
The matter of financing street
improvement and a pumper for
the fire truck were considered
but no action taken.
Mayor Chambers and other
city officials plan to attend the
League of Oregon Cities at Mc-Minnville.
Cousins Give Shower
Honoring Mrs. Ronco
Pedee Mrs. Paul Ronco was
the guest of honor when a group
of cousins gave her a surprise
shower. She was presented with
many gifts.
Those present were Mrs. A. S.
Lyday Jr., of Kings Valley, Mrs.
Kenneth Kilmer and Rob of
Amity, Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Mrs.
Chuck Singler and Steve, Mrs.
R. McCormack and Curtis,
Mrs. Vivian Lyday, Mrs. Maud
Burbank, Mrs. Winnie Fletcher,
Mrs. C. L. Burbank, O. N. Bur
bank, C. L. Burbank and Paul
Ronco. Refreshments were served.
Flag Goes Up The flag is raised on a sliming mast on the
trusting hulk of the battleship Arizona which was sunk at her
ljfirth when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The bodies
I of 1,092 of the crew remain in the hulk of the ship. The
'rjbw flagpole, erected on the ship's superstructure which
' still juts above the water, was dedicated recently. (AP Wire-
photo via Navy radio from Honolulu)
Woodburn Has
Annual Drive
Woodburn The 1950 Ameri
can Red Cross fund - raising
campaign opened In the Wood
burn area this week, sponsored
by the Woodburn Woman's club
ith Mrs. Harris Nelson as
dhairman. The quota to be
raised Is $2000.
i Mrs. O. R. Randall has been
Appointed as captain for the west
side area and has chosen as her
porkers Mrs. G. W. Kersten,
Jprs. M. J. Opitz, Mrs. R. L. An
derson, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs
Theo. Peterson, Mrs. E. C. Pey-
tfm, Mrs. Hartley LeFebvre,
Mrs. J. B. Gay, Mrs. Fred
Srentz, Mrs. Frank Covey, Mrs.
W. O. Green and Mrs. Nell Mil
ler. 3 Mrs. William Peltz Is captain
of the east side area and her
Workers ore Mrs. Harry Van
4rsdale, Mrs. Frank Bentlay,
jjrs. Guy Graham, Mrs. W. E.
falters, Mrs. Amos Bonacker,
Jjrs. Lester Henn, Mrs. Roy
Spely, Mrs. Archie Murphy, Mrs.
William Nelson, Mrs. Gerald B.
Smith, Mrs. Donald Equall, Mrs.
M. A. Lohse, Mrs. A. W. An
drews, Mrs. Sam Benson, Mrs.
Jtcob Weber, Mrs. Claire Nib
llr, Mrs. Kenneth McGrath.
Sanfiam Rebekahs
Offer Initiation
Mill City Santiam Rcbokah
lodge No. 186 presented the In
itiatory degree with Carman
Stafford, noble grand, and Hnzel
Nelson, vice grand, In charge.
Receiving the degree were Lo
ritta Iverson, Bern ice Taylor
Charles Stewart, Marie Stewart
afid Mildred Stewart.
1 Supplies needed by the lodge
fjr the organization of a Theta
Kho club for girls were ordered
Irt charge of the organization of
tnis club are Allure Chance and
Onrman Stafford. A new alter
f?r the Rebekah lodge is being
planned by a committee with
flean Jackson as chairman.
Appointed as a refreshment
committee for the next meeting
night were: Maude Flatman
Jtille Bassett, Ida Fleetwood and
Daisy Hendrlcson. There were
about 50 members present
Among visitors from out of
trjwn were members from the
jQnges ot j-epanon, Bend and
Woodburn Prepares
Annual Legion Dance
Woodburn The American
Lrglon club of Woodburn post
N;o. 46 Is sponsoring a St. Pat
ricks day dance March 17 at
ttje Woodburn American Legion
hull for members, associate
rrlemberj and guests.
J The club will be open from
9Jp. m. to 2 a. m. and dancing
will be from 10 p. m. to 1
With music by Guy Albin's Top
Hatters of Salem. There will be
n floor show, refreshments and
Floor space li limited to 150
couples. Ticket may be pur
chased In Salem from Jack Can
nlvet at Sandln Costume Tailors
196 Liberty street, phone 3-5696
and at Woodburn at the Amer
Isan Legion club, Marlcle anc
strom barber shop or from
Legion members.
'Walter G. Miller Is general
chairman. William Merrlott Is
14 charge of ticket sales, Joe
Kirsch in charge of the dance
floor, Dr. John Hnnrahan will
bp at the door. Bob Jackson
Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge of Silver
ton has been confirmed for a
second nine-year term as a mem
ber of the state board of higher
But confirmation by the sen
ate Interim committee on execu
tive appointments came only aft
er Sen. Austin Flegel, Portland
democrat, accused the board of
ignoring the legislature's direct
ive for distribution of $6,000,000
for buildings on state university
and colleges.
In making the $6,000,000 ap
propriation, the legislature had
directed that $2,500,000 be used
for a new teaching hospital at
the University of Oregon medic
al school in Portland. The board
of higher education, with ap
proval of the state emergency
board and state board of control,
took $1,000,000 of that sum and
used It for buildings at Oregon
State college.
Flegel maintained throughout
that the board should have put
the whole sum of $2,500,000 into
the hospital, estimated to cost
$4,500,000 to $5,000,000, but he
voted with the other three com
mittee members who attended
the meeting for confirmation of
Dr. Kleinsorge. Dr. Kleinsorge
told Flegel he believed the hos
pital will be built Just as fast
with $1,500,000 set aside for it
as it would if $2,500,000 were
"lying idle." He said it will take
six months to a year just to com
plete the plans. Federal funds
and private gifts are expected
to swell the total fund for the
Nominating Committee
Named for Pedee PTA
Pedee A large crowd attend
cd P. T. A. night. Vice-president
Mrs. E. M. Cates presided. Re
ports were given on the Polk
county council convention held
at Independence. The nominat
ing committee was elected. Mrs.l
Lenore Zuver, chairman, Mrs.
Dewey Cummins, Mrs. Ruby
Bennett. First and second grades
sang and dramatized a reading
lesson. Fifth grade girls gave a
play, "How Girls Study." Mrs.
Sedlvey's room gave the play,
The Safety First Train." He-
freshments were served by Mrs.
Zuver and Mrs. Bennett.
Young Junior Guild
Has Business Hour
Silverton The young women
members of the First Christian
Junior Guild met Monday eve
nlng in the church social rooms
for their business and educa
tional program with a social
hour later, hostesses Mrs. Cliff
Calkins, Mrs. John Middlemiss
and Mrs. Edward Hande.
Directing devotionals and pre
senting the worship topic for
discussion were Mrs. Mary Klee
man, the subject: "Missionaries
in Japan.' Mrs. Edward Hande
presented supplemental program
selections in song, conditions in
Japan relating to the mission
work and the needs of the work
ers there. Individuals discussed
the phases of the work.
Plans were made for a March
17, Friday evening, St. Patricks'
day party when members of the
families of members will be spe
cial guests.
Independence IOOF
Association Guest
Independence The Odd Fel
lows visiting association met in
the IOOF hall. W. A. Wlest gave
an address of welcome preced
ing a program of musical num
bers which Included two songs
by the sextet, accompanied by
Mrs. Lynn Huntly, a piano solo
by LaVelle Scranton, vocal solos
by Betty Foster, accompanied by
Miss Scranton and several ac
cordian solos by Tony Bren.
Following the program re
freshments were served in the
dining room. Dancing in Sloper
hall followed.
Luther League
Has Elections
Silverton Miss Martha
Storruste was elected president
of the Trinity Luther league at
the organizational meeting un
der direction of Rev. Joseph A.
Luthro and Mrs. Luthro, one of
their first church improvement
projects since their recent ac
ceptance of the work of the lo
cal pastorate.
Assisting Miss Storruste, are
Dean Libner, vice president:
Phyllis Berg, secretary; Shirley
Thompson, treasurer; Phyllis
Llvesly, pocket testament secre
tary. Armand Lee Riveness, last
president of the league, con
ducted the meeting. Harlan Moe
is advisor of the group.
The Lenten Relations theme,
entitled: "The Cross Foretold,"
was presented by Miss Stor
ruste. During the social hour, Rev.
Luthro showed slides in color
depicting scenes in Alaska
where the Luthros were located
for five years prior to coming
to the Silverton congregation.
Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips
were responsible for surprise re
freshments for the group. The
Steve Taylor Heads
Dayton Saddle Club
Dayton The Dayton Saddle
club met at Frink's hardware
store for the r e g u 1 a r meeting
and election of officers.
Steve Taylor, of the Locks
road, was elected president to
reorganized leaguers will, meet
each Sunday evening at 7:30
Announced was a special ac
tivity, a roller skating party at
Salem Tuesday evening, Marcn
14, in which all leaguers of this
area are welcome to participate.
succeed Harry Williams, War
ren Duhdas was elected vice
president; Miss Dorothy Dundas,
secretary, and John Jones, trea
surer. The club decided to lower the
dues from $5 to $2 dollars to
increase membership and enthu
siasm. The Pioneer Buckeroos and
the Saddle club, both of Dayton,
are sponsoring a free dance at
the Bellevue hall March 25 for
all saddle clubs and posse. Re
freshments will be served. :
Some undeveloped coal beds
In the Durango, Colo., area are
estimated to be 28 Inches thick.
Win Your Wings and a
as a Commissioned Officer
with the U.S. Air Force
The Interviewing Officer
will give you full details
Rm. 211 P. O. Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
If your eyes are on a career in
aviation you'll want to know
more about the opportunity for
Aviation Cadet training ... for
pilot or for navigator.
Learn about thw program dis
cover the endless opportunities
awaiting you as an executive
In the U.S. Air Force.
rmm v mm
I xwSpaW AW U-inch Garden Fork
- W 16c
as the Clouds Roll By
It's like watching the clouds roll by and seeing the sun shine through
the day you discover Seagram's 7 Crown! So smooth... so fine...
so completely pleasing .. .you'll wish you'd discovered it years ogo.
Seagram1!! an&mt
Seagram's 7 Crown. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 Prool. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram -Distillers Corp., Chrysler Building, N. Y.
Hurry! Ends Saturday!
Is Much Easier
One piece steel construction;. 11 -in.
tines; 30-in. "D" grip handle. A buy!
Fourteen 334-in. curved teeth; 5-ft. ash
handle. Extra strong. At Sears.
One piece steel construction; 5-in. tines;
AVa-H. handle. See it!
43ix7-in. blade, ground cutting edge;
43y4-handle. Savings priced!
Garden Tools
Here's a complete set of sturdily
constructed tools of 18-gauge
low-carbon heavily enameled
steel; wood handle caps to
protect hands. See it todayl
11- in. Cultivator 16c
12- in. Transplanting
Trowel 16c
12-in. Garden Trowel. . . 16e
Dependable 18-inch
Power Lawn Mower
Deluxe Garden Cart
Extra Strong, Heavy Duly Tvne
Holds 3 cu. ft 8.50
With rugged, steel construction, rusN
resistant finish, green body, gray wheedt
A really deluxe cart See Itl
Steel Wheelbarrow
With 10 x 275 Rubber Tires
Holds 4 Cu. Ft. . . 14.50
Steal construction mad. to carry big
loadt, latt longer. Rubber tirel absorb
hock, make work easier. See it today.
Sears exclusive magic control . -. . simply raise the han
dle to start, lower it to stop, five tempered steel blades
powered by a H.P. Bn'ggs and Stratton gasoline
engine. All belts completely adjustable and guarded
against grass clogging. With semi-pneumatic tires.
Rubbish Burner
24 Inches High, large Capacity
Green Enameled. 259
Bums rubbish safety without a mess.
Select this medium gauge wire trash
bvrw at Sews. Reawoe Are bauvdal
Craftsman Pruner
Sharp, Tempered Steel Blades
lightweight , . . 2.59
Superior quality Anvil-Cut type. Alu
minum handles with locking device.
Handy tlxt. Try It for gardening easel
18-ln. Lawn Mower
Finest Craftsman 29.50
Glides through grass with ease, top
cutting efficiency- Sound all-metal
construction almost impossible to
deform, built for years of service!
Craftsman Mower
10- inch Cut 27.50
Zipi through your lawn with Ave,
011- tempered "free-reeling'' Heel
blades) rubber tirej, blue enamel,
chromium plated bar, handle.
Plenty Free Parking Shop 'til 9 P.M. Friday