Officers In Amaranth Are Elected Mr. and Mrs. T. Flynn Faught were elected royal patron and royal matron of Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Amaranth, et Its meeting Monday night. Other officers elected for the ensuing vear are Mr Jntn O. Barrell, associate matron, oordon Herrig, associate patron, Alex Taylor, treasurer, Mrs. Ev erett Booster, secretary, Mrs. Don Patton, conductress, Mrs. J. Brownie Bangert, associate con ductress, and Don Patton, trustee. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. William Wilson, royal matron, and Don Patton, royal patron. Mrs. James B. Manning, grand royal matron, and Earl S. Beeson of Eugene, grand royal patron, were escort ed and given honors. Other vis itors present included Mrs. Lyle McCauley and James W. Tin- dall, royal matron and patron of Cherry court, and Mr. and Mrs. Newell C. Fancher, royal patron and matron of Gresham, and Mrs. Earl S. Beeson. A no-host dinner was held preceding the meeting in honor of new members. The dining tables, carried out the St. Pat rick's day theme with shamrock and heather favors marking each place. The committee in charge of arrangements Included Mrs. James O. Barrell, Mrs. Don Pat ton, Mrs. J. Brownie Bangert Mrs. Paul Gilmer, Mrs. R. Lee Wood, Mrs. Ray Heckinger, Mrs, Lyle Sacre, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birch. a " Boots and Spurs Last Friday, with the aid of the FFA Rhythm Ramblers, Kenny Keppinger and Wes Cameron put on one of the fastest moving fun nights of the year. Among the Individual prize win ners were Ann Woodmansee, Jean Smith, Charleen Woods and of course that number two team. Next Friday's fun night willf have the Bert Karrs of the Lazy Maple Ranch at Lyons and the Tony MIndens of Sublimity as sponsors. Just as George Arbuckle left for Arizona, his registered Palo mino mare, Golden Duchess pre sented him with a very pretty Palomino colt. This is another Harvester colt, for which Tony Minden and Walter Zosel are do ing so much to get the Harvester foundation stock established in this part of Oregon. President Andy Ogle called the second meeting of the Ore- gon Rodeo association to order promptly at 2 o'clock last Sun day at the Saddle club head' quarters. During the meeting an emblem was decided on, the size of the prize money for each event, what membership fees to hows would be and the point system as used by the R.C.A was also agreed upon. The next meeting will be held in the same club room on March 19 at 2 o'clock. There are about 40 memhers at present in the organization ana wnere a show is sponsored by the O.R.A., the spectators are assured of a eood fast show and the money won in prizes goes to lenows living in the state, and it is also spent in Oregon. The reason Jimmy Allen has n't been helping his dad lately is that he has the mumps. Bv the end of the week this should only be a memory. Last Wed nesday night, Glen Conklin started the drill team out on their first practice. With the en thusiasm shown the problem will be one of cutting down on the number rather than to encour age others to come In. Thirty- three were present. Today's Menu By the Aji8ocltt4 Pkm) The Bride Cooks Luncheon Savory Tomatoes Crisp Bacon Buttered Toast Fresh Pears Beverage Savory Tomatoes Ingredients: 2 tablespoons but ter, 3 medium tomatoes (peeled and halved) 3 tablespoons sift ed flour, 1 teaspoon sugar, H teaspoon dry mustard, Vt cup milk, few drops Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Method: Melt butter in skillet, Fry tomatoes until lightly browned and Just tender. Re move all but two halves and keep warm; Mash the halves In skillet; blend flour with sugar and mustard and add, stirring well. Add milk and cook, stirr ing constantly, until thickened Season with Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Pour over tomatoes. Makes 2 serv ings. ' Have to Be Good to Come Up to Curly's Milk Quality! CURLY'S Your Friendly Home Owned Dairy Phone 3-8783 LYONS Mrs. Alice Huber and Mrs. Bressler were hostesses for a meeting at the community club house to make plans for reorganizing the Lyons Wom an's club. A general discussion was held with many different objects suggested. A garden club was the most favored and an invitation has been sent to Mrs. Nina Westenhouse of Scio asking her to come for the next meeting Thursday afternoon, March 23, to give a talk on the ways and means of organizing a garden club. To prepare oysters for broil ing roll them in a mixture of lemon Juice, melted butter or margarine, salt and cayenne pepper, then In fine cracker crumbs. 2 Couples Are Honored Lebanon Two open house events of Sunday, March 5, were receptions to honor the golden weddings of Mr. and Mrs Duran Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Gould received friends at their home, 770 El more. Three of their children and families came for the event Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Gould and sons of Coquille; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. Gould of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Fisher and sons of Corvallis. Their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs T. A. Blackstad, and daughters of Leihue, Kauai, were unable to come out but sent orchids which were used in numerous arrangements for the reception louring during the open house hours were Mrs. Earl Stewart, Mrs. Minnie Preston and Mrs. Ben Kenyon. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were married in Baker, . Oregon, March 7, 1900. They have made their home in Lebanon for the past 20 years. Fete Fergusons Hostesses for the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Duran Fergu son were Mrs. Lee Ferguson and Mrs. Alvin Ferguson. More than 100 guests called during the open house hours, a number coming from Shedd, Albany Puget Island, Wash., and Red- WALLPAPER SALE 1 PRICE MANY PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM! R. D. WOOD ROW CO. GIL WARD, nor. ding, Calif. The tea table was centered with daffodils and tulips. As sisting were Mrs. Herbert Schmidt, Mrs. Clara Warnke, Mrs. Gus Kruse, Mrs. Art Schmidt, Mrs. Noble Masten brook and Mrs. Ed Stotz. The Fergusons were married in Iowa on March S, 1900. They have lived in Lebanon 13 years. Their two children, Lee Fer guson of Lebanon, and Mrs. Hazel Bliss of Newport attend ed, as did their three grand children and one great grand child. Hampton-Putman Dayton Miss Linda Putman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rod ney Putman, Dayton, and Don ald Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hampton, Lafayette, exchanged wedding tows en February 25, at the First Chris tian church, Vancouver, Wash., the Rev. O. A. Cooper reading the double ring service. The bride, wearing a maroon wool gabardine suit, with brown accessories, and baby orchid corsage, was attended by a friend. Miss Sally Robinson, who wore a yellow waffle pique dress and yellow rosebud cor sage. The best man was the bride groom's brother, Harry Hamp ton, Dundee. The bride's mother wore a navy blue suit with yellow rose bud corsage. Only members of both fami lies were present at the cere mony. After a short wedding trip, the couple are at home, 113 So. Everest Road, Newberg. Capital Jmrrna?. galem, Oregon, Thgrafay, March 9, T You Could Hav Purchased 5 Prtmure Cookm Sln 1943... tmam Attend the HOW MANY HAVI YOU NOW? Il'i truel A Maid of Honor Pre ure cooker pay for itself in one year' time due to saving in food and fuel. Try one and teel DEMONSTRATION OF THE COMPLETELY NEW MAID OF HONOR PRESSURE SAUCEPANS AND COOKERS Mr. Alexander White will demonstrate "Like Magic" pressure cooking in our housewares depa r t m e n t Thursday thru Monday in the basement. See and taste foods prepared the time, work and money- saving way. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. Capitol 1 rl Hurry! Last 3 Days! BUY NOW AND SAVE MORE! PENNEY'S 52nd FRIDAY FEATURES SHOP AT PENNEY'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY! NOW: WOMEN'S WAFFLE PIQUE DRESSES 2.79 e FULL-CUT CRISP, HANDSOME WAFFLE PIQUE e PLAIN PASTELS, CANDY STRIPES, FLORAL PRINTS e SIZES 12 TO 44 REAL FINDS AT ONLY: PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE NOW: e GET A HEAD START ON EASTER FASHIONS! e DASHING, GOOD LOOKS AND VALUE PLUS! MERRIMAC BRAND 100 WOOL FELT. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 198 14 Cu. Ft. holds 490 lbs. of food CcldWct ONLY COLDSPOT Gives You More Food Capacity in Less Floor Space at a Far Lower Price fSESfl A Good Buy at the Regular Price LAST 3 DAYS j Holds 490 lbs. food j In 55 x 28-in. floor space (14-ft.) 1 New Direct - Contact Coils, more uniform freezing Automatic Interior Light Counterbalanced, easy-lift lid fingertip-touch handle Adjustable trays, dividers, to handle your food New "Super-Dense" Fiberglass Insulation New porcelain enamel interiors Efficiency Frost Scraper Balloon-Rubber Gasket perfect seal Ample toe space Automatic, adjustable cold controls Snowy white boked-on enamel finish $10.00 Down Sean Easy Terms O.n.1 earrrlni fh.rfcl. YOU COLD PAY MORE NOW FOR A FREEZER OF SIMILAR CAPACITY, AND NOT GET COLDSPOT QUALITY A demonstration of value you can't afford to pass up. Es pecially when it's on a Great New 1950 COLDSPOT Freez er, that gives you better living, and great savings on food! Come in right away. Get this "best price" on a Freezer, now! 4.1 Cu. Ft. COLDSPOT 149.95 9.2 Cu. Ft. COLDSPOT 269.95 19.4 Cu. Ft. COLDSPOT 439.95 Plenty Free Parking Pay Checks Gladly Cashed Shop Til 9 P. M. Friday 550 N. CAPITOL PHONE 3-9191 NOW: Values in Women's RAYON GOWNS DREAM-PRETTY, BUT EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL! e RUN-RESISTANT RAYON TRICOT KNIT. 32-40 e TOUCHED WITH LACE OR NET. MANY COLORS. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 1.00 NOW: Spun Rayon and Cotton YARDAGE NEW SPUN RAYON... IT'S WASHABLE! SPRING COLORS . . . BRIGHT COTTON PRINTS e A HOME-MAKER'S BONANZA! 36" WIDE. PENNEY'S MEZZANINE 2yds100 NOW: GIRL'S COTTON DRESS VALUES SPARKLING NEW, CRISP COTTON FROCKS e A BIG, GLORIOUS SELECTION OF PATTERNS, SHADES SIZES 3 TO 6x BUT HURRY! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 1.50 mm NOW: GIRL'S UNLINED SHORT COATS TWO SLASH POCKETS, PETER PAN COLLAR e SINGLE-BREASTED . . WOOL FLANNEL. NEW SHADES SIZES 3 TO 6x . . . SEE THESE FOR EASTER! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 2.98 NOW: Women's Rayon Crepe SLIPS. SAVE! CREPE AND RAYON TRICOT KNIT-VALUtb! DELICATELY TRIMMED IN LACE OR NET! e BIAS CUT FOR SLEEK FIT... ALL SIZES PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR LOG NOW: Mn's All-Wool Gabardine Topcoats CRAVENETTED FOR WATER REPELLENCY GRAY AND TAN SHADES. POPULAR BOXY STYLE e SIZES 35 TO 42... SMALL, MED., LARGE PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 27 NOW: Women's ALL-WOOL SHORT COATS e ALL-WOOL FLANNEL IN NEW SPRING SHADES e GABARDINE, TOO! BE SPRING-CLAD FOR EASTER SIZES 10 TO 18, BUT THESE WON'T LAST! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR NOW: Big Assortment . . Ready-made Drapes SINGLE-WIDTH UNLINED FAILLES. BUT HURRY! DREAM-HOUSE LUXURY AT A BUDGET PRICE e CHOICE OF BEIGE, ROSE, CHARTREUSE, RED, GRAY 5.90 PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE Pr. NOW: MEN'S 100 NYLON DRESS SHIRTS e SMOOTH, SLEEK ALL-NYLON DRESS SHIRTS! e LONG SLEEVES, SINGLE POCKET. WHITE ONLY, e DRESS COLLAR, BARREL CUFFS. SIZES 1 4 TO 1 7 PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 7.90