o Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thurs., March 9, 1950 RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY r, M. I !5I,,A,!5E some I p rrrr" P5HHeryrr 1 ,'56 are krrs see 'em- s nominations, mr HOPEfe I . ,.m v-l? 5. WyWi IMTT E E7"kl &el tT r-r ' fr-rt, . J A I WERE (.WISHING Y. ONTO OREGON The Way West By A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. THE WAY WEST is SIIVUI'SIS: me un-io-uregon wagon train has at last forded the Snake, but not without casualty. The byrd wagon suddenly over turned in a swift ripple, dragging oxe nand people down into dan- Jerous deep waier. Jije saved the fe of Mrs. Byrd, who later that night gave birth to a dead child. But like previous tragedies along the trail, this latest sad event cannot hold up the train, bnow will soon be flying. The little com pany moves on along the rocky trail. Now go on with the story Chapter 22 ''We got to be decldin' things," Kvans said to the open meeting ol tiie council. "First thing to decide is to get away Iiom this fort," Shields said. "Fish I Whew I" Fort Boise was the worst, Mack agreed Inwardly while the othei men joined Shields In small talk. It was the smallest and the worst the dirtiest, the least concerned with order. Evans bent the talk to business. "The big thing Is what do we do Willi me caitie Patch said, "I imagine we can drive the cattle through. The trail from the Dalles to the Willamette can't be any worse than some we've traveled. "Who's we?" Evans asked. "What's wrong with Summers?" Shields asked Evans. "We paid him Just to get us to the Dalles and didn't pay him much, and he's done all and more'n we could ask. ' Mack put himself into the con versation. "There's nothing stand ing in the way of a now contract. we can oner mm more money. Evitns answered auietlv. 'Ain't evervone well fixed like you.' "What about the single men?" aum asked, "Who?" "You know. Hlgglns. Bottler, In sko. Moss. Evans inquired. "What about 'cm?" "Cnn't they drive the cattle?" "When the traveling hard, it's easy to leave a critter behind, or all of 'em, if the leavln' ain't no skin off you," Evans answered. "Might work out, but It's a heap to ask of 'em, to take the whole thing on themselves." Mack spoke even before the thought had come clear in his mind. "I'll go." They didn't speak at once, but, watching, Mack foresaw the answer. He thought without irritation, he thought with understanding that, while they wouldn't .take his money, they would take his toll and sweat and time for they had that to give. And it was right, right for them and right for him. Mack got to his feet, seeing others nod. "It's settled, then? I'll see them through. The single men and I will." Here, from Boise to The Dalles. wns the wlndUD of the trail, the finish of the test, the yes or no to urcgon. And yet the days of hardest doubt were gone. The days of any doubt were gone. Kvans didn't need to tell nunseu tnat it was so. Ho counted each day's going against tne miles aneaa. ine Mai heur, Birch Creek. The leaving of the Snake, and no one sorry that It lay behind. Burnt River. The Powder. The rough ridge road he followed now to get to the Grand Koncie. Burnt River. There was a place. Burnt River the Brule, as Sum mers called It so shouldered In by mountains, so thick with brush and briers, that no one would have dared it, maybe, except for know Insr someone had. But still the days of doubt were (tone. Still Evans felt the climb of celebration. They'd whipped the trail. They'd whipped It all but for a few mean miles, whipped the Flattc and Green and snake, whip. ped the descrta and the mountains and incv would wnm the rest. Sometimes he thought of cost, of Murlln dead and Tod Falrman bur ied with his poisoned leg and Mrs. Byrd delivered of the too-soon child and old Rock rotting who used to trot at heel. And yet and yet the thing was worth the cost. No prize came easy. Free land still had its price. A chance at better llvhiR had somehow to be earned. A na tion couldn't grow unless somebody dnrcd. The price wns high, but who would sny it was too high except for those who'd paid so dear? Byrd might think It. It would have to be Byrd's wagon, Evans thought, that wrecked along the Brule, his one-remnlnlng wngnn that broke a wheel the second any. The first day had been bad enough, on a narrow, crooked, stony trail thnt crossed the river only k cross back, that pushed through stubborn thickets, that crept side long on ridges shooting Into moun tains, Evans, in the lead, had stop ped his team where the trail worm ed through a tangle of cottomvood older, brush and briers. Beyond the mountains squeezed the stream. "Don't look possible," Summers said from his horse. "A teamster's got to be aboard, for there's no room for him by the side. Wisht whoever cut the trail hnd cut a road and not a mole run long as they were doln' it." It was. Evans thought, like push ing a hole through the growth. Brandies laced over the team and parted to the bulge of the wnpon and riptied along the covered bows while the wheels Jolted on the stumps. Beyond, the trail led down a wash and up the other side. Up from the wash Evans stopped again. They called this slanted scar ahead a troll I The wagon wasn't built that wouldn't lose its balance on It. and fall over on Its side. While he looked at It, Sum mers turned his horse around. "What you thlnkln'. I'm Just seein' wag ons keel over." "She's sidelong, sure enough." "Wlsht I had wagon high wheeled on the down side." "An' sidehill critters, too, built to stand even on a slant." "I'll pull forward a ways to where she starts so's to glva the other wagons room Behind, and then we'll take 'em over one or two at a time, with two-three men standln' on the up side. Reckon that'll work?" Summers said, "Sure. Must've worked afore or the trail wouldn't be there." They got Evans' wagon over, They roostod on the side and got It over, thouch the tin wheels tried to lift once and barely skimmed the ffround Gorham to bring more outfltB over, uvung wished tnat hard limes, 11 Uley had to come, came early in uie morning wnen men and learns were lively. Two of the young ones Jeff Byrd and George Carpenter, it was nao slopped to lue a rock on edge. "Look out!" they shouted and gave it a turn, it started slow, as 11 nail minded to He down, and picked un speed and flew thudding down the mountainside and tore Into the brush, flushing a flock of ducks oil the hidden river. ' Don t vou wish vou had time to roll a rock, jjijey summers asked as they started on. "Mo time to roll a rock." he said as l sneaking to himself. ayra was waiting for them. He stood faced up to the trail. It oc. curred to Evans that age had come on mm, age witnout age's lumo Hon, giving him the appearance of an oiu ooy. wen nut enough men on her so she can't tip over. How about U uicK you ano uornam and me?" They climbed up. "Push 'em across, iiyra. Things would have gone well enough If the outfit had been sound. The team eased onto the sidelong trail, puuing siow out steady, and the wagon canted to the slope and the three of them held It down. They were maybe halfway across when the downhill front wheel hit rock. From his place on the wagon Evans couldn't see it, but he felt the jolt and heard the splinter of overweighted spokes. The wagon dropped like a cow on one xnee ana nung ior an instant and in tea and crashed over. Perched on the unner s de. ho fl ing to the wagon box underneath Its cover. Evans couldn't think to lump until too late. He circled over with the wagon and cracked against a bow and skidded off and hit the ground sprawled out. He scrambled up. "Dick?" uornam had gone over. too. He got his knees under him and stood up. "Damn It!" he said. You hurt?" "No." Dick was coming around the wagon. "All right? Whyn't you hosses Jump?" Evans said. "Sure." Mrs. Bvrd was hurrvlne alone the sidehill. carrying her youngest one. Are you an ngnt. u arence7 You're not hurt?" "We'll get a saw," Evans said. "Saw?" "To make a cart with. We'll saw your wagon In two." "on." . "Other wagons has got room if you need some. Room for part of your plunder and your young'uns." Byrd didn't answer. His eves turned from the wagon to the brush of the creek below, to the loose stock that were beginning to iooc it across tne siaenui, to the mountains rising, to the far curve of sky. "so you a n't In such bad case. Hig'U know how to make a first- rate cart." Byrd's gae was still lost In dis tance, "It's a long way back." Sure Is." (To Be Continued) Silverlon Mrs. Ray Hayes, publications chairman, is an nouncing the regular meeting of the WCTU Friday afternoon at the 403 Jersey street home of Mrs. A. H. Smith at 2 o'clock. The planned institute program was necessarily postponed from the Friday afternoon meeting until a later dale. Mrs. M. G. Gunderson is WCTU president. JACKET FROM lTCSf SKIRT FROM 1 YD '5H" 2136 SIZES 10 II 1 l T T Each From One l ard Smart suit In more ways than one! The ki mono sleeved bolero and hlpdctall ed skirt are made from only one yard of 54-inch fabric each and are as wonderfully wearable apart as iney are togetner. No. 2136 is cut in s ees 10. 13. 14. Iti n.. 10 tlnlAn A.1.1 .1.1-1 It. an. of their sizes, require 1 yd. 54-ln. earn. Send 55o for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal 114 Mil lion St. San Francisco 6 cam Patterns reaHv to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling o' order via first eiaas mall in rlude an extra Si- per pattern Just off the press! The SPRING BOOK OF FASHION presenting the newest style trends, all translated Into delightfully wearable e oar-to- mako pattern designs Over 160 designs for all ages and occasions oeamiiuiiy iiiusiratM in this book Orrir vour copy now. Prlct Just I I TALLULAM, "l ( YES! I'M Tl I WHEN YOU'RE FINISHED, f I'LL BE I 7 A (...I'VE GOT JUST ONE ARE VOU J V FILING! I'D LIKE TO DICTATE J THROUGH, . n MORE T -r BUSY? -f SOME LETTERS! j VsHORTL,.. I 1 f"KNAlU i a W Bt?-R-R I STILL AM WEfiKTHPrr UTTLE jltj I HEARD S0M6TN'-IT IT I I COT SOUND fl9LE6P -GUESS I 1 TUSSLE WflRMEQ M6 UP-BUT COLD NOW- f LOOKS LIKE DODDV COMIN' MUST W BEEN DREAMW-BUT V, I 1 P .TERRIBUi' COLO -BUT I'LL BE BACK "TO li BOCK TO TH-HOUSE-- DID SEEM AVIPUL REAL- A I THAR'S TmTITtWETKNCWT frWPHAl COULD VO' DOMTLOOK THET SUIT O' I WISH THE.VDOF ??-DO HE ) OF COURSE. NOT.'' I WHUT HE'S AFTE -AN' GOES TAKE "jOU TO TIRED, SUH.V VORN COST J BEEN A LITTLE. , LIVE IW J BUT VOU DON'T , L FO' IT.'.' MEBE.E HE KNOWS HIM IN A ( YO' UEST LOOKS ME MAH cflf MORE FRUGAL.. J A EXPECT ME TO -..I,., WHAR AH KIN GIT MINUTE- V LIKE A BUM. MAMMV THEN I COULD RESTY-RANT? )DROP IN ON HIM J '. til I V3sL 'ANKLES" s BUT I'M NOT ) . r- AN' PAPPYS J OF C5CTT ONE THAT , rTTTCS WITHOUT A L JMlHf AAR'-VIOOK. JPT3 PROPERLY TTV ENTIRE TTtffe. FIT M&.r'yrr' rU-J-i ()( SQUARE MEAL) u FK - f VWERE-D BACK UPTH I I . f THAT WA5 NO INDIAN " I tlW -'Si-.MyOU FIND HIM.l PASS. MU5TA G0tJ"CiA 1-7 RAID. WHITE MEN WERE 1 O C MlVlr VAN MACK? J PLU6GEDIN . S. .s-otH USING APACHES TO LEAD M fl CAN'T SLEEPIIU-GET VOU tl U?VhERE VOL) K UCV MUTT HERE ARE KtW THANKS.' U EVERV NIGHT SOME SLEEPING MJ!Wnt WJ- BFMnrTlS Ht, ' 'J THE. f MAVBE I'LL T IT TAKES ME PILLS THEVLL, TyLL WM f J' I A A t 1 PFPlNr RPf ? 7t rir I TWO HOURS TO I MAKE VOL) fl QOtfG llL, AIf JTT ' SLEEPM? M), iZVrvZ Vy - R riSilte I HOW BOUT TMAT PLACE THEy A RlCiHT NOW. MP. SMITH HE MK5HT BE A NICE FELLA, erOT LEXJ, T U CALL 'THE WINNER'S ORc-LE", 1 HAS BEEN ARRESTED BUT TMAT DOT PROVE J? .li'ln ODT OF HIM - SOMEHOW .' y """ I UH- -ANN- -DYA THINK lOUR ...,-...... 71 I KRHAP5.IF t W!RE,r ., . Li I I nilFvc miroelirmri! Ilkf -Sill ,11 I M.n.ty.i."1 , .... ITOSmilWKllTO ' UJ ... IT T. ,u nil 11 NOKBOOKifyouritOyW she thinks you're a grTjf ail fijyJ , ll U TOU DATE BAIT IN fRONT ;0 .MORE ALIKE THAN TWO .V RldHT,TO0!tHER-HO! l KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 030 NEC H70 CBS 1190 ABO 1390 MBC MOO Kc ThTtrVt rlure SUtf Green Home Stralcbt Arrow Swtni Time" Poiter, Newi Mill Shew Green Hornet Slnlfbt Arrow Swlni Time Soma of Ttmeo Xewo Sk Klnn B'5r-5 2BC? !r! Bonu Elmer Pelerion Kewt Sky Klpf B-Bir-B Bnch Girl Scouli Rereen ilaild Boien Edw. C. Pill gb. Heiler Cmn6lt UgM Hrreen Oolli SnspeBM Homo Edition N. w. wewi Bllvtr Mm, Caraleade Crime Hod. Romkneet Telle Teel New Mm. Covoleide Pholofreohef Mod. Bomtncei gcrenoae Twlllrhl goat Perrr Come rhT"plThoi Counteripy Drug! Tou Die Bill Goodwin Perrj Come The PUyhotiM CounteirM on of Timei Matte, ieekpet Dratnet Hollywood Data Wltb Jadr Myaterloni Bvelrtt Kalfkl Dravnel Theater Data With Judy Traweler Sporla Slnalra-KlriteD LowelpThomaa Amatear Hoai Clyde Beatty Track UH WoiJd Newi laek Smltk Amatear ""r Clyde Brady Track 14M Aldrlth Family Hr. Keen tmatear Honr Sporta for All Track 14M Aldrlch femlly Wr. Keen B, Monttemery Sporta tor All Track IW Father Knowa f!b1. Blondlo Glen Hardy Track 149t Father Rnowa F.B.I. Blondle Fulton Lew la Track 14H Dnffy't Tavern Reklah Hannibal Cobb Ray Bloch Newa Puffy'a Tayern Clwb 18 Hannibal Cobb Bay Bloch Piano Pattern Sam Hayea I itar Final RIchHd Rep'tr I Love Mystery NIrht Sonv Mori. Downey Tou Worll Intermeuo Mutual Newa NIrht gone Ipls. Pte. Tlnal Alrflo Conecrl Honr Neva Muaie Von Want Irrhnlra Orchntra Concert Hour Muile Mnale Yon Want Newa Treaaary Band Concert Honr N New" Noeturno Wai Maieam Treaaary Band Concert Boar Cue to Mania Noetarno Waa Muaeum Orean Mail Mcmoa Mldnlle Melod. Nocturne Was Muaenm Oraan Memos Mlrinlte Melod. Nootarno Sim Off Sileni Xtra Hodr Blcn 6 Sign Oft 1:30 1:4.1 is , KGW 100. 8, 8-10 P.m., KOIN 101,1, FRIDAY 6 A. M. 600 Hodia Podaa Newt Farm Newa ewa Summary G'l5 Kneaaa News KOIN Kloek Keep Smltlna Timekeeper 6-30 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep SmIHni March Time KOCO Klerk 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep BmlUoe News tOCO Kloek "7. 00 Early Bird KOIN Block Washb'ra News Newa rex Rltler 715 Old Soma S'cwa Mart. Aironaky Brkfat. Gang KOCO Kloek 7:3fl Kneasi Newa News Bob Raien Rise and Shine Newa 7 ;45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zeke Manners Top Trades KOCO Kloek 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer Newi Breakfast Club ""j- Counter Klnr'i Crusad.4 8:l.ddio Albert News Breakfast Club Family Altar Klnt's Cruiad. 8;30 lack Berth Grand 81 am Breakfast Cluh Bible Institute Western Melod. 8:45 Sago Riders Rosemary Breakfast Plnb Bible Institute Temple Echoes 9:00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N- w- New Time for MrlM 9:15 Second Cap Aunt Jenny stars of Today Garden Guldt Time for Melw 9:30 3 Sons Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Pastor's Call Stars Sine 9:45 Kneaaa Newa Our Gal Sunday Art Link letter Walts Time J. Chas Thomas 10:00 Marrlare for 2 Big Sister Sare Riders Glen Hardy NW Newi " 10:15 Car, Cavallero Ma Perkins Galen Drake nnspel HI titer Muslo 10:30 Hostess Bouse Dr. Malont My True Story Eddie Howard Tune Tim 10:45 Party Guiding Light My True btnry Morgan's Music "8 Keya 11:00 Double, Nothing 3nd Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladles Fair Muslo Mart 11:15 Double. Nothing Perry Mason Victor LIndlahr Ladles Fair Muslo Mart 11:30 Tod'ys Children Norah Drake N'rthwesternera Queen for Day Eddl LeMar 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day S' westerners Queen for Day Vocal Varletlea 2;0fl Kneasa Newa Newi Baukbage Talk Top Trade H'llywood Muali 2:15 Road of Life Come Get It News N W Newt H'llywood Muala 12:30 P. f'nt'i Fam. House Party Jaek Norman Gay 90's News 12:45 Rlrht taHap. House Party Meet Mcnjjons Bob Eberly Dave D eon la 1:00 Baclsttge Wife From Nowhere Rrkf. In noli y, 't b Mltrhell Mac'i Melodlea 1:15 Stella Dallas lack Holt Brkf. In Uotlr. Bob Mitchell Mao's Melodies 1;30 Lorenzo Jones Steve Allen Kay West Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodlea 1:45 i"ng Wld. Br'n Kirbham News Kay West Blng Sings Mac's Melodies 2:00 Wh. O. Marries Klrkham News Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mac's Melodies' 2:15 Por. Faces Life Garry Moore Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodic 2:30 Just Plain Bill Garry Moore Bride Groom Ladles First Mao's Melodies 2:45 FronlPg. par'll Tunefully Tours Bride ft Groom Ladles First Mac's Melodies 3:00 Welo. Travelers Art Klrkham Qolrk as Flash Mus, for Prl. Mike's Melodies 3:15 Welc. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Mus. for Frl. Mao's Melodlea 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodlea 3:45 We Love, Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Gay Nlnotles Mac's Melodies 1:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Movie Tims :15 Life Beautlfal Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Hemingway Philosopher I 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story Brers Can B 4:45 Paul Stone Cdw. Marrow Firefighters News Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 IAAr Thursday P.M. 8:00, Chll 1 r UML dren's Theatert 5:18. On the Cpbeati 8:50. 550 Sports Club I 6, News! !:15, Organ Muslet 6:80, 'Round Csmp- flrat 7:00. Headlines In Chemistry! 1:15, Evening- Farm Hoar; 8, Flying Timet 8:15, OSO Library: 8:80. Vet Newa; 8:48, Newat and Westhert 8:00, Mual That Bndureai 9:45, Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. Willamina Slates Mobile Survey Unit Willamina A meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Rurik Hendrickson to make plans for signing up citizens for the TB chest X-ray survey, scheduled for March 14 and 15 in Willa mina. The mobile survey unit will be at the Associated Ply ACROSS L Gentlt blow 4. Red cedar t. Golf Instructor 13. Southern state: abbr. 13. Level 14. Flow 16. Common number IT. Coat with metal 19. Measure of distance 20. Blessing 21. Fashion S3. Signify SS. Cautioua :;. Sofa Is. Artificial language Brazilian parrot Part of a eoat Ill-behaved Aa far as DeBert animal " majeste" Cooked with water vapor Valleys Snow runners Body Communion plate Stalks led after mowing Self Constellation Rowing Implement Summit T p 13 I t IT 18 o I" 7ry r J) siSs M , W Mn MB ',, VM, oc Hi IP 41 vmA 1 1 !iH AP Newtftofufss ROOM AND BOARD fH6Y""vORTONTH.nAOUS6' SSgg-i S PICKED A UONSSHOT VINNEA . AT NANHOLT PARK J '. 'MOP.TON PREDICTED NUMBER Z I IN TH y RACE, AMD IT PAID 1 S t 38.40 TO WIM, SO YOU GET V. V t 96 FOR YOUR fS TICKET SHOW MONEY PAID y $ I2.40 AND MY l I f lYl I iS GOT ME J d a.m.. 12 p.m., KEX K.8, I to I ., TO 4:45 P. M. it(kf Friday A.M. 10:00, News and IWMW Weather; 111:15, Especially for Womem 11:00, School of Atri 11:15, Con cert Hallt 12:00, Newst 1:1B, Noon Farm Hoan 1:00, Eld 'em Cowboyi 1:18 School of Aln 1:80. Publlo Health: 1:45. Melody Lanei 2. Clubwomen's Half Hour 2:30, Memory Book of Muslci 1:45, UNESCO 3:00, News i 8:18, Muslo of the Masters; 4:00, .Oregon .Reporteri .4:15, .Favorlt Hymns. wood Mills plant Tuesday, March 14, and at the Willamina city hall on Wednesday, March IS. It will also be at the Sheri dan Legion hall on March 16. Hours are from 11 a; m. to 7 p. m. Local persons attending the meeting were Mesdames H. M. Edmlston, H! M. Shipley, J. M; Olson, Emery Dentel, Robert Plnnick, H. A. Parrett, Orval Thompson and Hendrickson, and J. A. Newton and Ray Morrison. .PliroTTflalHIVllPlAlTlEI BRA 351 RCH oeB wISeI 3po Solution of Yesterday's Puizlt Ed. French annultr El. Cereal DOWN L Flap t. Mohammed's title 5. City In Missouri 4, Spout for drawing saa 6, Medicinal plant 9. Moving wagon T. Among 8. Like a nephew t. Mischievous trick 10. Groove 11. Number lb. Flower 18. Aquatle bird 20. Slop 21. Hits 22. Old pl&ylni card St. Two-footed animal 24. Rub out 25, Knots 27. Matrons SO. Scaly 31. Floe SS. Article of too 34. Young sheep 35. Prohibit 37. Throw water oft 39. Let It stand 40. Caress 41. Gone bf it. Iniquity 43. Putdowa 44. Before 47. Concerning Bv Gen Ahcrri MALLK Now THIS ISN'T a ' J-J-JEST ? T IIElIu V E A a rItUr E N T T tklH I R P I eJIa j rCS3 M E N THU 8 A E V eBa VON N A C T M E N T TBS A MjClSl BC O WON AIL MIA TN E R O A 6 EltT tea pesUaI1an Tramping back with Dick and 1 1