Capital Journal, Salem, Setter lmg for Water- MARCH 4-12 ' A Youth Program of Activity, Adventure and Achievement Mickey Cohen Freed by Jury Los Angeles, March 9 (P) Mickey Cohen, four ol his henchmen and two police offi cers are free today of charges they conspired to obstruct jus tice in the famous police "hush up" case. A verdict of acquittal was brought in by a jury of 11 wo men and one man yesterday. Spectators, pres u m a b 1 y rela tives and friends, cheered wild ly. Acquitted with Cohen were Jimmy Rist, Ell Lubin, Harold Mcltzer and Lou Schwartz, and the two officers, Lt. Clarence Swan and Sgt. W. S. Wolfe. They were charged with conspiring to assault Alfred Pearson, radio repairman, and of conspiring to obstruct justice. Only recently Cohen was freed of a charge of disturbing the peace by calling police nasty names. He has a long record of arrests but no convictions since a six-month bookmaking rap here in 1941. Four years ago he shot and killed Maxie Shaman in a dispute over a bet, but claimed self-defense and was never prosecuted. He has been bombed, waylaid and ambushed by gangsters nu merous times, but always escap ed death. During the trial Swan testi fied he ordered the release of the Cohen men because he thought they were businessmen who had told him they planned to picket Pearson's shop. Pear son last summer foreclosed a widow's home for an $81 debt and the Cohen men said that was why they picketed him. A fight ensued when Pearson objected to the picketing. Younger Generation Getting Tandyholic' Portland, March 9 P) The Oregon State Dental Associa tion began winding up its con vention today after hearing a charge that the younger gener ation is becoming "candyholic." That was the term used by James Robinson, executive sec rctary of the Southern Califor nia State Dental association, for youngsters' tendency to cat sug ar in gum, candy, soda pop all day long. The result, Robinson said, is bad teeth. He criticized the oldsters, too, who "arc going to the dogs. Peo ple in the United Stales spend more money for dog food than they do to keep their mouths healthy. They spend more an- -Dually for cosmetics than for all the medical and dental care in the country." Dr. Willard H. Hurley, Port land, was installed as president of the association. Every 'Bottle of Mayflower -is Pasteurized -Is Laboratory tested) isuTade A Quality i - - y,r VUUB WEEK 9- ,.JTjL, Ore., Thursday, March 9, 1950 a detitrltbrfd NATIONAL Austin Asks Cut in Troops Vienna, Austria, March 9 P) Austria has asked the four oc cupying powers to reduce their forces here, pay their own occu pation costs and give up most of their rights in this country, Foreign Minister Karl Gruber told parliament today. The foreign minister said a note listing Austrian proposals has been sent to Moscow, Lon don, Paris and Washington. The proposals envisage reducing the occupation armies to mere token forces with little power to inter fere in Austrian affairs. The United States already is paying her own occupation costs. Austria wants Russia, France and Britain to do the same. Most of the proposals obviously were directed at the Russians rather than the west. The Austrians want the four powers to return housing which they have requisitioned and to abolish military courts' juris diction over Austrian citizens. Third Worst Year For Salmon Pack Astoria, March 9 W) The Columbia river salmon packing industry had its third worst year in history last year, figures re leased by the Pacific Fisher men's yearbook indicated today. Only 178,122 cases of salmon were packed last year, far be low the 62-year average of 292,- 334. Only two years 1943 and 1945 were worse. 'The frequent recurrence of such failures," said packers, ' a source of growing alarm." Smaller fish runs, winter ice in the river, longer closed peri ods, and a 24-day fishermen's strike were all factors in the low pack. 1500 Empty Boxcars End Oregon Shortage Roscburg, March 9 W) The Southern Pacific railway assured Douglas county lumber shippers r0 fbR BRSUKFAST rrt DA WD this TOR SNACKS jTS SO Perfect for 'tween meal snacks. Good for kids too wheat for nourishment, the special honey and sugar coating for fin- -, plus quick enerlv. Workers Back On Railroads Pittsburgh, March 9 OP) The nation's railroads recalled thou sands of furloughed workers to day as the government removed most of the schedule curtail ments ordered during the recent soft coal strike. Steel and other affected in dustries also headed their stall ed production toward normal, United Mine Worker members in virtually all the soft coal fields were back in the mines digging needed coal. The Interstate Commerce Commission said all restrictions on freight service by coal-using railroads will be lifted at 11:59 p.m. (local time) tonight. Restrictions also were lifted on passenger service effective at 11:59 p.m. (local time) Friday for coal-burning railroads hav ing less than 10 days supply. Those roads were given per mission to return passenger serv ice to 75 percent effective the night of March 10. Passenger service on all coal-burning rail roads was cut 50 percent by an ICC order issued last month when the coal shortage became acute. The Baltimore and Ohio rail road ordered 6,161 furloughed workers back to their jobs to day. Statue of Liberty For Philippines New York, March 9 VP) Plans to erect in the Philippines an eight-and-a-half foot copy of the Statue of Liberty were an nounced today by the New York City office of Brig. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, chief of the Philip pine mission to the United Na tions. The statue will be a gift from the Boy Scouts of America to the Boy Scouts of the Philip pines. The Philippines will be the first independent nation to re ceive such a statue. The Amer ican Boy Scouts plan to erect 4,000 similar copies in the Unit ed States. Dr. Arthur A. Schuck, chief scout executive of the Boy Scouts of America, presented General Romulo with an Inscribed minia ture of the statue. In accepting the model statue, General Romulo reminded the presentation committee that he had been a first class scout and that his sonB Carlos Llama, Jr, and Gregorio both attained Eagle scout rank. "I am grateful and I am sure that the Boy Scouts of the Phil ippines are grateful," he said. The statue, stamped out of sheet copper in 47 pieces and brazed together, will leave San Francisco on March 25 and will be erected in Manila sometime in April. yesterday the possibility of an acute spring boxcar shortage had been averted. The railroad said 1,500 empty cars had been delivered to the Portland division over the past week-end, another 500 added on Monday and more were coming The report was an answer to warnings by lumbermen's asso ciations that shortages this spring might critically hamper the region's lumber operations. Puffed Wheat with a honey flavored coating toasted on. Just Dour on the milk or cream . . . and watch the whole family go for honey of a new cereal! WAMDY ! OR EAT rr LIKE CANDVj It's fun to eat right out of the bag. And you'll keep on nibbling and nibbling. Put Post's Sugar Crisp on your grocery list now! Oregon Bandit Dies in Alcatraz San Francisco, March 9 VP) Oregon bank robber Lloyd Bark- doll is dead of a heart attack in the Alcatraz prison hospital. He had complained of chest pains while in the yard, collapsed and died shortly afterward. Barkdoll had served a little more than 12 years of his 147 year sentence in the July, 1937, John Day, Ore., bank robbery and the kidnapping of the bank cashier. In 1941 he was one of four life termers thwarted in an es cape plot. He and the others seized four guards as hostages, barricaded themselves in a pri son cell corner and tried vainly for three hours to saw through window. They finally gave up. Lloyd Barkdoll, prisoner who died yesterday at Alcatraz, did time twice in Oregon State peni tentiary. He was sent up first in 1928 from Coos county and in 1934 from Douglas county, both times for larceny. On the bank robbery charges he served in the federal prisons at Leavenworth, McNeil's Island and Alcatraz, being transferred from one to the other. Budworm Spraying Program Mapped Portland, March 9 ) The aerial spraying of nearly 1,000, 000 acres of Oregon forests to control spruce budworm has been mapped by the federal gov ernment. The federal government yes terday called for bids on 550,000 It's been true over 40 years . . . it's true today . . . it will be true in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good fresh bread it is. gallons of DDT-oil mixture. The state of Oregon earlier had opened bids on 500,000 gallons. The state operation will spray 170,000 acres near Kinzua; 130, 000 acres near Ukiah; 100,000 acres near Starkey and La Grande; 85,000 near Joseph and II r r t t t v j r i i-j'j fjiiiiriTii I I 1 ' YOU'LL MEVER BUY Flora; and 15,000 in two small units near Springfield and Rose burg. The federal agencies plan to spray 310,000 acres near El gin and Meacham; 80,000 near Enterprise; 30,000 near the Warm Springs Indian reserva WSBb -i i 7 MTHTkfr7ra L tion; two units of 40,000 acres each near Oakridge and Santiam Pass. Before John Adams wed Abi gail Smith, her clergyman fa ther opposed the match with the text, "My daughter is griev ously tormented with a devil," according to the Encyclopedia Americana. Adams followed Washington as president; she be came a famous writer. mm Your best buy in coffee is the one that everyone enjoys most Rich, satisfying Hills Bros. Coffee is a blend of the finest coffees grown. "Controlled Roasting," an exclusive Hills Bros, process, roasts the blend a little at a time continuously for uniform flavor-perfection. It's vacuum packed for freshness. Everywhere . . . People Are Saying ... "Everybody Like Hills Bros. Coffee." Two Grinds: Regular Grind I Drip and Glass-MakerOrlnd Tisdimarb Hit. U.1 Pat Off. Copjrilhl 1950-HilU Bros, ferret, laa lV Omni IWi Phone 39205 --7L-AIN OKTOASTEV AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR V VJ Hi