2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March 9, 1950 Lincoln Unit Makes Shades Lincoln Fourteen members and a guest, Mrs. J. D. Feller, attended the lampshnde demon stration given by Lincoln home extension unit at the Lincoln home of Mrs. R. J. Meissner with Mrs. H. Ward Ashford as assist ant project leader. Making lampshades were Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin, Mrs. R. V. Carlson, Mrs. Ben McKin ney, Mrs. Edward Schlegel, Mrs. T-. L. Hicks, Mrs. Russel Hicks, Mrs. S. B. Dodge and Mrs. Eva Purvine. A sack lunch at noon With dessert served by the host esses preceded a business session conducted by Mrs. Harold D. Burns, chairman, when monthly reports were given by the sec retary, Mrs. R. J. Meissner and standing committees. Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin of Spring Valley reported 14 mem bers in the 4-H club first, second and third year cooking and sec ond, third and fourth 4-H sew ing. Projects suggested for a 4-H Bachelors Sewing club were camping apron, pot holders, patch and darn, sheath for hunt ing knife, first aid kit. After general discussion Mrs. Edward Schlegel decided to be boys 4-H club leader for this year. Miss Elsie Marco, county home demonstration agent, requested that the various Polk county units decide what they want for projects another year. Suggested by the LHE unit were refinishing furniture, dra pery and window treatments, rug making, making over chil dren's clothes, crocheting, flow er arrangement, picture fram ing. The next meeting of LHE unit will be at the home of Mrs. R. V. Carlson when Miss Elsie Marco will attend and discuss program planning problems in communities and help to im prove community relations. Church Young People Appro we New Name Independence At a meeting of the young married couples of the Methodist church, the group decided to change their name to the "Jolly Ninety . Nine." The meeting was planned by Mr. and Mrs. M. Mcllinger and Forrest Mulkins. After an eve ning of fun the chairman, Mar shall Powell, presided over the business meeting. The next meeting is to be held March 30, at which time each couple is asked to bring another couple as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calef and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Postl are to be the hosts for the evening. Lyons By order of the Postoffice In spector, W. T. Andrews, the Lyons postoffice will close Us windows at noon on Saturdays beginning March 11. Andrews made his official call at the Lyons office this week. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassctt were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lcll of Delta, Colorado. .Carroll Johnston spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston. She has as her guests, Miss Nell Coats of The Dalles, and Miss Alta Hadley of Brooks The young ladies are all students at the Oregon College of Educa Hon at Monmouth. .Mr. and Mrs. George Nuxnll and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cox of Turner were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye visit ed at the Will Rogers homo In Portland. They were accompa nied by Mrs. Alice Huber who visited at the home of her sis tor and husband, Mr. and Mrs, V. L. Mathncy. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mimich of Portland spent several days in Lyons, and attended funeral services for her sister, Mrs. Cath erine Engdahl. Harold Ayers of Hcppncr, visited at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers. The card party held at the Rcbekah hall was well attended with six tables of pinochle and seven of "500". The party was sponsored by the Tlirce Links club, and another one will be held Saturday evening, April 1. Plans were also marie for a party dance to be held at the hall Sat urday evening, March 11. Mrs. Catherine Lyon spent the week-end in Portland at the home of her daughter and fam ily,, Mr. and Mrs. Summers. Mr. and Mrs. John Prldcaux have purchased the Donison place on the hill. They plan to build a new house soon. The Prideauxs are now living on the Gardner place in Fox Valley. Blaine Dyslnger who has been seriously ill at the Salem Me morial hospital was taken to the T.B. hospital for surgery. His condition is reported as fair and has been returned to the Memorial hospital. Dobbins Are Honored Amity Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dobbins of Sisters were in Amity Sunday for services at the Christian church. A social hour was held for them follow ing the regular evening tervice. Unionvale Donald Brown and Lowell Zentner, Vanport College, Port land, students spent the week end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt en tertained with a family dinner. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFarlane and Jimmy of Pleasantdale, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion John Stoutcnburg, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gisler of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dixon of Fairview; Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dixon and two sons of Union- vale. Francis Lee LaFollette has been ill at his home but is re covering. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Geiger, Wanda and Gerald Gcier were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billings at Portland. Mrs. Good Honored On 80th Birthady Silverton Mrs. Nettie Good was the inspiration for a social afternoon in compliment to her on the occasion of her 80th birthday anniversary, when the members of the Loyal Berean class of the First Christian Sun day school met at the church parlors and honored Mrs. Good specially and others present whose birthdays were during March. Forty - five members presented a gift to Mrs. Good. The working committee in cluded Mrs. Charles Amos, Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates, Mrs. Verna Bailie, Mrs. Virginia Brenneman, Mrs. Ray Butler and Miss Edith Benson. Other birthday guests were Mrs. Maude Munro of Victoria, B. C, Mrs. Edgar Coughenower of Pendleton, and Mrs. Ray But ler. During the informal after noon Mrs. Ben Gifford, sister of Mrs. Good, sang selections and Mrs. Alice Egan gave a reading appropriate to the birthday guests. Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrow had dinner in Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Omans and in the afternoon drove to DeLake to see the sea monster washed in from the ocean bed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Banta en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Roland Withrow and son of Salem for Sunday dinner and they all drove to DeLake and other coastal points. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Griffith were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chapman in Salem. Mrs. Marion Koke returned to her home In Dayton after being the house guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Busby, for a few days. Robert Graves of Albany was a luncheon guest of Farrcll Rust Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Osborn have received word of the birth of a daughter to their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Luther K. Osborn of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cavilu and Mrs. Nan McLean are in Port land this week. Cavilu has em ploymcnt there. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family of Cove Orchard were guests of Mrs. Clark's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Goln. Other guests Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goln, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball and Mrs. Ray mond Cegaskal and families of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmes of McMinnvllle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Warner. Mrs. John Kabatoff has re turned home from the Salem General hospital, where she had been receiving medical treat ment the past ten days. Mrs. Gail Prather received word of the death of her nephew Ray Godwin, at the Portland veterans hospital. He had served overseas in world war II. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs George Godwin of Turner. Hopewell Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Chan dler of Mt. vernon, Wash., were guests of the John Geislcrs Chandler is very ill, and Is now in a Portland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gcisler called on him as well as on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Janeicke, Mrs. Gilbert's son and dnuRhtcr-in-law, and daughter, Shirley. The rug-making group of the Hopewell Extension Unit met at the home of Miss Virginia Mag ncss for the demonstration of hooking the pattern on the bur lap foundation. Mrs. Josn Gcis ler and Mrs. John Fuana are project leaders. Mrs. Ed Meyers of Browns- boro spent the week-end with the N. O. Pearse family. She is Pearse's cousin. Sunday they visited William Pearse in Cor- vallis and Mr. and Mrs. John Babcock In Albany. Mrs. Bab cock is also a cousin. Mrs. Guy Frcshour came home from Salem Memorial hospital but had a relapse and returned to the hospital for several days. Mrs. Ethel Russcff attended the Red Cross luncheon meeting in McMinnvllle. She and Mrs. N. O. Pearse are the Red Cross solicitors for Hopewell district. Ml. Angel Will Help War Relief Mt. Angel Students of Mt. Angel Women's college and Mt. Angel academy are sponsoring a Parent-Daughter night on March 14 as one of their activities to raise funds for their contribu tion to the annual bishops' war relief fund. The evening's entertainment will consist of a daughter-parent tour of the building and visiting of parents with teachers; an all- star basketball game; and a no velty program given by stu dents during the intermission in the game. Preceding the social hour, supper will be served the students and those parents who find it more convenient to come at an earlier hour. Students plan to go the whole way in playing host to their parents by paying all fees and seeing to transportation, baby sitting for younger members of the family, etc. Mt. Angel Women's college students sponsor a parent tea each year, while high school classes hold annual mothers' teas. However, this is the first time all students have invited their fathers for any affair out side of school plays and gradua tion exercises. If the event proves a success, parent's night will doubtless become an annual affair for the whole school. Stitchers Are Guest For Luncheon Meeting McAlpin The Me A 1 p i n Stitchers met for lunch at the home of Mrs. A. N. Doerfler with Mrs. Doerfler and Miss Anna Doerfler hostesses. Mrs. Eric Fisher, chairman, presided at the business meeting. The club voted to sponsor a one-half scholarship to 4-H sum mer school. Present were Mrs. Eric Fish er, Mrs. Walter McElhaney and Terry, Mrs. Rosina Armstutz, Mrs. Wm. .Guyer of Hibbing, Minn., Mrs. Anna Rezek, Mrs Jerry Hacek, Mrs. J. M. Doerf ler, Mrs. Oswald Johnson, Mrs. Henry Eriksen, Mrs. Mary Ellen Goffin, Mrs. Theodore Fisher, Mrs. Fred Yost and Benny, Mrs, George Ragner, Mrs. Herman Smith, Mrs. Russel Burr, Mrs. Ward Terry, Miss Margaret Doerfler, Mrs. B. E. McElhaey, Mrs. J. C. Krenz, Dickie Morlcy, Miss Alice Doerfler and Mrs, A. N. Doerfler. Bandmen's Parents Say Uniforms Paid Silverton At the business meeting of the Silverton Band Parents' association, Norman Nacgeli, president, and Mrs. Harry J. Hahn, secretary, the financial report showed the fi nal payment made on the new uniforms for 40 members of the senior band, an amount over $1700 donated by groups and individuals of town. For the pep and junior groups, a gift of 52 uniforms and moth-proof storage chests were donated by the members of the American Legion Delbert Reeves post No. 7 and auxiliary These uniforms arc of lighter quality material than the more showy uniforms for the older group, but are attractive and can be adjusted to the fast growing members of the school band in the younger organiza tions. The next meeting of the par ents association will be at 7 o'clock preceding the PTA meeting, Thursday. April 6, Sheridan The Red Cross quota for Sher idan in 1950 will be $000, with Mrs. Vern Markce and Leland Snckett In charge of the drive for funds. Ruth Stalls, wife of "Bill" Stalls, Portland, who formerly lived here, died last week after she had been stricken with a heart attack. Pvt. Arlington Brondwell, Jr., 17, son of Mr. A. E. Broadwell, Sheridan, has reported to the Lackland Air force base near San Antonio, Texas, to begin training for the air force. The park recreation commit lee officials have announced that a meeting of the group will be held at the city hall March 14. There remains much to do in the local park, and a good at tendance is desired. Hopewell The Hopewell home extension unit will hold a party at the Fairview school, March 10, as their money-raising project for this year. Free refreshments will be served. Mrs. John Fuqua and Mrs. Ethel Russell are the committee in charge. Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What it thrilll Bon? limb oil out: uil? boltowa (lit itarvwl, alfklr looser icrnwaj; ihmit iow nu ' "wan-pole" look. TTirvinrn1 ol fiist'twauM blood" Urkl Iron, ra now pruiul of lBptlw. hralthier-looklng bedim. Ttify thank Ostrei. Contalna Iron you, loo, mar wi io lain flMh, nrteb blood; Improve appeuta ao food aim you mora nrenfta and nourtohroeni: put flmn on Data bonea. AUo conlaloa BunnlMnpntarr amount Vitamin Hi; ralrtum. lt't tear lettm Im tut. Stop tnkitif at any Hm It you are aatiiflMl wiib Inrrfisr-d wrishl, otw pep rl visor. Cost little. Introductory Mto enly .VV. Try tamou Omtm Tonic Tablcia tor Dew pounds, new fvi. TO!A. At all drui atorci tverjwhtrt la Salem, l Fred Meyer', West Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard of Me hama Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard had a grand opening of their restaurant and new va riety store on Saturday in Me hama. Mrs. Howard also does hemstitching as an additional feature. Mrs. Howard is a sis ter of Mr. Shepherd. Loran Van Wagoner has pur chased a caterpillar tractor and will be available to do commer cial plowing soon. Lodge Leader At Silverton Silverton Mrs. Mabel Tal bot, correspondent, tells of the honors paid the grand chief, Margaret Myers on her official visit to the Pythian Sisters Home Temple No. 21 during the week. Twenty-two attended the 1 o'clock luncheon at Toneys ar ranged as an instructional hour with Mrs. Myers as special guest and officers and members pres ent. In the absence of Mrs. Helen Burrier, MEC, Mrs. M. Zahler, past chief, presided. Distin guished visitors formally com plimented were Mrs. Myers, grand chief; Elsie Thompson, grand senior; Mrs. Albert Grinde, grand manager; Helen Wrightman PC, PSR; Eunice Burk, PGP; all receiving floral gifts, presented by Mrs. Wanda VanCleave. The grand chief commented o- the work of balloting and initiation suggesting improve ments that could be made. Fol lowing the Heart Degree, Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman, on behalf of the lodge, presented Mrs. My ers with a generous cash dona tion to apply on the purchasing fund for a television set for Py thian Home instead of a per sonal gift. Guests from Oregon City were the Hubert Thompsons, the Webbers and the Burks. Fifteen members and officials were pre sent from Salem. Mrs. S. A. Pit ney was received as a new member. The decorating committee were Mrs. L. C. Eastman, Mrs. Ben Gifford and Mrs. Marie Hope. The floor work of the de gree staff was in charge of Mrs. Carl Specht, assisted at the pi ano by Mrs. Ralph Adams. Mrs. Mabel Talbot served as chairman of the supper, assisted by Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Mrs. Ar thur Nelson, Mrs. Anton Sa cher, Mrs. Ida Winslow and Mrs. Richard Nelson, when 77 guests greeted the grand chief. The table decorations were sug gestive of St. Patrick's day. During her stay in Silverton, Mrs. Myers, the grand chief, was a house guest of Mrs. Al bert Grinde. Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mills and sons, Rex, Richard, John and Joe, of Alpine, were guests of her mother, Mrs. Ernest Stanton and family. Mrs. Stan ton and grandson, Steve Sing- ten, returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hanna and Mickey are visiting his brother and family, Norman Hanna near Stanfield. The upper grade students with their teacher, Mrs. Alice Mur phy, made a trip to the state in stitutions. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Woods and three children from Hoskins have moved to a Van Den Bosch house near Pedee. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Burbank were dinner guests at the C. G, Burbank home at Falls City. In the afternoon they were at the Dallas hospital to see their granddaughter, Roberta Gail, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Spinney. Mrs. Paul Ronco was the re cipient of a parcel post shower the past several days. Mrs. Rit tie Kerber and Mrs. Rose Arnold were joint sponsors. Wade Wilson and family of Seattle, Wash., were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson. Mrs. Arthur Clark, David and Jane, spent several days the past week in Portland with her sis ters. msmm NOW SHOWING OPEN 6:45 'PIDGE0N-BARRYM0RE1 LAWFORD LEIGH 11 ANGtu LANSBURY wiit I IhRIDDMUBE'W COMEDY CO-FEATURE "LEAVE IT TO "SNRY" Ray Walburn, Walter Callett NEW LOW PRICES FERGUSON TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS AND SERVICE Yes, we hove reconditioned used tractors. Terms if desired. See Your Ferguson Dealer TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 North Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 Monmouth Host Circle Meeting Silverton Mrs. Mabel Tal bot, deputy district correspond ent, and eleven other members of Marion Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, of Silverton, were among the 104 attending the Monmouth district No. 21 pep meeting, Russell Win'chcombe of Salem, district noble grand, presiding. Mrs. Ruth Alsip, hostess guardian neighbor, Monmouth, turned the gavel to the district guardian neighbor, Russell Winchcombe, after greetings to the grand representatives, Cor da Morrison of Amity and Alma Owens of McMinnvllle and also district representative, Ethel Vedder of Dundee. Opening ceremonials in res pect to the flag were followed by initiation of new , members and special messages from vis iting officers on the good of the order. The next pep meeting will be at Amity, Monday, May 8, with a school of instruction featured The hostess group served sup per to guests from Amity, Al bany, Dundee, McMinnvllle, Newberg, Independence, Ore gon City, Salem, Silverton and Monmouth. Marion circle Is announcing a meeting at Legion hall Monday, March 20, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Attending from Sil verton were Emma Todd, Grace Burnett, Wynola Ottoway, Ma bel Storlie, Olive Ottoway, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Plank, Elsie Nelson, Lillian Nelson, Goldie Down and Mabel Talbot. Silverton House guests of the Carl Spechts are members of the family of their daughter, Lou ise, Mr. and Mrs. John Munro and Kathy and Jack of Seattle, and Munro's mother, Mrs. Maude Munro of Victoria, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Artgur Gotten berg, their daughter, Jeanell Gottenberg and Miss Nelda Lawrence drove to Corvallis Sunday as dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stop. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Duncan of Lebanon were visitors in Sil verton Monday evening. Mrs. Duncan was a special guest of the Lions auxiliary as one of the charter members 10 years ago when the group was organized in Silverton. Mrs. Edgar Coughennower of Pendleton is a house guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Enloe, Sr. Mrs. Ed Overlund reported her husband was making satis factory recovery from a recent relapse from a heart condition for which he was treated at the Silverton hospital and is now convalescing at the family home in North Church street. Ed Given, local barber, is un der treatment at the local hos pital having become suddenly ill during the past week. Fred McEwen entered the lo cal hospital- the latter part of the week having suffered a stroke at the family home in Cowing addition. Henry Williams, local busi ness man, is reported as making satisfactory improvement at the local hospital under treatment for asthma. Among local folk attending the district No. 2 conference of American Legion at McMinn ville Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell and Jerry Lake. Talmadge Sunshine Club Entertained Independence Twelve mem bers of the Talmadge Sunshine club recently met at the home of Mrs. George Rife. The after noon was spent in playing quiz games and conducting the bust ness session. Concluding the meeting, refreshments were served to the group. Mrs. Lloyd Wright will entertain the club. . for wonderful Juicy 4 Sizzling tattuc'j Chateau Fairfield Mrs. Charles Schmerber of Salem and granddaughter Ruth Schmerber of Eldridge district, will leave March 23rd on the Queen Mary for a holy pilgrim age to Rome. They plan to visit relatives and friends in France at the conclusion of the pilgrim age and will be gone three or four months. Carol and Rosita DuRette, small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Larry DuRette of Aurora, were recent visitors of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DuRette. Mrs. M. J. Mahony and Mrs. E. Short visited relatives in Mil waukle and Portland Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DuRette, Mrs. D. DuRette and Warren Walruff, attended a conference in McMinnvllle Sunday. McMinnville Votes Upon Annexation McMinnville Residents of a 40-acre tract adjoining the north city limits of McMinnville will have an opportunity to ballot for the third time on the question of annexation to the city. The special election has been set for March 31 and the annex ation must be approved by vot ers of both the area and the city to pass. The March 31 balloting will be the fifth in a series of annexa Hon elections which have taken place in McMinnvillt during the past three years. In one of the elections, resi dents of the area which will vote March 31 registered a tie vote and in another defeated the pro posal by two votes. Victor Point Unit At Doerfler Home Victor 1-oint Mrs. A. N. Doerfler entertained the Union Hill extension unit at her home. Mrs. J. C. Krenz, chairman, called the business meeting at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. W. M. Tate and Mrs. Marion Fischer, as project leaders, talked on materials needed for the lamp shade pro ject at next meeting of March 21 at Grange hall. Miss Eleanor Trindle gave a travelogue of her recent trip to Puerto Rico. The homemaking of these people was discussed by Miss Trindle and drew deep in terest from the group. Coffee was served at noon by Mrs. Theodore Fisher and Mrs. Er nest Speed with each member bringing own sack lunch. Miss Trindle presented information on "Giving Home Sewing a Professional Look." Present were MIju Trindle. Mm. .T. r. Krenz, Mra. F. M. Miller. Mm. w. F. Kren!!, Mrfl. M. M. Gllmour, Mrs. Marlon riBcurr, Jwra. Ariey jvinrnn, Mrs. Henry Peters. Mrs. Oswald Johnson. Mrs. w. M Tate. Mrs. Byron McElhaney. Mrs. J. o. Darby, Mrs. Ernest Speed, Mrs. Theodore Fisher. Mrs. Henry Eriksen. Mr. V n Scott, Miss Elizabeth Krenz, Mrs. Floyd rox, Mrs. ueneva Hubbard, Mrs. Ward Terry, Mrs. W. J. Lensman, Mrs. William uuyer or Hlbblns, Minn., Mrs. Jacob Doerfler. Nydia Court Plans Queen-elect Visit Woodburn The monthly meeting of Nydia Court, Daugh ters of the Nile, was held at the Masonic Temple in Woodburn Luncheon was served at 12:30 with the Woodburn members as hostesses and Mrs. P. L. La Barr as chairman. Mrs. P. H. Seely presided over the business meeting and plans were made to entertain the queen-elect, Mrs. Carl Do naugh of Portland, and her court at the next meeting, April 4. Mrs. Donaugh will be install ed as queen of the Daughters of the Nile on March 15. Nineteen members of Nydia Court were present at the meet ing and spent the afternoon completing garments to be sent to the Shrine hospital. TODAY AT WARNER'S m AIGM'S Biggest Western! Robert Taylor John Hodiak Arlene Dahl "AMBUSH" and "Tattooed Stranger" 1 Next; "Holidoy Affair" MONTANA color by Technicolor Errol Flynn Alexis Smith "Holiday in Havana" 1 ATTENTION LOGGERS! Top Prices Paid for Your Logs at Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125 City OK Invitation Lafayette The city council was called to order by Mayor Mock with the city officials in vited to attend a dinner given for League of Oregon Cities, at the Hudson Cafe in McMinnville on March 9, with the McMinn ville officials as hosts. Council man Kennedy and McDougal, recorder, Mrs. Flannigan; mar shal, Gordon Howard, and Mayor Mock will attend. A motion was passed to place a glass reflector four way light on the corner of 6th and Jack son streets. Ellis Morgan and Oliver Ames were appointed to three year service for the city budget board. A meeting for March 16 has been set for the purpose of discussion and plans on drawing up the budget for the coming year. The marshal stated that the state water inspector had been here on Monday and found ev erything going smoothly. Under motion sufficient 2' water pipe is to be purchased to serve all users for the distance of two blocks between Bridge and Adams streets. Attorney Carl Francis of Day ton will be asked to draft an ordinance dealing with disorder ly conduct and arrest resistance, The mayor stated that the strip of land known to residents as the city commons which had been dedicated to the American Legion post No. 143, with the understanding that they must make improvements on the pro perty within one year, had for feited their rights as no im provements had been made. Howard Hills was appointed a committee of one to contact members of the societies of the city, in regards to their contri buting toward sufficient funds to build a concrete skating rink for the young people, in an ef fort to keep them off the streets. A discussion followed whether to use the commons for this pur pose or to use the city park. No decision was reached. Considerable discussion was held whether to send Marshal Gordon Howard to Corvallis to attend a school of the American Water Works association at OSC from Monday through Thursday of next week. Fairfield Grangers Mrs. Marker's Guest Fairfield Mrs. Clara Mar ker entertained members of the Home Economics club and sev eral invited guests, at the grange hall. The birthdays of Mrs. D. B. Du Rette, Earl Mark er and L. A. Ditmars were cele brated. Guests at the luncheon were the honor guests, Mrs. DuRette, Earl Marker and L. A. Ditmars, other guests, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill of Grand Ronde, Mrs. Hil- drgard Bitterman. Club mem bers Mrs. E. Allenback, Mrs. E. Short, Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. F. Saalfeld, Mrs. S. Michalek and the hostess, Mrs. Marker. March social night will be dispensed with. Roberts grange, who were scheduled to visit Fairfield grange March 10, but sent word it would be impossible for them to visit. UP-SY DAISY! No matter how much it hurts! Just remember you are heading for your NOHLGREN'S (?QG,G Here's an idea: 'Start with a tall glass of Vitamin-Vital Tomato Juice. Then have one of those sugar - lus cious, home -baked CINNAMON . ROLLS and that Nut-brown Coffee. They'll love you down at the office! mm u ft' Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Abbott have arrived home after few weeks trip which- took them through nine states and Mexico. They went as far east as Kansas, which is the birthstate of both. While there, they were honored at a gathering of old friends, some whom they had not seen for 35 years. Mrs. Mildred Pennington ac companied her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pennington, and baby to Tillamook on a busi ness trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Goodrich and Donald have moved to their new home in Dayton Prarie Dis trict. The Goodrich's have lived and farmed in this community for many years. Delbert Temple submitted to surgery at the General hospital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haver nick of Forest Grove were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman. The Havernicks were residents of Dayton several years ago when she was a teacher in the grade school. Lyons Area Farmers Warring Upon Dogs Lyons Several of the farm ers in the vicinity are declaring war on the dogs. Extensive ds mage has been done to the sheep on the G e o r g e Clipfell. Lloyd Sletto and Verny Scott sheep pastured on the Potter place. Some time ago John Kunkle reported damage done to his livestock on the Keith Salchen berger place. That was also laid to dogs. It has been reported and the dog catcher is coming to investi gate. Buena Vista Shows Interest in Mission Buena Vista Mrs. Elmer Bus by was in Salem to attend a luncheon and a conference of the officers of the central Willam ette White Cross Missionary so ciety of the Baptist church. One of the duties of this or ganization is to roll bandages and furnish other surgical sup plies for Dr. Ostroholm, a mis sionary who is in the same field of work in Africa as Rev. and Mrs. Maurice Persons, who lived in Independence a few years ago and preached at the Buena Vista Methodist church. He also is ac quainted with Miss Goldie Wells, a missionary in the Bel gian Congo, who has visited relatives here many times. Mat. Daily From 1 P.M. NOW! BLAZING! Opens 6:45 P. M. NOW! TWO NEW ADVENTURES! m mm Uord Bridges Barbara Parlm ,u NOW! OPENS 6:45 P.M. "TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" Abbott & Costello "LITTLE GIANT" 3 NOW SHOWING! rl Opens 6:15 Starts 6:45 - 1 1 Jeanne Crain I I 1 1 William Lundlgan I 1 1 Ethel Barrymore 1 1 II "PINKY" If nl William Elliott If) III Marie Windsor Iff ill "HELLFIRE" III 3 ROBERT raSTONf""Jij oihy oomii tf8l?r!l John Barrymort, Jr. "jj' EXCITING CO-HIT! THRILL CO-HIT! mum I