14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thursday, March 9. 19501 BARTLETT PEARS Crown Point, 8 oz. cans DARK SWEET CHERRIES Starr, 8 oz. cans Chase & Sanborn COFFEE Drip or Regular J lb. eon 73C 2 lb. eon 145 r??239 monevsnumc 3 cans Talks About Spies Victor Kravchenko, Russian author who broke with the Soviet regime in 1944, tells house un American activities committee in Washington that spying is one of the principal duties of all Soviet diplomats. "Every Soviet representative ... is a potential spy," he told the congressmen. Kravchenko, author of "I Chose Freedom," used to be a representative of Soviet purchasing commission. Alan in rear is not identified. (AP Wirephoto.) Four Corners Mothers' Club Will Serve Benefit Dinner Four Corners, March 9 The Mother's club of Lincoln school (Four Corners) will give a benefit dinner in the school on March 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The public is invited. Commit tees appointed general chairman, Mrs. W. E. Greif; advertising, Mrs. Hardy Phillips; hostess, Mrs. Gerald Wing; cashiers, Mrs. Russell Forrest and Mrs. John ! Vernon. Others on committees for tables and serving are Mrs. C. O. Gilming, Mrs. Jess Mcll- nay, Mrs. Oliver KicKman, Mrs. Ray Staffick, Mrs. Clarence Hof fine, Mrs. Frank Arthur, Mrs. C. A. Lossner, Mrs. Rob Heard, Mrs. Wallace Guthrie, Mrs. Ar thur Lewis, Mrs. Kenneth Han son, Mrs. Albert Brant, Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Mrs. William Cartright, Mrs. M. Geltis, Mrs. Noel Schaberg, Mrs. Lcnthal Holman, Mrs. Andrew Messman, Mrs. Wade Weekly, Mrs Melvin Smith, Mrs. E. Gettis Mrs. Mer- rell Becker, Mrs. M. E. Tucker, Mrs. Edward White Mrs. Rex Nicholson, Mrs. Eldon France, Mrs. C. A. Barney. Choking Child Gets in Accident Seattle, Wash., March A U.R A Raymond, Wash., child, chok ing on a piece of carrot was rushed 135 miles to a hospital operating room Wednesday after he, his parents and an attend ing nurse were injured in an ambulance crash in Olympia, Wash. The ambulance carrying the four crashed into the back of an escorting Olympia police car, but the damaged vehicle was waved on. It was not im mediately learned whether an other ambulance was pressed in to service. However, the parly continued to Seattle with intermittent po lice escorts at speeds in excess of '.80 miles an hour. The boy, Malcolm John Ed wards, 2, was reported to have suffered cuts and bruises. The nurse, Mrs. Barbara Shilling, suffered facial injuries, hospi tal, attendants said. The extent of injuries to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edwards, was not immediately determined. Mexican 'Quickie' Divorces Abolished Mexico City, March 9 M Mexican "quickie" divorces to foreigners not legally residing in Mexico were abolished Wed nesday by a nine-to-seven su preme court ruling. Apparently aimed onlv at foreigners who take advantage of Mexico's lax divorce law, the ruling placed jurisdiction in di Torce suits with the civil judge at the couple s legal residence, rather than with the judge where suit is filed. A Mexican press campaign fof a change in divorce law started after recent "quickie" decrees dissolved marital bonds between Movie Actress Fayc Emerson and Elliott Roosevelt, and Movie Actress Ingrid Berg man and Dr. Peter Lindstrom. The towns of Cuernavaca and Ciudad Juarez for years com peted for the title of "Mexican divorce capital," both places eager for tourist dollars brought in by unhappy married persons. Mrs. Frank Ferrin, 4270 Hud son avenue, will present her students in a piano recital on Friday, March 10 at 8 p.m. in the YMCA building Mrs. Oliver Rlckman will be guest soloist. Those playing will be Connie and Rita Holman, Rose Dunigan, Dennis Miller, Kathy Clark, Barbara Ruhl, Janet Klecn, Inez Hovey, Deanna Lacey, Fred La cey, Howard Buell, Pete Lind say, Judy Scott, Mary Joe La cey, Fred Worley. Friends are invited. W. G. Flood is building an addition onto the north side of his recreation fun house on South Lancaster drive. The new building is 20x32 one-story frame structure. He expects to put in ice cream and confection ery. Recent out-of-state visitors in Four Corners homes were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Marshall of Liv ermore, Calif., who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brant. Mrs. Marshall is a sister to Mr. Brant. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Tait of Tulare, Calif., who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brant. Mrs. Marshall is a sister to Mr. Brant. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Tait of Tulare, Calif., drove up last week to visit their daughter and family. Mrs. G. Roach and her two small daughters returned home with her parents for sev eral weeks visit there. Week-end guests in the L. J. Stewart home were Mrs. Stew art's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kolbe and daugh ter, Pamela of Yakima, Wash. Utah has no natural boun daries such as rivers. It is bor dered by Idaho, Wyoming, Colo rado, Arizona and Nevada. 900 U of C Profs Refuse Anti-Red Oath Berkeley, Calif., March 9 W California professors were lined up solidly today against taking a special non-communist oath even if it means their jobs. The group also was on rec ord as against communists on i signed. the faculty and as willing to vouch for it in contractual let ters. Holding that the special oath was discriminatory and a threat to academic freedom, the 900 voted unanimously last night against it. It has been ordered by the board of regents on a sign-or-quit basis by April 30 for all the university's 11.000 employes. Most of them, other than the faculty, already have FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP ; AUTO TRUCK FIRE Our'rates are consistently low because ; we eliminate yearly re-sale commissions ... the savings are passed on to policy holders. . . Come in and check for your self no obligation. BILL OSKO 466 Court St. Phone 3-5661 cMl BILL OSKO Dist. Mgr. SSprL 9 WHOU WHEAT CEREAL S iSlL M IA f Jh JfISk l'S i'fijfl ijj y -1.89 -29c 22c- -39c 29c 29c- SWANCO MARGARINE est - .22c SWIFT PREM sr. r"M 35c HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS 3 23c PINK SALMON 33c FRESH EGGS Grade AA Large, dozen . . . 39c SANK A COFFEE m '"-,d 77c Swanson Chicken Products SWANSON Whole Chicken 157 CHICKEN FRICASSEE Large 30 oz. can . 79c 1 lb. can 47c jjl Chicken Sandwich Spread 6 oz. can . . 27c 3'4 lb. can Jumbo "I QQ AVi lb. can 1 .70 DIAL SOAP 2 bar, 37c Complete deodorizing Soap WOODBURY FACIAL SOAP Reg. Size 3 bars 19c Bath Size 2 bars 19c Jergens Lotion Mild Soap Makes your skin feel soft. . . bars 29c BOROXO HAND CLEANER 8 oz. can . . 15C 1 lb. can: 27C TOILET SOAP Q White Kin? J7c SUNSHINE GRAHAM CRACKERS Wg. 25c 2 lb. pkg 49C SUNSHINE CANDY CREAM CANDY CORN 10 oz. pkg 19c PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY shoulder ean, center Pork Roasts HAMBURGER 39e ib. 39c ib. Colored Fryers each 98c Again we offer these tender fryers at this low price Fresh Oysters 59e pt Red Snapper-fresh 29c lb. A tasty fish for Lenten Pure Lard 4 lbs 49c U. S. Inspected EXTRA FRESH ''" "i n nn i i n HJimfTp one package concentrated real fruit SUN-GOLD SPREDON IttiOiJliTJ makes 5 bit glasses delicious jelly v 7 FRUIT Fl ivnoo lid CHILDREN 10VE LIJ. FREE DEMONSTRATION FRI.-SAT. 1 FOR LENT TUNA FISH Sea Bird No. 'i can 17c Tuxedo No. 2 can 19c Bumble Bee f'cy light meat Tuna Vi can 35 rtYCTCDC TidepMnt Fancy IQ, J I J I CIX3 i,ar;e ip OI, can J7C Boysenberry Preserves O OQp Shady Oak 1 Ih. jar jars V Strawberry Preserves OQp Hunl's 1 lb. jar A7l Peach Preserves O 90r Valvita 1 lb. jar jars A l AT NO COST Platllc DESSERT DISH Take On Rioht From 1W I'jJ Sh.lf With 6vry Jor Off MUSTARD 2 jar. 19C f'uoui CuLspy and Tasty HOLLOWAY'S CRUNCHY CHOCOLATE CANDIES Family Pkg. 35c PILLSBURY HOT ROLL MIX Reg. pkg 23c PILLSBURY PIE CRUST MIX Jm reg. size pkgs. . . 29c DROMENDARY GINGER BREAD MIX Reg. pkg. . . . 23c ASPARAGUS POTATOES ' HtGHEST QUAUTV Fresh, green, tender spears, Ib U. S. No. 1 Idaho Russets 10 Ib. mesh bag 29c 45c DON'T MISS OUR 79c 25 Ib. bog 1.73 10 lb. regular CAULIFLOWER 12c Snow white heads U. S. No. 1, Ib. . . TOMATOES Firm, red, OO" ripe tubes AjtC ORANGES ir.":' 176 Sixe Sweet and juicy Fancy large green IF CELERY Fancy large gr stalks, bunch CARROTS Calif. Imperial! Calif. Is J bun. 39c Shakers 25c Van Camps Pork & Beans J cans 33c . 43e No. 2 is cans. . . Kenn Ration ,'" Dog Food tall 38c These Grocery Specials Also Available at Paramount Market SALEM'S QUALITY SERVICE STORE Plus 2o Upcharge for Delivery on These Specials Only 260 North Liberty Phone 2-2461 3060 Portland Road TWO BIG STORES 3720 East State