l '4) f ( -. Walter B. Dodd Movie Star's Youngsters Put On Real Razzle-Dazzle Circus By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON (United Preu staff Correspondent) Hollywood, March 9 U.R) Movieland's younger generation put on a razzle-dazzle circus today and proved one thing lor sure: Hollywood doesn't have to worry about where Its hams of 1970 are coming from. They're growing up right in the backyards of Brentwood and Bel-Air and Beverly Hills. They Purpose Is To Reapportion Walter H. Dodd, Eugene, graduate assistant in political science at the University of Ore gon, was elected executive sec retary of the constitutional re apportionment committee, It was announced yesterday. The constitutional committee is supporting the proposed con- i I 4. nAj l t LiiuiiuuHi tuiieimiueui, iuvu xaav November with the secretary of states by the AFL, CIO, Young Bsjliublicans and Young Demo-.crats. v. Under the proposal the power of reapportionment would be placed in the hands of the gov ernor, secretary of state, and the state treasurer to reapportion the state on the basis of popu lation after each federal census, excepting that no county shall have more than a third of the representation. Young Beauties Show Tonight ' At least a dozen talented beauties from as many high schools will compete for giant sized trophies Thursday night at the annual Salem Elks club sponsored drum majorette con test in the Salem high school gymnasium. The first contestant will strut her stuff promptly at 8 o'clock. ! Each girl will perform indi vidually. A march around the gym, an established routine of Intricate baton twirls, and a ' t o - and-a-half - minute "free ; style" period will constitute , each girl's performance. The girls must also stand for mili tary Inspection. A special attraction will be the appearance of Gloria Ellex son of Sumner, Wash., national champion baton-twirler in 1949 , Miss EUexson will give an exhi bition of several minutes in : length, and will also serve as I one of the judges for the major ette contest. Girls who have already sign ed for the colorful event Include Leonore B o y s o n, Beaverton: Shirley Faust, Canby; Sally Jo : LaFollett, Forest Grove; Nancy Beal, Jefferson; Nadine Mick . elson, Eugene; Clarine Gilbert ; son, Roosevelt; Barbara Trip--; lett, Stayton; Elizabeth John- ; son, Gresham; Betty Jean Car- roll, Salem; Gertrude Gilmore, 3 Toledo; Marvelle Truman, Sil i verton; Joyce Oaks, Tigard. 1 A few other entries are ex. I pected to be filed later, j Last year's winner was Kath 1 erine Specht of Jefferson, who later became a Salem cherry ; festival princess. are just as entertaining now as a lot of grown-ups. The moppets of Eve Arden, Betty Grable, Errol Flynn, Lor etta Young, Cornel Wilde, Barry Sullivan, Robert Young, Art Linkletter, etc., smeared on lip stcik and rouge with a heavy hand and kicked up their heels for the Buckley Bantam Circus. This is the first big "produc tion number" put on by Mrs. Isa belle P. Buckley, boss ladyvof the swank Buckley schools for offspring of local movie digni taries and socialites. And it was a big day under the "little top." The tots for got about lessons. For this day they weren't school kids they were tight-rope daredevils. clowns, cowboys, tumblers, bears, lions, and tigers. Five-year-old Deidre Flynn was a red-nosed clown in a red and yellow outfit she said she borrowed "from one of my boy friends." Wendy Wilde, dark-eyed and beautiful at seven, was a willowy circus dancer, and bobby Link- letter, 4, a np-roarin' cowboy who had trouble keeping his elbow out of the Flynn lassie's blue eye. "My daddy hasn't seen my cos tume yet," Deidre explained. "But I 'sped he'll think it's beautiful. I wish he was here. Maybe he could keep this ole mask from slipping over my face." Loretta Young's son Peter, was an uninhibited clown, and the poised young doll-shop keeper with the red curls turn out to be Betty Grable's daugh ter Vicki. But the hit of the show was tiny Harrison Cohn, four-year-old son of Columbia studio boss Harry Cohn. This young gent showed up in top-hat, white tie, and tails, cut down to his miniature frame. His chore for the day was to waltz a pretty little blonde around, and he was having his troubles. Every time he bowed low, his top hat fell off. "I got this cosume from the wardrobe department at my father's studio," he explained. "And I'll have to speak to daddy about this darned hat." The kids did their stuff In real, honest-to-gosh circus tent (a little smaller than usual, maybe), complete with colored streamers, balloons, wild ani mals, and a steam caliope. The wild animals were most ly moppets in dyed Dr. Denton's and false faces and tails. But they were wild enough to scare Clyde Beatty himself. The circus stars proved they could even ad-lib if they had to. And they had to. Because for the grand finale the caliope broke down. But the kids came to the rescue with tin horns, drums, and cymbals and the show went noisily on. And if any of the famous ma mas and pops in the audience noticed anything they were smart enough to pretend they didn't. A particle of sea fog is 18,000 as large as a light raindrop. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March 9, 1950 11 Action on Solomon Appointment Urged Washington, March 9 (U.B Sen. Wayne H. Morse (R., Ore.) has urged the senate judiciary committee to act on President Truman's nomination of Gus Solomon of Oregon to be a fed eral district judge. Just before the senate re cessed last night, Morse said on the floor that he believed com mittee postponement of action was "unfair" to the nominee. Solomon is on the bench now under an Interim appointment. Mr, Truman's appointments to I the federal bench are made "with the advice and consent of the senate." Each is considered by the senate judiciary committee which recommends that the sen ate either approve or reject the nomination. In Solomon's case, the committee has taken no action. 25c Hacja by ft Makus t Mat torn i ;2,500,000fh U. S. Patent Is Issued Philadelphia, Mar. 9 (ff) i Francis M. Lambert, Philadel I phia design engineer, is busy i thinking up some new inven 4 tions today after receiving the 1 2,500,000th patent issued by the iU. S. patent office. past 20 years by the Heintz 'Manufacturing Co., was issued j a patent for a quick-acting mech : anism for latching doors a de- I vice particularly adaptable for i snipDoara watertight doors. jj The patent office's first patent f was issued 160 years ago under ? the signature of President George ; Washington to Samuel Hopkins J of Vermont for a method of making potash. 4 The 1,000,000th patent was is sued lzx years later m lBll and fthe 2,000,000th in 1935. Walter H. Dodd Named Eugene, March 9 P) The constitutional reapportionment committee has named Walter H. Dodd, University of Oregon graduate assistant, its executive secretary. The committee is sup porting a ballot proposal that would distribute Oregon legis lature seats primarily by popula- : tion. The plan it favors is one drafted by labor organizations, young democrats and some republicans. TENDER MILD! W CHINESE FOODS JljjJAjM $S Jg pCAPITOL Bean Sprouts S 13e KgSHLSgggg jf W MBM m FINEST PINK A NOODLES SKS-I.... 20c PSSSSJPIPA ft. jtgggggl fA A I MOM Chop Suey 35c rivn, rw. W 9Sf0nh lSi "N 39CsS0 Water Chestnuts.'--69c ifjgfljg' ! TILLAMOOK jf L W N. r1pFf Bamboo Shoots S.-.. 69c (ftPfyftTffl I aced cheddak j "-ggeS5i i TLfOfJ QSpSMf ! CHEESE , BUU PVVp YV&It& FRANCO-AMERICAN ! WMfcWI" CSitfwS I sH oo, rQ Spaghetti 2 co. ZDC Lb 59c ilip s o 6on fflC VjfL,, w t 3wC ZZr- Noodle Soup 3 pic... 32c Mushrooms & Gravy 2 ; ; 23c PREM I 37C ' I .25 Sc CRISCO Bssr QUAKER 0ATSLor9e 35c I i .... Co 3 nkas. ZOC I WESSON OIL JK.55' Large package MAINE SARDINES Kre-Mel PUDDINGS 3 pkas. 23 c POSTS SUGAR CRISP Pk(f. IGA ENRICHED FLOUR M lb sack PILLSBURY HOT ROLL MIX MINUTE TAPIOCA 8oi pkg Kelloggs RICE KRISPIES 2 POST TOASTIES M oz pk? 16 oz. pkj. 5V& oz. pkgs... 14c 79c 27c 19c 29c 18c NO. 1 DRY M ONIONS 0 ,k. 19c "A" SIZE NEW j POTATOES 0,B, 49c MEDIUM SIZE WHITE A CAULIFLOWER lb. 16c SNO BOY WINESAP 1fk APPLES 5 fc 29c NO. I DESCHUTES m AA POTATOES IDlts 8VC NEW, SPRING, FRESH ASPARAGUS lb. ilc GRANULATED SOAP V"Z 25c Giant Sire 53c SIERRA PINE TOILET SOAP 3ba SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP 2 2reg. bars bath size 23c I5c 21 c Fragrant, mild, the complexion soap that gives you the utmost in cleansing qualities. A Free Cooking School Will be held at Elfstroms Store Friday, March 10th at 2 P. M. Introducing Marion Bell of Crescent Mfg. Co. and Celia Lee of Crown Mills. Door Prizes - Remember 2 p.m. Friday at Elfstrom's fl0ll'iJolly Time Wll 19C It Pops Freely Powdered Hemo ViUunin Enriched Food Drink 1 lb. can 69c ARMOUR'S STAR CANNED MEATS Beef Stew 16 oz. can Tamales 10 V4 oz. can Veal Cr Pork Loaf l? Lunch Tongue 6 oz. cn Pork Sausage Meat o,2 43c Ported Meat 5 M oz. can .... 15c 35c 23c 55c 31c EU SAVE AT THESE IGA STORES EVERY DAY Quality Food Mkt. Lemmon's Market 17th and Center 598 N. Commercial St Carter's Market Ken Golliet 17th and Market St Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday State Street Market Z j 7- mo state st Broadway Grocery Brdwy. & Mkt - . ... , . Open Sunday Scio Food Market : ,Sc"-0regon Pearson's Food Mkt. iiiii. 294 No. Commercial Central Cash Market Monmouth, ore8.n Ronner's Grocery H- li J Li f . Gervals, Oregon ighland Market 8oo Highland Ave. Model Food Market . ; ; 275 North High Independence Food Market Equall's Grocery Independence, Oregon Wooiiburn, Oregon PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER 12 oz. jar 35c E BABO 2 can, 23C The effective cleaner & Scouring Powder. BLUE WHITE Pkg IOC .Makes Your Laundry. Easier