8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 8, 1950 NEIGHBOR REPORTS; Mother Had Just Kissed Babies Goodnight as Plane Crashed (Editor's Note: John Leighton, a neighbor, was the first . person to reach the scene when a Northwest Airlines plane crashed into the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doughty, killing their two children and 13 persons aboard the craft.) By JOHN LEIGHTON (As told to United Proas) Minneapolis, March 8 (U.R) It was shocking the most terrible tragedy I have ever seen. I was on the telephone when the plane roared over our house It was so low that the noise seemed to shake the entire kitchen. A second later there was an awful explosion. A blinding flash lighted the whole neighborhood. I saw the Doughty house In flames from a window. We live practically across the alley from them. I tried to telephone the police and didn't get an answer. I turned the 'phone over to my father to try the fire department. I ran toward the fire. , I found Mrs. Doughty lying In the snow in her yard. She had a bad cut on her right arm and blood was gushing from a wound In her hand. She saw me and screamed: 'My babies, my babiesl "I just kissed them good night. Then it happened. Please save them! They can t be gone!" Another fellow came along and helped me carry Mrs. Doughty to a neighbor s house across the alley. By that time a crowd was gathering. Ambulances came along and one took Mrs. Doughty to the hospital. The Doughty house was still standing, but flames were shoot ing out of every window. Then the whole thing collapsed before our eyes, i Nobody in the house had a chance. The fire was so hot you couldn't get near it. ' There wasn't a piece of the plane big enough to recognize. I couldn't tell whether it was a big plane or a little plane. It was weird how the whole wreckage well, almost all of it was confined to the lot of the Doughty house. But little tiny pieces of hot metal fell all over the neighborhood. They're still trying to get the bodies out. It'll probably take a long time. It's tough to see something like this happen to a good friend and neighbor. Dr. Sanders Denies Knowledge On Air's Ability to Cause Death By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE (Associated Press Science Editor) Manchester, N. H March 8 () Dr. Hermann M. Sander, charg ed With mercy killing by air Injection, testified he didn t know anything about air's ability to cause death. In his trial, Dr. Sander is the only doctor to date to testify that he knew virtually nothing about air. Others, prosecution and de fense, have testified that they knew air was bad and that enough could cause death. Most said they didn't know how much. Dr. Sander stuck to his story about lack of this knowledge through sharp cross examina tion. Once he said, in reply to a question by Prosecutor William L. Phinney, that . he "had no knowledge of air embolism on Dec. 4." That was the day he gave air to Mrs. Abbie C. Bor roto. Dr. Sander's story that he does not know why he injected the air remained unshaken throughout hours of question ing. He said that by Dec. 29, the date he was accused by county officials, he knew that air in jection "is not acceptable medi cal treatment." That is a medi cal phase meaning that doctors don't use air in veins or tissues. The amount of air that Dr. Sander injected was cut about In half by his own testimony. In his signed statement, which Is part of the hospital records, he said ten cubic centimeters re peated four times. Under cross-examination he said this was not accurate. That he probably injected air three times instead of four. The first time, he sad, he had the syringe full but the next two only about half full of air. These fig ures would cut the total air to about 25 cubic centimeters. "They didn't give ' hie' a break," he said of his first ques. tioning by county officers. He explained he meant that when he was first questioned, the matter already had been giv en to the police. And that he thought, in view of his reputa tion, his fellow doctors should have questioned him about the facts before police action. His implication was that he would have told his colleagues Mrs. Borroto was already dead before he gave her air. Mission Study Calls Amity Ten Amity church women have enrolled in the special missions class study every Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. David Smith is the leader. The study will continue through March 28. Hose War mer, a converted Jewess, will appear on the program at 2:45 o'clock Tuesday. WALLPAPER SALE 2 pr,ce MANY PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM! R.V. W0CVR0W CO. GIL WARP, me. Cant Mr s Sssea, Onm 1 ,r She cruises serenely at 60 mph! aixjxr mam cn A Rootos Orowp Product SALEM EQUIPMENT CO. 3455 D Street phone 3-5561 ! Kiss for Bride A chimney sweep, broom over his shoul der, kisses Mrs. George Grain ger Weston, the former Caro line Douglas - Scott - Montagu, after her wedding in London. Cemetery Association Reporting at Hubbard Hubbard A public meeting will be held in the Hubbard City hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock at which the Hubbard Cemetery association will inform all in terested concerning the progress made toward cleaning up and improving the Hubbard ceme tery. A program will be presented. The directors have completed preliminary work and now need Civil War in China Labeled Another War to U. S. Chinese (Br the Associated Press) Chinatown, U. S. A., seems to be riding out the war in China with traditional calm and poise. Red China or Nationalist China, the Chinese in their two typi cal American communities, San Francisco and New York, display little excitement over the changing rule in their homeland. In San Francisco, which has the biggest Chinatown, there is little indication among the 20, 000 Chinese crowded along Grant avenue that they feel a great pressure to decide one way or another about Mao Tse-Tung. Such support as does exist in this country for the Chinese communists appears to be more pronounced in New York than in San Francisco. New York has two pro-leftist Chinese pa pers, and they make no secret of it. However, the editors deny any official link with the com munists. ' The nearest thing to a pro- leftist Chinese paper In San Francisco is a former Catholic daily, the Chung Sal Yat Po, acquired recently by a China town drugstore owner. It prints pictures of Indo Chinese com munist Leader Ho Chi Minh alongside those of Ingrid Berg man. While there is no great support for Mao, San Franciscan Chinese still never felt the same way about Chiang Kai-Shek's nation alist government as they did about Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. They used to contribute heavily to the founder of the republic. Only during the war against Japan did they send much to Chiang. George Jue, president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the west coast city, recently visited Red China and didn't like it. He says America ought to prevent the Reds from taking Formosa but he is no admirer of the former nationalist govern ment on the mainland. What China needs, he says, is a gov ernment as honest as the Reds and as liberal as the Kuomin-tang. Last October 10, nationalist China's Independence Day, there was a little to-do in San Fran cisco Chinatown. A workers' association meeting was broken up by some young men who toss ed blue powder around the hall. Blue is the Kuomintang color. At first this was thought to reflect the war in China, but in formed Chinese now say the boys got the idea from one of the old- the cooperation of the public, and the lot owners and other in terested parties to continue the work that is so urgently needed wmxmmmmmm 1 II) 1 II V It I VERY SOFT . , eauiu a RILLING "Junior Miss" PERMANENT WAVE 5.95 2 enter From up SPRINGY , EASY TO MANAGE For Appointment, Please Phone 2-0992 klaleu A (J3eautu CenL ,enler In the Capitol Shopping Center Lots of Free Parking Space North End Sears Bldg. We Give S&H Green Stamps 1114 Union Street est and most conservative tongs in town. Said one Chinese: "They just don't like the idea of any change, and would have sicked the boys on to a pro-Kuo-mintang meeting just as quick ly." - : Both Chinese papers which support the nationalists the Kuo Min Yat Po and the Young China daily, have shrunk in pages and circulation. The old est and-largest daily in San Fran cisco's Chinatown the Chinese World WAAQ was Increasingly critical of Chiang after the war but is now also critical of Mao. New York has between 6,000 and 7,000 crowded along Mott street. Shavey Lee; so-called "mayor" of Chinatown there, says "99 percent" of the local in habitants are against the com munists. . "About 85 or 90 percent," he says, favor the Chiang Kai-Shek government. Most of the rest are indifferent but yet they don't favor the Reds. Chiang him self, is still an idol here but many didn't like the corruption in his government." Marine Private First Class Jacklyn H. Lucas was awarded the medal of honor at the age of 17 years. He was the youngest man ever to receive the nation's highest award. TUt community it tur roundtd by farms and tbt farmtrt of tbt nation art tbt greatett tingtt unit of our tconony. FARMERS art giving more and more consideration to the problem of health, and provision of good medical care for their families. Modern scientific aids to correct diagnosis and treatment, inch t the X-Ray, Metabolism tetter, Electro-cardiograph and many others, being more available In cities, tempt the young Doctor to settle there. . While most cases of sickness can be diagnosed and treated, by expe rienced physicians, from office and ' handbag, major illnesses require the utmost help of modern scientific aids. For many years, the entire Medical profession has recogniied the desirability that the best that modern medicine has to offer be available to ail, and Doctors are working to that end. Communities over the country are speeding up such work, by CO operative planning. Some already have fully equipped hospitals and medical service, worked out on a voluntary, prepaid basis with indi viduals and families of the com munity as members of the plan . . If your community it Interested In such plans, write or contact your local or tut Medical Society. CAPITAL DRUG STORE State & Liberty "On the Corner" Judge Removes Commie Jurist Pittsburgh, March 8 () A 30-year-old woman secretary who had been identified by an FBI undercover agent as a com munist was barred yesterday from serving on a grand jury. Judge Michael A. Musmanno announced he was removing Mrs. Alice Roth from the jury panel because "the patriotism of the grand jury must be above reproach." Judge Musmanno a World War II naval captain and pre siding jurist at the German war crimes trial described his ac tion as the first of its kind in the U.S. to his knowledge. "I would bar any member of the communist party from jury duty," he said, "if I were certain of their party affiliation. In Mrs. Roth's case, she did not ad mit she was a communist but she made no attempt to deny it." Mrs. Roth was one of a score. of Pittsburgh residents named as communist party members - in . recent testimony by Matthew Cvetic before the house commit tee of un-American activities. The FBI agent posed as a com munist while gathering Informa tion for the government. The National Geographic So ciety says China paid tribute to Tibet for about 1,000 years, until the 18th century. BetterCough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cold don't delay. Safe, depend able Creomulsion goes quickly to the seat of the trouble to relieve acute bronchitis or chest colds. Creomulsion has stood the test of more than 30 years and millions of users. It contains safe, proven ingredients, no narcotics and is fine for children. Ask your druggist for Creomulsion and take it promptly according to directions. CREOMULSION Relieve! Coughs Chest Colds Broechitis YES, MA'AM! YEATER'S HAS THEM! that famous Westinghouse RANCHO RANGE! Yeater Appliance Salem's Exclusive Westinghouse Dealer See If Now at Yeater : Appliance 375 Chemeketa QREGON "MPT. Of AGRICULTURE! INSPECTED AND PASSED A 1 351 State St. Modgeft Mot kets 2 Markets to Serve You 2 OREGON BEPI.Of AGRICULTURE! INSPECTED1 AND PASSED AI 611 N. Capitol YOUNG PIG PORK ROAST 35c lb. Small Picnics SMALL LEAN PORK STEAK MOM 42.5c lb. Chicken-like Texture FAT BACON SQUARES 10c lb. A PERSONAL MESSAGE To You Nice People Who Shopped Our Markets for the First-Time Last Week: We Were Delight ed to See You and I Hope You Come in Again, Because That Means That You've Discovered Where to Buy Good Meat at Prices That You Can Afford. I Like to See New Faces, But I also Like to See Them Come Back. That Means We're Doing a Good Job in Bringing You Good Meat for Less Money. Thanks for Your Wonderful Cooperation. Sincerely, ' HARRY M. LEVY Salem's Meat Merchant For 35 Years YOUNG BEEF POT ROAST .45c lb. Meaty Curt DAINTY, LEAN LOIN CHOPS 53c lb. Small Center Curl OPEN KETTLE PURE LARD 2 lbs. 25c MILK FED VEAL STEAKS . . . Wys lb. 49c HOMELESS ROLLED ROAST . . lb. 55c SUGAR CURED MEDIUM SKINLESS Sliced Bacon 38c lb. Slab Bacon 35c lb. WEINERS 39c lb. Medium Weight No Scrept or Ends For Slicing Yourself Retains Its Flavor Longer "Sure to Be Tender" The Midget Appeals to the Modern Housewife Who Is Alert to Our Outstanding Everyday Values. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO.