.Capital Kdlted by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 8, 1950 Finalists In Queen Race Named The five finalists for the title of queen for the Willamette uni versity ball have been announc ed, including the name, of one Salem girl, Miss Muriel Baney. The other four are Miss Donna Mears of Roseburg, Miss Shirley Griffin of Vancouver, Miss Del Fisher of Portland, Miss Marie Corner of Bothell, Wash. The coronation of the queen will feature the Varsity Ball on Saturday evening, the other four girls to make up the court for the evening. WOMEN'S Missionary society 1 of the First Baptist church 's meeting at 2 p.m. Thursday at the church. Miss Myrna Stover will be worship leader. Mrs. C. V. Howell has charge of the program. At the business meet ing there will be election of of ficers. Hostesses for the after noon are Mrs. L. H. Barnett and Mr.. Clark Stewart Job's Daughters Seven girls were initiated in to Job's Daughters, bethel No. 35, Monday evening. The new members are Misses Marge Mos olf, Ann Fallin, Mary Arnold, Delores Phillipee, Marjorie Lit tle, Phyllis Logan and Diana Emigh. On the refreshment committee, for the evening were Misses Les lyn Burdette, Patricia Gordon, Sally Jo Greig, Doris Basingcr and Julia Foster. The majority degree is to be given four members at the March 20 meeting. Friendship night with Independence bethel is an nounced for April 3, MEMBERS of the board of Salem Lions club auxiliary and the committee working on plans for the Lions club dog show will meet Thursday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis. HOSTESS to her bridge club today was Mrs. William E. Jud on, entertaining the group at dessert and cards. Bidden as ad ditional guests were Mrs. 'Charles Kidwell and Mrs. Jack Kuhn. Going to Portland Several Salem folk will be In Portland this week-end for the grand court of the Order of Ama ranth of Oregon. Mrs. James Manning, grand royal matron, will be among those attending as will be Mr. Manning, who is the grand mar shal; Malcolm MacDonald, grand (word bearer; Mrs. Harvey Ac ton, who is the grand representa . tlve to Washington; James Bar rell, grand representative to Australia; Jerry Farrar, who is to be master of ceremonies for the uncrowning ceremonies and Mrs. Ray Hecklngcr, who is to be marshal In the west at the ceremonies. MRS. E. M. PAGE is to enter tain for her bridge club Thurs- day, Inviting the group for luncheon and cards. Mrs. Roy S Keene, member from Corvallis, will be here for the party. THE TEXTILE painting class es of the YWCA will hold n rils. play of Items completed during me past six weeKs on Thursday evening, March 0, between 7:30 to 9:00 o'clock. The classes will be competing for first and second place rib bons Which Will bo nwnrrinH hv the Judges Mrs. N. E. Edwards ana Mrs. Gladys Christensen. The YWCA invites all who are interested to attend. LA BIS H GARDEN club is meeting Thursday for a lunch eon at the home of Mrs. Alvin Van Cleave at 1:30 o'clock. Charles A. Cole of the Salem Rose society is to be the guest apeaker. THURSDAY club members will be entertained tomorrow by Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrs. Er nest C. Richards and Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith at the home of Mrs Smith, a salad luncheon to be served at 12:30 o'clock. VICTOR POINT Mrs. W F. Krenz and Mrs. Geneva Hub bard entertained the ladies o( the Silver Cliff Woman's club at their home Thursday. Mrs Marion Fischer and Mrs. Floyd Fox assisted the hostesses. The afternoon was spent in playing "BOO" and canasta. Mrs. William DeLaugh, president, called a short business meeting. VNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs Claude Shelburne observed their 21st wedding anniversary at their home, Monday. StJoseph It ASPIRIN AT ITS BEST Women I t-OWRI FISCHEB Had leys Greet Son To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Hadley go congratulations up on the birth of a son, Tuesday evening, March 7, at Salem Gen eral hospital, weight, nine pounds, three ounces. The ba by has been named Bruce Wayne Hadley. Also greeting the new arrival in the family are a sis ter, Eileen, and a brother, Al lan. Grandparents are Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay, Sa lem; and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hadley of Longview, Wash. Great grandmothers are Mrs. J. W. Frater of Portland and Mrs. George Pemberton of Al bany. School Group St. Joseph's Mothers club Is entertaining at a special pro gram Thursday evening, invit ing fathers and all interested patrons of the school. The meet ing will be at 8 o'clock in St Joseph's hall. Guest speaker is to be Miss Alice Pendlebury, exchange teacher from England at the Oregon College of Education in Monmouth. Mrs. Chester Fritz and Mrs Vernon Drye are chairmen for the refreshments committee and will be assisted by Mrs. George Hemann, Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld, Mrr. Lawrence Alley, Mrs. D. G Poujade, Mrs. F. A. Rupp. Anniversary Event Aurora Friends and relatives honored Mr. and Mrs. George Llngel, Sr., at their Riverside district home north of Aurora in honor of their 43rd wedding anniversary, Sunday, February 26. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Lingel, Jr., and daughter, Naomi of Hubbard, Miss Verbu Miller of Needy, Mr. and Mrs. Florin Eubanks of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnston, Bert, Alan and Patricia of Au rora, Miss Laurel Eubanks, Ore gon City, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Christenson, Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Enterline, Jim and Jo Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lingel and Curtis Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowers, Miss Shirley Bow ers, Art Kraft, Don Kyllo, Ed win and Dwayne Lingel, George Enterline and son, Wesley, all of MRS. VIRGIL ' EARL of Eugene is visiting here a few days this week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Maltman. Lovely fingertip coats are blossoming forth as top fashion of the year! You'll love them for their light hearted look of spring , . . their wonderful wardrobe versatility! Fleeces, coverts, white, beige, grey, pink, aqua, red. Sizes 1 0 to 18. 19.95 Classic Lady 1 by MM ll j-hy -LL'. '', , I' I i I , Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Schmidt (Mildred Bailey) were married February 10. The bride is the daugh ter of the Rev. and Mrs. Omer Bailey of Silverton, Mr. Schmidt the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Schmidt of Central Howell. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Officers Visit At the meeting of the United Spanish War Veterans auxiliary Monday evening, Mrs. Adcne May Beeman of Portland, de partment president, was a spe cial guest. This was occasion for Mrs. Beeman's annual inspec tion of the local auxiliary. Other guests at the meeting included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cheney of Hillsboro, Mrs. Nellie Johnson, Mrs. Mayme Love and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bodley, all of Port land. Al Harriman of Portland, de partment commander, was a vis itor at the veterans meeting. Following the meetings, the groups met jointly for refresh ments. Mothers Meet University of Oregon Moth ers club of Salem met for its first afternoon event Monday at the home of Mrs. John R. Caughell and conducted a suc cessful white elephant sale. Some 20 attended. The next af ternoon meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Karl Becke. In April, the mothers and fathers clubs will hold a joint dinner meeting. THREE NEW alumnae were greeted at the dessert supper and meeting of Delta Delta Del ta alumnae Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred B. Mox- ley. The new ones greeted in cluded Miss Barbara Upjohn, Mrs. B. B. Goodman and Mrs. Bert Jones. Hostesses with Mrs. Moxley for the meeting were Mrs. D. C. Moore, Mrs. H. J. Aiming and Mrs. Carlisle B. Roberts. that important little coat you'll wear everywhere! Constantine Gorgeous, tubable rayon linens in all the gay, spring pastel shades of pink, aqua, beige and grey. Yes! Vi sizes avail able. 14.95 And still more frocks of 100 denier rayon print crepe . , ..to flat ter milady! Grey, aqua, navy; AVi to 26 V. 14.95 the little french shop acroit from tha court house In Honorary University of Oregon, Eugene (Special) Miss Mary Swigart, daughter of J. F. Swigart, 1485 S. Liberty street, Salem, has been tapped for membership into Mu Phi Epsilon, music honor ary on the University of Oregon campus. . Miss Swigart is a freshman major in music. Buchanan-Taylor Of interest to friends here Is announcement of the marriage of Miss Patricia Taylor, daugh ter of Mrs. Charles Taylor of Portland, to Don Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Buchan an, also of Portland. Mr. Bu chanan is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Buchanan of Hopmere community and Mrs James Leith of St. Louis. The wedding was an event of February 25 at 4:15 o'clock in Portland, the reception follow ing being at the Grant Buchan ar home. Miss Joyce Buchanan was bridesmaid and Lester Ooley was best man. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Har old Leith, Mrs. Emil DeBauw and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan. The couple will reside In Portland. WALLACE ROAD The Marnh meetlnff of Willamette Lodge Country club will be held at the club room Saturday night March 11 with Mr. and Mrs. J P. Smart, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smart and Mr. and Mrs. M C. Pettys as supper hosts. 115 north high Subscription Committee To Meet Members of the Subscription club committee for the year are meeting for a supper next Sun day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard. At their meeting committee mem bers will line up new officers in the club for next year. Next dance for the club comes April 15. At the committee meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Hunting ton, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk Mr. and Mrs Ronald E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caughell and Mr. and Mrs. Shep ard, . Merlo-Yoder , Aurora A bride of the week was Miss Jeannine Kathleen Yo der daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z A. Yoder of Portland, whose m-.rriage to Eugene Louis Mer lo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J Merlo, also of Portland, was an event of Sunday, February 26. The ceremony was performed at 2 p.m. by Dr. Duane M. Ni cols at Park Rose Community church. A reception was held ui the church parlors. The bride wore a dress of white satin and Chantilly lace. Her full illusion veil was .held in place by a half-hat of satin and lace and she carried a nose gay of white hyacinths and stephanotis. Her father gave her in marriage. Miss Marjorie Ann Yoder was maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaids were Miss Shirlee Roecker, Miss Sheril Stewart, Miss Patricia McFarran and Miss Joan Fisher. They wore taffeta frocks in pastel shades and carried nosegays of carna tions and violets, with head dresses to match. Gail Yoder wa- flower girl for her sister. Charles L. Kampmann was best man. Ushers were Patrick Demarlnas, Gerald McNeil, Daniel Byers and Carl Marion. On their return the middle of March from a visit in Canada the newlyweds will be at home in Portland. V PLANNING to spend the day in Corvallis Thursday, is Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis, who will visit her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sid ney B. Lewis, Jr. hex Cadillac announces that basic chances have been ' made in its design, it once again been raised. , And that, of course, is news of the first magnitude. This vear, the number of Cadillac changes is far, far greater than is normally announced. There is, of course, glamorous new beauty All the bodies have been completely restyled and redesigned and are simply gorgeous in their line and contour. The great new Cadillac high-compression engine has Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company 510 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Salem Group Named Oregon State College, Corval lis (Special) Several Salem students have been elected to offices In their fraternities and sororities at Oregon State col lege. Miss Joanne Blaxall has been named rushing chairman for Gamma Phi Beta sorority. War ren Bacon is treasurer for Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. Dav id Cromwell has been chosen president and Jack Jones as rushing chairman for Sigma Pi house. Also at the Sigma Pi house, Jack Geer has been nam ed house manager. Late Week Entertaining Informal entertaining marks the late week, including lunch eons and dinners. Mrs. Louis Gerlinger has In vited a group for luncheon Sat urday at her home, places to be marked for 10, the affair honor ing Mrs. Harvard C. Moore, who recently came here from Eugene to make her home, and Mrs Harry S. Dorman, a newcomer from Portland. Hostesses Saturday afternoon at an informal party will .be Mrs. Ralph Morgan, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson and Mrs. Maurice C. Buchanan at the Morgan home, honoring Mrs. Allen Lee. Des sert will be at 2 o'clock, a shower following. Guests will include: Mrs, Lee, Mrs. A. J. Hyde, Miss Hyde, Mrs. Glen Vanderpool and Mrs. A. J. Eaton of Portland, Mrs. H. H. Gibspn and Mrs. Henry Tempas of Corvallis, Mrs. William Loomis, Mrs. Elmer Hal- stead, Mrs. Glen Weaver, Mrs. Jack Gordon, Mrs. Donald Gilles, Miss Mildred Diescher, Mrs. Helen McDowell and H. L. Keyte. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis are to be hosts for a dinner Sat urday evening, guests to include Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerlin ger. Fraternity Event Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alumni association is planning its found ers day event for Thursday eve ning of this week, a buffet din ner being planned at Chuck's Steak House, starting at 7 o'clock. At the meeting follow ing new officers are to be elect ed. Robert G. Brady, Sr., is president of the association now. . fffien (Jadillac says )ew. ...its yews means the Standard of the World has Art Program Planned for Thursday Eve Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is planning a pro gram and meeting for Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock In West Salem City hall. Dr. Cameron Paulin of Wil lamette university art depart ment is to be guest speaker and will show slides of great works of the Renaissance period. Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst is to introduce the speaker. A buffet lunch will be served later by Mrs. Donald R. Castillo and Mrs. A. L. Cummins. WELCOMED home from a trip through the mid-west and east are Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Campbell and children, Patty and Bobby. They were in Den ver, Detroit and New York City. At Denver the family visited Mrs. Campbell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson, the children remaining with the grand par ents while the Campbells went on east. In New York the Campbells visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood, former Salem resi dents. PRICELESS PROTECTION Doctors say 76 of all foot trem ble begins in the first 16 yean thus young feet need the scientific protection of Propr-Bih Chit' dren's Shoes, for ProprBilt spc rial construction holds arches and ankles in proper position, firmly but gently. Recommended by many doctors, ProprBilts are the shoes of "Balanced Posture.. PBQPfiiBlLT r 71 T undergone a host of refinements which enhance everr phase of its performance. Road balance and handling ease are remarkably improved. Steering is easier; braking is softer; and the car's stability on turns and curves is phenomenal. Almost all the effort has been taken out of driving. Yes this is a Cadillac "vintage" year when its engineering and designing and manufacturing have all produced at their superlative best. Better come in and come up ... to Cadillac. Miss-Stevenson Is Recent Bride Mrs. Robert W. Stevenson an nounces the marriage of her daughter. Miss Helen Stevenson to Robert E. Grey of Los An geles. The wedding was February 18 at Reno, Nev., at the home of the Presbyterian minister, with Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Perry of Los Altos, Calif., attending. The bride wore a beige suit with brown accessories and a corsage of violets and roses. The couple will be at home In Crescent City, Calif., where Mr. Grey is opening a radio station. Committees Named Committees have been named for the father and son banquet of the DeMolay Order for Boys to be given March 13 by mem bers of the DeMolay Mothers club. The dinner will be in the Masonic temple. Mrs. Roy Todd and Mrs. Lloyd Hughes are co chairmen for the event. Other committee heads in clude: Mrs. Harvey Gibbens for entertainment; Mrs. Gardner kr.app, kitchen; Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, invitations; Mrs. O. R. Eckersley, serving. Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Hughes are arranging for the food and decorations. mch 481 State St.