i 20 Capital Journal, Sa'em, Ore, Wednesday, Mnrch 8, 1950 Hoover Urges System Change Washington, March 8 W) Former President Herbert Hoov er today urged "a vast and en ergetic reform" in the govern ment's bookkeeping system.. Hoover headed President Tru man's bi-partisan commission on reorganization of govern ment departments. He was called to testify (10 a.m., EST) before the senate executives ex penditures committee on a bill to overhaul accounting proced ures and establish a new office of accountant general in the treasury department. "There is a host of evidence that the (present) accounting system is inefficient and waste ful, fails to establish proper re sponsibility of officials and is unable to present the full pic ture to congress," Hoover said in a prepared statement. He said there was no differ ence of opinion within the com mission or among administration officials that reform is needed. He added, however, that there . are differences as to the method of remedy. The general accounting office, headed by the comptroller gen eral, now serves as the congres sional watchdog on government spending. The pending bill would curtail its activities and cut its staff. A general accounting officer yesterday accused the Citizens Committee for the Hoover Re port of "abysmal ignorance about the government's account ing system. Reds in Italy Urge Land Grabs for Jobless Rome, March 8 (U.R) Hundrsds of communist agitators urged landless peasants and unemploy ed farmhands to stage new grabs of private land throughout Italy today. "Take the land it is yours by natural right," the commu nists urged. But in Cantanzaro in the Cal abria region, where more than 88,000 acres of uncultivated land had been seized during the past week, the squatters and landowners reached an agree ment which apparently headed off fresh trouble. The agreement provided for the employment of at least one laborer for each seven acres of farming land and one farm hand for each 20 acres of wood land for at least 24 days a year. It also required landowners to pay wages for work the farm hands claimed they already had done. f 'To Rescue' Rolland Tru man (above) of Long Beach, Calif., an attorney and third cousin of President Truman, is going to run for congress. He says "Cousin Harry has been kidnapped by leftwing ers ... when elected I shall utilize all my efforts .to res cue the president from his ab ductors." Truman Is a demo crat, but will seek nomination by both major parties. The White House said the president is doubtful of the relationship. (AP Wirephoto) Russians Seizing Swedish Fish Ships Stockholm, Sweden, March 8 VP) Sweden accused Russia to day of seizing Swedish fishing ships in the Baltic far beyond warranted limits of territorial waters, and said Stockholm took an "extremely serious view" of the incidents. Swedish Foreign Minister Oes- ten Unden made the statement amid mounting demands by Swe dish fishermen for naval escorts to prevent such seizures. The captains of the Swedish trawlers Marion and Larex told reporters today they had been boarded by a Soviet minesweep er some 30 nautical miles out side Russian-held territory. They said they had been forced at pistol point to take their ships to a Russian harbor and been questioned day and night for two weeks concerning the pos sibility of their having been spy ing. Six golfers have won the U.S. Open championship in their first try. The EXACT SAME whiskey as us distillers drinklYJpr fftf $010 $I95 CSll W45QT. XiPINl N--M JM I '-Wilken Family D I runrn tar is r- w I SI 1 BLENDEDWHISKE 85 PROOF. 75 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THE WILKEN FAMILY CO., LAWRENCEBURG.IND. 10 DC. i NOT 3 PC. . . . NOT 5 PC. . . NOT 7 PC. . . BUT A ednwm Group f or $00 lii.lH.TSlfrllk i r .AWiaMSI .1 'BUY II I II I i i ... if I L. ism fjwjj I Hurry, hurry, hurry! Don't miss this dollar-saving sale of the century! Come share in these ter rific yes, unsurpassed savings in suits, top coats, hats, etc., while they last! Stock up now! You'll be glad you did later on! Here's 12.00 Value-Plus! DRESS SPORT o,eyo"r,,or COATS 50 TIES Values to 27.50 . . Regular 1.50 11150 3 1 II IsT Long-wearing V I i No Easier Credit Terms Anywhere Just $9.90 down! and small monthly payments any on can afford. Who could ask for more? Select the home fur nishings you want and put them on a convenient bud get payment plan. Use your furniture while you're paying for it. bed Vanity Chest Coil Spring Mattress 2 Lamps 2 Pillows Bedspread SUITE VERY SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION 10 PC. BEDROOM GROUP AT LESS THAN THE PRICE FOR A SUITE ALONE It only happens once In a BLUE MOON . . . something to really shout about. Here is your opportunity to have a complete bedroom outfitted for a price so low it's almost UNBELIEVABLE. Now, here's what you receive: A big, roomy chest of drawers, a full-sixed vanity with genuine plate glass mirror, and a matching full-siied bed, constructed of finest cabinet woods, beautifully finished in rich walnut veneers. Two smart boudoir lamps with matching shades coil spring, mattress, two pil lows and a full-size bedspread. Just imagine all these pieces enough to furnish an entire room ... at less than the price of a suite alonet Come to Woodry's Early... Tomorrow Other Complete Bedroom Groups in Mahogany, Maple, Oak and Bleached Woods Our Entire Stock of Bedroom Furniture Will Be Sale-Priced for This Event ... Savings Galore! THIS GROUP IN BROKEN LOTS If you can find your size it's all yours for as low as 1950 Values to 55.00 Another special group of super suit values! Were selling at 49.75 Now Only 2950 EXTRA! One group of fine suits regularly priced at 55.00 Now Just 3950 'WORSTED-TEX' Top quality fabric tailor ing. Hard finish worsted tailoring. Values to 75.00 Come Early for This One! 22.50 Value Leisure Jackets 1450 3-Button Sleeve Gabardine SHIRT Values to 8.95 4.95 SPORT SHIRTS 7.95 Value 2.95 PAJAMAS Values to 4.95 1.95 BELTS Values to 2.95 59c I SLACKS 1 j Values to if 13.50 1 All-Wool Covert Topcoats Were 45.00 2950 3 5950 456 STATE STREET 1