FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 DDBM large unturn. apt. Electrlo stove At auto, oil beat. Prlv. bath. Also 3 rm. mailer apt. with electric stov At prlv. bath. Children accepted. Ph. 31773 or H37 N. 4th. Jp57' NICELY FURK. modern 1st fir. apt. Cen ter located. Hot water hat. Por 1. a couple or 2 tTtrls. 468 N. Winter Jp57 CLOSE IN 3 rm. apt. Partly Furn. Phone 3-4268. ' JP59 FURN. PERFECT for 3, Owner 2455 Trade. all electric. See JP57 t APTS. Completely furn. Close In. quire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, 20185. FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT 1 rm. modern furn. cottage. Ph. 2fl18. Jm6T MAE. 11, 4-rra. onlurniahed houae. 1343 A -??m??j1: .... Jmbl FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE with Uveslej Bids, ent rance. Ph. 3-9801. J58" SINGES ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Oom'l. Ph. 3-3612. J MNT USED CAB lot, 1895 N. Com'L J77 BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. 101 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Lau ReT Co., 2350 SUte. Ph. 3-6443. J65 BUSINESS EH. lor rem. a L. 6UII. 1' V DRIVE Truck. RoJlnson shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 18103 I GOOD USED PIANOS. H. U Stiff. i9 FLOOR SAND BBS for rent. Montfomeri Ward. 1 POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Hawser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. PIANOS. INVESTIGATE our deferred ren tal plan. Tallman Piano Store, 3B3 S. 12th St. J68' TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 8. 12th, West Salem. 1 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er. We sell everything to complete the job 1 HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3640 1 ROOM & BOARD SALEM Nuralng Home. 3589 "D" St. Am bulatory or bed patients. Men or wom en Trained nurses, 24-hr. service. JJ73 WANTED TO RENT LOCAL BUSINESS man St wife desire 1 or 2 bdrra. furn. home. Ph. 28662. Ja58 GOOD S or 3 bdrra. houxe. oovernment employe by March 20. Ph. 38605. Ja61 MANAGER OF leading paint company wishes nice 2 or 3 BR bouse or duplex In good district. Ph. 23933 day. Ja59 S OB S BEDROOM bouse to 160. Ph. 2-8109. LOST & FOUND FOUND t Large burl male collie Ph. tJsssirVs ssVrl't r fjjjjrorwrfff MISCELLANEOUS US SPRINGER, men' hatter. 484 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m63 gPENCEB COBSBTIEBB Call 3-5072. m73 " DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 3-ITl. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST ' Adolph B Ida. State St Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL WS SELL ONLY tha best cedar shingles all grade. Del. 18" No. 1 carton paca d cedar wall ahakes with under-couru S12.fi0 sq Oak & Pecan flooring. Cedar A SprrjM aiding. Ted Muller. Pa. Balem J-1196. ' na' frOB PEBMA-BTONE, Ph. 2-0605. ma78 Oak Flooring Ko. 1 com shorts 130perM Ho. a com Rl ....1160 per M wiiti tin. nf hiillrilnc suDDlles. Estimate. gladlr given. FUA blue prints FREE with material. Epping Lumber Co. 4110 Sllverton Bd. Ph. aJOM maa?' HOW'S YOUR ADDITION? Top quality lumber, PLUS prompt em elent service, PLUS unbeatable prlcea, EQUAL West Salem Saw Mill 1060 Wallaca Rd. Mile North of River Ph. 3-05B3 ma73 SAVE AT KEITH BROWNI ozdar aroma V4x4" as it. WINDOWS prleei slashed In half on apeclal shipment. Variety of sizes. Soma as low as 11.80. REJECT PLYWOOD It", "S" V4", .; 4 starting at to lor celling tils plr- XVERYTHINO to build anlthlng at that convenient location. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and court. Salem. ma ON BUDGET TERMS ' You can buy lumber, mtllwork, bard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, el ectric appliance, paint. Insulation, ' roofing and houae ware for as little as ' 10 down on a purchase of S20 up to 3300. Small, easy monthly payments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets, Salem, ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LEAF MOLD. $1.60 Sk. Del. Ph. 3-3537. 500 BOXES, small size yellow Newtown apples. 50e box. Bring boxes. Puritan cider worKB, west saiem. no PHILLIPS BROS. SPECIAL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry. weed free, terlllzed, dehydrated and pul verized. Ready for any use and will not burn. Made In Salem. From cow and chicken manure. Call 31458 and order now. Phillip Bros., Rt. 8, Box 118, 6a - lem, Ore. 4 ml. east on State. n" 10 USED tire. Make an offer. Ph. 2-4320. n58 COME IN and ahop around. We have all kind of lawn mower and garden tools at very reasonable price. "For a square deal" see Square Deal Hardware, 263 Chemeketa St. Ph. 33924. nS9 YOU CAN now buy good used watches as low as S5.S0. Come In and pick one out. "For a Square Deal" See Square Deal Hardware, 203 cnemexeia 01, rn. 3-3934. n59 MERCURY 6 outboard motor, Pflueger St Shakespeare rods reels, doom, waf ers, very reasonable. Being transferred. All like new. Ph. 3-7058. n59 SB M. LIECA CAMERA and case. Ph. 132 wx, independence, ore. nor MOVINttt Must sell davenport. Excellent condition. Ph. 3-9878. n57 ALMOST NEW Olbson tractor with disc. 1400. Wagon Wheel Olft Shop, 2 mile north Woodburn. hlway 99E. n58 MOHAIR DAVENPORT At chair: ladles' Roadraaster bicycle with light, horn St basket; O.B. conventional rug cleaner with attachments, Blbson concert type guitar At Lyon St Healy mandolin with case. 985 Marquam Hoao, Biiverun, ore, Ph. 4043 after 6 p.m. n61 WESTINGHOUSE apt. size elec. range St refrlg. A-l condition. Priced for quick sale, prion e 2-0478. nss OIL CIRCULATOR! at greaUy reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa YD. OAR WOODS gravel bed complete with hoist, has side boards for 8 yd. Dean W. Morris, P. O. Box 21, Scio, Ore. nss ALL KINDS Sand. Gravel, Crush, Mix, von Diem i-ipe, . ue, opuo tidu, Rein forcing Steal and Mash. Ore iron Gravel Gn. 1405N Front St. - Phone 1-3417. B83 kin wawikin ....,.. ROTE, the cellophane like flnUn for Y EAT XH APPLIANCE CO. ti unemeiei PIANO AND bench In fine rendition. Very V Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PHILLIPS BROS Fertiliser, well rotted or trash, any k By yard or sack. Plaistone for all rock work Cedar fence posts. Telephone and eleo. pole. Any length. Shingle. Tew poet. Lumbar. Ph. 1-14M- Rt- f. Boi 118. P 100 GAL. wniTE outside paint, 13 gal. Good dining room table A. Good cir culating wood heater 110. Hot water tank 12.50. Ph. 3-1800. n58 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS llOJft UP T EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n FOR SALE Sawdust Conveyer complete with loo it. belt and n.p. motor; aiso sawdust burner. Ph. 3-9606. n60 SALEM SAND 6i GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basemen Equipment RaU 13 B yds. 10 D yd D-7 Cat St Dam D-6 Cat At Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer Sew m about ditching by th ft. Phona Day 3-9408 Brae. 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon n" BREEZE range burner, dble. barrel. Cop per tuning, pn. 2-7533. nai 1903 MODEL Springfield porter. Ph. 3-8853 after 0. See at 139S Pearl. n&7 USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 St up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n REROOFING, painting, remodeling. Wllla metie vaney ooi vo oaiem. n- FULLER brush o. 1745 Grant- Ph. 3-8337 nu GENERAL ELECTRIC, Croaley, Gibson, and Montag Appliance at uevnria. n- DSED Electric ranges, 119.95 Sc up. XiSATEK ArflilAnUS UU. 376 Chemeketa HEAT your borne electrically with West- lnghousa or wesln automatic electric heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n REBUILT PIANOS. Like new. Large se lection as low as 125 down, 110 montn. See at Tollman's, 395 S. 12th St. A mile from high prices. n68 BEAUTIFUL pedigreed Pomeranian. Full grown. Reasonable, en. a-03. not STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railing, In itock.. made to order, uu . Liberty nftfi USED RADIOS St record Players, 19.95 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa n TEXAS BERMUDA onion plant here now. Puritan Cider WW., n. saiem. noc PLASTIC APRONS, variety to choose from, make beautiful gift. Some host ess, Ideal tor kitchen use. Ph. 30403. n79 GET YOUR yard and garden peet moss at Nortnwest Poultry, .sua . rronc. we have both half and whole bale. n79 WALLINQ SAND St GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive way, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. H-yd shovel dras line Ph. 1-939 n FOR YOUR spring tonic drink and en joy Fure Apple uraer. contain au tne fruit vitamin (no preservative). Pur itan Cider WkJ W, Salem. n57 RENT Wheelchair and hospital beds. Buren, 3-7775. 746 Court St. n62 ELEC. WATER beater $35. Ph. 3-6837. n57 RUBBER MATTING made from discarded tires. For door mats, back bars, scnooi. churches, machine ahops, etc. Any size. Very reasonable. Ph. Oreen 368. Charles Klopp, Woodburn, Ore. n57 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 4 Small balloon tires similar to chil dren's wagon size. Call Hotel Salem WANTED: Cottonwood Logs, also Fir Peeler Logs. Quote price f.o.b. shipping point, earliest smpment. meaermeyer Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. ATwater 4341. na61 FIR STUMPAGE and fir log wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber it Manufac turing Company. Inc. Independence, Ortson. Phone 42. na USED SAFES, used door closure. Ph, 3-7918. na57 PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 a, com'l. under new man agement. With this ad and $1.00 get a special reading. Ph. 3-9285, poa NOT RESPONSIBLE for bills contracted other than myseli. Raymond L. Bye. , P5 STANLEY HOME Product. Ph. 39307. p5l ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 35234, P.O. Box mi. mot Wed.. Frl. 1:30 n.m. p!3 AUTOMOBILES FROM owner 194a. 135 Packard deluxe touring sedan. All extras, cost 13450. now S2000. Bank terms. Ph. 4'2326. 155 Fisher Rd. Q59 LOG TRUCK trailer. Will take '46 or '47 car as part. 1255 N. 5th alter 6 p.m. fl58 OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS AHEAD OLDSMOBILE FACTOKY DELIVERY AGAIN AVAILABLY New Low Prices STARTING AT $1745 Delivered to You at Lansing, Mich. COME IN OR PHONE 3-4119 LODER BROS. 465 Court St. '42 DODGE panel K ton. 3400. '39 Cbev. panel tt-ton, 1275. 3585 Portland Road. q&B' Eisner Motors to Sell '49 FORD station wagon. Ha everything. Cost 13,050. Sell for 31850, Pb. 2-9987. q58 FOR SALE Equity In 1941 Ford coupe, jj2uo. see at laos s. mn. q&B- '36 FORD cpe. Radio, run good. See at sill Bunnyvlew Ave. after 5 p.m. Q5B' 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe. Excell. cond. R&H. Private party. 3145. Ph. 3-3587. q58 Eisner Motors to Buy '49 OLDS 70 club sedan. Light green Used 3 months. Less than 4,000 miles. Deluxe completely equipped with hydra- matic, radio s air conditioning neater turning signals. New cost over $3500. My price 12195. Ph. 28018 after 9 p.m. q60 FOR SALE '38 Chev., good condition. Phone 3-5885 after 8 p.m. q5 49 PONT. 8 DeLuxe Stlverstreak sedan cpe. like new, 8500 miles. RstH and ex tras. S2095. 1170 Nebraska St. q59 1948 MERCURY sedan, all equipment, low mileage, by orlrnlal owner, $1295. Con sider traae. uood 11141-43 model. Pn 2-7058. q59a MODEL A TUDOR 150. Oood transpor tation. As Is.' Salem Equipment Co, 3455 D St. q5S '42 INTER, dump truck. Extra motor & trans. 12th St Hoyt. q57 GOOD 1938 Chryner coupe. By owner 645 Ferry St. p80 '49 FORD dub coupe. 7000 mile. 11495 1630 Cros. Apt. 4. q57 '46 CHEV. 5-rd. dump truck. Sell or trad. Tiu car or pickup. 2350 . Church. q57 $100 BARQAIN ' Model A Ford 4-door, Oood condi tion thruout. Recently overhauled. 16- Inch wheel. Run fine. See at 3770 uarqcn na. eve, only. q57' Eisner Motors Fine Cars BOATS 1.11 EVINHUDE llsht four t-7 h.p. motor. Run about hrs. 1150. OaU 1-3584. Qq61 II4I.M MEECUBT, our price I7J.50 Tirms. Salem Boathouse. 100 Chameketa Ml BOATS 16-FT. "WOLVERINE," a dandy, 1185. Terms. Salem Boathouse, 100 Chemeketa. qo.37 FINANCIAL AUTO LOArrs WTLXJUirrTTC CREDIT CO. 182 S Church Parkin, a Plenty Ph. 9-1461 Lie No U-1S9 8-134 SES DS POR ATTRACTIVE PARU LOAHS ONLY 4 OR 4i4 INTEREST 6 to 40 7eara and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 Stat SL Phona 3-3663 PARI AND CJTT LOANS 4A and 6 TGJK OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Kstata Contract and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECORITTJB8 CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 4-3283. t GENERAL PTNANCS CORP. LOANS 10. S-iu and M-3H and ROY R. SIMMONS . DISDRANCk AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades' 13:05 dally K. S 1390 Ke'all 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. i98f Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phona 27033 Lie No. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. r BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY (JAKI TOD "THRIFTY IN '80' PAY OFP YOUR BILLS -LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS i $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS II . LIBERTY PHONE 4-3JOJ MORTGAGE LOANS HOMES BUSINESS PARKS Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 4- PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Term. On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim. Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St. phon. 1-9161 r NEED CASH For Bills! C cash to consolidate bill and reduce expense. Loan 125 to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on Salary or Furniture up o 20 month to repay. Charges Only for the time you use the money. No co signer required. Let us try and arrange a loan the same day. We like to say "Yes." Come In or phono. PERSONAL Finance Company Paclho Building Room 136 518 STATE STREET Phona 2-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. 8-132 - M-165 LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS r TRAILERS HOUSE TRAILER, 1948 deluxe model, like new. 37 loot. Phone 3-5368. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen 456 Court Phona 3-6773 AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-0380. Night 2-1804. 333 Center. o BUILDING AND CARPENTRY Labor contract your new home. Also remodeling and repair. Ph. 3-4880. o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. 063 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. All makes sold, -rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o CEMENT WORR Foundation, sidewalks, driveways, pa tlos. curbs, walls, etc. Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace, chimney vacuumed cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176 o78 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6, Box 437-0. a78 DRESSMAKING Tailoring St alternation. 1132 Edgewa ter 2-757S eve. o69 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen St Son excavating grading, Land clearing. Ph. 2-3080. o59a Brelthaapt' for Dowers. Dial 3-9 179. o Complete repair service. Oil burners, furnaces St oil stoves, day or nlU. Guar anteed work. Ph. 4-2424. o73 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products. Pre de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5396. oa LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. Doerfler At Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1322. o Curtains done and plain sewing. 36546. 075 DELDX BERVE SELP Laubdry 345 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452, o LA 'VN MOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. o78 Expertly sharpened. Jacobsen Power Mower Dealer. Moore's Bicycle St Sport Shop. 237 N. High Street, Ph. 3-3844. 076 LAWN MOWERS St KNIFE SHARPENER At Uf Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knlve. Dexter' Ph. 3-6833. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phona 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St Ph. 3-7569 o59- OFFICE FURNITURE St SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies,' desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases, lerca Wire Recorders. Roen. 454 Court Elf Strom's are equipped to do jour painting, i-none awivj. PAINTING A PAPERING Painting St paperhanglng. Fri mate. 857 Shipping Ph. 3-9513. Ph. 22608 for painting, paperhanglng. Attractive rates. Vander stolen. o76 Painting St paperhanglng don expertly ei reasonaoie. fa. aaawa, jtim. 074 PAPER HANGING JERRY JOHNSON PH. 3-9348. PLUMBING Freeze damage repairs. Ph. 29358, 437 Fisher, 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-3984, 075' PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing. Hutcbcon Paint Store. Phone 3-6687. 0 ROT1 ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter tor clogged aewers, orain. Fa. 3-5227. L. Howard Marshall Plan Wheat Bought Washington. March 8 UP) The economic cooperation adminis tration today approved the pur chase of $27,000,000 worth of American wheat and cotton un der the Marshall plan. The recovery spending ap provals were contained in new foreign aid grants totaling. $42, 266,000 announced today for five European countries. The wheat purchases totaled nearly $16,000,000 and will cov er shipments to Italy and Greece. The Netherlands and Austria were given authority to buy more than $11,000,000 worth of cotton. In addition to the heavy grain and fiber purchases ECA ap proved the spending of $13,000, 000 by Great Britain to buy pe troleum in the United States, Latin America and the middle east. The days transactions bring to $8,441,458,000 total Marshall plan grants during the past 23 months. DIRECTORY SAND GRAVEL Garden Sou, crushed rock, Sborel and dragline excavating, Walling Sand Si Gravel Co- Phona 3-9240. o Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 1-7603. 1293 N. 5th 075 SEPTIC TANKS Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd'a Septic Tank Service, 6S0 Larson. Phone 2-0734. o" Mike's Seotlo Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St- W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327 o57 SEWER CLEANING SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blade Clian aewara. drains. L. Howard. Ph. 3-53i? Spraying, L. W. Caudle. Ph. J-7900. o78 All make repaired, tree estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3512. o TRANSFER A STORAGE Local it Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent for Beklna. House hold goods moved to anywhere In U. 6. or Canada. Laxmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 3-3131. o TREE WORK Insured tree lervlce. Ph. 26014, TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington. Royal, Under wood portable. All makes used machines Repair and rent. Roen. 456 Court, o' VENETIAN BLINDS Balem Venetian Blinds made to order or rtflnlsshed. Reinhoidt St Lewis. 1-3939. Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. WEATHERSTR1FPINO Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965. 078 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymora, Rt 2, Box 317. Ph. 3-5136. o63 R. J. West. 4240 Bunnyvlew. 2-2773. oflO WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners." Window, walls. et woodwork cleaned,. Floors cleaned. waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather. o WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day WOOD SAWING Atkins. 1143 Tile Rd. 3-8674. WOOD Jj SAWDUST West Balem Fuel Co. Ph. 3-4031. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 14050 In the Circuit Court of tha Mat Oregon for the County of Marlon. Notice Is hereby given that the under. signed has been appointed executrix of vne estate 01 Mauie Jacobs deceased, by the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, and has quali fied. All Persons havlnc claim, aealnxt said estate are hereby notified to present wie same, amy Termed as by law re. quired, to tb undersigned at Rant 1 Aurora, Oregon, within six months from mo a a to nereor. Dated and first published February 18, 1950. Last publication Mareh 15, 1950. Dorothy J. Beach Executrix. Beach, Simon St Greene, attorn le. 433 Pacific Bid., Portland, Or. Feb 15, 22, Mar. 1. 8. 15 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY fllVRN that V.lnvri Lytla has been appointed the Adminis trator of the estate of Jennie M. Lytic, deceased, by order of the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, on February 27, 1950. All persons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same, dnly verified a required by law, u tile omen 01 usierman ana wiuiama, 327 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within 8 months from the date hereof. IjIjOYD lytle, Administrator of the Estate of Jennie M. Lytle, Deceased. OSTERMAN AND WILLIAMS, 337 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Org. Attorney for said Estate. First Publication: March 1st, 1950, Last Publication: March 29th, 1950. Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 39 General Service Arfmlnlatratlnn Pnh. lie Buildings Service Office of the Di vision Engineer 123 U. 8. Court House Seattle 4, Washington March 1 1050 Scaled bids In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 3 p.m. March 22, 1950 and then publicly opened, for furnishing the materials, and perform ing the work for Interior and exterior painting and repair at the U.8. P.O., McMlnnvllle, Oregon in strict accord ance with the specifications dated PB-DIV-8, Feb. 20, 1950 and drawings (If any) mentioned therein: and the general conditions dated Sept. 15, 1942. And addenum thereto dated May 16 1944. Specifications and other data may be had at the office of the custod ian of the building or the office of the division engineer, or public buildings service. Room No. 507, Lemon Build ing. Washington, D.C. L. W. Friberg Di vision Engineer, Mar.7,8,9. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE HEREBY 18 GIVEN to all nr- son particularly interested and to the general public that a hearing will be held before the common council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city hall March 13, maw. at tne nour or 7:30 o'clock p.m., to consider an ordinance changing from a Class l-O CBDltol Zone DUtrlrt tn Clas ni-X Restricted Business District a parcel 01 land lying In Block I or Cart Wright's Addition to the City of Salem. Oregon, 62 feet wide and 107 feet 8 inches long having a frontage of 107 feet 3 Inches on Capitol Street and 62 feet on Center Street. The petitioners for this tone change propose to construct a service station on ssid premises. By Order of th Common Council Feb ruary 37, 1950. ALFRED MDNDT City Recorder Salem, Oregon. March 8. 9 10 LODGE Loyal Order of Moose meet Thurs. night. 284 N, Coml. ph. 3-5227. 76 A. Salem Lodge No. 4, A J1. & AM Wednesday, March 7. EJL De gree, 7:30 pjn, - 67" A Pacific Lodge No. 60, A. F. & A. M., M.M. Degree Friday, March 10, 7 pjn. 69 t yy n ,u X 1 'it n .4 Active for Red Cross Co-chairmen of the educational divi sion in the American Red Cross fund campaign here are Ar thur Myers, at left, and Connell Ward. This division was the first to complete its quota in last year's campaign and Myers and Ward are out to repeat. Quota for this division is $1100. (Bishop-Moderne picture.) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Ltveatock Marmet iBy Valley Packing Ooiupanyi Wooled lambs $22.00 Feeder Lambs $10.00 to $20.00 Calves, good (300-450 lb $18.00 to $20.00 Veal (150-300 lbs) top ..$24.00 to saa.uo Fat dairy COWS $13-00 to $14.50 Cutter cows $10.00 to 313.50 Dairy heifers $12.00 to $10.00 Bulla $U.OO to $18.00 Portland Eastslde Market Trndlntr was at a near-sianasim on the Portland Eastslde Farmers Wholesale Produce market today with all price nom-1 inai. Portland Preduoa Butterfat Tentative. i.Mbjef to imme diate ehang. Premium quality maximum to J5 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 65-68C lb.: 82 score oj-ooc: vu score, 61-640, 89 score 55c. Valley rout and country points 2c less than first Butter Wholesale fob Bulk cudq id wholesaler, grade 93 score. 64c. A 92 score, 62c; B score, 61c; O, 89 score 60c. Above price are strictly nominal. Cheese Belling pnee to Foruami wnow ila Oreo on singles 39-430. Oregon 8 small loaf. 44-45ct triplets 1 las than tlnglea. Ess (U Wholesalers) gratia iar 38-39 Wc. Portland Dairy aiaraet Batter Price to retailer: oraaa jui prints, 6Dc; AA cartons. 70o; A print. 69c; A carton 70o; B print, 6flc Efsa Prices to retailers: uraae su large, 43o dos.; certified A large, 41c; A large, tic; aa meaium, nc, a nwuiuia, 40c; B medium, 33c; cartona 3c addi tional. Cbees Price to ratauerat s-ortiana Oregon singles 39-42oi Oregon loaf, 8- U. loafs 44 "A -45o lb.; triplets, IV cent las than single. Premium brand, alngie. blVio lb.; loaf. 63 Me. Poultry Live Chics: ens (NO. l quality, i.o.o. Plants): Broilers, under 3 lbs, nominal; fryers, 2-3 lbs, 30-32c; 3-4 lbs, 33-34c; roaster, 4 lb and over, 33 -34c; light hens under 4 lbs, 18c; over 4 lbs, 20-21c; heavy hens, all weight, 25e; old rooster, all weights, 13-Hc. Tnrxey net to growers, hdu, hens, 44o. Price to retailers, dressed; A ycung bens, 60-Slot A young torn. 27 38c; light torn, 41-42 Rabbits Average to growers, live whites 4-5 lbs. 17-20c lb.t 6-6 lbs. 15-lBc lb colored 3 cents loweri old or neavy does and buck. 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailer. 40c; weal, 48 52e. Country-Killed Meals Veal Top quality, 38-41o lb.! other grades according (o weignt ana qu&uty with lighter or heavier, 33-350. Hon Light blocker, 34-2601 sow. 20-22C. Lambs Top quality springers. 40-43o; mutton, best, 16-20oi hough heavy ones, 12-15o. Beef Good cows, 37-32o lb.; canners cutters, 24-25C. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailer par cwt.): Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs.$40-43; commercial. S40-42: utility. 135-29. Cows: Commercial, 136-39; utility, 134 38: canners-cutters. ssi-sa. Beef Cuts (Oood Stearsi, Hind quarters. 348-52; rounds, 348-51; full loins, trimmed, 163-67; triangle, $39-42; square chucks, 144-46; ribs, 855-60; forequsrters, $40-43. Veal and calf: Oood, 346-48: commercial, 139-46: utility. 332-39. Lamb: Good-choice spring lambs, 145- 47; commercial, 342-44; utility, 136-38. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down. 826-28. Pork loins, 846-48; shoulders, 16 lbs., down, 334-35, sparerlbs, S45-48; carcass es, 127-28; mixed weights, 32 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Onions: Supply moderate, market dull; Ore. yellows. No. 1. medium. 11.25-35; .arge, 81.50-76; 10 lbs, 25-35c; boilers, 10 lbs, 20-25c; onion seta, Oregon yeuow, so lbs, 35.50-16.00: white, 86.25-60; Calif, white globes. 13.00-35. rotatoes : ure. locai Buroanx. no. i.; Deschutes Russets. No. 1A. w. ao- 35; No. 2, 50 lbs., 81.29-39; 36 lb., 65 -90c; 15 ids. 63-osc: wasn. netted uems. no. i. S3.15-30: 25 lbs. 80-85C; 15 lbs, 60-62c: No. 11.15-25; large baker. 14.00-50: idano Russets, waxed, 33.65-75; new potatoes, Fla. Triumphs, size A. 13.00-25. nan new crop, stacx oaies, u. a. no. green Alfalfa, truck or car-lot F-O-B Portland or Puget Sound markets. 133.50- 11.00 ton; U. S. No. 1 mixed Timothy, 344 ton; new crop oat and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover hay. nominally 135- 28 depending on quality and location bal- on Willamette valley larms. Caaeara Bark Dry USo lbM green 4e lb. Wool Valley coarse and madlum grade. 45c lb. Mohair 35o Ox on 13-mootb growth nominally. Hides Calve 35o lb,; according tc weight, pips. 25o lb., beef. O-lOo lb.; ouua. q-tc lb country buyers pay 2o less nioerts wnoicsaie prices: J umbo iv- 22c. large 17-20c; medium 16-18 c. Orower prices: Orchard run, 8-lOc. walnuts wnoiesaie prices: Per Jb, in 100-lb lots. First quality Jumbo, 3 1-32 M,; large. 2fi-30Ac; medium. 3 6 -28 lie: sec ond quality Jumbo, 2B-29c; large 27 37 C! medium 24ft-25o; baby, 194 30 Vic. Grower prices, orchard run: Fran quettea, 10-l3o lb. Chicago Livestock Chicago, March 8 0J.P9 Livestock mar ket: Hogs: Salable 6.500. Moderately active. general market steady to 25 cent higher. moss advance on butcher over 200 and sows; top 17.50 for a few choice load and lots mostly 220 to 230 lb aver ages, bulk good and choice 200 to 270 ib butchers, 17.15 to 17.40; most comparable 270 to 350 lb uneven, most good and cnoice 160 to 100 lbs 16.00 to 17.25 bulk good and choice saws 4SU lbs down. 16.00 to 15.75; most comparable 476 to 600 lbs 13.50 to 14.75. Indication good clear ance. Sheep: Salable 3.500. No loadlots daugh ter lambs sold, asking up to 29.00; indi cations strong to 50 cents higher; not enough sheep here to mske a market, sen timent firm. Cattle: Salable 8,500; calves 200. Active, steers and heifers funy steady to 50 cents nigner; cows strong to fully 25 cents lush er; bulls firm; vealers strong to 50 cents higher, stock cattle strong; load of choice 1241 lb steer. 34.75; high good to choice steers, 29.50 to 33.50; bulk medium to av erage good trades 23.50 to 29.00; com mon to low medium 21.50 to 23.00; medium snd good heifers, 23.00 to 27.25; load of good and choice 886 lb weights. 28.00; good cows. i.50 to 21.50: common and medium beef cows, 16.75 to 19.25; canners and cut ters, to 10.75; medium and good sau sage bulls, 21.50 to 22.50; medium to choice vealers, 25.00 to 30.00: medlitm and good lira to 9QO lb feeding steers, 23.18 to 25.00. Portland Orain Portland. Ore., March f W) Wheat: Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.23 'A soit whit (excluding rex) 3.23 W; white C1U0 Hard red winter; Ordinary 3.33'A: per cent 2.33; a per cent 2.2)tt; 12 per cent 2.23 Today' car receipts: Wheat 42 barley t; nour a; corn e; mm teed . Venezuela is about the lize of Texas and Louisiana together. V" Also Protests Representatives from the city of McMinnville, which is pro testing the proposed removal of the West Coast Airlines service from that city, Wednesday morn ing were in Salem to confer with Robert Letts Jones, who will represent Salem at the Washing ton hearing for United Air Lines and West Coast Airlines. Jones, who has been designat ed to represent the city of Sa lem and the Salem Chamber of Commerce, discussed with the group the presentation of their protests at the Washington hear ing. In the group conferring with Jones were Gale B. Vinton, chairman of the airport commis sion; Glen Macy, Jr., vice presi dent of the Chamber of Com- merce and a member of the air port commission; and . M, Holmes, secretary and manager of the Chamber of Commerce. STOCKS (By the Associated Pressi American Can Am Pow St Lt Am Tel St Tel Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Call! Packing Canadian Paclflo Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Cons Vultee Continental Can .110 . 20 .150 . 28 . 42 . 34 . 27 S , 35 . 14 . 43 . 35 I .. 65 ,. 13'a .. 37 ..34 V. Crown Zellerbach uurtisa wrigm & Douslos Aircraft 78 Dupont de Ncm 62 General Electrlo 46 General Food 60 V General Motors 75 Ooodvear Tire 4S Xnt Harvester 27 Int Paper 35 Rennecott 53Vh Llbby McN As L 7 Long Bel) "A" 25 Montgomery Ward 56 i Nash Kelvlnator 16 Hat Dairy 40 NY Central 13 Northern Paclflo 19 Pae Am Fish 11 Pa Oae At Eleo 33 Pa Tel St Tel 108 Penney J O 60 Radio Corp 14 Rayonler 27 Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal 22 Richfield 39 Safeway Store 38 Sears Roebuck ., 43 Southern Paclflo 52 Va Standard Oil Co. 63 Studebaker Corp. 28 Sunshine Mining 0 Transamertca 16 Union Oil Cal 26 United Airline 87 Union Paclflo 10 U S Steel 31 Warner Broa Plo 13 Woolwortb 40 Stock Market, York. Mareh 8 Ort A t mid Tal ly ate Into or wiped out early losses in the stock market today. Most of the losses were taken imme diately after the opening. cnanges eitner way were less tnan a point In most cases. moderate amount 01 business was done with turnover at the rate of around 1,400,000 shares for the full session. Oils stocks showed independent strength and a handful of rail Issues tacked on small gains. Among the bslky spot were u. s. 01 eel, Phllco, Anaconda Copper, General Elec tric, and U. s. Gypsum. Tending h lit tier were Youngstown sneet. Lockheed, Zenith, American Telephone. Miami Copper, Standard OH (N.J.) and Richfield OH. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., March 8 (U.B Livestock: Cattle salable 200; most classes active; fully steady, canner-cutter cows rather slow; unevenly weak to 50 cents lower; me dium-low good led steers 24-28; medium heifers 23; common dairy type hclfcr downward to 17; canner-cutter cows 13-; some held nigner: bulls strontr; lew beef bulls 21-22; good 880 lb butchers bulls to 23; medium sausage bulls 18-20, Calves salable OS: market la r y active. steady; good-choice vealers salable 27- :; mediums 20-28; commons down to 15 Hoss salable 200; market rather slow but mostly steady; Rood-choice 180-330 lbs 10.50-20: good-choice 155-255 lbs 18.50; good 350-550 lb sows salable 14.50-15.50; good-choice feeders 18. Sheep salable 100; market active, strong to 50 cents higher; good-choice 106 lb No. 3 pelt fed lambs 23.50: medium-good good fed yearling 20: two-year-old wethers 12; good ewes salable 11-11.50. Chicago Grain Chicago, March S (VP) Oralns weren't able to get very far on tha board of trada today. Wheat had to absorb a good deal of proflt-takinic, and al though March and May went to new highs they could not hold most of the gain. Corn, rye and soybeans were not much changed, although March beans shower relative wnakness throughout the session Wheat closed lower to S higher, March 12.26)-. Corn wu Yt lower to higher, March 1140. Oat were higher May 71i. Rye was unchanged to low. er, May 11.34-. Soybeans were lower to higher, Msrch $2.44-, and lard was 6 to 13 cents a hundred pound high er, March 110.87. HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE 01 STOMACH ULCER PAIN ecmttMi by curcc meid Dotat Tost suffer froea asroniainsT pain and constant burning ea stomaeii nleera, Indigoa tton, gas. heartburn, other distress caused by x earn atomach acid. Pfanders Tablet art guaranteed to bring amasfng ajolek. soothing rener of wvett acid stomaca ojstrru UH MONET BACK I Formula of F. H. Pfunder. Ph.G eon tains mlewJIy-prored Ingredi. nts. Add oloer sufferer hay bought over rranaeri Tablets in aaan. Gat riaaaar'i Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Salem Men on Long Field Trip Oregon State College, Cor vallis, March 8 Donald C, Chapman and Stanley . Hart man of Salem are among 32 jun ior and senior pharmacy students taking a 10-day educational field trip to pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in the midwest. It is probably one of the most extensive trips of its kind made In the country, according to Leo Schiuchetti. associate professor of pharmacy, who is in charge of arrangements. Chapman s home address is route 8, box 888-A. He is a sen ior. Hartman, a junior, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hart- man, 1534 Franklin. The pharmacy majors will te guests of three national manu facturers, in Chicago, Indianap olis, and Kalamazoo, Mich. Al though each student finances his trip, some have received help from druggists in the state. A contribution of $250 was made for assistance of meals en route by three Portland whole sale firms, McKesson and Rob bins, Northwestern Drug com pany, and Mutual w noiesaie Drug company. Meals and ho tel accommodations are provided by the midwestern drug manu facturers. SALEM MARKETS ComDleted from reports of Salem dealers for the traldanee of Capital Joarnal Headers. (Btvlsed dally) Retail Pee - Prices: Kn Mash S4.65. Babbit Pellets S4.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry t Buying prices Grade A ewor ed hens 23-24c; grade A Leghorn hens, 18c: grade A old roosters, 13c; grada A colored fryers, 3 lbs., 32-340. Baring Prices Large AA 35c, large A. 32-3 5c: medium AA, 33c; medium A, 1 Wholesale Priest Eat wholesale) price 8-7c above these prices above large grad A generally quotea at sue; mouiuiu, v. Batterfat . Premium 67c; No. 1 65c: Mo. . BO-O"! Butter Wholesale grade A, 69o; ra tal) 74. OBITUARY wiiii.m 1. Hall Woodburn William Lee Hall, at his home west of Hubbard March 7, at the age of 62 years. Born at Weber Falls, Okla., Februray 30, 1888 and came to Oregon from Colorado in 1841. Resident of Hub bard the past five years. Member of the Baptist church. Survived by his wife, Al pha Hall of Hubbard; sons, Wayne Lee m. ' nf nntt-nit. Oreiron. and James Wil liam Hall of Hubbard; daughter, Vivian Carrell of Orand Junction, Colo.: Ootdle Rose of Hubbard, Lillian Rose of Vancou ver. Wash., Bonnie Carrell of Portland and Kit. vnnnm nf Wnnrfbuni: brother. Alei Hall of Sllverton; sister,' Ellen Todd of Claremont, Fla.; and 10 grandchildren. Services will be held at the Rlnao ohap- f nt woodburn Tnuraaay. naarcn w, a 2 p.m. Interment In Belle Passl cemetery, Mrs. PnHiorlnn Rnrdahl Lyons Requiem mass was neid Monoay morning at the Lyons St. Patrick Cath nlltt rhurch for Mrs. Catherine Enndnh nf Snlem. former resident of Lyons who died at Albany Thursday morning at the aito of 62 years, with Fa tne r aonnciuer officiating and Josephine Brand of Stay- ton Playing the music. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mattle Hiatt of Ly ons, Mrs. Bessie Minlch of Portland, two brothers, Put and Bert Lyons of Lyons; also several nephews and niece. Pall bearers were Bernard Lyons of Eugent, Walter Bell, Ed Bell of Stayton, Jerry Lyons of Gates, Percy Hlatt and Ed Ols ler of Lyons, with Interment at the Fox Valley cemetery. Cleave Carl Parrlsh Dayton Funeral service were held Monday afternoon at the Dayton Baptist church for Cleave Carl Parrlsh, 39, who passed away March 3. In a hospital In Chehalls, Washington, after a short ill ness. He wo born Sept. 21, 1910, at Dundee, and has lived in Dayton for 27 years. He Is survived by his wife, Ruth; father, Ellis Parrlsh, Dayton; mother, Maggie McFarlane, Aberdeen, Wash.; sis ter. Elisabeth Morel. Aberdeen. Wiuh.: brother. Berkley Parrlsh, Wlnlock, Wash.; four niece and four nephews, and other relatives and friends. Rev. Robert Wolfe officiated at the services. Ed Orabenhorst sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. Long-listing Relief for Itchy Skin Irrititioi Here's a tip. So many people depend on Resinol Ointment to relieve smarting itch of dry eczema, chafing, common rash. It mast b good. At all druggists. Thj cost U small relief J great. Try it I .Ml R ft HEMORRHOIDS and elhai Racial Oltordan COLON... STOMACH aliments RUPTURE (Hernia) TntM Wrtsttt liipltsl IpntlM IOiOO until 300 MDn.lhrounh SH. Until 8.00 p.m Man. Wad. frl CI. D.M,tk THE DEAN CLINIC IN OU 40'h YIAR N.E. Com.r E. Burniid. and Grand Ave T.l.phon. EAit 3918 Portland H, On, Babr Accessories Thll miniature, ascot scarf and thumbless mittens are "high fashion" accessories for the carriage set. Croched in sim ple stitches in her or his colors and trimmed with tiny Irish roses, the set is as practical as it is pretty. pattern envelope no. kwm con tains complete crocheting Instruc Wednesday, March 8, 195019 Ralph Timm. Pallbearers were Oliver Cal lahan, .Robert Stllwell, Howard Paris, Ken- netn Hunter, Howard Williams and BUI Wright. Interment was In tha Dayton IOOP cemetery. Mrs. Ines Carl on Alarum Funeral s-irvleea wen held March 2. from the Weidle funeral homo " in Btayton for Mr. Ines carlon, wno died , at the home of Mrs. Luta Fas on near Aumavllle Februray 26, at tha age of 79 years, four months and 23 days. Clyde Freeman or the Btayton Church of Christ officiated and burial was In th Butler cemetery at AumsvlUe. Mrs. Carlon was born at Clinton, la., October 20, 1870. She had lived at the Turner Memorial home four years and had spent the last three year with Mr. Fuson. Prior to that she hsd lived In Medford for many years. Surviving is a step-daughter, Mra. Marine Botts of Medford, and t host of mend in tne community. Fred Edward Lines Albany Fred Edward Lines. SI. Ltaa county native, died at his home hers Mon day following a short Ulnees. Services will be held at the Fortmnier-Frederlcksen chapel Thursday at 2:30 p.m., with burial in the Riverside cemetery. Mr. Lines, a rcwrea isrmer, was oorn near Fry sta tion and had spent his entire Hie in tha Albany area. He married Fmma B. Dunn In Albany In 1933. The widow survives. Mr. Lines, the last or eight children of John and Martha Lines, who settled her In 1863, Is survived besides his widow by two nephews and four nieces. DEATHS Bums DeBord Emma DeBord. at tha residence at 101f Mill st. Mareh S, at the age of 53 years. Survived by husband. Elmer V. DeBord of Salem, and a brother, Billy Smith of Mon- Tenn. Member of Calvary chapel In Salem. Service will be held at tha Cal vary cnapei at 1143 North Liberty street. Thursday, March 9, at 2:30 p.m. with kcv. ciaude a. Bail olllclatlng. interment In the Lee Mission cemetery direction of tne noweii-exiwaras cnapei. Vlneent I. Tomshaw Vincent I, Tomshaw. late resident of Spokane, Wash., near Talbot, March 7, at tne age 01 33 years, surviving are his wid ow, Mrs. Clara M. Tomshaw. Spokane. An nouncement of service later by tha Howell Edwards chapel. Lester Alvfn Stephenson theater Alvin Stephenson, at hi noma at Jefferson, March 7, at the age of 36 years. Survived by wife Helena Stephen son of Jefferson: a son, Clifford Ste phenson of Jefferson: a daughter. Crystal Stephenson of Jefferson; mother, Mr. bettle Stephenson of Eugene; five sisters, Mr. Noah Glass of Redmond, Oregon, Mr. Annabel William of Fallon, Nev., Mjs. Ira Burneson of Eugene, Mr. Delia Stew art of Eugene and Mr. Irene Sandefur of Vancouver, Wash. : and threi brother. Frank Stephenson of Portland. Wllbert Stephenson of Los Angeles and Oliver Stephenson of Jefferson. Announcement 01 service later by ciough-sarrick com pany. Anna lane Blaea Anna Jane Blaco, late resident or New port, at Albany, Oregon, March 6. An nouncement of service later by donah Barrlck company. Baby Boy HaeDenald Baby Boy MacDonald. son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Phillip MacDonald of 43S South 17th street, at a local hospital, March 7. Survived also by a sister. Mar- cla Marie MacDonald of Salem; and grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lena burg of Salem, and Mr. and Mr. Royal MacDonald of Portland. Announcement of service later by Olough-Barrlck com pany. Babart Marsden Da Lay HObert Marsden DeLapp. at tha Tamil residence on Salem route 8, March 7, at the age of 56 years. Surviving are tha wid ow, Mr. Emma DeLapp, Salem; two sis ters, Mrs. Bernlce Davis, Project City, Oallf., and Mrs Myrtle Johnson, Pullman Wash.; and four brothers, Kenneth Da . Lapp, Mitchell, S. D.; Forrest DeLapp, Longvlew, Wash.; Bruce DeLapp, Eugenet ana sari ueuapp, oeoeKa, Minn. Member of tha Baptist church, Marlon post No. 661, chapter 6, Military Order of Cooties. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Friday, March 10, at 1:30) p.m. with concluding services at Belerest Memorial park. Military service by VFW post No. 661. a Learn to Iron a SHIRT In Just AVi Short Minutes! SEE! Gwen H. Quigley The IRONING EDUCATOR Demonttrata Th Thor Ironer March 9th & 10th At YEATER'S YEATER APPLIANCE 375 Chemeketa tions, material requirements, stitch illustrations and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pattern, send 300 lr COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peg(ty Roberts Capital Jour nal, 838 Mission Rtreet San Fran cisco a. Calif. S