Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 08, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 8, 1950
Chandler Predicts Banner
Season for Diamond Sport
(United Prui Sport Editor)
Tampa, Fla., Mar. 8 (U.B
Commissioner A. B. Chandler
today predicted another banner
Season for baseball and said the
game "Is in the healthiest con
dition" since he took office five
yean ago.
;"My job is to keep it that
way," he added and then left no
doubt as to who is running the
game, lock, stock and barrel.
"They hired me to do a job,
to run baseball," he said. "That
is what I have been doing and
what I am going to continue to
- Last spring, he recalled, the
port was in jeopardy. .
Mexican league jumpers
Danny Gardella. Max Lanier
and Fred Martin had damage
suits on file which threatened
the foundation of the game be
cause the constitutionality of .
the reserve clause of baseball
contracts was at stake.
Asks New Law to
Legalize Derbies
Washington, March 8 (U.B
Rep. Hussell V. Mack (R., Wash.)
announced today that he will
sponsor a bill to legalize fish
. He explained that the post of
fice department has ruled that
the contests are lotteries when
Judged for the weight of fish
caught. The contests judged for
' numbers of fish caught were not
ruled Illegal because of the skill
Mack's bill would exempt the
Capitol Alleys
Salem Folio 1 Krejci 476, FreU
485, Mather 488, Setpp 444, Main 455.
TaldM Meal Co. (2) McKinney 404, Far
rer 304, Hartwell 493, KildiU 424, BJt
ler 671.
Barbi (31 ImlU 644, Brautht 438. Ol
ejr 833, Morey 400, Olodt 484. Blot Lake
(1)- Lamholf 496, Row 604, KckUey 340,
Ayr 448, Carlson 637.
Cirley'B (It Wrlnht 478. Polk 807. Vol
404. Edlund 467, Miller 632. Becks Wada
vortta (3) Wadsworth 481. Anderson 484.
Harp 486, Sherman 662, Irland 600.
Keith Brown 0) Ouerln 687, Crockatt,
196, JernUan 436, HUlerlch 443, Boura 4B6.
Cal Fak (3) Lanot 646, Sloan 438, Heink
130, Werbowakl 483, Bcheldetaer 489.
Sna Bora (3) HaaKenaon 644, R. Ale
hire 440, Merrel 473, D. Alwhirs 486,
McNeil 499. Btgbblefleld'i l Meyers 438,
Werner 440, Vlttona 661, Polk 410, Walker.
Bollywood Finance (2 Geddes 471,
Xlrchner 451, Albrlch 430, Jones 609, Ol
ner Sr. 601. Valley Motor (1) Boesch 448,
Bullock 416, Myari 888, Oolwell 477, Doer
fler 470.
Hlsh Individual lame and lerlw: T. Bii
Jer. 335 and 671. Hlih team fame and aer
Jm: cal Fak, 916 and 2647.
Moblloll (3) Forman 459, Pureti 420,
JeftkoAkt 450, Buckley 486, W. Pruett 438.
Salem Heavy Hamlin 1) Bulaman 477,
J. Craycroft 433, Wilder 483, Farley 448,
B. Craycroft 481.
Salem Ant (1) Le Don 407, Douih
jrty 480, William 833, RandaU 480, Dun
fill an 433. Valley Store 3 Bolre 483,
Schmidt 477, Kechter 406, Morris 479, Sul
livan 498.
Hammond Body (1 Laraen 445. Turner
413, Gardner 438, McOulre 442, Hammond
456. Sclo (2 Krelcl 578, Schrunk 485,
Rockwell 264, Denamor 479, Hendreck
on 153.
Chris's (2) 7ruaen 277, Kvani 363,
Schuster 618, Vlttone 597, Craycroft 614.
WhlttBken Welrlere (1) EI wood 400, Law
leas 433, Whit taker 471, WUlard 344, Oner
ylnaton 427.
Loder's (31 Downey 824, Ohakarun
484, Surratt 630. Schuok 353. Busch 610.
McKay Chevrolet (1) Olbb 443, Pane 490,
Chamber 404, flhurtleH 443, A. Ander
son 438.
Hlsti individual tame and aeries: KreJ
I of Selo, 307 and 578. Hleh team game
nd aeries: Salem Auto, 908 and 2519,
University Alleys
Oood Houiekeeplnr (1) Clark 460, Olbb
442, Jones 470, Olney 454, aarbarlno 438,
Lata Florist 121 Llndaey 433, Smith 394,
LutS 417, U pa ton 437, Adolph 600.
United Wheel Allinmrnt U Rowland
144, Kaneskl 443, Bnn Derhoof 472,
Schmidt 381, Robertson 431. Plank Con
struction (3) Sleber 381, Helsal 390, Plank
446, Ale her 389, Schroeder 448.
Anita Shops (3 McDanlels 441, Lemon
427, Causey 431, Thompson 497, Davey
406. Rlncland'e Kennela (11 Krejol 438
Blade 443, Hall 462, Snyder 381.
Alexander's Jewelry (II Merrell 348,
Mock 352, Fleck 439, Tanner 386, John
on 433. Randall! Fine Meata (2)
Black 368, Lowry 356, Schelman 434, Whlt
more 437. 6w anion 337.
High Individual umi: Barbara Causey,
180, and Alberta Thompson 180. High
TODAY... taste
cmd '
Then there also was the de
partment of justice investigation
into the possibility that base
ball was violating the anti-trust
laws because of its restrictions
on radio broadcasting.
Chandler settled both and the
game came out with a clean bill
of health.
The Mexican league jump
ers dropped their suits and
baseball came up with new
broadcasting rules which the
anti-trust officials endorsed.
Chandler was almost solely
responsible for settling these
differences without hurting
the game.
Mow he has gone even fur
ther. He has assumed complete
control over everything in the
sport, including the minor lea
He proved that yesterday
when he went over the head of
George Trautman, head of the
minors, and brought about an
agreement between the Albany
derbies from the lottery defini
tion when they are endorsed by
a state governor. Then they
could be advertised in newspa
pers circulated by mail.
Individ a I aeries: Mtckle Adolph, 800. Htsil
team total: Luts Florist, 3322.
Mai ma Chevron Station (31 Malm 490,
Wenaer 403. Karn 302. Kepplnser 533, R.
Smith 400. Peacock Cleaners D Bonney
406. Kaneskl 633. Ryan 418. Sawyer ,
Alexander 443.
Salem Heat ins A Sheet Metal (3) Moor
man 401. Lewis 418, Oladow 403, Knlel
Inc 38S. Evans 440. Mack A Llnd (1) Llnd
420, Folk 396, Wilson 417, Oray 386, Mor
ton 3 B0.
Bnrklsnd Lumber (I H. Webb 803. B
Burkland 488, Rankin 456, F. Webb 415,
D. Burkland 495. Standard Station (3
Koplschke 489, Neddlna 466, Spechkt 321,
Knuth 449, Purdy 601.
Keminrj-ton nana ooiourn no,
mell 407, Raboln 453, Johnson 434, Grls
well 816, Terminal lee (01 Santee 377,
McDonald 371, Weston 407, Throneberry
447, Souse, 612.
Hla-h Individual tame: Kepptnger. 210.
High Individual series: Kaneski, 532. High
team series: Remington Rand, 2980,
Duck Pin
Marlon Motors (0) Howard Smith 623,
Louise Trlbble 290, Bud Trlbble 307, Bye
384; Com'l Seat Cover Co. 4 Carol
Cappi 491, Opal Capps 386, Lucille Allen
in. HiiDen jacooor ou.
Orval's Used Cars (0) Bill Laosctiies
368. Almadean Lapachles 338, Charles
lapschies 432, lteuy i-apscnies 3m;
Csbdb Used Cars (4) Mary Angel 366. Ed-
aie Hsnsei sea, wyena uappa joi, uiier
uappi juo.
General Finance (41 Francis Miller 618.
Martha Fejei 344. Alma Penny 479, Emll
acnoia BIB; OK Rubber welders (ot Ed
die Harrison 467, Dottle Cespell 308, Ter
ry Kemp 307. Bill Oauthlei 447.
rtaiem mercnem rairoi mi rrea nary
434, Marge noury aoa, Marjory iranic juq,
Wayne Frank 514: Lloyd's Auto Paint 1
Harold Duncan 444. BUlle Duncan 363,
Oladys Wood 337, Tom Wood 609.
High team aeries and game, General
Finance, 663 and 1863; high lnd. series,
Eddie Hensel (Capp's Used Cars) 562; high
lnd. game, Carol Capps (Com'l Covers)
238: high lnd. aerlen and game (ladles).
Alma Penny (General Finance), 479 and
Frosty Olsen (1) Tom Wood 458, Ed
die Harrison 653. Emll firhols 452. B1U
Oauthler 412, Arnle Meyer 500; Helder's
Radio (8) Al Kenfleld 486, Paul Russell
512, Lee Russell 801, Keith Kayo 418, Dave
opaming sua.
Sunset Donals 10) Royal Pawley 407.
B. F. Cushlng 410. Cliff Reed 357, Duane
Chretien 460, Art Finney 368; Capps Used
Cara (4) Lester Capps 477, Howard Smith
386. Eddie Hensel 4S3, Bye 463. Bye 453.
HI .Lite Drive Inn (1) Duane Frank
302, George Reed 816, Marvin Gleason
379, Wayne Frank 432, Emery Alderman
4D0; Les Newman (3) Sam Fox 372, Bert
Etmeiman 413, Harvey Fox 442, BUI Mel
meyer 400. Bve 396.
Mlek's Sign Shop (S) Vernon Still 450,
Bob Johnson 333, Art Herschback 362,
Mllbert Jacober 472, Bye 453; Davis OH
Co. ) Bye 379, Qlen B I an ton 442, Hank
Miner via, uye jw. jerry uavis 463
High team aeries. Helder'a Radio. 2495:
high team game, Frosty Olsen, 875; high
inn. acriFi ana game, r.tiaie narrison
(irony ujaen am ana w.
club of the Eastern league and
the Schenectady team of the Canadian-American
Albany had refused to waiver
any longer its territorial rights
which meant that Schenectady
no longer would have minor
league baseball because it lies
within Albany's territorial juris
diction. Trautman upheld Al
bany. Then Chandler stepped into
the situation. He was determin
ed, he said, that Schenectady
continue to have minor league
baseball for the "good of the
game." So he called the warring
factors together, told them what
he was going to do and that was
that They did It
So- with all problems now
solved, Chandler saw nothing
except prosperity ahead.
"We gradually are getting
back to our pre-war playing
quality," he pointed out, "and I
think we will draw more fans
this year than ever before."
Button's Figure
Skating Brings
3rd World Title
London, March 8 (ff) Dick
Button, a gum-chewing Ameri
can college boy, had fastened his
world figure skating crown a
little tighter today and there
appeared to be no one in sight
to knock it off.
After winning the world title
for the third straight year, But
ton appeared ready to rule as
long as he desires. He faced ex
cellent competitors last night
and left them gasping.
Button whirled into the world
skating picture in 1948, winning
the European, world and Olym
pic titles. He hasn't been beaten
For compulsory and free skat
ing, Button scored 1,418.47
points, or 93 per cent perfect,
One-Wheel Trailer
Houls up to 00 lbs. Easilv
Sarlngj-priced.. 69.88
ip to 500 lbs. wtrii no sway, irkln,
buy to artadi to car. With tire, rub
mmh v ml 1
iJ.:lll4!..'ITOV- " ' -i
V ' I r-.-TT:W T V -T-iligSlssi
Plenty Free Parking
Use Sears Easy Payment
Southern Oregon Angling
Prospects Best in Years
(United Preu Stiff correspondent)
Medford, Ore., March 8 .K
Fishing prospects in Southern
Oregon are the best they have
been in the past four years In
the opinion of those who fish
the many lakes and streams of
the famous Rogue River Valley.
Old timers say that a good
year, of fishing comes every four
years and that the 1950 season
should be a good one. Anglers
have returned home with empty
or nearly empty creels for the
past three years but are getting
their equipment ready for a busy
time when the season opens on
May 1.
Deeper snow In the hills as
a result of an unusually hard
winter will mean a better run
off in the Rogne river, thus
providing high water for a
longer period of time to enable
the fish to get up the stream.
An unusually heavy run-off
of near- flood proportions
would nullify this but there
Is no reason at the present
time to believe this will hap
pen. Fishing at Diamond lake, one
By Walt Ditzan
last night. His nearest challen
ger for the second straight year
was Hungary's Ede Kiraly, who
had 1,344.92 points.
The United States has won
every championship so ar and
will be seeking the women's
crown tonight.
Aja Vrazanova, Czechoslova
kia's defending champion, held
a slender lead of less than one
point after yesterday's compul
sory skating.
Sonya Klopfer of Brooklyn
was seventh.
Peter and Karol Kennedy of
Seattle, Wash., won the world
pairs title, while Baltimore's
Lois Waring and Michael Mc
Gean captured the private ice
dance competition with Britain.
In the modern lighthouse, the
equipment which supplies pow
er for the big lamp is installed
in triplicate as extra insurance
against failure.
Economy Car Radio
Sllvertoee finer ReceDlion
Exceptional Value 35.88
Hw fovorit. pngroa at yam rid
lw al loww caul Hmt Ks Knar par.
fcnaat. foakmi. Nls al can.
Models for
Plan Pay Checks Gladly Cashed Use
SHRS 550 N.
of southern Oregon's most popu
lar resorts, is expected to be
better than in recent years. A
restocking program, which was
undertaken last year, is due to
be started again as soon as pos
sible this spring and a poison
ing program to rid the lake of
trash fish will continue. Bait
fishing at the lake has been stop
ped but trailers are expected to
have little trouble getting their
limit of rainbow trout.
Reports from Lake O'
Woods, nestled In the Cascades
between Medford and Klamath
Falls, also Indicate food fish
ing this year. The lake was
stocked with 110,000 finger-.
lings last year and promises
have been made to stock the
water heavily with legal sized
fish this year, the fourth con
secutive year this has been
done. Toward the end of last
season catches averaged one
foot In length.
A good fish trap has been In
stalled at the head of the lake
and more control is being taken
on trash fish.
A good planting of rainbow
and eastern brook trout was
made at Fish Lake last year and
another has been promised for
early spring. Better results
with bigger fish are expected
than at any time in the past few
years, those familiar with the
lake claim.
A hard winter generally means
an early spring which would go
a long way to aid game birds.
With an early .spring, birds
would nest early and in many
cases birds would nest twice in
stead of the usual once in an
ordinary spring. This would
mean from 20 to 24 birds to a
hatching instead of the usual 10
or 12.
Floods in the southern Ore
gon area are highly uncommon
and practically no high water to
flood nests Is expected at this
time. Although there was an
unusual amount of snow in the
It will pay you to shop
buy. There is no catch
Real Genuine Bargains
1949 Kaiser Special
(6000 Miles, Like new)
1948 Buick Sedan
(Really sharp, Low mileage)
1948 Stude. Champ
(A little black beauty)
Look them over.
355 North Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173
SAVE 2.57
Reg. 20.45
Plus 1.98
MV w
Here's a real buy! You get beautiful, long-lasting ALL
STATE seat covers . . . the kind that are expertly tailor
ed . . . expertly installed PLUS a seat cushion of simi
lar fabric and color AT NO EXTRA COST! Hurry in!
Get real car beauty at Sears low Value Demonstration
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See in Glare-Reduced Comfort
low-Priced, Any Cot 9.88
AlrcrsXt vluralnam with eromt-plst-td
brass trim and brackets. Pint lor
ru'round ust.
Shop Til 9 P.M. Friday
valley this year, it did not last
long enough at any one time to
seriously affect feeding of game
birds, it is believed.
While there has been some
loss of deer due to lack of nat
ural feed in the mountains,
it is not believed the losses
will seriously affect the count.
The greatest toll of deer oc
curred among young fawns of
last year which did not have
the necessary strength to buck
the snow drifts, many dying
of exhaustion and exposure.
A continuous campaign by
government trappers against
cougars has greatly lowered the
toll of deer in the southern Ore
gon area.
Cougars Rated
Underdogs for
Coast Hoop Title
Pullman, March 8 CP) An
underdog Washington State col
lege basketball team assumed a
serious but nonchalant air today
as it prepared to leave by train
for a week-end shot at the Pa
cific Coast conference cage
The 11-man squad will travel
by train today to Portland and
then fly to Los Angeles where
they play their first game against
UCLA Friday night.
Kip Anticipates
Staying at OSC
Corvallis, Ore., March (U.B
Head Football Coach Laverne
(Kip) Taylor of Oregon State to
day said word that he would re
place Bennie Osternban at Mi
chigan in 1951 was news to him.
A wire service columnist had
earlier made the prediction.
Taylor said, "Bennie Oster-
ban and I were teammates at
Michigan many years ago. Ben
nie is one of the great coaches
in the game today and I am sure
that he has no anticipation of
leaving that institution. I should
further point out that our entire
football staff has been extremely
happy at OSC and we anticipate
remaining for a long time."
at TEAGUE'S before you
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1948 Chev. Aero
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1948 Chev. Fleetline
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Allstate Plastic
Seat Cushion
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Priced fcx Sovings 13.88
loop Kd chron plated avar braM.
r.1 SMmofctiaii. l-fcnd pUal
Sears Easy Payment Plan
Capitol Phone 39191
'High Harry
(United Pt.ii Soortf Writer)
Tacoma, Wash., March 8 U.R)
Basketball is still ust a game
to Barry McLaughlin, the Paci
fic Lutheran college center who
is the new Pacific coast college
scoring champion.
'High Harry," as he Is called.
canned SI points in his final two
games to total 1785 points dur
ing his four years of college
That is 160 points above the old
record held by Bill Moore of
Whittier, Calif, college.
McLaughlin plays to win,
bnt he has fan doing it Bis
unorthodox passing and shoot
ing made hint one of the
greatest crowd pleaaers ever
to play basketba II In the
Fans, who flocked to watch
his court antics, swear he did
not make an orthodox pass or
shot all season. Although he
stands but 6 feet, three inches,
he outjumped most players six
feet six and above. He can palm
a basketball as easily as he can a
Coach Marv Marsnman says
it takes bis players half a sea
son to get used to McLaugh
lin's passing. He fires them
from any direction. Sometimes
he even passes the ball to him
self by rolling it between an
opponent's legs or bouncing It
off the backboard.
McLaughlin's favorite Ihot is
l " -sr. -s . $0
faflored iT.Mf
e GOOD name . . . m0' Jf wt
a GOOD tuit of clotheeTJ
' wff)' ill' tf$li'
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stASS. toauar. no CO. Ss,,,M "' 1 '""
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6.00 down, S.00 month on Sears Easy Terms
America's outstanding millt supplied these better
fabrics. One of America's leading manufacturers
tailored them with all the care which good fabrics
like these deserve. The result is a fine suit.
And Sears straight-line method saves you money.
Play Makes
Top Pointer
to stand with his back to the
basket. Then he will slowly lift
his leg high, turn his head and
drive the ball off the backboard.
If they're laying for that 1 one,
he shoots a variety of under
handed shots.
McLaughlin has been cavort
ing for Pacific Lutheran for four
years. Last season he joined the
McCord Field Packets in the
national AAU tournament and
ended up with offers from sev
eral professional teams and the
amateur Oakland Blttners (now
the Blue and Gold Nuggets). He
was all for joining them until
he was talked into completing
his education.
His effectiveness is heightened
by a perfect dead-pan expres
Now that his college playing
days are over, McLaughlin is
thinking about going into high
school coaching. But first he
wants a crack at professional or
top AAU basketball.
'He won't have any trouble
making the grade," Coach
Harshaman says, "if the other
players can get used to him.'
Returns Prepared
t5 Pine St Dial 3-528B
Plenty Free Parking
550 North Capitol
Phone 3-9191
Su mw mm) . mnvwR ontrai