Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 08, 1950, Page 13, Image 13

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    Vikings Favored to Snare
District Crown Wednesday
Viking cagers from Salem
high were rated as top heavy
favorites to knock Mt. Angel
from the district 11 tourna
ment Wednesday night and
take the last open berth in
the state meet.
Mt. Angel, champions of the
Wolfe-Ball Bout
Tods VFW Slate
Dick Wolfe and Davey Ball
who have met on three previ
ous occasions, will tangle in
Wednesday night's 10 round
main event of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars fight card at the
In spite of the fact that he
Albany to Host
American Legion
Junior Baseball
Albany Announcement was
made here Tuesday that Albany
has been awarded the American
Legion junior baseball tourna--jnent,
to be played here August
10, 11, 12 and 13.
Zed E. Merrill, chairman of
the Albany American Legion
Post No. 10 baseball activities,
announced that the contract has
been signed by Mike A. Trap-
man, chairman of the Depart
ment of Oregon Baseball com
mission, and Thomas O. Palmer,
commander of Post No. 10.
Four teams of not more than
16 players will compete in the
double elimination tourney with
two games set for Thursday, Aa
gust 10, two for Friday, one for
Saturday and one or two for
Thursday's games will both
be night contests, while there
will be one afternoon game and
one night game Friday, a night
game Saturday and an afternoon
contest with the possibility of
a night game in the event of a
playoff necessity Sunday, it was
tlPalfPr Coach Jim Aiken
jpcmvci of tte UniversitT
of Oregon will be guest speak
er during Friday noon's ses
sion of the Salem Breakfast
club. The luncheon will be
held at the Marlon hotel and
club members are urged to
bring guests. Aiken will speak
on a subject of bis own selection.
Season Record Shows
'Cats Led Point Work
Although Willamette play-erf-
one game less than did all
other Northwest conference
quints with the thVexception
of College of Idaho, the Bear
cats racked up the greatest
number of points. Their to
tal was 874 as compared with
844 tallied by Lewis & Clark,
which finished in fourth po
sition. The averages were 62.4
and 56.3 respectively.
Official records reveal that
the Pacific University Badgers
turned in the best defensive re
cord of 733 points for a game
average of 48.9. Willamette's
defensive mark was 755 points,
or an average of 54 per contest.
Linfield was charged with
163 fouls, high in this depart
ment. Whitman was whistled
down 260 times for the low
mark. The Bearcats had 305
personals assessed against them.
Ed Rooney of Pacifie took
Willamette valley league,
earned its finals spot in the
district competition by de
feating Silverton, Stayton and
Woodburn after taking a first
round slap from the Stayton
Eagles. Although the Vikings
has to make 160 pounds or
less, Ball feels that he will be
the master of Wolfe. The lat
ter was credited with winning
all three previous meetings.
Wolfe recently returned
from Seattle where he boxed
Puford Ransom to a draw.
The bout, an eight round semi-final
to the Ike Williams
Henry Davis scrap, is said to
have been outstanding for ac
tion. Principal interest on the
local card is the four round
preliminary in which Eddie
Kahut of Woodburn will be a
principal. Kahut, brother of
Joe, heavyweight boxer of
considerable reputation, will
meet Dick Collie of Salem.
Joe expected to be in bis
brother's corner.
Bill Wickersham of Van
couver, Wash., will meet At
Cliff in the six-round semi
final. Cliff is banking on his
experience to prevent Wick
ersham from landing one of
his disastrous blows.
The curtain raiser will go
on at 8:30 for the card that
will see a new low scale of
admission prices in effect.
Amateur Boxing
Card Slated for
Silverton Armory
Silverton Ten bouts of am
ateur boxing will be staged in
thj Silverton armory at 8
o'clock Thursday night under
the sponsorship of the police de
partment for the benefit of its
athletic club fund.
The main event will feature
Harold Kottre of Silverton and
Johnny Tobin of Albany.
Other communities to be rep
resented include Salem, Oregon
City, Woodburn, Stayton and
Mt. Angel.
The bouts will be of three
Hubbard Rifles
Reelect Officers
Hubbard Officers for the
Hubbard Rifle club this year
are Ed Erickson, president;
Jack Evans, vice president;
Floyd Dominick, secretary;
Zane Yoder, range officer; Roy
Duncan, executive officer; Guy
Graham, instructor. The entire
officer panel was a re-election
of last year's officers.
The Hubbard team is made up
of Dick Brown, Dennis Seetoff,
Guy Graham, Zane Yoder and
Floyd Dominick. This team with
Dominick as coach took fourth
place in the recently held in
augural gallery tournament in
Portland sponsored by the Port
land Rifle club in the new gal
lery range there.
individual scoring honors
with his 231 points tor an av
erage of 15.4. Bob Pollard of
Lewis & Clark finished sec
ond his 226; Charles Ander
son, Whitman, third with 222
and Ted Loder of Willamette
who played one game less
than the others, hit the 199
Individual summaries:
Ed Rooner. Pacific .15 81 68 231
Bob Pollard, L&C 15 83 60 60 236
Ohu. Anderson. Whit. 15 to 31 321
Ted Loder. Willamette 14 76 48
LlOTd Neville, O of I .. 14 66 57 13 169
Carlos Wall, Whitman 15 68 17 42 147
Bill Oreen, Whitman .16 42 65 30 147
Dout Lotrue, Wlllam. .14 56 34 31 146
Dick Morgan, Pacific 16 52 38 21 142
HQ Held. L ff O IS 51 37 18
Bsr'n Inaiehart, Whit. 15 60 34 48 134
Bob Hammond, Llnf'ld 15 55 21 30 131
Dick Brouwer, Wlllam. 14 48 28 41 124
Lou Scrlvens, Wlllam. 14 47 26 29 120
n. ADranamaon. fctnra is 48 17 04
Rod Downer, L a C .15 45 17 39 107
Lew Keres, C OI I ....14 35 33 49 103
Joe Horan, Pacifie ...16 36 33 41 103
Tea MC&ee, Ltnileia ..15 38 27 62 103
boo Lee. U OI 1 14 38 2B IS
H. Belllnser, Wlllam. 14 35 28 36
O. Robinson, WlUam. 1 SB 30 48
are rated as favorites, the
Preps are expected to be tired
up for the 8 p. m. meeting
Salem, undefeated in district
play, would still have a chance
at the title if they are turned
back Wednesday. Two defeats
are needed to oust a team from
the district 11 double elimi
nation. Coach Harold Hauk is ex
pected to start Jim Rock and
Doug Rogers at forward, Lay
ton Gilson at center, Larry
Chamberlain and Capt. Daryl
Girod at guard for the Vik
ings. ,
Mt. Angel's Gene Barrett
will probably stick by his
starters: Frances Donley and
Ken Payseno at guard, Norb
Wellman at center, with Dave
Ebner and Fritz Beyer at for
ward. -
The district 11 berth is the
only spot in the state tourna
ment which is still unsettled.
Dallas gained the district 8
crown Tuesday while Roose
velt of Portland took the No.
15 spot and the Jefferson
Democrats took the district 16
berth while losing the Port
land City title in a game with
Benson Tech.
The district 11 entry faces
Scappoose in the opening
round in Eugene next week.
Lee Stars as Pilots
Oust 'Cats from IMAIB
Portland, March It will be
a long time before Willamette
university basketball followers
forget a 5-foot, 5-inch Chinaman
named Fred (Happy) Lee. Lit
tle Lee, ordinarily not one of the
top scorers on the Portland uni
versity team, has had a hot night
opposite the Bearcats every time
Willamette and Portland have
met for the last three years.
Lee, now a senior, completed
his jinx of the Bearcats here
Tuesday night in the finals of
the district 2 NAIB tournament.
The diminutive guard accounted
for 27 points as the Portlanders
rolled to a 79-60 victory over
Willamette. He had an amazing
12-for-18 shooting average, and
many of those shots were how
itzers from back of the keyhole.
The Pilot team left here by
train early Wednesday morning
for the national NAIB tourney
at Kansas City, which opens
early next week. '
Willamette made a go of it
throughout the first half and
the early minutes of the sec
ond stanza here Tuesday. The
Bearcats worked into an early
10-6 lead, thanks chiefly to a
couple of field goals and a like
number of gift tosses by Chuck
Portland came back with a
Jackson Winters field goal and
Lee s second bucket of the night
to tie the count at 10-10 after
only 5 minutes of play.
Tempo struck a torrid pace
for the next couple of minutes.
L o n Scrivens swished a 25
footer to give Willamette a
12-10 lead; Portland's Bob De
vich tied it up with a tip-in,
then Portland went out front
for the first time in the ball
game when Lee rammed home
a 2-pointer from the key at
the six-and-a-half minute
mark. 'Cat Forward Ted Lo
der came right, back on a fast
Sports Calendar
March S
FrofasaloBeVl boxing at armory, 8:80
p.m. Dick Wolf t. Davey Ball, main
City league: Burroughs Inn ri. O.B.O.
7 p.m.: national ouara to. Marine Re-
ierv, S p.m.; C.T.L. va. Post Office, 9
p.m., Leslie Gym.
DUtrlot It tournament, senior high, t
Mare t
Church league: Court Street Christian
vs. L.DJ. 7 p.m.; Salvation Army vs.
Church of God, 8 p.m.; Knight Memorial
vs. Pint Methodist. 9 p.m. girls' gym,
senior high.
MABCH 1ft '
Stat high school wrestling meet at Ore
gon State.
INC. i
jH'1'"irliiiiiil nnmae -". - J v-a ' V, ' ' S i' ? '
V't' sips
Ijf m Jmft
) Ovl I KJ mWmh' fey
Adagio Dancers
dance during the heat of Tuesday night's District 8 title game
at McMinnvUIe. Dallas won 45 to 33. Others pictured are
Bell (6), Dayton; Sherman (8), Dayton; Cook (22), Dallas,
and Fischer (25), Dallas.
Salem Oregon, Wednesday, March 8, 1950
break play to tie the count
again, this time at 14-14.
A Pilot rally boosted Portland
into a 22-14 lead. The two. teams
played on even terms the re
mainder of the half. At inter
mission Portland led 38-30. ,
Slow, deliberate basketball on
the part of both teams earmark'
ed the opening of the second
half. Then with Portland lead'
ing 40-33, Jim Winters plunked
in four quick field goals for
Portland. That was the straw
that broke the Bearcats' back.
,; Willamette could never get
within 12 points of Portland af
ter that.
Northern Idaho defeated Sou
thern Oregon, 61-57, for third
Willamette (80)
(19) Portland
fl ft pf tp
It ft pt tp
Loder.f 7 4 4 18 Devlch.I
3 3 19
Losue.f 2 12 6 Holden.r 3
Robinson.e 3 3 4 9 J.Wlnters.o 4
0 3 6
8 3 16
13 9
3 3 27
0 0 0
0 6 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
Scrlvene.K 3 S 3 9 Jm.Wntrs,o
Belllnar.B 1 0 2 2 Lee.B 12
Brouwer.! 3 13 7 Floeen.r 0
Matlle.f 0 0 0 0 HummU.f 1
Montae.E 0 0 0 0 Cwallna,e 0
Fedle.f 2 0 0 6 Petroa 0
Nordhiu 13 2 4
Bryant 0 0 0 0
Osuna 0 0 0 0
Totals 13 14 21 60 Totals 32 15 20 79
Free throws missed: Willamette 11.
Portland 11. Halftlme acore: Portland 38,
Willamette 30. Officials: Yerkovlch and
this haavy-duty boauty Isaj
onc-shoc wardrobe!
tTherwer ftn go ntunrci yon do
this spring, you can trust this
bluff-nd-bejrp triple sole beaoty
to do right by fooi feet! It's
cut from super quality brown calf,
made to give comfort and completa
satisfaction. And priced for a
mighty value, too! Come in today
tor a tiy-oa.
Read (number obscured) of Dallas and
(J) of Dayton, stage a toe
Page 13
Faculty Fun Game
Set for Thursday
There may not be too much
basketball played, but unques
tionably, those on the side lines
will be treated to quantities of
laughs Thursday night when the
faculty and members of the ' W
club of Willamette university get
together for their annual court
game." The fun will start at 8
The idea may be classified in
the sour grapes division, but
quite a number of Willamette
students and Salem townsfolk
are pleased that they will be
able to see Coach Johnny Lewis
in action. If his Bearcats had
won in the NAIB tourney in
Portland, Lewis would have
been en route to Kansas City.
It is understood the faculty
team members will appear in
costume. Just what that means,
only those who attend the show
will find out.
Atlas and Gus
Win Mat Events
The "Great Atlas" after being
taken by Bill Fox for the first
fall, came- back to take the sec
ond and third as the pair staged
the mam event of Tuesday
night's professional wrestling
"Gus," the bear, put on his
customary act and took care of
lUCKle 5
A i i I 9
481 State St.
1 : I
- fit
Ma.. I
City Loop Scores
"A" Division
V. B, res) (04) 1st Christian
Schsft 13 P 17 M. Bates
Rlg 4 P 15 LuckenbeU
Beach 2 C 10 Wrllht
Lang 6 Q 2 R. Bates
Straw 1 Q 1 Noonehester
Subs: 1st Christian Hill 6, Conder 3.
1st Methodist (SB)
(S3) 1st PtesbrVa
7 Hrsra
2 Hedrlek
1 Van Osdol
collier 4 P...
Perlman 4 P...
Boe 15 o...
Staffer 9 0...
Nelson O...
6 Oaler
..... 0 Boatman
First Baptist (8
(32) Christ Lalhema
,F 1 Poi
,,P 12 Torseson
Cowe 17
Fischer 11
Sharpneok ......
.0 6 HKdeorant
.a 4 Merer
.0 1 Tie
Arnsmeyer .
stark t ..
Nasareno (88)
(80) Free MeUeUst
.T 10 W. Owrnn
Farnell 7
Outhner 8
Klaasen 10 ....
Ouynn 6
DeLspp S ....
Llnell S
.P 2 J. Owrnn
.o 13 a. owrnn
Ji i P. Barham
.O D. Barham
"B" Dlelaloa
Satiation Armr (41) (88) rreebrterlaa
Bryan 3 r 15 Mrera
Brown F 11 Am.
HerrlK 8 0 12 Knapn
Jacobson 18 0 ..., Maden
uuivin it u jaoraaii
C. S. Christian (SO) (21) Leslie Methodist
Moore 14 P 4 Deen
Rllhl 4 F a Crittenden
VanOrsdol 9 0 . 2 Adams
Marsll 1 a 10 verdick
Fowler S 0 3 Bruce
Chnreh of Ood (38) (20) 1st Methodist
Sundln 16 P 8 Smith
Nystrom 8 F l Humphrey
Llppert 4 ........0 2 Sohrt
Means 2 a 2 McMlllln
Knlsht 2 ., O 8 Nleswander
sutu: cnurclt ol ood o, wyatt 2; 1st
Methodist Lee 10, Cole 4.
L. D. S. (16)
K. Brown 4
Murphy 2 ....
Veteto 4 ,
(88) Cenirecatlenal
..F McKlnner
..F 3 Brenner
..0 6 Davis
Brown 2
Hall 3 a 8 Doushertr
buds: oongrefatiottai conover 18,
Walker t.
First Baptist forfeited to Oalvarr Bap
tist, The U.S. Geological Survey
says only 25 percent of the
country has been adequately
Jack Lipscomb and. Leo Wal-
Earlier in the production Lips
comb beat Harry Elliott while
Wallick and Andy Trumen ras
sled to a draw as neither was
able to produce a fall.
Dallas Dragons Defeat
Dayton for State Berth
McMinnvUIe Thi Dallas
Dragons topped Dayton Union
high here Tuesday night 45 to
33 to win the championship of
District I. They will encounter
Jefferson of Portland at 9 o'
clock the morning of March 15
in first round competition of
the state championship.
4BJ aha Associated Press)
nlstrlet 8-A Tearasmenti
Dallaa 45, Dayton 33 (title).
Hewbers 72. Salsm Academy I
At Pertlani:
Benson 43, Jefferson 33.
Roosevelt 70, clevelsnd 40.
Franklin 38, Grant 31,
Lincoln 88, Washlnston 41.
(By the Associated Press)
WaihlnsTton NAIB Tonrnamtnli
ventral waaoingion u, fuget sound 60
Oonaaaa flfl. Eastern Washlnston 40 (3rd
pi ace j,
Oregon NAIB Tonrnainent:
roruana iv, Willamette so enampion
cblD). nortnern iaano 01, southern Oregon BT
urn DincJ.
Other Oameet .
Grays Harbor JC B0, Yakima JO ,
Wyoming W, Colorado A&M 41.
CCNY 64, NYU 91.
Princeton 63, Georgetown (BC) 4ff.
Kansas 79, Kansas State 68.
Indiana State 65, Hanover 66.
William and Mary 76, Virginia 18.
Arlcona State (Temne) 70. Hardln-SIm
mons 86.
West Texas 74, Texas Wesleyan 66.
Mill II
This pace-making model gives ascension to
your itatura and sty Is esteem by accenting
the length of it smartly rolled lapels.
The Jacket la longer with a center vent
Shoulders and chest fit with fashionable
freedom. Sleeves and trousers are tapered
with exacting expression. In many enOO
exclusive light, bright Spring fabrics.
416 Stare St. Salem, Or.
Newberg, beaten earlier la
Ihe tournament by Dallas.
smothered Salem Academy 72
to 36 to gain third place hon
ors. The Dragons held a 17-15
margin at half time but the Pi
rates came back, with Doc Man
ning and Bill Sherman, to tie it
up at 20 all and then go ahead
23 to 22.
Wes E differ, who poured in
14 points for the winners, al
most immediately connected
to put the Dragons ahead and
they led the balance of th
way. Manning took individ
ual honors with his 19 points.
Newberg forged to the front
after the initial tip-off and add
ed to its lead as the game pro
gressed. They held a 34-15 hall
time margin.
Dallas (4(I
(8S) Dayton
a Bell
... Matthews
. 4 Sherman
Ediger 14 .
Fischer 9 .
Olson 0 ...
Cook 4
Clark 5 3 18 Manning
Substitutes, for Dallas Bese 3, McPar
land, Jantcn 3, Read, Entz; for Dayton
Hedgecoclc, Reeder, Amu, Hoard 3, Put
man. Halftlme: Dallas 17 Dayton 16.
Newberg (73)
Rosen 16 ...
Hoy 15
Thresher 13 ,
(36) Salem Academy
...r 7 ZeUer
...P 4 Doerkaen
...C is Mlkkelson
...0 3 Rlemer
Loeka 3 3 Prlesen
Substitutes: For Newberg, Martin 3.
Crabtree 3, Ellis, Scott 4, Byers; for Sa
lem Academy D. Johnson. Pfau, BeLapp
4. Qoode, B. Johnson 3.
Halftlme: Newberg 34, Bniem 16.
s w ana