Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 07, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 7, 1950
Celebrate With First Steak Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harper
shop for a thick steak at the company store in Library, Pa.,
to celebrate the United Mine Workers contract settlement.
Harper (left), who works at the big Montour No. 10 pits,
said it's his first steak in months. The butche is Les Wil
liams. (AP Wirephoto)
Air Force Admits Study
To Alter, Speed-Up B-36
Washington, March 7 U.R) The air force disclosed officially
today that It is considering dropping the B-52 Boeing jet bomber
as successor to the B-36 in its heavy bomber program.
No decision has been reached, the air force said. It said, how
ever, that studies are being made to determine how the Convair
B-36 may be beefed up and al-t
tered in design and power.
In response to reporters., in
quiries, the Air Force issued this
"As part of its continuous re
view of existing and planned
programs, the Air Force is ex
amining among other things the
plans for the B-52.
"No decision has yet been
reached whether the B-52 will
be dropped from its present
position as the. planned succes
sor of the B-36. Studies are be
ing made to determine the ex
tent to which the B-36 may
logically be expected to develop
with changes in design and
"In addition to its other re
sponsibilities the Air Force has
an obligation to maintain to the
fullest extent practicable the
health of the air craft industry.
The Boeing company of Seattle,
which develops the B-52, will
continue as a vital part of the in
dustry in Air Force planning re
gardless of the decision which
may be reached on the B-52."
It is reported that the Air
Force is considering replacing
the B-36's six piston engines with
new turbo-prop engines which
would enable the giant craft to
fly higher and faster In Jet air
It is reported' also that the Air
Force is considering modifying
the B-36's conventloal wing with
a swept-back design somewhat
similar to the Air Force's Boe
ing medium range B-47 Jet
The proposed changes in the
Air Force's bomber procurement
program are reportedly dictated
by hard money facts. Under the
defense department's $13,000,
000,000 budget, about $2,000,
000,000 is for aircraft procure
ment. Of this about one-third
goes to naval aviation. The
changes, some reports said,
would enable the Air Force to
do the same job with less money.
Wisconsin produces almost 50
percent of America's cheese supply.
I J? I
Heider Has Protest
Over Road Closures
Willamina The feature of the
Kiwanis luncheon at the Meth
odist church was a talk by Otto
Heider, local attorney, who con
demned the closing of the coun
ty roads to all heavy hauling.
it was announced that the
Chest X-ray unit will be here on
March 15. It was also announc
ed that there would be dances In
the newly completed VFW audi
torium for the next three Satur
day nights.
Some 20 pounds of nails are
used in building the average
house. ,
Held A woman (above)
who identified herself as Mrs.
Mae Bower Ingraham, 45, for
mer Mack Sennett bathing
beauty, is taken to jail in Los
Angeles where she was book
ed on suspicion of murder.
Police said they found her
fiance, Charles McCarthy, 57,
dead on the floor of the kitch
en In his home. (AP Wire-photo)
Paper Good Salesman
Sheridan For the consecu
tive year Jerry Papen, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Papen,. has
won top awards as the Sheridan
grade school's best magazine
salesman. Kenneth Wolfer took
second place honors. The stud
ents sold $661.70 in magazine
subscriptions for the Curtis Pub
lishing Co., and the students
realized $201.53 which will go
toward the purchase of an elec
tric timer and scoreboard.
Qj-S- H
l Your Dorter Sponsored J
Medkal and Hospital 1
Sorrke Plan Otters Broad X
Coverage at ModesCost j
Sponsored and
Approved by
Oregon State
Medico! Society
CHOICt Of PLANS. Choice of doctors
and hospitals. Prepaid medical and hot
pital protection for employed workers
available at modest cost, on an individ
ual, family and group basis. More than
120,000 Oregonians have O.P.S. mem
bership, Wby don't you join them? Use
coupon for literature.
physicians' Service
in i. w. sixth, roaruNO
citotcf or puns wirr ion utttAtv
I am pl0rJ er Mllwployvd end IiinmmJ I. O.P.S,
Mdkol out fcMottal tovroa. M o. chck m
ImJIvMmI omit O Fomltr bil Grovp bolls
eU 10 OJ.i. roillon, Sotaa w MpdIwtV
15 Ratings Are
Now Available
Salem's Organized Naval Re
serve Surface division now has
available for former naval men
with the qualifications, approxi
mately 15 ratings.
The ratings range from a third
class petty officer to a chief and
are open because a number of
reservists who have been in the
unit have not been actively participating.
Three yeoman positions are
open and other openings include
engineering and electronics tech
nicians and openings in the ra
dio branch of the unit. '
Checks Mailed
Units o(14
To be placed in the mail this
year by the veterans administra
tion are approximately 200,000
dividend checks on GI insur
Receiving these checks are
veterans, many of whom are
wondering about the dates that
these checks should be received.
The rebates are mailed in units
of 14 with regard to the last
three digits in the ex-service
men's serial number
Following is a table computed
by the VA from which an ap
proximation can be made as to
the delivery dates. Officials em
phasize, however, that delivery
of the checks is not guaranteed
on the indicated dates
College Girls' Soap Opera
Gets High 'Snooper' Rate
AP Newsieaturss)
Penn Yan, N. Y., March 7 W) The tears drop.
Sobbing, brave Georgia Smith decides once more that she
must put an end to Walter Banning's mad love for her Walter,
who is married to her sister Imogene.
Or must she?
Imogene has taken poison
there is that mysterious letter
Imogene found, and .
But if you could tune in at
7:15 any Wednesday night over
WKCS, the Keuka College radio
station, you'd hear "Georgia
Faces Strife," a 15 minute satir
ical soap opera presented by the
Keuka students of the college
radio workshop.
WKCS is a wired radio facil
ity, covering only the college
buildings, hence the public has
no opportunity to thrill to Geor
gia's trials and tribulations. But
most radios in the college build
ings are sure to ignore the four
major networks and be tuned in
on "Georgia Faces Strife" each
Wednesday evening
It is the most popular program
ever to originate over the col
lege station.
The story deals with the
troubles of Georgia Smith (age
unknown but old enough to
have tasted many of life's bitter
pills), profession (unknown
there just hasn't been any neces
sity for that yet, her creators
say), her sister Imogene, and
Imogene's husband, Walter Ban
ning (age, profession and back
ground unknown as yet).
It seems that Georgia and Wal
ter were former lovers but their
love afair was broken up when
Walter was wounded during the
war (one wonders if he was shot
in the back!), and believing he
would be crippled for life, broke
the engagement. But he wasn't
crippled for life, so he married
Imogene .(figure that one out!)
and now Imogene suspects that
Georgia and Walter are reviving
tneir faded romance,
Georgia's "jams" are not only
complicated, but diversified. To
achieve this sort of plot the script
is written by a different student
each week. Thus, left "cliff-
hanging" at the end of each epi
sode, the next script writer must
rescue Georgia and launch her
into another dilemma.
too If 503 March
504 to S17 March
918 to 531 March 8
132 to 545 March 0
546 to 550 March 10
360 '.o 573 March 13!
174 to 567 March 14
588 to 001 March 15
803 to 815 March 16
616 to 620 March 17
630 to 643 MBrch 20
844 to 657 March 21
658 to 671 March 22
872 to 685 March 23
886 to 80S March 24
700 to 713- March 271
714 to 727 March 38
728 to 741 March 20
742 to 765 March 30
1756 to 760 March 31
783 ADrll
784 to 787 ADrll
to 811 April 8
to 825 April
to 830 April
1340 to 853 April 10
104 to am ADrii
to 881 April 12
682 to 805 April 13
TO VOU ADrll 14
310 tO 023 April
124 to 037 April 18
jj to 51 April 10
352 to 065 April
366 to 070 April 21
00 tO 003 April 24
904 to 000 April 25
Heiress Seeks Help
With Estate Tied-up
Philadelphia, March 7 (U.R) An
ill 74-year-old heiress to a $6,
000,000 fortune sought financial
help today for medical expenses
and to maintain her mansion
home in Bronxville, N. Y.
Mrs. Ethel D. Noble, whose
health is failing, was left the
fortune by her husband, Dr.
Joseph W. Noble who died last
July 2. The estate is tied up by
a legal fight between New York
and Florida over which state
should probate the will.
Her attorney, Joseph A. Nlck-
erson of New York, said Mrs.
Noble's small personal income
is not sufficient to maintain her
home and pay for the day and
night nursing care she must have,
He asked Judge Grover C. Lad-
ner that income from $3,000,000
of the estate's securities be paid
Mrs. Noble pending settlement
of the probate dispute.
Are your children missing out on
the benefife of NABISCO
America's $reat body-building
breakfast (because
Nourishing 100 wholo wheat)
Hearty whole wheat! In all its natural
goodness, including bran and wheat
germ. Ask for the original, one-anti-only
see for yourself why it's the favorite
of generations of sturdy Americans!
and MILK will help provide-
ENERGY it study and play.
..Cakhm-foi building
ptla-fof nourishing
I VHamla 8,-lor aiding
,.aron Important tor red
Splash! A Tear Drops on a pan at a weepy moment in the
Keuka college girls' burlesque of a soap opera. At left, Euth
Machlin plays the tear-jerker, as Barbara Bailey supplies
tears from oil can. Claire Lamb is "Walter."
The satire started with a script-
written by Mildred Levitt of
Pittsfield, Mass., in the radio
script-writing class conducted by
Prof. Charles L. Wallis of the de
partment of English. Students in
the class were so amused they
decided to try it out over the
college radio station It was an
immediate hit.
Ruth Machlin, senior, from
Brooklyn, plays Georgia; Claire
Lamb, junior, from Lake Placid,
N. Y., plays Walter and Doris
Brooks, senior of Cambria
Heights, N. Y., takes the part of
According to Barbara Vor
sanger of Englewood N. J., pro
gram manager of WKCS, "Geor
gia Faces Strife" has a "Snooper
Rating" of 74 per cent of the
students in dormitories. A
"Snooper Rating" is determined
by snoopers going through the
dormitories and checking on the
number of students listening to
the program.
Sheridan Men Hosts
Sheridan Mrs. Roy Malo,
chairman for the WSCS here,
presided at the banquet at which
Mrs. Alice Chappell of Portland
was guest speaker. Others on the
program were Joycelyn and
Barbara Judd who sang a vocal
auet, a vocal solo by Mrs. Clif
ford Stuck, a reading by Janet
Graves. The dinner was pre
pared and served by the men's
group of the church for 145
mothers and daughters.
Chew Steak,
Corn, Apples!
Are you unhappy because your file
teeth slip? Then try BTAZS, remarkable
new oream In a handy tube.
BTAZ1 enables thousands to again bite
Joyously into a Juicy steak or even eat
corn on the cob without fear of plates
slipping. fJTAZB holds plates tighter,
longer seals edges tight helps keep
out food particles. Get economical 334
XAZB. Money-back guarantee.
Gervais Cafe Sold
Gervais Mrs. Robert Kelso
of Gervais and Mrs. Sadie Sha
fer of Portland have purchased
the K. C. Cafe from Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Kuhn, who have oper
ated the cafe since its opening
the early summer of 1948.
The new owners took possession
the first of the month.
SaveTime and Money
Farei aro often lea than lit
clau rail plui Pullman. And you
save hourt In torn cases, days
.of travel time.
Northbound Malnllnert Leave at
2:55 P.M. & 7:50 P.M.
PORTLAND . . . 30mln.
Southbound Malnlinora loovo at
10:05 A. M. & 3:15 P. M.
LOS ANGELES . . 7 hrs.
Fast, luxurious rftghta
lo "all Ihm East"
Airport T.rminal. Coll 2-2455
Oil, Sfl AN
(Ml rfeflMS
The gasoline that's Super-refined to remove power-robbing gum!
i "n rri i a nm 1 1 1 1 siiiaaaqMaain amwmimgfmmmimmmmwmmmmmmfh tw0nmmWmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm
You don't have to let gummy gas make your car a traffic hazard .
.When Chevron Supreme Gasoline is both clean and Super-refined!
the breakfast fill of POWER ihm Niagara Falls!
... Get a tankf ul, and hang onto your hat . . . for it's really full of pep, miles and powerl
It may surprise you, but when your car pokes along, getting in
the way of traffic, it's often because gum is sticking up its engine.
Most raw gasoline contains impurities that form gum, and the
only way to get them out is to refine them out. Chevron Supreme
is the gasoline Super-Re&ned to remove engine-sticking gum. Try
it for powerand for full mileage in the kind of driving
you do. You'll get that "New-Car Feeling," too.
We take better care of your car