Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 07, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women I
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 7, 1950
Delta Gamma
March 19
Tnuitatlnns nre out from Beta
Pi chapter of Delta Gamma sor
ority at Willamette university
for an open house on bunaay
March 19.
Guests are invited to call be
fwoon a and R o'clock at the sor
ority chapter house, 1810 Court
Miss Patti Jane Parsons' is
chairman for the event.
Rebekah Meeting
Event of Monday
At the meeting of the Rebekah
lndee Monday evening, Mrs. L.a-
Ver Appelgate, noble grand,
appointed several committees.
Mrs. Richard Van Pelt, Mrs
Jennie Chalmers, Mrs. Charles
Neubauer were named on the
resolutions committee for Mrs.
Emma Thies.
Mrs. Lloyd Wood was select
ed to give the obligation cere
monies at the district conven
tion at Scotts Mills on Saturday,
March 11.
Elected to take the decoration
of chivalry were Mrs. Donald
Muelhaupt, Mrs. Fred Baker and
Mrs. Estella Hess.
The United Brethren Evangel
ical church, 17th and Nebraska,
invited the lodge to attend the
services there on Sunday, March
For the good of the order pro
gram last evening there was a
short outline of some of the
lodge work.
Mrs. Avis Perrine played sev
eral harmonica numbers accom
panied by Mrs. Pearl Swanson.
Announcement was made of
the Three Links club meeting on
Friday afternoon at the hall and
of team practice next Monday
evening. . .
Teachers Meet
Delta chapter of Delta Kappa
Gamma, honor society for wom
en educators, was entertained
Saturday at Monmouth at the
home of Mrs. Florence Hutchin
son. Plans were discussed for the
state convention to be held in
Portland, April 1. Mrs. Pearl
Heath was program chairman,
presenting Miss Martha Hodg
1 kisen, exchange teacher from
England, who talked on educa
tion in tills country compared
to the system in England. Miss
Hodgkissen is teaching at Cor
vallls high school.
Salem members attending the
meeting were Mrs. Ray Pinson,
Mrs. Ervin Kron, Mrs. Arthur
Weddle, Miss Elizabeth Rader,
Mrs. Carl Booth, Miss Vivian
Chandler, Mrs. John Black, Miss
Florence Berndt, Miss June Phil
pott, Mrs. Arthur Hoenlg.
MEMBERS of the P. L. E. and
F. club are to be entertained
Wednesday evening by Mrs.
Laura Johnson at 407 Vi Court
street, the meeting to be at 8
NEW OFFICERS for the Tllli
eum Dance club Include Glenn
Hoar as president and James
Payne as the secretary-treasurer.
Carl Cover is the retiring presi
dent and Carl Jordan has served
the past year as secretary-treasurer.
Officers were announced
at the Saturday night dance of
the club which is planning its
final event of the season for
"Bloodshot Eyes"
Ann Jones and
"Did Anyone Ever Tell
You Mrs. Murphy"
"If I Knew You Were
Coming I'd've Baked
A Cake.,
Downstairs, OrcRon Bldg.
Phone 38632
Harold A Dorcen Shop-en
Alumnae Meet
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae met
last evening at the home of Mrs.
William E. Healy for the regu
lar monthly gathering and St.
Patrick's day party.
Attending were Mrs Rollln C.
Lewis, Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mrs.
Healy, Mrs. B. J, Kcarns, Mrs.
William Galloway, Jr., Mrs. El
mer Meade, Miss Elise Schroe-
der, Miss Verna Keppinger, Mrs.
Lloyd E. Darling, Mrs. J. H,
Plans were made for the
founders' day event on April 17
and a talk by Miss Carmen
Perez, exchange student from
Guatemala and guest resident at
the Alpha Xi Delta house at Uni
versity of Oregon.
DeMolay Mothers
DeMolay Mothers club is
meeting Thursday noon of this
week at the Masonic temple.
Mrs, L. J. Geer is chairman
of the hostesses, and assisting
are Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. J.
Edgar Reay, Mrs. E. Hill and
Mrs. G. C. Herrig.
club will meet at the Golden
Pheasant on Thursday, March
0, at 6 p. m. Miss Lorraine Meu
sey will act as toastmistress and
Mrs. Mabel Hayles will be in
charge of table topics. Speakers
on the program will be Mrs. Sue
Booch, Miss Brenda Glass, Mrs.
W. P. Hillpot, Miss Freda Cher
rington and Miss Constance
Weinman. Hostess will be Mrs.
Roy Lockenour.
STAR OF THE Sea group,
Junior Catholic Daughters of
America, met at the home of
Gretchen Barr on North 20th
street. There were 13 girls
present. Plans were made to
take part in Holy Hour services
at St. Vincent's March 12, in full
The troop voted to take over
the 10 a. m. church chapel for
the month of March at St. Jo
A no-host skating party will
be held for the troop April 15.
The next meeting will be held
at Nellie Cooney's home on
South 14th street.
WOMAN'S Society for World
Service, Englewood church, is
to meet Thursday at 1:15 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Hugh Low-
miller. Mrs. Lewis Brown is
leader for the meeting.
MR. AND MRS. Vernon De
catur, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burk,
Park Sturgess, William Bow
man and Stacey Metcalf motor
ed to Eugene Saturday evening
to attend the banquet and meet
ing at the Knights of Pythias
Memorial church is to be en
tertained Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Charles Neu
bauer, 1470 North 16th. Mrs.
Irma Lehman is to lead devo
tions. Mrs. Neubauer, Mrs. Irvin
Brooks and Mrs. W. C. Drake-
ley, Jr., are hostesses for the
Don't garnish too many dishes
at one meal; if the main course
is heavily garnished, for In
stance it's not necessary to add
extras to the vegetables or
children's as-
flrin. 14 tcr&ln
ablets asaura
accuracy. Or
anffo flavored.
Uorn how to Mala vaur amI
Mora bioullM, tho Miy woyt Pot
nnroiting loch, lor llmo-anoV
monoy saving tlpi, luno in
KSLM 9:15 A.M.
At Your Service!
FOR YOUR . . .
V Storage
v0 Hauling
i Fuel
DIAL 3 3131
OR SEE US AT . . .
889 N. Liberty '
p ijf. .
( v., t f fil
Wed at Sublimity Wed recently at St. Boniface church
at Sublimity were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sabrowski. The
bride is the former Arlene Wolf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Wolf of Aumsville, Mrs. Sabrowski the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Sabrowski. (Jesten-Millcr studio picture)
For Mrs. Bagnall
Honoring Mrs. George Bag
nall who resigned recently as
director for the Camp Fire Girls
work here, Mrs. Raymond F. Ol
son entertained Friday at lunch
eon. Places were marked for
13. guests including some of the
long-time leaders who have
worked with Mrs. Bagnall in
Camp Fire groups, members of
the office staff and Mrs. W. E.
Gardner, chairman of the awards
is to meet Friday of this week
at 2 p. m, at the home of Mrs.
Mabel Martin, 956 Hood street.
Nick LeRud is to lead the de
votions. A business session will
follow the program.
l ' r . "
in u-j
Engagement Told The en
gagement of Miss Wanda Ferren,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Banick of Brooks, to Robert
Richard Wilson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert E. Wilson of Ger-
vais, was announced recently,
me wedding to be June 25.
burn Woman's Rural club will
meet Thursday, March 9. in the
Lutheran hall , for a no-host
luncheon at noon. The commit
tee in charge of arrangements
will be Mrs. Albert Rheinholdt,
Mrs. Ruby Rudi, Mrs. Mildred
Rice and Mrs. Roy Seely. A
business meeting will be held at
2 p. m. with Mrs. H. A. Lohse
presiding and the program will
feature an auction sale.
DAYTON Mrs. Ernest Bud-
ke was hostess to the members
of the Pleasant Hour Reading
club, with 20 members and one
guest present. Guests for the
afternoon were members of the
County Federation of Women's
clubs; Mrs. Lola Alderman, Day
ton, president; Mrs. Vernisiha
Newby, Amity, vice president;
Mrs. Dolph Goodrich, Dayton,
Plans were completed for the
dinner with husbands and
friends as guests on March 17.
Mrs. Clete Gell had charge of
the lesson on "Thumb Nail
Sketches of New Plays." She
was assisted by Mrs. Alderman,
who gave a brief report of Time
Magazine version of the play,
"Stromboli." Mrs. Shawver gave
a few remarks on America's own
Passion play, "Veronica Veil."
Mrs. Gell talked about the lead
ing plays of Broadway and of
Europe. The federation officers
spoke briefly and each was pre
sented with a gift. After the
collect, refreshments were serv'
O 0
Lutheran church is meeting
Wednesday in the church par
lors, the luncheon to be at 1
p. m. Mrs. B. L. Trelstad is to
present the topic and Mrs. Ralph
Johnson will lead devotions.
Those attending are asked to
take their quarterly in-gather
ing thank offering boxes.
Named for
Committees for the coming
year in the Salem club, Daugh
ters of the Nile, were announc
ed by the president, Mrs. R. D.
Bright, at the meeting of the
group, Monday. The list is as
Telephone Mrs. Eldon Arm
strong, chairman, Mrs. Paul
Shaffer, Mrs. Sam Stitchler,
Mrs. Clarence R. Shrock, Mrs
Al Feitelson, Mrs. Wade Ellis,
Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mrs. Charles
Harris, Mrs. George Dunsford.
Sewing Mrs. Gregory Mae
fliger chairman, Mrs. Roy
Tweedie, Mrs. M. F. Grub, Mrs.
John Imlah.
Hostess Mrs. Elmo McMillan.
Philanthropic Mrs. Lqren
Spaulding, chairman, Mrs. Joe
Bourne, Mrs. William Newmyer,
Mrs, Paul A. Hale,
Publicity Mrs. Merle Travis,
Mrs. Carl Quistad.
Cheer Mrs. Max Alford,
chairman; Mrs. Otto Eckersley,
Mrs. Lynn Lambeth.
Transportation Mrs. Melvin
Propp, Mrs. John Graybul.
Membership Mrs. Harris
Lietz, Mrs. Claude H. Post.
Rodeo project for Shrine club
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy.
Purchase of sewing machine
Mrs. J. S. Lochead, Mrs. Greg
ory Haefliger, Mrs. M. F. Grub.
The group discussed plans for
the spring bridge benefit, the
date to be set: also for a rum
mage sale for next September.
Willamina Friends here have
received announcement of the
marriage of Miss Donna Jeanne
Majors which took place Febru
ary 18 in Klamath Falls.
Miss Majors, daughter of
Mrs. and Mrs. Morris Ma
jors of McMinnville, was
wed to Wallace G. Wright
son of Mrs. W. E. Wright
also of McMinnville, at the Eric
Major residence. Rev. David
Barnett performed the ceremony
before the fireplace decorated
with candles.. The bride was
given in marriage by her father,
and wore a white princess style
satin gown with embroidered
seed pearls. The fingertip length
veil, edged in wide lace, was
held in place by a seed pearl
crown. The bride carried step-
hanotis surrounding a single or
chid on her white Bible.
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Eric Majors, sister of the bride
groom, who wore a frock of
orphid colored satin fashioned
with hopped skirt. She carried
a nosegay of pink carnations,
Eric Majors was best man for
the couple.
A reception followed the cere
mony. After the reception, they
left for a wedding trip to San
Francisco, after which they will
be at home in McMinnville. The
bride attended the University of
Oregon, and Mr. Wright, Ore
gon State college. The bride's
grandmothers, Mrs. Mary Smith
of McMinnville, and Mrs. Lela
Maors of Corvallis were also
present for the nuptials.
REGULAR meeting for the
Catholic Daughters of America
will be Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock in the Woman's club
Party for !
Engaged Duo
Mr. and Mrs. John Steelham-
mer are to entertain Saturday
evening at an informal open
house to honor Mrs. Steelham
mer's sister, Miss Patricia Van-
deneynde, and the latter's fiance,
Ted E, Reed, whose engagement
was announced recently.
Among other events planned
for Miss Vandeneynde preceding
her marriage will be a luncheon
for which Mrs. Wayne Loder is
to entertain next week.
Birthday Party
Event of Saturday
Miss Doris Helen Spaulding
was given a surprise party by a
group of her high school friends
Saturday evening at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Dancing was enjoyed and late
refreshments served.
The party was arranged by
lobbie Graham. Dornthv Suri-
gart, Virginia Eyre and Edith
Baker. Assisting the girls during
the evening were Mrs. Robert
Eyre. Mrs. Wallace Carson and
Mrs. Bruce Spaulding.
Honoring Doris Helen were
Jodie Ellis, Lucinda Cotman,
Edith Baker, Mary Jane Rud,
Sharon Laverty, Nadine Gilman,
Dorothy Swigart, Jody Ricketts,
Sue Hendrie, Layce Taylor,
Marlyn Lorenz, Bobbie Sjoding,
Caroll Weinstein, Virginia Eyre,
Carol Fisher. Amv Girnrf Mo
jorie Little, Joanne Wenger,
Norma Stewart, Pat Healy, Val
jJean Gosnel, Jan Foulger, Bob-
ale ijranam, sally Becker, Char
lotte Wood, Pattie Railsback,
Janet Westfall, Othclene Lee,
uonna vogt, Greta Ann Schre
cengost, Helen Callaghan, Bev
erly Young, Claudia Talmadge
and Naydeen Taylor.
Jim Hill, Dick Smith, Dick
Lewis, Dick Evans, Bob Holden,
Elliott and Jay Backstrand, Ron
Nelson, Mike McManus, Michael
Deenev. David Rhoten. rhnr-t
Bales, Wally Carson, Scott
i-age, oruce Burns, Stanley
Ssamuels, Merl Baumgart, Don
Peper. Dwieht Rankin. Snnnirv
Williams, Vernon Rouse, Jeff
wanon, XNoet swingle, Jim
Brown, Burton Harp, Bob Nopp,
Rex Layton, Glenn Benner,
Bruce King, Frank Papenfus,
bod rtazei, uon McKenzie, Ed
die Bauer, Jim Mathieson,
Dwaine Rankin Ttah rtntiffHlnn
Elmer Winegar, Bob Walker!
.lAJoufd be
Dtnuing. Joo i
If j-ou just had YOUR HAIR so becomingly styled
by Erich of New York
Mr. Erich and his staff of specially trained operators s.tand ever ready to
help you put your "best looks" forward. Our recently introduced "Perk-Up"
Permanent Wave is a tremendous success. Why not come in and try ore.
"Perk-Up" Permonents (neckline and sides only)
From 5.00 Others 8.S0 and up
ff New wH
251 N. Liberty Dial 3-3921
Salem Couple
Tell Engagement
Announcement is made of the
engagement of Miss Janet Lind-
ley, the daughter of Mrs. J. C.
Lindley of Salem and the late
Mr. Lindley, to William K. Pax-
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
S. Paxson, Salem.
The news was ' told at the
Gamma Phi Beta sorority house
at Oregon State college this past
week-end when the bride-elect
passed daisies with a note to re
veal the news to her sorority sis
No date for the wedding is an
Miss Lindley and Mr. Paxson
are both sophomores at OSC.
Miss Lindley is a member o'f
Talon, women's honorary on the
campus there.
DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Stewart attended the wedding
of their long-time friend, Mrs.
Ethel Fournier, Amity, and Rus
sell Lawson, Perrydale, on
Thursday, March 2, at the Chris
tian churcl) parsonage, at Amity
The couple left on a trip to
Cottage Grove to visit relatives
and will be at home near Amity.
Don Davis, Jerry Agnew, Jack
Beakey and Jim Humphrey.
Capital Unit
Hears About
Capital Unit No. 9, American
Legion auxiliary, met last eve
ning. Reports were given by
Mrs. Clara Poland and Mrs.
Malcolm Cameron on the dis
trict conference at McMinnville
on Sunday.
Mrs. Allan Carson reported
on the meeting of the newly
formed county polio council
with the Marion county chap
ter of the Foundation for Infan
tile Paralysis, Inc. Mrs. Carson
was delegate from the unit to
the meeting.
Further plans were made by
the group for its style show to be
staged March 20 at the Ameri
can Legion club.
The sewing committee an
nounced an all-day meeting for
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Helen Slater, a no-host luncheon
to be served at noon On display
at the meeting Monday were
some of the articles made by the
sewing committee.
For the special music Karlene
Quistad played plane selections.
pi m -m
u ine vfiQice or rnose
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in u
JfTft I it sT I'l I CN.7 .TVS i 'rXlJJ"'
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You can't afford to ntn th nw
ECONOMY modli which hart bi
added to th Fra-WitinghouM
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fulur larioQit
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.r-. 5i x"KiU SmortlT tjlti mull ZZZZZTjZfS?
vV walnut and mahogany arall- i&alS3r
m BaautlfuUr dulgntcf
4 dttak madl. nvniUhl
In walnut. Smartly
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with ampU iwlna
ipac. Two drowns
ior lawlng aupplUi.
Binding, tang
ling and clog
ging of thtad
llmfnatod by
SetUnttd Floal
ig Q lb Hook.
' Specially at-
JRQM ilgaad ggn VVv
rjr2&3 Hnlaot lubri- ifl o
f cation during If fl f) )
lifotim of mw- VJJ)
y log maehln. Ostx
Conitantly gulat -C
and mooth nia
A flip of ih
witch rvni
sowing IramodU
atoly wbrmr
backward and
forward towing
la dtalnd.
acccssoriis por'iviry purposi .
Soto tint, monoy,
and effort. Hako
I our own burton
oUi. An oaty
Job with tho But
tonholo Attach
Biont '
O isulit horn-
tltehtng dainty
trim. BoautKul ro
mlti with a Hob.
tltchlng Attaeh-
Other Models 89.95 up 1 As Little as 9.95 down, 5.80 per mo.
37S Chemeksta, Saltm