AUTOMOBILES "McKay's Corner" The "OK" That Counts! Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. . 550 No. Commercial St. Phone 3-3175 g FOR RENT APARTMENTS t EM. lurn. apt. upstairs. 704 N. Com'l, CLOSE IN lovely electric heated modern a rm. lurn. apt. Prlv. bath. 535 N. Winter. . JpM FURN. X rm., bath, private entrance, 1st . floor. 1 blk. to bus. 1285 N. Liberty. Ph. 20837. Jp56 EM. lurn. apt. Clean. Close In. Utll. furn. Ph. 29201. 760 W. Church St. Jp56 RM. partly furn. apt. N. Salem, oil heat, eloo. range. 365 Taylor 6t Ph. 22097. . . . 1PS6' 1 BDRM. apt. on west Aide. Ph. 2-1421. Jp5B BOOMS St Apts. for rent. 360 N. Capitol . JUBN. I fc RM. apts. Ph. 2-726B. iPl RM FURN APT, 6 S. 17th after 6 p.m. HEW 2 rm apt, private bath, partially rurmsnea. acuhj. imi unnu. 1 BDRM large unfurn. apt. Electric stove St auto, oil heat. Prlv. bath. Also 3 rm. mailer apt. with electric stove & prlv. bath. Children accepted. Ph. 37773 or 1437 N. 4th. JP57' K1CELT PCRy. modern 1st fir. apt. Cen-- lAnntMl. Hat water heat. For 1. a couple or 2 girls. 468 N. Winter. Jp57 RM. partly turn. apt. N. Salem, oil heat, lee. range. 365 Taylor St. JpSS S RM. BASEMENT apt. 627 N. Winter. 1P57 SINGLE GIRL to ahare my apt. Ph. 3-8508 avt. 1P58 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE with Llvesley Bids. ent rance. Ph. 3-9801. J58' SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free Pick up delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512. 1 KENT USED CAB lot, 1695 N. Com'l. J71 BUSINESS BLPG. at 1694 N. Com'l. 391 tJSED REFRIGERATOR, Al Laug ReT CO., 2350 State. Ph. 3-5443. BUSINESS RM. tor rent B. L. 8 tin. V DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service ' Center at Cottago. Ph. 38 103 J QOOP USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. J' FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. r fOWEB TOOL rental lor home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3040. TBAILERS S2.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 B. 12th, West Salem. to DO a lood Job rent a good floor sand- er. ; Wt sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 ! ROOM & BOARD SALEM Nursing Home. 3593 "D" fit. Am bulatory or bed patients. Men or wom- WANTED TO RENT LOCAL BUSINESS man St wife desire 1 or 2 bdrm. furn. home. Ph. 2B662. Ja5B GOOD 2 or 3 bdrm. houxe. Government employe by Marcn ao. ra. .nwua. jaoi- S OB 8 BEDROOM house to 160. Ph. 3-8109. la57 WANTED to rent S room house, 2 adults. LOST & FOUND POUNDi Large butt male collie. Ph. 2-0624 or 2-3772. k57 MISCELLANEOUS LIS SPRINGER, men's hatter, 46 Court. ' We close Saturdays 12:30. m83 SPENCER COBSETIEBE Call 3-5072. m73' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I-HX SERVICE IN MQS1 CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolp't Bldg. State St Commercial 6ts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL WE SELL ONLY the best cedar shingles all grades. Del. 18" No. 1 carton pack ed cedar wall shakes with under-course 112.50 sq Oak St Pecan flooring. Cedar St Spruce siding. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. ma' JFOB PERMA-STONE, Ph. 2-0603. ma78 Oak Flooring Ko. 3 com shorts $130 per M Ko. 2 com Rl S180 P" M Full line of building supplies. Estimates gladly given. FHA blue prints FREE with material. Epping Lumber Co. 4140 SllWton Rd. Ph. J30J4 miST HOW'S YOUR ADDITION? . Top quality lumber. PLUS prompt effl- clent aervlce. PLUS UDbeatabla prlcea, EQUAL West Salem Saw Mill 1090 Wallace Rd Vi Mile North ol River Ph, i-0593 ma73 SAVE AT KEITH BROWNI ! CEDAR WDmO V4x" 125 M. WINDOWS prices ataahed In half on x tpeclal shipment. Variety of alzea. Soma aa low aa II. so. REJECT PLYWOOD U". V tt", V atartlng at 4o for eelllni tile plr . wood. EVERYTHING to build anythlnl at that convenient location. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court, Salem. ma HOME BUILDERS CONTRACTORS - CARPENTERS Inqulr. about apec. low-price on new plaater board. 4x8 aheeta. Write C. O. Lou Rt. 1, Salem, Ore. or Ph. 15111. ma5 ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber. mWworfc, bard ma terials, hardware, floor coTerlng. el ectric appliances, paints. Insulation, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase1 of 120 up to I3O0 Small, easy monthly payments take eare of the rest Make It easy on your budget with budget terms from KaTH BROWN LUMBER YARD that eon Ten lent Iivatlnn F I and Court Streets. Salem, ma T Jlace Classified Ads , Phone 2-2406 ' (AUTOMOBILES '49 Buick Roadmaster Sedan - $2495 Radio Jleater - Dynaflow '49 Pontiac "8" Sedan $2195 Radio - Heater - Hydramatic '48 Chevrolet f Ton Pickup $1195 Heater - Deluxe Cab FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LEAF MOLD. $1.50 8k. Del. Ph. 3-3537. APT. SIZE electric range 165. 1 two burn er electric plate tlO Ph. 2184, 170 Lan sing Ave. nS6 500 BOXES, small size yellow Newtown apples. 50c box. Bring boxes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. ntfl PHILLIPS BROS. SPECIAL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry, weed free, sterilized, dehydrated and pul verized. Ready for any use and will not . burn. Made in Salera. From cow and chicken manure. Call 31468 and order now, Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 118, Sa lem, Ore. 4 ml. east on State, n 10 USED tires. Make an offer. Ph. 2-4220. nBB TABLE TOP Oas Stove. Automatic gas water heater, both, 175. W. L. Wlant, Hubbard Ore. Next door to feed store. . nS6 35 M. LIECA CAMERA and case. Ph. 132 WX, Independence, Ore. n61 MOVltfO: Must sell davenport. Excellent condition. Ph. 3-9878. n57 ALMOST NEW Gibson tractor with disc. 1400. Wagon Wheel Gift Shop, 2 miles north Woodburn, hiway HOE. n5B MOITAIB DAVENPORT St chair; ladies' Roadmaster bicycle with light, horn Ss basket; O.E. conventional rug cleaner with attachments. Blbson concert type guitar St Lyon St Mealy mandolin with case. 063 Marquam Road, SUverton, Ore. Ph. 4043 after 6 p.m. n61 WESTINGHOUSE apt. size elec. range St refrlg. A-l condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 2-0478. nS8 OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa a NO WAXING required With PLA8TXO KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Ohemeketa n PHILLIPS BROB Fertilizers, well rotted or trashy any k! ' By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock. work Cedar fence posts. Telephone and eleo. poles. Any length, Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 2-1458. Rt. 6. Box 118. n 200 GAL. WHITE outside paint, 13 gal. Good dining room table 88. Good cir culating wood heater tlO. Hot water tank (2.60. Ph. 2-1890. n38 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS I19.9& Up luotcin nrruinjiva w. 3io unemegetg, n FOB SALE Sawdust Conveyer complete With 100 ft. belt and H h.p. motor; also sawdust burner. Ph. 3-9808. n60 SALEM SAND Si GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basemen Equipment Rente. 15 B ti yds. 10 13 yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer D-5 Cat St Doier D-4 Cat St Dozer Set w about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon a BREEZE range burner, dble. barrel. Cop per tubing. Ph. 2-7533. n57 100S MODEL Springfield aporter. Ph. 3--B852 after 8. Bee at 1395 Pearl. n57 USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 A up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n REROOFING, painting, remodeling. Wills mette Valley Roof Co., Salem. n FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. n83 GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, and Montag Appliances at Oevurts. n bsED Electric ranges, 119.95 Ss up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n HEAT your home electrically with West inshouse or Wesln automatlo electric heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 Chemeketa. n STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings, In tock, made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n68 USED RADIOS ' record players, 19.95 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa TEXAS BERMUDA onion plants hen now. Puritan Cider Wks., w. Salem. n57 PLASTIC APRONS, variety to choose from, makes beautiful gifts. Some host ess, ideal for kitchen use. Ph. 20403. alt GET YOUR yard and garden peet moss at Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. We have both half and whole bales. n79 WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CRUSHED ROOK for roads and dme ways. cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. H-yd shovel St drag Ha Pa. 1-9249 n FOB YOUB spring tonic drink and en Joy Pure Apple Cider. Contains all the fruit vitamins (no preservative). Pur Itan Cider Wks., W. Salem. n57 35 REO l'A T.-L.W.B. Truck $95. 2 wheel Trailer. 18" tires. Used pipe Ss fittings, bricks, windows, etc. Rt. 0 Box 232. Vt mile No. of Frultiand iJburch. n5fl BENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds Buren, 3-7775. 745 Court St. n82 ELEC. WATER heater 135. Ph. 3-8837. &57 HOP STAKES for sale. Ohas. P. WyffeU, it. 2 box 127, Woodburn. Ore. Ph. 1414. . n5 BUBBEB MATTING made from discarded tires. For door mats, back bars, schools, churches, machine shops, etc. Any size. Very reasonable. Ph. Green 388, Charles Klopp, Woodburn, Ore. n57 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 4 Small balloon tires similar to chil dren's, wagon sis. Call Hotel Salem 33161. 1 na58 FIB STUMP AGE and fir logs wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company. Inc. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42. na USED SAFES, used door closures. Ph. 3-7918. na57- PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TILLER Palm and paTchlc reader. Madame aolvea Tour worrlea. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dallr 173 S. Com'l. Under new man. aiement. with thia ad and 11.00 gat a apeclal readlni. Ph. 3-92S5. pS STAMUX BOMB Product. Ph. am. pu PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 35234. P.O. Box 724, YMCA Wed.. Frl, 8:10 p.m. pl36 AUTOMOBILES LOG TRUCK St trailer. Will take '48 or '47 car as part. 1258 N. 6th after e p.m. q58 OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS AHEAD OLDSMOBILE FACTORY DELIVERY AGAIN AVAILABLE New Low Prices STARTING AT $1745 Delivered to You at Lansing, Mich. COME IN OR PHONE 3-4119 LODER BROS. 465 Court St. 42 DODGE panel ton, 1400. '39 Chev. panel Vfc-ton, 1275, 2585 Portland Road. q58 Eisner Motors to Sell FROM owner 1949, 135 Packard deluxe touring sedan. All extras. Coit 13450, now 1300. Bank terms. Ph. 4-2338, 155 Fisher Rd. 051 '49 FORD station wagon. Has everything. Cost 13,050. Sell for 11850. Ph. 2-9987. Q58 FOB SALE Equity In 1941 Ford coupe, 1200. See at 1905 S. 12th. q5B '34 FORD cpe. Radio, runs good. See at 3111 Sunnyvlew Ave. after 5 p.m. q58 47 CHRYSLER Highlander. R&H. Clean, low mileage. See at University Clean ers. 108 S. Church. q58 1939 1 TON DODGE truck. A-l condition, new rubber, good rack, 25-ft. trailer house, good condition, new electric re frigerator St lots of extras. 2299 State St. Ph. 35413. Q&fl 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe. Excel!, cond. R&H. Private party. 1145. Ph. 1-3587. qSB '84 CHEV. 2-door sdn. Good tires, heater. Fair cond. 190. Ph. 2-6900. q50 Eisner Motors to Buy '42 INTER, dump truck. Extra motor St trans. 13th St Hoyt. q57 GOOD 1938 Chrysler coupe. By owner. 845 Ferry St. qBO 49 FORD club coupe. 7000 miles. 11495. 1620 Cross. Apt. 4. q57 '4fl CHEV. 5-yd..dump truck. Sell or trade. Take car or pickup. 2350 N, Church. q57 1100 BARGAIN '29 Model A Ford 4-door. Good condi tion thruout. Recently overhauled. 16 lnch wheels. Runs fin. See at 2770 Garden Rd. eve. only. q57 WILL TRADE or sell 1941 Willys sedan In good shape except for upholstery, which Is a little rough, good mileage car St 1934 Studebaker sedan, good transportation, will add between 150 4 lioo cash. Title must be dear on your car. 3615 Garden Rd. q5S Eisner Motors Fine Gars FARM EQUIPMENT 1945 OLIVER 60 rowcrop tractor, 1550. BOATS 1948 EV1NRUDE llEbt four 0-7 h.p. motor. Run about 30 bra. 4150. Call J-5581. Q461 FINANCIAL AUTO LOARa WILLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. . -182 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph, 2-2467 Lie. No. M-159 B-18 T SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4tt INTEREST ft to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 144 State St. Phone J-300J f FARM AND CITY LOANS i'hl. and 1 toon OWN TERMS ot repayment within reaaon. Caah for Real Batata Contract! and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. Ml Pioneer Trust Bids. Pb. 4-31U. f GENERAL PINArtCB CORP. LOANS Lla. 8-133 and II-SM , and ROT R. SIMMONS OlSDRANCt AND LOANS Hear "Top Trade." 13:08 dallr K.S.L.M. 1390 10811 13S S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-0161 r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. i98r Fairgrounds Road ' Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie No. M389-S291 .Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. t BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAEJt YOU THRIFTY IN '60 , PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY ' PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 - CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 1, a. LIBERTY PHONI t-130! MORTGAGE LOANS HOMES BUSINESS FARMS Abrams & Skinner, Inc. r6' PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Tenna On Larger Loana Lone and Short Tim. Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St. Phon. 1-3161 t NEED CASH For Bills! C cash to consolidate bills and reduce expenses. Loans 125 to 8500 on Auto, up to 1300 on Salary or Furniture up to 20 months to repay. Charges only for the time you use the money. No co signers required. Let us try and arrange a loan the same day. We like to say "Yes." Come In or phone. PERSONAL Finance Company Paelfle Building Room 13ft 518 STATE STREET Phon. 1-3464 c. R. An en. Mar. Lie. 8-133 - 14-105 LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS r58 TRAILERS HOUSE TRAILER, 1048 deluxe modal. III. new. .i loot, rnone a-a.oa. DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented. repaired. Roen 458 Court Phone l-773 AUTO BADIO& MARION MOTORS NA8H SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-92M. Night a-100. jjj uenur. BUILDING AND CARPENTRY Labor contract your new home. Also remodeling and repair. Pb 2-4850. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 DIRECTORY BULLDOZING Bulldoslng, leveling, road bldg, clear ing, teeth tor brush. Virgl) Huskey. 1010 Fairvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3148,, o63 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. All makes sold, rente 1, re paired. Roen. 458, Court. Ph. 3-8773. o CEMENT WORK Foundation, sidewalks, driveways, pa tlos, curbs, walls, etc. Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Oil stove, furnace, chimneys vacuumed cleaned. Ensley. 771 8. 2Ut. Ph. 1-7178 078 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross, Rt. 6. Box 437-C. a78 DRESSMAKING Tailoring St alternation. 1132 Edge wa ter 3-7579 eve, 069 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen St Son excavating St grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. o59' Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 8-9179. o Complete repair service. Oil burners, furnaces St oil stoves, day or nlte. Guar anteed work. Ph. 4-2424. 072 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. Doerfler St Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1332. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 246 Jef ferson St. Phone 23452. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. 078' Expertly sharpened. Jtcobsen Power Mower Dealer. Moore's Bicycle St Sport Shop. 237 N. High Street. Ph. 3-3844 o7 LAWN MOWERS KNIFE SHARPENER At Or Door grinding, lawn mowers, scis sors, knives. Dexter1 Ph. 3-6833. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4089. o MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St Ph. 3-7569 o59 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases, lerce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court. Elfstrom's are equipped to do your painting. Phone 2-3493. o PAINTING A PAPERING Painting Ss paperhanglng. Free esti mate. 857 Shipping, Ph. 3-9813. o59 Ph. 22608 for painting, paperhanglng. Attractive rates. Vender Molen. o75 Painting St paperhanglng done expertly ds reasonable. Ph. 32398, 37184. o74 PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON PH. 2-9348. 062 PLUMBING Preeze damage repairs. Ph. 2-9358. q57 Fisher, 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-2984. 076 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing. Hutchcon Paint Store. Phone 3-6687. o ROTO ROOTER Call Electric Roto Rooter for clogged sewers, drains. Ph. 2-5327. L. Howard. o SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand St Oravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Salem Saw Writs, ph. 2-7603. 1292 N. 5th. o75 SEPTIC TANKS Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service, 550 Larson. Phone 2-0734. o Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem, Pb. 8-9468. 1-5327 057 SEWER CLEANING SERVICE Electrlo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean sewers, drains, L. Howard. Ph. 3-5327 SPRAYING Bpraylng, L. W. Caudle. Ph. 2-7900. o78 All makes repaired, fEe estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No. Commercial, Ph. 8-8612. o TRANSFER STORAGE Local St Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to Portland dally, Agent for Beklns. House hold goods moved to anywhere In . U. S. or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 3-3131. o TREE WORK Insured tree service. Ph. 26014. o75 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under wood portables. All makes used machines Repairs and rent. Roen, 466 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or rcfinlssned. Relnholdt Lewis. 2-3630. Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 37328. WEATBERSTRIPFING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 2-6965. o78 WELL DRILLING R. J. West. 4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-2773. o80 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, walls, St woodwork cleaned- Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Court Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather. o WINDOW 8HADES Washable, Roller, Made to order. 1 Day Del. Relnholdt St Lewis. Ph. 2-3639. o WOOD SAWING Atkins. 1145 Tile Rd. 3-8674. WOOD SAWDUST West Balem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LODGE Loyal Order of Moose meet Ttaurs. nigra 284 N. comi, pn. 3-5ZZ7. 78 Alnsworth Lodge No. 201, A.F A Si AM. Special Tiles., March 7. M.M. Degree, 7:30 p.m. 66' Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. tc AM Wednesday, March 7. E.A. De gree, 7:30 pin. 67' Journal Want Ads Pay a s ii.j ... i j. !! iwsws i ,.yHV pr'Z"- fM TfJ'fs If Robert Preston, Robert Sterling, John Barrymore, Jr., plan a course of action in "The Sundowners1 Eagle-Lion release, at tht Grand tomorrow with "Close-Up." Held In Multiple Stabbing William Jones, 19, sits bound in Brooklyn, N. Y., precinct police station after a wild stabbing rampage. Police said he stole an eight-inch bread knife from a cafe and ran berserk through the streets, stabbing six persons, three of whom died. (Left to right) Louis Andrezzi, assistant district attorney, who hold the knife; Miles McDonald, dis trict attorney; Patrolmen Jack Pond and Daniel Leahy, who captured the assailant. (AP Wirephoto) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock fllarael (By Valley Packing OoiuPany) Wooled lambs $22.00 Feeder Lambs S16.00 to 120.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs) S18.00 to 120.00 Veal (150-300 lbs) top ,.124.00 to 828.00 Fat dairy cows $ to 1 14.60 Cutter cows 1 10.00 to S13.50 Dairy heifers tia.00 to 116.00 BuUs 814.00 to 119.00 Portland Eastslde Market Trading on the Portland Eastslde Far mers Wholesale Produce market today was extremely slow with offerings lim ited to valley potatoes, dry onions, loose and face packed apples and seasonal root vegetables. All prices were nominal. Portland Produce Butterfat Tentatlre, Subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .36 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 65-68c lb.; 92 score 83-88c; 90 score, 61-64C. 89 score 55c Valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk eubea to whllesalers, grade 93 score, 64c. A 92 score, 62c; B score, 61c; O, 89 score 60c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-42o, Oregon 6 small loaf, 44U-45oi triplet 1 less than singles. Eggs (to Wholesalers) A grade large 38-39 Vic. Port laud Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers'. Grade AA prints, 69c; AA cartons, 70c; A prints, 69c; A cartons 70o; B prints, 66c. Ecgi Prices to retailers; Grade AA large 45o doz.; certified A large, 43c; A large c; aa meaium, -c; a meaium, 41-42o; B medium, 33c; cartons 2o addi tional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42e; Oregon loaf, & lb. loafs 44!4-45o lb.; triplets, 1ft cents less than singles. Premium brands, alngiea, SIVtC lb.; loaL 53 Me. Poultry . Live Chickens (No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Plants): Broilers, under 2 lbs, nominal; fryers, 2-3 lbs, 30-32c; 3-4 lbs. 33 -34c; roasters, 4 lbs and over, 33-34c; light hens under 4 lbs, 18c; over 4 lbs, 20-2 lc; heavy hens, all weights, 25c; old roosters, all weights, 13-He. Turkey Net to growers, toms. 10-Sle. hens, 44c. Price to retailers, dressed, A ycung hens, 60-Slo; A young toms, 27 38c; light toms, 41-42o. Babbits Average to growers, 11t whites 4-5 lbs, n-20o lb.; 6-6 lbs. 15-18c lb.; colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 8-13c Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40c; local, 48 52c Conntrr-Kllled Heati Veal Top quality, 18-4 lc lb.; other grades according to weight and quality with lighter or heavier, 33-35c. Boss Light blockers, 24-28C! sows, 20-220. Lambs Top quality springers, 40-42c; mutton, best, 16-20c; hough heavy ones, 12-15C. Beef Good cows, 27-32q lb.; canners cutters, 24-25C. Preah Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.): Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbA.S40-43; commercial, 340-42; utility, 335-39. Cows; Commercial, $36-39; utility, $34 36; canners-cutters, $31-33. Beet cuts (Good Bteersj, Hind quarters, 148-52; rounds. 148-51; full loins, trimmed, 163-67; triangle, $39-42; square chucks, $44-46; ribs, $55-60; forequarters, $40-43. Veal and calf: Good. $46-48; commercial, $39-46; utility, $32-39. Lamb: Good-choice spring lambs, $45 47; commercial, $42-44; utility, $36-38. Mutton; Good, 70 lbs. down, $26-28. Pork loins, $48-48: shoulders, 16 lbs., down, $34-35, sparerlbs, $45-48; carcass es, $27-28; mixed weights, $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Hlseellaneone Onions: Supply moderate, market dull; Ore. yellows. No. 1, medium, $1.25-35; iarge, $1.50-75; 10 lbs, 25 -35c; boilers, 10 lbs. 20-25c: onion sets. Oregon yellow. 50 lbs, 15.50-16.00; white, $6.25-50; Calif. wntte giooes, i3.oo-aa. LEGAL General Services Administration Pub lic Buildings Service Office of the Di vision Engineer 123 TJ. S. Court House Seattle 4, Washington March 1 1950 Sealed bids In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 3 p.m. March 22, 1950 and then publicly opened, for lurntsning uie materials, and periorm Ing the work for interior and exterior painting and repairs at the U.S. P.O., McMinnvllIe, Oregon in strict accord ance with the specifications dated PB-DIV-8, Peb. 20, 1950 and drawings (If any) mentioned therein: and the general conditions dated Sept. is, ivn. And addenum thereto dated May 15, 1944. Specifications and other data may be had at the office of the custod ian of the building or the office of the division engineer, or . public buildings service. Room No. 507, Lemon Build ing, Washington, O.C. L. W. Prlbcrg Di vision Engineer. Mar.7,8,9. Potatoes. Ore. local Burbanks. No. 12.50-50; Deschutes Russets, No. 1A, $3.20- jo; no. 4, ou ids.,; it ids., B5-oc; is ids, 63-esc; wash. Netted Gems, No. 1, $3.15-30: 25 lbs. 80-85o: 15 lbs. 6D-82c: No. 2, 11.15-35; lnrgo bilkers, $4.00-50; Idaho Russets, waxed, $3.65-75; new potatoes, Fla. Triumphs, size A, $3.00-25. nay: new crop, stacK Dales, o. a. no. 2 green Aiiana, trucK or car-Jots r-u-z Portland or Puget sound markets. 33. so il. 00 ton; U. 8. No. 1 mixed Timothy. $44 ton; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertuiea ciover nay, nominally izo 28 depending on quality and location bal ed on Willamette valley farms. Cascara Bark Dry 13 Vie lb. green 4c ID. Wool Valley eoarse and medium grades 45o lb. Mohair 25o lb. m -12-moath growth nominally. Hides Calves S5o lb.; according to weignt, pips, 25o lb., beef, 9-10c lb.; bulls. 6-7o lb Country buyers pay 2o less Filberts Wholesale prices: Jumbo 19 22c; large 17-300 ; medium 15-18o. Grower prices: Orchard run. 8-10c. Walnuts Wholesale prices: Per lb. rn loo-lb lots: First quality Jumbo. 31-32 large, 29-30ttc; medium, 36-26c; sec ond quality Jumbo, 29-29 c; large 27 27e; medium 24-25c; baby, 19- ao we. Grower prices, orchard run: Pran quetteg, 10-13o lb. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. March 7 flj.m Livestock Cattle salable 150: market actlvn on kinds available; supply mostly dairy type cows; early sales fully steady; medium Bieera ?o; common neiiers n-au; canner cutter cows mostly 13.50-15: few 16.50: shells down to 11 or below; good bulls 20-21.50; common-medium sausage bulls 16.50-19.50. Calves salable 60; market active, steady; good vealers mostly 27-30; odd choice 31; three head top choice 308 lb. vealers late Monday 35, new recent high; commons down to 15. Hogs salable 200;' market rather slow; early sales steady; good-choice 180-230 lbs. 19.50-20; heavier, lighter weights salable 18-19; good 350-550 lb. sows salable 14.60 16.50; good-choice 60 lb. feeders 18. Sheep salable 100; no early sales; ask ing strong to higher: eood-cholca No. 3 pelt lambs above 32.50; No. 1 pelt and full-wooled lambs quotable to 23 or above; good slaughter ewes salable 11-11.60, Chicago Livestock Chicago, March 7 OJJO Livestock mar ket: Hogs salable 8,500; alow, steady to weak on butchers 200 lbs. and uu: some sales 10 to 15 cents lower than Mon day's best- time; weights over 260 lbs. In much smaller supply than recently; barrows and gilts under 200 lbs. weak to 25 cents lower; sows generally steady; top 17.50 for a few choice loads around 215 to 230 lb. butchers. Most good and choice 230 to 380 lb. butchers 17.00 to 17.40; 280 to around 350 lb. averages 16.25 to 17.00; weights under 200 lbs. very un even; most 160 to 190 lbs. 15.50 to 17.25; most good and choice sows .under 450 lbs. 15.00 to 16.75; bulk sows over 450 lbs. 13.25 to 14.75, according to weight and quality. Sheep salable 9,000; generally steady trade on all classes, choice corn belt and Colorado fed wooled lambs 28,00 the top; butchers and choice offerings scaling 96 to 112 lbs, 27.00 to 28.00; other classes especially sheep, In negligible supply. Cattle salable 6,000; calves 400; slaugh ter cattle steady to 25 cents higher, steers rather slow and mostly steady but other classes moderately active, vealers steady; four loads high-good to low choice 1150 to 1275 lb. fed steers 80.00 to 32.00; bulk medium and good fed steers and year lings 22.76 to 28.50; few loads low-medium steers carrying a common nd 22.50; medium to low-good heifers 23.00 to 25.50; load of good heifers held above 26.25; good cows 19.50 to 21.00; common and medium beef cows 16.60 to 19.25; canners and cutters 13.00 to 16.50; me dium and good sausage bulls 20.50 to 22.50; medium to choice vealers 24.00 to 30.00; three loads of 1,000 lb. two-way steers sold on country account at 25.25. Portland Grain Portland, Ore., March 7 (VP) Cash grain: Corn No. 2 EY shipments 54.50. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.23; soft white (no Rex) 2.23; white club 2.23. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.23V,; 10 percent 3.23 V4; 11 percent 2.23; 12 per cent 2.23. Today's car receipts: Wheat 95, barley 1, flour 6, corn 8, oats 3, hay 4, millfeed 12. Chicago Grain Chicago, March T W) Wheat respond ed rather sharply, at the board of trade today, to weather reports. At the start It advanced to more than a cent on re ports ot dust storms in the winter wheat section. All deliveries reached seasonal highs, but were reduced to below yesterday's close at times, on reports of snow In Ne braska end Kansas. Feed grains held a steadier tone. At the finish wheat was to 2 high er than yesterday's close, March $2.26. Corn was to 1 cent higher, March $1.30. Oats were ft higher to lower, March 74i. Rye was V to higher. May $1.36. Soybeans were higher to lower, March $2.44-45, and lard was unchanged to 7 cents a hundredweight higher, March $10.BO. CONSTIPATED? READ THIS HAPPY LETTER "Had tried method after method to relieve constipation, until I lost faith. Then I saw an ad about ALL-BRAN. 1 started to eat this Kellogif cereal daily and was amazed at thefineresultsl" Mm. Aspers,312BaileySt., Camden. N. J. Just one of many unsolic ited lettersrom ALL BRANtuert.Foiyou, too. there'a horje. for constipation due to lack of bulk in the diet. Simply eat an ounce of crispy KelloRg'B ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty ot water! If not completely satisfied alter 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich. Get double your money back! raft N "apltal Journal, Salem, Oregon, (By the Associated Press. American Can ....1104& Am Pow St Lt 20 Am Tel St Tel I50S Anaconda 29 Bendlx Aviation 43 Beth Stee' 34 V. Boeing Airplane 27S Calif Packing 35 Canadian Pacific 14 Case J I 44 Caterpillar 35 Chrysler 65 Vt Cons Vultee 13 Vi Continents1 Can 31 T4 Crown Zellerbach 33 Curtlss Wright 8H Dour las Aircraft 78 Dupont de Nem 624 Genera) Electric 46 General Pood 50 V4 General Motors 75 Vi Goodyear Tire 49 Int Harvester 27 Int Paper 36 Kennecott 52 Llbby McN S: L 8 Long Bell "A" 25 Montgomery Ward 56 Nash Kelvinator 16 Nut Dairy 41 NY Central 13 Northern Pacific 20V. Pac Am Fish 11 Pa Gas Si Eteo 33Mi Pa Tel St Tel 107 M Penney J O 60 Radio Corp , 14H Rayonler 27 Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal 22 Richfield 38 Safeway Stores 36'A Sears Roebuck t Southern Paelfle 53 Standard Oh Co. 83 Studebaker Corn 28 Sunshine Mining 10 V4 Transamerlca io Union Oil Cal 26 United Airlines 87 Union Purifln 15 U 8 Steei 31V. Warnei Bros Pie 13 Woolworth SOVfa Stock Market New York. March 7 UP) The stock mar ket dropprd fractions to around two points today before toucmng oottom. The decline was one 01 tne snarpesi of the year. Most 01 the damage was done during the morning. In late trading, though. selling pressure let up and a good many leaders made a partial comebacx. Sales were at a rate of around 1,600,000 shares for the full session. Declines were well spread through tne list, although steels, autos, rails and air craft stocks were among the most sensi tive Issues. The relapse was widely viewed as a normal retreat from the S-year high established yesterday morning. Among the losers were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, Chrys ler, Southern Pacific, Chesapeake St Ohio, Lockheed, Schenley, Zenith Radio, Ameri can Telephone, Texas Co. and U, 8. Gypsum. - SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Balem dealer for tbe guldanee ol capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Pec Prices; Egg Mash $4.66. Babbit Pellets 14.30, Dairy Peed $3.70. Pool tm Buying prices Grade A Ouior- ed hens. 32-24c;h grade A Leghorn hens, 16c: grade A old roosters, 13c; grade A colored fryers, 1 lbs., u-34c Errs Buying Prices Large AA 36c, large A, 32-35c; medium AA, 83c; medium A, 31c; crax, 24c. Wholesale Prices Beg wholesale prices -7o above these prices above large grade A generally quoted at 39c; medium. 35e. Batterfal Premium 87o; No. t 650I Ko. t, H-6I0; 1 buying nrlces). Butter Wholesale trade A, 69e; it- tau its. Mill Back in Operation Independence The Indepen dence Lumber & Manufacturing company is operating two full shifts with around 200 men back at work for the first time since the winter shutdown. With the exception of a few days in Jan uary the mill has been closed for the last two months due to supply of logs being shut off by closed roads. DEATHS Emma DeDord Emma DeBord. at the residence at 1019 Mill st.. March 6. at the age of 63 years. Survived by husband, Elmer V. DeBord of asiem, and a nroiner, Biuy omitn oi Mon roe. Tenn. Member of Calvary chapel In Salem. Services will be held at the Cal vary chapel at 1143 North Liberty street. Thursday, March 9, at 2:30 p.m. with nev. ciauoe a. Ben oinciating. interment In the Lee Mission cemetery direction of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Orvlle B. Miller Mrs. Orvlle B. Miller, late res dent of 2280 Mission St., at a local hospital, March 6. Surviving are her husband, John P. Miller, Salem; five daughters, Mrs, Vaughn Gardiner and Miss Donna Rose, both of Salem; Miss Mary Thelma Rose and Mrs. Nels Johnson, both of Eugene: and Mrs. Herbert E. Walker. Tillamook; four sons, Harvey O. and James o. Rose, both or Coos Bay: Syl vester L. Rose, Tillamook; and Orvllle Rose with the armed services; a brother, Ernest E. McLendon, Oregon City; and iu granacnuoren. services win De neio Wednesday, March 6, at 1:30 p.m. from the Clough-Barrlck chapel with the Rev. Oscar Brown officiating. Concluding ser vices at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fissure Fistula Prolapsa And other rectal dis orders treated wltb- ut hospitalization. DR. R. REYNOLDS Naturo- Rectal Specialist 11144 Center St. Phone 3-9460 Pineapple Fan Give your chair an early spring tonlo with this un usual and handsome chair set. It is quick; and easy to crocnet, even for a beginner. Pattern Envelope No. R2680 con tains eomplete crocheting instruc rsw. Tuesday, March 7, 1930 17 Vorman T. Simons Independence Norman T. Simons, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Simons wa born at Cottonplant, Ark., January I, 1B2H, and flieo eo. as, at tne age oi n years 1 month and 3 days. He came to Oregon In 1943 with his parents. In 1945 he joined tne u. a. navy and served un til August 1946. Later he Joined the D. B. army and served in the army for the past two years. He served overseas In both branches of the service and at the time of death was a sergeant In the army. H is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Calvin P. Simons of Independence, five, brothers, David L. Simons, U. 8. navy. Jimmy O., Robert L., Charles K and Steven O., all of Independence. His three .tisters are Betty Jo, Mary E. and Shirley D. Simons of independence, services werr held from the Walter L. Smith mor tuary In Independence Tuesday at S a.m.. Rev. Ray W. Averltt of the As sembly of God church of Independence officiated at the service, interment was in Plr Crest cemetery, south of Moa mourn. Daniel Delbert Felteg Mt. Ansel Dan el Delbert Feltes. 35. died Mar, 1, at a Salt Lake hospital. utan, aiier an uiness oi several montn. Born October 12, 1914 at Kansas City, Kansas to Emll and Margaret Nett Feltes. He moved to Salt Lake City two and one-half years ago after a period of resi dence in Portland, Oregon. A coast guard veteran of World War II, Feltes was an apprentice bookbinder at Hills Bookbind ing company, until his Illness. He mar ried Miss Ursula Keber on November SO, 1946 at Mt. Angel. Ore. Besides his widow, Ursula, he Is survived by a son, Vincent and daughter, Barbara, Salt Lake City; hi ninth.-. Mrs. Margaret Feltes, ot Spring drove. 111.: and a sister, Mrs. O. T. Miller of Harrington, itanaas. Requiem mass was ceienrateo rnaay morning In the Cathedral of the Madeline at 10 o'clock, In Salt Lake City, and bur ial was there In the Mt. Calvary ceme tF ptf. Either Urhan Keber. O.S.B.. of St. Agatha church, Portland went by plane to Salt LaKe city 10 ouiciaie a the funeral, and returned to Portland by plane on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alois Keber went to Salt Lake a week ago, and will return to Mt. Angel with their daughter, Mrs. Daniel Feltes and children, Vincent and Barbara at a later date. west atavton Mr. and Mrs. John Wfl- kerson received word that their niece, Desnne Oagle. died at the Dornbecker hos pital in Poruana, irom ourns rece.vea two weeks ago. Deanne Is the 10-year-old HniiBhtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cagle of Sweet Home and received the burns as she was prepared for bed, and was help ing to prepare a younger onn ng it im believed the child's flannelette gown wa. ivnifut Mhtt stood In front of an electric heater. The child frantically. Im mediately ran outdoors and was serloui ly burned before her parents were able to catch her and smotner tne nm. w. Oasle Is a brother of Mrs. Wllkerson. She leaves her parents and two brothers and one sister. Martha O. Warts Dallas Mrs. Martha O. Kurtx, 85, re sident of the Perrydale community for 4T yean, died In the Dallas hospital Sunday. Funeral services will be Wednesday, March 8, In the Henkln and Bollman cha pel at 9 p.m. Interment will be tn Ball Creek cemetery. Mrs. Kurti was born In Michigan May 27. 1864, daughter of Oeorge and Mary King. She is survived by four daughters, Mary E. Walker, An na Riddel), Frances Saunders, Cleone Wil liams; three sons, Harvey u, ueorge and Orvllle E. Kurts; a sister, Mrs, Charles Walker and a brother, Ira T, King, both living In Michigan. George H. Terrle Aurora oeorge H. Terrls. Portland, died March 2. He was the husband of Oraea Ferris, father of Mrs. Oeraldlne Myrmo; step-father of Edward Clark; brother of Walter L., Hubert C, William H., Charles L., and Jonn o. rerris, ana rare. uii Christopher, all all of Portland. Also sur viving are 8 grandchildren. Funeral serv ices were Saturday afternoon at th House of Eolman, Hawthorne at 37th, romana. Ross Porter Donghetiy Albany Ross Porter Dougherty, 87, Brownsville, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. B. Isom of that city Sunday. The funeral will be held at the Brownsville Presbyterian church Wednes day at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Dougherty was a native or osicaioosa, iowa. He came so Oregon in 1907, first locating In Cottage Grove and to Brownsville In 1908. Hla wife died in 1939. He Is survived by the following children: Mrs. P. B. Isom and Charles Dougherty, Brownsville: Mrs. O. P. Wlgle, Salem; J. A., Long Beach, Calif.; Dr. Louis R., Seattle, Wash.: and C. O. Dougherty, Oloverdale; Mrs. E. A. Klser. Harrlsburg; Mrs. O. L. Simmons, SUverton: 8. A. Dougherty, Redwooft City, Calif., and Mrs. Jack Sloss, Union; two brothers and three sisters, all living In Iowa, 31 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. Mamie Oraee MeClare Albany Mrs. Mamie Grace McClure. TO. died at her Tangent home March 2. Serv ices were held Tuesday at 10 a.m. ai the Fisher funeral home. Mrs. McOluro waa a native of Wisconsin and had lived in Albany and Tangent since 1913. She was a former proprietor of "Mothers Inn' at Tangent. She was married to D. O. McClure In Michigan In 1898. who died In 1932. Surviving Is a stepson, Oeorgo V. McOlure of Los Angeles, Calif. The Orinoco River system covers much of central Venezu ela. Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 MCkl $5.00 Bulk Iton ... $10.00 9 ton..... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere In Salem area Phone 3-8127 2680 tions, stitch illustrations and ma terial requirements. To obtain thia pattern, send 30a In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone nunv ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission fltreet San Fran Cisco 1. Oalli, i