16 Capital Journal, Salem, cuiivhd AOvnnuNoi Peg UK .....190 Ptr Une I times .......40o Pat Lin i times ............. .900 Pat uu 1 month 63.00 Outsld. el 0alm ise per une per day Ilia. lOei I umei mln. Me time mln. 1J0 No Refunds UADI&S In Local Newt Col Onlfi 100 per UM To Flue an Ad Phone t-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES U AK NOOK. LR DR comb. Lee. BR down, 3 em. BR up. Bath, nursy., 1. tll par., close Id, good, needs paint. t..a ah fc..ti le. home. fiub. Dref, Price 16000. Ph. 3-3303, P.O. bo- ' 50 Consider orris on 3 bdrm hse. Unfin nmtaln. 3697 Adams. Ph. 36633, .50 A. eiwv appRor. u ten and clean 3 bdrm, home Northeast. Fireplace. Attached .erase. OH furnace. On paved ntgn wey close to school. Immediate posses- ion, 61,000 oown. Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 191 8. High Phone 1-4131. UT ENGLEWOOD DIST. Met 3 BR home, 3 yrs old, extra wtll sonstrueted. Hu HW floors, mto oil furnace In service R. Att garage. Be euro to fee this one. We think this ftbOUH CO U.X. A real bur, this S-bedroom home Is all on 1 floor, hu very line L.R., Fl re place, large B.R., double plumbing, burnt and marvelous view. I yrs. old See this at tne lull price 01 ivdo. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS 484 Court St. Tel. 14707 Eve. 3-4773. a56' 4 BEDROOMS HleThleUMf Diat. Hwd. tit. Large DR. Hook. Dble. plumbing. Fireplace. Auto oil for. Full burnt. Dole. lot. oar. run price tll.BOO. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 94S a. Commercial M. 1.4BDO. Ev. 2-4312 or 3-0636 e57 HIGHLAND DIST. t bedrm. home. Hwd. fin. Oil floor fur. Fenced ln back yard. Price 17800, Hu O-I. Loan. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 949 8. Commercial Phone l-ISfiD. Eve. 2-9536 or 3-4313 a57 BY OWNER 4 room shake house near grade school, 149W. pn. a-suno. aae $4290 -Economical 3 bdrm , home with additional sleeping room. Good loca tion. 160 W. Salem HW. Ave. a6Q' LOVELY 3 B.R. home located nice dtst. W. Salem, run fries is&dd. iiooo an. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 B. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. 2-4313 Is.trSO. CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. home In West Salem. Full buement. Sawdust furnaoe. Fireplace, Close to school and bus, ii.ooo down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 fl. High Phone 3-4121. aST $18,760 NEW modern 3 bedroom home all on one floor. Englewood diat. Close to school. Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. Immed. pass. FHA commitment. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 161 S. Hllh. Phone 1-4131. .51' 6 BEDROOMS tame lot. Good location, ltt bath, Full Burnt. Oil fur. Furnished. 18500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phone 3-45B0. Eve. 3-3089 or 9-9596 a57 $9,070. 1 ACRE with clean modern 3 bdrm. home unfinished upstairs. Close ln. Bus at door. Chicken house. Walnuj trees. Beautiful yard and shrubbery. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 8. High Phone 3-4121. a 5 7 Beautiful Home 5 Acres fl B.R. located Bast. Fireplace. Hwd. firs. Party rm. B.R. Shop. Fireplace In burnt. Beautiful view of Mis. Dble. Gar. 3 bedrm Apt. One of the nicest homes ln Salem. Full price 122.500.. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 045 8. Oommerelal Phone 1-4690 Eve. 3-4111 or 1-3081 m6T Sullivan Realty Co. $5,800 Very neat 1 bedroom en acre of fine soil at the north edge of town. Nice lawn and shrubs, garden space.. A second bedroom can be made wltb very little oet. Will sell furnished for 96,860. 955 HICKORY Ase 1 year 3 bedroom horn all elee trie, plutered, h.w. floors, att. gar age 60x100 lot. Nice lawn, flowers, shrubs, priced at 98,400. 1745 N. 23rd STREET t bedrooms, LR, DR, kitchen, bath with shower. 3 fireplaces, party room In bue ment, oil furnace heat. On paved street, lot 00x135. r leas no not aisturo own r. Price 314,000. MORNINGSIDE Two large bedrooms, 1M baths, den, LR, DR, large kitchen, lota of bullt-lns. Auto, utilities, double garage, patio, oil furnace, floors are all carpeted, Ven etian blinds, one block to bus, 93,500 sown win nanoie. trice f 10,000. Sullivan Realty Co. 1365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3265 Eve, Ph. 3-7508 - 3-8013 - 3-1778. a67 A BDRM. house with bath. Oomp. furn. plenty room for cabins or trailers, Inq. Nelson Richfield Sta., Mill City. a60 $1000 DOWN 34800. Clean 3 bedroom home, LR, large kitchen, bnth, utility, good garden spot. Oarage. 50 month. $7100 The neatest now 2 bedroom house for this money, Hdwd. floors thruout, Inlaid linoleum In kitchen, utility At bath. Large living room. F.H.A. loan. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4139. aS7 3 BDRM. Llv. rm., din. rm.. kit., bkfat. nook, fire place, full basement, fur. heat, wired for ranee, elec. water heater, extra lge, rms. throughout, gar., walnut ft cherry trees, fully landscaped, near stores & bus, walking diat. to town. 38500 full price. Terms. Ph. eve. 3-7985, Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Muonlo Bldg. Ph. 3-9317, Mortgage Ins. Loans a!7 ENGLEWOOD DIST. 4 bdrm. fcb. Kdwd. firs., weather atrip ped, Insulated. 3 fireplaces. Breesa Way. 1510 Madison. Ph. 2-55. a&8 "BDRM. I10M8. Full basement, sawdust 1 urn ace, snower a oatn. rn. a-wat alter 6 P.m. A. R. Gordon. a58 SM. COMPACT 3 bdrm. home. Lot 85x135, aone sioou. tn. 3-0501. ass EtY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home, living rm.. dining rm. Lot 82x185. 641 N. loth, ass An EXCLUSIVE Home for Sale This home is classed among the top class home units, located In a choice, close-In desirable residential district. Two lots, all fenced and all landscap ed with fine shrubs and lawn. The house Is double construction; hu a full base ment with party room. Hu a hot water system, four bedrms, living rm., dining rm., kitchen, lots of bullt-lns, brkfst nook, 9 baths and 3 flreplacu. All rooms are carpeted from wall to wall with exclusive choice carpeting. All woodwork throughout the houe Is fin ished with oak wood. Rooms era all lane, well arranged, pleasant and at tractive. You miLlt Asia thU rmm tn nn-Avial H. We can only enow this by appointment. Keuoneojy priced at 197.000. CALL MR. LeCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St 1-7798 Eva. Ph. 3-0473, an- Oregon, Tuesday, March 7, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSE NEW HOME WMO. Br owner. Kelser out. Phone 4-3740. a61 WANT TO TRADE? Large garage house and starter home on 1 acre with city water and bus by door. Price 14600. (Will trade for older 2 or 3 bdrm home around $5000 Id city.; Grocery & Rent Cabins ALL GOES, LOCK, .STOCK, and BAR. Hau. Bwre nu z oarm living quarters. Also filling station and garage. 3 rent cabins. Price 34500. Terms 91500 down ana i.a mo. 1 ACRE BEAUTY I yr. old 3 BDRM MODERN HOME wnn unfinished upstairs. Many beau tiful shrubs, trees, fruit & nuts. Small barn. THIS IS LOCATED CLOSE IN WITH COMPLETE SECLUSION. PRICE IBUOD, 2 Bedroom $2950 Located on Boone road. learn LR. kitchen wired for range. Attached gar age. Terms J 800 dn ft 995 mo. ALSO EXTRA 2'i acres available at a little nigner price. Price Reduced to $11,000 HIGH ON A HILL WITH PERFECT view ON KAREN WAY. Here Is s honey with all the extru. Large LR. DR. 2 big bedrms, den, fireplace, kitchen with snack bar. Large garage. MAKE SURE YOU SEE THIS HOME BEFORE xuu buy. ror app. eve 20923. $6950 SPECIAL DONT PASS THIS ONE BY. Older type moaern nome witn lull burnt, apt ren.ai, corner Jot, double garue. Terms $1000 dn ft 350 mo. Eve. Ph. JWdi or 33931. CENTER ST. OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 1083 Center St. Phone 34583 a57 Near Englewood Nearly new 2 bed room home north. eut, paved street, close to schools and out. only 97200. call wmu Hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor seo s. commercial Phone 33840 Eve. 33977 a57' (10,800 Lovely 8 room ranch style suburb an nome on a large lot eut, extra jBiiiv iivina room carpeiea wait to wall, nice site dining room, beautiful kitch en, oil furnace piped to each rm, fire place, large windows. Oood terms to the right party. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 8. Commercial Phong 33049 Eva. 35380 a37 Excellent Buy 16500 Very nice 3 bedroom plutered home with hardwood floors, electric neat, 1 djook to bus, good terms. Call Bob. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor boo 0. Commercial Phone 33849 Eve. 35260 as." Two Acre View Home 97500 Attractive ranch style house, rustic exterior, fairly new, 2 bed rms. hardwood floors, buement, furnace, uuuuie Hamae, near pavement, uau air. Frederlckson. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 000 8. Commercial Phone 33840 Eve. 35280 S57 94350 New, neat balcony bedroom house living room, Kitchen and bath. Just riBnt 1 or a con Die. (5500 Older but roomy four bedroom house, fine corner location xt. 86950 New two bedroom, stairway to large unfinished attic. 97000 Northeast, two lots, two bedrooms; m hibbd, worn an op. 1,000 Englewood: large living roont, fireplace, two nice hArnnmt nitwi oil furnace. Salem Realty Co. Rfl.lfcnr. 140 N. HlBh St. Phone 37600 a57 Eve. Phones 34001 - 361 CLOSE IN NORTH 372003 bedroom home, living rm, din ing rm, kitchen, bath, near schools. 3 ACRES SUBURBAN 996O0 Very nice 6 room home, bsmt, furnace, am barn, chicken hm. rfnuhin garage on bus line. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa Ph. 35091 or 38943 $750 DOWN 94ft per month buys small modem home NE on y acre. Paved Rd. Full price 94650. See T. R. Pyle. Eve. Ph. 3-8051. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 3388 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-0613 a57 $500 to $600 Down To right party. Now vacant. S rooms, fireplace, 2 lots. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 8. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. a86 Top This, $3,500 Furn. 3-bdrm. home. Neat, clean, newly decorated. Walking distance to capltol bldg., paved street. Move ln. 3-Bdrm. Home Very clone In. Large lot. Paved street. Only 90,800. 31.000 down, 950 per month. 5 Bdrm. Furn. Corner, close ln. Attractive place. In come property. 19,000. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church, Ph. 2-7643, Eve, 3-0136 57' 7 Acres North Excellent soil. Modern 3-bdrm. home. Double plumbing. Good barn. Place is nigniy developed. DALLAS HOME FOR SALEM LISTINOS WANTED Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE 3065 Pleasant View. Ph. Day or Eve. 3-0103 ass $10,500 - $1,500 Down 3-bdrra. home. Living rm., dinette, fire place, bath, kitchen. Wired for ranac. Lots of bullt-lns. Full basement with sawdust furnace. Newly redecorated. 1st class construction. Close to grade and junior nign schools. We have several very good 3 or 4 bdrra. homes. Also some good building lots. Call MR. VICARY. ASSOCIATED WITH Mabel Needham, Realtor 341 State Ph. 3-9201, a5T McKillop Ileal Estate REALTORS Attractive home ln the country on tt acre of excellent soil. It hu a well and auto. pump. The house Is new, plu tered Interior, hardwood floors and Is In a beautiful secluded setting. Price 15750. We have a 3 -bed room, plutered home with hardwood floors, fireplace, close In, near schools, church, bus and store. This Is a good buy for only 97S0O. See this 2-yr.-o1d home with 2 bedrooms, living room, dinette, bath, kitchen. OU heat and a very nice yard. On a paved street for 38500. Hera Is a good 4-bedroom home with living room, dining room, bath and utility room. Hu hardwood floors, eleo trlo heat and attached garage. Lawn and shrubs are nice. This Is a good corner lot with paving and sidewalks In, Let us show you this house at 99500. In Walnut Park we have a dandy two bedroom home about 3 yrs. old with living room, dining room, kitchen, utili ty and bath. Floors are hardwood. The bark yard Is fenced with a fireplace. There are many bullt-lns and closet space la abundant. You must see this to appreciate the value. 910,830. Call us on this one. Englewood Diat. en bus line, 4 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dnllng room, den or music room. Hardwood floors, sun porch, full buement with oil furnace. Price 918,850. COMB IN OR PHONE Daytime 9-8030, Evenings 3-8514 - 3-34M McKillop Real Estate 409 Center at Hish Salem. Oregon We Makt Real Batata Loan. a8 IFOR SALE HOUSES FREDA TRUMPS PRZDA TRUMPS It IN THE DUMPS. SHI HAS NO PLACE TO LIVE. OHI WILLY HILLY, THIS THING IS SILLY. WHEN SHE COULD JUST AS WELL HAVE THIS: 3 bd rm home on Mln Creek. 1 bd rm down, 3 up. Fireplace, living room, dinette, kitchen with plenty of bullt-lns. Full basement with furnace, also electrle heat. OLD ENOUGH TO BE GOOD GOOD ENOUGH TO BE NEW Full Price $6,830 - Small Down Payment Walking Distance to Town 4 bd rm home with large living rm, dining rm ft kitchen. Double plumbing. Full buement with auto oil heat. Double garage. Fenced back yard. Could easy bg used u Income property on for a lovely home. SEE SMITTY OF SMITH REAL ESTATE 471 CENTER OFFICE PH. REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 2 STORY BUS. BLDG. Business ss apt. rentals, 3 storr bids, auto-oil hot wster heat, bids In excellent condition. Income S405 per mo. Will consider part trsde. CALL COBOHN L. ORABENHOHST. ENGLISH STYLE A food famllr home. 1 bdrm down and 3 up, IVt sets plbs, lee llv rm, sepsrate din rm, tils dralnboard In kitchen, full basmt, israge. Price 610,760. GOOD INVESTMENT 8 bdrm home In apt house sons, close to State Capltol, plastered Interior, 3 sets plbs, Ice lot, excellent property to bur at 610,800, CALL ROY FERRIS. 1025 N. SUMMER ST. Very liveable home, nice Uv rm Ac din rm, kitchen with nook. 3 bdrms. - sitting rm, basmt, auto-oll heat, fireplace, hdwd firs. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL RICHARD Z. ORABENHOHST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9966 FIRST TIME MANBRIN GARDENS This Is the first time this exceptionally fine home hu ever been offered for sale. Owner moving to Cal. Llv rm 90x16, din rm 14x16, model kit, 3 BR ft den, bath 9s shower. Radiant ht In walls ft celling, underneath fir, Insulat ed,"lg double garage, wall to wall car peting. Plenty of rm on an extra lge corn lot, cieo wuner, oner, carpet ee driou. all Inc. In the Stole price. This home should suit the most critical buy-j tr who wants something really nice. If you like, drive by 4aaa Rivercrest, corn of Manbrln Dr ft look It over, but PLEASE phone for appointment. 328,000. Kissing, BURT PICHA, lit If. High St. Eva. 3-5390 FOR SALE HOUSES NEW t bdrm. house. Fireplace, beautiful plate glass windows, pun arapes. At tached garage. Corner lot. 10500. iBOO down. In city limits. 398 Waldo St. See owner at nouie. en. stuv. aoo ALMOST NEW 3 bdrm. mod., bungalow outdoor fireplace, fish pond, 3 rental cabins, dble. gar., cow barn, chic, house. bins, to sen.. I70OO or joauu cun. Open house Wed. ft Thurs., 165 Roberts Ave. 5B SLIGHTLY unfinished house, livable, el range, a, land, sawo, iuuu oown. N.E. ONLY 3 yrs. old. Lovely 3-BR. home, H.W. floors, furnace heat. Nice lawn, anruoDory. iib. XirWOOD, Late built 8-rm. home, fire place, Ven. blinds, basement, oil fur nace, Meal surroundings. 311,900. DUPLEX. Year old. comfortable 3-faed- room apts. partly furnished. 81,600 year income. 93950 down, oaiance iikb rent. E. MEREDITH, RLT., or B. M. MASON 76 a. commercial - rn. 3-bbi. aar FOR SALE LOTS $1100 Buys 3 lots corner Davidson ft Howard Sts. Creek lots with separate entrance. Low dn. paymt. S1200 For West Salem Lot. 60x100'. Goes to alley, paved sc. uooo terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 343. Ph. 3-3147 or 3-8836. LOTS 910 down, 918 per mo. with water, elec, near school ft bus. Silverton highway. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center aa61 SPECIAL PRICE on 2 adjoining wooded tracts. In Klngwood. Heights. iea it. frontage, on paved Cascade Dr. Ph. 24638 after 1 p.m. aaSO' FOR SALE FARMS JUST A PLAIN GOOD BUY: 20 acres: 8 rm house complete with furniture; garden tractor, other equipment and some livestock. Barn, shed, chicken house, family fruit and berries. ml. to school and store. Priced to sell at 99850. ALSO: 60 acres, 9 ml. from Salem. 7-rm. home, double garage, poultry hse, pump hae, barn. Price 910,500. 14900 will handle. Call Fred Freler with CLUETT & KENYON, Realtors I960 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-3531 Eve. 3-8193 b58 NORTH HOWELL Choice 10 acres of rich WILLAMETTE SILT SOIL. Well drained. Fenced. Lae poultry hse (30 ft x 50 ft.) Small mod ern home. Price only1 $8500. ACT NOW. See T. R. Pyle - Eve. Ph. 2-8851 COLBATH LAND CO. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE 3260 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-0613 b57 9 ACRES GOOD SOIL about 8 miles north of Salem on paved road. 3 acres berries, modern 3 bedroom home with hardwood floors fireplace and electric water sys tem. Total price only 911,000. Rostein & Adolph Inc. 110 N. Com'l St. Ph. 33030 Eves. 36509. MS LAKE LABISH ONION LAND Good Beaver-Dam (previous crop totaled 33 cars of onions), plenty of water for Irrlg. Up to 60 ac. ad), upland, available at bargain. Bldgs. Incl. 2 BR home, bsmt., ft oil furnace, onion barn, oth er good bldgs. A choice loc near Salem. Owner will make exceptionally low terms. QUALITY LAND CLOSE IN. EAST. 80 Ac. gentle roiling wiuiAmette loam, yr. stream. Lge, mod. home, pluter const., bsmt., 3 car garage, other small hse., barn bldg.. An attractive setting In lie trees. PROFITABLE TO FARM. EASY TO BUYI 938.000 lncl. crops. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings 164 S. Com'l St. Personal Service Ph. 3-6399. b58 30 ACRES Close In South. Cabin. 15 A. orchard. Bal. farm land. 86300 with terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. 3-3086 b97 10 Acres Walnuts Beautiful Ranoh Type home. Fireplace. 3 bedrms. Breakfut bar. Picturesque new of Valley and Mtns. Terms.- C. W. Reeve, Realtor 943 8. Oommerelal tuuu a. asm rv. .....a e.siii MT-I IFOR SALE HOUSES 37007 HOME PH. 38366 I REAL ESTATE 13 ACRES Xelzer dtst. near school ft city bus. prl vate rd. tall firs, good drilled well. elec. 414 A, 3 yr old strawberries, some feed crops In, small house, beau bldg site the price is right. Crawford. LOTS - LOTS - LOTS $50 dn full Price 3400, In city limits nr 20th ft Oxford, water ft sewer. 100x100, corn., trees, Candalarla, Just (860. orawiora. WEST SALEM On Huge St, 1 BR, llv rm ft kit, comp roof, paved at. 60x100 lot. The price is 92400. About ilioo to run on oontract. jonnson. REALTORS or 3-7451 Office 3-389 FOR SALE ACREAGE Subdivision Possibilities 33 seres east at a price you can afford to pay. Owner win sell in email tracts, JA or more. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS 464 Court St. Tel. 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773. bbSO' 2 ACRES Boone Rd. City bus. No bldga. 81600. Good bldg. spot. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 948 S. Commercial Phone 3-4500 Eve. 2-3088 bb57 38 A., 35 A. orchards, close ln. 35400, 8500 dn. Owner, 1011 Elm. Ph. 37335. D6S9 REAL ESTATE THE GOOD EARTH 73 ACRES, NINE MILES 8.K. 45 acres In cultivation, bai. pasture, rencea ana rrnm fpmrod. real nice 2 bedroom home. also 2 barns, with 18 stanchions, all stocked with 10 head of cows and heif ers, tractor and other eaulpment. every thing goes for 117,000. lerms. See Mr. Hennetc. ana ACRES ABOUT SEVEN MILES 8.E. OF BTAYTON, good comlortaoia l room home, 3 cattle barns, all fenced. Year around spring and stream. School bus by the door. Present crop worth at least 86000 and Is Included in the $36,000 lull orlce. See Mr. wamberg. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE SAWED LOG HOME, located on the santtam river, 30 acres land, close to good town, perfect for riding horses, good fishing and hunting. See Mr. Bennett. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE ON 99E AT woodburn. 3 bedroom plastered nome, also 20 x 40 fixlt ahop. A real highway setun 811.200. Terms. See Mr, Bennett. SUBURBAN 3 BEDROOM HOME LOCATED N.E. on naved street, all on one floor, nearly 1 acre of good garden ground. If you need more bedrooms check this one. 17300. Eve. Ph. Call Lee 38342. DESIRABLE LOCATION NEAR CATHO LIC SCHOOL. This home has s bedrooms with separate entrance to upstairs, iire place, basement, oil fur., double garage, with room over. Could be used for in come property. Reasonably priced at 810.500. Call Mr. Lee Eve. 38342. 93760 WILL PURCHASE A NICE LITTLE 2 deukoom home in west saiem, electric range and oil cl'culator heater go with sale price of 93760. Will trade lor j an Buouroan nome up 10 eiouu. Call Mr. Brown Eve. Ph. 34037. WE HAVE 6 ACRES OF GOOD SUBDIVI SION property on aareen roaa, wnicn can be purchased on terms. Call Brown Eve. rn. iwsi, Joe's Special THREE BEDROOM PLASTERED HOME In the Englewood district. Full basement, wood furnace, living room witn iire Dlace. dining room, kitchen with nook. full bath and one bedroom down. Easy walking distance to grade, junior nigh and high schools, has t nice fenced-in back yard. 80000 and well worth it, should move quickly. See Mr. Bourne Eve. Ph. 37217. Salesman Wanted WE HAVE OPENINO FOH ADDITIONAL FARM AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. SEE MR. BOURNE. ALL ABOVE LISTING EXCLUSIVE, OUR SALE MEN WILL TRY TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capltol l'n. 38216 c57 NELSON NEWS 91.000 DOWN ON $4200 Nw modern 4-room house on rear of lot. Additional space for 3 more cot tages. Ideal location for Income rental property. 16950. OFF MARKET STREET A good 2 -bdrm. plast. home, elec. heat. Insulated, w. stripped, attach, gar. Near transportation, schools and stores. Pavement and sidewalk. Euy down pay ment with only 844 per month, G.X. terms. Much better than renting. HOME AND INCOME Close In furnished apt. house, ready to move Into, two completely furnished de luxe, one partially furnished. Ideal for retired couple or working couple who want 91700 Income plus home. 115,750. HIGH STREET BUSINESS SITE Lg. lot., right for business with 4-unit rental to cover carrying cost. $21,500, good terms. 4 ACRE, $6350 1 mt. from Roberts Station, llv. rm., din. rm.. kit., 2 bdrms., toilet, shr., bath, fruit, garden, dawn. Price 96330. Some terms. 35 ACRES 2 HOMES All In cult. Deep well with elec. pump. 3-bdrm. homes, one mod. with fplace. Chick, hse. 38 ac. boysenb., 3 ac. peaches, 6 ac. seed crop. Price $19,750. Mlgnt exchange for apt. house In Salem, FREE REAL ESTATE CATALOG Homes, farms, acreages, business and Income properties. 135 pictures and prices of sold homes. Call at our office or send postcard for free copy. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal service by men who special lis 702 N. High St. - Ph. 3-4622. c56 16 ACRE TRACT Royal Ann cherries. 800 treu. ton crop. Exceu. lor residential site In growing farm community. 6 ml 80. on old Pacific highway. Ladder and buckets Included. Storaga abed. Ph 3-1311. . 39 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD Spacious 3 B.R. older home, lge. living and dining room, inside utility. Homo ln perfect condition, lovely lot, 86600. Hu 34300 loan at 4. WANT TO OO SUBURBAN? Well built t B.R. home at 450 Morgan Ave. Nice living room, lge. kitchen, with nook, Inside utility, completely redecorated. Located on acre of around. 87350. A GOOD FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO PARRISH Nice living room, lge. dining room, roomy kitchen, floored attic, only 37950. LOVELY 4 BEDROOM HOME We want you to see this new 4 bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with lota or bullt-lns, automatic wuner, automatic oil heat. 911,750. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM 107 acres good farm land, 90 acres Irrigated In Ladlno clover, balance grain land. 13 stanchion barn, milk house, lge. hog hse., and chlx hse., dble. gar age, lge. modern older type house. 30 head cattle, 40 head hogs and Irrigation equip. Included for 936,600. This Is a good farm and can be handled with about hi down. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. Henry Torvend 8-3633 815,000 SUBDIVISION acres, good I Br, home, rai attractive, clou In on Lansing Ave. Paul. 913,500. Close to Senior HI. Nice 3 Br., living ft dining rm, fir place, good dry buement with oil piped heat. Ed. 922,000. Well equipped 80 acre farm, 70 under Cult, family orchard, fair excellent buildings, growing crops go. Reasonable terms. Peck. $9,500.' Ten acres clear Lake Diat, good barn, 2 Br. home on Pvd. Rd. Paul. 310,500. No. 3 business gone, 3 Br. home, n en one floor, full dry bum., oil furnace, this la ln top condition, Ed 833,000. 138 acres, all cultivated, living stream, 3 barns, good house, place all fenced, alt well drained. Peck. $500 and up, good building lota located on Evans Add. ln Keller, alio nice business lot located on Pvd. Rd. 91500. Paul. 88500. Three Br., full bum., fire place, close to Englewood Sch. Peck. 88500. Neat, clean ft roomy 3 Br. home near Lulls Sch. Paul. 86000. Grocery store, stock and equipment, well located ln Salem. $73 rent. Ed. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 M. High St. ph. 36660 Sit. Ph. Paul Dell 37769 Peckenpaugh 36413 - Ed 36704 REAL ESTATE IF YOU WISH to sell, exchange or rent your property Phone 2-3551 Cluett & Kenyon Real Estate 1980 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD NUa Cluett. F. C. Kenyon, Fred Freler c37 BEST BUYS Acreages and Farms liy2 Acres All under cultivation, furn. i rm. home. built ln 1944, poultry house, 3 car gar age, garden tractor. 65 walnut trees, 35 cherry trees. Everything goes for $7850. Liberal terms. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 5 Acres. East 3 bdrm. home, built In 1048. Double garage, chicken house, 6 miles from Sa lem, private well: Willamette soils. To tal price only id boo, -lerms. lives, en, 3-4735 or 3-3556. IV2 Acres North, modern S rm. home, chicken house, Vt buement, Willamette soil, paved st. Liberal terms, total price oniy joauu. evu, pn. s-nas or j-iddb, Livability & Charm Very nice 3 bdrm. home in Manbrln Gardens, 1450 sq. ft. fir. space, good fireplace, radiant heat, lots of bullt- lns. spacious rms.. choice corner lot. breezeway. private well, very large F. H. A. loan available. Total price only 313,800. Owner leaving city. Eves, phone 2-7674 or 3-3558. Professional Office In a very prosperous town. 1400 so. ft. lioor space right downtown, building practically fireproof, total price only 98500. Liberal terms. Eves. ph. 3-7674 Of 3-3558. Easy Money If you are interested ln a real money maker, investigate this one. Concrete diock bldg,, very good equipment, own er reports gross take last year of ap- prox. $23,000. Low overhead. Evas ph. is-iOl or S-3DD8. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors J03J Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7630, 3-4696. CDC $300 Down Now that we have had an opportunity to snow tnis very neat nome to tne public we are Indeed happy to announce the people of Salem are far beyond ex pectations ln wanting us to build many of them. We are also happy to be ln a position to do so. We will be glad to arrange an evening appointment for you wun tne nuimer ana araitsman to draw your individual plans ft arrange the financing for you. Remember this home has 780 so., ft. of floor anace. hardwood floors throughout, Coleman oil furnace, plate glass windows, utility room Inside, large storage space up stairs, 101s or cioset a unen space. Don't forget the terms . . . 9300 down ft the total DTlca of 36300 . built on Tour Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 ortland Rd. Ph. 3-7620-3-4596 c56 OUTSTANDING BUY Canvass the town and you can't find a better, more attractive home for the money. A large 3 bdrm. home 3 yrs. old. Spacious rms., fireplace, utility rm. Beautiful large lot, nice lawn, trees all around, needs only to be touched up to make a really delightful home. A real value at 310,500. Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1311 Edge water St. Ph. 35109 c56" WANTED REAL ESTATE CASH BUYER for around 50 acres of good soil with or without hulldinas. MANY OUT of state buyers. List your jjiujjeny wun us now. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 30613 ca57 LARGE LOT FOR COURT. HOUSE XAOOO TO 36000. HOUSK 3.000 TO 88000. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty Ph. 3-7113 ca56 WE HAVE BUYERS for 3 and 3 bedroom nomes in south saiem. Pieue call us If you want to sell. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 8. Commercial Ph. 33849 Eve. 35360 ca57 BUYER HAS 95000, wants 3 Bdrm modern nome. Line to have basement, prefer ably Englewood district. Walter Mus grave. Realtors. 1311 Edtewatar fit. Ph. 35109. CS58 WE ARE in need of good houses to sell in or near saiem ir you witn to list your property for sale see- UKAHE.NHOKST BROS.. REALTORS, 134 Liberty Ph. 3-2471. ea NOTICE If your property is for sale, ivut ui ecnBDgfc iisi 11 wilD ua. we have all kinds of cash buyers BiAtB riMAXUK CO.. REALTOR 153 8. High St ca PRIVATE PARTY looking for older home wun income. Must be rcu. Call 3-3858. 1830 N. Cottage. ca61 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ELL ESTABLISHED beauiv ahoo. In ex. cellent location In Salem. Ideal for 3 operators. THIS IS A GOOD BUY. SEE MRS. WHITE HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 3386 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 30612 ed57 WELL EQUIPPED cafe, fountain and cof- lee snop. An oonortunlty for the rleht couple with a specialty. Property can be sold, leased, or operated on a partner ship basis. Will give right couple very favorable terms, or rent with option to purchase. Must have had previous busi ness experience and references. Bee Joe L, Bourne Realtor at 1140 N, Capitol. COST Journal Want Ads Pay IREAL ESTATE Phone 3-4115 - Pat Kemper 2-52B7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Court and Apartment $36,500 Income 9350 a month. S room HvIdk quarters. Close ln. This place will sell at apralsal price. Will take good house u part payment. Call ln for appointment, jsve. en. a-o73. CALL MR. LeCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 3-7756 SIX UNIT court, north. Good terms. uooo nome or business u part pay ment. Box 414 Capital Journal. cd61 SM. GROC. STORE, good loo, mod. llv. quarters, wired for range, elec. h water Near Salem, Out bldg., stock, fixtures x property, win consider some real estate traoe, nai. terms, box 410. Cap- ltal Journal. cd56 BUS. BLDG. ft Uv, rms, 2085 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-9829. cd81 DUPLEX. 8., near Junior high, buement, on iid., corner lot. sdoou. DUPLEX: Close In Eut. OU heat. Corner 101. StOOD, VERY CLOSE IN on N. Capltol St. Apts. ft large living qrts. lor owner. A very good ouy ior Ssio.DDO, 4 APTS., buement, oil hot water heat, on ly oiks to aown town. 321,000. 5 UNIT apt. house, this Is really nice. Ex tra iot. win accept nome in trade. 832,500. 10 UNIT court, a real deal for 935,000. 9 UNIT court only 3 biks. from state house. 965,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 10 a. com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Cd58 STORE FOR RENT or sell store bldg. with a rentals, uo. invest, ai3 Mill St. silver ton, Ore. cd57 GROCERY STORE, gas, ft cabins. Rt. 7, ox ua. en. 2-4319. cdee 1 WELL established auto aunnlv whole. sale business paying excellent dividends. Must sell Immediately because of ill ness. Small Investment required. Write uipiw journal box ua. CdOT' FURNITURE FOR SALE OUTSTANDING S pc. Mahogany Duncan enyia dining suites, including credensa buffet and china. New beautiful frieze chartreuse daveno and club chair. Bleached dinette set. New 9 ft. Deluxe refrigerator, new electric and wood com' blnatlon range. Brass flreDlace set. a 12 rug. Portable typewriter, 2 oval an tique Diaca wainut taoies, oval glass front secretary, solid walnut antique rocker, Hoover and Electrolux vacuum cleaners, Motorola console radio, an tique sofa and rockers. Hundreds other oeautuui items at Auction. No reserve, no minimum, tonlsht 7:30 n.m. at Glenwood Ball Room, 4 ml. North of saiem on bbe. 11 you. need good furni ture, don't miss this sale. d56( COMPLETE household furnishings. A-l cond. 3360 Rawlins Ave. Ph. 4-2334. d58 MAHOGANY sleigh bed. Dresser with oeveieo edged mirror, 9 rocking chair, night stand. All for 875. Ph. 4-2492. dSl GREEN swing rocker, 915. Bedroom set complete wun springs a mattress, van ity, chest of drawers ft bench, 350. 2010 Nebruka. Erlckson's. d58 HOUSEHOLD furniture, elec. range & eiec. reirig.. etc. eee at 1700 ti, 20th, d58 WALNUT DINING room set. Will U table separate, en. s-bbz9. d58 8 PIECE dining set. Oood cond. 255 8. 14. d57 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, Includes lsao nig. Must sell immediately. Ph. 2-0988. dS6 BURGUNDY daveno ft chair. Good cond Keu. 411 McNary. W. Salem. d58 WANTED FURNITURE All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Households, goods, furniture, brle-a-brae, appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes. QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 3855a da" OLENN WOODRT Ph 36110 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK OOOD MILK COW, Call after 6 p.m. Ph. 2-3970. C57 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buyer. m. o. Mccandiisn. 1137 s. asm Pn. 38147 ea7- LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. fine- tnan. isso Laneuter or pn. 2-1345. a76 PETS CHOICE CANARY, male and female. Ph. 34385. - c67 FRENCH POODLES, mates ft females. 4 mo. old, house broke. 1573 State, ecss MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, heaters, ther mostats, tanks ft equipment. New ship ment Just arrived. Danlos, White Clouds, Amaion Catfish, Angels, Rt. 6, Box 483. 3 ml. from Lancuter Dr. on Macleay Rd. Ph. 27321. ec36 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. 18th, ec57a FUEL CAL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends ft Block Wood Ph. 3-6444 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 II" Slab Wood and E4g!ass Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside MIU Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAB ORSE14 STAMPS U" HAND PICKED slsbwood, 1 cord load 110. Ph. 37751 or 35953 ee59. Journal Want Ads Pay EXTRA SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY DO YOU know Mr. you can buy a new Packard Sedan for $2537, Salem price. - STATE MOTORS, INC.. 340 N. High Ph. 3-4436. 4X57' 1947 CHEVROLET Club coupe. Radio, heater, spot lite, fog lite. Loaded with extru. $1195 STAN BAKER MOTORS Union at High Ph. 3-3466 M56' 1948 STUDEBAKER Champion 4-door. Radio, heater and overdrive. Low mileage. $1595 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 N. Church Ph. 3-9277 qx56 1941 CHEVROLET i club CO1 condition. $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7933 W56" VERY SPECIAL, 1941 MERCURY Club coupe. Light green. Must be seen to be appreciated. It's at WARNER MOTOR CO. AUCTIONS Unusual Auction TUES., MARCH 7 7:30 A.M. Glenwood Ballroom, 4Vs Miles North on 99E Consisting of many high grade new er used se antique Items. You can t ai ford to miss this ssle If you need fur niture. NEW - Beautiful 7 pc. Duncan Phyte ma hogany dining suite. Credenza buf fet ft china cupboard. 6) Bleach dinette. O Beautiful sectional sofa, frieze char treuse daveno ft club chair. Sewing rocker. Telephone stand. 9x12 rugs. China modern lamps. 0 Table lamps. Walnut chest of drawers. Walnut ft bleach bedroom suite. High grade mattress sets. 6 pc. polish brass fireplace set. Linoleum. Scatter rugs. Occuional chairs. Modern tables. APPLIANCES '49 model 12 cubic feet freexer. 8 ft. deluxe Firestone refrlg., new. 6 8 ft. Firestone refrlg., new.' 3 vacuum cleaners. New wood ft electric combination range. Gas water heater. Motorola consol radio. Duotherm clrcutator. 3000 watt Therfmodore heater. 5 h.p. Jacuzi 3 phue Jet pump, new, 3600 gal. power. tf) Portable radio. Table radio. Remington portable typewriter. Sinks. Tanks. New wiring. Many more Items. ANTIQUES 3 black walnut oval tables Round maple tables. 2 sofu 3 glass book cues. Oval front china book cue. Massive leather swing rocker. 2 antique rockers. 4) Large lot of linen ware. Hundreds of other Items. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER PH. 3-5110 Livestock & Furniture AUCTION Wed. March 8, 10 A.M. ft 7 P.M. i 8 ft. refrlg. 2 5-pc. breakfut sets Several davenos ft davenports Walnut desk Oak book case Buna, Beds complete 8 dc. dining set 2 Hollywood beds complete Coffee tables ft end tables Floor lamps ft table .amps Odd dressers ft beds 9x13 new linoleum Many articles too numerous to mention Onions ft potatoes Farm machinery ft trailers Chickens ft rabbits 1 lot of light feeder pigs r v&ivea x yeaia I Cows, heifers and bulls LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD ' Located 1 block W. of Lancaster or Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. dd66' FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Engine Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging 45.60 load Double 610.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 93133 , EE- West Salem Fuel Co. DRi PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED 8AWDUST DIESEL s STOVE OIL Ph Salem 3-4031 Met up wood at 1539 EdgewMcr Wast Salem I PHILLIPS BROS. OKI fir. oak, ash, A maple, r fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1456. ee FOR SALE POULTRY CHIX-CHIX: Certified baby N. H. In dependence Farm 8c weed Supply. 72 Main St, Ph. 169W Independence, Ore. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter now avall- aoie every mas. rox h a (entry, ssso State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCr EASTERN ALFALFA HAY Ph. 3-145 HELP WANTED MALE MAN WHO Is familiar wth home con struction. Must be able tc read blue prints. No selling. Box 416 Capital Jour nal. ga58 MAJOR OIL CO. HAS OPENING LOCALLY Send application ln own handwriting to P.O. box 605, Salem, Ore., immediately Give full name, age (prefer between ages 31-231, physical characteristics (height, weight, etc), education record, occupational history listing last employ ers first (Include military service), three references ' with addresses (local pre ferreddo not list relatives or former employers 1, and any qualifications not mentioned. All replies xecelved will be confidential. gas WILSON'S 1941 OLDSMOBILE "tt" club COUP, ..1131 1943 FORD DELUXE 3-DOOH 61M6 1943 HUDSON SUPER CLUE ... .11191 1949 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE ....93W1 OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER '47 Buick Conv. Super convertible, radio, heater, 4 new tires. Red leather upholstery. Beauti ful oar for only $1495 Loder Bros. Used Car Mkt. . 466 Center Ph. 3-7973 qs66 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor convertible club coupe. This la one Just like new ln every way. Fully equipped Including radio ft heater, fluid drive ft overdrive. Extra special at $1995 , Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED CARS 496 H. Commercial Ph. 3-4117 OS67 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: SUPERVISORY cartographic draftsman in highway dept. Do not ap ply unless able to produce final maps, through the progressive stagu of lay outs ft drafting In accord with stan dards of bureau of public roads. Most have knowledge of projection and con trols. Start at 3280 for 40 hours. 5 days week. With advancement possible. Va cation, sick leave and retirement bene fits. Apply state Civil Service Com mission. 444 Center, Salem. ga56 CHAUFFEURS, must know city and be over ju years oi age, Appiy at ess . Liberty. ga56 SMALL companion desired for my three year old son ln my home. 1140 N. 13th. ga 57 HELP WANTED FEMALE ' WOMAN BETWEEN 45 and 55 years old to care for Invalid lady, live In. Call 3-7988 days. gb57 AVON can offer a business career to three intelligent women. Wonderful In come. Write Dlst, Mgr., 8225 8.E. Yam hill, Portland. gb57 WANTED SALESMAN YOUNG MAN to sell heating ft air con ditioning service, oood pay while learn ing. For Interview write Box 414, Cap ital Journal. tg57 HAVE openings for 3 men. Opportunity unlimited, tarn situo to saoo wnue learning. 439 Court St., Rm. 101. gg68 WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for girl 4 or S years for com panion ior my aaugnter. en. JS413. not" BOB, THE handyman, will do any kind oi worx. uaraening, etc. i&c per nr. Ph. 21347. h5B WANTEDI Land clearing, grading ft road ouuoing ior i.u. it witn oouDie angle blade ft clearing teeth. Ph. 2-3096 eves. h61 SMALL companion desired for my three- year old son In my home. 1140 If. 13th Ph. 3-7006. h38 BRUSH ft SPRAT painting, decorating. rree est. iteuonaoie rates, snona 4-3079. h61 Mimeographing-Typing Foe's 665 North 16th - Phone 1-3643 h78 PRACTICAL NURSE or companion to al- aeru laoy, box sds capital journal. h57 CARPENTER work. New. repair Pn. 3-3091 h57 CHILD CARE 183 8. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. h61 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h73" REMODELING ft alteration. Ph. 3-9694. h PAINTING ft decorating. Ph, 3-9604. WILL care for children daytime or nignt. en. 43P33. hB9 MARRIED MAN 25 yrs old would like a steady jod oooKKeeplng or payroll elk. Pleue Ph. 26089. , h86 specialized children's sewing. Ph. 36081 h77 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. aerv- ice. Former pnone opr. Ph. 3-5073. h79 FIR OAKS Nursing Home. 34-hr. care. en. d-di-O. H57 DECORATING. Reag. Don Lucaro. Ph, 3-5522. h61 TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. net NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, DAYS. wo iu d. an. i;ju iu b. en. 34840. hB3 LADY WISHES employment In motel, ho tel or auto court, uve in. .box 411 Cap ital Journal. h67 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. ' h59 YOUNG HARRIED man needs work. Ph. NURSES BY HOUR, week or live In. tracucai nurses' Registry Pn 3-5072. b9 BOOKKEEPER Exp. in all phues of oooKiceeping. uooo rei. bos 412, Capi tal Journal. 1,57 BABY SITTING by middle age lady. Ph. iuiv. U57 CARPENTER, new ft remodeling gpeclel- GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-tUler. Reu. en. -e..un. h70 CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 33611. n68 BABY SITTING. PH. 30580. CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4859. FOR' RE NT ROOMS LP. WARM rm. 1555 N. Capitol. HOLLYWOOD, 3033 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. . JkSl SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Ph. 37176. Jt51 PLEASANT sleeping rm for gentleman. iuao ivorway. en. a-4547. Jk53 MAN'S SLEEPING ROOM. Auto heat. Prtv. bath, entry. Ph. 3-9043. Jk5t 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. 39670. Jk68 sleeping RM, single or doubt furn, heat, kitchen priv. Near State Bldg. No drinkers. Ph. 36412. Jk57 SLEEPING RMS. 798 N. Winter. Ph. 33539. ,k73 NICELY FURN. Heated Ladles preferred. 539 N Winter. Jk56 RMS 195 S. Cottage. Ph 3-7817. Jk73' FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE LARGE apt. Utilities furn. Reaion- aoie. j 03 e. ietn. Jp6l S ROOMS ft bath. Range ft refrlg. A ciean court apt. ior eiean people. ij S. 12th. Jp58" 8 ROOMS ft bath unfura exeept range. Utilities furn. Near state house. Inquire 330 Union. . jp5l CLOSE IN. Partly furn. Adult only. M Mill St, Ph. 35431. Jp41 ((Continued on Pag 17)