14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 7, 1950 r WrWT ARE THOSE YAPS THEY'RE SURVEYING! T SOAKING THE I NO, ITS PLAIN GOOD BUSINESS-- fl r-WHICH RE MINOS ME. WE MHT t RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. . tWNG,STEVE?-PLAYlN& FOR THE NEW RWED TAXPAYER TO PELWERIMj ML H BEEN u JU r.CIUKE aJUgg CH. ?rV '"glU JM PEEK-A-BOO WTTH YOU? J ROAD THE PAMPER THE STAGING A DAILY DASH FORffl MAGAZINE ON THE FAN MAIL THESE yi ON TO OREGON The Way West By A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. SYNOPSIS: Brownie Evans hu married little Mercy McBee. Tad lock, Mercy's shiftless father and mother, and eeveral other mem ber! of the party have broken away from the On-to-Oregon ' wagon train and are heading for California. Lije and Rebecca Ev - ans, father and mother of t Brownie, Dick Summers, the guide, ' and most of the rest of the party are heading toward the treacher . out Snake and the Columbia. . Meanwhile Rock, the beloved . dor of the Evans', seems to be lost. Soon enow will be flying in the : mountain!. Now go on with the itory Chapter 20 Oregon had put a epell on them. It had put a spell on all of them except for Tadlock and Davlsworth and Brewer and McBee except for one, Mercy McBee, and Llje would try to act like real klnfolka to that one McBee like Iiebecca told him to, Rebecca had taken the news of the wedding quiet, as If she'd seen It coming, and hadn't argued that he knew of, or scolded, or asked Brownie to wait. "Maybe it ain't the way I might hope, Llje," she whispered so that Brownie wouldn't hear. "It ain't the way I'd hoped." Her hand patted him. "We got to take what comes and make the best of it and not the worst. You be nice to Mercy." ; But in the morning It was just this morning, come to think of it what worried her was what the girl would wear. It turned out the girl was dressed all right. Had shoes on and a dress with a frilly collar. Weatherby had done the trick quick, Knowing the train must move, but still the knot was likely tight enough too tight, it might turn out. It was a friendly train, except for one or two, and good-wishing lor the man ana wile. Mack had even tried to give a yoke of oxen as a wedding present, and Brownie had refused It, acting not polite enough. By the' time winter came, God willing, he would be In Oregon and have a cabin bulldlne. Evans could imagine himself in it. There he was. and Beckv with him. and Brownie. And Mrs. George Brown Evans, who had been Mercy Mc Bee. He sat in the cabin while he rode his horse, and he saw a thing far off. toward the touch of land and sky. He studied it while his mind sat ricking in the new house on the Willamette. The could-be of it pinched him suddenly, and he pulled his horse up, not ready to believe, while his eyes said no and yes. "Rock!" he said into the wind. "Hey, you, Rockt" He heeled his horse into a walk. He sat still in the saddle when he had come to him, seeing and numbed bv seelne the biz head knocked in and one eye pushing from its socket and the old muz- ale stained by blood. He climbed down from the Baddle and stooped and lifted a paw and knew by the stiffness of the lift that this was not a fresh-done thing. For all his faults Tadlock was too muoh of a man for this. Who, then? He didn't need to ask again. He knew as well as a man could know. "Never can tell what'll hap pen," The flicker in the muddy eye. They were McBee's way of let tins him know, of making sure he wouldn't miss the knowing. They were the last laugh, They were the J letting even for all the wounds to lttle pride. And he had taken them for something else, disremembering that he had warned himself to look out for sneaky tricks. McBee had thought it safe to do the deed, since he was parting from the train. Maybe he had walked from the fort last night, his mind made up for California, and seen the old dog dozing by the wagon. It could even be, Evans thought without believing that McBee was trying to excuse himself this morn ing, trying to say he'd've acted dif ferent if he'd known r.bout the mar riage at the time, . Evans straightened up. The train had crawled closer, and there was Just one thing to do. A poor thing but the best. Brownie mustn't ever know, or Mercy or even Becky, Down toward the river there wns a thick patch of woods. He rode to the far side of it and got off ond carried the body deep Inside and laid it down. "I reckon you under stand, Rock?" he said out loud, not caring if the words were fool ish. It seemed to Evans now that one day was like onother and that all were bad. They were all work and worry and weariness, ond dust and sun and wind and night and sun again and work again. He tried to whistle up the old, bold hope, but It had disappeared. Tills sorry land was endless. Violent country. Land of frac ture and ot fire, boiled up ami broken when God first made the world. Range of rattlesnake and jackass rabbit and cactus hot as any hornet. The great gorge of the Snake, the churning cut so steep below a horseman couldn't ride to It, so far a walker wore out climb ing down and back. Evens knew this time would pass. He was right to try for Oregon. It was partly that old Rock was dead and the place empty where he would have trotted. And portly it :waa Brownie's marriage, though not so much as once ond the manner ol the man and wife as if thev linri in take their state dead serious. He couldn't believe, back there at the fort, that the road would be so hard. For two days afterwards he couldn't believe it yet, while the train rolled to the Portneuf crossing and on to American Falls. The next dov and the davs that followed showed him what his mind's eye couldn't see. A river out of hell, the Snake, or a river still In helll Summers had called him off one day. and they had teetered on the great lip of ita gorge and peered below and seen It like a frothey ribbon, and what It was was sweep and plunge and thunder like nothing that he quite could believe. He hod pulled back, dizzy, and the question Inside him must have shown, for Dick had said, "We'll lord her Just the same." And once, late starting after hunt' tng wandering cows, thev had comu. ed entirely dry and found the stock more scattered in the morning. That was a thing that bothered man ttie thirst and growing weaaness ana most 01 an me nun iter of cattle and horses and teams Coming on to good campsites, on to grass and easy water, men and women always tried to believe the hardest miles were rolled. That was the way at Salmon Falls Creek, where everything was plenty, and at Salmon Falls. Though grass and fuel were scanty at the falls, the Indians had fresh salmon and cakes of pounded berries to trade for cloth ing, powder, knives and fishhooks. Seeing the Salmon Falls Indians, Evans knew why Summers spoke so low of the fish-eating tribes. rney were menaiy ana talkative and sometimes funny, but childish minded and dirty and naked except mayDe ior a raoon sxin, ana tney ate anything lizards and grasshop pers and crickets. The camp had been a good camo anyhow, or not so bad as some, no matter If grass and wood were scarce and the Indians pretty sor ry. Ana me great springs mat uurst out oi me soua norm wan oi the Snake gave the people some thing new to talk about. Sorlnz aft er spring there was, like sunken rivers pouring out. which Summers called the Chutes. More sand came afterwards, more sage, more rocks, more no-grass, more no-water, more worn-out stock, Now they vere about to low er down the bluff and try the ford. Summers rode alongside to sav. "We can make It, I'm thlnkin', with out hold-back ropes or anything. Steep but not too bad." Maybe we better hitch a rone to the first wagon and some of us walk along, just in case," Evans said to Summers. Summers gave a nod. The way was long and steep, but not so steep by Dick's meandering that two or three men. depending on the load and team, couldn't man age irouQie u u came, fatcn's out fit reached the bottom without real need of help, still, it semed wise to send men with each wagon. , The crossincr didn't look so rislcv. though, being broken by two Islands uiat sat. nice low rails in tne stream, Evans tilted his head and saw tne white sun veering down. "Dick." he said, "there's grass aplenty on them Islands." "Plenty." Evans spoke to the others as well t to Summers. "Let's Dush the livestock to 'em and let 'em get their im ana men une our- in me morn ing. They'll be rested and fed both." Summers was saying. "Good idea." and the rest were nodding. Evans laid the yoke down and let the team step out and saw his in law daughter looking at him. "Wore out?" he asked, making himself smile. She gave him Just the ghost of an answering smile. "I'm all right." (To i3e continued) ; Queen Sally Ruler Over Albany Fete Albany Selection ol Sally Philips to reign over the 1950 Albany high school spring car nival is announced. The 17-year-old senior, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Phil ips, will hold sway over a two- day frolic which this year will be known as "The Silver Scep ter," April 28 and 29. Queen-elect Sally was chosen by a delegated committee from among a number of candidates. Attending the queen will be Donna Olson, Judy Gilchrist of the senior class, Joanne Corbett, Mildred Marshall and Janet Bussard, juniors, and Jacquelyn Berry, Pat Donahue and Alta Sjoblom, sophomores. 2409 SIZES 10 34 Sunshine Special The lines of tliis cotton charmer are simple perfect choice for crisp evelet banding) Drop shoulders are smart ly yoked; the skirt smoothly flares in back, gracefully gathers in front. No. 3409 is cut in sizes 10, 13. 14, 16. 18 and 20. Size 16. S vds. 35-in 2 yds. eyelet banding. Send 35c tor PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 314 Mis sion St. San Francisco 5 Calif Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For specie) handUng o' order via first elau mall In clude an extra 5o per pattern Just off the pressl The SPRING BOCK OF FASHION presenting the newest style trends, all translated Into delightfully wearable easy-to-mako pattern designs Over ISO designs for all ages and occasions beautifully lllustiated In this book Oror your copy now. Price Just 30 cents. I interruptions! f5$fl I yUtJy 1 1 xJJ6MB I VCx! always , kfW'yZrJ'J vf&Y AiiAunl 7m1 T TTIg -3S jiJ! iffi O l7 OflPTmUSTVERMIM! l ""f HOt lum DOES NOT KNOW 1 D OH, MfWBE HE IS ONLY ALWIWS EN0UQH V U WELL. WELL- I DID YOU THINK YOU f W DID WAN ) YET-1 FOUND YOU-1 ALONE- A TRAMP BUT HE SEEM3 ! FOR ONE MORE, V SO SOON. EH? COULD ESCAPE US I I SEND YOU BUT AM NOT LONE" ft P K g rMRDONKAYfTrTLWJT rDCNTRRWSEQUYjrT PbUVHoYoTJAsIsuTwUhI IThENONEASeT AH3 ,k."c-J mt MMI SUCH.'.' SUM. AM HAINT INT ENOUGH 1 HAFTA RUB IT -jOT ft, HEART I Mt.7 ITS CRUELTV PROM ISES . L MT7 I 1 WAS Msr TT"7 NO COP. VO'IS.7 SUPPOSE, THAT IN?-VOO LOOK AS BIG ASA 4 D-DON'T EVER o, r., f I 4 CSkLOOKiN'-':'y WHAR IS JVKlES'y 1 WAS DEMOTED LIKE A NICE. WATERMELON. MENTION 'ANKLES" 1 W-Tp ' t) rMaMWrTn , Y AARDVARK? TO THIS BEAT- KID. YOU LOOK ) THASS WHUT AARDVARK TO ME J S5TS L ' H VS3E& V V ft -, , -T ( FOR NOT KNOWM LIKE YOU GOT Jt EVERYBODY I AGAIN.'T JS? J. - a J FjSAi i-aii U fik WHERE 'ANKLES' A , p - SAVS. P-PROMISC? ), -V-ZZ"!) . d JLMf. ttb&S&fr J&l u mmll tm I YOU CAN SEE WERE THEYl I THAT 5 WOPALONSV AH. BUT I HAVE n I J REMEMBER, l""" MUST PUT WE SPUR THROUGH CASSIDY'S RANCH1 JUST THE MAN Or I maT 60 DAYS TO LAY THE THE BAR-20 TO REACH CASTLE I'VE HEARD OF HIM. TO TAKE CARE I f NEVER FEAR, (TRACK TO CASTLE JUNCTION.' L4. JUNCTION. MY BOYS'LLTAKE IT'5 GOINS TO BEOF CASSIDY. HE'S p A J WYCK. THE FAIN f WE'VE GOT TO STOP Ks- OVER THE BAR-20 AND HARD T0....J?RAMEZ. ONE OF THE r - n AND WYCK RAILPXADVAjitV5 THEM W t X REFUSE THE LONE p VVpEADLIfST PROfESSIONAl a 5 A WILL GET THAT ftfJJ5C?v V . s PINE PERMISSION I XKILLERS WEST OF llliP jl i T i TS?THSS3Ser ME3fe youR huhdrep dollar bill. TIME I FOUND Kp- 0& T '"'SJ 1 mllar bill- ij II 1 WALLET.' IN IT, NOT A BIG BILL & J-S" jo 'J L- SJ uc nBin-nlM. II Ur,r rlLE AT WS ffACSTEes Q BUT IP WE COULD FIND OUT HAVE VOU HAD aWaNEUS BUT THE AD I , THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY WHAT KIND OF RACKET TO THAT AD FOR A J-if STILL IN , BOSS, THAT kID RUSTV 1 1 U MINP, AW.MILES, THAT MR. SMITH HAS DANNY'S DINER IS FRONTING STABLE HAND? SWtl V THE PAPER. KNOWS SOMETHING. I THEV C BEEN FRAMED", AS THEV SAY IN THE V FOR , WE MIGHT PISCOVER iffAl- SURE WISH I COULD DONT N I visit. the I . a&-Ary ' ki . TOJrsls: I M rJ(C and come home 7 ixt T Hush r4rh W ' t -i ' " ' ' " gj5 "5 I -.pK?Tg Fgs?y ik;.H i--Jggj ...nP0dtm tTMRsSlEV.-I If VOURSUTERPEGCytiET TIME WTH BRITISH " li , SrfSSL Sa HlTjf V0UC4N BUY TWICE wiSspFNOONE I 'NFECTED WITH THAT JOHM j PEOPLE SOCIAtLY' 61 FrEttY0"? fel M AMANVPRFrry5"uS a THAT CAKE OF ICE--?y EFS j KGW K0IN KEX KSLM K0C0 630 NBC 870 CBfl llflO BC 1390 MBC lo Kc. Tuui The 8 of Ui Feiture Story Green Hornet Stnfrbi Arrow Bwloi Time ' 2:VV Newt Little Show Green Hornet Strtliht Arrow Swlni Time .4n ranny Brie News Sky Kinr B-Btir-B Banoh Bine Croiby 5:45 Fnny Brlco Newi Sky King B-Br-B Ranch Band of pay "ttwui Bob Hope Life with Luil Edw. O. Hill Gabriel Heater Candlelight St" S:Ve Bob Hop Life with Lulfl Home Edition N. W. Newi Old Silver S:4n Me Gee Holly Meditation Mod. Romaneef Tello Teit News )45 McGe Molly It'e My Bef Mod. Romance Serenade Twlllht Bon 700 Malil Spotllrht on Coanteripy Druw Yon Ui Dinah Shore ? .i s; Millie Youth Counteripy Sonc of Timet Mm. Jackpot n Peop. are Fnnny Escape R Maupln Peter Salem Evelyn Knight 7:4S Peop' " ""y Eactva Hex Maupln Peter Salem SportT ' "ti'-ao Sinatra, Xlnt. Low. Thomaa Defeni Time Count M. Crlato Track 1400 S: e News of World Jack Smith Defense Tim Count M. Crlsto Track 1490 2lh Cavalcade Mr., Mrs. North Gentlemen of Lean Back Track HDD 8:45 Cavalcade Mr.. Mrs. North the Press David Bob Track 1100 g.nn Ronald Oolem'n Mystery The. Town Meeting- Glen Hardy Track 1400 S!, Ronald Colem'n Mystery Thea. Town Meeting Fulton Lewis Track 1400 3 :30 Big Town Bculah News Favorite Story New 9:45 Big Town Club 15 Red Cross Favorite Story Piano Pattern fO'OO Sam-Hayes t-Star" Final Richfield Reptr ! Love Mystery Nls-ht Song 1015 Mort. Downer Yon A World Intermeiso Mut. Newsreel Night Bong O'SO Sports Pag Alrflo Concert Hoar News Mus. Yon Want 10:45 Dane Oreh. Orcheitra Concert Hour Here's to Vat Mus. Yon Want 11:00 News Treasury Band Concert Hour Vet News Nocturne 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Concert Hoar Duo to Musle Nocturne 1130 Wax Museum Organ Memos Vlldnlte Melod. Nooturo 11:45 Wax Museum, Organ Memos tfldnlte Melod. Nocturn 12:00 Sign Off Isilent ixtra Honr iln OH . I PM Meg., KGW 100.8, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 6 a.m.. IX P.m., KEX M.S. t I p.m. WEPN ESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4;45 P.M. B.nn nodge Podg News Farm News Muslo. Tlmk'pr S:Vc News KOIN Cloek Keep B ml ling Morn. New S:5n F"n Time KOIN Clook Keep Smiling March Tim KOCO Klock g:45 Farm Time KOIN Clock Jack Norman News KOCO Klock 7. nit Early Bird KOIN Clook News Hemmlngway Tex Bitter 4:k Old Song News Bob Garred Br'kfast Gang KOCO Kloek 4 5ft New News Bob Haxcn Rise A Shin News 7:45 Sam Hay Fred Beck Zck Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock "oTfjn Eddl Albert "" Consumer News Breakfast Club Barf. Counter King' Crosadn 6 lie Eddl Albert News Breakfast Club Family Altar King's Crusadri Sn Jaok Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Dlble Institute West. Melodies gjljjj sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Temple Echoes g.QQ Second Cup Wendy Warren News Nni thw's Newi Time for MeK , $'15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today's Stars Garden Guide jk h'-ZQ Homctowner Helen Trent Quick as Flash Pastor's Call Stars Sing 1 9;45 New Our Gal Sund'y Quick as Flash Walts Time J. Oh. Thomas 0:00 Marriage for Z Big Sister Bo Seated Glen Hardy N. W. News 0:15 Carmen Caval. Ma Perkins Ted Malone Gospel Singer Mem'rable Mus 10:30 nostess House Yg. Dr. Malone My True Story Concert Tune Tim 10:4ft Hostess House Guiding Light My True Story Russ Morgan B8 Key -00 Double or Noth. 'ind Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladles Fair Muafo Mart 15 Double or Noth. Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladles Fair Muslo Mart j H;30 Today's Chldrn Norah Drake N'wcsterners Queen for Day Eddie Le Mar 11:45 Ught of World Brighter Day N'weaterners Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 Kneass News News Baukhag Top Trades ' Hollyw'd MusU 12:15 Road of Lir Come Get It Mildred Bedell News Hollyw'd Muslt 12:30 Pepper Yonng House Party Meet Menjoos Gay 90's News 12:45 Happiness House Party Art Baker B. Eberly Show Dave Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife Prom Nowhere Welcome to Bob Mitchell Mao's Melodies 1:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mao's Melodies 1:30 Lorene Jones Steve Allen Kay West Tell Neighbor Mao's Melodies 1:45 Wldder Brown Newspaper Kay West Bing Sings Mac' Melodies 2:00 A Girl Marries Newspaper Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:15 Por. Faces Life Garry Moor Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:30 Just Plain Bill Garry Moore Hannibal Cobb Ladles Ffrst Mao's Melodfea 2:45 Fr. Pag Ferrcll Tunefully Yrs. Hannibal Cobb ladies First Mao'g Melodies 3:00 Welcome Trav. News Bride & Groom Music for Wed. Mac's Melodies 3:15 Welcome Trav. Arthur Godfrey Walter Klernan Muslo for Wed. Mac's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary . ,. Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep News Mao's Melodies 3:45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Barney Keep 3 Sun Mac's Melodies 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Rhythm-a-tlks Fnlton Lewis News 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Cage Behind Story B oan be Beaut, 4:45 Pail Stone Ed. R. Morrow Firefighters frcwa B can be Beaut lAAr Tuesday A.M. 5, ftwMV, Theatre! 6:15, On Children's the UP beati 6:B0. 550 Sports Clubt 6:00. News) 6:15. Organ 1 :S0, 'Round the Campflret 1:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8:00, OSC Mu sle Dept. 1 8:15, Research Rept.t 8:30, Artistry In Classics; 8:45, News, Weatberi 9:00 Muslo That Endures; 9:45, Eve nlng Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 JnAT Wednesday A.M. 10:00, News IWM and Weather 10:15, Espec ially for Women; 11:00, School of Air; 11:15, Concert Hall; 12:00, The News; 13:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, School or Air; 1:45, This Dayt 2:00, Freedom to Grow; 2:30, Memory Book of Music, 2:45, School of Air; 3:00, Music or Masters; 4:00, Oregon Reporter) 4:15, Kern & Sloop i 4:30, Report from Congress; 4:45, Defense Report. Club Honors Member Sheridan The Get-Together club met with Adariene Tyner with all members except Molly Bail present. A shower was given in honor of Millian Beck. Guests were Laura Holdgrafer, Ann Ryan, Patricia Ottele, Co- letta Williams and Marie Mc- Cord. The evening was spent playing games with Ruby Kunz ler and Ilia Black winning the prizes. Vivian Kunzler won the special prize. The next meet ing will be March 10 at the home of Hazel Tyner. Students Given Fins Sheridan At a special assem bly at the high school FFA Pres ident Floyd Stuck introduced school board member Leon French who presented agricul tural students with their "Green hand" pins for one year's service in the Future Farmers of America. ACROSS 1. Suitable 4. Celestial sphere! I. Asiatic native 12. Automobile 13. Drench 14. River In - Russia 15. Philippine tree 16. Land measure 17. On the ocean IS. Willow zu, send payment n. Eitol 84. Forebear 85. Parts Id play 86. Father 87. Word of con- Bent 88. Fencinir sword 40, Small wagon 44. Bury 46. More exposed 47. Shoot 49. Famous opera 01. wing 22. Nerve network 52. Historical 23. Prohibit 24. Ltison native 27. Foray 28. Caeaar'e native tongue DerlodB 88. Son of Adam 54. Poor 65. Moistens 66. Trees 57. Affirmative Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Stage player 2. Short stop 8. Characteristic 22 w w 58W FT So it A? Ntwrreofivres -7 4. Ridges of glacial drift St Bird of "Arabian NighU" 6. Excluded 7. Form of trap- shooting 8. Philippine termite 9. Say differently 10. Salutation 11. Bleat 19. Weird 21, Grinding tooth 23. Contend 25. Metal 26. Insect 28. Valuable possesalon 30. Aslatlo palm 31. Snoop 32. Fish egga 33. In Moslem tradition, the bridge to Paradise 34. Crusted dish 36. Continued Btory 39. Tranquillity 41. Oriental cart 42. Fresh supply 43. Business 45. Headland 46. Excludes 47. Not many 48. Anger 60. Faint ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern VERY WELL-THEN. HAVE M3UR. CHORTLE' "MY RACE BETTING SYSTEM WITH 'MORTON THE MOUSE MAY STRIKE YOU AS AMUSING AND FANTASTIC"" BUT WHAT'S WRONG WITH tT? -OR BETTER YET, WHATS RIGHT WITH AMY SYSTEM ? MDU CAN LOSE ON THE BEST OF THEM R 1 OKAY -I'LL GIVE f NOU THE DICE ON ( THAT--LET ME KNOW THE DAY "rOU FIRST TRY 'MORTONS' SYSTEM, AND IUL PUT A BET OW THE RACE AND HORSE HE PICKS IS AN OLD FURLONG FAN- 7 Mi