Mystery Blast Startles Eugene Eugene, March 7 ff An army" engineer! report that a rock quarry blast was set off Sun day, exploded theories of a me teorite landing. The blast was at the Cowles quarry. It was felt here and over a several nunarea square mile area. t Perugia It was old centuries ago and stays that way. City That Lives in The Past And Loves It Perugia By PHILIP CLARKE (AP Newsfeituru) Perugia, Italy, March Tired of living in the present? Then take a trip to Perugia which lives in the past and loves it. This quaint city of 90,000 high amid the hills of central Italy is like a living chapter from a history book of the Middle Ages. Time passed by and left It to dream. Cesare Borgia, notorious son' umns in the interior, built In the sixth century. of Pope Alexander VI, was a student at Perugia's 700-year-old university. He probably still would know his way around the narrow winding cobblestone streets. )i Although wearing the look of s aa medieval city, Perugia was more than 2,000 years old when Columbus discovered America. Roman ruins, sniff Perugians, are not so old. They proudly 1 point out the remains of an even earlier civilization theEtruscan whose language still is studied in Perguia's 30-year-old "Uni versity for foreigners." Perusia, as it was called in those days, was founded about 600 B.C. by the ancient Umbnan tribes atop a 1,000-foot ridge of hills overlooking the broad green valley of the Tiber river It became an Etruscan strong hold, one of the 12 confederated cities of this powerful civilization. There are remains of once formidable walls of Perugia's great Etruscan citadel. Traffic still squeezes through a mas sive stone Etruscan gateway. On the slopes of hills nearby, etruscologists have dug into bur ial grounds and sepulchres con taining treasured relics of this early civilization. Perugia fell into Boman hands in 310 B.C. The lamed Flaminia way, sections of which are still visible alongside the modern mo tor road, linked Perugia with Rome, 100 miles to the south west. Hannibal's conquering legions swept by Perugia in 217 B.C. after annihilating some 16,000 Roman soldiers near Lake Trasi- meno, 25 miles northwest of the city. Peasant plows still unearth rusty weapons used in the battle. In 41 A.D. Mark Antony made Perugia his headquarters in war with Octavianus, emperor of Rome. Octavianus captured and burneoVthe city. It later was re built as a Roman colony called Augusta Ferusia. Still standing is the church of Sant' Angelo, a circular Roman structure with 16 antique col- East Salem Club Calendar Has Variety Entertainment East Salem, Madch 7 The club calendar for East Salem resi dents the past week offered a variety of entertainment and this week it will be the same. The first social evening for the hus bands and all members of their families of the Jollv Neiehbors club was held at the Brown road home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace seguin. A covered dish supper was held by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Preim; Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and granddaughter, Car ol; Mr. and Mrs. Robert John son, Marilyn, Bobbie and Jac queline; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Currie; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wil son, Lorna and Norma; Mrs. Arly Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bernardy, Ronald and Sharon; Mr. and Mrs. John Jansen, Mary, Paul and Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. Seguin, Jacquelyn and Judith. It was a get-acquatined social evening. Congratulations were in order for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cater, (Ann Becker) of Hollywood drive who became the parents of a son on Tuesday at the Sa lem General hospital, there first child. He weighed eight and one half pounds and has been named Michael Edwin. His grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Becker of Sunnyview avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cater of Salem; his great grand parents, Robert Becker of Keizer; Mr. and Mrs. E. Duquette of Calgary, Can.; and Mrs. L. N. Castor of Des Moines, la.; and he has a great, great aunt, Mrs. Jennie Thomas of Salem. ' The new project for extension units this month is "Making Lamp Shades" and all units will be doing the. same this month. Lansing Neighbors unit will meet Thursday, March 9, in the May flower hall in Salem, at 10:30 p.m. Swegle unit will meet at the YMCA in the club rooms down stairs on Friday, March 10th at 10 o'clock. Auburn Woman's club meets Lincoln Goodwill Club Meets Friday Lincoln Mrs. R. J. Meissner, Mrs. Paul Libby, Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mrs. Lawrence Mick ey and Mrs. Fannie Emel will be hostesses for the March meeting of the Lincoln Goodwill club, Thursday at 2 o'clock at the R. J. Meissner home here. ' Contest leaders, Mrs. Edward Schlegel and Mrs. Eva Purvine who were appointed by the pres ident, Mrs. Robert F. Yungen, to form two groups of members and make bazaar articles, will give further instructions on articles to be made. HEAR BETTER TODAY WITH THE AMAZINGl 6V4-OUNCE "MINIATURE" RADIONIC HEARING AID US. 3 ORRIS OPTICAL CO. 44f State St. Salem, Ore. Thursday in the Community hall at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Charles Barney and Mrs. Arthur Fiske There will be a gardening dis cussion led by Mrs. Loran Richey and members are asked to bring plants for an exchange. Merry Minglers meet Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cleo Reppinger on Lancas ter drive and in - the evening at the Mayflower hall for the family night supper and pro gram. Perugia withstood the Gothic conquerors of Rome s empire for seven years before Totila cap tured and sacked the city late in the sixth century. Near the center of the city stands the so-called Arch of Au gustus, an ancient town gate rec ording the three great epochs of Perugia. The foundations date from the Etruscan period; an in scription, "Coloma Vibia Au gusta Perusia," was added in 40 A.D. during the Imperial Roman epoch, and a balcony was built into the arch in tne 1500 s, Perugia's basilica of SainH Peter is greatest of the 25 churches built here between the 11th and 17th centuries and still standing. It was enriched by early Roman Catholics after the city came under the power of the Popes in 1370. The remains of two popes Urban IV and Martin IV, both of whom died in Perugia in the 13th century are entomed in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo. Dat ing from the 15th century, this magnificient Gothic cathedral contains what is known as the betrothal ring of the Virgin shown to the faithful five times a year. - Perugia reached its zenith during the Middle Ages. Six teen powerfully-built Gothic palaces dominate the city's prin cipal squares. Most of them are still in use. Pro-communist socialist mayor Giuseppe Mana holds forth in the huge turreted municipal pa lace, begun in 12 97 and com pleted in 1423. On special oc casions, a corps of guardsmen, costumed in brilliant uniforms of the Middle Ages, line the stairs and hallways. A practical man, the mayor is plumping for a new acqueduct to replace the one built cen turies ago. He thinks some of the city's 2,000 unemployed could help build a new railway bridge, too, to replace the one destroyed during the last war. Mana seems more interested in showing visitors Perugia's great 100,000 volume library founded in 1588 and still doing business on the third floor of the municipal palace. Eugene, Ore., March 7 () A theory that a meteor shwooshed across the daylight sky here Sun day and perhaps disintegrated or thudded to earth, was under study here today. TTnivprsitv of Ore con Exten sion Astronomer J. Hugh Pruitt has been Catherine data on an unexplained explosive-like noise and shock at 11:50 a.m. bunday. He said he may De prejudiced on the subject, but "I am fairly cer tain a large meteor passed over head." The noise and reverberating shock startled city and subur ban residents and brought re ports of similar impressions from Junction City and Coburg Housewives reported windows rattled and one said her door war. unlatched and swung open. It was at first thought to have been a man-made or accidental explosion in the area, but checks with police and fire de partments eliminated this pos sibility yesterday. Pruitt then called on radio stations to broad cast an appeal for data. Resi dents swamped his home phone with calls and he later reported the center seemed to be west of here. Ex-policeman's Souvenirs Phil Regan, motion picture ac'tor and singer, who was once a New York policeman, inspects some of his souvenirs at his home in Hollywood. 200 Jailed in Korea For Plotting Revolt Seoul, Korea, March 7 U.B Nearly 200 persons were in jail today as the result of a three week investigation into an as serted subversive plot to stage a revolt in the South Korean army and police force. The arrests were made quiet ly during the past three weeks and it was not until the last few days that most people began, to realize it was the biggest round up of its sort in six months. Fruit jar rings may be fasten ed to the under side of small rugs to prevent slipping. Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 7. 195013 Princess Margaret III With Influenza London, March 7 ff) Princ ess Margaret has influenza, Buckingham Palace announced today. Tne 19-year-old younger daughter of King George VI has been confined to her room at the royal palace and will be un able to take part in ceremonies today attendant to the state visit of French President Aunol. Fun-loving Margaret was up and about yesterday and watch ed the royal procession for the state opening of parliament, al though she could not take part because she is not 21 years old. She was sick this morning and the king's doctor, Sir John Weir, said she had influenza and or dered her to remain in her room. Radio's first loud speaker was an almost Identical copy of the phonograph horn of the time, the only difference being that it generally was upright. (Advertisement! Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with Itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly, smarting disappears imme diately, sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet cracKS Detween toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 HARD OF HEARING You've Waited lor This I ucdc it ici l mm IILIIL II Id. n NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! KV .. Y I YKi Jwk I The Phanto mold combined with the Bel to dc Hearing Aid ajturea you of unsurpassed hearing quality tot both tone and rolume. But best of all, even your friend won't notice chat you are wearing a hearing aid. Yon owe it to yourself to see this newest hearing improvement and convince yourself that now for the first dm you really can conceal your deafncaai Drop in today and im it. Mean while, nil out coupon tot bee book uVV MONO-PJ MONO-PAC ONLUNII HIAIINO AW James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 228 Oregon Bldg. - Salem, Ore. Yamhill Demos to Offer Candidates A full slate of democratic can didates will be offered Yamhill county at the May primaries, ac cording to Bert Keck, Willami- na, county democratic chairman. The slate will be prepared by George W. Manning, McMinn ville, who heads a special com mittee, prior to the March 10 deadline. Only one democrat has so far declared himself for a county of fice, C. E. Forell, McMinnville, having filed for county clerk. A. R. McLaughlin, incumbent, and Roscoe Hutchens, Newberg, both republicans, have filed for the clerkship. ATTENTION LOGGERS! Top Prices Paid for Your Logs al Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125 SPEND Less Time in that dishpan MSIiMa Get your dishes really clean add bright with less effort, put a table spoon of Arm & Hammer Powdered Washing Soda in the dishpan. This i : new cleanser with the famous old name gives you water oft as rain. It quickly dissolves grease, makes your, glassware and. china sparkle. It Is free from grit, free from lye,';,! ,: free from acids, contains no animal : or vegetable fats. It will not clog drains or traps it's the cleanser 'that's kind to your plumbing, . ;-' Ask for this better Washing Soda . ! today at your grocer's; look for the blue box with the red circle. , 11 Washes clothes with less soaking, less rubbing. Cleans pots, pans, waste cans. Cleans stove, burners, ovens and broilers. Cleans auto mobile radi ators easily, thoroughly. A big help to farmers: cleans milk pails, cans, strainers, cream sep arators and churns. Easy on you, easy on your pocketbook, easy on the plumbing. saves soap saves work saves time ARM & HAMMER CHURCH ft DWIGH.T CO., INC., It CEDAR ST., NEW YORK I, N . Y. (M NOW ODD Maid of Honor Pressure Cookers DEMONSTRATED By ALEXANDER WHITE Of the National Cooking School At Sear all day Wednesday, March 8, through Monday, March 13. 10 A.M., 12 NOON, 2 P.M., 4 P.M. Factory-trained experts show you how to save time, money, food values. See how easy it is to use a Maid of Honor Pressure Cooker. Factory trained experts will show you how to cook everything from soup to dessert in a fraction of the time it takes with ordinary cooking methods. Save up to 75 of cooking time and yet retain all the natural food values, flavor and color. Cook peas in 1 minute . . . Carrots in 3 minutes . . . Beef pot roast in only 35 minutes! Taste the freshly prepared foods . . . you'll marvel at the difference and you'll be amazed at the low cost of Maid of Honor's new pressure cookwarel . HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT, Basement Completely New! Maid of Honor Time, Work and Money Saving, t PRE SSURE 95 1 I I 0 Included ... a 104 page instr uction and recipe book . . . AND an aluminum rack, ideal for cook ing custards, vege- ables. A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Cooker on SEARS LAY AWAY PLAN! Maid of Honor Completely Equipped Pressure Cookers Each 4-quart capacity The new Maid of Honor pressure saucepan is the re sult of 35 years of research. It's the cooker that does more for you . , . yet costs you less. Cast from finest, stain resistant aluminum alloy, it's precision engi neered for safer, easier cooking. The 4-quart size holds three standard pint jars for canning. Hurry in to Searsc See for yourself the many features of this new Maid of Honor pressure cookware line. 3-quart size 1 0.95 6-quart size 5.25 12 Quart Capacity 95 Wonderful large size pressure cooker . . . ideal for those big family feeding problems . . , grand for canning . . . Engineered by experts . . . safe. easy to handle and use. Cast from top quality aluminum alloy, tne larger size cooKer Has all the features of the smaller size plus the illus trated 5-piece accessory set. 12 quart size holds 8 standard Mason pint jars; 5 quart jars for canning. Hurry in to Sears! See for yourself the completely new Maid of Honor pressure cooker line. 1 6-quart size 20.95 21-quart size 21.95 550 N. CAPITOL PHONE 3-9191 J Jx