I Edited bT MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, March 6, 1950 Charter Presented to job's Daughters Bethel It is now Salem bethel, No. 43, following formal presentation of the charter to the Job's Daughters bethel, U. D., Saturday eve ning, ceremonies being at the Masonic temple with more than 200 in attendance. Mrs. Martha Elhart, Portland, grand guradian, was here to present the charter, received by Mrs. Charles Boyer, guardian of the new bethel. Six girls were initiated at the Saturday event, Miss Roxie Lea Williams, Miss Ann Elizabeth Meeker, Miss Roberta Eileen Hamlin, Miss Joyce Randall, Miss Eunice Gundersen, and Miss Vernita Joan Lanke. A large group was escorted and given honors, including the following: Miss Shirley 'fifamon, honored queen for bethel, No. 22, Ash land: Miss Ann Gibbens, hon ored queen of bethel No. 35, Sa lem; Miss Margaret Ames, past; honored queen for bethel, No. 34, Independence; Miss Carolyn Eck ersley, past honored queen for bethel, No. 35, Salem; Mrs. Mar tha Elhart. grand guardian in Oregon; Miss Phyllis Davis, sen ior princess for bethel No. 22, Portland; Miss Harriet Hiday, senior princess for Salem Beth el. No. 35; Mrs. Gladys Hall, su preme marshal; Mrs. Charles Catlow, past grand guardian; Mrs. Felicia Ehlert, past grand guardian; Charles Catlow, past associate grand guardian; Mrs. Avon Burke, grand guide; Mr Stevens, grand inner guard and associate guardian for Portland bethel No. 22; Mrs. Hiatt, guard Ian for bethel No. 31, Portland Mrs. Ellsworth Hartwell, guard ian for Salem bethel No. 35; Mr. Hiatt, associate guardian for bethel No. 31, Portland; Mrs. Ad ams, past guardian for bethel No. 31, Portland; Mr. Adams, past. associate guardian for bethel No. 31, Portland; James W. Booth, worshipful master for Salem lodge No. 4, A.F. and A.M.; Earl Wiper, worshipful master for Pa cific lodge, No, 50, A.F. and A.M., Salem; J. Edgar Re ay, worshipful master for Ainsworth lodge, No. 201, Salem; Mrs. Wil liam Merriott, grand chaplain for Order of Eastern Star; Mrs. Russel Beutler, worthy matron for Salem chapter, O.E.S.; James Darby, worthy patron for Salem chapter, O.E.S. and the DeMolay Dad; Mrs. James Manning, grand royal matron, Order of Amar anth; Mrs. William Wilson, roy al matron of Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth; Mrs. Lyle McCauley, royal matron, Cher ry court, Order of Amaranth. Miss Manning received a gav el made from the historic tree cut down at Court and Chemek cta a year ago, William Wilson making the presentation. A trio sang. Including Misses Sidney Kromer, Laurel Herr and Carol Lee; and the patrol put on a degree for Mrs. Elhart. On the refreshments commit tee were Misses Diane Burkland Ann Gallaspy, Joan Bale, Mary Carne, Virginia Graham, Judy Loucks, Sharon Miles, Sharon Shafer, Sharon Beard, Adeline Smithson, Astrld Severin, Jean Spaulding and Marilyn Waters. . On the decorations committee Were Misses Sharon Beard, Joan Lewis, Mary Crane, Judy Loucks and Claudctte Smith. Mothers Club Job's Daughters Mothers club for bethel No. 35 Is to meet Wednesday noon for a luncheon at the Masonic temple. The hostesses are Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Eldon Burros, Mrs. Glen Barge, Mrs. J. J. Bacewlch, Mrs R. M. Ashly and Mrs. Gilbert Bates. Recipe Notes FAMILY DINNER Hot Tomato Bouillon Crisp Crackers Broiled Meat Cakes Potato Puff Carrots with Special Sauce Buttered Snap Beans Bread and Butter Gingerbread Beverage CARROTS WITH SPECIAL SAUCE Ingredients: 6 large carrots, 2 tablespoons butter or margar lne, 2 tablespoons flour, V tea spoon salt, dash of freshly- ground pepper, 1 cup milk, cup grated American cheese, Vt cup roasted unblanched al monds (chopped). Method: Scrape carrots and cut into thin lengthwise strips. Boil until tender in small amount of salted water. Melt butter or margarine and blend in flour. Add salt, pepper, and milk and stir over low heat until thicken er1 and bubbly. Add cheese con tinuing to stir over low heat un til cheese is melted. Add chop ped almonds to sauce just before serving and pour over carrots. Makes 6 servings. I.OWRI FISCHER Birthday Feted Sharon Louise Wright, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Al Wright, observed her ninth birthday an niversary Monday. This afternoon Mrs. Wright served ice cream and cookies to third graders at Highland school in honor of her daughter. On Saturday, Sharon Louise was honored at a line party for a show. In the group were her brother, Allen K. Wright; Gary Bixler, Peggy Houston, Bill Douny, Barbara Marshall. Linda Ertsgaard, Judy Buroker, Karen Cummings, Bruce Follis, Rober ta Deweese, Kay Nickels, David Graziana, David Mallet, Gale DeSart, Esther Beebe, Rex Campbell. Later the group was entertained by Mrs. Wright for refreshments. Program for School Concert Program has been announced for the Salem senior high school orchestra and chorus concert, Tuesday evening. The program is to be presented in the school auditorium, free of charge, and all parents school are and friends of the invited. Following is the list played: of numbers to be Prelude and Fugue In O Minor Bach Holberg's Suite for Strings... Grieg aatem mgn ucnooi urcnestra Marilyn Foxely. .tudent director Bain Curran A Spirit Flower... Campbell-Tipton semoreties Dorothv Pederson. accomnanist Piano Concerto Schumann Salem High School Orchestra Edna Marie Hill. Dlai.lst Pale In the Amber West Parks Ol1 Man River Kern Salem High School TJoys' Quartet Lou Ann Wolf, accomnanist Gypsy Baron Overlrre Strauss baiem High School Orchestra Intermission Ol' Buttermilk Sky Carmlchael Cindy arr. Wilson Salem High School Choir Marilyn Broer. accomDanlst Robin In the Rain Cain A Green Cathedral Halin sophomore Melodcttes Amy Glrod. accomnanist French Suite Des Portes Salem High School Clarinet Quartet Night Son Clokcy My Wonderful One Grofe Glannina Mia Friml Salem High Girls' Glee Pauline Tovcen. ,-ccomDanist Slclllene and Rlgaudon Krelsler Bonnie Lltchenburg, violinist , Dorothy Pederson, accompanist Love Life Mana-Zuca Love Walked In Gershwin Junior Valkyries Marilyn Broer. accomnanist To Thee We Sing arr Tkach Ride the Chariot arr. Smith Moonbeams Herbert The Lost Chord Sullivan Salem High School Choir Marilyn Broer. accompanist Alumnae Meeting Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae are meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ray Pinson, 614 North Cottage, at 8 o clock. All Zeta Tau Alphas in the city are invited to attend. WOODBURN The monthly business meeting of the Wood- burn Business and Professional Women's club was Thursday at the home of Miss Gladys Adams with Mrs. Eugene Stoller presid mg. Donations were received for the incubator fund foi the Wood burn hospital from the Wood burn Garden club, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Woodburn Wo man's club, Mrs Molly Hunt and Miss Gladys Adams, totaling $75.00. A contribution of $5 was made to the Red Cross drive. The activities for March are in charge of the health and safety committee, which includes Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. George Timm and Mrs. Edwin Pardey, Plans were discussed for the dinner meeting to be held March 16. ..HANNA ROSA court, Order of the Amaranth, will meet Monday night at the Masonic temple for election of officers The meeting will be preceded by a no-host dinner at 6:30 in honor of all members received in the order during the past year. t ill WILLS MUSIC STORE E-.. ' "J I f ( I I'll Ml. Angel A recent bride was Mrs. Clifford Holmes, the former Dorothy Ann Predeek, wed in St. Mary's Catholic church here on February 18. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Predeek, Mr. Holmes the son of Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Holmes of Battle Ground, Wash. (Jesten-Mil-ler studio picture) WRC Department President Visits Sedgewick Woman's Relief Corps, No. 1, met Friday after noon at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall with Mrs. W. J. Beard presidng. Mrs. Mary Fern, de partment president of the state of Oregon, made her official vis it to the corps at this time and installed the new corps press correspondent, Mrs. Goldia Kyle. Seven members of the group went to Portland to join Mrs. Fern in honoring the national president, Mrs. Harriette G. Mc- Collough from Des Mones, Iowa, at a luncheon at the Cosmopoli tan club at 1:30 in the afternoon on Monday. Mrs. McCollough will leave for Seattle Monday evening where she will make her official visit to Washington state corps. Garden Club The Friendly Neighbors Gar den club entertained members of the Little Garden club of Sa lem Heights Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lar sen, Following a brief business session Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff spoke on "Gardens of England." Fifteen members and 20 guests were present. Guests in cluded Mesdames Alice E. Ed mundson, Robert A. Hawkins, J. B. Van Cleve, P. H. Acton, L. L. Bennett, Floyd McClcllan, Elizabeth Merrill, C. A. Kells, Frank Miller, C. A. Graham, Ralph Cartwright, Emmett Nel ling, Paul Griebenow, Carl Har ris, Lyle Bayne, William Nei meyer, Mary McWain, A. A. Taylor, C. A. Ratcliff and Mrs. Don Eaglcson of Boise, Ida. The next regular meeting of the Friendly Neighbors Garden club will be March 18 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Blondcll, at which time movies on Hawaii will be shown. BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spranger were hosts at Sunday night supper for Mr. and Mrs Albert Barth of Salem and a young couple whom they spon sored to come from iJetmold in the British zone in Germany. Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard Booft and little daughter, Frcdricka. Ad ditional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Saurian of St Louis, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs Spranger. INDEPENDENCE The regu larar meeting of the Independ ence Woman's club will be held on March 7, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Wal ter Smith, Mrs. William Karbel, Mrs. Clark Irving Mrs. A. M. Adams, and Mrs. Frank Farmer are to be the hostesses for the afternoon. VISITORS in the capital Sun day evening were Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Hawn of Eugene, stopping here en route home from the week-end in Portland. It's Yours! The Sensational WEBSTER CHICAGO Electronic Memory WIRE RECORDER Complete ' For Only . . 99" SEE IT TODAY AT . . . 432 STATE Couple Wed Here Sunday Miss Maxine Muckle, daughter of Mrs. Ferhn C. Muckle and Raymond J. Muckle of Portland, was married Sunday afternoon to Alvin Pietschman of Portland, the ceremony being solemnized at 4 o'clock in the PI Beta Phi chapter house at Willamette uni versity Dr. Robert M. Gatke of the university faculty officiating. The service was read in the solarium before the wine drapes, lighted candles, potted palms and spring flowers being ar ranged for the decorations. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white marquisette and with it a white lace picture hat with satin streamers She car ried a bouquet of freesia caught in white net. The bride was giv en in marriage by her cousin, Dr. Daniel P. Trullinger of Gladstone. Miss Martha Benard was the only attendant for the bride. She wore an aqua marquisette dress with picture hat of aqua net, and her flowers were yellow freesia caught in net Stanley Sharp was best man and ushering were Allan Hale of Portland, Norman Morrison, William Marshall and Robert Coffin, all of Eugene. About 100 guests attended the wedding and reception follow ing. Assisting with the serving at the reception were Misses Geri Bowles, LuDene Hargrave, Kath leen Stark, Colleen Schode, Nancy Adams, Inie Lou Wilhelm, Joanne Oliver and Gyla Master son. For traveling the bride wore a lavender iridescent suit with pink felt hat and brown acces sories. Following a trip to San Francisco the couple will be at home in Portland, after March 13. The bride was graduated in June from Willamette university where she is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Pietschman was gradu ated from University of Oregon and is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Club Entertained Independence The Indepen dence Woman's club met at the clubhouse with the members of the Independence Chamber of Commerce as guests. Accompan ied by Mrs. Lora Butler, Ivan Marble sang. Mrs. 'C. A. Fratzke told the group that a civic committee is being added to the club for the coming year. She gave a report of the things the club stands for, such as better education, and better public and civic projects. Pictures of the "Old Oregon Trail," taken from Indepen dence, Mo., to Astoria, were shown by the guest speaker, William B. Chandlee. Some of the pictures were taken from the air, and showed faint wheel marks which are still visible af ter these many years. Preceding the regular club meeting, the executive board met. The president, Mrs. Thomas Sharp appointed Mrs. Estella Fluke, Mrs. T. D. Pomeroy and Mrs. Lora Butler as a commit tee to nominate the officers for the coming year. Refreshments were served by the following committee: Mrs. Keith Reich, Mrs. Ralph Scran ton, Mrs. Dalvina Robinson, Mrs. Joe Oberson and Mrs. Fred Calef. THE PROSPECT Women's club monthly meeting was at the Harvey Micaelis home on Pearl street. Mrs. Michaelis is the only member residing in Salem. Plans were discussed for March 17 pro grain to be presented by the Pros pect school children. Folk dances are on the program, under the direction- of the teacher, Mrs. Genre. The 4-H cooking classes under the supervision of their leaders will make the refresh ments to be sold that night to raise funds for a scholarship to enable one of the group to at tend the 4-H summer school. The treasurer for the remainder of the year will be Mrs. Floyd Bacon. , VISITORS here are Mrs. Elsa Mcisterheim of Battle Creek Mich., and Mrs. Cecelia Scheid of Kalmazoo, Mich., guests of Miss Pat Cherrington. MRS. ALMA SONNER is to entertain for the Spiritualist Sunflower club next Thursday at her home on Wallace road. There will be a luncheon at noon. Is Today a Gift Day in Your Life? Give French Creams by Societi! Whipping cream-f ich soft centers parade of flavors! Ont of 7 Saciiti Box Chocoofo Miss Loewen Bride Sunday At Local Church Ceremony The First Church of the Narzarene was the scene for a wed ding Sunday afternoon when Miss Delpha Loewen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Loewen, was married to Gerald Barrett, con of Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett of Prineville. Pink and white carnations and roses, and candlelight decorated the church for the service. The Rev. Orval Jen-" kins officated. For the music, Mrs. R. J. Lush was soloist and Mrs. C. C. Ed wards the organist. Lighting the tapers were Miss Verda Hiebert and Miss Velma Hiebert, both wearing pink taffeta frocks. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of heavy eggshell satin, seed pearls trimming the front of the bodice and outlining the Victorian neck line. The dress was designed with long, pointed sleeves, and a full skirt extending into a train. The veil of illusion was edged in wide French lace and cascaded from a ponted crown of seed pearls. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of pink roses. Sister Attends Miss Norma Jean Loewen was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a light green taffeta gown, accordion pleated ruffling en hancing the neckline and extend ing around the hem of the skirt. For her flowers, Miss Loewen carried a pink nosegay with pink and white flowers. The three bridesmaids, Miss Betty Lou Hunter, Miss June Shiels and Mrs. William Loewen, Jr., were all in pink taffeta, their gowns being identical in style to; that of the maid of honor. The three carried green nosegays with pink and white flowers in them. Claudia Jean Hoffman and Sherry Lou Loewen. the latter a niece of the bride, were the flower girls, both wearing green frocks. John Edgar of Portland was best man and ushering were Paul Beal, Earl Loewen, cousin of the bride, and William Loewen, Jr., her brother. For the wedding the bride's mother wore a powder blue gown with corsage of pink and white blooms, and the bride groom's mother wore a royal blue gown with the corsage of pink and white flowers. Reception Follows The reception was in the church annex. Mrs. Carl Soos served the cake, assisted by Miss Lynn Muller. Mrs. Jack Loewen, an aunt of the bride, poured. Serving were Miss Mavis Beck, Mrs. Agatha Sipola, Miss Ellen Pankras and Miss Fay Welty. Miss Velma Hiebert passed the guest book. For going away the bride wore a faille costume, navy blue skirt and white and blue top, with red bolero jacket, a red topcoat and navy accessories. To her jacket was pinned a corsage of white flowers. The couple are to make their home in Prineville. SALEM HEIGHTS Mrs. Les ter Bates was hostess to the Sa lem Heights Woman's club on Friday at the Community hall. The club plans to send repre sentatives to the golden jubilee meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs in Portland in April. They voted money to the scholar fund loan for exchange students. The student will be from South America Also a do nation to the penny art fund was voted. Mrs. Emerson Teague was the guest speaker and her topic was "Education Cornerstone of the Community." BUENA VISTA Mrs. Vera Walling read the "Country Wo man's Creed" at Buena Vista Woman's club when 23 members answered roll call with "cur rent events. A committee was appointed to secure prices on paint for the hall and new floor covering. New chairs are to be purchased. The health commit tee gave a report on the Rick- reall county meeting A sum of $14.95 was collected for the March of Dimes. The demonstra tion will be March 22, all day, with sack lunch, it was announc ed. Mrs. Hazel Welh, and Mrs. Etta Detering were hostesses for last week's meeting. 1 1 for these opera pumps by TWEEDIE. Semi-dorsay in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey and Cigarette Suede. Also in Brown, Navy, Green and Red Polished Calf. 12.95 .i ImS id h h 1 u Junior Women Set ' Annual Spring Dance Woodburn The March busi ness meeting of the Woodburn Junior Woman's club was staged at the local fire hall with Mrs. Lois Gaviola presiding. Plans were made for the annual spring dance which will be April 15, at the Woodburn armory. Mrs. Walter Scarborough and Mrs. E. A. Buchanan were appointed co- chairman, assisted by Mrs. Philip Branson, Mrs. Lyman Seely, Mrs. Lynn Simon, Mrs. Robert Miller, and Mrs. Joe Walker. Mrs. Jesse Fowler will be chairman of the decorating com mittee and other members are Mrs. Stewart Popp Mrs. Lois Gaviola, Mrs. William E. Dunn, Jr., Mrs. L. H. Hildebrandt, Mrs. Joe Sows and Mrs. Harold Schiel. In charge of the check room will be Mrs. Frank Beck, Mrs Layman Baird, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. Adrain Schooler. Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Tony Zastoupil and Mrs. Wilson Beck- ford. At the door will be Mrs. Har old Schiel, Mrs. Joe Sowa, Mrs. Leonard Hewett, Mrs. Lynn Woods, Mrs. Wallace Lee and Mrs. Roy Thompson. Plans were also made to hold a food sale March 11, the place to be an nounced later. A social hour and lunch fol lowed the meeting with Mrs, Arthur Burt as program chair man, Mrs. William Bentley and Mrs. Adrain Schooler as host esses. SEVERAL members of Centra- lia temple. Pythian Sisters lodge, Salem, visited Home temple at Silverton last week when Mrs. Margaret Meyers of St. Helens, grand chief, made her omciai visit there. The Home temple members exemplified both the initiatory work and the ballot march. A lunch was served after the meeting. Attending from Salem were Mrs. Earl Burk, district deputy grand chief; Mrs. Wayne Stan ton, most excellent chief of Cen tralia temple; Mrs. Dora Stanton Mrs. Etta Obershaw Miss Betty Jean Bergner, Mrs. Herman Bergner, Mrs. Arthur Rocka fellow, Mrs. Albert Niederber ger, Mrs. Ama Muncey, Mrs. Mary Worthington, Mrs. George Thomas Mrs. W. J. Peck Mrs. Sam Briggs and Mrs. Louise Johnson. SILVERTON The Business and Professional Women's club members are to meet Tuesday for a dinner program at 7 o'clock at Toney'i with Mrs. H. Gordon McCall of Portland as speaker. Mrs. Mary Kleeman is to ap pear in readings and Mrs. Selga, a Latvian recently moved to Sil verton, is to sing. The vice-president, Miss Thora Arestad, will preside. JOE Star of Stage and Screen A) u featured. DAR Event j On Saturday A nominating committee was elected at the meeting of Che meketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution Satur day at Mayflower hall. . On the committee are Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. H. J. Ostlind, Mrs. C. F. Martin and Mrs. J. W. Nash. Special guests at the meeting were the DAR ctizenship Pil. grims and their mothers from this locale, including Miss Edna Marie Hill and Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, Salem; Miss Emma Siddall and her mother, Mrs. James Siddall, Dallas: Miss Doris Ha worth and her mother, Mrs. George Haworth of Jefferson. . Miss Edna Mingus presented the citizenship Pilgrim girls with the good citizenship pins. Other guests were Mrs. Ed ward Taggart, Miss J oy Hills. Miss Norvada Smedley and Miss Gladys Blue. Miss Joy Hills from the state I nniv i ir l b rat I II III 2 V Full Line Now Available Little Beaury Va Size Portable. . .$ 89.95 Little Beauty V Size Console...... 109.95 Standard Portable ............... .... 1 29.00 Standard Console 149.00 Standard Modern Desk '. . 1 69.00 Leatherette Portable Deluxe Head. ....... 143.50 Special Deluxe Portable .-. . . . . 1 56.50 Sheraton Walnut Console 174.00 Sheraton Mohagany Console . 179.00 Colonial Maple Console ................. 1 80.00 Limed Oak Console ...............184.00 Sheraton Beige Console ................. 1 84.00 Hepplewhite Walnut Console . .', 1 84.00 Hepplewhite Mahogany Console ......... 1 89.00 Modern Desk Walnut 257.00 18th Century Desk Walnut! ............. .285.00 18th Century Desk Mahogany; . . . 295.00 FOR 90 YEARS SINCE 1860 VISIT THE NEW HOME SEWING BROWN are fun for everyone!" Certainly no one knows better than Joe E. Brown what wonderful fun there is in making others smile with you. And that's why Gibson "Smile" Cards are so grand. They're full of friendly humor that just naturally makes happiness catching. There are special "Smile" Cards for birthdays and illness, and many others for any occasion. You'll find just the "Smiles" you want in the big "Smiles" display your Gibson Greeting -Card dealer is featuring this week. Spread hap piness with "Smile" Cards this week and ivtry week throughout the year. Select several today. at better steret everywhere Engagement Told ' Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde of the engagement of their eld est daughter. Miss Patricia Van deneynde, to Ted E Reed, son of Mrs. W. F. Reed of Eugene. The wedding is planned for this spring. - Miss Vandeneynde is a grad uate of University of Oregon. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and of the Salem Spin sters club. Mr. Reed attended Eugene schools and University of Oregon, ALPHA CHI OMEGA Mothers Club is meeting this evening at the chapter house at 7:45 o'clock. department of education was speaker, discussing the certifi cation of teachers in the state of Oregon. For the music, Miss Smedley sang, accompanied by Miss Blue. - Mrs. Pekar read the recent radio review naming Mrs. Ruth Herndon, regent of Chemeketa chapter, as woman of the week. III irl I! i v w fin .!; ', vmi rMtt dhv a CENTER I