16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVMXIUNOl rm um loo Per Line I Unci 40a Per dim a time, 60e Fat una 1 month 83.00 Outside el Salam 160 per line pel da;. Ilia. lOei I time, mln. He timet mln. 81.20 No Reluoda UADKE8 In Local Newa OoL OnlTi too par Una To Place an Ad Phone 2-Z406 FOR SALE HOUSES Near Highland School "l bdrm., fireplace, buement, oil heat, " .double garage, nice lot. Price (6.250, Take smaller home In trade. -Dallas Home for Salem XJBTINOS WANTED Joe Noonchester Z REAL ESTATE 1465 Pleasant View. Ph. day or eve. 2-0103 a 55' U A W A NOOK. LH St DR comb. tie. ' BR down, 3 am. BR up. Bath, nursy., lge. utlL, gar., close in, food. nd paint, Trade on better lge. home. Sub. pref. Price (5000. Ph. 3-8368, P.O. box 688. a56 ENGLEWOOD DIST. 4 bdrm. Icb. Hdwd. lira., weather strip- n.rt inmiintixl. 2 fir enlaces. Breeze War, 1510 Madison. Ph. 2-6530. 56' CONSIDER OFFER on 3 bdrm hse. Unfln upstairs. 3397 Adama. Ph. 35523. m56 aw onn. approt. u r.r nd clean 3 bdrm, "horns Northeast. Fireplace. Attached "garage. Oil furnace, on paveo nisn way close to achooL Immediate posses sion. 11,000 down. call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. .R'ltors -158 S. High Phone 3-4131. a57 -ENGLEWOOD DIST. Nice 3 BR home, 3 yrs old, extra well constructed. Baa HW Iloori, auto oil "furnace In service R. Att garage. Be "aura to see this one. We think this a should to o.i. ' A real bur, thla I -bedroom home la all on i noor, naa very large no place. lrae B.R., double plumblntT, bum't and marvelous view. 3 yrs. old Bee thla at the full price of 19500. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS ' 4M Court St. Tel. 34707 Eve. 3-4773. a56 4 BEDROOMS ..Hlahland DIat. Bwd. fin. Lara. DR ..Nook. Dble. plumbing. Fireplace. Auto ..oil lur. Fun oaamt. unit. lot. uar. rmi .price 111,900. - C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Hi. 1.4590. Eve. 2-4312 or 3-9536 a57 SAVE MONEY ' by buying this 2-bedroom modern home. All hardwood floors, auto oil heat. 'Auto washer. Insulated. Payments only - $43.60 lncl. taxes and Int. Down pay- ment 1750 or less. No. 302 :MOVE IN MONDAY!! -'Immediate possession on this 2-bodroom ' - home that could be used aa 8 -bed room. Hlce large kitchen. Fenced In back yard. Auto washer. Close to school. $500 flown. $76 per month. No. 314 PLENTY OF ROOM .-bedroom home with full basement. 1400 sq. ft. of floor apace, ltt baths. Living room, dining room, breakfast nook In kitchen. Hardwood floors. Cor ner location. Only $10,500. No. 400 Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Ph. 3-9203 Eve. Sun. 3-1327, 4-3874, 3-4628 a55 HIGHLAND DIST. t bedim, home. Hwd. firs. Oil floor fur. Fenced In back yard. Price 37800. ' Has O.I. Loan. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Phone 1-4690. Eva. J-,538 or 1-4313 .57. BY OWNER 4 room ahaka house near grade school, $4950. Ph. 2-3885. abo 9i ACRE 5 room unfinished house, 3 room house near Lincoln school. Bus by door, 500 8. El ma by Owner, Four Corners. $4500. 55 4360 Economical 3 bdrm home with additional sleeping room. Oood loca tion. 160 W. Salem Hts. Ave. a50 tVOVELY I B.R. home located nice dlst. W. . Salem. Full price $0500. $1000 dn. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Phone 1-4590 Eve. 2-4313 57 fc.ew. CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. home In West Salem. Full basement. Sawdust furnace. Fireplace. Close to school and bus. $1,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors 1B3 B. High Phone 3-4121. a 67 918,750 NEW modern 3 bedroom home all on one floor. Englewood dlst. Close to school. Fireplace, auto, oil furnace. ''Immed. poss, FHA commitment. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors "158 8. High. Phone 3-4131. a57 6 BEDROOMS Lane lot. Oood location, ltt bath. Full . Burnt. Oil fur. Furnished. $8500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phone 9-4590. Eve. 2-3088 or 3-0636 a57 9,670. 1 ACRE with clean modern 3 bdrm. -home unfinished upstairs, dose In. Bus at door. Chicken house. Walnu trees. Beautiful yard and shrubbery. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. R'ltors . 183 8. High Phone 3-4131. a57 Beautiful Home 5 Acres "3 B.R. located Bast. 'Fireplace. Hwd. firs. Party rm. B.R. Shop. Fireplace In "burnt. Beautiful view of Mts. Dble. "Gar. 9 bedrm Apt. One of the nicest "homes In Salem, Full price $32,500. : C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 B. Commercial Phone 1-4540 Kve. 3-4313 or 2-3088 aST - Sullivan Realty Co. $5,800 Terr neat t bedroom on tt acre of fine soil at the north edge of town. Nice lawn and shrubs, garden space. A second bedroom ean be made with very little coat. . Will sell furnished for $6,850. 955 HICKORY Age 1 year 3 bedroom home all elec tric, plastered, h.w. floors, att. gar age 60x100 lot. Nice lawn, flowers, shrubs, priced at $8,400. 1745 N. 23rd STREET 1 bedrooms. LR, DR. kitchen, bath with shower. 3 fireplaces, party room In base went, oil furnace heat. On paved street, lot 60x126. Please do not disturb own r. Price $14,000. MORNINGSIDE Two large bedrooms, ltt baths, den, LR, DR, large kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. Auto, utilities, double garage, patio, ell furnace, floors are all carpeted, Ven etian blinds, one block to bus. $3,500 flown will handle. Pries $18,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 1265 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 Eve. Ph. 3-7585 - 3-8013 - 3-1778. a57 Suburban East Beautiful 4 BR home close to Salem. Excel, soli, paved hlway, A beauty. Will accept smaller home In trade. Fairmount Hills Very nice 4 BR home, full basement, fireplace, corner lot. Tavern Best located St beat run tavern In Sa lem. Books show excel, returns. Worth Investigating. Grade A Dairy One of the best paying dairies In the valley. Excel, soil, good bldg. Will take Salem home as part payment. H. E. Corey, Real Estate 1S6S M Broadway Phone 1-0552. Day or Eve. t-asia al Oregon, Monday, March 6, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSE!, 3 BDRM. house with bath. Comp. furn. Plenty room for cabins or trailers. Inq Nelson Richfield Sta., Mill City. aflO $1000 DOWN $4800. Clean 3 bedroom home, LR, large kitchen, bath, utility, good garden spot. Garage. $50 month. $7100 The neatest new 3 bedroom house for this money. Hdwd. floors thruout. Inlaid linoleum In kitchen, utility St bath. Large living room. F.H.A, loan. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Phone 1-4139. a57 SPECIAL $5250 New modern 5 rms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. a5S 3 BDRM. Llv. rm., din. rm., kit., bkfst. nook, fire place, full basement, fur. heat, wired for range, eleo. water heater, extra lie. rms. throughout, gar., walnut St cherry trees, fully landscaped, near stores St bus, walking dlst. to town. $8500 full price. Terms. Ph. eve. 2-7985. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217. Mortgage - Ins. - Loans a57 FOR SALE LOTS LOT Ifi GERVAIS. good residential dis trict, $150. Excellent borne alte. Btt Clair Harvey, Gervals. aa5S SPECIAL PRICE on 2 adjoining wooded tract, m lungwooQ we ignis, iw it. frontage, on paved Cascade Dr. Ph. 34538 after 1 p.m. aa56 $10 DOWN!! Lots with water, trees, bus service, electricity. Balance 115 per month. START building tomorrow. 2 locations north Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Ph. 3-9203 aa55 BUSINESS LOT 101 ft. front, N.W. cor. rairgrounda St south Sta. tt block Will. Valley Bank. Ph. 3-8B35, Walt Socolof aky, Real Estate. a55 FOR SALE FARMS LAKE LABIBH ONION LAND Good Beaver-Dam (previous crop totaled 32 cars of onions), plenty of water for lrrig. Up to 50 ac. adj. upland, available at bargain. Bldgs. lncl. 3 BR home, bsmt., St oil furnace, onion barn, oth er good bldgs. A choice loc near Salem. Owner will make exceptionally lew terms, QUALITY LAND CLOSE IN. EAST. 80 Ac. genua rouing Willamette loam, jr. stream. Lge. mod. home, plaster const., bsmt., 3 car garage, other small hse., barn bldg.. An attractive setting in lge. trees. PROFITABLE TO PARM. EASY TO BUYI $28,000 Jncl. crotM. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Persona Service 104 S. Oom'l St. Ph. 3-8380. b5B 30 ACRES Close In South. Cabin. 15 A. orchard. Bal. farm land. $6300 with terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. 2-3088 b57 20 ACRES 9 acres strawberries, raspberries, c one berries, 3 springs, large barn, 3 bed room home. All equipment and some stock goes. 6 mllos from downtown. $4,ooo down. Will trade for house In town. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Ph. 3-9303 b55 10 Acres Walnuts Beautiful Ranch Type home. Fireplace. 3 bedrms, Breakfast bar. Picturesque view or Valley and Mtna. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 043 8. Commercial Phone 3-4300. Eve. 3-9538 or 3-4313 b57 FOR SALE ACREAGE Subdivision Possibilities 32 acres east at a price you can afford to pay. owner will sell In small tracts, 1A or more, Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS 484 Court St. Tel. 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773. bb56 2 ACRES Boone Rd. City bus. No bldgs. $1600. Oood bldg. spot. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phone 3-45S0 Eve. 3-3088 bb57 38 A., 25 A. orchards, close In. $5400, $500 in. Owner, 1011 Elm. Ph. 37236. bb59 REAL ESTATE BIO 1H A. Business corner where two oaim arteries meet. Trade St terms. DeWltt Land Co. Ph. 34016. 313 N, High. CSS DO YOU want a good going business? We nave several making good money St will trade, Call St talk It over. No phone Information, please. DeWltt Land Co., 312 N. High. c55 IF you WISH to sell, exchange or rent your properly Phone 2-3551 Cluett & Kenyon Real Estate 1080 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD Nlla Cluett, F. C. Kenyon, Fred-Freier c57 BEST BUYS Acreages and Farms 11 Acres All under cultivation, furn. rm. home, built In 1044, poultry house, 2 car gar age, garden tractor, 85 walnut trees, 25 cherry trees. Everything goes for $7950. Liberal terms. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 5 Acres, East 3 bdrm. home, built In 1048. Double garaie, chicken house. 6 miles from Sa lem, private well. WilUmrtte soils. To tal price only 16800. Terms. Eves. Ph. 3-4791. or 9-3558. IV2 Acres North, modern 5 rm. home, chicken house, t basement, Willamette soil, paved at. Liberal terms, total price only $6500. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Livability & "Charm Very nice 3 bdrm. home In Manbrln Gardens, 1450 sq. ft. fir. space, good fireplace, radiant heat, lots of bullt lns, spacious rms., choice corner lot, breezeway, private well, very large F. H. A. loan avallnble. Total price only $13,800. Owner leaving city, Eves, phone 2-7674 or 3-3558. Professional Office In a very prosperous town, 1400 sq. ft. floor space riant downtown, building Practically fireproof, total price only $B500 Liberal terms. Eves. ph. 2-7874 or 3-3358. Easy Money If you are Interested in a real money maker. Investigate this one. Concrete block bldg., very good equipment, own er reports gross take last year of ap pro. $33,000. Low overhead. Eves ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 30S5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. c56 19 ACRE TRACT Royai Ann cherries. 800 trees. 19 ton crop. Excel), for residential site In growing farm community. 6 ml So. on old Paclflo hltrhway. Ladders and buckets Included. St Aram shed. Ph. 3-1231. cS9 outstandinTbuy- Canvass tht town and you can't find a better, more attractive home for the money. A large 3 bdrm. home 3 yrs. old. Spacious rms., fireplace, utility rm. Beautiful large lot, nice lawn, trees all around, needs only to be touched up to make a really delightful home. A real vin mt tin SMI Walter Musgrave R'ltors .... umw.igi t. ru, caiuv 5 5 ACRES on good atr, close to main highway 1 new school. Excellent for subdivision. Easy terms. 213 H, Kith DeWltt Land Co. Ph. 84911. $ FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS OUR BEST BUY 3 bdrma. all on one nr.. llv. rm., din. rm.. hdwd. flra., fireplace, nice kitchen & bath, full dry baamt., excellent location, 1 blk. from achool In rood resi dential aeotlon. Pine condition Inalda at out. 336 Richmond. CALL ROY FERRIS. FAIRMOUNT HILL Lee. a bdrm. home, fireplace, oil heat, price ,10,000.00. Will trade for entailer home. 1173 Fir St. CALL RICHARD I. ORABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-247 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelaer 3-9B68 a5 YES, WE KNOW OUR NEW OFFICE IS SMALL, BUT LOOK WHAT BIG BARGAINS WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU. 1- ONLY 8750 DOWN ON A S BEDROOM HOME 1 YEAR OLD. LAROE L.R.. D.R., Ac MODERN KITCHEN. PLENTY OF BUILT IN8. UTILITY ROOM, WALL TO WALL CARPETING. CLOSE TO STORES. SCHOOL ex BUS. SOME SHRUBBERY & CAR PORT. FULL PRICE 37300. , FULL PRICE 33350 ON 3 B.R. HOME. 1 B.R. DOWN & 3 UP. L.R., D.R., & KITCHEN, PLENTY BUILT-INS. FULL BASEMENT WITH OIL HEAT, DOUBLE OARAOE, SHRUBBERY, FRUIT ic NUTS. 1 BLOCK FROM HIOHLAND SCHOOL at A BLOCK TO BUS. 3 B.R. HOME ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. LOE. L R. WITH FIRE PLACE, DINING ROOM & KITCHEN, GARAGE, ex FENCED-IN BACK YARD. OUTDOOR FIREPLACE ee FI8HPOOL. PLENTY OF SHRUBS, FRUIT tt NUTS. BUS AT DOOR e CLOSE TO SHOP PING CENTER. FULL PRICE 10300. CARPENTER'S SPECIAL. IF YOU DO YOUR OWN WORK Ic HAVE' IDEAS THIS WILL MAKE GOOD HOME AND INCOME. CORNER LOT I BLOCK FROM CENTER ST. L.R. WITH FIREPLACE. D.H.. 3 B.R. & BATH DOWN, 3 B.R. UPSTAUIS. ALL WITH CLOSETS PLUS LGE. STORAGE ROOM. FULL PRICE ONLY 37900. 2- 3-4- These are all exclusive listings so call for ap pointment. Smith Real Estate (CD. SMITH, BROKER) 475 Center St. Ph. 3-7007 eves, i-8266 Oh yes, coffee is HIGH priced. But we think it's cheap, when you can relax, and enjoy a cup among friends! So drop in for that free cup any time. REAL ESTATE $300 Down Now that we have had an opportunity to show this very neat home to the public we are Indeed happy to announce the people of Salem are far beyond ex pectation! In wanting; ua to build many of them. We are also happy to be In a position to do so. We will be glad to arrange an evening; appointment for you with the builder and draftsman to draw your Individual plans is arrange the financing for you. Remember this nome naa 7uu sq. it. 01 noor apace, hardwood floors throughout, Coleman oil furnace. Dlate glass windows, utility room Inside, large storage apace up stairs, lots of closet df linen space. Don't lorget tne terms . . . sjuq aown ee me total price of $6300 . . built on jour lot. AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 ortland Rd. Ph. 3-7830-3-4596 c56 WANTED REAL ESTATE BUYER HAS $6000, wants 3 Bdrm modern nome. LiUe to nave oasement, preier ably Englewood district. Walter Mus grave, Realtors. 1311 Edgewater St. Ph. 35109. . case WANTED Lot where we can build our home. Call 20320. ca55 20 A OR MORE brush or gracing land. write description and price to Box 402, Capital Journal. ca55 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS) 134 Liberty Ph. 3-3471. ea NOTICE' If your property is for sale, rent or exenange, tut it witn us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTOR! 153 S. High St -ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE, all modern Beauty Shop. Good going business. Downtown shopping cen ter. Ph. 27031. cd55 SM. CROC. STORE, good loc, mod. llv. quarters, wirea lor range, eiec. a water. Near Salem. Out bldg., stock, fixtures & property. Will consider some real estate trade. Bal. terms. Box 410, Cap ital Journal. cd56 BUS, BLDG. & liv. rms. 2085 N. Com'). Ph. 3-8839. cdSl DUPLEX. S near Junior high, basement, 011 neat, corner toi, sosso. DUPLEX: Close In East. Oil heat. Corner lot. $9500. VERY CLOSE IN on N. Capitol St. Apts. ft large uving qrts. lor owner, a very goo4 buy for $25,000. . 4 APTS., basement, oil hot water heat, On ly diks to aown town. $3i,ooo. 5 UNIT apt. house, this Is really nice. Ex tra lot. wtu accept nome in trade. $32,500. 10 UNIT court, a real deal for $35,000. 10 UNIT court only 3 bias, from state house. $55,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings 164 S. Com'l St. - Personal Service Ph. 3-8389. cd58 NEARLY NEW income property, paying over u Tt s Plenty room lor expan sion. Ph. 34016. DeWltt Land Co. 212 N. High. cd56 STORE FOR RENT or sell store bldg. with 3 rentals. Q4. invest. 213 Mill St. Silver ton. Ore. cd57 GROCERY STORE, gaA, St cabins. Rt. 7. ox 143. rn. 2-U.9. cd66 A WELL established auto supply whole- uusiiicbc paying excellent aiviaenas. Must sell Immediately because of Ill ness. Smalt Investment required. Write Capital Journal Box 408. cd57 DO YOU WANT ACTION on buying, sell ing or tracing, ust your wants with DeWltt Land Co. at once. Ph, 34016. 212 N. High. cdM FURNITURE FOR SALE 40 GAL. Wessex elec. water heater. Used a mo. ibs. loto Hood. Ph. 35248 eves. d55 S PIECE dining set. Oood cond. 255 S. 14. dS7 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, Includes mail rag. Must sen immediately. Ph. 2-0088. d56 BURGUNDY daveno & chair. Good cond. eaa. an sacwary, w, aaiem. d56 USED DAVENPORT rfc chair. 1803 N. Cot- tage. rn. s-i3. 456 FOR SALE, antique Swedish love seat mans 01 rose wooa, wita curve back. Ph. 3-7947. J55 WANTED FURNITURE All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Houaeholds, foods, furniture, brle-a-brac, appliances, ru,s, allverware. duhea. QUICK SERVICE Ph. 38S58 ia GLENN WOODMT. Ph 33110 da ...... FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOOD MILK cow. Cell after p.m. Ph. LIVESTOCK WANTED Boxnin ucsnsid BtMlock purer. i. o. Hcoendiien. hit b. istn. ra. 3,147 aa7, LICENSED UTUTOCaT, Buyer. H. E. Bne Ihen. 1330 Laneeatar Or. Ph. 3-lXJ eall' IFOR SALE HOUSES AUCTIONS Unusual Auction TUES., MARCH 7 7:30 A.M. Glenwood Ballroom, i'k Miles North on 99E Consisting of many high grade new & used St antique Items. You can't af ford, to mlsa this sale If you need fur niture. NEW Beautiful 7 pc. Duncan Phyfe ma hogany dining aulte. Credenza buf fet St china cupboard. 9 Bleach dinette. Beautiful sectional sofa, frieze char treuse daveno St club chair. Sewing rocker. a) Telephone stand. 9x12 rugs. China modern lamps. Table lamps. Walnut chest of drawers. Walnut St bleach bedroom suite. High grade mattress sets. 9 pc polish brass fireplace set. Linoleum. Scatter rugs. Occasional chairs. 9 Modern tables. APPLIANCES '49 model 12 cubic feet freezer. 8 ft. deluxe Firestone refrlg., new. 8 ft. Firestone refrlg., new. 3 vacuum cleaners. a New wood St electric combination range. Gas water heater. Motorola consol radio. Duotherm circulator. a) 3000 watt Therfmodore heater, 5 H.P. Jacuzl 3 phase Jet pump, new, 3600 gal. power. 4) Portable radio. Table radio. 6 Remington portable typewriter. Sinks. Tanks. a) New wiring. 4) Many more Items. ANTIQUES 49 2 black walnut oval tables 49 Round maple tables. 2 sofas 3 glass book cases. Oval front china book case. Massive leather swing rocker. 49 3 antique rockers. 49 Large lot of linen ware. Hundreds of other items. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER PH. 3-5110 PETS CHOICE CANARY, mala and female. Ph. 3B5. tc67 FRENCH POODLES, males St females. 4 mo. old, house broke. 1572 State. ec56 MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, heaters, ther- mwmu, i arms s equipment, new snip ment Just arrived. Danlos, White Clouds, Amaion Catfish, Angela, Rt. 6, Box 483. 2 ml. from Lancaster Dr. on Macleay Rd. Ph. 27321. ec56 CHOICE canary birds. 260 N. I8th. ec57 FUEL CLL HIGHWAY FUEL FOB Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Blab Wood Dry Planer Ends Si Block Wood Ph 3-6444 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mil) Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR StfcH GREEN STAMPS 16" HAND PICKED slabwood, 1 cord loaaiio. in. arm or 35953. ee&9' Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edgina Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreeo Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 95533 WW. FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. DR PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL A STOVE OH Ph Salem 3-4031 Pick ap wood at 1333 Ede. water Weal Salem ee' PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak, ash. maple, r nr. 18" alab and edclnea. Ph 3-1433. ee FOR SALE POULTRY CHIX-CHIX: Certified baby N. H. In dependence Farm a. reed Supply. 73 llaln St. Ph. 18.1W Independence, Ore. NEW bUMPSHIEE, Pannenter. now avail able evor, Tuea. rot Hatcher?, 3330 State St. Ph. 3-4BM. r PRODUCE uaiuii axraxjA hat. ra. u FOR SALE FARMS CHANCE OF A LIFETIME 105 A. BERRY FARM ' HAZEL GREEN DISTRICT This farm is all Willamette silt soil In high state of cult. 38 A. strawberries, 13 A. thorn leas blackberries, 35 A. ready for planting this spring. This crop should net around 30 or 35 thousand dollars this year. Every kind of equip ment practically new, Including 2 tractors, go with farm. Good modern, 3 bedroom home. Machine shed and other buildings. Shown by appointment only. Full price $55,000, LAKE LAB'ISH BEAVERDAM About IS'-i A. 8 A. real deep beaverdam, none better, 5tt A. fine seml beaverdam. Balance is very good upland soil. This place Is a real onion farm and the price Is right, $21,000. About $6,000 will handle. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 1383 PORTLAND ROAD PH. 3-3353 EVE. PHONE 1-4473 OR 4-17S8 REAL ESTATE - OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD Spacious 3 B.R. older home, lge. living and dining room, inside utility. Home In perfect condition, lovely lot. $6500. Has $4300 loan at 4. WANT TO GO SUBURBAN? Well built 3 B.R. home at 450 Morgan Ave. Nice living room, lge. kitchen, with nook. Inside utility, completely redecorated. Located on Vt acre of round. $7350. A GOOD FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO PARRISH Nice living room, lge. dining room, roomy kitchen, floored attic, only $7050. LOVELY 4 BEDROOM HOME We want you to see this new 4 bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with, lota of bullt-lns, automatlo washer, automatic oil heat. $11,750. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM 107 acres good farm land, 30 acres Irrigated in Ladino clover, balance grain land. 13 stanchion barn, milk house, lge. hog hse., and chix hse., dble. gar age, lge. modern older type house. 30 head cattle, 40 head hogs and Irrigation equip, included for $26,500. This Is ft good farm and can be handled with about V down. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. Henry Torvend 3-3633 118,000. SUBDIVISION 5 'A acres, good 3 Br. none, real attractive, close In on Lansing Ave. Paul. $13,500. Close to Senior HI. Nice 3 Br., living Sz dining rm, fire place, good dry basement with oil piped heat. Ed, $22,000. Well equipped 80 acre farm, 70 under Cult, family orchard, fair to excellent buildings, growing crops go. Reasonable terms. Peck. $9,500. Ten acres clear Lake Dlst, good barn, 2 Br. home on Pvd. Rd. Paul. $10,500. No. 3' business zone, 3 Br. home, all on one floor, full dry basin. oil furnace, this Is In top condition. Ed $33,000. 128 acres, all cultivated, living stream, 2 barns, good house, place all fenced, all well drained. Peck. $500 and up, good building lots located on Evans Add. In Kelzer, alto nice business lot located on Pvd. Rd. $1600. Paul. $8500. Three Br., full basm., fire place, close to Englewood Sch. Peck, $8500. Neat, clean Ss roomy 3 Br. home near Leslie Sch. Paul. $6000. Grocery store, stock and equipment, well located In Salem. $75 rent. Ed. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve'. Ph. Paul Gell 27760 HOME WITH INCOME Drive by 627 N. Winter and see this fine home, all rms. are large. H.W. firs., full cement hsm't. with 2 apts. Also on the same lot a nice 2 B.R. home with bsm't. If you want a really nice home with good Inc., don't pass this up. Total price Including all furn. In the 2 bsm't. apts., $35,500. PLEASE DO NOT disturb occupants, but phone for an app't. Klgglns. NEAR WALLACE ROAD 34 A., mostly Amity soil, good barn, 4 B.R. mod. home In beau, setting, bsm't., furnace, fireplace, spring, 4 hd. stock, tractor St equipment, all goes for 110, 700. Crawford. BURT PICHA, 379 N. High St. Eve. 3-5390 HELP WANTED MALE MAJOR OIL CO. HAS OPENING LOCALLY Send application in own handwriting to P.O. box 505, Salem, Ore., Immediately. Give full name, age (prefer between ages 21-25), physical characteristics (height, weight, etc.), education record, occupational history listing last employ ers first (include military service), three references with addresses (local pre ferred do not list relatives or former employers), and any qualifications not mentioned. All replies received will be confidential. ga56 SMALL companion desired for my three year old son in my home. 1140 . I3tn. ga67 LOCAL OFFICE MANAGER for national organization. Require high calibre per son with Interest In future. Age 22-30, eollege preferred. Must type and have general office management experience. Excelent salary, opportunity, and em ployee relations. Phone International Business Machines Corp., 3-9261 for In terview. ga55 HELP WANTED FEMALE AVON can offer a business career to three Intelligent women. Wonderful In come. Write Dlst, Mgr., 8225 S.E. Yam hill, Portland. gb57 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. The Spa. 382 State St. gb57 RESPONSIBLE LADY to care for 2 chil dren In my home. Ph. 2-4270 after 5 p.m. gb57 WANTED SALESMAN YOUNG MAN to sell heating St air con ditioning service. Oood pay while learn ing. For Interview write Box 414, Cap Hal Journal. gg57 WANTED POSITIONS Mimeographing-Typing PAINTING St Decorating. Free Est. Reas. Rates. Ref. Ph. 2-9983. h55 PRACTICAL NCRSE or companion to el derly lady, box 305 capital Journal. h57 HOUSEWORK St Ironing by the hour. Ph. 23720. 1155 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. h61 REMODELING St alteration. Ph. 3-9694. h PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-9694. h WILL CARE for children daytime or night. Ph. 43033. A59B MARRIED MAN 35 yrs old would like a steady Job bookkeeping or payroll elk. Please Ph. 26089. h50 SPECIALIZED children's sewing. Ph. 26081 h77 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phon a opr. Ph. 3-5072. h79 FIR OAKS Nursing Horn 34-hr. care. Ph. 3-2125. h57 DECORATING. Reas. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5523. hSl TAX RETURNS prepared reasonably. Ph. -iivjj. ntu NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. DAYS. auks i iu . iik. t:jo to e. ru. amu. h58' LADY WISHES employment In motel, ho tel or auto court, uve la. box ui cap ital Journal. h57 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FQR SALE FARMS I REAL ESTATE Phone 2-4115 - 3-4116 Pat Kemper 3-5207 cS7 Ph. 26680 Peckenpaugh 35413 - Ed 28704 STOCKED & EQUIPPED 48 A. fine, well drained soli, 14 ml. No. on pvm't., new barn, oldL 6 im, mod. house, 8 milk cows, 3 calves, It's a good buy at $10,700. Good terms, too. Crawford. STOCK FARM 15 ml. So. of Salem, 4 ml. from Hiway on good road, 202 A., 65 under cultiva tion, good 6 rm. home, bath, old barn, 3 stanchions, lge. poultry house. The price is $16,000 and carries an $8000 mortgage. Might consider exchange for residence or Income property. Johnson. REALTORS or 3-7451 Office 3-3649' WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trlmmlns. remor- iB. n. up. nor. guar w a. escAins ter, 340 Trade. Ph. 2-1498. h83 YOUNG MARRIED man needa work. Ph. -783. h57 NURSES BY HOUR, week or Uve In. Practical Nurses' Registry. Ph. 3-3072. h59' BOOKKEEPER Exp. in all phases of bookkeeping. Oood ref. Box 412, Capi tal Journal. h57 PAINTING,, paperhanglng, floor cleaning, waalng, reflnlahlng. Free estimates. Ph. 23720. h55 BABY SITTING br middle age lad;. Ph. :ii. hS7 CARPENTER, new remodeling apeclal- tr. Ph. 3-7746. h71 GARDENS FLOWED br Roto-tlller. Reas. Ph. 2-2789. h70 CHILD CARE, my home. Ph. 33811. h88' BABE SITTING. PH. 20S80. M7 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4858. FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING room. Gentleman. Ph. 37176. JkEB PLEASANT sleeping rm for gentleman. mail norway. rn. z-4347. 138' NEAR BUSINESS dlst. Employed tentle- MAN'S SLEEPING ROOM. Auto heat. Prlv. bath, entry. Ph. 3-9043. Jk56 ROOM ladies only. Small kitchen. 328 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. Jk55 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. 39870. Jk68" SLEEPING RM, single or double furn, heat, kitchen priv. Near State Bldg. No drinkers. Ph. 28412. Jk37 SLEEPING ROOMS for men only. 395 N. 14th. JkS5 SLEEPING RMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 35539. k73- NICELY FURN. Heated Ladles preferred. 339 N. Winter. Jksa RMS. 195 S. Cottage. Ph. 2-7817. Jk72 SLEEPING, light hsekpg. rms Ph. 3-4335. Ik55 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-RM. FURN. apt., nrl. bath. Prig. N. Church St. Jp55 FURN. 12 RM. apts. Ph. 2-7283. Jp78 FURN. REDEC. 2 and 3 rm. apt. 124.60 and 827.50 per mo. Also furn. am. house. Baby welcome, no pets. 624V, N. Capitol. ip55- 3 ROOM partly furn. apt. a 2 rm. Ph. 2-0367. Jp55 1 RM AFT, partly furn. Private bath. Hollywood diet. Ph. 38053 or 31588. Jp53 S ROOM furn apt, clean, adults. Util furnished, 347.50. Ph. 31789. 356 S. 14th. 1P36' FURN. LIGHT hskp. room. Utilities furn. Ph. 37310. Jp85 RM FURN APT, 146 S 17th attar 1 p.m. JP56' NEW 3 rm apt, prlyate bath, partially furnished. Adults. 1047 Uadlson. Jp5, 1 BDRM large unforn. apt. Electric atoye ar. auto, on neat. my. batn. Also 3 rm. smaller apt. with electrlo store At nrlv. bath. Children accepted. Ph. 37773 or ..j i w. am. JPOT UNFURN. DUPLEX. Children welcome. Ph. 3-5065. JP56' NICELY FURV. modern let fir. apt. Cen ter located. Hot water heat. For 1. a couple or 2 girls. 468 N. Winter. Ip57 RM. partly furn. apt. N. Salam, oU heat, elec. range. 363 Taylor St. Jp36 Journal Want Ads Pay EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY DO YOU know Mr. you can buy a new Packard Sedan for $2537, Salem price. STATE MOTORS, INC, 340 N. High Ph. 3-4436. 0X57 49 Mercury 4-door sedan. 3 months old. Only 7000 miles. Local owner. Complete deluxe equipment. $1945 Loder Bros. Used Car Mkt. Ph. 2-7973 QX55 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE - HEATER $395 BONESTEELE SALES &- SERVICE 370 N. Church Ph. 3-9277 0X55 WILSON'S 1939 BUICK Special series. One In many. One own er. Perfect condition. $495 OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER qx55 Requirements for the use of this special section .... i Dealers must submit their copy before 4 p.m. day previous to publication. 2 Each car must be an exceptional value, 3 capital Journal reserves the right to reiuse to puoiisn any listing It feels Is not a special value. FOR RENT APARTMENTS X RM. FURN. apt. $27. Ph. 2-8424. Jp55 DUPLEX: 3 lge. rooms nicely furn. Fire place St batn. Adults, en. 3-7277 eve. JP57 3 RM. BASEMENT apt. 627 N. Winter. ,P57 I ROOM apartment. Close in. 435 Division JP55 3 APTS. Furn. Inquire 547 Knapp St. JP55 SINGLE GIRL to share my apt. Ph. 3-8508 eve. Jpao FOR RENT HOUSES 4 RM. unfurn house, elec wtr htr Sz wired ior range, uiose in. uoupie oniy. rn. 26004. jm56 3 RM. MODERN furn. cottage. Ph. 2-6618. Jm55" BDRM, partly furn. house. Ph. 3-7465, 525 N. 19th. Jm57 BR house, elec heat, wired for range. 950 S. 20th. Inq. at 580 S 19th. JmSS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE with Llvesley Bldg. ent rance. Ph. 3-9801. J5B- SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- crimes. Reasonaoie races, free pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512. J RENT USED CAR lot, 1695 N. Oom'l. .77 BUSINESS BLDG. at 1694 N. Com'l. J61 USED REFRIGERATOR, Al Laue Ref. Co., 2350 State. Ph. 3-5443. J65a BUSINESS RM. for rent. B. U Stiff. 1" U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnsen Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph." 29103 r GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J TRAILERS 32.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 a. latn, west saiem. j" TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, we aeu everrtmng to complete tne Job HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J ROOM & BOARD SALEM Nursing Home. 3595 "D" St. Am bulatory or bed patients. Men or wom en. Trained nurses, 24-hr. service. JJ73 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE with baby desire I or 2 bdrm. house. Ret. ph. 2-8815. ja55- 2 OR S BEDROOM house to S60. Ph. 2-8100. jaS7 WANTED to rent 5 room house, 3 adults. pn. 2-8110. jaao WANTED 3 or 4 rm. modern furn. apt. Close in. write box 401. capital Jour nal. Ja5S LOST & FOUND LOST, billfold with valuable papers. Find er may keep money, ph. 37440, Kennetn Holmes, 695 Court St. k55 FOUND: Large buff male collie. Ph. 3-0624 or 2-3772. k57 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m63 SPENCER CORSETIERE Call 3-5073. xn73 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-H3. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolo'i Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL USED SIDING BRICK, lumber, buUt-ins Ss Plaster board. 3510 garden no. maaa' WE SELL ONLY the best cedar shingles all grades. Del. 18" No. 1 carton pacx ed cedar wall shakes with under-course (12.50 q Oak St Pecan flooring, Cedar as spruce siding. Tea uuuer. rn. eaiem 3-1196. ma' FOR PERMA-STONE, Ph. 2-0605. ma78 Oak Flooring No. 3 com shorts (130 per M No. 3 com Rl (160 per M Full line of building supplies. Estimates gladly given. FHA blue prints FREE with material. Eppiner Lumber Co. 4140 Silverton Rd. Ph. 22054 ma57' HOW'S YOUR ADDITION? Ton Quality lumber. PLCS prompt effi cient service, PLUS unbeatable prices, EQUAL West Salem Saw Mill 1050 Wallace Rd Mile North of River Ph. 3-9593 ma73' SAVE AT KEITH BROWN! CEDAR BID INQ V,xiu 125 M. WINDOWS prices slashed In half on special shipment. Variety of sixes. Some as low as (l.so. REJECT PLYWOOD S". W i.' V starting at 4c for celling tile ply wood. EVERYTHING to build anything at that convenient location. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court, Salem. 1 HOME BUILDERS CONTRACTORS - CARPENTERS Inquire about apee. low-price on new piaster ooarn, xa eneets. write c. u. Lou. RL , Salem. Ore. or Ph. 35621 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan. Beautiful black finish. Upholstery covered from new with seat covers. 95 new tires. Less than 32,000 actual miles. This car la Ilka new In every way. Extra special at $1475 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH QUALITY USED OARS 495 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4111 oiBB" 1940 PONTIAC "C" sedan. Just tops in shape A priced to sell. Come in to WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 Centir Ph. 3-3013 x55 '41 DESOTO CONV. Convertible coupe. Cream color, black top, radio, heater, white aldewalt tires, fender skirts. Loaded with extras. $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeketa at Church Ph. 1-7931 1X55-; 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan. Heater. $1395 STAN BAKER MOTORS Union at High Ph. 2-2461 48 Buick Roadmaster Sedanette. Fully equipped. Clean as a pin. This beauty Is finished In popular light blue with white wall tires. Here is an outstanding buy it $1695 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church Ph. 2-1527 P.XB5 BUILDING MATERIAL ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, mlllwork, bard ma terials, hardware, floor covering, -electric appliances, paints, insulation, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of (20 up to (300. Small, easy monthly payments take care of the rest. Make It easy en your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD At that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem, na FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS on. circulators at greatly reduced YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa NO WAXING required with PUflTra.' KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum, EATER APPLIANCE CO. 370 onemeketa PHILLIPS BROS Fertilisers, well rotted or fresh, any k! ' By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 2-1461. Rt 1 Box 118. SMALL PIANO. New Spinet model, maho- k"" Aiiiitm. mvu a, ouage. nos" SEARS WASHER $20 . Collapsible baby -t.iw . aiuuucu ut.BiutJi.iu os mna as. Playpen $5. Ph. 21031. n56 !00 GAL. WHITE outside paint, 13 gal. Good dining room table (8. Oood cir culating wood heater (10. Hot water new GOOSE feather pillows, 645 Ferry St. BABY BATHE NETTE $4.00, Motorttf baby "ussy tio.vu, odium pity ptn 112.00, Kroehler davenport St chair, bint va lour (60. All excellent condition. Call 34384. nS5 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS I19JI . up. lUt'lJUt AtrriilAItCS. CO. 3o onemeicetft FOR SALE Sawdust Conveyer complete wim ivu it. cit, ana n.p. motor; sua sawdust burner. Ph. 3-S606. n0 SALEM SAND Ss GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Si Basement Equipment RentC 16 B tt yds. 10 B yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer D-8 Cat St Doeer D-4 Cat St Doser See us about ditching by the- ft. Phone Days 3-0408 Eves. 3-6246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon n breeze range burner, dble. barret Cop- ucr tuuintt. ru, a-i-pja. nil 1003 MODEL Springfield sporter. Ph. 3-8852 after 6. Be at 139S Pearl. b57 USED Electric Refrigerators, (49.93 eg up. IfcAifiK A r PLilANOH CO. 375 Chemeketa b REROOFING, painting, remodeling. .Wille- mec v t.uer wooi co., tsaiem. n FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8187. nei GENERAL ELECTRIC, Croslay. Gibson. and Montag Appliances at OeTurti. USED Electric ranges, (19.05 St up. IM1K A r IrLalA HUE CO. 375 Chemeketa n HEAT your home electrically with West- ingnouse or wesin automatlo electric heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings, In tock. made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n68 USED RADIOS rSe record players, 11.18 up. 1&A1JSK AfPJjXAWCB CO, 375 Chemeketa TEXAS BERMUDA onion plants hare now. Puritan Cider Wks., W. Salem. n57 PLASTIC APRONS, variety to choose from, makes beautiful gifts. Some host ess, Ideal for kitchen use. Ph. 30403. GET YOUR yard and garden peet moss at Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. Wa have both half and whole bales. aT WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, gardes sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing. -rd shovel St drag Line Ph. 1-0248 FOR YOUR spring tonic drink and en. Joy Pure Apple cider. Contains ail tht fruit vitamins (no preservative), Pur- . ltan Cider Wks., W. Salem. B57 '85 REO ltt T.-L.W.B. Truck (91. 3 wheel Trailer, 16" tires. Used pipe fittings, bricks, windows, etc. Rt. 6 Bos 133. tt mile No. of Fruitland church. n5 RENT Wheelchairs and hospital beds. Buren. 3-7775. 745 Court St. . oC3 ELEC. WATER heater (85. Ph. 1-883T, BM WATCHMAKERS 1 K&D stake tool set 52 punches 12 stump 3o 1 KstD stake tool set 84 punches so stump g ALMS JEWELRY, 536 Main. Lebanon nis HOP STAKES for sale. Chas. P. Wyffels, rt. 2 box 137, Woodburn. Org. Ph. 1414. " B3f RUBBER MATTING made from discarded tires. For door mats, back bars, schools, churches, machine shops, etc. Any siae. Very reasonable. Ph. Greea 368. Charles Klopp, Woodburn, Ore. bIT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Used SAFES, used door alosuras. Ph. (Continued on Page 17) BP. , ma56