14 Capital Journal, Salem, ON TO OREGON The Way West By A. B. GUTHRIE, JR. ' SYNOPSIS : A little band of moun teimnen (lncludlnf a Brltiiher) may jet spilt the On-to-Orejon waion train. These men tell of dancer ahead on the Oregon Trail and sing the praises of Cali fornia. But Lije Uvans and the more stalwart and courageous pi oneers still say "Op to Oregon" while unpleasant Tadlock and un stable McBee think of sunny Cali fornia where the weather is mild and the foinf easy. Another problem bothers Lije Evans' ado lescent son. Brownie, who has just asked a word with his friend Sick Summers, the wise old guide of the party. It is the end of August, 1945. Now go on with the story (Chapter 19) Summers asked Brownie, "Where's this hoss wants to see me?" "Dick?" "Uh-huh." Brownie shuffled to a stop. He slid his eyes up to Summers and down to the ground. "You got tune to talk to me?" "Sure, boy. Time aplenty. Train don e rou tm tomorrow.'' ..Brownie's lips tried a word two. not making any sound. Not until then had Summers noticed the worry In his face. '"Me, now, I can't hardly think to speak unless It's Jy water or tree. River ain't so far." Summers had thought maybe the boy would loosen up, walking but he didn't. They came to the river where the bank was open and sat down by it. "Flshll do to live on in a fix Summers said, "but 'hey ain't like a buffler. That's a trouble with Oregon, no buffler to spea' of. One day youll want to toiler up the Snake. That country's some, now, Jackson Hole and the Tetons and ail" "Can't think of that, Dick. Not now." . "No?" "I been thlnkln" on marriage The words came tight, the leanness of strain In them. "Ain't nothln' wrong with that,1 Summers said. ''Maybe I got no rightful busi ness taiain', to you or anyrjoay, On I had to talk." Summers thought while he wait ed. Brownie wanted answers. Al ways people wanted answers, the lull and final, everlasting answers. "Supposln" there was a girl, and a man aimed to marry her If she aid yes?" Again Summers held his tongue and waited for the tight, hard spoken words. "Supposln' he found out some thin' about her?" "I'm follernlnV "And might be she wuld have a baby?" "Pound out from who?" "From her. And she didn't know If she cared for him and she didn't know If she didn't, but she had to marry up with someone?" "Might as well lay it open. I know It all but for the man." "It's Mack." "She didn't have to tell you, Brownie." he said. "I already told myself how hon est It was of her." "And she could've made out she took to you, 'stead of savin' she didn't know." "Maybe she never will take to me." "I ain't In doubt about that." The boy's voice had a kind of eagerness In it. "Aaln't you, Dick?" "Not a mite." The voice sank back. "Even so, I don't know. A man don't like less than what he'd hoped." Summers said. "Kin you git along without her. Brownie?" "I don't feel so. Don't feel like I ever could. On'y on'y " "There's your answer then," said Summers, and knew that there it was. Closer than his fool thought, closer than the wide ranging of his mind, there it was, plain as day. There it always had Men, and he had seen it from the first but still had passed it by. "You think she's all right, don't you, Dick?" It was confidence the boy want ed, and Summers tried to give it to him, saying, "Why you ask a fool question like that! She's tip-top. She Just ain't been favored In her pa or ma, and maybe thought what was the use, or maybe was carried beyond herself Just because a na bob played up to her. Pornet. and take her, and count yourself lucky." Brownie got to his feet. "I got to tell Pa that I'm marryln'." "Llje'U be all right. Hhe thinks Just of you." "I know't. I'm thankful to you, Dick." "No cause fer it." "Here, Rock I Where'd that dog go?" Lije Evans kicked his horse out ahead of the train, which was readying to roll. The wagons were supplied and repaired. The gab was gabbed. The marriage was done. So come out Get started! Time to move. Can't spend the live long day on a wedding and a lost dog. Snow'll be flying In Oregon Deiore you know it. Follow along. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Evans I He would think about the trail or about the life ahead and the house he would build or about California and the folks whod stayed behind to follow Greenwood Tadlock and Brewer and Davtsworth, and here mm Oregon, Monday, March 6, 1950 was McBee in his thought again, in-law Hank McBee and his in-law brood. There was one thing, any how: he wouldn't have to put up but with one McBee. He had cut McBee off when. Just before the wedding, McBee haa shown he might change his mind about going to California. "Never can tell what'll happen." McBee had said. can't teu," Evans moved away and figured he'd done right. It was just tnat McBee was McBee and his woman his woman, and no worth to either of them. Fine thing to have them around! Meet my in law, Hank McBee. Evans looked back or nun and saw the train lining out at last and Dick Summers riding by the lead team, unaersianaing, ttvans Knew, that sometimes a man wanted to be alone and wear himself in to a hurt ful faot. Evans yanked his hat tight and cocked a shoulder against the wind, telling mmseii tnat what he couldn't neio ne couldn't nem. so torget it. And forget Brownie and last night ana nis own arguments mat came to nomine. "Marry l" ne had said, unneueving. 'mat's wnat i aim to do. fa.' "You ain't but a long seventeen." "I'm oioern vou was. ana 11 want ed out good." can't get a license nere. can't do it proper." we un sign a paper, i reckon, and there's Brother Weatherbv." "just wait'ii we Kit to Oregon, and if you feel the same then, we'll do it up ngnt." unless i marry ner. sne won t be goln' to Oregon, for you said her lamDiy wasn't. Anynow, I ain't wiu- ur to wait, neitner oi us." "How you know this girl Is what you want? Don't hardly know her out to pass tne tune or aay. - "Don't say nothln' bad about her, please, Pa. I Just know. She's all right, an' more'n that. It's just you can e see ner xor ner lamoiy." "uais preeas cats.'' "Please. Pal" Evans made himself hold silent Out of the thoughts that ran Inside his head, he tried to catch a good ope, one good enough to make the boy consider. While he tried, anger died in nun. leaving just its ashes. You're a man now. reckon, and i ain't got tne eye to see it, remem berin baby days. An' I'll see Weath erby If you're still sot come morn ln'' Evans turned away, feeling heavy- rootea. "wneres Kockr" "He went off somewheres." Evans glanced behind him. half expecting to see Rock loping up. but Jill he saw between him and the train was the grass running pat. terns before the wind. He wasn't anxious, though, not very, for Rock wouia snow up in course m tune. . . ....... V. .1. have hunted more, but the morning already was halfway gone, thanks to tne wedding, and tne company had to roll out miles. Meantime the train must move. You couldn't ask the folks to keep on waiting Just for a misplaced dog, no matter If the dog was Rock. Evans sua over in tne saddle ana cocked the other shoulder to the wind. Except for the weather com. lng at htm, a man wouldn't think that hard miles lay ahead. The road looked pretty open, as u swue cross. Ings and rough mountains were Just dreamed up in ureenwood's neaa. Eight hundred miles to the home they hadn't seen. Eight hundred to the new life. Glddap, horse. (To Be Continued) 3011 SIZES t Spring's Soft Touch Simplicity. the keynote to dress beauty wit ness this softly tucked style with Just the right amount of accent in its sprinkling of scallops. Seven gores give grace to the skirt. No. 3011 b eut in sizes 12, 14, 16, '18, 20, 36, 38. 40, 4, 44, 48 and 48. Size 18, 3M yds. 39-in. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State 81 desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis sion St.. San Francisco B. Calif Patterns ready to fill orders im mediately. For special handling of order via first elaas mall in clude an extra fit per pattern Just off the press I The SPRDJO BOOK OF FASHION presenting the newest style trenos, ail translated Into delightfully wearable easy-to- make pattern designs Over 160 designs for all ages and occasions oeautuuuy illustrated in this book Order your copy now. Price Just 20 cents. fi ll , History's most d elfeS JsrZ&&&$l Jmttr&A Muanth ' m He ever 5tbs insc Tl . AMAZIN& VITAL TfmJlhMJrl ,rri cncfthtmt THC ropes, jud -Tie his J I STATISTIC HAS .attenS A 1 'arTSfeYlW JT?$SSM9fl Cditor ARMS IN A BOW-KNOT AND I T H VtTTUALiy TURNED .fTi 1 ftgSk JjE .Tirt5iWj BUtyie. SOU. HIM DOWN THE HILL J , i- spotlight ISZ-ifxsmA s$J, HistobvwostI STATISTIC HAS vmiIXY TURNED SPOTLIGHT MAGAZINE, rWW'l' IK- IUK1AL lO WEEKLY. INTO AN OA-BUM BABY WOTO5...BUT TrC OROJLKnON ,15 CLIMBING UKc MOON-BOUND v magazine, XpyM- J&ZtVZ itS-BsSfl tl"n$m' II rsi E eyS'an jj - y y J NOOipjitoH, WwHAT I TAKING SOME YVOU-SAVe OH.NO! ISME IPll L.AH0 THIS . SO I'M GOING HOME T RIGHT AT OUITTIN&J' IN THE MONEY OUT OF J MONEY ? - I A LITTLE FOR IS ONE OP IN A CAB J """"J -t TIME! -af WORLD MY PI&&Y J THOUGHT YOU A RAINY Jy Irfe, THOSE ffeJ 1 T - 1 j j POOR tXCW-HE-S SO TBWBty WfM I FORLLOFU8 HSRt-BUT HOW MWY f CAN I IT-BUT 1 ' l "win mU' J j g M TmOTT. W SORE.' LET'S l HOPE yOO zSIEWi -AND WAS VOUR mwELa-THEH IG0SH THANKS.JH I iSAlfVa"-'1'5! I'M NOT SURB.yer.. PO VOU THINK VOU JT A "THEORY IS TAWNfi SHAPE HM-M-M f NOW JUST R U ivl1-ruiuu'rJ.BUT'SINCESWrH'S "S6 CAN 00 THAT, IN MY MINP. I BELIEVE A WHAT POES THAT S U XSiSZJSiSt) 6 SO WEAK, WE CAN BEST W A- ' J DELIBERATE ATTEMPT WAS I SSZum. Sf?efkl?iS!i2?H, CLEAR HIM PKKOVERINS MflSlK&m MADE TO PLACE THE 6UILT UTON L P"BS' S L PIP VOU FINP OUT ANYTHING Tl THE REAL CRIMINAL! J. ,'Vlfef WR.SMITH. IF I AM RISHT, I . S THAT LITTLE LAWYERy ijjjj 1' "S:- UHtARMt.MrMARVtL j gijT...ISy '"5S I ll-.THERS50UR MU6AMt,WOC! ) 1 P NO I 00 WOT WvfKKX)'. .1 PflVTWOTTMtS 11 I IIVWlTHtMINDOIANSED J MD jai KPMYMl V ANN IN HERE TAUUN6 UW WE HA0 A 4l.2cM SX iwunrvoj. B ABOUT rHYINfiWJO TWO g litw? VV MOUTH PUU OF W0NOCLf5-' WHATUgALLY TMt AOtaO!jA? 1 fXXU I M ' l RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY I KGW K0IN KfX KSLM K0C0 MS HBO STO CM IM ABO IIW HBO 5:15 Nm Utll. Hum lis" , "' 'V'tJ'Sl 5:30 V.l .1 f.l.rn. Naw ' ek ArmilroM T.m M s Btas OrMtr 5:45 Vain f riMl m l.ek Armilr.Ei Ttm Hll B tt D (TMB..U. irmrh. .! Thlu 0. BUI G.briJ BU, crtl 1:15 Bu link. SI Tb..l Baa ISItlaa New. sum t :SI Malms MM Sadla ThaaUI M.d. twuna Talla JISl.M Mm.. :4UTla IMS s.dla Tht.l.i Ma. ! SaramSi iwiinai was 7:MN1ihtBaal Mr rrlenS Irma Lana Ba.nt L'.Ihfjka 7:Um,bBe M; rri.nl li Lao. B.Bar .r irtl 'Jjl J:M Sri.. DaalatT Bab Bab Elbal Albarl 0 Uaa I M1Sa7.rl TifiBrlw Danlaar Bab B.wb elbal Albart " !!M Slntra, Blrat. Uwtll Thamai Bala, Salllanr ""' " D 'ifiSL. :15 Ntwa J.ek Smllb Sala Balllatsr Ef' aStSS :S(I Ballrasi Hair r.l.nt 8oo.li h. J. Tsrlai :45Blliad Bal r.l.nt Scoala Trla Iha S.tot TaOTMamt t:M Tarathaaa Br. lunar S.nolum Am. Aril Orcb. Nawa Dlrtriat :15 Talabbana Br. Ir B.nol.B Am. Aria Oreh. Fallan lawU TurUMlt a -SO 0a. Orah. S.gl.b H.nblb.1 Cabb 0. al O. Nawa 45 Out! Or.b. "i.b is Hannibal Cabb C. l 0. Plant raMarn joTyO '- -Stw Final RI.MI.ll Baa. "H.hS 10:15 Mara af LKa V.a Warli nlarataiaa Mnt. Hawaraal ,"t 10:.10 Start rlnnl Alrlla CaneartHomr . . 2151151! 1Q:5 O reheat ra Cbam. reniti Conurl Heir Marina Bn " if:iWax Mteaaai Traaanrj Band caneart Hour J" ;kfU" l!!, itisOW" - O'"'""" Mamaa M2L lira lijjis Wan Mnaana. Onan Mn.la M.mea M""" waaltrnt M:Hqs " "tr " ott FM Hat., KQW 1M.I. t-10 t.m., KOTN 101.1, a a.m., u t.m., KEX M.I, I la I ja. TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. J:QA HaSi rods Nawa Farm Nawa INewa :15 Nawa KOIN Black Beet Smlllnt una. Tlmab'tar 8:.tAFarm Time KOIN Bleak Keen Bmlllnt rt.rcb Time KOCO Bleeb 6:45 r.rm Time KOIN Black lack Norman N, KOCO Black ?:00 arl Bird KOIN Bleak Waabbnm Nawa Snrl Tel .Bitter :15 Old Sena. New. Bob Garrad nr'kfael Cans 50C0 7?J)Newt CBS Newt Bob Baaen Br'Mae! Onns jjQs.m Hwea rrrt Back ft.de. toco ""k S:00 Sddle Albert Cenanmar New. Breabfaal Clnb ,. CIM 'i?,"?l1 J?"" 8:15 Eddie Albert Newa "' " S' SHiJ M.l. 1:56 leak Bcrck Orand Slam '""" J Ra.en af Beat 8:5 Bat. Bldera Beaamarr Brcaklaat Clnb Bm ot Rct T.mtle Bebeet 8:00 second Cnp Wandr Warren Ne. N W Newa I!m J" :15 iecend Cat A.nl Jannt Todat'a St.ra G.lcn Drake " m, ?:S0 Hometawnera Helen Trent Onlck .a Jl..b Palor', u. i45 Newe Onr O.I S.nd.T Onlck a laab Dick Hwmea ' CB- "tmat 10:00 M.rrl.cc far t Bit Slater Be Seated G,B Herdr ""!.. ' 10:15 Car. Cavalier. M. Perklna Ted M.lona Sent, af Dev. T . mum 0:30 Brad Betneldt Dr. M.Ian. Mr True Bier? Ortanalltea " 10:45 Gee. Marthy o.ldlnt Lltht Mr Trae Storj Bn.e Mow Ker. 1:00 Denble er Netb. Mre. Bnrten Bettt Cracker Ladlea Pair Mnala Mart 1:15 Doable ar Neth. Perrt Maaon Vic. Undlahr Ladlee Pair Mnele Marl 1 :50 Todnr'a CbUd. Nerah Drake M'weatcrnere Qneen fer Day Ian G.rbw 1:45 Utht .f World Brltbter Day N'weaternera a.een fer P.r Veeal V.rletlee 8:00 Kneaaa Newa N'ewa Bankb.tr rot Trtdaa Hallnf Mult 2:15 Ba. af Ufa Came Gel It Newa Newa Hollrw'd Mutt 2:S0 Patter fens Hente Party Meet Menjani Gay M't Nm 2:45 Haptlneaa Henae Party Art Baker Bob Eberly Date Pannra I;M Baekat... Wife Nera, Newhara welcame te Bob MltcbeU "! Meledla. :15 StaU. D.llaa Jack Holt Hollrwood Bob Mltch.il Maa'a MeMle. :30 Lereu.e Jenea Stere Allen KtJ Wcat Tell Nelrhbw Maa'a Meledlet :45 Wlddar Brew Newipater K Weit Bint Slnta Mae'a Meledlet ?? t Girl Marrlea ,w,"!r lay Stewart Bob Peel. Mao't Meledlet i'ix m lw stew.rt Bob Paola Mae'a Melodic. 2:30 Inal Plain Bill g' Hannibal Cebb Ladle. Flr.1 M.o'a Meledla. 8:45 Frt. P. P.rtrell Tnnelnlly tenra H.nnlbl Cebb Ldlaa Flrat Mae'a Meledla. S:00 Waleema Trnt. Nawa Bride at Groom Muale for T.ea. Mae'a Meledlet 3:15 Welcome Trnt. Irtbnr Oadfrey Walter Klernan Mnile far Tnea. Mae'a Meledlea 3:30 Annt Mtrr Arlhnr Gedfrey Barney Keen Newa Mae'a Meledla. 3:45 Lere Laara Arthur Gedfrey Barney Keep Keatenanatt Mae'a Meledlet ?0 Weman'a Seeret Arthnr Gedfrey Mere ef Life Pnlton Lewi. Maria Tin. 5 Llf. Beaatlfnl Artb.r Godfrey Squirrel 'ate Hemlneway Fhlleaetber :30 Dr. Patl Cnrt Maaaey Sqnlrrrl Cate Behind Stery B ean be Bennt, 4:45 Fan). Stena Bdw, Marrew Flreflthtera Icarm. Crallar. B C'a be Beeat. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 tffAC Monday P.M. SiOO, Cblldran'a IWM Th, silJ. Oa the Dtbaati J:M. SSO Stone Clabi 6:00. Newa: :15. Dinner Maledleal S:S0, Mnala af Caeoho alarakl.1 1:10, Erenlnt Farm Bonn BiOO. Fnmena urtan uemtoaara: b:id, nawa Prerlewal S:S0. Camtna Becltal! 0. Muale That Endnreai t:4S, Bvenlnc Hedltttlonai io:tu, sitn un. Health Clinic Held For Hubbard School Hubbard A health clinic was conducted at the Hubbard school by Dr. W. J. Stone of Salem, with Miss Jean Wright, public health nurse, assisting. Five students from Broadacres were examined with a parent and the teacher present, two from White school with a parent present and eleven from Hubbard with sev ACROSS ' U. Umbr11 1. Bw11n ahaped part farewell of a muih- 6. Stop room 11. Full of minute IS. Pieces of ntnlnn waste etlk It, Lane arterlei 87. Transgression! 14. BymDoi ior 18. Variety of radium lettuce 40. Wagon tongue 42, Ugly old woman 48. Rowed 46. Bitter herb 46. Article 47. Canadian' province 49. Serve the Surpose (vnces IS. Dignify 17 Idowest note of Guido'a ecaJe If. Tavern 20. Twisted spirally 31. Gone by It. Cast sidelong Stance 14, Insect 15. Stair IS. Wild animal 28. Sharpshooter SO. Act 12. Implement 53. Glossy fabrlo 54. Park In the Rockies BS. Kind ot truck i .M W?.s At Newtrfsef sres ROOM AND BOARD 'MORTON THE MOUSE' IS QUITE TAME. AND HES IN THAT BOX NOW! HIS PERMANENT HOME-"AS VOU WILL Kirrrc a nnien tMCinc COVERS THE BOX HOLES, nINUl CAN LIFT IT BY THE WIRE ON TOP 3-6 P.M. ttnAf Taeaday A. M lt:0t. Newt r.Jr tni weather; 10:15, Betea- tally for Womenl 11:00, Scheel tf Alrl 11:15, Concert Halll M:00, Newai Hill, Noon Farm Honrt 1:00, Bide 'Em Cewbeyi 1:19, School ef aid 1:80. Melody Len.l t. Mental Hytlana at Werkt 2:00, M emery Beak ef Mualet t:iS, Behael 9t Alrl 8:00, Newa; S:15, Muale of Maatara. eral parents present. Six diph theria series were completed. Miss Wright brought two films which were shown to the sev enth and eighth grades "It's ' Your Health Dental Care" and 'Another to Conquer" on T. B. Assisting with the clinic were Mrs. Rollo Cooper, Mrs. Charles Vredenburg, Mrs. C. J. Friend, Mrs. F. Domlnick, Mrs. B. H. Miller and Mrs, John Strawn. Solution tf Saturday's Puola DOWN 1. Month X Gave temporarily I. Alternative 4. Gerden Implement 4. Bister of nea parent . Uother Gooee king T. Before 8. Near 9. Pike perch 10. Bar legally 12. Self-important person 18. Away 18, Seaweeds , 19. .Requiring 21. Workshop 28. Staggers 25. Golf club 27. Female ruff 29. Electrified particle 91. Bhylock'a coins 88. Musical Instruments 84. Rail bird 86, Scotch comedian 87. Form 39. East Indian weights 41. Flower 48, Units 44. Circular Indicator 47. Simple sugar 48. American Indian Bl. Pronoun 58. Comparative ending; By Gent Aharn MY SYSTEM IS VERY SIMPLE- -OM THE MORNING OF A DAaua DAY I LIFT THE BOARD. . rru run feXAMPLew IF 'MORTOU'COMec OUT OP THE 4TH HOLE, , THAT MEANS THE 4.TH RACE, AND THE HORSE; TO B6TON 15 NUMBER. Sf Jnioue.